--- /dev/null
+svn merge --dry-run http://www.mxchange.org/repos/mailer/branches/0.2.1-FINAL-expression_language_BROKEN/ http://www.mxchange.org/repos/mailer/branches/0.2.1-FINAL .
fwrite($this->pointer, "<?php\n");
} else {
// Cannot create file
- addFatalMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, '(<font color="#0000aa">' . __LINE__ . '</font>): ' . getMessage('CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED'));
+ addFatalMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, '(<font color="#0000aa">' . __LINE__ . '</font>): {--CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED');
} // END - foreach
} else {
// Cannot create file
- addFatalMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, '(<font color="#0000aa">' . __LINE__ . '</font>): ' . getMessage('CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED'));
+ addFatalMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, '(<font color="#0000aa">' . __LINE__ . '</font>): {--CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED');
} else {
// Cannot write to cache!
- addFatalMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, '(<font color="#0000aa">' . __LINE__ . '</font>): ' . getMessage('CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED'));
+ addFatalMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, '(<font color="#0000aa">' . __LINE__ . '</font>): {--CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED');
} // END - foreach
} else {
// Cannot write array!
- addFatalMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, '(<font color="#0000aa">' . __LINE__ . '</font>): ' . getMessage('CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED'));
+ addFatalMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, '(<font color="#0000aa">' . __LINE__ . '</font>): {--CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED');
} // END - if
} else {
// Cannot write to cache!
- addFatalMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, '(<font color="#0000aa">' . __LINE__ . '</font>): ' . getMessage('CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED'));
+ addFatalMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, '(<font color="#0000aa">' . __LINE__ . '</font>): {--CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED');
//* DEBUG: */ outputHtml(__METHOD__ . '(<font color="#0000aa">' . __LINE__."</font>): {$this->name} - {$ext_name}={$ext_ver}<br />");
} else {
// Cannot create file
- addFatalMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, '(<font color="#0000aa">' . __LINE__ . '</font>): ' . getMessage('CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED'));
+ addFatalMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, '(<font color="#0000aa">' . __LINE__ . '</font>): {--CACHE_PROBLEMS_DETECTED');
// String or non-string? ;-)
if (is_string($value)) {
// String...
- $line = '$this->' . $prefix . "['".$this->name."']['" . $key . "']" . $extender . " = '" . escapeQuotes($value) . "';\n";
+ $line = '$this->' . $prefix . "['" . $this->name . "']['" . $key . "']" . $extender . " = '" . escapeQuotes($value) . "';\n";
} elseif (is_null($value)) {
// Null
- $line = '$this->' . $prefix . "['".$this->name."']['" . $key . "']" . $extender . " = null;\n";
+ $line = '$this->' . $prefix . "['" . $this->name . "']['" . $key . "']" . $extender . " = null;\n";
} elseif (is_bool($value)) {
// Boolean value
if ($value === true) {
// True
- $line = '$this->' . $prefix . "['".$this->name."']['" . $key . "']" . $extender . " = true;\n";
+ $line = '$this->' . $prefix . "['" . $this->name . "']['" . $key . "']" . $extender . " = true;\n";
} else {
// False
- $line = '$this->' . $prefix . "['".$this->name."']['" . $key . "']" . $extender . " = false;\n";
+ $line = '$this->' . $prefix . "['" . $this->name . "']['" . $key . "']" . $extender . " = false;\n";
} elseif (isset($value[0])) {
// These lines needs fixing
debug_report_bug('Invalid entry with [0] found. key=' . $key);
} else {
// Non-string
- $line = '$this->' . $prefix . "['".$this->name."']['" . $key . "']" . $extender . " = " . $value . ";\n";
+ $line = '$this->' . $prefix . "['" . $this->name . "']['" . $key . "']" . $extender . ' = ' . $value . ";\n";
// Return line
// Extension version should not be invalid
if (($data['ext_version'] == 'false') && ($force === false)) {
// Please report this trouble
- debug_report_bug(sprintf("Extension <strong>%s</strong> has empty version!", $ext_name));
+ debug_report_bug(sprintf("Extension <span class=\"data\">%s</span> has empty version!", $ext_name));
} // END - if
// Return result
// Creates a new task for updated extension
function createExtensionUpdateTask ($adminId, $ext_name, $ext_ver, $notes) {
// Create subject line
- $subject = '[UPDATE-' . $ext_name . '-' . $ext_ver . ':] {--ADMIN_UPDATE_EXT_SUBJ--}';
+ $subject = '[UPDATE-' . $ext_name . '-' . $ext_ver . ':] {--ADMIN_UPDATE_EXTENSION_SUBJ--}';
// Is the extension there?
