inc/extensions/ext-support.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/extensions/ext-surfbar.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/extensions/ext-task.php svneol=native#text/plain
+inc/extensions/ext-teams.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/extensions/ext-terms.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/extensions/ext-theme.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/extensions/ext-timezone.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/filter/booking_filter.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/filter/cache_filter.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/filter/coupon_filter.php svneol=native#text/plain
+inc/filter/forced_filter.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/filter/mediadata_filter.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/filter/online_filter.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/filter/order_filter.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/language/debug_de.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/language/doubler_de.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/language/en.php svneol=native#text/plain
+inc/language/forced_de.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/language/funcoins_de.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/language/holiday_de.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/language/html_mail_de.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/libs/debug_functions.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/libs/doubler_functions.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/libs/events_functions.php svneol=native#text/plain
+inc/libs/forced_functions.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/libs/funcoins_functions.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/libs/holiday_functions.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/libs/html_mail_functions.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/modules/admin/what-list_coupon.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/modules/admin/what-list_doubler.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/modules/admin/what-list_email_max_rec.php svneol=native#text/plain
+inc/modules/admin/what-list_forced_ads.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/modules/admin/what-list_holiday.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/modules/admin/what-list_links.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/modules/admin/what-list_network_api_translation.php svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_add_bank_package.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_add_cat.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_add_country.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
+templates/de/html/admin/admin_add_forced_ad.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_add_guest_menu.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_add_max.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_add_member_menu.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_email_max_rec_row.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_emails.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_emails_row.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
+templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_forced_ads.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
+templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_forced_ads_row.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_holiday.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_holiday_row.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
+templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_home.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
+templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_home_row.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_imprint.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_imprint_row.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_imprint_row_none.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_links_row.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_mods.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_mods_row.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
+templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_mods_stats.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
+templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_mods_stats2.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
+templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_mods_stats2_row.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
+templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_mods_stats_row.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_network_api_translation.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_network_api_translation_row.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_network_config.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/beg/beg_banner.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/beg/beg_done.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/beg/beg_failed.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
+templates/de/html/beg/beg_footer_banner.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
+templates/de/html/beg/beg_header_banner.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/beg/beg_link.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/beg/beg_login.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/beg/beg_pay_mode_both.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/ext/ext_support.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/ext/ext_surfbar.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/ext/ext_task.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
+templates/de/html/ext/ext_teams.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/ext/ext_terms.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/ext/ext_theme.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/ext/ext_timezone.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/runtime_fatal_row.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/runtime_fatal_table.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/select/.htaccess svneol=native#text/plain
+templates/de/html/select/select_forced_ads_type_box.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
+templates/de/html/select/select_forced_ads_type_option.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/select/select_network_box.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/select/select_network_option.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/select/select_network_type_box.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
### WARNING: THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED BY ./DOCS/ (uid=/user=quix0r) ###
./autoreg.php:58:// @TODO Add processing of request here
-./beg.php:168: // @TODO Opps, what is missing here???
+./beg.php:175: // @TODO Opps, what is missing here???
./inc/cache/config-local.php:124:// @TODO Rewrite the following three constants, somehow...
./inc/classes/cachesystem.class.php:504: // @TODO Add support for more types which break in last else-block
./inc/config-functions.php:136: // @TODO Make this all better... :-/
./inc/functions.php:1310: // @TODO Are these convertions still required?
./inc/functions.php:1330:// @TODO Rewrite this function to use readFromFile() and writeToFile()
./inc/functions.php:156:// @TODO Rewrite this to an extension 'smtp'
-./inc/functions.php:1939: // @TODO Find a way to cache this
-./inc/functions.php:2040: // @TODO This is still very static, rewrite it somehow
-./inc/functions.php:2232: // @TODO Rename column data_type to e.g. mail_status
+./inc/functions.php:1940: // @TODO Find a way to cache this
+./inc/functions.php:2041: // @TODO This is still very static, rewrite it somehow
+./inc/functions.php:2233: // @TODO Rename column data_type to e.g. mail_status
./inc/gen_sql_patches.php:95:// @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
./inc/install-functions.php:57: // @TODO DEACTIVATED: changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('OUTPUT-MODE', "setConfigEntry('OUTPUT_MODE', '", "');", postRequestParameter('omode'), 0);
-./inc/language/de.php:1067: // @TODO Rewrite these two constants
-./inc/language/de.php:1083: // @TODO Rewrite these three constants
+./inc/language/de.php:1072: // @TODO Rewrite these two constants
+./inc/language/de.php:1088: // @TODO Rewrite these three constants
./inc/language/de.php:757:// @TODO Are these constants longer used?
./inc/language-functions.php:255: // @TODO These are all valid languages, again hard-coded
./inc/language-functions.php:44:// @TODO Rewrite all language constants to this function.
./inc/libs/register_functions.php:290: // @TODO Rewrite these all to a single filter
./inc/libs/sponsor_functions.php:159: // @TODO Rewrite this to API function
./inc/libs/sponsor_functions.php:430: // @TODO Rewrite this to API function
-./inc/libs/surfbar_functions.php:1623: // @TODO This can be somehow rewritten
+./inc/libs/surfbar_functions.php:1624: // @TODO This can be somehow rewritten
./inc/libs/surfbar_functions.php:731:// @TODO Can't we use our new expression language instead of this ugly code?
./inc/libs/task_functions.php:247: // @TODO These can be rewritten to filter
./inc/libs/task_functions.php:51:// @TODO Move all extension-dependent queries into filters
./inc/mails/doubler_mails.php:53:// @TODO Can this be rewritten to a filter?
./inc/module-functions.php:267: // @TODO Nothing helped???
./inc/module-functions.php:308: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
-./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:1236: // @TODO If we can rewrite the EL sub-system to support more than one parameter, this call_user_func_array() can be avoided
+./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:1373: // @TODO If we can rewrite the EL sub-system to support more than one parameter, this call_user_func_array() can be avoided
./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:171: // @TODO This and the next getCurrentAdminId() call might be moved into the templates?
./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:242: // @TODO This can be rewritten into a filter
./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:274: // @TODO Rewrite this to $content = SQL_FETCHARRAY()
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_admins_acls.php:108: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_admins_acls.php:136: // @TODO Rewrite this to filter 'run_sqls'
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_autopurge.php:47:// @TODO Rewrite those lines to filter
-./inc/modules/admin/what-list_bonus.php:133: // @TODO Can't this be moved into our expression language?
+./inc/modules/admin/what-list_bonus.php:139: // @TODO Can't this be moved into our expression language?
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_cats.php:54: // @TODO No longer needed? define('__CATEGORIES_BASE' , '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&userid=');
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_cats.php:68: // @TODO Rewrite this to countSum.....() function
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_links.php:55: // @TODO Try to rewrite this to a filter
./inc/modules/guest/what-stats.php:82:// @TODO This can be rewritten in a dynamic include
./inc/modules/member/what-beg.php:54:// @TODO Can't this be moved into EL?
./inc/modules/member/what-beg.php:63:// @TODO No more needed? define('__BEG_USERID_TIMEOUT', createFancyTime(getBegUseridTimeout()));
-./inc/modules/member/what-bonus.php:55: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
./inc/modules/member/what-categories.php:131: // @TODO Rewrite this to use $OUT .= ...
./inc/modules/member/what-logout.php:17: * @TODO Rewrite the code to a filter *
./inc/modules/member/what-order.php:488: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
./inc/modules/member/what-unconfirmed.php:162: // @TODO Try to rewrite this to $content = SQL_FETCHARRAY()
./inc/modules/member/what-unconfirmed.php:227: // @TODO This 'userid' cannot be saved because of encapsulated EL code
./inc/modules/order.php:74: // @TODO Unused: 2,4
-./inc/monthly/monthly_bonus.php:64: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
-./inc/mysql-manager.php:1252: // @TODO Try to rewrite this to $content = SQL_FETCHARRAY()
-./inc/mysql-manager.php:1316: // @TODO Rewrite these lines to a filter
-./inc/mysql-manager.php:1340: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
-./inc/mysql-manager.php:1599: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
-./inc/mysql-manager.php:1645:// @TODO Fix inconsistency between last_module and getWhat()
-./inc/mysql-manager.php:372: // @TODO Try to rewrite this to one or more functions
+./inc/mysql-manager.php:1267: // @TODO Try to rewrite this to $content = SQL_FETCHARRAY()
+./inc/mysql-manager.php:1331: // @TODO Rewrite these lines to a filter
+./inc/mysql-manager.php:1355: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
+./inc/mysql-manager.php:1614: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
+./inc/mysql-manager.php:1660:// @TODO Fix inconsistency between last_module and getWhat()
+./inc/mysql-manager.php:387: // @TODO Try to rewrite this to one or more functions
./inc/mysql-manager.php:44:// @TODO Can we cache this?
./inc/purge/purge-inact.php:55: // @TODO Rewrite these if() blocks to a filter
./inc/revision-functions.php:169:// @TODO This function does also set and get in 'cache_array'
-./inc/template-functions.php:1084: // @TODO Deprecate this thing
-./inc/template-functions.php:1095: // @TODO Deprecate this thing
-./inc/template-functions.php:1185: // @TODO This can be easily moved out after the merge from EL branch to this is complete
-./inc/template-functions.php:1218: // @TODO Add a little more infos here
-./inc/template-functions.php:1532:// @TODO Lame description for this function
-./inc/template-functions.php:1554: // @TODO Move this in a filter
-./inc/template-functions.php:189: * @TODO On some pages this is buggy
-./inc/template-functions.php:278: // @TODO Remove this sanity-check if all is fine
-./inc/template-functions.php:441: // @TODO $DATA is deprecated and should be avoided and replaced with $content
-./inc/template-functions.php:607:// @TODO $simple/$constants are deprecated
-./inc/template-functions.php:633: // @TODO Do only use $content and deprecate $DATA in templates
+./inc/template-functions.php:1075: // @TODO Deprecate this thing
+./inc/template-functions.php:1086: // @TODO Deprecate this thing
+./inc/template-functions.php:1176: // @TODO This can be easily moved out after the merge from EL branch to this is complete
+./inc/template-functions.php:1209: // @TODO Add a little more infos here
+./inc/template-functions.php:1535:// @TODO Lame description for this function
+./inc/template-functions.php:1557: // @TODO Move this in a filter
+./inc/template-functions.php:184: * @TODO On some pages this is buggy
+./inc/template-functions.php:273: // @TODO Remove this sanity-check if all is fine
+./inc/template-functions.php:436: // @TODO $DATA is deprecated and should be avoided and replaced with $content
+./inc/template-functions.php:602:// @TODO $simple/$constants are deprecated
+./inc/template-functions.php:628: // @TODO Do only use $content and deprecate $DATA in templates
./inc/wrapper-functions.php:130:// @TODO Implement $compress
./inc/wrapper-functions.php:137:// @TODO Implement $decompress
./inc/wrapper-functions.php:514:// @TODO Do some more sanity check here
./templates/de/html/admin/admin_config_email_edit.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
./templates/de/html/admin/admin_config_email_row.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
./templates/de/html/admin/admin_config_email.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
+./templates/de/html/admin/admin_config_home_row.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
+./templates/de/html/admin/admin_config_home_settings.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
./templates/de/html/admin/admin_config_order_form.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
./templates/de/html/admin/admin_config_payouts_del_row.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
./templates/de/html/admin/admin_config_payouts_del.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
./templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_country_del_row.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
./templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_country_edit_row.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
./templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_user_sort_form.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
+./templates/de/html/admin/admin_mods_stats2_row.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
+./templates/de/html/admin/admin_mods_stats2.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
+./templates/de/html/admin/admin_mods_stats_row.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
+./templates/de/html/admin/admin_mods_stats.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
./templates/de/html/admin/admin_reset_pass_done.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
./templates/de/html/admin/admin_send_reset_link.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
+./templates/de/html/beg/beg_banner.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
./templates/de/html/guest/guest_active_row.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
./templates/de/html/guest/guest_active_table.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
./templates/de/html/guest/guest_no_rallyes.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AT','Austria','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BA','Bosnia and Herzegovina','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BE','Belgium','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BG','Bulgaria','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CH','Switzerland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CZ','Czech Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DK','Denmark','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EE','Estonia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ES','Spain','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EU','European Union','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FI','Finland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','United Kingdom','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','England','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Great Britain','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Scotland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Channel Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GR','Greece','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HR','Croatia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HU','Hungary','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IE','Ireland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IF','Northern Ireland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IS','Iceland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IT','Italy','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LI','Liechtenstein','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LU','Luxembourg','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MC','Monaco','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NL','Netherlands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NO','Norway','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NZ','New Zealand','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PL','Poland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PT','Portugal','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('RO','Romania','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SE','Sweden','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SI','Slovenia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SK','Slovakia Slovak Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TR','Turkey','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AT','Austria','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BA','Bosnia and Herzegovina','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BE','Belgium','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BG','Bulgaria','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CH','Switzerland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CZ','Czech Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DK','Denmark','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EE','Estonia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ES','Spain','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EU','European Union','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FI','Finland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','United Kingdom','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','England','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Great Britain','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Scotland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Channel Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GR','Greece','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HR','Croatia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HU','Hungary','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IE','Ireland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IF','Northern Ireland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IS','Iceland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IT','Italy','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LI','Liechtenstein','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LU','Luxembourg','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MC','Monaco','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NL','Netherlands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NO','Norway','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NZ','New Zealand','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PL','Poland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PT','Portugal','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('RO','Romania','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SE','Sweden','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SI','Slovenia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SK','Slovakia Slovak Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TR','Turkey','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AC','Ascension','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AD','Andorra','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AE','United Arab Emirates','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AF','Afghanistan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AG','Antigua and Barbuda','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AI','Anguilla','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AL','Albania','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AM','Armenia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AN','Netherlands Antilles','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AO','Angola','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AQ','Antarctica','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AR','Argentina','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AS','American Samoa','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AT','Austria','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AU','Australia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AW','Aruba','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AZ','Azerbaijan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BA','Bosnia and Herzegovina','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BB','Barbados','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BD','Bangladesh','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BE','Belgium','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BF','Burkina Faso','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BG','Bulgaria','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BH','Bahrain','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BI','Burundi','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BJ','Benin','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BM','Bermuda','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BN','Brunei Darussalam','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BO','Bolivia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BR','Brazil','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BS','Bahamas','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BT','Bhutan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BV','Bouvet','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BW','Botswana','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BY','Belarus','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BZ','Belize','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CA','Canada','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CC','Cocos','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CD','Congo Democratc Repuplic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CF','Central African Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CG','Congo Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CH','Switzerland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CI','Cote D Ivoire','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CK','Cook Iland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CL','Chile','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CM','Cameroon','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CN','China','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CO','Colombia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CR','Costa Rica','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CS','Serbia and Montenegro','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CT','Canton and Enderbury','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CU','Cuba','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CV','Cape Verde','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CX','Christmas Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CY','Cyprus','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CZ','Czech Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DJ','Djibuti','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DK','Denmark','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DM','Dominica','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DO','Dominican Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DZ','Algeria','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EC','Ecuador','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EE','Estonia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EG','Egypt','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EH','Western Sahara','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ER','Eritrea','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ES','Spain','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ET','Ethiopia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EU','European Union','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FI','Finland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FJ','Fiji','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FK','Falkland Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FM','Micronesia Fed. S.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FO','Faroe Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FR','Frabce','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GA','Gabon','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','United Kingdom','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','England','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Great Britain','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Scotland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Channel Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GD','Grenada','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GE','Georgia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GF','French Guiana','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GG','Guernsey','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GH','Ghana','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GI','Gibraltar','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GL','Greenland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GM','Gambia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GN','Guinea','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GP','Guadeloupe','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GQ','Guinea Equatorial','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GR','Greece','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GS','South Georgia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GT','Guatemala','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GU','Guam','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GW','Guinea-Bissau','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GY','Guyana','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HK','Hong Kong','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HM','Heard- and MC Donald Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HN','Honduras','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HR','Croatia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HT','Haiti','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HU','Hungary','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ID','Indonesia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IE','Ireland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IF','Northern Ireland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IL','Israel','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IM','Isle of Man','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IN','India','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IO','British Indian O.T.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IQ','Iraq','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IR','Iran Islamic Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IS','Iceland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IT','Italy','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('JE','Jersey Bailwick','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('JM','Jamaica','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('JO','Jordan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('JP','Japan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('JT','Johnston Atoll','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KE','Kenya','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KG','Kyrgyzstan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KH','Cambodia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KI','Kiribati','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KM','Comoros','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KN','Saint Kitts and Nevis','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KP','Korea Democratic P. Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KR','Korea Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KW','Kuwait','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KY','Cayman Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KZ','Kazakhstan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LA','Lao People Democratic Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LB','Lebanon','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LC','St. Lucia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LI','Liechtenstein','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LK','Sri Lanka','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LR','Liberia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LS','Lesotho','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LT','Lithuania','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LU','Luxembourg','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LV','Latvia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LY','Libyan Arab Jamahiriya','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MA','Morocco','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MC','Monaco','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MD','Moldova Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MG','Madagascar','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MH','Marshall Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MI','Midway Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MK','Macedonia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ML','Mali','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MM','Myanmar','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MN','Mongolia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MO','Macau','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MP','Northern Mariana Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MQ','Martinique','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MR','Mauritania','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MS','Montserat','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MT','Malta','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MU','Mauritius','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MV','Maldives','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MW','Malawi','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MX','Mexico','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MY','Malaysia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MZ','Mozambique','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NA','Namibia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NC','New Caledonia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NE','Niger','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NF','Norfolk Iland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NG','Nigeria','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NI','Nicaragua','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NL','Netherlands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NO','Norway','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NP','Nepal','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NQ','Dronning Mauds Land','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NR','Nauru','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NU','Niue','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NZ','New Zealand','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('OM','Oman','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PA','Panama','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PE','Peru','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PF','French Polynesia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PG','Papua New Guinea','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PH','Philippines','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PK','Parkistan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PL','Poland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PM','St. Pierre and Miquelon','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PN','Pitcairn Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PR','Puerto Rico','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PS','Palestian Authority','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PS','Gaza Strip','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PS','West Bank','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PT','Portugal','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PW','Palau','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PY','Paraguay','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('QA','Qatar','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('RE','Reunion','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('RO','Romania','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('RU','Russian Federation','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('RW','Rwanda','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SA','Saudi Arabia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SB','Solomon Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SC','Seychelles','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SD','Sudan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SE','Sweden','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SG','Singapore','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SH','St. Helena','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SI','Slovenia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SJ','Svalbard and Jan Mayen','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SK','Slovakia Slovak Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SL','Sierra Leone','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SM','San Marino','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SN','Senegal','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SO','Somalia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SR','Suriname','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ST','Sao Tome and Principe','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SV','El Salvador','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SY','Syrian Arab Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SZ','Swaziland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TA','Tahiti','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TC','Turks and Caicos Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TD','Chad','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TF','French Southern Ter.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TG','Togo','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TH','Thailand','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TJ','Tajikistan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TK','Ttokelau','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TM','Turkmenistan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TN','Tunisia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TO','Tonga','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TP','East Timor','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TR','Turkey','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TT','Trinidad and Tobago','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TV','Tuvalu','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TW','Taiwan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TZ','Tanzania U. Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('UA','Ukraine','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('UG','Uganda','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('UM','U.S. Minor Outlying Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('US','United States','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('UY','Uruguay','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('UZ','Uzbekistan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VA','Vatican City State','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VA','Holy See','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VC','St. Vincent and Grenadines','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VE','Venezuela','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VG','Virgin Iland (British)','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VI','Virgin Iland (U.S.)','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VN','Viet Nam','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VU','Vanuatu','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('WF','Wallis anf Futuna Iland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('WK','Wake Iland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('WS','Samoa West','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('YE','Yemen','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('YT','Mayotte','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ZA','South Africa','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ZM','Zambia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ZW','Zimbabwe','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AC','Ascension','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AD','Andorra','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AE','United Arab Emirates','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AF','Afghanistan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AG','Antigua and Barbuda','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AI','Anguilla','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AL','Albania','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AM','Armenia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AN','Netherlands Antilles','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AO','Angola','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AQ','Antarctica','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AR','Argentina','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AS','American Samoa','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AT','Austria','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AU','Australia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AW','Aruba','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AZ','Azerbaijan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BA','Bosnia and Herzegovina','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BB','Barbados','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BD','Bangladesh','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BE','Belgium','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BF','Burkina Faso','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BG','Bulgaria','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BH','Bahrain','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BI','Burundi','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BJ','Benin','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BM','Bermuda','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BN','Brunei Darussalam','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BO','Bolivia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BR','Brazil','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BS','Bahamas','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BT','Bhutan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BV','Bouvet','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BW','Botswana','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BY','Belarus','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BZ','Belize','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CA','Canada','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CC','Cocos','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CD','Congo Democratc Repuplic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CF','Central African Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CG','Congo Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CH','Switzerland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CI','Cote D Ivoire','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CK','Cook Iland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CL','Chile','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CM','Cameroon','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CN','China','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CO','Colombia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CR','Costa Rica','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CS','Serbia and Montenegro','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CT','Canton and Enderbury','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CU','Cuba','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CV','Cape Verde','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CX','Christmas Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CY','Cyprus','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CZ','Czech Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DJ','Djibuti','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DK','Denmark','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DM','Dominica','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DO','Dominican Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DZ','Algeria','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EC','Ecuador','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EE','Estonia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EG','Egypt','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EH','Western Sahara','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ER','Eritrea','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ES','Spain','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ET','Ethiopia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EU','European Union','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FI','Finland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FJ','Fiji','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FK','Falkland Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FM','Micronesia Fed. S.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FO','Faroe Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FR','Frabce','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GA','Gabon','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','United Kingdom','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','England','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Great Britain','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Scotland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Channel Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GD','Grenada','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GE','Georgia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GF','French Guiana','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GG','Guernsey','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GH','Ghana','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GI','Gibraltar','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GL','Greenland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GM','Gambia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GN','Guinea','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GP','Guadeloupe','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GQ','Guinea Equatorial','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GR','Greece','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GS','South Georgia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GT','Guatemala','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GU','Guam','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GW','Guinea-Bissau','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GY','Guyana','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HK','Hong Kong','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HM','Heard- and MC Donald Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HN','Honduras','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HR','Croatia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HT','Haiti','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HU','Hungary','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ID','Indonesia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IE','Ireland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IF','Northern Ireland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IL','Israel','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IM','Isle of Man','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IN','India','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IO','British Indian O.T.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IQ','Iraq','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IR','Iran Islamic Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IS','Iceland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IT','Italy','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('JE','Jersey Bailwick','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('JM','Jamaica','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('JO','Jordan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('JP','Japan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('JT','Johnston Atoll','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KE','Kenya','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KG','Kyrgyzstan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KH','Cambodia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KI','Kiribati','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KM','Comoros','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KN','Saint Kitts and Nevis','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KP','Korea Democratic P. Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KR','Korea Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KW','Kuwait','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KY','Cayman Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KZ','Kazakhstan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LA','Lao People Democratic Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LB','Lebanon','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LC','St. Lucia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LI','Liechtenstein','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LK','Sri Lanka','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LR','Liberia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LS','Lesotho','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LT','Lithuania','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LU','Luxembourg','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LV','Latvia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LY','Libyan Arab Jamahiriya','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MA','Morocco','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MC','Monaco','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MD','Moldova Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MG','Madagascar','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MH','Marshall Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MI','Midway Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MK','Macedonia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ML','Mali','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MM','Myanmar','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MN','Mongolia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MO','Macau','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MP','Northern Mariana Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MQ','Martinique','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MR','Mauritania','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MS','Montserat','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MT','Malta','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MU','Mauritius','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MV','Maldives','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MW','Malawi','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MX','Mexico','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MY','Malaysia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MZ','Mozambique','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NA','Namibia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NC','New Caledonia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NE','Niger','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NF','Norfolk Iland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NG','Nigeria','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NI','Nicaragua','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NL','Netherlands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NO','Norway','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NP','Nepal','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NQ','Dronning Mauds Land','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NR','Nauru','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NU','Niue','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NZ','New Zealand','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('OM','Oman','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PA','Panama','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PE','Peru','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PF','French Polynesia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PG','Papua New Guinea','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PH','Philippines','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PK','Parkistan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PL','Poland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PM','St. Pierre and Miquelon','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PN','Pitcairn Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PR','Puerto Rico','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PS','Palestian Authority','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PS','Gaza Strip','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PS','West Bank','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PT','Portugal','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PW','Palau','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PY','Paraguay','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('QA','Qatar','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('RE','Reunion','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('RO','Romania','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('RU','Russian Federation','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('RW','Rwanda','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SA','Saudi Arabia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SB','Solomon Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SC','Seychelles','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SD','Sudan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SE','Sweden','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SG','Singapore','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SH','St. Helena','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SI','Slovenia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SJ','Svalbard and Jan Mayen','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SK','Slovakia Slovak Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SL','Sierra Leone','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SM','San Marino','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SN','Senegal','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SO','Somalia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SR','Suriname','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ST','Sao Tome and Principe','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SV','El Salvador','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SY','Syrian Arab Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SZ','Swaziland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TA','Tahiti','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TC','Turks and Caicos Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TD','Chad','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TF','French Southern Ter.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TG','Togo','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TH','Thailand','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TJ','Tajikistan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TK','Ttokelau','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TM','Turkmenistan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TN','Tunisia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TO','Tonga','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TP','East Timor','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TR','Turkey','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TT','Trinidad and Tobago','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TV','Tuvalu','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TW','Taiwan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TZ','Tanzania U. Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('UA','Ukraine','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('UG','Uganda','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('UM','U.S. Minor Outlying Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('US','United States','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('UY','Uruguay','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('UZ','Uzbekistan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VA','Vatican City State','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VA','Holy See','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VC','St. Vincent and Grenadines','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VE','Venezuela','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VG','Virgin Iland (British)','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VI','Virgin Iland (U.S.)','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VN','Viet Nam','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VU','Vanuatu','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('WF','Wallis anf Futuna Iland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('WK','Wake Iland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('WS','Samoa West','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('YE','Yemen','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('YT','Mayotte','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ZA','South Africa','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ZM','Zambia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ZW','Zimbabwe','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AT','Austria','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BE','Belgium','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CH','Switzerland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CR','Costa Rica','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CZ','Czech Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DK','Denmark','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ES','Spain','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FI','Finland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FR','Frabce','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','United Kingdom','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','England','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Great Britain','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Scotland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Channel Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GR','Greece','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HR','Croatia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HU','Hungary','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IE','Ireland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IF','Northern Ireland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IS','Iceland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IT','Italy','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LI','Liechtenstein','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LU','Luxembourg','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MC','Monaco','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NL','Netherlands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NO','Norway','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PL','Poland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('RO','Romania','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('RU','Russian Federation','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SE','Sweden','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SI','Slovenia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SK','Slovakia Slovak Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TR','Turkey','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AC','Ascension','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AD','Andorra','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AE','United Arab Emirates','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AF','Afghanistan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AG','Antigua and Barbuda','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AI','Anguilla','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AL','Albania','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AM','Armenia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AN','Netherlands Antilles','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AO','Angola','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AQ','Antarctica','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AR','Argentina','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AS','American Samoa','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AU','Australia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AW','Aruba','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AZ','Azerbaijan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BA','Bosnia and Herzegovina','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BB','Barbados','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BD','Bangladesh','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BF','Burkina Faso','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BG','Bulgaria','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BH','Bahrain','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BI','Burundi','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BJ','Benin','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BM','Bermuda','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BN','Brunei Darussalam','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BO','Bolivia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BR','Brazil','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BS','Bahamas','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BT','Bhutan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BV','Bouvet','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BW','Botswana','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BY','Belarus','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BZ','Belize','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CA','Canada','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CC','Cocos','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CD','Congo Democratc Repuplic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CF','Central African Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CG','Congo Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CI','Cote D Ivoire','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CK','Cook Iland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CL','Chile','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CM','Cameroon','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CN','China','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CO','Colombia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CS','Serbia and Montenegro','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CT','Canton and Enderbury','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CU','Cuba','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CV','Cape Verde','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CX','Christmas Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CY','Cyprus','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DJ','Djibuti','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DM','Dominica','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DO','Dominican Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DZ','Algeria','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EC','Ecuador','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EE','Estonia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EG','Egypt','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EH','Western Sahara','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ER','Eritrea','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ET','Ethiopia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EU','European Union','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FJ','Fiji','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FK','Falkland Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FM','Micronesia Fed. S.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FO','Faroe Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GA','Gabon','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GD','Grenada','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GE','Georgia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GF','French Guiana','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GG','Guernsey','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GH','Ghana','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GI','Gibraltar','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GL','Greenland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GM','Gambia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GN','Guinea','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GP','Guadeloupe','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GQ','Guinea Equatorial','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GS','South Georgia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GT','Guatemala','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GU','Guam','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GW','Guinea-Bissau','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GY','Guyana','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HK','Hong Kong','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HM','Heard- and MC Donald Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HN','Honduras','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HT','Haiti','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ID','Indonesia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IL','Israel','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IM','Isle of Man','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IN','India','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IO','British Indian O.T.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IQ','Iraq','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IR','Iran Islamic Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('JE','Jersey Bailwick','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('JM','Jamaica','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('JO','Jordan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('JP','Japan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('JT','Johnston Atoll','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KE','Kenya','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KG','Kyrgyzstan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KH','Cambodia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KI','Kiribati','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KM','Comoros','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KN','Saint Kitts and Nevis','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KP','Korea Democratic P. Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KR','Korea Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KW','Kuwait','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KY','Cayman Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KZ','Kazakhstan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LA','Lao People Democratic Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LB','Lebanon','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LC','St. Lucia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LK','Sri Lanka','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LR','Liberia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LS','Lesotho','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LT','Lithuania','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LV','Latvia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LY','Libyan Arab Jamahiriya','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MA','Morocco','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MD','Moldova Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MG','Madagascar','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MH','Marshall Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MI','Midway Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MK','Macedonia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ML','Mali','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MM','Myanmar','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MN','Mongolia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MO','Macau','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MP','Northern Mariana Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MQ','Martinique','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MR','Mauritania','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MS','Montserat','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MT','Malta','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MU','Mauritius','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MV','Maldives','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MW','Malawi','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MX','Mexico','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MY','Malaysia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MZ','Mozambique','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NA','Namibia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NC','New Caledonia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NE','Niger','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NF','Norfolk Iland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NG','Nigeria','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NI','Nicaragua','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NP','Nepal','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NQ','Dronning Mauds Land','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NR','Nauru','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NU','Niue','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NZ','New Zealand','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('OM','Oman','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PA','Panama','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PE','Peru','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PF','French Polynesia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PG','Papua New Guinea','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PH','Philippines','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PK','Parkistan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PM','St. Pierre and Miquelon','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PN','Pitcairn Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PR','Puerto Rico','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PS','Palestian Authority','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PS','Gaza Strip','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PS','West Bank','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PT','Portugal','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PW','Palau','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PY','Paraguay','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('QA','Qatar','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('RE','Reunion','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('RW','Rwanda','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SA','Saudi Arabia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SB','Solomon Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SC','Seychelles','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SD','Sudan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SG','Singapore','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SH','St. Helena','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SJ','Svalbard and Jan Mayen','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SL','Sierra Leone','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SM','San Marino','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SN','Senegal','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SO','Somalia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SR','Suriname','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ST','Sao Tome and Principe','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SV','El Salvador','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SY','Syrian Arab Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SZ','Swaziland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TA','Tahiti','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TC','Turks and Caicos Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TD','Chad','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TF','French Southern Ter.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TG','Togo','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TH','Thailand','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TJ','Tajikistan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TK','Ttokelau','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TM','Turkmenistan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TN','Tunisia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TO','Tonga','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TP','East Timor','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TT','Trinidad and Tobago','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TV','Tuvalu','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TW','Taiwan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TZ','Tanzania U. Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('UA','Ukraine','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('UG','Uganda','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('UM','U.S. Minor Outlying Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('US','United States','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('UY','Uruguay','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('UZ','Uzbekistan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VA','Vatican City State','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VA','Holy See','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VC','St. Vincent and Grenadines','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VE','Venezuela','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VG','Virgin Iland (British)','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VI','Virgin Iland (U.S.)','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VN','Viet Nam','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VU','Vanuatu','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('WF','Wallis anf Futuna Iland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('WK','Wake Iland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('WS','Samoa West','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('YE','Yemen','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('YT','Mayotte','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ZA','South Africa','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ZM','Zambia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ZW','Zimbabwe','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AT','Austria','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BE','Belgium','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CH','Switzerland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CR','Costa Rica','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CZ','Czech Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DK','Denmark','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ES','Spain','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FI','Finland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FR','Frabce','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','United Kingdom','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','England','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Great Britain','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Scotland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Channel Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GR','Greece','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HR','Croatia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HU','Hungary','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IE','Ireland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IF','Northern Ireland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IS','Iceland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IT','Italy','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LI','Liechtenstein','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LU','Luxembourg','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MC','Monaco','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NL','Netherlands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NO','Norway','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PL','Poland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('RO','Romania','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('RU','Russian Federation','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SE','Sweden','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SI','Slovenia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SK','Slovakia Slovak Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TR','Turkey','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AC','Ascension','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AD','Andorra','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AE','United Arab Emirates','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AF','Afghanistan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AG','Antigua and Barbuda','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AI','Anguilla','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AL','Albania','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AM','Armenia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AN','Netherlands Antilles','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AO','Angola','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AQ','Antarctica','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AR','Argentina','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AS','American Samoa','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AU','Australia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AW','Aruba','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AZ','Azerbaijan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BA','Bosnia and Herzegovina','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BB','Barbados','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BD','Bangladesh','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BF','Burkina Faso','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BG','Bulgaria','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BH','Bahrain','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BI','Burundi','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BJ','Benin','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BM','Bermuda','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BN','Brunei Darussalam','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BO','Bolivia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BR','Brazil','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BS','Bahamas','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BT','Bhutan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BV','Bouvet','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BW','Botswana','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BY','Belarus','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BZ','Belize','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CA','Canada','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CC','Cocos','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CD','Congo Democratc Repuplic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CF','Central African Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CG','Congo Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CI','Cote D Ivoire','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CK','Cook Iland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CL','Chile','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CM','Cameroon','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CN','China','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CO','Colombia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CS','Serbia and Montenegro','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CT','Canton and Enderbury','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CU','Cuba','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CV','Cape Verde','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CX','Christmas Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CY','Cyprus','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DJ','Djibuti','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DM','Dominica','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DO','Dominican Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DZ','Algeria','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EC','Ecuador','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EE','Estonia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EG','Egypt','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EH','Western Sahara','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ER','Eritrea','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ET','Ethiopia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EU','European Union','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FJ','Fiji','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FK','Falkland Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FM','Micronesia Fed. S.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FO','Faroe Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GA','Gabon','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GD','Grenada','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GE','Georgia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GF','French Guiana','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GG','Guernsey','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GH','Ghana','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GI','Gibraltar','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GL','Greenland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GM','Gambia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GN','Guinea','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GP','Guadeloupe','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GQ','Guinea Equatorial','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GS','South Georgia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GT','Guatemala','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GU','Guam','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GW','Guinea-Bissau','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GY','Guyana','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HK','Hong Kong','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HM','Heard- and MC Donald Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HN','Honduras','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HT','Haiti','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ID','Indonesia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IL','Israel','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IM','Isle of Man','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IN','India','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IO','British Indian O.T.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IQ','Iraq','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IR','Iran Islamic Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('JE','Jersey Bailwick','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('JM','Jamaica','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('JO','Jordan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('JP','Japan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('JT','Johnston Atoll','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KE','Kenya','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KG','Kyrgyzstan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KH','Cambodia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KI','Kiribati','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KM','Comoros','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KN','Saint Kitts and Nevis','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KP','Korea Democratic P. Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KR','Korea Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KW','Kuwait','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KY','Cayman Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KZ','Kazakhstan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LA','Lao People Democratic Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LB','Lebanon','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LC','St. Lucia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LK','Sri Lanka','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LR','Liberia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LS','Lesotho','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LT','Lithuania','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LV','Latvia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LY','Libyan Arab Jamahiriya','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MA','Morocco','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MD','Moldova Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MG','Madagascar','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MH','Marshall Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MI','Midway Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MK','Macedonia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ML','Mali','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MM','Myanmar','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MN','Mongolia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MO','Macau','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MP','Northern Mariana Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MQ','Martinique','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MR','Mauritania','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MS','Montserat','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MT','Malta','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MU','Mauritius','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MV','Maldives','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MW','Malawi','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MX','Mexico','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MY','Malaysia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MZ','Mozambique','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NA','Namibia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NC','New Caledonia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NE','Niger','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NF','Norfolk Iland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NG','Nigeria','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NI','Nicaragua','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NP','Nepal','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NQ','Dronning Mauds Land','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NR','Nauru','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NU','Niue','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NZ','New Zealand','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('OM','Oman','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PA','Panama','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PE','Peru','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PF','French Polynesia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PG','Papua New Guinea','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PH','Philippines','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PK','Parkistan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PM','St. Pierre and Miquelon','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PN','Pitcairn Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PR','Puerto Rico','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PS','Palestian Authority','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PS','Gaza Strip','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PS','West Bank','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PT','Portugal','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PW','Palau','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PY','Paraguay','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('QA','Qatar','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('RE','Reunion','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('RW','Rwanda','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SA','Saudi Arabia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SB','Solomon Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SC','Seychelles','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SD','Sudan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SG','Singapore','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SH','St. Helena','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SJ','Svalbard and Jan Mayen','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SL','Sierra Leone','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SM','San Marino','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SN','Senegal','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SO','Somalia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SR','Suriname','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ST','Sao Tome and Principe','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SV','El Salvador','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SY','Syrian Arab Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SZ','Swaziland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TA','Tahiti','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TC','Turks and Caicos Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TD','Chad','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TF','French Southern Ter.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TG','Togo','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TH','Thailand','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TJ','Tajikistan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TK','Ttokelau','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TM','Turkmenistan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TN','Tunisia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TO','Tonga','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TP','East Timor','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TT','Trinidad and Tobago','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TV','Tuvalu','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TW','Taiwan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TZ','Tanzania U. Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('UA','Ukraine','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('UG','Uganda','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('UM','U.S. Minor Outlying Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('US','United States','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('UY','Uruguay','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('UZ','Uzbekistan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VA','Vatican City State','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VA','Holy See','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VC','St. Vincent and Grenadines','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VE','Venezuela','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VG','Virgin Iland (British)','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VI','Virgin Iland (U.S.)','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VN','Viet Nam','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VU','Vanuatu','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('WF','Wallis anf Futuna Iland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('WK','Wake Iland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('WS','Samoa West','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('YE','Yemen','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('YT','Mayotte','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ZA','South Africa','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ZM','Zambia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ZW','Zimbabwe','Y');
README zur Surfbar (aka. Besuchertausch):
-Die Surfbar erlaubt nun seit der SVN-Revision 1168 das Einblenden eines
-Loginformulars, wenn ein Gast die Surfbar aufgerufen hat. Du kannst also deinen
-Mitgliedern problemlos nun gestatten, die URL http://dein-mailtausch/surfbar.php
-in ihre Favoriten (IE) bzw. Lesezeichen (Firefox) einzubinden.
+Der Besuchertausch 'ext-surfbar' erlaubt nun seit der SVN-Revision 1168 das
+Einblenden eines Loginformulars, wenn ein Gast die Surfbar aufgerufen hat. Du
+kannst also deinen Mitgliedern problemlos nun gestatten, die
+URL http://dein-mailtausch/surfbar.php in ihre Favoriten (IE) bzw. Lesezeichen
+(Firefox) einzubinden.
Was diese Erweiterung wird:
The installation is kept as easy as possbile (we hope so... ;-)):
- Uncompress the downloaded archive (e.g. with WinZIP or your favourite program)
- into a new directory on your harddisc. A Directory called 'mxchange-x.x.x'
+ into a new directory on your hard drive. A Directory called 'mxchange-x.x.x'
will be created by x.x.x is the current version and the non-free PRO version
contains a "pro" directory.
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AT','Austria','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BA','Bosnia and Herzegovina','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BE','Belgium','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BG','Bulgaria','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CH','Switzerland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CZ','Czech Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DK','Denmark','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EE','Estonia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ES','Spain','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EU','European Union','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FI','Finland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','United Kingdom','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','England','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Great Britain','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Scotland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Channel Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GR','Greece','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HR','Croatia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HU','Hungary','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IE','Ireland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IF','Northern Ireland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IS','Iceland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IT','Italy','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LI','Liechtenstein','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LU','Luxembourg','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MC','Monaco','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NL','Netherlands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NO','Norway','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NZ','New Zealand','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PL','Poland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PT','Portugal','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('RO','Romania','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SE','Sweden','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SI','Slovenia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SK','Slovakia Slovak Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TR','Turkey','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AT','Austria','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BA','Bosnia and Herzegovina','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BE','Belgium','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BG','Bulgaria','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CH','Switzerland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CZ','Czech Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DK','Denmark','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EE','Estonia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ES','Spain','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EU','European Union','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FI','Finland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','United Kingdom','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','England','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Great Britain','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Scotland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Channel Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GR','Greece','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HR','Croatia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HU','Hungary','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IE','Ireland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IF','Northern Ireland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IS','Iceland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IT','Italy','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LI','Liechtenstein','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LU','Luxembourg','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MC','Monaco','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NL','Netherlands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NO','Norway','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NZ','New Zealand','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PL','Poland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PT','Portugal','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('RO','Romania','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SE','Sweden','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SI','Slovenia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SK','Slovakia Slovak Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TR','Turkey','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AC','Ascension','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AD','Andorra','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AE','United Arab Emirates','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AF','Afghanistan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AG','Antigua and Barbuda','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AI','Anguilla','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AL','Albania','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AM','Armenia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AN','Netherlands Antilles','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AO','Angola','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AQ','Antarctica','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AR','Argentina','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AS','American Samoa','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AT','Austria','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AU','Australia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AW','Aruba','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AZ','Azerbaijan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BA','Bosnia and Herzegovina','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BB','Barbados','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BD','Bangladesh','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BE','Belgium','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BF','Burkina Faso','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BG','Bulgaria','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BH','Bahrain','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BI','Burundi','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BJ','Benin','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BM','Bermuda','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BN','Brunei Darussalam','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BO','Bolivia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BR','Brazil','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BS','Bahamas','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BT','Bhutan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BV','Bouvet','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BW','Botswana','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BY','Belarus','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BZ','Belize','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CA','Canada','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CC','Cocos','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CD','Congo Democratc Repuplic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CF','Central African Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CG','Congo Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CH','Switzerland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CI','Cote D Ivoire','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CK','Cook Iland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CL','Chile','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CM','Cameroon','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CN','China','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CO','Colombia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CR','Costa Rica','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CS','Serbia and Montenegro','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CT','Canton and Enderbury','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CU','Cuba','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CV','Cape Verde','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CX','Christmas Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CY','Cyprus','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CZ','Czech Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DJ','Djibuti','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DK','Denmark','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DM','Dominica','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DO','Dominican Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DZ','Algeria','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EC','Ecuador','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EE','Estonia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EG','Egypt','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EH','Western Sahara','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ER','Eritrea','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ES','Spain','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ET','Ethiopia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EU','European Union','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FI','Finland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FJ','Fiji','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FK','Falkland Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FM','Micronesia Fed. S.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FO','Faroe Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FR','Frabce','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GA','Gabon','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','United Kingdom','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','England','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Great Britain','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Scotland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Channel Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GD','Grenada','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GE','Georgia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GF','French Guiana','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GG','Guernsey','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GH','Ghana','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GI','Gibraltar','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GL','Greenland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GM','Gambia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GN','Guinea','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GP','Guadeloupe','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GQ','Guinea Equatorial','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GR','Greece','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GS','South Georgia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GT','Guatemala','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GU','Guam','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GW','Guinea-Bissau','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GY','Guyana','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HK','Hong Kong','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HM','Heard- and MC Donald Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HN','Honduras','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HR','Croatia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HT','Haiti','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HU','Hungary','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ID','Indonesia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IE','Ireland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IF','Northern Ireland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IL','Israel','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IM','Isle of Man','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IN','India','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IO','British Indian O.T.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IQ','Iraq','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IR','Iran Islamic Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IS','Iceland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IT','Italy','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('JE','Jersey Bailwick','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('JM','Jamaica','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('JO','Jordan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('JP','Japan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('JT','Johnston Atoll','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KE','Kenya','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KG','Kyrgyzstan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KH','Cambodia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KI','Kiribati','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KM','Comoros','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KN','Saint Kitts and Nevis','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KP','Korea Democratic P. Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KR','Korea Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KW','Kuwait','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KY','Cayman Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KZ','Kazakhstan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LA','Lao People Democratic Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LB','Lebanon','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LC','St. Lucia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LI','Liechtenstein','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LK','Sri Lanka','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LR','Liberia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LS','Lesotho','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LT','Lithuania','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LU','Luxembourg','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LV','Latvia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LY','Libyan Arab Jamahiriya','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MA','Morocco','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MC','Monaco','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MD','Moldova Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MG','Madagascar','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MH','Marshall Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MI','Midway Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MK','Macedonia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ML','Mali','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MM','Myanmar','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MN','Mongolia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MO','Macau','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MP','Northern Mariana Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MQ','Martinique','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MR','Mauritania','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MS','Montserat','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MT','Malta','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MU','Mauritius','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MV','Maldives','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MW','Malawi','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MX','Mexico','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MY','Malaysia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MZ','Mozambique','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NA','Namibia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NC','New Caledonia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NE','Niger','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NF','Norfolk Iland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NG','Nigeria','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NI','Nicaragua','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NL','Netherlands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NO','Norway','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NP','Nepal','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NQ','Dronning Mauds Land','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NR','Nauru','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NU','Niue','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NZ','New Zealand','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('OM','Oman','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PA','Panama','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PE','Peru','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PF','French Polynesia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PG','Papua New Guinea','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PH','Philippines','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PK','Parkistan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PL','Poland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PM','St. Pierre and Miquelon','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PN','Pitcairn Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PR','Puerto Rico','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PS','Palestian Authority','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PS','Gaza Strip','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PS','West Bank','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PT','Portugal','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PW','Palau','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PY','Paraguay','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('QA','Qatar','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('RE','Reunion','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('RO','Romania','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('RU','Russian Federation','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('RW','Rwanda','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SA','Saudi Arabia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SB','Solomon Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SC','Seychelles','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SD','Sudan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SE','Sweden','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SG','Singapore','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SH','St. Helena','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SI','Slovenia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SJ','Svalbard and Jan Mayen','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SK','Slovakia Slovak Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SL','Sierra Leone','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SM','San Marino','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SN','Senegal','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SO','Somalia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SR','Suriname','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ST','Sao Tome and Principe','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SV','El Salvador','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SY','Syrian Arab Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SZ','Swaziland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TA','Tahiti','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TC','Turks and Caicos Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TD','Chad','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TF','French Southern Ter.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TG','Togo','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TH','Thailand','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TJ','Tajikistan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TK','Ttokelau','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TM','Turkmenistan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TN','Tunisia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TO','Tonga','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TP','East Timor','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TR','Turkey','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TT','Trinidad and Tobago','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TV','Tuvalu','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TW','Taiwan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TZ','Tanzania U. Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('UA','Ukraine','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('UG','Uganda','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('UM','U.S. Minor Outlying Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('US','United States','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('UY','Uruguay','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('UZ','Uzbekistan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VA','Vatican City State','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VA','Holy See','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VC','St. Vincent and Grenadines','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VE','Venezuela','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VG','Virgin Iland (British)','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VI','Virgin Iland (U.S.)','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VN','Viet Nam','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VU','Vanuatu','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('WF','Wallis anf Futuna Iland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('WK','Wake Iland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('WS','Samoa West','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('YE','Yemen','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('YT','Mayotte','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ZA','South Africa','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ZM','Zambia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ZW','Zimbabwe','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AC','Ascension','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AD','Andorra','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AE','United Arab Emirates','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AF','Afghanistan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AG','Antigua and Barbuda','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AI','Anguilla','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AL','Albania','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AM','Armenia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AN','Netherlands Antilles','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AO','Angola','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AQ','Antarctica','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AR','Argentina','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AS','American Samoa','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AT','Austria','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AU','Australia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AW','Aruba','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AZ','Azerbaijan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BA','Bosnia and Herzegovina','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BB','Barbados','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BD','Bangladesh','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BE','Belgium','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BF','Burkina Faso','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BG','Bulgaria','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BH','Bahrain','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BI','Burundi','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BJ','Benin','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BM','Bermuda','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BN','Brunei Darussalam','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BO','Bolivia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BR','Brazil','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BS','Bahamas','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BT','Bhutan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BV','Bouvet','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BW','Botswana','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BY','Belarus','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BZ','Belize','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CA','Canada','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CC','Cocos','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CD','Congo Democratc Repuplic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CF','Central African Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CG','Congo Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CH','Switzerland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CI','Cote D Ivoire','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CK','Cook Iland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CL','Chile','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CM','Cameroon','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CN','China','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CO','Colombia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CR','Costa Rica','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CS','Serbia and Montenegro','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CT','Canton and Enderbury','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CU','Cuba','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CV','Cape Verde','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CX','Christmas Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CY','Cyprus','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CZ','Czech Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DJ','Djibuti','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DK','Denmark','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DM','Dominica','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DO','Dominican Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DZ','Algeria','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EC','Ecuador','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EE','Estonia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EG','Egypt','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EH','Western Sahara','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ER','Eritrea','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ES','Spain','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ET','Ethiopia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EU','European Union','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FI','Finland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FJ','Fiji','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FK','Falkland Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FM','Micronesia Fed. S.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FO','Faroe Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FR','Frabce','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GA','Gabon','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','United Kingdom','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','England','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Great Britain','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Scotland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Channel Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GD','Grenada','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GE','Georgia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GF','French Guiana','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GG','Guernsey','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GH','Ghana','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GI','Gibraltar','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GL','Greenland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GM','Gambia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GN','Guinea','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GP','Guadeloupe','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GQ','Guinea Equatorial','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GR','Greece','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GS','South Georgia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GT','Guatemala','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GU','Guam','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GW','Guinea-Bissau','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GY','Guyana','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HK','Hong Kong','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HM','Heard- and MC Donald Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HN','Honduras','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HR','Croatia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HT','Haiti','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HU','Hungary','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ID','Indonesia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IE','Ireland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IF','Northern Ireland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IL','Israel','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IM','Isle of Man','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IN','India','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IO','British Indian O.T.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IQ','Iraq','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IR','Iran Islamic Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IS','Iceland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IT','Italy','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('JE','Jersey Bailwick','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('JM','Jamaica','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('JO','Jordan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('JP','Japan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('JT','Johnston Atoll','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KE','Kenya','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KG','Kyrgyzstan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KH','Cambodia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KI','Kiribati','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KM','Comoros','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KN','Saint Kitts and Nevis','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KP','Korea Democratic P. Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KR','Korea Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KW','Kuwait','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KY','Cayman Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KZ','Kazakhstan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LA','Lao People Democratic Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LB','Lebanon','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LC','St. Lucia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LI','Liechtenstein','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LK','Sri Lanka','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LR','Liberia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LS','Lesotho','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LT','Lithuania','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LU','Luxembourg','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LV','Latvia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LY','Libyan Arab Jamahiriya','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MA','Morocco','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MC','Monaco','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MD','Moldova Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MG','Madagascar','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MH','Marshall Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MI','Midway Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MK','Macedonia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ML','Mali','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MM','Myanmar','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MN','Mongolia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MO','Macau','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MP','Northern Mariana Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MQ','Martinique','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MR','Mauritania','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MS','Montserat','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MT','Malta','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MU','Mauritius','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MV','Maldives','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MW','Malawi','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MX','Mexico','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MY','Malaysia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MZ','Mozambique','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NA','Namibia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NC','New Caledonia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NE','Niger','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NF','Norfolk Iland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NG','Nigeria','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NI','Nicaragua','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NL','Netherlands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NO','Norway','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NP','Nepal','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NQ','Dronning Mauds Land','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NR','Nauru','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NU','Niue','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NZ','New Zealand','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('OM','Oman','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PA','Panama','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PE','Peru','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PF','French Polynesia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PG','Papua New Guinea','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PH','Philippines','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PK','Parkistan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PL','Poland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PM','St. Pierre and Miquelon','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PN','Pitcairn Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PR','Puerto Rico','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PS','Palestian Authority','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PS','Gaza Strip','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PS','West Bank','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PT','Portugal','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PW','Palau','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PY','Paraguay','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('QA','Qatar','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('RE','Reunion','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('RO','Romania','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('RU','Russian Federation','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('RW','Rwanda','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SA','Saudi Arabia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SB','Solomon Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SC','Seychelles','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SD','Sudan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SE','Sweden','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SG','Singapore','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SH','St. Helena','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SI','Slovenia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SJ','Svalbard and Jan Mayen','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SK','Slovakia Slovak Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SL','Sierra Leone','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SM','San Marino','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SN','Senegal','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SO','Somalia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SR','Suriname','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ST','Sao Tome and Principe','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SV','El Salvador','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SY','Syrian Arab Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SZ','Swaziland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TA','Tahiti','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TC','Turks and Caicos Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TD','Chad','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TF','French Southern Ter.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TG','Togo','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TH','Thailand','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TJ','Tajikistan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TK','Ttokelau','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TM','Turkmenistan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TN','Tunisia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TO','Tonga','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TP','East Timor','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TR','Turkey','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TT','Trinidad and Tobago','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TV','Tuvalu','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TW','Taiwan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TZ','Tanzania U. Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('UA','Ukraine','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('UG','Uganda','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('UM','U.S. Minor Outlying Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('US','United States','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('UY','Uruguay','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('UZ','Uzbekistan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VA','Vatican City State','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VA','Holy See','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VC','St. Vincent and Grenadines','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VE','Venezuela','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VG','Virgin Iland (British)','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VI','Virgin Iland (U.S.)','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VN','Viet Nam','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VU','Vanuatu','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('WF','Wallis anf Futuna Iland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('WK','Wake Iland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('WS','Samoa West','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('YE','Yemen','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('YT','Mayotte','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ZA','South Africa','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ZM','Zambia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ZW','Zimbabwe','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AT','Austria','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BE','Belgium','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CH','Switzerland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CR','Costa Rica','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CZ','Czech Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DK','Denmark','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ES','Spain','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FI','Finland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FR','Frabce','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','United Kingdom','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','England','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Great Britain','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Scotland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Channel Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GR','Greece','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HR','Croatia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HU','Hungary','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IE','Ireland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IF','Northern Ireland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IS','Iceland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IT','Italy','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LI','Liechtenstein','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LU','Luxembourg','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MC','Monaco','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NL','Netherlands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NO','Norway','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PL','Poland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('RO','Romania','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('RU','Russian Federation','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SE','Sweden','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SI','Slovenia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SK','Slovakia Slovak Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TR','Turkey','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AC','Ascension','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AD','Andorra','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AE','United Arab Emirates','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AF','Afghanistan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AG','Antigua and Barbuda','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AI','Anguilla','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AL','Albania','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AM','Armenia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AN','Netherlands Antilles','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AO','Angola','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AQ','Antarctica','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AR','Argentina','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AS','American Samoa','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AU','Australia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AW','Aruba','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('AZ','Azerbaijan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BA','Bosnia and Herzegovina','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BB','Barbados','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BD','Bangladesh','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BF','Burkina Faso','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BG','Bulgaria','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BH','Bahrain','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BI','Burundi','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BJ','Benin','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BM','Bermuda','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BN','Brunei Darussalam','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BO','Bolivia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BR','Brazil','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BS','Bahamas','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BT','Bhutan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BV','Bouvet','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BW','Botswana','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BY','Belarus','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('BZ','Belize','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CA','Canada','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CC','Cocos','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CD','Congo Democratc Repuplic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CF','Central African Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CG','Congo Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CI','Cote D Ivoire','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CK','Cook Iland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CL','Chile','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CM','Cameroon','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CN','China','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CO','Colombia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CS','Serbia and Montenegro','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CT','Canton and Enderbury','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CU','Cuba','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CV','Cape Verde','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CX','Christmas Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('CY','Cyprus','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DJ','Djibuti','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DM','Dominica','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DO','Dominican Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('DZ','Algeria','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EC','Ecuador','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EE','Estonia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EG','Egypt','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EH','Western Sahara','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ER','Eritrea','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ET','Ethiopia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('EU','European Union','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FJ','Fiji','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FK','Falkland Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FM','Micronesia Fed. S.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('FO','Faroe Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GA','Gabon','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GD','Grenada','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GE','Georgia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GF','French Guiana','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GG','Guernsey','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GH','Ghana','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GI','Gibraltar','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GL','Greenland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GM','Gambia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GN','Guinea','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GP','Guadeloupe','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GQ','Guinea Equatorial','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GS','South Georgia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GT','Guatemala','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GU','Guam','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GW','Guinea-Bissau','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('GY','Guyana','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HK','Hong Kong','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HM','Heard- and MC Donald Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HN','Honduras','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('HT','Haiti','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ID','Indonesia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IL','Israel','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IM','Isle of Man','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IN','India','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IO','British Indian O.T.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IQ','Iraq','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('IR','Iran Islamic Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('JE','Jersey Bailwick','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('JM','Jamaica','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('JO','Jordan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('JP','Japan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('JT','Johnston Atoll','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KE','Kenya','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KG','Kyrgyzstan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KH','Cambodia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KI','Kiribati','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KM','Comoros','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KN','Saint Kitts and Nevis','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KP','Korea Democratic P. Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KR','Korea Republic','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KW','Kuwait','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KY','Cayman Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('KZ','Kazakhstan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LA','Lao People Democratic Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LB','Lebanon','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LC','St. Lucia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LK','Sri Lanka','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LR','Liberia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LS','Lesotho','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LT','Lithuania','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LV','Latvia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('LY','Libyan Arab Jamahiriya','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MA','Morocco','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MD','Moldova Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MG','Madagascar','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MH','Marshall Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MI','Midway Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MK','Macedonia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ML','Mali','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MM','Myanmar','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MN','Mongolia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MO','Macau','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MP','Northern Mariana Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MQ','Martinique','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MR','Mauritania','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MS','Montserat','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MT','Malta','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MU','Mauritius','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MV','Maldives','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MW','Malawi','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MX','Mexico','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MY','Malaysia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('MZ','Mozambique','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NA','Namibia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NC','New Caledonia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NE','Niger','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NF','Norfolk Iland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NG','Nigeria','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NI','Nicaragua','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NP','Nepal','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NQ','Dronning Mauds Land','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NR','Nauru','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NU','Niue','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('NZ','New Zealand','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('OM','Oman','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PA','Panama','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PE','Peru','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PF','French Polynesia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PG','Papua New Guinea','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PH','Philippines','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PK','Parkistan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PM','St. Pierre and Miquelon','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PN','Pitcairn Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PR','Puerto Rico','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PS','Palestian Authority','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PS','Gaza Strip','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PS','West Bank','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PT','Portugal','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PW','Palau','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('PY','Paraguay','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('QA','Qatar','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('RE','Reunion','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('RW','Rwanda','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SA','Saudi Arabia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SB','Solomon Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SC','Seychelles','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SD','Sudan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SG','Singapore','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SH','St. Helena','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SJ','Svalbard and Jan Mayen','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SL','Sierra Leone','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SM','San Marino','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SN','Senegal','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SO','Somalia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SR','Suriname','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ST','Sao Tome and Principe','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SV','El Salvador','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SY','Syrian Arab Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('SZ','Swaziland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TA','Tahiti','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TC','Turks and Caicos Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TD','Chad','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TF','French Southern Ter.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TG','Togo','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TH','Thailand','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TJ','Tajikistan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TK','Ttokelau','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TM','Turkmenistan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TN','Tunisia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TO','Tonga','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TP','East Timor','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TT','Trinidad and Tobago','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TV','Tuvalu','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TW','Taiwan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('TZ','Tanzania U. Rep.','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('UA','Ukraine','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('UG','Uganda','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('UM','U.S. Minor Outlying Ilands','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('US','United States','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('UY','Uruguay','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('UZ','Uzbekistan','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VA','Vatican City State','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VA','Holy See','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VC','St. Vincent and Grenadines','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VE','Venezuela','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VG','Virgin Iland (British)','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VI','Virgin Iland (U.S.)','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VN','Viet Nam','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('VU','Vanuatu','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('WF','Wallis anf Futuna Iland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('WK','Wake Iland','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('WS','Samoa West','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('YE','Yemen','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('YT','Mayotte','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ZA','South Africa','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ZM','Zambia','Y');
-INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('ZW','Zimbabwe','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AT','Austria','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BE','Belgium','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CH','Switzerland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CR','Costa Rica','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CZ','Czech Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DK','Denmark','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ES','Spain','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FI','Finland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FR','Frabce','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','United Kingdom','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','England','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Great Britain','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Scotland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GB','Channel Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GR','Greece','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HR','Croatia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HU','Hungary','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IE','Ireland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IF','Northern Ireland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IS','Iceland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IT','Italy','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LI','Liechtenstein','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LU','Luxembourg','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MC','Monaco','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NL','Netherlands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NO','Norway','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PL','Poland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('RO','Romania','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('RU','Russian Federation','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SE','Sweden','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SI','Slovenia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SK','Slovakia Slovak Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TR','Turkey','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AC','Ascension','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AD','Andorra','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AE','United Arab Emirates','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AF','Afghanistan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AG','Antigua and Barbuda','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AI','Anguilla','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AL','Albania','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AM','Armenia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AN','Netherlands Antilles','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AO','Angola','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AQ','Antarctica','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AR','Argentina','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AS','American Samoa','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AU','Australia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AW','Aruba','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('AZ','Azerbaijan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BA','Bosnia and Herzegovina','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BB','Barbados','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BD','Bangladesh','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BF','Burkina Faso','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BG','Bulgaria','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BH','Bahrain','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BI','Burundi','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BJ','Benin','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BM','Bermuda','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BN','Brunei Darussalam','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BO','Bolivia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BR','Brazil','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BS','Bahamas','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BT','Bhutan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BV','Bouvet','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BW','Botswana','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BY','Belarus','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('BZ','Belize','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CA','Canada','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CC','Cocos','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CD','Congo Democratc Repuplic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CF','Central African Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CG','Congo Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CI','Cote D Ivoire','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CK','Cook Iland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CL','Chile','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CM','Cameroon','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CN','China','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CO','Colombia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CS','Serbia and Montenegro','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CT','Canton and Enderbury','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CU','Cuba','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CV','Cape Verde','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CX','Christmas Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('CY','Cyprus','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DJ','Djibuti','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DM','Dominica','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DO','Dominican Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('DZ','Algeria','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EC','Ecuador','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EE','Estonia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EG','Egypt','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EH','Western Sahara','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ER','Eritrea','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ET','Ethiopia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('EU','European Union','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FJ','Fiji','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FK','Falkland Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FM','Micronesia Fed. S.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('FO','Faroe Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GA','Gabon','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GD','Grenada','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GE','Georgia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GF','French Guiana','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GG','Guernsey','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GH','Ghana','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GI','Gibraltar','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GL','Greenland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GM','Gambia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GN','Guinea','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GP','Guadeloupe','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GQ','Guinea Equatorial','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GS','South Georgia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GT','Guatemala','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GU','Guam','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GW','Guinea-Bissau','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('GY','Guyana','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HK','Hong Kong','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HM','Heard- and MC Donald Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HN','Honduras','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('HT','Haiti','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ID','Indonesia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IL','Israel','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IM','Isle of Man','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IN','India','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IO','British Indian O.T.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IQ','Iraq','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('IR','Iran Islamic Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('JE','Jersey Bailwick','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('JM','Jamaica','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('JO','Jordan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('JP','Japan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('JT','Johnston Atoll','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KE','Kenya','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KG','Kyrgyzstan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KH','Cambodia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KI','Kiribati','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KM','Comoros','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KN','Saint Kitts and Nevis','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KP','Korea Democratic P. Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KR','Korea Republic','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KW','Kuwait','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KY','Cayman Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('KZ','Kazakhstan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LA','Lao People Democratic Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LB','Lebanon','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LC','St. Lucia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LK','Sri Lanka','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LR','Liberia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LS','Lesotho','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LT','Lithuania','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LV','Latvia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('LY','Libyan Arab Jamahiriya','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MA','Morocco','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MD','Moldova Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MG','Madagascar','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MH','Marshall Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MI','Midway Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MK','Macedonia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ML','Mali','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MM','Myanmar','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MN','Mongolia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MO','Macau','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MP','Northern Mariana Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MQ','Martinique','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MR','Mauritania','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MS','Montserat','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MT','Malta','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MU','Mauritius','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MV','Maldives','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MW','Malawi','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MX','Mexico','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MY','Malaysia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('MZ','Mozambique','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NA','Namibia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NC','New Caledonia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NE','Niger','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NF','Norfolk Iland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NG','Nigeria','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NI','Nicaragua','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NP','Nepal','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NQ','Dronning Mauds Land','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NR','Nauru','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NU','Niue','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('NZ','New Zealand','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('OM','Oman','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PA','Panama','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PE','Peru','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PF','French Polynesia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PG','Papua New Guinea','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PH','Philippines','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PK','Parkistan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PM','St. Pierre and Miquelon','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PN','Pitcairn Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PR','Puerto Rico','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PS','Palestian Authority','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PS','Gaza Strip','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PS','West Bank','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PT','Portugal','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PW','Palau','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('PY','Paraguay','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('QA','Qatar','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('RE','Reunion','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('RW','Rwanda','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SA','Saudi Arabia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SB','Solomon Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SC','Seychelles','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SD','Sudan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SG','Singapore','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SH','St. Helena','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SJ','Svalbard and Jan Mayen','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SL','Sierra Leone','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SM','San Marino','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SN','Senegal','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SO','Somalia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SR','Suriname','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ST','Sao Tome and Principe','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SV','El Salvador','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SY','Syrian Arab Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('SZ','Swaziland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TA','Tahiti','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TC','Turks and Caicos Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TD','Chad','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TF','French Southern Ter.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TG','Togo','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TH','Thailand','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TJ','Tajikistan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TK','Ttokelau','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TM','Turkmenistan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TN','Tunisia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TO','Tonga','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TP','East Timor','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TT','Trinidad and Tobago','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TV','Tuvalu','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TW','Taiwan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('TZ','Tanzania U. Rep.','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('UA','Ukraine','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('UG','Uganda','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('UM','U.S. Minor Outlying Ilands','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('US','United States','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('UY','Uruguay','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('UZ','Uzbekistan','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VA','Vatican City State','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VA','Holy See','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VC','St. Vincent and Grenadines','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VE','Venezuela','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VG','Virgin Iland (British)','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VI','Virgin Iland (U.S.)','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VN','Viet Nam','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('VU','Vanuatu','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('WF','Wallis anf Futuna Iland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('WK','Wake Iland','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('WS','Samoa West','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('YE','Yemen','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('YT','Mayotte','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ZA','South Africa','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ZM','Zambia','Y');
+INSERT INTO `mxchange_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('ZW','Zimbabwe','Y');
// Set module
$GLOBALS['module'] = 'beg';
$GLOBALS['output_mode'] = -1;
-$errorCode = null;
+$errorCode = NULL;
// Load the required file(s)
$points = mt_rand((getBegPoints() * 100000), (getBegPointsMax() * 100000)) / 100000;
// Set nickname / userid for template
- $content['userid'] = getRequestParameter('userid');
- $content['clicks'] = (getUserData('beg_clicks') + 1);
- $content['banner'] = loadTemplate('beg_banner', true);
- $content['points'] = $points;
+ $content['userid'] = getRequestParameter('userid');
+ $content['clicks'] = (getUserData('beg_clicks') + 1);
+ $content['header_banner'] = loadTemplate('beg_header_banner', true);
+ $content['footer_banner'] = loadTemplate('beg_footer_banner', true);
+ $content['points'] = $points;
} // END - if
// User id valid and not webmaster's id?