if (isExtensionInstalled($ext_name)) {
} // END - if
} else {
// Extension not there! :-(
- debug_report_bug(sprintf("Extension <strong>%s</strong> not found but should be updated?", $ext_name));
+ debug_report_bug(sprintf("Extension <span class=\"data\">%s</span> not found but should be updated?", $ext_name));
// Not installed and do we have created a task for the admin?
if ((determineTaskIdBySubject($subject) == '0') && (!isExtensionInstalled($ext))) {
// Set default message if ext-foo is missing
- $message = getMaskedMessage('ADMIN_EXT_TEXT_FILE_MISSING', $ext);
+ $message = getMaskedMessage('ADMIN_EXTENSION_TEXT_FILE_MISSING', $ext);
// Template file
$tpl = sprintf("%stemplates/%s/html/ext/ext_%s.tpl",
// Not installed and do we have created a task for the admin?
if ((determineTaskIdBySubject($subject) == '0') && (isExtensionInstalled($ext))) {
// Task not created so add it
- createNewTask($subject, SQL_ESCAPE(loadTemplate('task_ext_deactivated', true, $ext)), 'EXTENSION_DEACTIVATION');
+ createNewTask($subject, SQL_ESCAPE(loadTemplate('task_EXTENSION_deactivated', true, $ext)), 'EXTENSION_DEACTIVATION');
} // END - if
// Load template
- $out = loadTemplate('admin_ext_notes', true, $content);
+ $out = loadTemplate('admin_EXTENSION_notes', true, $content);
} // END - if
// Add the notes
// Setter for current extension name
function setCurrentExtensionName ($ext_name) {
- $GLOBALS['curr_ext_name'] = (string) trim($ext_name);
+ $GLOBALS['curr_EXTENSION_name'] = (string) trim($ext_name);
// Getter for current extension name
function getCurrentExtensionName () {
- if (isset($GLOBALS['curr_ext_name'])) {
- return $GLOBALS['curr_ext_name'];
+ if (isset($GLOBALS['curr_EXTENSION_name'])) {
+ return $GLOBALS['curr_EXTENSION_name'];
} // END - if
// Not set!
- debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__.": curr_ext_name not initialized. Please execute initExtensionSqls() before calling this function.");
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__.": curr_EXTENSION_name not initialized. Please execute initExtensionSqls() before calling this function.");
// Init SQLs array for current extension
'LANG_NO_RENDER_DIRECT' => "Sie haben weder 'render' noch 'direct' als Ausgabe-Modus eingestellt.",
'INSTALLATION' => "Installation des Scriptes",
'INSTALL_PROBLEMS_DETECTED' => "Es wurden bei der Initialisierung des Installationsvorganges Probleme festgestellt.",
- 'FATAL_NO' => "Fataler Fehler Nr. #",
+ 'FATAL_NO' => "Fataler Fehler Nr. ",
'FATAL_CORRECT_ERRORS' => "Kann nicht fortsetzen! Bitte korregieren Sie erst die obrigen Probleme und versuchen Sie es dann erneut.",
'YES' => "Ja",
'NO' => "Nein",