// Check for last entry for userid w/o IP number 12 33 2 23 44 3 21 1 1
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_beg_ips` WHERE ((UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - `timeout`) >= {?beg_timeout?} OR ((UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - `timeout`) >= {?beg_userid_timeout?} AND `userid`=%s)) AND (`remote_ip`='%s' OR `sid`='%s') LIMIT 1",
- array(getUserData('userid'), detectRemoteAddr(), session_id()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ array(
+ getUserData('userid'),
+ detectRemoteAddr(),
+ session_id()
+ ), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Entry not found, points set and not logged in?
- if (((SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) || (isAdmin())) && ($points > 0) && (!isMember()) && (getBegPayMode() == 'NONE')) {
+ //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'SQL_HASZERONUMS()=' . intval(SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) . ',isAdmin()=' . intval(isAdmin()) . ',points=' . $points . ',isMember()=' . intval(isMember()) . ',getBegPayMode()=' . getBegPayMode());
+ if ((SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) && ($points > 0) && (getBegPayMode() == 'NONE') && ((!isMember()) || (isAdmin()))) {
+ // Default is result from isAdmin(), mostly false
+ $pay = isAdmin();
// Admin is testing?
if (!isAdmin()) {
* but only when there is no admin begging.
* Admins shall be able to test it!
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_beg_ips` (`userid`, `remote_ip`, `sid`, `timeout`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP())",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_beg_ips` (`userid`,`remote_ip`,`sid`,`timeout`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP())",
), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Was is successfull?
- } else {
- // Is admin!
- $pay = true;
- }
+ } // END - if
// Pay points?
+ //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'pay=' . intval($pay));
if ($pay === true) {
// Add points to user or begging rallye account
if (addPointsBeg(getUserData('userid'), $points)) {
// Reload to index module if an error happens
- if (!empty($errorCode)) {
+ if (!is_null($errorCode)) {
redirectToUrl('modules.php?module=index&code=' . $errorCode . '&ext=beg');
} // END - if
} else {
if (($points - getConfig('doubler_left') - postRequestParameter('points') * getConfig('doubler_charge') / 100) >= 0) {
// Enough points are left so let's continue with the doubling process
// Create doubling "account" with *DOUBLED* points
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_doubler` (`userid`, `refid`, `points`, `remote_ip`, `timemark`, `completed`, `is_ref`) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,'%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'N','N')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_doubler` (`userid`,`refid`,`points`,`remote_ip`,`timemark`,`completed`,`is_ref`) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,'%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'N','N')",
), __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // Subtract entered points
+ // Subtract entered points and ignore return status
subtractPoints('doubler', getUserData('userid'), postRequestParameter('points'));
// Add points to "total payed" including charge
// Add second line for the referal but only when userid != refid
if ((isValidUserId(determineReferalId())) && (determineReferalId() != getUserData('userid'))) {
// Okay add a refid line and apply refid percents
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_doubler` (`userid`, `refid`, `points`, `remote_ip`, `timemark`, `completed`, `is_ref`) VALUES (%s,0,%s,'%s',UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'N','Y')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_doubler` (`userid`,`refid`,`points`,`remote_ip`,`timemark`,`completed`,`is_ref`) VALUES (%s,0,%s,'%s',UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'N','Y')",
(postRequestParameter('points') * 2 * getConfig('doubler_ref') / 100),
-// Handles the XML node 'post-data-identify-index'
-function doXmlPostDataIdentifyIndex ($resource, $attributes) {
- // There are three attributes, by default
- if (count($attributes) != 3) {
- // Not the right count
- debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Expected 3 attributes, got ' . count($attributes));
- } elseif (!isset($attributes['NAME'])) {
- // 'NAME' not found
- debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Required attribute NAME not found.');
- } elseif (!isset($attributes['TYPE'])) {
- // 'TYPE' not found
- debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Required attribute TYPE not found.');
- } elseif (!isInvalidXmlType($attributes['TYPE'])) {
- // No valid type
- debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'TYPE is not valid, got: ' . $attributes['TYPE']);
- } elseif (!isset($attributes['VALUE'])) {
- // 'VALUE' not found
- debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Required attribute VALUE not found.');
- } elseif (!isXmlValueValid($attributes['TYPE'], $attributes['VALUE'])) {
- // Not valid/verifyable
- debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Attribute VALUE does not validate. TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ',VALUE=' . $attributes['VALUE']);
- } elseif (!isset($GLOBALS['__XML_ARGUMENTS']['doXmlCallbackFunction'])) {
- // doXmlCallbackFunction is missing
- debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Required XML node callback-function not included around this node. Please fix your XML.');
- }
- // Add the POST data index for 'id'
- addXmlValueToCallbackAttributes('id_index', $attributes);
- //$GLOBALS['__XML_ARGUMENTS']['doXmlCallbackFunction']['id_index'] = $attributes['VALUE'];
// Handles the XML node 'database-table'
function doXmlDatabaseTable ($resource, $attributes) {
// There are three attributes, by default
return (bigintval($value) == $value);
+// Check for callback type
+function isXmlTypeCallback ($value) {
+ // Trim value
+ $value = trim($value);
+ // This value is always a string
+ return (function_exists($value));
// Private XML functions
// Adds given attribut to element
function addXmlValueToCallbackAttributes ($element, $attributes, $extraKey = '', $key = '') {
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',extraKey=' . $extraKey . ',key=' . $key . ' - ENTERED!');
+ // Is it boolean type?
+ if (($attributes['TYPE'] == 'bool') && (isset($attributes['VALUE']))) {
+ // Then convert VALUE
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ',element=' . $element . ' - CONVERTING!');
+ $attributes['VALUE'] = convertStringToBoolean($attributes['VALUE']);
+ } elseif ($attributes['TYPE'] == 'callback') {
+ // It is a simple call-back type
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ',element=' . $element . ' - CALLING!');
+ $attributes['VALUE'] = call_user_func($attributes['VALUE']);
+ }
// What do we need to add?
- /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',extraKey=' . $extraKey . ',key=' . $key . ' - ENTERED!');
if ($attributes['TYPE'] == 'array') {
// Another nested array
- /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'TYPE=ARRAY, element=' . $element);
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ',element=' . $element);
$GLOBALS['__XML_ARGUMENTS']['doXmlCallbackFunction'][$element][$attributes['VALUE'] . '_list'] = array();
} elseif (!empty($extraKey)) {
// Is it bool?
} // END - if
// Sub-array (one level only)
- /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',extraKey=' . $extraKey . ',TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ' - ANALYSING...');
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',extraKey=' . $extraKey . ',TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ' - ANALYSING...');
if (trim($attributes['NAME']) == '') {
// Numerical index
- /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',extraKey=' . $extraKey . ',TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ',VALUE[' . gettype($attributes['VALUE']) . ']=' . $attributes['VALUE'] . ' - NUMERICAL!');
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',extraKey=' . $extraKey . ',TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ',VALUE[' . gettype($attributes['VALUE']) . ']=' . $attributes['VALUE'] . ' - NUMERICAL!');
$GLOBALS['__XML_ARGUMENTS']['doXmlCallbackFunction'][$element][$extraKey][] = $attributes['VALUE'];
} elseif (!empty($key)) {
// Use from $key
- /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',extraKey=' . $extraKey . ',TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ',VALUE[' . gettype($attributes['VALUE']) . ']=' . $attributes['VALUE'] . ' - KEY! (key=' . $attributes[$key] . ')');
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',extraKey=' . $extraKey . ',TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ',VALUE[' . gettype($attributes['VALUE']) . ']=' . $attributes['VALUE'] . ' - KEY! (key=' . $attributes[$key] . ')');
$GLOBALS['__XML_ARGUMENTS']['doXmlCallbackFunction'][$element][$extraKey][$attributes[$key]] = $attributes['VALUE'];
} else {
// Use from NAME
- /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',extraKey=' . $extraKey . ',TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ',VALUE[' . gettype($attributes['VALUE']) . ']=' . $attributes['VALUE'] . ' - NAME! (NAME=' . $attributes['NAME'] . ')');
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',extraKey=' . $extraKey . ',TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ',VALUE[' . gettype($attributes['VALUE']) . ']=' . $attributes['VALUE'] . ' - NAME! (NAME=' . $attributes['NAME'] . ')');
$GLOBALS['__XML_ARGUMENTS']['doXmlCallbackFunction'][$element][$extraKey][$attributes['NAME']] = $attributes['VALUE'];
} elseif ((isset($attributes['FUNCTION'])) && (isset($attributes['ALIAS']))) {
// Add the entry
- /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',extraKey=' . $extraKey . ',TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ',ALIAS[' . gettype($attributes['ALIAS']) . ']=' . $attributes['ALIAS'] . ',FUNCTION[' . gettype($attributes['FUNCTION']) . ']=' . $attributes['FUNCTION'] . ' - FUNCTION! (VALUE=' . $attributes['VALUE'] . ')');
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',extraKey=' . $extraKey . ',TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ',ALIAS[' . gettype($attributes['ALIAS']) . ']=' . $attributes['ALIAS'] . ',FUNCTION[' . gettype($attributes['FUNCTION']) . ']=' . $attributes['FUNCTION'] . ' - FUNCTION! (VALUE=' . $attributes['VALUE'] . ')');
$GLOBALS['__XML_ARGUMENTS']['doXmlCallbackFunction'][$element][] = $array;
} elseif ((isset($attributes['CONDITION'])) && (isset($attributes['LOOK-FOR']))) {
'look_for' => trim($attributes['LOOK-FOR'])
- /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',extraKey=' . $extraKey . ',TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ',CONDITION[' . gettype($attributes['CONDITION']) . ']=' . $attributes['CONDITION'] . ',LOOK-FOR[' . gettype($attributes['LOOK-FOR']) . ']=' . $attributes['LOOK-FOR'] . ' - CONDITION! (VALUE=' . $attributes['VALUE'] . ')');
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',extraKey=' . $extraKey . ',TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ',CONDITION[' . gettype($attributes['CONDITION']) . ']=' . $attributes['CONDITION'] . ',LOOK-FOR[' . gettype($attributes['LOOK-FOR']) . ']=' . $attributes['LOOK-FOR'] . ' - CONDITION! (VALUE=' . $attributes['VALUE'] . ')');
$GLOBALS['__XML_ARGUMENTS']['doXmlCallbackFunction'][$element][] = $array;
} elseif (isset($attributes['CALLBACK'])) {
// CALLBACK/VALUE detected
- /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',extraKey=' . $extraKey . ',TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ',CALLBACK[' . gettype($attributes['CALLBACK']) . ']=' . $attributes['CALLBACK'] . ' - CALLBACK! (VALUE=' . $attributes['VALUE'] . ')');
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',extraKey=' . $extraKey . ',TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ',CALLBACK[' . gettype($attributes['CALLBACK']) . ']=' . $attributes['CALLBACK'] . ' - CALLBACK! (VALUE=' . $attributes['VALUE'] . ')');
$GLOBALS['__XML_ARGUMENTS']['doXmlCallbackFunction'][$element][$attributes['VALUE']] = $attributes['CALLBACK'];
} elseif (isset($attributes['ORDER'])) {
// ORDER/TABLE detected
- /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',extraKey=' . $extraKey . ',TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ',ORDER[' . gettype($attributes['ORDER']) . ']=' . $attributes['ORDER'] . ' - ORDER! (VALUE=' . $attributes['VALUE'] . ')');
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',extraKey=' . $extraKey . ',TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ',ORDER[' . gettype($attributes['ORDER']) . ']=' . $attributes['ORDER'] . ' - ORDER! (VALUE=' . $attributes['VALUE'] . ')');
$GLOBALS['__XML_ARGUMENTS']['doXmlCallbackFunction'][$element][$attributes['ORDER']][$attributes['TABLE']] = $attributes['VALUE'];
} elseif (isset($attributes['COLUMN'])) {
// COLUMN/VALUE detected
- /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',VALUE[' . gettype($attributes['VALUE']) . ']=' . $attributes['VALUE'] . ',COLUMN[' . gettype($attributes['COLUMN']) . ']=' . $attributes['COLUMN'] . ' - COLUMN!');
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',VALUE[' . gettype($attributes['VALUE']) . ']=' . $attributes['VALUE'] . ',COLUMN[' . gettype($attributes['COLUMN']) . ']=' . $attributes['COLUMN'] . ' - COLUMN!');
$GLOBALS['__XML_ARGUMENTS']['doXmlCallbackFunction'][$element][$attributes['COLUMN']][] = $attributes['VALUE'];
} elseif ((!isset($attributes['NAME'])) || (trim($attributes['NAME']) == '')) {
// Numerical index
- /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',VALUE[' . gettype($attributes['VALUE']) . ']=' . $attributes['VALUE'] . ' - NUMERICAL!');
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',VALUE[' . gettype($attributes['VALUE']) . ']=' . $attributes['VALUE'] . ' - NUMERICAL!');
$GLOBALS['__XML_ARGUMENTS']['doXmlCallbackFunction'][$element][] = $attributes['VALUE'];
} elseif (isset($GLOBALS['__XML_ARGUMENTS']['doXmlCallbackFunction'][$element][$attributes['NAME']])) {
// Already created
debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'NAME=' . $attributes['NAME'] . ' already addded to ' . $element . ' attributes=<pre>' . print_r($attributes, true) . '</pre>');
} else {
// Use from NAME
- /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',NAME=' . $attributes['NAME'] . ',VALUE[' . gettype($attributes['VALUE']) . ']=' . $attributes['VALUE'] . ' - NAME!');
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',NAME=' . $attributes['NAME'] . ',VALUE[' . gettype($attributes['VALUE']) . ']=' . $attributes['VALUE'] . ' - NAME!');
$GLOBALS['__XML_ARGUMENTS']['doXmlCallbackFunction'][$element][$attributes['NAME']] = $attributes['VALUE'];
- /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',extraKey=' . $extraKey . ',key=' . $key . ' - EXIT!');
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ',extraKey=' . $extraKey . ',key=' . $key . ' - EXIT!');
// Execute function for doXmlCallbackFunction()
-function doXmlCallbackFunctionExecute ($function, $args) {
+function doXmlCallbackFunctionExecute ($callbackFunction, $args) {
// Is 'id_index' set and form sent?
if ((isset($args['id_index'])) && (isFormSent())) {
// Prepare 'id_index'
} // END - if
// Just call it
- //* DEBUG: */ die('<pre>'.print_r($args, true).'</pre>');
- call_user_func_array($function, $args);
+ //* DEBUG: */ die('callbackFunction=' . $callbackFunction . ',args=<pre>'.print_r($args, true).'</pre>');
+ call_user_func_array($callbackFunction, $args);
// [EOF]
$line = '$this->' . $prefix . "['" . $this->name . "']['" . $key . "']" . $extender . " = '" . escapeQuotes($value) . "';";
} elseif (is_null($value)) {
// Null
- $line = '$this->' . $prefix . "['" . $this->name . "']['" . $key . "']" . $extender . ' = null;';
+ $line = '$this->' . $prefix . "['" . $this->name . "']['" . $key . "']" . $extender . ' = NULL;';
} elseif (is_bool($value)) {
// Boolean value
if ($value === true) {
// Seems to be an IP! Now check deeper...
if (($matches[0] == $ip) && ($matches[1] >= 0) && ($matches[1] <= 255) && ($matches[2] >= 0) && ($matches[2] <= 255) && ($matches[3] >= 0) && ($matches[3] <= 255) && ($matches[4] > 0) && ($matches[4] < 255)) {
// We also cache IP addresses
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_dns_cache` (`ip`, `hostname`, `added`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', NOW())",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_dns_cache` (`ip`,`hostname`,`added`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', NOW())",
array($ip, $hostname), __METHOD__, __LINE__);
// Set return value to $ip
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__METHOD__, __LINE__, sprintf("Cannot lookup: %s", $hostname));
} else {
// Put entry in DB
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_dns_cache` (`ip`, `hostname`, `added`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', NOW())",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_dns_cache` (`ip`,`hostname`,`added`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', NOW())",
array($ip, $hostname), __METHOD__, __LINE__);
// Set return value to $ip
// Check for 100% klickrate mails
$result_bonus = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
- `id`, `userid`, `subject`, `timestamp_ordered`, `clicks`, `url`
+ `id`,`userid`,`subject`,`timestamp_ordered`,`clicks`,`url`
// Only confirmed members shall receive birthday mails...
$result_birthday = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
- `userid`, `email`, `birth_year`
+ `userid`,`email`,`birth_year`
} // END - for
// Insert row into database
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_birthday` (`userid`, `points`, `chk_value`) VALUES (%s,{?birthday_points?},'%s' )",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_birthday` (`userid`,`points`,`chk_value`) VALUES (%s,{?birthday_points?},'%s' )",
// Check for holidays we need to enable and send email to user
$result_main = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
- `userid`, `holiday_activated`
+ `userid`,`holiday_activated`
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_main)) {
// Check if his holiday can be activated
$result_holiday = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
- `holiday_start`, `holiday_end`
+ `holiday_start`,`holiday_end`
} // END - if
// Prepare the SQL statement
- $sql = "SELECT `".implode("`, `", $columns)."` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s` WHERE `%s`='%s' LIMIT 1";
+ $sql = "SELECT `".implode("`,`", $columns)."` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s` WHERE `%s`='%s' LIMIT 1";
// Return the result
return SQL_QUERY_ESC($sql,
// Getter for SQL link
function SQL_GET_LINK () {
// Init link
- $link = null;
+ $link = NULL;
// Is it in the globals?
if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_link'])) {
if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.0.6')) {
// New way, with CSS
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ',always_active=' . getThisExtensionAlwaysActive() . ', ext_ver=' . getCurrentExtensionVersion() . 'ext_css=' . getExtensionHasCss());
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_extensions` (`ext_name`, `ext_active`, `ext_version`, `ext_has_css`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_extensions` (`ext_name`,`ext_active`,`ext_version`,`ext_has_css`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s')",
} else {
// Old way, no CSS
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ext_name=' . getCurrentExtensionName() . ',always_active=' . getThisExtensionAlwaysActive() . ', ext_ver=' . getCurrentExtensionVersion());
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_extensions` (`ext_name`, `ext_active`, `ext_version`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_extensions` (`ext_name`,`ext_active`,`ext_version`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s')",
// Is what null?
if (is_null($what)) {
// Add main menu
- $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('%s',NULL,'%s','%s',%s)",
+ $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('%s',NULL,'%s','%s',%s)",
} else {
// Add sub menu
- $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s',%s)",
+ $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s',%s)",
// Is what null?
if (is_null($what)) {
// Add main menu
- $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `visible`, `locked`, `sort`) VALUES ('%s',NULL,'%s','N','Y',%s)",
+ $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`visible`,`locked`,`sort`) VALUES ('%s',NULL,'%s','N','Y',%s)",
} else {
// Add sub menu
- $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `visible`, `locked`, `sort`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','N','Y',%s)",
+ $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`visible`,`locked`,`sort`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','N','Y',%s)",
// Is what null?
if (is_null($what)) {
// Add main menu
- $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `visible`, `locked`, `sort`) VALUES ('%s',NULL,'%s','N','Y',%s)",
+ $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`visible`,`locked`,`sort`) VALUES ('%s',NULL,'%s','N','Y',%s)",
} else {
// Add sub menu
- $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `visible`, `locked`, `sort`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','N','Y',%s)",
+ $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`visible`,`locked`,`sort`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','N','Y',%s)",
// Is what null?
if (is_null($what)) {
// Add main menu
- $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `active`, `sort`) VALUES ('%s',NULL,'%s','%s',%s)",
+ $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`active`,`sort`) VALUES ('%s',NULL,'%s','%s',%s)",
} else {
// Add sub menu
- $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `active`, `sort`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s',%s)",
+ $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`active`,`sort`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s',%s)",
INDEX (`admin_id`)",
'Mail template -> admin connection table');
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('admins','admins_mails','Admin-Mails','Stellen Sie hier ein, welcher Admin welche Mail erhalten soll. Sie können dies (derzeit) jedoch erst, wenn einmal die Mail versendet wurde!',5)");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('admins','admins_mails','Admin-Mails','Stellen Sie hier ein, welcher Admin welche Mail erhalten soll. Sie können dies (derzeit) jedoch erst, wenn einmal die Mail versendet wurde!',5)");
// Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
setExtensionUpdateNotes("Kontrollieren Sie, welche Mails welcher Admin oder alle (admin_id=0) bekommen soll oder im UserLog (admin_id=-1) verzeichnet werden soll. Standardmässig wird weiter an alle versendet.");
case '0.4.1': // SQL queries for v0.4.1
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`, `column_name`, `locked_mode`, `payment_method`) VALUES ('autopurge_add','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`,`column_name`,`locked_mode`,`payment_method`) VALUES ('autopurge_add','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
// This depends on ext-sql_patches
`overdraft_credit` FLOAT(20,5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00000,
UNIQUE (`pin`),
-INDEX `userid_type` (`userid`, `account_type`),
+INDEX `userid_type` (`userid`,`account_type`),
INDEX (`account_created`),
INDEX (`account_locked`),
INDEX (`last_tan_stamp`)",
`day_available` CHAR(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000',
`transfer_purpose` TINYTEXT,
-INDEX (`to_account_id`, `from_account_id`),
-INDEX (`day_bookkeeping`, `day_available`)",
+INDEX (`to_account_id`,`from_account_id`),
+INDEX (`day_bookkeeping`,`day_available`)",
'Bank user->user transfers');
`used` ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
-UNIQUE (`account_id`, `tan`)",
+UNIQUE (`account_id`,`tan`)",
'Bank TAN lists per user');
// Admin menu queries
} // END - if
// Version number
// Version history array (add more with , '0.0.1' and so on)
-setExtensionVersionHistory(array('0.0.0', '0.0.1', '0.0.2', '0.0.3', '0.0.4', '0.0.5', '0.0.6', '0.0.7', '0.0.8', '0.0.9', '0.1.0', '0.1.1', '0.1.2', '0.1.3', '0.1.4', '0.1.5', '0.1.6', '0.1.7', '0.1.8', '0.1.9', '0.2.0', '0.2.1', '0.2.2', '0.2.3', '0.2.4', '0.2.5', '0.2.6', '0.2.7', '0.2.8', '0.2.9', '0.3.0', '0.3.1'));
+setExtensionVersionHistory(array('0.0.0', '0.0.1', '0.0.2', '0.0.3', '0.0.4', '0.0.5', '0.0.6', '0.0.7', '0.0.8', '0.0.9', '0.1.0', '0.1.1', '0.1.2', '0.1.3', '0.1.4', '0.1.5', '0.1.6', '0.1.7', '0.1.8', '0.1.9', '0.2.0', '0.2.1', '0.2.2', '0.2.3', '0.2.4', '0.2.5', '0.2.6', '0.2.7', '0.2.8', '0.2.9', '0.3.0', '0.3.1', '0.3.2'));
switch (getExtensionMode()) {
case 'register': // Do stuff when installation is running
addExtensionSql("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` WHERE `what` IN ('config_beg','list_beg','list_beg_referal_urls')");
addExtensionSql("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` WHERE `what`='beg'");
addExtensionSql("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` WHERE `what` IN ('beg','beg2')");
+ // Unregister module
+ addExtensionSql("DELETE LOW_PRIRITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` WHERE `module`='beg' LIMIT 1");
case 'activate': // Do stuff when admin activates this extension
addExtensionSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` SET `visible`='Y', `locked`='N' WHERE `what`='beg' LIMIT 1");
addExtensionSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` SET `visible`='Y', `locked`='N' WHERE `what` IN ('beg','beg2') LIMIT 2");
addExtensionSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` SET `locked`='N', `hidden`='N', `admin_only`='N', `mem_only`='N' WHERE `module`='beg' LIMIT 1");
+ addExtensionSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` SET `locked`='N', `hidden`='N', `admin_only`='N', `mem_only`='N' WHERE `module`='beg' LIMIT 1");
case 'deactivate': // Do stuff when admin deactivates this extension
addExtensionSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` SET `visible`='N', `locked`='Y' WHERE `what`='beg' LIMIT 1");
addExtensionSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` SET `visible`='N', `locked`='Y' WHERE `what` IN('beg','beg2') LIMIT 2");
addExtensionSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` SET `locked`='Y' WHERE `module`='beg' LIMIT 1");
+ addExtensionSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` SET `locked`='Y' WHERE `module`='beg' LIMIT 1");
case 'update': // Update an extension
case '0.3.0': // SQL queries for v0.3.0
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`, `column_name`, `locked_mode`, `payment_method`) VALUES ('beg','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`, `column_name`, `locked_mode`, `payment_method`) VALUES ('monthly_beg','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`,`column_name`,`locked_mode`,`payment_method`) VALUES ('beg','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`,`column_name`,`locked_mode`,`payment_method`) VALUES ('monthly_beg','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
// This depends on ext-sql_patches
// Update notes
setExtensionUpdateNotes("Bettel-Rallye re-hinzugefügt.");
+ case '0.3.2': // SQL queries for v0.3.2
+ // Add module entry
+ addModuleSql('beg', 'Y', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
+ // Set module title
+ addExtensionSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` SET `title`='Betteln bei {OPEN_CONFIG}MAIN_TITLE{CLOSE_CONFIG}' WHERE `module`='beg' AND `title`='' LIMIT 1");
+ // Update notes
+ setExtensionUpdateNotes("Modul registriert und bei leerem Titel mit einem Standarttitel versehen.");
+ break;
} // END - switch
case 'remove': // Do stuff when removing extension
// SQL commands to run
+ //addExtensionSql("DELETE LOW_PRIRITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` WHERE `module`='foo' LIMIT 1");
case 'activate': // Do stuff when admin activates this extension
} // END - if
// Version of this extension
// Version history array (add more with , '0.0.1' and so on)
-setExtensionVersionHistory(array('0.0.0', '0.1.6', '0.2.0', '0.2.1', '0.2.2', '0.2.3', '0.2.4', '0.2.5', '0.2.6', '0.2.7', '0.2.8', '0.2.9', '0.3.0', '0.3.1', '0.3.2', '0.3.3', '0.3.4', '0.3.5', '0.3.6', '0.3.7', '0.3.8', '0.3.9', '0.4.0', '0.4.1', '0.4.2', '0.4.3', '0.4.4', '0.4.5', '0.4.6', '0.4.7', '0.4.8', '0.4.9', '0.5.0', '0.5.1', '0.5.2', '0.5.3', '0.5.4', '0.5.5', '0.5.6', '0.5.7', '0.5.8', '0.5.9', '0.6.0', '0.6.1', '0.6.2', '0.6.3', '0.6.4', '0.6.5', '0.6.6', '0.6.7', '0.6.8', '0.6.9', '0.7.0', '0.7.1', '0.7.2', '0.7.3', '0.7.4', '0.7.5', '0.7.6', '0.7.7', '0.7.8', '0.7.9', '0.8.0', '0.8.1', '0.8.2', '0.8.3', '0.8.4', '0.8.5', '0.8.6', '0.8.7', '0.8.8', '0.8.9', '0.9.0', '0.9.1', '0.9.2', '0.9.3', '0.9.4', '0.9.5', '0.9.6'));
+setExtensionVersionHistory(array('0.0.0', '0.1.6', '0.2.0', '0.2.1', '0.2.2', '0.2.3', '0.2.4', '0.2.5', '0.2.6', '0.2.7', '0.2.8', '0.2.9', '0.3.0', '0.3.1', '0.3.2', '0.3.3', '0.3.4', '0.3.5', '0.3.6', '0.3.7', '0.3.8', '0.3.9', '0.4.0', '0.4.1', '0.4.2', '0.4.3', '0.4.4', '0.4.5', '0.4.6', '0.4.7', '0.4.8', '0.4.9', '0.5.0', '0.5.1', '0.5.2', '0.5.3', '0.5.4', '0.5.5', '0.5.6', '0.5.7', '0.5.8', '0.5.9', '0.6.0', '0.6.1', '0.6.2', '0.6.3', '0.6.4', '0.6.5', '0.6.6', '0.6.7', '0.6.8', '0.6.9', '0.7.0', '0.7.1', '0.7.2', '0.7.3', '0.7.4', '0.7.5', '0.7.6', '0.7.7', '0.7.8', '0.7.9', '0.8.0', '0.8.1', '0.8.2', '0.8.3', '0.8.4', '0.8.5', '0.8.6', '0.8.7', '0.8.8', '0.8.9', '0.9.0', '0.9.1', '0.9.2', '0.9.3', '0.9.4', '0.9.5', '0.9.6', '0.9.7'));
switch (getExtensionMode()) {
case 'register': // Do stuff when installation is running
// Unregister filter
unregisterFilter(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'member_login_check', 'ADD_LOGIN_BONUS', true, isExtensionDryRun());
unregisterFilter(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'generate_admin_mail_links', 'GENERATE_BONUS_MAIL_LINKS', true, isExtensionDryRun());
+ unregisterFilter(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'add_bonus_points_user_columns', 'ADD_BONUS_POINTS_USER_COLUMNS', true, isExtensionDryRun());
case 'activate': // Do stuff when admin activates this extension
case '0.9.6': // SQL queries for v0.9.6
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`, `column_name`, `locked_mode`, `payment_method`) VALUES ('monthly_bonus','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`,`column_name`,`locked_mode`,`payment_method`) VALUES ('monthly_bonus','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
// This depends on ext-sql_patches
// Update notes
setExtensionUpdateNotes("Monatlicher Bonus wird nun über die Tabelle <strong>{OPEN_CONFIG}_MYSQL_PREFIX{CLOSE_CONFIG}_points_data</strong> verwaltet.");
+ case '0.9.7': // SQL queries for v0.9.7
+ addConfigChangeSql('bonus_order_yn', 'include_bonus_order', "ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'");
+ addConfigChangeSql('bonus_ref_yn' , 'include_bonus_ref' , "ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'");
+ addConfigChangeSql('bonus_stats_yn', 'include_bonus_stats', "ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'");
+ addConfigChangeSql('bonus_login_yn', 'include_bonus_login', "ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'");
+ addConfigChangeSql('bonus_click_yn', 'include_bonus_click', "ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'");
+ // Register filter
+ registerFilter('add_bonus_points_user_columns', 'ADD_BONUS_POINTS_USER_COLUMNS', false, true, isExtensionDryRun());
+ // Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
+ setExtensionUpdateNotes("Konfigurationseinträge umbenannt.");
+ break;
} // END - switch
* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* File : ext-cache.php *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
- * Short description : Caching system for SQL tables on hard disc *
+ * Short description : Caching system for SQL tables on hard drive *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* Kurzbeschreibung : Caching-System zum Auslagern von SQL-Tabellen *
* auf der Festplatte des Servers *
`coupon_code` VARCHAR(30) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
-UNIQUE `coupon_user` (`coupon_id`, `userid`),
+UNIQUE `coupon_user` (`coupon_id`,`userid`),
UNIQUE (`coupon_code`)",
'Coupon->user connection');
// Insert data in new table
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`, `column_name`, `locked_mode`, `payment_method`) VALUES ('coupon_cashed','order_points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`,`column_name`,`locked_mode`,`payment_method`) VALUES ('coupon_cashed','order_points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
// Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
'Debug clients');
// Add this exchange as first client
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_debug_client` (`url`, `title`, `webmaster`, `status`) VALUES ('{?URL?}','{?MAIN_TITLE?}','{?WEBMASTER?}','ACTIVE')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_debug_client` (`url`,`title`,`webmaster`,`status`) VALUES ('{?URL?}','{?MAIN_TITLE?}','{?WEBMASTER?}','ACTIVE')");
// Table for debug log <-> client connection
UNIQUE (`log_id`),
-INDEX `client_log` (`client_id`, `log_id`)",
+INDEX `client_log` (`client_id`,`log_id`)",
'Debug client <-> log connection');
// Guest menus
case '0.1.8': // SQL queries for v0.1.8
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`, `column_name`, `locked_mode`, `payment_method`) VALUES ('doubler_direct','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`, `column_name`, `locked_mode`, `payment_method`) VALUES ('doubler_reset','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`,`column_name`,`locked_mode`,`payment_method`) VALUES ('doubler_direct','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`,`column_name`,`locked_mode`,`payment_method`) VALUES ('doubler_reset','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
// This depends on ext-sql_patches
switch (getExtensionMode()) {
case 'register': // Do stuff when installation is running
- // This depends on 'sponsor' now
- addExtensionDependency('sponsor');
// All required tables for this extension:
// - Ads
`forced_ads_alt_text` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`forced_ads_framebreaker` ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y',
+`forced_ads_type` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'INVALID',
`forced_ads_views_counter` BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`forced_ads_clicks_counter` BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`forced_ads_reload_lock` BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`forced_ads_min_stay` BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
-PRIMARY KEY ( `forced_ads_id` )",
+`forced_ads_last_locked` TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL,
+`forced_ads_lock_reason` TINYTEXT,
+PRIMARY KEY (`forced_ads_id`)",
'Forced Ads Data');
// - Campaigns
`forced_campaign_id` BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`forced_campaign_ads_id`),
-UNIQUE `ads_campaign` ( `forced_campaign_id`, `forced_ads_id` )",
+UNIQUE `ads_campaign`(`forced_campaign_id`,`forced_ads_id`)",
'Forced Campaigns<->Ads');
- // - Campaigns <-> User
+ // - Campaigns <-> "User" (could be a member, sponsor, admin or "API")
addCreateTableSql('forced_campaigns_user', "
`forced_campaign_id` BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT NULL,
-PRIMARY KEY ( `forced_id` ),
-UNIQUE `forced_campaign_user` ( `forced_campaign_id`, `forced_user_id`, `forced_user_type` ),
-INDEX ( `forced_user_id` )",
+PRIMARY KEY (`forced_id`),
+UNIQUE `forced_campaign_user` (`forced_campaign_id`,`forced_user_id`,`forced_user_type`),
+INDEX (`forced_user_id`)",
'Forced Campaigns<->User');
// - Campaign costs
`forced_costs_price_click` FLOAT(20,5) UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`forced_costs_payment_click` FLOAT(20,5) UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`forced_costs_visibility` ENUM('MEMBER','SPONSOR','ALL','NONE') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NONE',
-PRIMARY KEY ( `forced_costs_id` )",
+PRIMARY KEY (`forced_costs_id`)",
'Forced Campaign Costs');
// - Campaign Statistics
`forced_stats_ua` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`forced_stats_is_proxy` ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
`forced_stats_session_id` VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
-PRIMARY KEY ( `forced_stats_id` ),
-INDEX ( `forced_stats_campaign_id` ),
-INDEX ( `forced_stats_user_id` )",
+PRIMARY KEY (`forced_stats_id`),
+INDEX (`forced_stats_campaign_id`),
+INDEX (`forced_stats_user_id`)",
'Forced Campaign Statistics');
// Menu system
// - Administrator
- addAdminMenuSql('forced',NULL,'Forced-Ads','Verwalten Sie hier bequem alle laufenden Forced-Banner und -Textlinks und deren Kampgnen. Sie können hier auch neue Werbmittel (Ads) hinzufügen oder laufende Forced-Kampagnen bei z.B. Regelverstössen sperren oder löschen. Auch das naträgliche Editieren von Ads und Kampagnen ist jederzeit möglich. Kampagnen dienen der einfacheren Verwaltung und der Trennung von dem Werbemittel selbst dienen. Sie brauchen also z.B. einen Forced-Banner nur einmal einfügen und können dann bei Bedarf weitere Kampagnen starten.',5);
- addAdminMenuSql('forced','list_forced_ads','Werbemittel verwalten','Listet alle eingetragenen Werbmittel (Ads) auf. Sie können hier diese nachträglich editieren falls Sie mal eine falsche URL eingegeben haben oder den Text ändern wollen. Löschen Sie hier auch Forced-Banner, die nicht mehr gültig sind (z.B. abgelaufen sind). Sollten doch mit dem Werbmittel verknüpfte Kampagnen vorhanden sein, erhalten Sie einen Warnhinweis. Neue Werbmittel können Sie hier ebenfalls hinzufügen. Denken Sie aber daran, dass ohne Kampagne dieses nicht angezeigt wird. Achten Sie hier auch die Reload-Sperre.',1);
- addAdminMenuSql('forced','list_forced_campaigns','Kampagnen verwalten','Listet alle Kampagnen auf und zeigt deren Status an. Jederzeit können Sie Kampagnen stoppen, falls Sie dies wünschen oder ein Regelverstoss vorliegt. Haben Sie ein Werbemittel hinzugefügt, so fügen Sie bitte unbedingt eine Kampagne hinzu, da es sonst nicht angezeigt wird.',2);
- addAdminMenuSql('forced','list_forced_costs','Kosten verwalten','Legen Sie die Preise pro Klick zum Buchen Forced-Werbemittel fest und wie viele {OPEN_CONFIG}POINTS{CLOSE_CONFIG} Ihre Mitglieder erhalten sollen. Generell sollten Sie bei Mitgliederbuchungen höhere Kosten pro Klick als was Ihre Mitglieder pro Klick erhalten einstellen, da so die {OPEN_CONFIG}POINTS{CLOSE_CONFIG} abgebaut werden (Sie können an Accountaufladungen z.B. verdienen).',3);
- addAdminMenuSql('forced','stats_forced','Statistiken','Zeigt Gesamtstatistiken und zu den einzelnen Kampagnen und Werbmitteln an. Die hier angezeigte Statistik kann jedoch nicht manuell gelöscht werden (bitte auch nicht selber tun) da sie auch gleichzeitigt als Reload-Sperre dient.',4);
+ addAdminMenuSql('forced', NULL, 'Forced-Ads', 'Verwalten Sie hier bequem alle laufenden Forced-Banner und -Textlinks und deren Kampgnen. Sie können hier auch neue Werbmittel (Ads) hinzufügen oder laufende Forced-Kampagnen bei z.B. Regelverstössen sperren oder löschen. Auch das naträgliche Editieren von Ads und Kampagnen ist jederzeit möglich. Kampagnen dienen der einfacheren Verwaltung und der Trennung von dem Werbemittel selbst dienen. Sie brauchen also z.B. einen Forced-Banner nur einmal einfügen und können dann bei Bedarf weitere Kampagnen starten.', 5);
+ addAdminMenuSql('forced', 'list_forced_ads', 'Werbemittel verwalten', 'Listet alle eingetragenen Werbmittel (Ads) auf und fügt neue hinzu. Sie können hier diese nachträglich editieren falls Sie mal eine falsche URL eingegeben haben oder den Text ändern wollen. Löschen Sie hier auch Forced-Banner, die nicht mehr gültig sind (z.B. abgelaufen sind). Sollten doch mit dem Werbmittel verknüpfte Kampagnen vorhanden sein, erhalten Sie einen Warnhinweis. Neue Werbmittel können Sie hier ebenfalls hinzufügen. Denken Sie aber daran, dass ohne Kampagne dieses nicht angezeigt wird. Achten Sie hier auch die Reload-Sperre.', 2);
+ addAdminMenuSql('forced', 'list_forced_campaigns', 'Kampagnen verwalten', 'Listet alle Kampagnen auf und zeigt deren Status an. Jederzeit können Sie Kampagnen stoppen, falls Sie dies wünschen oder ein Regelverstoss vorliegt. Haben Sie ein Werbemittel hinzugefügt, so fügen Sie bitte unbedingt eine Kampagne hinzu, da es sonst nicht angezeigt wird.', 3);
+ addAdminMenuSql('forced', 'list_forced_costs', 'Kosten verwalten', 'Legen Sie die Preise pro Klick zum Buchen Forced-Werbemittel fest und wie viele {OPEN_CONFIG}POINTS{CLOSE_CONFIG} Ihre Mitglieder erhalten sollen. Generell sollten Sie bei Mitgliederbuchungen höhere Kosten pro Klick als was Ihre Mitglieder pro Klick erhalten einstellen, da so die {OPEN_CONFIG}POINTS{CLOSE_CONFIG} abgebaut werden (Sie können an Accountaufladungen z.B. verdienen).', 4);
+ addAdminMenuSql('forced', 'stats_forced', 'Statistiken', 'Zeigt Gesamtstatistiken und zu den einzelnen Kampagnen und Werbmitteln an. Die hier angezeigte Statistik kann jedoch nicht manuell gelöscht werden (bitte auch nicht selber tun) da sie auch gleichzeitigt als Reload-Sperre dient.', 5);
// - Members
addMemberMenuSql('earn', 'forced_banner', 'Forced-Banner', 2);
addMemberMenuSql('earn', 'forced_textlink', 'Forced-Textlinks', 3);
+ addMemberMenuSql('extras','book_forced_banner','Forced-Banner buchen', 3);
+ addMemberMenuSql('extras','book_forced_textlink','Forced-Textlink buchen', 4);
+ // Register filter for default forced ad types
+ registerFilter('add_forced_ads_types', 'FORCED_AD_TYPE_DEFAULTS', false, true, isExtensionDryRun());
case 'remove': // Do stuff when removing extension
// Menu systems
addExtensionSql("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` WHERE `action`='forced' LIMIT 5");
addExtensionSql("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` WHERE `what` IN ('forced_banner','forced_textlink') LIMIT 2");
+ // Remove filter
+ unregisterFilter(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'add_forced_ads_types', 'FORCED_AD_TYPE_DEFAULTS', true, isExtensionDryRun());
case 'activate': // Do stuff when admin activates this extension
addConfigAddSql('funcoins_withdraw_fee_fix', 'BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0');
// Points data
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`, `column_name`, `locked_mode`, `payment_method`) VALUES ('funcoins_withdraw','order_points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`,`column_name`,`locked_mode`,`payment_method`) VALUES ('funcoins_withdraw','order_points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
// User data
addExtensionSql("ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` ADD `funcoins_userid` BIGINT(20) NULL DEFAULT NULL");
-UNIQUE `grade_cash` (`grade_id`, `grade_cash_id`),
+UNIQUE `grade_cash` (`grade_id`,`grade_cash_id`),
INDEX (`grade_cash_id`)",
'Grade<->cash data connection');
`grade_expired` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-UNIQUE (`userid`, `grade_id`),
+UNIQUE (`userid`,`grade_id`),
INDEX (`grade_id`)",
'Grade<->user connection');
addExtensionSql("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` WHERE `what`='holiday' LIMIT 1");
addExtensionSql("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` WHERE `action`='holiday' LIMIT 4");
addExtensionSql("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` WHERE `value`=0 LIMIT 1");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`, `comment`) VALUES (0,'Urlaub')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`,`comment`) VALUES (0,'Urlaub')");
case 'activate': // Do stuff when admin activates this extension
case '0.1.8': // SQL queries for v0.1.8
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu_las` (`la_id`, `la_action`, `la_what`) VALUES ('member', '', 'list_holiday')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu_las` (`la_id`, `la_action`, `la_what`) VALUES ('member', '', 'del_holiday')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu_las` (`la_id`, `la_action`, `la_what`) VALUES ('config', '', 'config_holiday')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu_las` (`la_id`,`la_action`,`la_what`) VALUES ('member', '', 'list_holiday')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu_las` (`la_id`,`la_action`,`la_what`) VALUES ('member', '', 'del_holiday')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu_las` (`la_id`,`la_action`,`la_what`) VALUES ('config', '', 'config_holiday')");
// Depends on ext-sql_patches (or you have to execute these both SQL statements by phpMyAdmin
switch (getCurrentExtensionVersion()) {
case '0.0.1': // SQL queries for v0.0.2
addExtensionSql("ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_countries` ADD `provider` ENUM('user','ext-iso3166') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'user'");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `provider`)
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`provider`)
VALUES ('AD', 'Andorra', 'ext-iso3166'),
('AE', 'Vereinigte Arabische Emirate', 'ext-iso3166'),
('AF', 'Afghanistan', 'ext-iso3166'),
// Insert data in points_data
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`, `column_name`, `locked_mode`, `payment_method`) VALUES ('mailid_payback','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`,`column_name`,`locked_mode`,`payment_method`) VALUES ('mailid_payback','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
} // END - switch
`network_type_click_url` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`network_type_banner_url` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`network_type_id`),
-UNIQUE `provider_type` (`network_id`, `network_type_handle`)",
+UNIQUE `provider_type` (`network_id`,`network_type_handle`)",
'Types provideable by networks');
// HTTP parameters (names) for URLs
`request_param_value` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'invalid',
`request_param_default` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`network_param_id`),
-UNIQUE `provider_type_key` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`),
-UNIQUE `provider_type_value` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_value`),",
+UNIQUE `provider_type_key` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`),
+UNIQUE `provider_type_value` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_value`),",
'Request parameters for GET/POST request');
// Error status codes
`network_type_code_value` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`network_type_code_type` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'INVALID_TYPE',
PRIMARY KEY (`network_type_code_id`),
-UNIQUE `code_type` (`network_type_code_value`, `network_type_id`),
+UNIQUE `code_type` (`network_type_code_value`,`network_type_id`),
INDEX (`network_type_id`)",
'Error codes for all types');
`network_api_index` SMALLINT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
PRIMARY KEY (`network_api_id`),
-UNIQUE `provider_type_key` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`),
+UNIQUE `provider_type_key` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`),
INDEX (`sort`)",
'Translation of API responses, generic data, DO NOT ALTER!');
`network_query_amount` BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`network_active` ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y',
PRIMARY KEY (`network_id`),
-UNIQUE `network_affiliate` (`network_id`, `network_affiliate_id`),
-UNIQUE `affiliate_site` (`network_affiliate_id`, `network_site_id`)",
+UNIQUE `network_affiliate` (`network_id`,`network_affiliate_id`),
+UNIQUE `affiliate_site` (`network_affiliate_id`,`network_site_id`)",
'Configuration data from the webmaster (you!)');
// Configuration data for e.g. reload-time
`min_payment` FLOAT(20,5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00000,
`allow_erotic` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
PRIMARY KEY (`network_data_id`),
-UNIQUE `provider_type` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`)",
+UNIQUE `provider_type` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`)",
'Configuration data for every type (e.g. reload-time)');
// Cache for queried APIs. Re-check depends on config
`network_cache_data` MEDIUMBLOB,
`network_cache_timestamp` TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`network_cache_id`),
-UNIQUE `provider_type` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`)",
+UNIQUE `provider_type` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`)",
'Cache for all queried APIs');
// Reload locks for several types
`network_reload_lock` SMALLINT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
PRIMARY KEY (`network_reload_id`),
-UNIQUE `provider_type` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`)",
+UNIQUE `provider_type` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`)",
'Reload locks');
// Insert API response array translations, these will be used for calling the right filter function
// Sponsor networks
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_data` (`network_short_name`, `network_title`, `network_reflink`, `network_data_seperator`, `network_row_seperator`, `network_request_type`, `network_charset`, `network_require_id_card`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_data` (`network_short_name`,`network_title`,`network_reflink`,`network_data_seperator`,`network_row_seperator`,`network_request_type`,`network_charset`,`network_require_id_card`) VALUES
('a3h', 'A3H', '', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252','N'),
('abiszed','AbisZED-Netz','', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252','Y'),
('admagnet', 'AD-Magnet', '', '|', '|', 'GET', 'ISO-8859-1','N'),
('megad', 'Mega-Ad', '', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252','N'),
('power-promo', 'Power-Promo', '', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252','N'),
('secash', 'SeCash', '', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252','N'),
-('swizerland', 'The-Swizerland-Ad-Network', '', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252','N'),
+('weltpromotion', 'Welt-Promotion', '', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252','N'),
('ultrapromo', 'UltraPROMO', '', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252','N'),
('werbepartnercc', 'Der', '', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252','N'),
('yoomedia', 'Yoo!Media Solutions', '', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252','N'),
('adconvention', 'AdConvention', '', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252','N')");
// Network type handlers - A3H
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(1, 1, 'banner', '', '', ''),
(2, 1, 'textlink', '', '', NULL),
(3, 1, 'surfbar', '', '', ''),
(11, 1, 'htmlmail', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - AbisZED-Netz
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(187, 2, 'banner_click', '', '', ''),
(188, 2, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
(189, 2, 'textlink_click', '', '', NULL),
// Network type handlers - Ad-Magnet
// Network type handlers - AdCocktail
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(13, 4, 'forcedbanner', '', '', ''),
(12, 4, 'textmail', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - AdConvention
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(295, 30, 'banner_click', '', '', ''),
(294, 30, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
(297, 30, 'button_view', '', '', ''),
(299, 30, 'traffic', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - AdPaid
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(177, 5, 'banner', '', '', ''),
(178, 5, 'textlink', '', '', NULL),
(179, 5, 'surfbar', '', '', ''),
(186, 5, 'sale', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - Ads4
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(14, 6, 'forcedbanner', '', '', ''),
(16, 6, 'htmlmail', '', '', NULL),
(15, 6, 'textmail', '', '', NULL),
(119, 6, 'traffic', '', '', '')");
// Network type handlers - Ads4Webbis
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(20, 7, 'banner_click', '', '', ''),
(19, 7, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
(22, 7, 'button_view', '', '', ''),
(120, 7, 'traffic', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - Ads4World
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(29, 8, 'banner_click', '', '', ''),
(28, 8, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
(31, 8, 'button_view', '', '', ''),
// Network type handlers - Affiliblatt
// Network type handlers - AllAds4You
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(167, 10, 'forcedbanner', '', '', ''),
(168, 10, 'forcedtextlink', '', '', NULL),
(169, 10, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
(176, 10, 'textmail', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - Alster-Marketing
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(35, 11, 'banner_click', '', '', ''),
(45, 11, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
(38, 11, 'forcedbanner', '', '', ''),
(39, 11, 'textmail', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - BonusSponsor
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(50, 12, 'banner_click', '', '', ''),
(51, 12, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
(54, 12, 'forcedbanner', '', '', ''),
(55, 12, 'textmail', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - City-Ads
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(215, 24, 'banner_click', '', '', ''),
(214, 24, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
(217, 24, 'button_view', '', '', ''),
(219, 24, 'traffic', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - doubleads
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(232, 26, 'banner_click', '', '', ''),
(233, 26, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
(234, 26, 'textlink_click', '', '', NULL),
(246, 26, 'sale', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers -
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(273, 29, 'banner_click', '', '', ''),
(274, 29, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
(275, 29, 'button_click', '', '', ''),
(289, 29, 'traffic', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - Fusion-Ads
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(290, 13, 'forcedbanner', '', '', ''),
(291, 13, 'textmail', '', 'ttp://', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - GigaPromo
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(102, 14, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
(104, 14, 'forcedbanner', '', '', ''),
(105, 14, 'forcedtextlink', '', '', NULL),
(122, 14, 'traffic', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - Gold-Sponsor
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(225, 25, 'banner_click', '', '', ''),
(224, 25, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
(227, 25, 'button_view', '', '', ''),
(229, 25, 'traffic', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - homeADS
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(260, 28, 'banner_click', '', '', ''),
(261, 28, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
(264, 28, 'forcedbanner', '', '', ''),
(265, 28, 'textmail', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - HPSponsor
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(135, 15, 'banner_click', '', '', ''),
(136, 15, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
(137, 15, 'button_view', '', '', ''),
(144, 15, 'traffic', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - Make-Euros
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(63, 16, 'banner_click', '', '', ''),
(64, 16, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
(68, 16, 'forcedbanner', '', '', ''),
(70, 16, 'textmail', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - Mega-Ad
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(112, 17, 'banner_click', '', '', ''),
(111, 17, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
(114, 17, 'button_view', '', '', ''),
(123, 17, 'traffic', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - Power-Promo
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(78, 18, 'banner_click', '', '', ''),
(79, 18, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
(84, 18, 'forcedbanner', '', '', ''),
(85, 18, 'textmail', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - SeCash
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(93, 19, 'forcedbanner', '', '', ''),
(94, 19, 'forcedtextlink', '', '', NULL),
(95, 19, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
(124, 19, 'traffic', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - Swizerland
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
-(205, 20, 'banner_click', '', '', ''),
-(204, 20, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
-(207, 20, 'button_view', '', '', ''),
-(202, 20, 'forcedbanner', '', '', ''),
-(203, 20, 'forcedtextlink', '', '', NULL),
-(210, 20, 'popup', '', '', NULL),
-(206, 20, 'skybanner_view', '', '', ''),
-(208, 20, 'textlink_view', '', '', NULL),
-(211, 20, 'textmail', '', '', NULL),
-(209, 20, 'traffic', '', '', NULL)");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+(205, 20, 'banner_click', '', '', ''),
+(204, 20, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
+(207, 20, 'button_view', '', '', ''),
+(202, 20, 'forcedbanner', '', '', ''),
+(203, 20, 'forcedtextlink', '', '', NULL),
+(210, 20, 'popup', '', '', NULL),
+(206, 20, 'skybanner_view', '', '', ''),
+(208, 20, 'textlink_view', '', '', NULL),
+(211, 20, 'textmail', '', '', NULL),
+(209, 20, 'traffic', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - UltraPROMO
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(125, 21, 'banner_click', '', '', ''),
(126, 21, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
(127, 21, 'button_view', '', '', ''),
(134, 21, 'traffic', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers -
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(247, 27, 'banner_click', '', '', ''),
(248, 27, 'banner_view', '', '', ''),
(249, 27, 'button_click', '', '', ''),
(259, 27, 'traffic', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - Der
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(145, 22, 'textlink_click', '', '', NULL),
(146, 22, 'forcedbanner', '', '', ''),
(147, 22, 'textmail', '', '', NULL),
(155, 22, 'traffic', '', '', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - Yoo!Media
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
(156, 23, 'banner_click', '', '', ''),
(157, 23, 'textlink_click', '', '', NULL),
(158, 23, 'surfbar_click', '', '', ''),
(166, 23, 'lead', '', '', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - A3H
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(1, 1, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(1, 1, 'minimum_stay', 'ma', NULL),
(1, 1, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(1, 11, 'type', 'typ', 'html')");
// Request parameters per type handler - AbisZED-Netz
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(2, 187, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(2, 187, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(2, 187, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
// Request parameters per type handler - AdCocktail
// Request parameters per type handler - AdConvention
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(30, 292, 'extra', 'typ', 'forcedbanner'),
(30, 292, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(30, 292, 'minimum_stay', 'ma', NULL),
(30, 301, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - AdPaid
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(5, 177, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(5, 177, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(5, 177, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
(5, 186, 'sid', 'sid', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - Ads4
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(6, 14, 'currency', 'waehrung', NULL),
(6, 14, 'extra', 'mediatype', 'forced_banner'),
(6, 14, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(6, 119, 'reward', 'verg', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - Ads4Webbis
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(7, 17, 'extra', 'typ', 'forcedbanner'),
(7, 17, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(7, 17, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(7, 120, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - Ads4World
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(8, 26, 'extra', 'typ', 'forcedbanner'),
(8, 26, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(8, 26, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
// Request parameters per type handler - Affiliblatt
// Request parameters per type handler - AllAds4You
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(10, 167, 'extra', 'typ', 'forcedbanner'),
(10, 167, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(10, 167, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(10, 176, 'sid', 'sid', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - Alster-Marketing
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(11, 35, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(11, 35, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(11, 35, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
(11, 49, 'type', 'typ', 'view')");
// Request parameters per type handler - BonusSponsor
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(12, 50, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(12, 50, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(12, 50, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
(12, 62, 'sid', 'sid', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - City-Ads
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(24, 212, 'extra', 'typ', 'forcedbanner'),
(24, 212, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(24, 212, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(24, 221, 'minimum_stay', 'ma', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - doubleads
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(26, 232, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(26, 232, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(26, 232, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
(26, 246, 'sid', 'sid', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler -
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(29, 273, 'extra', 'art', 'bannerklick'),
(29, 273, 'id', 'uid', NULL),
(29, 273, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(29, 289, 'sid', 'sid', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - Fusion-Ads
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(13, 290, 'extra', 'art', 'Forcedbanner'),
(13, 290, 'id', 'uid', NULL),
(13, 290, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(13, 291, 'sid', 'sid', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - GigapPromo
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(14, 102, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(14, 102, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(14, 102, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
(14, 108, 'sid', 'aid', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - Gold-Sponsor
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(25, 222, 'extra', 'typ', 'forcedbanner'),
(25, 222, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(25, 222, 'minimum_stay', 'ma', NULL),
(25, 231, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - homeADS
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(28, 260, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(28, 260, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(28, 260, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
(28, 272, 'sid', 'sid', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - HPSponsor
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(15, 135, 'extra', 'typ', 'forcedbanner'),
(15, 135, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(15, 135, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(15, 144, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - Make-Euros
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(16, 63, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(16, 63, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(16, 63, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
(16, 77, 'sid', 'sid', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - Mega-Ad
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(17, 109, 'extra', 'typ', 'forcedbanner'),
(17, 109, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(17, 109, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(17, 123, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - Power-Promo
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(18, 78, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(18, 78, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(18, 78, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
(18, 92, 'sid', 'sid', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - SeCash
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(19, 93, 'extra', 'typ', 'forcedbanner'),
(19, 93, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(19, 93, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(19, 124, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - Swizerland
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(20, 202, 'extra', 'typ', 'forcedbanner'),
(20, 202, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(20, 202, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(20, 211, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - UltraPROMO
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(21, 125, 'extra', 'typ', 'bannerklick'),
(21, 125, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(21, 125, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(21, 134, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler -
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(27, 247, 'extra', 'art', 'bannerklick'),
(27, 247, 'id', 'uid', NULL),
(27, 247, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(27, 259, 'sid', 'sid', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - Der
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(22, 145, 'extra', 'art', 'Textlinkklick'),
(22, 145, 'id', 'uid', NULL),
(22, 145, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(22, 155, 'sid', 'sid', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - Yoo!Media
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`) VALUES
(23, 156, 'erotic', 'erotik', NULL),
(23, 156, 'id', 'id', NULL),
(23, 156, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
(23, 166, 'sid', 'sid', NULL)");
// API array elements - A3H
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(1, 1, 7, 1),
(1, 1, 2, 2),
(1, 1, 3, 3),
(1, 10, 25, 10)");
// API array elements - AbisZED-Netz
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(2, 187, 7, 1),
(2, 187, 2, 2),
(2, 187, 3, 3),
// API array elements - ADCocktail
// API array elements - AdConvention
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(30, 292, 1, 1),
(30, 292, 2, 2),
(30, 292, 4, 3),
(30, 301, 9, 7)");
// API array elements - AdPaid
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(5, 177, 7, 1),
(5, 177, 2, 2),
(5, 177, 3, 3),
(5, 185, 9, 9)");
// API array elements -
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(6, 14, 7, 1),
(6, 14, 2, 2),
(6, 14, 6, 3),
(6, 119, 10, 6)");
// API array elements - Ads4Webbis
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(7, 17, 1, 1),
(7, 17, 2, 2),
(7, 17, 4, 3),
(7, 120, 27, 8)");
// API array elements - Ads4World
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(8, 26, 1, 1),
(8, 26, 2, 2),
(8, 26, 4, 3),
// API array elements - Affiliblatt
// API array elements - AllAds4You
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(10, 167, 1, 1),
(10, 167, 2, 2),
(10, 167, 4, 3),
(10, 176, 9, 7)");
// API array elements - Alster-Marketing
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(11, 35, 7, 1),
(11, 35, 2, 2),
(11, 35, 3, 3),
(11, 49, 6, 5)");
// API array elements - BonusSponsor
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(12, 50, 7, 1),
(12, 50, 2, 2),
(12, 50, 3, 3),
(12, 62, 9, 19)");
// API array elements - City-Ads
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(24, 212, 1, 1),
(24, 212, 2, 2),
(24, 212, 4, 3),
(24, 221, 27, 8)");
// API array elements - doubleads
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(26, 232, 1, 1),
(26, 232, 2, 2),
(26, 232, 3, 3),
(26, 246, 25, 10)");
// API array elements -
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(29, 273, 7, 1),
(29, 273, 2, 2),
(29, 273, 5, 3),
(29, 289, 10, 6)");
// API array elements - Fusion-Ads
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(13, 290, 1, 1),
(13, 290, 2, 2),
(13, 290, 6, 3),
(13, 291, 10, 8)");
// API array elements - GigaPromo
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(14, 102, 7, 1),
(14, 102, 2, 2),
(14, 102, 4, 3),
(14, 122, 6, 5)");
// API array elements - Gold-Sponsor
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(25, 222, 1, 1),
(25, 222, 2, 2),
(25, 222, 4, 3),
(25, 231, 9, 7)");
// API array elements - homeADS
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(28, 260, 1, 1),
(28, 260, 2, 2),
(28, 260, 3, 3),
(28, 272, 5, 10)");
// API array elements - HPSponsor
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(15, 135, 1, 1),
(15, 135, 2, 2),
(15, 135, 4, 3),
(15, 144, 27, 8)");
// API array elements -
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(16, 63, 7, 1),
(16, 63, 2, 2),
(16, 63, 3, 3),
(16, 76, 9, 9)");
// API array elements - Mega-Ad
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(17, 109, 1, 1),
(17, 109, 2, 2),
(17, 109, 4, 3),
(17, 123, 6, 5)");
// API array elements - Power-Promo
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(18, 78, 7, 1),
(18, 78, 2, 2),
(18, 78, 3, 3),
(18, 92, 25, 10)");
// API array elements - SeCash
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(19, 93, 1, 1),
(19, 93, 2, 2),
(19, 93, 4, 3),
(19, 124, 6, 5)");
// API array elements - The Swizerland Ad Network
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(20, 200, 6, 5),
(20, 202, 1, 1),
(20, 202, 2, 2),
(20, 211, 27, 8)");
// API array elements - UltraPOMO
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(21, 125, 1, 1),
(21, 125, 2, 2),
(21, 125, 4, 3),
(21, 134, 6, 5)");
// API array elements - VIPads
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(27, 247, 7, 1),
(27, 247, 2, 2),
(27, 247, 5, 3),
(27, 259, 10, 6)");
// API array elements - Der
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(22, 145, 1, 1),
(22, 145, 2, 2),
(22, 145, 6, 3),
(22, 155, 10, 7)");
// API array elements - Yoo!Media
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`, `network_type_id`, `network_api_index`, `sort`) VALUES
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_api_translation` (`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`network_api_index`,`sort`) VALUES
(23, 156, 1, 1),
(23, 156, 2, 2),
(23, 156, 3, 3),
`nl_order_accepted` ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
PRIMARY KEY (`nl_order_id`),
-UNIQUE `sponsor_nl_topic` (`nl_sponsor_id`, `nl_id`, `nl_topic_id`),
+UNIQUE `sponsor_nl_topic` (`nl_sponsor_id`,`nl_id`,`nl_topic_id`),
INDEX `topic` (`nl_topic_id`)",
'Newsletter orders');
INDEX (`userid`),
INDEX (`refid`),
-INDEX `admin_member` (`is_admin`, `is_member`)",
+INDEX `admin_member` (`is_admin`,`is_member`)",
'Who-is-where data');
addAdminMenuSql('misc','usr_online','Online-Statistik','Eine Liste von derzeit "Online" Usern. Doppelte Einträge könnte auf mangelnden Cookie-Support des Browsers oder auf einen Spider hindeuten.', 1);
case '0.3.6': // SQL queries for v0.3.6
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`, `column_name`, `locked_mode`, `payment_method`) VALUES ('rallye_winner','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`,`column_name`,`locked_mode`,`payment_method`) VALUES ('rallye_winner','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
// This depends on ext-sql_patches
// Add more data on higher versions
$ADD1 = ''; $ADD2 = ''; $OR = '';
if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('rallye', '0.2.0')) {
- $ADD1 = ", `min_users`, `min_prices`";
+ $ADD1 = ", `min_users`,`min_prices`";
$ADD2 = ", d.`min_users`, d.`min_prices`";
$OR = " OR (d.`min_users` <= " . $total . " AND d.`min_users` > 0)";
} // END - if
// Check for new started but not notified rallyes
- `id`, `title`, `start_time`, `end_time`, `send_notify`" . $ADD1 . "
+ `id`,`title`,`start_time`,`end_time`,`send_notify`" . $ADD1 . "
case '0.0.3': // SQL queries for v0.0.3
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`, `column_name`, `locked_mode`, `payment_method`) VALUES ('refback','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`,`column_name`,`locked_mode`,`payment_method`) VALUES ('refback','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
// This depends on ext-sql_patches
'Data which fields the user must fill out');
// Add all entries as required (DO NOT DELETE THEM FROM DATABASE!)
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` (`field_name`, `field_required`) VALUES ('surname','Y')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` (`field_name`, `field_required`) VALUES ('family','Y')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` (`field_name`, `field_required`) VALUES ('street_nr','Y')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` (`field_name`, `field_required`) VALUES ('cntry','Y')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` (`field_name`, `field_required`) VALUES ('zip','Y')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` (`field_name`, `field_required`) VALUES ('city','Y')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` (`field_name`,`field_required`) VALUES ('surname','Y')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` (`field_name`,`field_required`) VALUES ('family','Y')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` (`field_name`,`field_required`) VALUES ('street_nr','Y')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` (`field_name`,`field_required`) VALUES ('cntry','Y')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` (`field_name`,`field_required`) VALUES ('zip','Y')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` (`field_name`,`field_required`) VALUES ('city','Y')");
// Add admin menu
addAdminMenuSql('setup','config_register','Pflichtfelder','Stellen Sie hier die Pflichtfelder sowohl im Anmeldeformular, als auch im Mitgliedsbereich unter <strong>Profildaten ändern</strong> ein.', 12);
registerFilter('register_must_fillout', 'REGISTER_MUST_FILLOUT', false, true, isExtensionDryRun());
// Run these SQLs
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` (`field_name`, `field_required`) VALUES ('gender','Y')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` (`field_name`, `field_required`) VALUES ('email','Y')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` (`field_name`, `field_required`) VALUES ('birthday','Y')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` (`field_name`, `field_required`) VALUES ('marker','Y')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` (`field_name`,`field_required`) VALUES ('gender','Y')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` (`field_name`,`field_required`) VALUES ('email','Y')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` (`field_name`,`field_required`) VALUES ('birthday','Y')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` (`field_name`,`field_required`) VALUES ('marker','Y')");
// Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
setExtensionUpdateNotes("Filter <strong>register_must_fillout</strong> hinzugefügt, weitere Felder in <em>{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register</em> eingefügt.");
case '0.5.6': // SQL queries for v0.5.6
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`, `column_name`, `locked_mode`, `payment_method`) VALUES ('register_welcome','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`,`column_name`,`locked_mode`,`payment_method`) VALUES ('register_welcome','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
// This depends on ext-sql_patches
`active` ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
-UNIQUE `action_what` (`action`, `what`),
+UNIQUE `action_what` (`action`,`what`),
UNIQUE (`what`),
INDEX (`action`)",
'Sponsor menu');
// Default allowed data to display
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('id','N')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('company','Y')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('position','N')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('tax_ident','N')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('gender','N')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('surname','N')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('family','N')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('street_nr1','Y')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('street_nr2','Y')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('zip','Y')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('city','Y')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('country','Y')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('phone','Y')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('fax','Y')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('email','Y')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('url','N')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('password','N')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('remote_addr','N')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('sponsor_created','N')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('last_online','N')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('last_change','N')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('status','N')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('receive_warnings','N')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('warning_interval','N')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('points_amount','N')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('points_used','N')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('refid','N')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('ref_count','N')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('hash','N')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('last_payment','N')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`, `display`) VALUES ('last_currency','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('id','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('company','Y')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('position','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('tax_ident','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('gender','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('surname','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('family','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('street_nr1','Y')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('street_nr2','Y')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('zip','Y')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('city','Y')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('country','Y')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('phone','Y')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('fax','Y')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('email','Y')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('url','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('password','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('remote_addr','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('sponsor_created','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('last_online','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('last_change','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('status','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('receive_warnings','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('warning_interval','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('points_amount','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('points_used','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('refid','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('ref_count','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('hash','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('last_payment','N')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_admin_data` (`data_row`,`display`) VALUES ('last_currency','N')");
// Add default entries
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_registry` (`ext_name`, `is_active`, `admin_id`, `stamp_added`) VALUES ('sponsor','N',".getCurrentAdminId().",NOW())");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_action_convert` (`ext_name`, `conv_rate`, `conv_name`) VALUES ('sponsor','10','Mails')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_paytypes` (`pay_name`, `pay_min_count`, `pay_rate`, `pay_currency`) VALUES ('Standard-Paket', 5, 1000.00000, '€')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_paytypes` (`pay_name`, `pay_min_count`, `pay_rate`, `pay_currency`) VALUES ('Spar-Paket', 1, 200.00000, '€')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_paytypes` (`pay_name`, `pay_min_count`, `pay_rate`, `pay_currency`) VALUES ('Power-Paket', 10, 2000.00000, '€')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_paytypes` (`pay_name`, `pay_min_count`, `pay_rate`, `pay_currency`) VALUES ('Sponsor-Paket', 20, 4000.00000, '€')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_registry` (`ext_name`,`is_active`,`admin_id`,`stamp_added`) VALUES ('sponsor','N',".getCurrentAdminId().",NOW())");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_action_convert` (`ext_name`,`conv_rate`,`conv_name`) VALUES ('sponsor','10','Mails')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_paytypes` (`pay_name`,`pay_min_count`,`pay_rate`,`pay_currency`) VALUES ('Standard-Paket', 5, 1000.00000, '€')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_paytypes` (`pay_name`,`pay_min_count`,`pay_rate`,`pay_currency`) VALUES ('Spar-Paket', 1, 200.00000, '€')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_paytypes` (`pay_name`,`pay_min_count`,`pay_rate`,`pay_currency`) VALUES ('Power-Paket', 10, 2000.00000, '€')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_paytypes` (`pay_name`,`pay_min_count`,`pay_rate`,`pay_currency`) VALUES ('Sponsor-Paket', 20, 4000.00000, '€')");
// Admin menu
addExtensionSql("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` WHERE `action`='sponsor' OR `what` IN('repr_sponsor','sponsor_medit','sponsor_madd')");
addExtensionSql("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` WHERE `action`='sponsor'");
addExtensionSql("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` WHERE `what` IN('sponsor_list','sponsor_reg')");
+ addExtensionSql("DELETE LOW_PRIRITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` WHERE `module` IN ('sponsor','sponsor_confirm','sponsor_ref') LIMIT 3");
case 'activate': // Do stuff when admin activates this extension
} // END - if
// Version number
// Version history array (add more with , '0.0.1' and so on)
-setExtensionVersionHistory(array('0.0.0', '0.0.1', '0.0.2', '0.0.3', '0.0.4', '0.0.5', '0.0.6', '0.0.7', '0.0.8', '0.0.9', '0.1.0', '0.1.1', '0.1.2', '0.1.3', '0.1.4', '0.1.5', '0.1.6', '0.1.7', '0.1.8', '0.1.9', '0.2.0', '0.2.1', '0.2.2', '0.2.3', '0.2.4', '0.2.5', '0.2.6', '0.2.7', '0.2.8', '0.2.9', '0.3.0', '0.3.1', '0.3.2', '0.3.3', '0.3.4', '0.3.5', '0.3.6', '0.3.7', '0.3.8', '0.3.9', '0.4.0', '0.4.1', '0.4.2', '0.4.3', '0.4.4', '0.4.5', '0.4.6', '0.4.7', '0.4.8', '0.4.9', '0.5.0', '0.5.1', '0.5.2', '0.5.3', '0.5.4', '0.5.5', '0.5.6', '0.5.7', '0.5.8', '0.5.9', '0.6.0', '0.6.1', '0.6.2', '0.6.3', '0.6.4', '0.6.4', '0.6.5', '0.6.6', '0.6.7', '0.6.8', '0.6.9', '0.7.0', '0.7.1', '0.7.2', '0.7.3', '0.7.4', '0.7.5', '0.7.6', '0.7.7', '0.7.8', '0.7.9', '0.8.0', '0.8.1', '0.8.2'));
+setExtensionVersionHistory(array('0.0.0', '0.0.1', '0.0.2', '0.0.3', '0.0.4', '0.0.5', '0.0.6', '0.0.7', '0.0.8', '0.0.9', '0.1.0', '0.1.1', '0.1.2', '0.1.3', '0.1.4', '0.1.5', '0.1.6', '0.1.7', '0.1.8', '0.1.9', '0.2.0', '0.2.1', '0.2.2', '0.2.3', '0.2.4', '0.2.5', '0.2.6', '0.2.7', '0.2.8', '0.2.9', '0.3.0', '0.3.1', '0.3.2', '0.3.3', '0.3.4', '0.3.5', '0.3.6', '0.3.7', '0.3.8', '0.3.9', '0.4.0', '0.4.1', '0.4.2', '0.4.3', '0.4.4', '0.4.5', '0.4.6', '0.4.7', '0.4.8', '0.4.9', '0.5.0', '0.5.1', '0.5.2', '0.5.3', '0.5.4', '0.5.5', '0.5.6', '0.5.7', '0.5.8', '0.5.9', '0.6.0', '0.6.1', '0.6.2', '0.6.3', '0.6.4', '0.6.4', '0.6.5', '0.6.6', '0.6.7', '0.6.8', '0.6.9', '0.7.0', '0.7.1', '0.7.2', '0.7.3', '0.7.4', '0.7.5', '0.7.6', '0.7.7', '0.7.8', '0.7.9', '0.8.0', '0.8.1', '0.8.2', '0.8.3'));
// Keep this extension always active!
case '0.5.0': // SQL queries for v0.5.0
addExtensionSql('ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refsystem` DROP INDEX `level`');
addExtensionSql('ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refsystem` DROP INDEX `userid`');
- addExtensionSql('ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refsystem` ADD UNIQUE `userid_level` (`userid`, `level`)');
+ addExtensionSql('ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refsystem` ADD UNIQUE `userid_level` (`userid`,`level`)');
// Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
setExtensionUpdateNotes("Referal-System unterstützt nun detailierte Referal-Übersicht und vieles mehr.");
addExtensionSql("ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` CHANGE `payment_method` `payment_method` ENUM('DIRECT','REFERAL') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'REFERAL'");
addExtensionSql("ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` ADD INDEX `subject` (`subject`)");
addExtensionSql("ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` ADD `notify_recipient` ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`, `column_name`, `locked_mode`, `payment_method`) VALUES ('pool_payback','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`, `column_name`, `locked_mode`, `payment_method`) VALUES ('mail_deleted','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`,`column_name`,`locked_mode`,`payment_method`) VALUES ('pool_payback','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`,`column_name`,`locked_mode`,`payment_method`) VALUES ('mail_deleted','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
// Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
setExtensionUpdateNotes("Es sollte der Gutschriftenbetreff und nicht der Erweiterungsname gepeichert werden, zudem brauchen wir einen Konfigurationseintrag nicht mehr.");
+ case '0.8.3': // SQL queries for v0.8.3
+ addConfigAddSql('display_home_in_index', "ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'");
+ // Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
+ setExtensionUpdateNotes("Es kann nun die "Home"-Seite in <strong>index.php</strong> angezeigt werden, anstelle der Weiterleitung.");
+ break;
} // END - switch
* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* File : ext-surfbar.php *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
- * Short description : A surfbar for your members *
+ * Short description : A visitor add-on for your members *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
- * Kurzbeschreibung : Eine Surfbar fuer Ihre Mitglieder *
+ * Kurzbeschreibung : Ein Besuchertausch fuer Ihre Mitglieder *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* $Revision:: $ *
* $Date:: $ *
`url_reject_reason` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`url_fixed_reload` BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
PRIMARY KEY (`url_id`),
-UNIQUE `userid_url` (`url_userid`, `url`),
-INDEX `status_userid` (`url_status`, `url_userid`)",
- 'Surfbar URLs');
+UNIQUE `userid_url` (`url_userid`,`url`),
+INDEX `status_userid` (`url_status`,`url_userid`)",
+ 'Visitor add-on URLs');
// Reload locks
PRIMARY KEY (`locks_id`),
-UNIQUE `userid_url` (`locks_userid`, `locks_url_id`),
+UNIQUE `userid_url` (`locks_userid`,`locks_url_id`),
INDEX (`locks_url_id`)",
- 'Surfbar reload locks');
+ 'Vistor-addon reload locks');
- // Surfbar salts
+ // Visitor add-on salts
addCreateTableSql('surfbar_salts', "
`salts_last_salt` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
PRIMARY KEY (`salts_id`),
-UNIQUE `salts_userid_url` (`salts_userid`, `salts_url_id`),
+UNIQUE `salts_userid_url` (`salts_userid`,`salts_url_id`),
INDEX (`salts_url_id`)",
- 'Surfbar last used salts');
+ 'Visitor add-on last used salts');
// Statistics
PRIMARY KEY (`stats_id`),
-UNIQUE `userid_url` (`stats_userid`, `stats_url_id`),
+UNIQUE `userid_url` (`stats_userid`,`stats_url_id`),
INDEX (`stats_url_id`)",
- 'Surfbar Statistics');
+ 'Visitor add-on Statistics');
// Member actions pending on status
PRIMARY KEY (`actions_id`),
-UNIQUE `status_action` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`)",
- 'Surfbar Member Actions');
+UNIQUE `status_action` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`)",
+ 'Visitor add-on Member Actions');
// Member actions
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('PENDING','RETREAT','DELETED')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('PENDING','FRAMETEST',NULL)");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('PENDING','EDIT',NULL)");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('ACTIVE','EDIT','PENDING')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('ACTIVE','DELETE','DELETED')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('ACTIVE','PAUSE','STOPPED')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('ACTIVE','FRAMETEST',NULL)");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('LOCKED','DELETE','DELETED')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('LOCKED','FRAMETEST',NULL)");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('LOCKED','RESUBMIT','PENDING')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('STOPPED','EDIT','PENDING')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('STOPPED','DELETE','DELETED')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('STOPPED','UNPAUSE','PENDING')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('DEPLETED','EDIT','PENDING')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('DEPLETED','DELETE','DELETED')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('REJECTED','EDIT','PENDING')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('REJECTED','DELETE','DELETED')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('REJECTED','FRAMETEST',NULL)");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('REJECTED','RESUBMIT','PENDING')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('MIGRATED','EDIT','MIGRATED')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('MIGRATED','DELETE','DELETED')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('MIGRATED','FRAMETEST',NULL)");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`, `actions_action`, `actions_new_status`) VALUES ('MIGRATED','BOOKNOW','PENDING')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('PENDING','RETREAT','DELETED')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('PENDING','FRAMETEST',NULL)");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('PENDING','EDIT',NULL)");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('ACTIVE','EDIT','PENDING')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('ACTIVE','DELETE','DELETED')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('ACTIVE','PAUSE','STOPPED')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('ACTIVE','FRAMETEST',NULL)");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('LOCKED','DELETE','DELETED')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('LOCKED','FRAMETEST',NULL)");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('LOCKED','RESUBMIT','PENDING')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('STOPPED','EDIT','PENDING')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('STOPPED','DELETE','DELETED')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('STOPPED','UNPAUSE','PENDING')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('DEPLETED','EDIT','PENDING')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('DEPLETED','DELETE','DELETED')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('REJECTED','EDIT','PENDING')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('REJECTED','DELETE','DELETED')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('REJECTED','FRAMETEST',NULL)");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('REJECTED','RESUBMIT','PENDING')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('MIGRATED','EDIT','MIGRATED')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('MIGRATED','DELETE','DELETED')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('MIGRATED','FRAMETEST',NULL)");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_actions` (`actions_status`,`actions_action`,`actions_new_status`) VALUES ('MIGRATED','BOOKNOW','PENDING')");
// Config entries
addConfigAddSql('surfbar_payment_model', "ENUM('STATIC','DYNAMIC') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'STATIC'");
addExtensionSql("ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` ADD `surfbar_low_notified` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'");
//Â Member menus
- addMemberMenuSql('surfbar', NULL, 'Surfbar', 4);
- addMemberMenuSql('surfbar', 'start_surfbar', 'Surfbar starten', 1);
+ addMemberMenuSql('surfbar', NULL, 'Besuchertausch', 4);
+ addMemberMenuSql('surfbar', 'start_surfbar', 'Besuchertausch starten', 1);
addMemberMenuSql('surfbar', 'book_surfbar', 'Seite buchen', 2);
addMemberMenuSql('surfbar', 'list_surfbar', 'Seiten-Management', 3);
addMemberMenuSql('surfbar', 'stats_surfbar', 'Seiten-Statistik', 4);
// Admin menus
- addAdminMenuSql('surfbar', NULL, 'Surfbar', 'URLs in der Surfbar verwalten, Einstellungen ändern und vieles mehr.', 7);
- addAdminMenuSql('surfbar', 'add_surfbar_url', 'URL hinzufügen', 'Fügen Sie URLs z.B. von Werbenetzwerken hinzu, oder Ihre eigenen Projekte. <strong>Vorsicht!</strong> Ihnen muss es auch gestattet sein, URLs aus dem Werbenetzwerk in die Surfbar einzufügen.', 1);
- addAdminMenuSql('surfbar', 'list_surfbar_urls', 'URLs verwalten', 'Verwalten Sie hier alle in der Surfbar befindlichen URLs mit nur wenigen Klicks.', 2);
- addAdminMenuSql('surfbar', 'unlock_surfbar_urls', 'Wartende URLs freigeben', 'Geben Sie hier nur direkt in der Surfbar gebuchte URLs frei.', 3);
- addAdminMenuSql('surfbar', 'config_surfbar', 'Einstellungen', 'Einstellungen an der Surfbar ändern, wie Festvergütung, prozentuale Ref-Vergütung und vieles mehr.', 4);
+ addAdminMenuSql('surfbar', NULL, 'Besuchertausch', 'URLs im Besuchertausch verwalten, Einstellungen ändern und vieles mehr.', 7);
+ addAdminMenuSql('surfbar', 'add_surfbar_url', 'URL hinzufügen', 'Fügen Sie URLs z.B. von Werbenetzwerken hinzu, oder Ihre eigenen Projekte. <strong>Vorsicht!</strong> Ihnen muss es auch gestattet sein, URLs aus dem Werbenetzwerk im Besuchertausch einzufügen.', 1);
+ addAdminMenuSql('surfbar', 'list_surfbar_urls', 'URLs verwalten', 'Verwalten Sie hier alle im Besuchertausch befindlichen URLs mit nur wenigen Klicks.', 2);
+ addAdminMenuSql('surfbar', 'unlock_surfbar_urls', 'Wartende URLs freigeben', 'Geben Sie hier für den Besuchertausch gebuchte URLs frei.', 3);
+ addAdminMenuSql('surfbar', 'config_surfbar', 'Einstellungen', 'Einstellungen am Besuchertausch ändern, wie Festvergütung, prozentuale Ref-Vergütung und vieles mehr.', 4);
addAdminMenuSql('surfbar', 'surfbar_stats', 'Statistiken', 'Detailierte Statistiken zu einer ausgewählten URL anzeigen.', 5);
addAdminMenuSql('surfbar', 'list_surfbar_actions', 'Mitgliederaktionen', 'Listet alle Mitgliederaktionen auf.', 6);
addModuleSql('surfbar', 'Y', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
// Insert data for points accounts
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`, `column_name`, `locked_mode`, `payment_method`) VALUES ('monthly_bonus','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`,`column_name`,`locked_mode`,`payment_method`) VALUES ('monthly_bonus','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
// This extension depends on ext-sql_patches
--- /dev/null
+ * Mailer v0.2.1-FINAL Start: 07/22/2011 *
+ * =================== Last change: 07/22/2011 *
+ * *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * File : ext-teams.php *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Short description : Do things in teams and get more of it *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Kurzbeschreibung : *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * $Revision:: $ *
+ * $Date:: $ *
+ * $Tag:: 0.2.1-FINAL $ *
+ * $Author:: $ *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 - 2009 by Roland Haeder *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 by Mailer Developer Team *
+ * For more information visit: *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, *
+ * MA 02110-1301 USA *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// Some security stuff...
+if (!defined('__SECURITY')) {
+ die();
+} // END - if
+// Version number
+// Version history array (add more with , '0.0.1' and so on)
+// This extension is in development (non-productive)
+switch (getExtensionMode()) {
+ case 'register': // Do stuff when installation is running
+ // SQL commands to run
+ // Register module
+ //addModuleSql('foo','Y','Y','N','N');
+ break;
+ case 'remove': // Do stuff when removing extension
+ // SQL commands to run
+ //addExtensionSql("DELETE LOW_PRIRITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` WHERE `module`='foo' LIMIT 1");
+ break;
+ case 'activate': // Do stuff when admin activates this extension
+ // SQL commands to run
+ //addExtensionSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` SET `locked`='N', `hidden`='N', `admin_only`='N', `mem_only`='N' WHERE `module`='foo' LIMIT 1");
+ break;
+ case 'deactivate': // Do stuff when admin deactivates this extension
+ // SQL commands to run
+ //addExtensionSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` SET `locked`='Y' WHERE `module`='foo' LIMIT 1");
+ break;
+ case 'update': // Update an extension
+ switch (getCurrentExtensionVersion()) {
+ case '0.0.1': // SQL queries for v0.0.1
+ addExtensionSql('');
+ // Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
+ setExtensionUpdateNotes('');
+ break;
+ } // END - switch
+ break;
+ case 'modify': // When the extension got modified
+ break;
+ case 'test': // For testing purposes
+ break;
+ case 'init': // Do stuff when extension is initialized
+ break;
+ default: // Unknown extension mode
+ logDebugMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown extension mode %s in extension %s detected.", getExtensionMode(), getCurrentExtensionName()));
+ break;
+} // END - switch
+// [EOF]
case '0.2.3': // SQL queries for v0.2.3
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu_las` (`la_id`, `la_action`, `la_what`) VALUES ('member', '', 'list_transfer')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu_las` (`la_id`, `la_action`, `la_what`) VALUES ('member', '', 'del_transfer')");
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu_las` (`la_id`, `la_action`, `la_what`) VALUES ('config', '', 'config_transfer')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu_las` (`la_id`,`la_action`,`la_what`) VALUES ('member', '', 'list_transfer')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu_las` (`la_id`,`la_action`,`la_what`) VALUES ('member', '', 'del_transfer')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu_las` (`la_id`,`la_action`,`la_what`) VALUES ('config', '', 'config_transfer')");
// Depends on ext-sql_patches (or you have to execute these both SQL statements by phpMyAdmin
case '0.3.0': // SQL queries for v0.3.0
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`, `column_name`, `locked_mode`, `payment_method`) VALUES ('transfer','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`,`column_name`,`locked_mode`,`payment_method`) VALUES ('transfer','points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
// This depends on ext-sql_patches
PRIMARY KEY (`userid`),
UNIQUE (`user_hash`),
INDEX (`refid`),
-INDEX `status_mails` (`status`, `max_mails`)",
+INDEX `status_mails` (`status`,`max_mails`)",
'Main user data');
case '0.3.6': // SQL queries for v0.3.6
addExtensionSql('ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_cats` DROP INDEX `userid`');
- addExtensionSql('ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_cats` ADD UNIQUE `userid_catid` ( `userid` , `cat_id` )');
+ addExtensionSql('ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_cats` ADD UNIQUE `userid_catid` (`userid` , `cat_id`)');
// Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
setExtensionUpdateNotes("Der Sperrgrund wird nun mit abgespeichert und beim Löschen des Users mit ausgesendet.");
-UNIQUE `user_refid` (`userid`, `level`, `refid`),
+UNIQUE `user_refid` (`userid`,`level`,`refid`),
INDEX (`level`),
INDEX (`refid`)",
'User referals');
case '0.0.4': // SQL queries for v0.0.4
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`, `column_name`, `locked_mode`, `payment_method`) VALUES ('wernis_withdraw','order_points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`,`column_name`,`locked_mode`,`payment_method`) VALUES ('wernis_withdraw','order_points','LOCKED','DIRECT')");
// This depends on ext-sql_patches
case 'remove': // Do stuff when removing extension
// SQL commands to run
+ //addExtensionSql("DELETE LOW_PRIRITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` WHERE `module`='foo' LIMIT 1");
case 'activate': // Do stuff when admin activates this extension
-UNIQUE `y_type` (`type`, `y_id`)",
+UNIQUE `y_type` (`type`,`y_id`)",
'Reload lock reminder for Yoo!Media campaigns');
// Load all filters
- `filter_name`, `filter_function`, `filter_active`' . $add . '
+ `filter_name`,`filter_function`,`filter_active`' . $add . '
// 'You are here' navigation - post filter
registerFilter('post_youhere_line', 'CALL_HANDLER_LOGIN_FAILTURES');
+ registerFilter('post_youhere_line', 'HANDLE_HOME_IN_INDEX_SETTING');
// Filters for pre-extension-registration
registerFilter('pre_extension_installed', 'RUN_SQLS');
// "Runs" the given filters, filterData is optional and can be any type of data
-function runFilterChain ($filterName, $filterData = null) {
+function runFilterChain ($filterName, $filterData = NULL) {
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'filterName=' . $filterName . ',filterData[]=' . gettype($filterData) . ' - ENTERED!');
// Is that filter chain there?
if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('admins', '0.3.0')) $add .= ', `default_acl` AS def_acl';
if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('admins', '0.6.7')) $add .= ', `la_mode`';
if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('admins', '0.7.2')) $add .= ', `login_failures`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`last_failure`) AS last_failure';
- if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('admins', '0.7.3')) $add .= ', `expert_settings`, `expert_warning`';
+ if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('admins', '0.7.3')) $add .= ', `expert_settings`,`expert_warning`';
// Return it
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Done!');
// Prepare update data
$postData['login'][getCurrentAdminId()] = $filterData['login'];
$postData['login_failures'][getCurrentAdminId()] = '0';
- $postData['last_failure'][getCurrentAdminId()] = null;
+ $postData['last_failure'][getCurrentAdminId()] = NULL;
// Change it in the admin
// Bonus is not given by default ;-)
$bonus = false;
- if ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.2.8')) && (isBonusRallyeActive()) && (getConfig('bonus_login_yn') == 'Y')) {
+ if ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.2.8')) && (isBonusRallyeActive()) && (getConfig('include_bonus_login') == 'Y')) {
// Update last login if far enougth away
// @TODO This query isn't right, it will only update if the user was for a longer time away!
return $filterData;
+// Filter for adding bonus columns with a plus (+) sign
+ // Skip out-dated extension, because this causes an error
+ if (isExtensionInstalledAndOlder('bonus', '0.9.7')) {
+ // Skip this silently
+ return $add;
+ } // END - if
+ // Add more columns only when the corresponding configuration is enabled, too
+ if (getConfig('include_bonus_click') == 'Y') $add .= ' + `turbo_bonus`';
+ if (getConfig('include_bonus_login') == 'Y') $add .= ' + `login_bonus`';
+ if (getConfig('include_bonus_order') == 'Y') $add .= ' + `bonus_order`';
+ if (getConfig('include_bonus_stats') == 'Y') $add .= ' + `bonus_stats`';
+ if (getConfig('include_bonus_ref') == 'Y') $add .= ' + `bonus_ref`';
+ // Return $add
+ return $add;
// [EOF]
--- /dev/null
+ * Mailer v0.2.1-FINAL Start: 07/27/2011 *
+ * =================== Last change: 07/27/2011 *
+ * *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * File : forced_filter.php *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Short description : Filters for ext-forced *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Kurzbeschreibung : Filter fuer ext-forced *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * $Revision:: $ *
+ * $Date:: $ *
+ * $Tag:: 0.2.1-FINAL $ *
+ * $Author:: $ *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 - 2009 by Roland Haeder *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 by Mailer Developer Team *
+ * For more information visit: *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, *
+ * MA 02110-1301 USA *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// Some security stuff...
+if (!defined('__SECURITY')) {
+ die();
+} // END - if
+// Filter to add default forced-ad types
+ // Forced-Banner
+ $data[] = array(
+ 'type' => 'BANNER',
+ );
+ // Forced-Textlinks
+ $data[] = array(
+ 'type' => 'TEXTLINK',
+ );
+ // Forced-Popups
+ $data[] = array(
+ 'type' => 'POPUP',
+ );
+ // Return data
+ return $data;
+// [EOF]
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
} else {
// No entry does exists so we simply add it!
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_online` (`module`, `action`, `what`, `userid`, `refid`, `is_member`, `is_admin`, `timestamp`, `sid`, `ip`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s', %s, %s, '%s','%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '%s','%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_online` (`module`,`action`,`what`,`userid`,`refid`,`is_member`,`is_admin`,`timestamp`,`sid`,`ip`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s', %s, %s, '%s','%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '%s','%s')",
function FILTER_REGISTER_MUST_FILLOUT ($content) {
// Get all fields for output
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Called!');
- $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `field_name`, `field_required` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` ORDER BY `id` ASC',
+ $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `field_name`,`field_required` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` ORDER BY `id` ASC',
__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Walk through all entries
$removed = '0';
// Prepare SQL queries
- $insertSQL = 'INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_filters` (`filter_name`, `filter_function`, `filter_active`) VALUES';
+ $insertSQL = 'INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_filters` (`filter_name`,`filter_function`,`filter_active`) VALUES';
// Write all filters to database
$callback = '';
$extraFunction = '';
$extraFunction2 = '';
- $value = null;
+ $value = NULL;
// Extract command and call-back
$cmdArray = explode(',', $cmd);
// Update module counter
+ //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'getModule()=' . getModule() . ' - ENTERED!');
// Do count all other modules but not accesses on CSS file css.php!
SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` SET `clicks`=`clicks`+1 WHERE `module`='%s' LIMIT 1",
array(getModule()), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'getModule()=' . getModule() . ',SQL_AFFECTEDROWS()=' . SQL_AFFECTEDROWS() . ' - EXIT!');
// Handles fatal errors
// Load config here
- // Set unset variable
- if (empty($check)) $check = '';
- // Default is none
+ // Default content is none
$content = '';
// Installation phase or regular mode?
// Message to regular users (non-admin)
- // PHP warnings fixed
- if ($check == 'done') {
- if (isAdmin()) $CORR = '{--FATAL_CORRECT_ERRORS--}';
+ // Maybe the admin wants to take a look?
+ if (isAdmin()) {
} // END - if
// Remember all in array
} // END - if
+// Filter to handle configuration
+ // Is ext-sql_patches up-to-date?
+ if ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.8.3')) && (isDisplayHomeInIndexEnabled())) {
+ // Is 'search' as same as 'index_home'?
+ if ($data['search'] == getIndexHome()) {
+ // Then set 'content' to link to index.php
+ $data['content'] = $data['prefix'] . '<strong><a class="you_are_here" href="{%url=index.php' . $data['link_add'] . '%}">' . getTitleFromMenu($data['access_level'], $data['search'], $data['type'], $data['add']) . '</a></strong>';
+ } // END - if
+ } // END - if
+ // Return data
+ return $data;
// [EOF]
// Get all filters
- `filter_name`, `filter_function`
+ `filter_name`,`filter_function`
// Get all menus
foreach (array('guest','member','admin') as $menu) {
// Query it
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `action`, `what` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s_menu` ORDER BY `action` ASC, `what` ASC",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `action`,`what` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s_menu` ORDER BY `action` ASC, `what` ASC",
array($menu), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Init array
} // END - if
-// Sanity-check: Do we have ref level 0?
-$result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refsystem` WHERE `level`=0 OR `level` IS NULL', __FILE__, __LINE__);
+// Sanity-check: Do we have ref level 0? If so, this must be fixed to NULL and `level` must be increased by one
+$result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refsystem` WHERE `level`=0', __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// Remove index temporaly
SQL_ALTER_TABLE('ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refsystem` DROP INDEX `userid_level`', __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // Upgrade refsystem, ref-level 0 is silly here
+ // Upgrade refsystem
SQL_QUERY('UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refsystem` SET `level`=`level`+1', __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Add it again
- SQL_ALTER_TABLE('ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refsystem` ADD UNIQUE `userid_level` ( `userid`, `level` )', __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ SQL_ALTER_TABLE('ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refsystem` ADD UNIQUE `userid_level` (`userid`,`level`)', __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Rebuild cache
rebuildCache('refsystem', 'refsystem');
// Nothing has been updated?
// Then insert it
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_points` (`userid`, `ref_depth`, `%s`) VALUES (%s,NULL,%s)",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_points` (`userid`,`ref_depth`,`%s`) VALUES (%s,NULL,%s)",
* *
function array_pk_sort (&$array, $a_sort, $primary_key = '0', $order = -1, $nums = false) {
- $dummy = $array;
+ $temporaryArray = $array;
while ($primary_key < count($a_sort)) {
- foreach ($dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]] as $key => $value) {
- foreach ($dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]] as $key2 => $value2) {
+ foreach ($temporaryArray[$a_sort[$primary_key]] as $key => $value) {
+ foreach ($temporaryArray[$a_sort[$primary_key]] as $key2 => $value2) {
$match = false;
if ($nums === false) {
// Sort byte-by-byte (also numbers will be interpreted as chars! E.g.: "9" > "10")
- if (($key != $key2) && (strcmp(strtolower($dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key]), strtolower($dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key2])) == $order)) $match = true;
+ if (($key != $key2) && (strcmp(strtolower($temporaryArray[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key]), strtolower($temporaryArray[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key2])) == $order)) $match = true;
} elseif ($key != $key2) {
// Sort numbers (E.g.: 9 < 10)
- if (($dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key] < $dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key2]) && ($order == -1)) $match = true;
- if (($dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key] > $dummy[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key2]) && ($order == 1)) $match = true;
+ if (($temporaryArray[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key] < $temporaryArray[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key2]) && ($order == -1)) $match = true;
+ if (($temporaryArray[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key] > $temporaryArray[$a_sort[$primary_key]][$key2]) && ($order == 1)) $match = true;
if ($match) {
// We have found two different values, so let's sort whole array
- foreach ($dummy as $sort_key => $sort_val) {
- $t = $dummy[$sort_key][$key];
- $dummy[$sort_key][$key] = $dummy[$sort_key][$key2];
- $dummy[$sort_key][$key2] = $t;
+ foreach ($temporaryArray as $sort_key => $sort_val) {
+ $t = $temporaryArray[$sort_key][$key];
+ $temporaryArray[$sort_key][$key] = $temporaryArray[$sort_key][$key2];
+ $temporaryArray[$sort_key][$key2] = $t;
} // END - foreach
} // END - if
} // END - while
// Write back sorted array
- $array = $dummy;
+ $array = $temporaryArray;
// Call the multi-parameter call-back
$ret = call_user_func_array($filterFunction, $args);
+ die('filterFunction='.$filterFunction.',args=<pre>'.print_r($args,true).',ret=<pre>'.print_r($ret,true).'</pre>');
} else {
// One parameter call
$ret = call_user_func($filterFunction, $value);
// Is the mail type supported?
if (!empty($table)) {
// Query for the mail
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `%s` AS `mail_status` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`%s` AS `mail_status` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
'BEG_LINK_HERE' => "Betteln Sie am Besten gleich los! Hier ist der Link dazu.",
'ADMIN_CONFIG_BEG_RANKS' => "Anzahl Gewinner der Bettel-Rallye",
'BEG_MONTHLY_RALLYE' => "GEWONNEN: Monatliche Bettel-Rallye",
- 'BEG_RALLYE_NO_ONE_JOINED' => "Niemand nimmt an der Bettel-Rallye dran teil, oder sie ist administrativ deaktiviert worden.",
+ 'BEG_RALLYE_NO_ONE_JOINED' => "Niemand nimmt an der Bettel-Rallye dran teil, oder sie ist administrativ deaktiviert worden Fangen Sie doch an, <a href=\"{%url=modules.php?module=login&what=beg%}\">betteln</a> Sie doch etwas . . .",
'ADMIN_BEG_RALLYE_DEACTIVATED' => "Bettel-Rallye nicht aktiviert.",
'ADMIN_CONFIG_BEG_RALLYE_NOTIFICATIONS_TITLE' => "Benachrichtungen per Mail zur Bettel-Rallye",
'ADMIN_CONFIG_BEG_RALLYE_ENABLE_NOTIFY' => "Benachtigen, wenn Bettel-Rallye aktiviert wurde?",
'ADMIN_CONFIG_HOME_SETTINGS_TITLE' => "Einstellungen an Eingangsseite",
'ADMIN_CONFIG_HOME_SETTINGS' => "Einstellungen an der Eingangsseite",
'ADMIN_CONFIG_HOME_MAIN_TITLE' => "Einstellungen an der Home-Seite",
- 'ADMIN_CONFIG_INDEX_DELAY' => "Verzögerung bevor weitergeleitet wird",
+ 'ADMIN_CONFIG_INDEX_DELAY' => "Verzögerung bevor weitergeleitet wird:",
+ 'ADMIN_CONFIG_INDEX_DISPLAY_HOME_IN_INDEX' => "Soll die ausgewählte Home-Seite <span class=\"data\">{?index_home?}</span> in <strong>index.php</strong> gezeigt werden, anstelle des Templates <strong>index.tpl</strong>?",
'ADMIN_INDEX_MANUAL_FORWARD' => "Klicken leitet weiter (kein JavaScript)",
'ADMIN_INDEX_NO_DELAY' => "Sofort weiterleiten (302 Server-Redirect)",
'ADMIN_CONTINUE_TO_CONFIG' => "Weiter zu den Einstellungen",
'ADMIN_CONFIG_INDEX_COOKIE' => "Wie lange soll der Besucher die Eingangsseite nicht mehr sehen?",
+ 'ADMIN_CONFIG_ENTRY_MISSING' => "Konnte den Konfigurationseintrag %s nicht finden. Muss eventuell ein Erweitertungsupdate noch ausgeführt oder eine fehlende Erweiterung installiert werden?",
+ 'ADMIN_ENTRY_ADDED' => "Der Eintrag wurde der Datenbank hinzugefügt.",
+ 'ADMIN_ENTRY_NOT_ADDED' => "Der Eintrag wurde der Datenbank NICHT hinzugefügt.",
'BONUS_EXTENSION_UPGRADE' => "Bitte aktualisieren Sie Ihre Bonus-Erweiterung auf Version <span class=\"data\">v0.2.2</span> oder neuer.",
+ 'WHAT_IS_OVERVIEW' => "Willkommen",
'_ON' => "an",
'MEMBER_CLICK_STATISTICS' => "Mail-Statistik",
'ADMIN_CONFIG_SELECT_DEFAULT_REFID' => "Standard Referal-Id bei Anmeldung über <strong>keinen</strong> Ref-Link",
'ADMIN_ACTION_REMOVE_SUBMIT' => "Einträge löschen",
'ADMIN_ACTION_EDIT_SELECT_SUBMIT' => "Ausgewählten Eintrag bearbeiten",
+ 'ADMIN_ACTION_LOCK_SUBMIT' => "Ent-/sperren",
// Admin 'pool' mail actions
'ADMIN_EDIT_POOL_MAIL_LINK' => "Klick-Mail bearbeiten",
--- /dev/null
+ * Mailer v0.2.1-FINAL Start: 07/23/2011 *
+ * =================== Last change: 07/23/2011 *
+ * *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * File : forced_de.php *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Short description : German langugage support *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Kurzbeschreibung : Deutsche Sprachunterstuetzung *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * $Revision:: $ *
+ * $Date:: $ *
+ * $Tag:: 0.2.1-FINAL $ *
+ * $Author:: $ *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 - 2009 by Roland Haeder *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 by Mailer Developer Team *
+ * For more information visit: *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, *
+ * MA 02110-1301 USA *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// Some security stuff...
+if (!defined('__SECURITY')) {
+ die();
+} // END - if
+// Language definitions
+ 'ADMIN_FORCED_ADS_404' => "Es wurden keine Forced-Werbemittel gefunden.",
+ 'ADMIN_ADD_FORCED_AD_TITLE' => "Hinzufügen eines Forced-Werbemittels:",
+ 'ADMIN_ADD_FORCED_ADD_SUBMIT' => "Forced-Werbemittel hinzufügen",
+ 'ADMIN_ENTER_FORCED_AD_CLICK_URL' => "Klick-URL des Forced-Werbemittels eingeben:",
+ 'ADMIN_SELECT_FORCED_AD_TYPE' => "Forced-Werbemittelart auswählen:",
+ 'ADMIN_SELECT_FORCED_HAS_FRAMEBREAKER' => "Hat das Forced-Werbemittel einen Framekiller?",
+ 'ADMIN_ADD_FORCED_AD_POPUP_BANNER_ONLY' => "Nur für die Forced-Werbemittelarten Forced-PopUp oder -Banner eingeben:",
+ 'ADMIN_ENTER_FORCED_AD_RELOAD_LOCK' => "Reloadsperre für Forced-Werbemittel einstellen:",
+ 'ADMIN_ENTER_FORCED_AD_MINIMUM_STAY' => "Mindestauffenthalt für Forced-Werbemittel einstellen:",
+ 'ADMIN_ENTER_FORCED_AD_URL' => "URL des Forced-Banners eingeben:",
+ 'ADMIN_ADD_FORCED_AD_ADDITIONAL_DATA' => "Weitere Angaben für Forced-Banner:",
+ 'ADMIN_ENTER_FORCED_ALTERNATE_TEXT' => "Alternativen Text/Titel des Forced-Werbemittels eingeben:",
+ 'ADMIN_ENTER_FORCED_AD_WIDTH' => "Breite (in Pixel) des Forced-Werbemittels eingeben:",
+ 'ADMIN_ENTER_FORCED_AD_HEIGHT' => "Höhe (in Pixel) des Forced-Werbemittels eingeben:",
+ 'ADMIN_FORCED_AD_TYPE_UNKNOWN' => "Unbekanntes Forced-Werbemittel %s erkannt.",
+ 'ADMIN_FORCED_AD_TYPE_BANNER' => "Forced-Banner",
+ 'ADMIN_FORCED_AD_TYPE_TEXTLINK' => "Forced-Textlink",
+ 'ADMIN_LIST_FORCED_ADS_TITLE' => "Auflisten aller Forced-Werbemittel",
+ 'ADMIN_FORCED_ADS_TYPE' => "Forced-Werbemittel",
+ 'ADMIN_FORCED_ADS_VIEWS_COUNTER' => "Anzahl Forced-Views",
+ 'ADMIN_FORCED_ADS_CLICKS_COUNTER' => "Anzahl Forced-Klicks",
+ 'ADMIN_FORCED_ADS_ADDED' => "Hinzugefügt?",
+ 'ADMIN_FORCED_ADS_LAST_LOCKED' => "Zuletzt gesperrt",
+// [EOF]
$id = bigintval($id);
// Get the admin's data
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `login`, `email`, `default_acl` AS mode, `la_mode` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `login`,`email`,`default_acl` AS mode, `la_mode` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array($id), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
if ((SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) && ($selected == 1)) {
// Entry found
$id = bigintval($id);
// Get the admin's data
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `login`, `email`, `default_acl` AS `mode`, `la_mode` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `login`,`email`,`default_acl` AS `mode`,`la_mode` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array($id), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Do we have an entry?
// List all admin accounts
function adminsListAdminAccounts() {
// Select all admin accounts
- $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`, `login`, `email`, `default_acl` AS mode, `la_mode` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins` ORDER BY `login` ASC', __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`,`login`,`email`,`default_acl` AS mode, `la_mode` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins` ORDER BY `login` ASC', __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
$OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Compile some variables
// No entries found?
if (SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// Create new entry (to all admins)
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins_mails` (`admin_id`, `mail_template`) VALUES (0, '%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins_mails` (`admin_id`,`mail_template`) VALUES (0, '%s')",
array($template), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
} else {
// Load admin ids...
// Add points to rallye account
SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` SET `beg_points`=`beg_points`+%s WHERE `userid`=%s LIMIT 1",
array($points, $userid), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ // We need to set $add here, two
+ $added = (!SQL_HASZEROAFFECTED());
} else {
// Add points to account
// Subtract begged points from member account if the admin has selected one
- if (isValidUserId(getBegUserid())) {
+ if (($added === true) && (isValidUserId(getBegUserid()))) {
// Subtract from this account
- subtractPoints('beg_payout', getBegUserid(), $points);
+ $added = ($added && subtractPoints('beg_payout', getBegUserid(), $points));
} // END - if
// Return result
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Rember this whole data for displaying ranking list
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus_turbo` (`userid`, `mail_id`, `bonus_id`, `level`, `points`, `timemark`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus_turbo` (`userid`,`mail_id`,`bonus_id`,`level`,`points`,`timemark`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())",
$ranks = count(explode(';', getConfig('turbo_rates'))) + 1;
// Load current user's data
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `level`, `points`, `timemark` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus_turbo` WHERE `%s`=%s AND `userid`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `level`,`points`,`timemark` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus_turbo` WHERE `%s`=%s AND `userid`=%s LIMIT 1",
for ($rank = 1; $rank <= SQL_NUMROWS($result); $rank++) {
// Load data
$result_users = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
- `userid`, `points`
+ `userid`,`points`
function handleBonusPoints ($mode) {
// Shall we add bonus points?
- if (!isBonusRallyeActive()) return;
+ if (!isBonusRallyeActive()) {
+ return;
+ } // END - if
+ // Default is not working
+ $return = false;
// Switch to jackpot-mode when no UID is supplied but userid-mode is selected
if ((getBonusMode() == 'UID') && (getBonusUserid() == '0') && (isExtensionActive('jackpot'))) {
case 'JACKPOT': // ... jackpot
- if ((isExtensionActive('jackpot')) && (subtractPointsFromJackpot($points) == -1) && (isValidUserId(getBonusUserid()))) {
+ if ((isExtensionActive('jackpot')) && (subtractPointsFromJackpot($points) === false) && (isValidUserId(getBonusUserid()))) {
if ($total >= $points) {
// Subtract points from userid's account
- subtractPointsFromJackpot('bonus_payout_jackpot', getBonusUserid(), $points);
+ $return = subtractPointsFromJackpot('bonus_payout_jackpot', getBonusUserid(), $points);
} // END - if
} // END - if
case 'UID': // ... userid's account
if ($total >= $points) {
// Subtract points from userid's account
- subtractPoints('bonus_payout_userid', getBonusUserid(), $points);
+ $return = subtractPoints('bonus_payout_userid', getBonusUserid(), $points);
} elseif (isExtensionActive('jackpot')) {
// Try to subtract from jackpot
- $dummy = subtractPointsFromJackpot($points);
+ $return = subtractPointsFromJackpot($points);
debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Invalid bonus-mode ' . getBonusMode() . ' detected.');
} // END - switch
+ // Return status
+ return $return;
// Purges expired fast-click bonus entries
} // END - if
// Add record entry here
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_booking` (`userid`, `subject`, `mode`, `points`) VALUES (%s,'%s','%s',%s)",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_booking` (`userid`,`subject`,`mode`,`points`) VALUES (%s,'%s','%s',%s)",
$ret = '{--COUNTRY_CODE_404--}';
// Load code and description
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `code`, `descr` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_countries` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `code`,`descr` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_countries` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Is there an entry?
// List entries
- `userid`, `refid`, `points`, `timemark`
+ `userid`,`refid`,`points`,`timemark`
--- /dev/null
+ * Mailer v0.2.1-FINAL Start: 07/25/2011 *
+ * =================== Last change: 07/25/2011 *
+ * *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * File : forced_functions.php *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Short description : Functions for ext-forced *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Kurzbeschreibung : Funktionen fuer ext-forced *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * $Revision:: $ *
+ * $Date:: $ *
+ * $Tag:: 0.2.1-FINAL $ *
+ * $Author:: $ *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 - 2009 by Roland Haeder *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 by Mailer Developer Team *
+ * For more information visit: *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, *
+ * MA 02110-1301 USA *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// Some security stuff...
+if (!defined('__SECURITY')) {
+ die();
+} // END - if
+// Template helper function to create selection box for all forced-ad types
+function doTemplateForcedAdTypeSelectionBox ($templateName, $clear = false, $default = NULL) {
+ // Add all types through the filter
+ $forcedAdTypes = runFilterChain('add_forced_ads_types', array());
+ // Handle it over to generateSelectionBoxFromArray()
+ $content = generateSelectionBoxFromArray($forcedAdTypes, 'forced_ads_type', 'type');
+ // Return prepared content
+ return $content;
+// Translate the status IN/OUT
+function translateForcedAdType ($status) {
+ // Is the status empty?
+ if (empty($status)) {
+ $status = 'EMPTY';
+ } // END - if
+ // Default status is unknown
+ $return = '{%message,ADMIN_FORCED_AD_TYPE_UNKNOWN=' . $status . '%}';
+ // Construct message id
+ $messageId = 'ADMIN_FORCED_AD_TYPE_' . $status;
+ // Is it there?
+ if (isMessageIdValid($messageId)) {
+ // Then use it as message string
+ $return = '{--' . $messageId . '--}';
+ } // END - if
+ // Return the status
+ return $return;
+// Handles the XML node 'extra-parameter-forced-ads-reload-lock-list'
+function doXmlExtraParameterForcedAdsReloadLockList ($resource, $attributes) {
+ // There should be no attributes
+ if (count($attributes) > 0) {
+ // Please don't add any attributes to foo-list nodes
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Expected 0 attributes because this is a foo-list node, got ' . count($attributes));
+ } elseif (!isset($GLOBALS['__XML_ARGUMENTS']['doXmlCallbackFunction']['extra_list']['forced_ads_reload_lock_list'])) {
+ // This list should be created already
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'forced_ads_reload_lock_list should be already created.');
+ }
+// Handles the XML node 'extra-parameter-forced-ads-reload-lock-list-entry'
+function doXmlExtraParameterForcedAdsReloadLockListEntry ($resource, $attributes) {
+ // There are three attributes, by default
+ if (count($attributes) != 3) {
+ // Not the right count
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Expected 3 attributes, got ' . count($attributes));
+ } elseif (!isset($attributes['NAME'])) {
+ // 'NAME' not found
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Required attribute NAME not found.');
+ } elseif (!isset($attributes['TYPE'])) {
+ // 'TYPE' not found
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Required attribute TYPE not found.');
+ } elseif (!isInvalidXmlType($attributes['TYPE'])) {
+ // No valid type
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'TYPE is not valid, got: ' . $attributes['TYPE']);
+ } elseif (!isset($attributes['VALUE'])) {
+ // 'VALUE' not found
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Required attribute VALUE not found.');
+ } elseif (!isXmlValueValid($attributes['TYPE'], $attributes['VALUE'])) {
+ // Not valid/verifyable
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Attribute VALUE does not validate. TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ',VALUE=' . $attributes['VALUE']);
+ } elseif (!isset($GLOBALS['__XML_ARGUMENTS']['doXmlCallbackFunction']['extra_list']['forced_ads_reload_lock_list'])) {
+ // doXmlCallbackFunction is missing
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Required XML node callback-function/extra-parameter-list/forced-ads-reload-lock-list not included around this node. Please fix your XML.');
+ }
+ // Add the entry to the list
+ addXmlValueToCallbackAttributes('extra_list', $attributes, 'forced_ads_reload_lock_list');
+// Handles the XML node 'extra-parameter-forced-ads-min-stay-list'
+function doXmlExtraParameterForcedAdsMinStayList ($resource, $attributes) {
+ // There should be no attributes
+ if (count($attributes) > 0) {
+ // Please don't add any attributes to foo-list nodes
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Expected 0 attributes because this is a foo-list node, got ' . count($attributes));
+ } elseif (!isset($GLOBALS['__XML_ARGUMENTS']['doXmlCallbackFunction']['extra_list']['forced_ads_min_stay_list'])) {
+ // This list should be created already
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'forced_ads_min_stay_list should be already created.');
+ }
+// Handles the XML node 'extra-parameter-forced-ads-min-stay-list-entry'
+function doXmlExtraParameterForcedAdsMinStayListEntry ($resource, $attributes) {
+ // There are three attributes, by default
+ if (count($attributes) != 3) {
+ // Not the right count
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Expected 3 attributes, got ' . count($attributes));
+ } elseif (!isset($attributes['NAME'])) {
+ // 'NAME' not found
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Required attribute NAME not found.');
+ } elseif (!isset($attributes['TYPE'])) {
+ // 'TYPE' not found
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Required attribute TYPE not found.');
+ } elseif (!isInvalidXmlType($attributes['TYPE'])) {
+ // No valid type
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'TYPE is not valid, got: ' . $attributes['TYPE']);
+ } elseif (!isset($attributes['VALUE'])) {
+ // 'VALUE' not found
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Required attribute VALUE not found.');
+ } elseif (!isXmlValueValid($attributes['TYPE'], $attributes['VALUE'])) {
+ // Not valid/verifyable
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Attribute VALUE does not validate. TYPE=' . $attributes['TYPE'] . ',VALUE=' . $attributes['VALUE']);
+ } elseif (!isset($GLOBALS['__XML_ARGUMENTS']['doXmlCallbackFunction']['extra_list']['forced_ads_min_stay_list'])) {
+ // doXmlCallbackFunction is missing
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Required XML node callback-function/extra-parameter-list/forced-ads-min-stay-list not included around this node. Please fix your XML.');
+ }
+ // Add the entry to the list
+ addXmlValueToCallbackAttributes('extra_list', $attributes, 'forced_ads_min_stay_list');
+// [EOF]
function stopHolidays () {
// Let's find some expired holiday requests...
$result_stop = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
- `userid`, `holiday_start`, `holiday_end`, `comments`
+ `userid`,`holiday_start`,`holiday_end`,`comments`
// Do we have an entry?
if (SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// No, so create line
- SQL_QUERY("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_jackpot` (`ok`, `points`) VALUES ('ok','0.00000')", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ SQL_QUERY("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_jackpot` (`ok`,`points`) VALUES ('ok','0.00000')", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
} else {
// Read the line
$data = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
// Subtracts points from the jackpot
function subtractPointsFromJackpot ($points) {
// First failed
- $ret = -1;
+ $ret = false;
// Get jackpot points for dummy
$jackpot = getJackpotPoints();
// Update points when there are enougth points in jackpot
SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_jackpot` SET `points`=`points`-%s WHERE `ok`='ok' LIMIT 1",
array($points), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
- $ret = $jackpot - $points;
} // END - if
// Free memory
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'key=' . $key . ',SQL_NUMROWS()=' . SQL_NUMROWS($result_media));
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_media) == 0) {
// Not found so we create it (mode will be ignored here!)
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mediadata` (`media_key`, `media_value`) VALUES ('%s', '%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mediadata` (`media_key`,`media_value`) VALUES ('%s', '%s')",
array($key, $value), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
} else {
// Update entry
// Query for the network data
- `network_id`, `network_short_name`, `network_title`, `network_reflink`, `network_data_seperator`, `network_row_seperator`, `network_request_type`, `network_charset`
+ `network_id`,`network_short_name`,`network_title`,`network_reflink`,`network_data_seperator`,`network_row_seperator`,`network_request_type`,`network_charset`
// Query for the network data
- `network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`
+ `network_type_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`
// Query for the network data
- `network_param_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`
+ `network_param_id`,`network_id`,`network_type_id`,`request_param_key`,`request_param_value`,`request_param_default`
// Query for all networks
- `network_id`, `network_short_name`, `network_title`
+ `network_id`,`network_short_name`,`network_title`
// Query all types of this network
- `network_type_id`, `network_type_handle`
+ `network_type_id`,`network_type_handle`
// Generator (somewhat getter) for network type options
function generateNetworkTypeOptions ($id) {
// Is this an array, then we just came back from edit/delete actions
- if (is_array($id)) $id = '';
+ if (is_array($id)) {
+ $id = '';
+ } // END - if
// Is this cached?
if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$id])) {
// Get all entries
- `network_api_id`, `network_api_index`, `network_translation_name`
+ `network_api_id`,`network_api_index`,`network_translation_name`
- `' . implode('`, `', array_keys(postRequestArray())) . "`
+ `' . implode('`,`', array_keys(postRequestArray())) . "`
'" . implode("','", array_values(postRequestArray())) . "'
)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
- `' . implode('`, `', array_keys(postRequestArray())) . "`
+ `' . implode('`,`', array_keys(postRequestArray())) . "`
'" . implode("','", array_values(postRequestArray())) . "'
)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Fix empty network_type_banner_url to NULL
if (($key == 'network_type_banner_url') && (trim($entry[$id]) == '')) {
// Set it to NULL
- $entry[$id] = null;
+ $entry[$id] = NULL;
} // END - if
// Add this entry
// Fix empty request_param_default to NULL
if (($key == 'request_param_default') && (trim($entry[$id]) == '')) {
// Set it to NULL
- $entry[$id] = null;
+ $entry[$id] = NULL;
} // END - if
// Add this entry
- `' . implode('`, `', array_keys(postRequestArray())) . "`
+ `' . implode('`,`', array_keys(postRequestArray())) . "`
'" . implode("','", array_values(postRequestArray())) . "'
)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
- `' . implode('`, `', array_keys(postRequestArray())) . "`
+ `' . implode('`,`', array_keys(postRequestArray())) . "`
'" . implode("','", array_values(postRequestArray())) . "'
)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
if ($points > 0) {
// Pay this out!
- `id`, `type`, `rate`, `min_points`
+ `id`,`type`,`rate`,`min_points`
// Add info line
-(`rallye_id`, `userid`, `refs`, `curr_points`)
(%s, %s, %s, %s)",
// Load prices
$result_prices = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
- `price_level`, `points`, `info`
+ `price_level`,`points`,`info`
// Updated extension?
if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('rallye', '0.2.0')) {
- $add .= ', `min_users`, `min_prices`';
+ $add .= ', `min_users`,`min_prices`';
} // END - if
// Check for an auto-add rallye
- `id`, `title`, `start_time`, `end_time`, `send_notify`".$add."
+ `id`,`title`,`start_time`,`end_time`,`send_notify`".$add."
// Add userid and his ref count to table
-(`rallye_id`, `userid`, `refs`)
// Load users
- `userid`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`, `email`
+ `userid`,`gender`,`surname`,`family`,`email`
// Load prices
- `price_level`, `points`, `info`
+ `price_level`,`points`,`info`
// Load users userid old points earned
- $result_user = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `userid`, `refs`, `curr_points` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_users` WHERE `rallye_id`=%s ORDER BY `userid` ASC",
+ $result_user = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `userid`,`refs`,`curr_points` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_users` WHERE `rallye_id`=%s ORDER BY `userid` ASC",
array(bigintval($rallye)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_user)) {
// Load current ref count
// Check for expired rallyes
$EXPIRE = 3; // @TODO The hard-coded value...
$result_rallye = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
- `id`, `title`, `start_time`, `end_time`
+ `id`,`title`,`start_time`,`end_time`
$return = $ref_points;
// Get all ref levels
- $result_refs = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `level`, `percents` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` WHERE `level` > 0 ORDER BY `level` ASC',
+ $result_refs = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `level`,`percents` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` WHERE `level` > 0 ORDER BY `level` ASC',
__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// "Walk" through all level
$id = bigintval($id);
// Get entry from database
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `userid`, `refid`, `refback_percents`, `level`, `refback_points` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_refs` WHERE `id`=%s AND `userid`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`userid`,`refid`,`refback_percents`,`level`,`refback_points` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_refs` WHERE `id`=%s AND `userid`=%s LIMIT 1",
array($id, getMemberId()), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Is there an entry?
// Get ref entry
- $dummy = getArrayFromUserRefbackData($id);
+ $content = getArrayFromUserRefbackData($id);
// Is this valid?
- if (count($dummy) == 0) {
+ if (count($content) == 0) {
// id does not belong to user!
$status['message'] = 'MEMBER_REFBACK_ERROR_ID_MISMATCH';
return $status;
} // END - if
// Prepare email content
- $dummy['refback_percents'] = $percents;
- $dummy['refback_note'] = $note;
+ $content['refback_percents'] = $percents;
+ $content['refback_note'] = $note;
// Load member email template
- $mail = loadEmailTemplate('member_refback', $dummy, $dummy['refid']);
+ $mail = loadEmailTemplate('member_refback', $content, $content['refid']);
// Send email to user
- sendEmail($dummy['refid'], '{--MEMBER_REFBACK_SUBJECT--}', $mail);
+ sendEmail($content['refid'], '{--MEMBER_REFBACK_SUBJECT--}', $mail);
// Send admin notification
- sendAdminNotification('{--ADMIN_REFBACK_SUBJECT--}', 'admin_refback', $dummy, $dummy['refid']);
+ sendAdminNotification('{--ADMIN_REFBACK_SUBJECT--}', 'admin_refback', $content, $content['refid']);
// All fine!
$status['ok'] = true;
if (isAdmin()) $AND = '';
// Look for categories
- $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`, `cat`, `visible` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` ' . $AND . ' ORDER BY `sort` ASC',
+ $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`,`cat`,`visible` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` ' . $AND . ' ORDER BY `sort` ASC',
__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// First comes first: begging rallye
if ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('beg', '0.2.7')) && (!isBegNewMemberNotifyEnabled())) {
- $GLOBALS['register_sql_columns'] .= ', `beg_rallye_enable_notify`, `beg_rallye_disable_notify`';
+ $GLOBALS['register_sql_columns'] .= ', `beg_rallye_enable_notify`,`beg_rallye_disable_notify`';
$GLOBALS['register_sql_data'] .= ', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP()';
} // END - if
// Second: active rallye
if ((isExtensionActive('bonus')) && (!isBonusNewMemberNotifyEnabled())) {
- $GLOBALS['register_sql_columns'] .= ', `bonus_rallye_enable_notify`, `bonus_rallye_disable_notify`';
+ $GLOBALS['register_sql_columns'] .= ', `bonus_rallye_enable_notify`,`bonus_rallye_disable_notify`';
$GLOBALS['register_sql_data'] .= ', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP()';
} // END - if
// Create user's account...
-(`gender`, `surname`, `family`, `street_nr`,%s, `zip`, `city`, `email`, `birth_day`, `birth_month`, `birth_year`, `password`, `max_mails`, `receive_mails`, `refid`, `status`, `user_hash`, `REMOTE_ADDR`, `joined`, `last_update`, `ref_payout`".$GLOBALS['register_sql_columns'].")
+(`gender`,`surname`,`family`,`street_nr`,%s, `zip`,`city`,`email`,`birth_day`,`birth_month`,`birth_year`,`password`,`max_mails`,`receive_mails`,`refid`,`status`,`user_hash`,`REMOTE_ADDR`,`joined`,`last_update`,`ref_payout`".$GLOBALS['register_sql_columns'].")
('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%s,'%s','%s',%s, %s,%s,'%s',%s, %s,'%s','UNCONFIRMED','%s','%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), {?ref_payout?}".$GLOBALS['register_sql_data'].")",
foreach (postRequestParameter('cat') as $categoryId => $joined) {
if ($joined == 'Y') {
// Insert category entry
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_cats` (`userid`, `cat_id`) VALUES (%s, %s)",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_cats` (`userid`,`cat_id`) VALUES (%s, %s)",
} // END - if
-function handleSponsorRequest ($postData, $update=false, $messageArray=array(), $RET_STATUS=false) {
+function handleSponsorRequest ($postData, $update=false, $messageArray = array(), $RET_STATUS=false) {
// Init a lot variables
$SAVE = true;
$UPDATE = false;
// Implode all data into strings
- $keyArray = implode('`, `' , $DATA['keys']);
+ $keyArray = implode('`,`' , $DATA['keys']);
$valueArray = str_repeat("%s', '", count($DATA['values']) - 1);
// Generate string
// Load main menu entries
$result_main = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
- `action` AS `main_action`, `title` AS `main_title`
+ `action` AS `main_action`,`title` AS `main_title`
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_main)) {
// Load sub menus
$result_sub = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
- `what` AS `sub_what`, `title` AS `sub_title`
+ `what` AS `sub_what`,`title` AS `sub_title`
switch ($status) {
case 'added': // Sponsor successfully added with account status = UNCONFIRMED!
// Check for his id number
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `hash` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_data` WHERE `email`='%s' LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`hash` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_data` WHERE `email`='%s' LIMIT 1",
array(postRequestParameter('email')), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
// id found so let's load it for the confirmation email
if (isset($GLOBALS['sponsor_data'][getCurrentSponsorId()]['last_failure'])) {
// Backup the raw one and zero it
$GLOBALS['sponsor_data'][getCurrentSponsorId()]['last_failure_raw'] = $GLOBALS['sponsor_data'][getCurrentSponsorId()]['last_failure'];
- $GLOBALS['sponsor_data'][getCurrentSponsorId()]['last_failure'] = null;
+ $GLOBALS['sponsor_data'][getCurrentSponsorId()]['last_failure'] = NULL;
// Is it not zero?
if (!is_null($GLOBALS['sponsor_data'][getCurrentSponsorId()]['last_failure_raw'])) {
// Is the id set?
if (empty($userid)) {
- $userid = NULL;
+ $userid = 'NULL';
} // END - if
// Just run the insert query for now
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_urls` (`url_userid`, `url`, `url_status`, `url_views_max`, `url_views_allowed`, `url_fixed_reload`) VALUES (%s,'%s','%s',%s,%s,%s)",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_urls` (`url_userid`,`url`,`url_status`,`url_views_max`,`url_views_allowed`,`url_fixed_reload`) VALUES (%s,'%s','%s',%s,%s,%s)",
// Is the status set?
if (is_array($status)) {
// Only URLs with these status
- $add = sprintf(" AND `url_status` IN('%s')", implode("','", $status));
+ $add = sprintf(" WHERE `url_status` IN('%s')", implode("','", $status));
} elseif (!empty($status)) {
// Only URLs with this status
- $add = sprintf(" AND `url_status`='%s'", $status);
+ $add = sprintf(" WHERE `url_status`='%s'", $status);
} elseif (is_array($exclude)) {
// Exclude URLs with these status
- $add = sprintf(" AND `url_status` NOT IN('%s')", implode("','", $exclude));
+ $add = sprintf(" WHERE `url_status` NOT IN('%s')", implode("','", $exclude));
} elseif (!empty($exclude)) {
// Exclude URLs with this status
- $add = sprintf(" AND `url_status` != '%s'", $exclude);
+ $add = sprintf(" WHERE `url_status` != '%s'", $exclude);
// Get amount from database
// Do we have no record?
if ($countLock == 0) {
// Just add it to the database
- SQL_QUERY_ESC('INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_locks` (`locks_userid`, `locks_url_id`) VALUES (%s, %s)',
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC('INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_locks` (`locks_userid`,`locks_url_id`) VALUES (%s, %s)',
// Remove it from the URL owner
/* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'userid='.SURFBAR_GET_USERID().',costs='.SURFBAR_GET_COSTS() . ' - ENTERED!');
if (isValidUserId(SURFBAR_GET_USERID())) {
+ // Subtract points and ignore return status
subtractPoints(sprintf("surfbar_%s", getSurfbarPaymentModel()), SURFBAR_GET_USERID(), SURFBAR_GET_COSTS());
} // END - if
// Init referal system here
- // Book it to the user
+ // Book it to the user and ignore return status
addPointsThroughReferalSystem(sprintf("surfbar:%s", getSurfbarPaymentModel()), getMemberId(), SURFBAR_GET_REWARD());
/* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'userid='.SURFBAR_GET_USERID().',costs='.SURFBAR_GET_COSTS() . ' - EXIT!');
// Was that update okay?
// No, then insert entry
- SQL_QUERY_ESC('INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_stats` (`stats_userid`, `stats_url_id`, `stats_count`) VALUES (%s,%s,1)',
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC('INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_stats` (`stats_userid`,`stats_url_id`,`stats_count`) VALUES (%s,%s,1)',
// Was that okay?
// Insert missing entry!
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_salts` (`salts_url_id`, `salts_userid`, `salts_last_salt`) VALUES (%s, %s, '%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_surfbar_salts` (`salts_url_id`,`salts_userid`,`salts_last_salt`) VALUES (%s, %s, '%s')",
// Changes the status of an URL from given to other
-function SURFBAR_CHANGE_STATUS ($urlId, $prevStatus, $newStatus, $data=array()) {
+function SURFBAR_CHANGE_STATUS ($urlId, $prevStatus, $newStatus, $data = array()) {
/* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'urlId=' . $urlId . ',prevStatus=' . $prevStatus . ',newStatus=' . $newStatus . ' - ENTERED!');
// Make new status always lower-case
$newStatus = strtolower($newStatus);
/* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'element=' . $element . ' - ENTERED!');
// Default is null
- $data = null;
+ $data = NULL;
// Is the entry there?
if (isset($GLOBALS['surfbar_cache'][$element])) {
// Both extensions must be there
if ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('bonus', '0.2.3')) && (isExtensionActive('user'))) {
- // Active rallye
- if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('bonus', '0.6.9')) {
- // Add more bonus points here
- $USE = '(0';
- if (getConfig('bonus_click_yn') == 'Y') $USE .= ' + `turbo_bonus`';
- if (getConfig('bonus_login_yn') == 'Y') $USE .= ' + `login_bonus`';
- if (getConfig('bonus_order_yn') == 'Y') $USE .= ' + `bonus_order`';
- if (getConfig('bonus_stats_yn') == 'Y') $USE .= ' + `bonus_stats`';
- if (getConfig('bonus_ref_yn') == 'Y') $USE .= ' + `bonus_ref`';
- $USE .= ')';
- } else {
- // Old version ???
- $USE = 'turbo_bonus';
- }
+ // Get more columns
+ $add = runFilterChain('add_bonus_points_user_columns', '');
+ // Active rallye, so add more point columns, if not empty
+ $USE = '`turbo_bonus`';
+ if (!empty($add)) {
+ $USE = '(0' . $add . ')';
+ } // END - if
// Init variable
$lastOnline = '';
// Select all themes we want
- `theme_path`, `theme_name`
+ `theme_path`,`theme_name`
' . $add . '
// Does it exist?
if ((!getEpocheTimeFromUserStats($statsType, $statsData, $userid)) && (!is_array($statsData))) {
// Then insert it!
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_stats_data` (`userid`, `stats_type`, `stats_data`) VALUES (%s,'%s','%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_stats_data` (`userid`,`stats_type`,`stats_data`) VALUES (%s,'%s','%s')",
$userid = NULL;
// Search for an unconfirmed or confirmed account
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `userid`, `refid` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` WHERE `user_hash`='%s' AND (`status`='UNCONFIRMED' OR `status`='CONFIRMED') LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `userid`,`refid` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` WHERE `user_hash`='%s' AND (`status`='UNCONFIRMED' OR `status`='CONFIRMED') LIMIT 1",
array($hash), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
// Ok, he want's to confirm now so we load some data
// Template call-back function for list_user admin function
-function doTemplateAdminListUserTitle ($template, $dummy = false) {
+function doTemplateAdminListUserTitle ($template, $clear = false) {
// Init title with "all accounts"
$code = '{--ADMIN_LIST_ALL_ACCOUNTS--}';
// Log the transfer
function WERNIS_LOG_TRANSFER ($wdsId, $amount, $type = 'FAILED', $message = '', $status = '') {
// Register this wernis movement
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_wernis` (`userid`, `wernis_account`, `wernis_amount`, `wernis_timestamp`, `wernis_type`, `wernis_api_message`, `wernis_api_status`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '%s', '%s', '%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_wernis` (`userid`,`wernis_account`,`wernis_amount`,`wernis_timestamp`,`wernis_type`,`wernis_api_message`,`wernis_api_status`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '%s', '%s', '%s')",
// Add the entry
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_yoomedia_reload` (`type`, `y_id`, `y_reload`, `inserted`) VALUES ('%s',%s,%s,'0000-00-00 00:00')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_yoomedia_reload` (`type`,`y_id`,`y_reload`,`inserted`) VALUES ('%s',%s,%s,'0000-00-00 00:00')",
// Add the entry
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_yoomedia_reload` (`type`, `y_id`, `y_reload`) VALUES ('%s',%s,%s)",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_yoomedia_reload` (`type`,`y_id`,`y_reload`) VALUES ('%s',%s,%s)",
array($mode, bigintval($data['id']), bigintval($data['reload'])), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
} // END - if
} // END - if
// Init cache instance and array
-$GLOBALS['cache_instance'] = null;
+$GLOBALS['cache_instance'] = NULL;
// Init cache first
// Query the database about this
- `id` AS admin_id, `login`, `password`, `email`' . $add . '
+ `id` AS admin_id, `login`,`password`,`email`' . $add . '
`login` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
- while ($dummy = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
+ while ($row = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Save row
- $GLOBALS['cache_instance']->addRow($dummy);
+ $GLOBALS['cache_instance']->addRow($row);
} // END - while
// Free memory
} // END - if
// Load all modules and their data
- $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id` AS `ext_id`, `ext_name`, `ext_active`, `ext_version`' . $add . ' FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_extensions` ORDER BY `ext_name` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id` AS `ext_id`,`ext_name`,`ext_active`,`ext_version`' . $add . ' FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_extensions` ORDER BY `ext_name` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Load extension
loadExtension($content['ext_name'], 'test');
// Query the database about this
$result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT * FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_imprint_data` ORDER BY `imprint_id` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
- while ($dummy = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
+ while ($row = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Save row
- $GLOBALS['cache_instance']->addRow($dummy);
+ $GLOBALS['cache_instance']->addRow($row);
} // END - while
// Free memory
if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.3.6')) {
// Load has_menu
- `id`, `module`, `title`, `locked`, `hidden`, `admin_only`, `title`, `mem_only`, `has_menu`
+ `id`,`module`,`title`,`locked`,`hidden`,`admin_only`,`title`,`mem_only`,`has_menu`
} else {
// Don't load has_menu
- `id`, `module`, `title`, `locked`, `hidden`, `admin_only`, `title`, `mem_only`
+ `id`,`module`,`title`,`locked`,`hidden`,`admin_only`,`title`,`mem_only`
// Load all modules and their data
- $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`, `level`, `percents` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` ORDER BY `level` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`,`level`,`percents` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` ORDER BY `level` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Add row to cache file
// Load all modules and their data
- $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`, `userid`, `level`, `counter` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refsystem` ORDER BY `userid` ASC, `level` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`,`userid`,`level`,`counter` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refsystem` ORDER BY `userid` ASC, `level` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Add row to cache file
// Load all themes and their data
if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('theme', '0.0.7')) {
- $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`, `theme_path`, `theme_active`, `theme_ver`, `theme_name` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_themes` ORDER BY `id` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`,`theme_path`,`theme_active`,`theme_ver`,`theme_name` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_themes` ORDER BY `id` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
} else {
- $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`, `theme_path`, `theme_active`, `theme_ver` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_themes` ORDER BY `id` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`,`theme_path`,`theme_active`,`theme_ver` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_themes` ORDER BY `id` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Add row to cache file
$sql = ''; $mode = '';
// Shall I sent activation or deactivation mail?
-$sql = "SELECT `userid`, `email` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` WHERE (`beg_rallye_enable_notify` ";
+$sql = "SELECT `userid`,`email` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` WHERE (`beg_rallye_enable_notify` ";
switch (getBegRallye()) {
case 'Y': // Begging rallye is activated
if (isBegRallyeEnableNotifyEnabled()) {
$sql = ''; $mode = '';
// Shall I sent activation or deactivation mail?
-$sql = "SELECT `userid`, `email` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` WHERE (`bonus_rallye_enable_notify` ";
+$sql = "SELECT `userid`,`email` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` WHERE (`bonus_rallye_enable_notify` ";
switch (getConfig('bonus_active')) {
case 'Y': // Active rallye is activated
if (getConfig('bonus_enable_notify') == 'Y') {
// Check for jackpot inclusion in doubling process
if (($jackpotPoints > 0) && ($jackpotPoints >= $content['points']) && (getConfig('doubler_jackpot') == 'Y')) {
// Subtract points from jackpot
- subtractPointsFromJackpot($content['points']);
+ $okay = subtractPointsFromJackpot($content['points']);
$jackpotPoints -= $content['points'];
- // Okay, done!
- $okay = true;
} // END - if
// Exclude also webmaster's id in taking points from webmaster's account
if (($userPoints > 0) && ($userPoints >= $content['points']) && ($okay === false) && (getConfig('doubler_userid') > 0) && ($content['userid'] != getConfig('doubler_userid'))) {
- // Add points to used points
- subtractPoints('doubler_payout', getConfig('doubler_userid'), $content['points']);
- // Okay, done!
- $okay = true;
+ // Subtract points
+ $okay = subtractPoints('doubler_payout', getConfig('doubler_userid'), $content['points']);
} // END - if
// Update doubler's account only when others are not updated
// No name found
$data['title'] = '{%message,UNKNOWN_MODULE_DETECTED_TITLE=' . $module . '%}';
if ((is_resource($result)) && (SQL_HASZERONUMS($result))) {
- // Add module to database
- $dummy = checkModulePermissions($module);
+ // Add module to database and ignore return value
+ checkModulePermissions($module);
} // END - if
} // END - if
} elseif (!isExtensionActive('cache')) {
// Check for module in database
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Using database.');
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `locked`, `hidden`, `admin_only`, `mem_only` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` WHERE `module`='%s' LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `locked`,`hidden`,`admin_only`,`mem_only` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` WHERE `module`='%s' LIMIT 1",
array($module), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
// Read data
* hour to find a loop here... *sigh*
-(`module`, `locked`, `hidden`, `mem_only`, `admin_only`, `has_menu`)
('%s','Y','N','N','N','N')", array($module_chk), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
} else {
// Wrong/missing sql_patches!
-(`module`, `locked`, `hidden`, `mem_only`, `admin_only`)
('%s','Y','N','N','N')", array($module_chk), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Is the module already registered?
if (!isModuleRegistered($module)) {
// Add it
- addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` (`module`, `locked`, `hidden`, `admin_only`, `mem_only`) VALUES ('" . $module . "','" . $locked . "','" . $hidden . "','" . $adminOnly . "','" . $memOnly . "')");
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` (`module`,`locked`,`hidden`,`admin_only`,`mem_only`) VALUES ('" . $module . "','" . $locked . "','" . $hidden . "','" . $adminOnly . "','" . $memOnly . "')");
} else {
// Already registered
logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Already registered: module=%s,locked=%s,hidden=%s,admin=%s,mem=%s",
+// Load the currently set module
+function loadModule () {
+ // By default all modules are invalid
+ $isModuleValid = false;
+ // Init module state as 'failed' (always failed first)
+ $moduleState = 'failed';
+ // Construct module name
+ $GLOBALS['module_inc'] = sprintf("inc/modules/%s.php", getModule());
+ // Check module permission (again)
+ $moduleState = checkModulePermissions();
+ // Which permission/error state do we have?
+ switch ($moduleState) {
+ case 'cache_miss': // The cache is gone
+ case 'admin_only': // Admin-only access
+ case 'mem_only': // Member-only access
+ case 'done': // All fine!
+ // Does the module exists on local file system?
+ if ((isIncludeReadable($GLOBALS['module_inc'])) && (!ifFatalErrorsDetected())) {
+ // Module is valid, active and located on the local disk...
+ $isModuleValid = true;
+ } elseif (!ifFatalErrorsDetected()) {
+ // Set HTTP status
+ setHttpStatus('404');
+ // Module not found
+ addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '{--MODULE_REGISTRY_404--}');
+ // Set module to error module (non-existent!)
+ setModule('error');
+ }
+ break;
+ case '404':
+ // Set HTTP status
+ setHttpStatus('404');
+ // Add fatal message
+ addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '{--MODULE_REGISTRY_404--}');
+ break;
+ case 'locked':
+ // Set HTTP status
+ setHttpStatus('403 FORBIDDEN');
+ if (!isIncludeReadable($GLOBALS['module_inc'])) {
+ // Set HTTP status again
+ setHttpStatus('404 NOT FOUND');
+ // Module does addionally not exists
+ addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '{--MODULE_REGISTRY_404--}');
+ } // END - if
+ // Add fatal message
+ addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '{--MODULE_REGISTRY_IS_LOCKED--}');
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Unknown module status
+ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown status %s return from module check. Module=%s", $moduleState, getModule()));
+ addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '{%message,UNKNOWN_MODULE_STATUS=' . $moduleState . '%}');
+ break;
+ } // END - switch
+ // Return status
+ return $isModuleValid;
+// Include module
+function doIncludeModule () {
+ // Set content type
+ setContentType('text/html');
+ // The header file
+ loadIncludeOnce('inc/header.php');
+ // Modules are by default not valid!
+ $isModuleValid = false;
+ // By default NULL is used
+ $GLOBALS['module_inc'] = NULL;
+ // Is the maintenance mode active or goes all well?
+ if ((isExtensionActive('maintenance')) && (isMaintenanceEnabled()) && (!isAdmin()) && (getModule() != 'admin')) {
+ // Maintain mode is active and you are no admin
+ addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '{--MAILER_DOWN_FOR_MAINTENANCE--}');
+ } elseif ((SQL_IS_LINK_UP()) && (!ifFatalErrorsDetected())) {
+ // Do the small "load module" call
+ $isModuleValid = loadModule();
+ } elseif (!ifFatalErrorsDetected()) {
+ // SQL problems detected
+ addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '{--MYSQL_ERRORS--}');
+ }
+ if (($isModuleValid === true) && (!is_null($GLOBALS['module_inc']))) {
+ // Everything is okay so we can load the module
+ loadIncludeOnce($GLOBALS['module_inc']);
+ } // END - if
+ // Add the footer (this will call shutdown())
+ loadIncludeOnce('inc/footer.php');
// [EOF]
// Is the entry there?
if (SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// Ok, let's create the admin login
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins` (`login`, `password`, `email`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins` (`login`,`password`,`email`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')",
function ifAdminLoginDataIsValid ($adminLogin, $adminPassword) {
// First of all, no admin login is found, so the admin hash is null
$ret = '404';
- $adminHash = null;
+ $adminHash = NULL;
// Get admin id from login
$adminId = getAdminId($adminLogin);
// Checks wether current admin is allowed to access given action/what combination
// (only one is allowed to be null!)
-function isAdminAllowedAccessMenu ($action, $what = null) {
+function isAdminAllowedAccessMenu ($action, $what = NULL) {
// Do we have cache?
if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$action][$what])) {
// ACL is always 'allow' when no ext-admins is installed
// Build main menu
$result_main = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
- `action`, `title`, `descr`
+ `action`,`title`,`descr`
// Check for menu entries
$result_what = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
- `what`, `title`, `descr`
+ `what`,`title`,`descr`
// Create member selection box
function addMemberSelectionBox ($def = 0, $add_all = false, $return = false, $none = false, $field = 'userid') {
// Output selection form with all confirmed user accounts listed
- $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `userid`, `surname`, `family` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` ORDER BY `userid` ASC", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `userid`,`surname`,`family` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` ORDER BY `userid` ASC", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Default output
$OUT = '';
$what = "`what` != '' AND `what` IS NOT NULL";
if ($mode == 'action') $what = "(`what`='' OR `what` IS NULL) AND `action` != 'login'";
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `%s` AS `menu`, `title` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` WHERE ".$what." ORDER BY `sort` ASC",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `%s` AS `menu`,`title` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` WHERE ".$what." ORDER BY `sort` ASC",
array($mode), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// Load menu as selection
} // END - foreach
// Add both in one line
- $keys = implode('`, `', $keys);
+ $keys = implode('`,`', $keys);
$values = implode(', ', $values);
// Generate SQL string
// Send mails for del/edit/lock build modes
-function sendAdminBuildMails ($mode, $table, $content, $id, $subjectPart = '', $userIdColumn = 'userid') {
+function sendAdminBuildMails ($mode, $tableName, $content, $id, $subjectPart = '', $userIdColumn = array('userid')) {
+ // $tableName must be an array
+ if ((!is_array($tableName)) || (count($tableName) != 1)) {
+ // $tableName is no array
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'tableName[]=' . gettype($tableName) . '!=array');
+ } elseif ((!is_array($userIdColumn)) || (count($userIdColumn) != 1)) {
+ // $tableName is no array
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'userIdColumn[]=' . gettype($userIdColumn) . '!=array');
+ } // END - if
// Default subject is the subject part
$subject = $subjectPart;
} // END - if
// Is the raw userid set?
- if (postRequestParameter($userIdColumn, $id) > 0) {
+ if (postRequestParameter($userIdColumn[0], $id) > 0) {
// Load email template
if (!empty($subjectPart)) {
- $mail = loadEmailTemplate('member_' . $mode . '_' . strtolower($subjectPart) . '_' . $table, $content);
+ $mail = loadEmailTemplate('member_' . $mode . '_' . strtolower($subjectPart) . '_' . $tableName[0], $content);
} else {
- $mail = loadEmailTemplate('member_' . $mode . '_' . $table, $content);
+ $mail = loadEmailTemplate('member_' . $mode . '_' . $tableName[0], $content);
// Send email out
- sendEmail(postRequestParameter($userIdColumn, $id), strtoupper('{--MEMBER_' . $subject . '_' . $table . '_SUBJECT--}'), $mail);
+ sendEmail(postRequestParameter($userIdColumn[0], $id), strtoupper('{--MEMBER_' . $subject . '_' . $tableName[0] . '_SUBJECT--}'), $mail);
} // END - if
// Generate subject
- $subject = strtoupper('{--ADMIN_' . $subject . '_' . $table . '_SUBJECT--}');
+ $subject = strtoupper('{--ADMIN_' . $subject . '_' . $tableName[0] . '_SUBJECT--}');
// Send admin notification out
if (!empty($subjectPart)) {
- sendAdminNotification($subject, 'admin_' . $mode . '_' . strtolower($subjectPart) . '_' . $table, $content, postRequestParameter($userIdColumn, $id));
+ sendAdminNotification($subject, 'admin_' . $mode . '_' . strtolower($subjectPart) . '_' . $tableName[0], $content, postRequestParameter($userIdColumn[0], $id));
} else {
- sendAdminNotification($subject, 'admin_' . $mode . '_' . $table, $content, postRequestParameter($userIdColumn, $id));
+ sendAdminNotification($subject, 'admin_' . $mode . '_' . $tableName[0], $content, postRequestParameter($userIdColumn[0], $id));
// Build a special template list
-function adminListBuilder ($listType, $IDs, $table, $columns, $filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idColumn, $userIdColumn, $userid = 'userid') {
- // $table and $idColumn must bove be arrays!
- if (!is_array($table)) {
- // $table is no array
- debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'table[]=' . gettype($table) . '!=array');
+function adminListBuilder ($listType, $tableName, $columns, $filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idColumn, $userIdColumn, $rawUserId = array('userid')) {
+ // $tableName and $idColumn must bove be arrays!
+ if ((!is_array($tableName)) || (count($tableName) != 1)) {
+ // $tableName is no array
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'tableName[]=' . gettype($tableName) . '!=array');
} elseif (!is_array($idColumn)) {
// $idColumn is no array
debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'idColumn[]=' . gettype($idColumn) . '!=array');
+ } elseif ((!is_array($userIdColumn)) || (count($userIdColumn) != 1)) {
+ // $tableName is no array
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'userIdColumn[]=' . gettype($userIdColumn) . '!=array');
+ // Init row output
$OUT = '';
// "Walk"Â through all entries
- foreach ($IDs as $id => $selected) {
+ //* DEBUG: */ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'listType=<pre>'.print_r($listType,true).'</pre>,tableName<pre>'.print_r($tableName,true).'</pre>,columns=<pre>'.print_r($columns,true).'</pre>,filterFunctions=<pre>'.print_r($filterFunctions,true).'</pre>,extraValues=<pre>'.print_r($extraValues,true).'</pre>,idColumn=<pre>'.print_r($idColumn,true).'</pre>,userIdColumn=<pre>'.print_r($userIdColumn,true).'</pre>,rawUserId=<pre>'.print_r($rawUserId,true).'</pre>');
+ foreach (postRequestParameter($idColumn[0]) as $id => $selected) {
// Secure id number
$id = bigintval($id);
// Get result from a given column array and table name
- $result = SQL_RESULT_FROM_ARRAY($table[0], $columns, $idColumn[0], $id, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_RESULT_FROM_ARRAY($tableName[0], $columns, $idColumn[0], $id, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Is there one entry?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
$idx = array_search($key, $columns, true);
//Â Do we have a userid?
- if ($key == $userIdColumn) {
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'key=' . $key . ',userIdColumn=' . $userIdColumn[0]);
+ if ($key == $userIdColumn[0]) {
// Add it again as raw id
- $content[$userIdColumn] = bigintval($value);
- $content[$userIdColumn . '_raw'] = $content[$userIdColumn];
+ //* DEBUG: */ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'key=' . $key . ',userIdColumn=' . $userIdColumn[0]);
+ $content[$userIdColumn[0]] = bigintval($value);
+ $content[$userIdColumn[0] . '_raw'] = $content[$userIdColumn[0]];
} // END - if
// If the key matches the idColumn variable, we need to temporary remember it
- //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('key=' . $key . ',idColumn=' . $idColumn . ',value=' . $value);
- if ($key == $idColumn) {
+ //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('key=' . $key . ',idColumn=' . $idColumn[0] . ',value=' . $value);
+ if ($key == $idColumn[0]) {
// Found, so remember it
$GLOBALS['admin_list_builder_id_value'] = $value;
} // END - if
// Then list it
$OUT .= loadTemplate(sprintf("admin_%s_%s_row",
- $table[0]
+ $tableName[0]
), true, $content
} // END - if
// Load master template
- $table[0]
+ $tableName[0]
), false, $OUT
// Change status of "build" list
-function adminBuilderStatusHandler ($mode, $IDs, $table, $columns, $filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idColumn, $userIdColumn, $statusArray, $userid = 'userid') {
+function adminBuilderStatusHandler ($mode, $tableName, $columns, $filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idColumn, $userIdColumn, $statusArray, $rawUserId = array('userid')) {
+ // $tableName must be an array
+ if ((!is_array($tableName)) || (count($tableName) != 1)) {
+ // No tableName specified
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'tableName is not given. Please fix your XML,tableName[]=' . gettype($tableName) . '!=array');
+ } elseif (!is_array($idColumn)) {
+ // $idColumn is no array
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'idColumn[]=' . gettype($idColumn) . '!=array');
+ } elseif ((!is_array($userIdColumn)) || (count($userIdColumn) != 1)) {
+ // $tableName is no array
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'userIdColumn[]=' . gettype($userIdColumn) . '!=array');
+ } // END - if
// All valid entries? (We hope so here!)
- if ((is_array($IDs)) && (count($IDs) > 0) && (count($columns) == count($filterFunctions)) && (count($columns) == count($extraValues)) && (count($statusArray) > 0)) {
+ if ((count($columns) == count($filterFunctions)) && (count($columns) == count($extraValues)) && (count($statusArray) > 0)) {
// "Walk" through all entries
- foreach ($IDs as $id => $sel) {
+ foreach (postRequestParameter($idColumn[0]) as $id => $sel) {
// Construct SQL query
- $sql = sprintf("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s` SET", SQL_ESCAPE($table));
+ $sql = sprintf("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s` SET", SQL_ESCAPE($tableName[0]));
// Load data of entry
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT * FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s` WHERE `%s`=%s LIMIT 1",
- array($table, $idColumn, $id), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ array(
+ $tableName[0],
+ $idColumn[0],
+ $id
+ ), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Fetch the data
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Found entry: ' . $key);
// Skip id, raw userid and 'do_$mode'
- if (!in_array($key, array($idColumn, $userid, ('do_' . $mode)))) {
+ if (!in_array($key, array($idColumn[0], $rawUserId[0], ('do_' . $mode)))) {
// Are there brackets () at the end?
if (substr($entries[$id], -2, 2) == '()') {
// Direct SQL command found
// Finish SQL statement
$sql = substr($sql, 0, -1) . sprintf(" WHERE `%s`=%s AND `%s`='%s' LIMIT 1",
- $idColumn,
+ $idColumn[0],
} // END - if
// Send "build mails" out
- sendAdminBuildMails($mode, $table, $content, $id, $statusInfo[$content[$column]], $userIdColumn);
+ sendAdminBuildMails($mode, $tableName, $content, $id, $statusInfo[$content[$column]], $userIdColumn);
} // END - foreach
} // END - if
// Delete rows by given id numbers
-function adminDeleteEntriesConfirm ($IDs, $table, $columns = array(), $filterFunctions = array(), $extraValues = array(), $deleteNow = false, $idColumn = 'id', $userIdColumn = 'userid', $userid = 'userid') {
+function adminDeleteEntriesConfirm ($tableName, $columns = array(), $filterFunctions = array(), $extraValues = array(), $deleteNow = array(false), $idColumn = array('id'), $userIdColumn = array('userid'), $rawUserId = array('userid')) {
+ // $tableName must be an array
+ if ((!is_array($tableName)) || (count($tableName) != 1)) {
+ // No tableName specified
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'tableName is not given. Please fix your XML,tableName[]=' . gettype($tableName) . '!=array');
+ } elseif (!is_array($idColumn)) {
+ // $idColumn is no array
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'idColumn[]=' . gettype($idColumn) . '!=array');
+ } elseif (!is_array($userIdColumn)) {
+ // $userIdColumn is no array
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'userIdColumn[]=' . gettype($userIdColumn) . '!=array');
+ } elseif (!is_array($deleteNow)) {
+ // $deleteNow is no array
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'deleteNow[]=' . gettype($deleteNow) . '!=array');
+ } // END - if
// All valid entries? (We hope so here!)
- if ((is_array($IDs)) && (count($IDs) > 0) && (count($columns) == count($filterFunctions)) && (count($columns) == count($extraValues))) {
+ if ((count($columns) == count($filterFunctions)) && (count($columns) == count($extraValues))) {
// Shall we delete here or list for deletion?
- if ($deleteNow === true) {
+ if ($deleteNow[0] === true) {
// The base SQL command:
// Delete them all
$idList = '';
- foreach ($IDs as $id => $sel) {
+ foreach (postRequestParameter($idColumn[0]) as $id => $sel) {
// Is there a userid?
- if (isPostRequestParameterSet($userid, $id)) {
+ if (isPostRequestParameterSet($rawUserId[0], $id)) {
// Load all data from that id
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT * FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s` WHERE `%s`=%s LIMIT 1",
- $table,
- $idColumn,
+ $tableName[0],
+ $idColumn[0],
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Send "build mails" out
- sendAdminBuildMails('delete', $table, $content, $id, '', $userIdColumn);
+ sendAdminBuildMails('delete', $tableName, $content, $id, '', $userIdColumn);
} // END - if
// Add id number
} // END - foreach
// Run the query
- SQL_QUERY_ESC($sql, array($table, $idColumn, substr($idList, 0, -1)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC($sql, array($tableName[0], $idColumn[0], substr($idList, 0, -1)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Was this fine?
- if (SQL_AFFECTEDROWS() == count($IDs)) {
+ if (SQL_AFFECTEDROWS() == count(postRequestParameter($idColumn[0]))) {
// All deleted
} else {
// Some are still there :(
- displayMessage(sprintf(getMessage('ADMIN_SOME_ENTRIES_NOT_DELETED'), SQL_AFFECTEDROWS(), count($IDs)));
+ displayMessage(sprintf(getMessage('ADMIN_SOME_ENTRIES_NOT_DELETED'), SQL_AFFECTEDROWS(), count(postRequestParameter($idColumn[0]))));
} else {
// List for deletion confirmation
- adminListBuilder('delete', $IDs, $table, $columns, $filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idColumn, $userIdColumn);
+ adminListBuilder('delete', $tableName, $columns, $filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idColumn, $userIdColumn);
} // END - if
// Edit rows by given id numbers
-function adminEditEntriesConfirm ($IDs, $table, $columns = array(), $filterFunctions = array(), $extraValues = array(), $editNow = false, $idColumn = 'id', $userIdColumn = 'userid', $userid = 'userid') {
+function adminEditEntriesConfirm ($tableName, $columns = array(), $filterFunctions = array(), $extraValues = array(), $editNow = array(false), $idColumn = array('id'), $userIdColumn = array('userid'), $rawUserId = array('userid')) {
+ // $tableName must be an array
+ if ((!is_array($tableName)) || (count($tableName) != 1)) {
+ // No tableName specified
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'tableName is not given. Please fix your XML,tableName[]=' . gettype($tableName) . '!=array');
+ } elseif (!is_array($idColumn)) {
+ // $idColumn is no array
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'idColumn[]=' . gettype($idColumn) . '!=array');
+ } elseif (!is_array($userIdColumn)) {
+ // $userIdColumn is no array
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'userIdColumn[]=' . gettype($userIdColumn) . '!=array');
+ } elseif (!is_array($editNow)) {
+ // $editNow is no array
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'editNow[]=' . gettype($editNow) . '!=array');
+ } // END - if
// All valid entries? (We hope so here!)
- if ((is_array($IDs)) && (count($IDs) > 0) && (count($columns) == count($filterFunctions)) && (count($columns) == count($extraValues))) {
+ //* DEBUG: */ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'idColumn=<pre>'.print_r($idColumn,true).'</pre>,tableName<pre>'.print_r($tableName,true).'</pre>,columns=<pre>'.print_r($columns,true).'</pre>,filterFunctions=<pre>'.print_r($filterFunctions,true).'</pre>,extraValues=<pre>'.print_r($extraValues,true).'</pre>,editNow=<pre>'.print_r($editNow,true).'</pre>,userIdColumn=<pre>'.print_r($userIdColumn,true).'</pre>,rawUserId=<pre>'.print_r($rawUserId,true).'</pre>');
+ if ((count($columns) == count($filterFunctions)) && (count($columns) == count($extraValues))) {
// Shall we change here or list for editing?
- if ($editNow === true) {
+ if ($editNow[0] === true) {
// Change them all
$affected = '0';
- foreach ($IDs as $id => $sel) {
+ foreach (postRequestParameter($idColumn[0]) as $id => $sel) {
// Prepare content array (new values)
$content = array();
// Prepare SQL for this row
$sql = sprintf("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s` SET",
- SQL_ESCAPE($table)
+ SQL_ESCAPE($tableName[0])
foreach (postRequestArray() as $key => $entries) {
// Skip raw userid which is always invalid
- if ($key == $userid) {
+ if ($key == $rawUserId[0]) {
// Continue with next field
} // END - if
// Is entries an array?
- if (($key != $idColumn) && (is_array($entries)) && (isset($entries[$id]))) {
+ if (($key != $idColumn[0]) && (is_array($entries)) && (isset($entries[$id]))) {
// Add this entry to content
$content[$key] = $entries[$id];
- } elseif (($key != $idColumn) && (!is_array($entries))) {
+ } elseif (($key != $idColumn[0]) && (!is_array($entries))) {
// Add normal entries as well!
$content[$key] = $entries;
} // END - foreach
// Finish SQL command
- $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1) . " WHERE `" . $idColumn . "`=" . bigintval($id) . " LIMIT 1";
+ $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1) . " WHERE `" . $idColumn[0] . "`=" . bigintval($id) . " LIMIT 1";
// Run this query
SQL_QUERY($sql, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Load all data from that id
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT * FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s` WHERE `%s`=%s LIMIT 1",
- array($table, $idColumn, $id), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ array(
+ $tableName[0],
+ $idColumn[0],
+ $id
+ ), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Fetch the data and merge it into $content
$content = merge_array($content, SQL_FETCHARRAY($result));
// Send "build mails" out
- sendAdminBuildMails('edit', $table, $content, $id, '', $userIdColumn);
+ sendAdminBuildMails('edit', $tableName, $content, $id, '', $userIdColumn);
} // END - foreach
// Was this fine?
- if ($affected == count($IDs)) {
+ if ($affected == count(postRequestParameter($idColumn[0]))) {
// All deleted
} else {
// Some are still there :(
- displayMessage(sprintf(getMessage('ADMIN_SOME_ENTRIES_NOT_EDITED'), $affected, count($IDs)));
+ displayMessage(sprintf(getMessage('ADMIN_SOME_ENTRIES_NOT_EDITED'), $affected, count(postRequestParameter($idColumn[0]))));
} else {
// List for editing
- adminListBuilder('edit', $IDs, $table, $columns, $filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idColumn, $userIdColumn);
+ adminListBuilder('edit', $tableName, $columns, $filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idColumn, $userIdColumn);
} else {
// Maybe some invalid parameters
- debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'IDs[]=' . gettype($IDs) . ',table=' . $table . ',columns[]=' . gettype($columns) . ',filterFunctions[]=' . gettype($filterFunctions) . ',extraValues[]=' . gettype($extraValues) . ',idColumn=' . $idColumn . ',userIdColumn=' . $userIdColumn . ' - INVALID!');
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'tableName=' . $tableName[0] . ',columns[]=' . gettype($columns) . ',filterFunctions[]=' . gettype($filterFunctions) . ',extraValues[]=' . gettype($extraValues) . ',idColumn=' . $idColumn[0] . ',userIdColumn=' . $userIdColumn[0] . ' - INVALID!');
// Un-/lock rows by given id numbers
-function adminLockEntriesConfirm ($IDs, $table, $columns=array(), $filterFunctions=array(), $extraValues=array(), $statusArray=array(), $lockNow=false, $idColumn='id', $userIdColumn='userid') {
+function adminLockEntriesConfirm ($tableName, $columns = array(), $filterFunctions = array(), $extraValues = array(), $statusArray = array(), $lockNow = array(false), $idColumn = array('id'), $userIdColumn = array('userid')) {
+ // $tableName must be an array
+ if ((!is_array($tableName)) || (count($tableName) != 1)) {
+ // No tableName specified
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'tableName is not given. Please fix your XML,tableName[]=' . gettype($tableName) . '!=array');
+ } elseif (!is_array($idColumn)) {
+ // $idColumn is no array
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'idColumn[]=' . gettype($idColumn) . '!=array');
+ } elseif (!is_array($lockNow)) {
+ // $lockNow is no array
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'lockNow[]=' . gettype($lockNow) . '!=array');
+ } // END - if
// All valid entries? (We hope so here!)
- if ((is_array($IDs)) && (count($IDs) > 0) && (count($columns) == count($filterFunctions)) && (count($columns) == count($extraValues)) && (($lockNow === false) || (count($statusArray) == 1))) {
+ if ((count($columns) == count($filterFunctions)) && (count($columns) == count($extraValues)) && (($lockNow[0] === false) || (count($statusArray) == 1))) {
// Shall we un-/lock here or list for locking?
- if ($lockNow === true) {
+ if ($lockNow[0] === true) {
// Un-/lock entries
- adminBuilderStatusHandler('lock', $IDs, $table, $columns, $filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idColumn, $userIdColumn, $statusArray);
+ adminBuilderStatusHandler('lock', $tableName, $columns, $filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idColumn, $userIdColumn, $statusArray);
} else {
// List for editing
- adminListBuilder('lock', $IDs, $table, $columns, $filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idColumn, $userIdColumn);
+ adminListBuilder('lock', $tableName, $columns, $filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idColumn, $userIdColumn);
} // END - if
// Undelete rows by given id numbers
-function adminUndeleteEntriesConfirm ($IDs, $table, $columns=array(), $filterFunctions=array(), $extraValues=array(), $statusArray=array(), $undeleteNow=false, $idColumn='id', $userIdColumn='userid') {
+function adminUndeleteEntriesConfirm ($tableName, $columns = array(), $filterFunctions = array(), $extraValues = array(), $statusArray = array(), $undeleteNow = array(false), $idColumn = array('id'), $userIdColumn = array('userid')) {
+ // $tableName must be an array
+ if ((!is_array($tableName)) || (count($tableName) != 1)) {
+ // No tableName specified
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'tableName is not given. Please fix your XML,tableName[]=' . gettype($tableName) . '!=array');
+ } elseif (!is_array($idColumn)) {
+ // $idColumn is no array
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'idColumn[]=' . gettype($idColumn) . '!=array');
+ } elseif (!is_array($undeleteNow)) {
+ // $undeleteNow is no array
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'undeleteNow[]=' . gettype($undeleteNow) . '!=array');
+ } // END - if
// All valid entries? (We hope so here!)
- if ((is_array($IDs)) && (count($IDs) > 0) && (count($columns) == count($filterFunctions)) && (count($columns) == count($extraValues)) && (($undeleteNow === false) || (count($statusArray) == 1))) {
+ if ((count($columns) == count($filterFunctions)) && (count($columns) == count($extraValues)) && (($undeleteNow[0] === false) || (count($statusArray) == 1))) {
// Shall we un-/lock here or list for locking?
- if ($undeleteNow === true) {
+ if ($undeleteNow[0] === true) {
// Undelete entries
- adminBuilderStatusHandler('undelete', $IDs, $table, $columns, $filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idColumn, $userIdColumn, $statusArray);
+ adminBuilderStatusHandler('undelete', $tableName, $columns, $filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idColumn, $userIdColumn, $statusArray);
} else {
// List for editing
- adminListBuilder('undelete', $IDs, $table, $columns, $filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idColumn, $userIdColumn);
+ adminListBuilder('undelete', $tableName, $columns, $filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idColumn, $userIdColumn);
} // END - if
+// Adds a given entry to the database
+function adminAddEntries ($tableName, $columns = array(), $filterFunctions = array(), $extraValues = array()) {
+ //* DEBUG: */ die('columns=<pre>'.print_r($columns,true).'</pre>,filterFunctions=<pre>'.print_r($filterFunctions,true).'</pre>,extraValues=<pre>'.print_r($extraValues,true).'</pre>,POST=<pre>'.print_r($_POST,true).'</pre>');
+ // Verify that tableName and columns are not empty
+ if ((!is_array($tableName)) || (count($tableName) != 1)) {
+ // No tableName specified
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'tableName is not given. Please fix your XML,tableName[]=' . gettype($tableName) . '!=array');
+ } elseif (count($columns) == 0) {
+ // No columns specified
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'columns is not given. Please fix your XML.');
+ }
+ // Init columns and value elements
+ $sqlColumns = array();
+ $sqlValues = array();
+ // Add columns and values
+ foreach ($columns as $key=>$columnName) {
+ // Copy entry to final arrays
+ $sqlColumns[$key] = $columnName;
+ $sqlValues[$key] = postRequestParameter($columnName);
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'key='.$key.',columnName='.$columnName.',filterFunctions='.$filterFunctions[$key].',extraValues='.intval(isset($extraValues[$key])).',extraValuesName='.intval(isset($extraValues[$columnName . '_list'])).'<br />');
+ // Send data through the filter function if found
+ if ((isset($filterFunctions[$key])) && (isset($extraValues[$key . '_list']))) {
+ // Filter function set!
+ $sqlValues[$key] = call_user_func_array($filterFunctions[$key], merge_array(array($columnName), $extraValues[$key . '_list']));
+ } // END - if
+ } // END - foreach
+ // Build the SQL query
+ $SQL = 'INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_' . $tableName[0] . '` (`' . implode('`, `', $sqlColumns) . "`) VALUES('" . implode("','", $sqlValues) . "')";
+ // Run the SQL query
+ // Entry has been added?
+ // Display success message
+ displayMessage('{--ADMIN_ENTRY_ADDED--}');
+ } else {
+ // Display failed message
+ displayMessage('{--ADMIN_ENTRY_NOT_ADDED--}');
+ }
// List all given rows (callback function from XML)
function adminListEntries ($tableTemplate, $rowTemplate, $noEntryMessageId, $tableName, $columns, $whereColumns, $orderByColumns, $callbackColumns, $extraParameters = array()) {
// Verify that tableName and columns are not empty
- if (count($tableName) != 1) {
+ if ((!is_array($tableName)) || (count($tableName) != 1)) {
// No tableName specified
- debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'tableName is not given. Please fix your XML. tableTemplate=' . $tableTemplate . ',rowTemplate=' . $rowTemplate);
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'tableName is not given. Please fix your XML,tableName[]=' . gettype($tableName) . '!=array,tableTemplate=' . $tableTemplate . ',rowTemplate=' . $rowTemplate);
} elseif (count($columns) == 0) {
// No columns specified
- debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'columns is not given. Please fix your XML. tableTemplate=' . $tableTemplate . ',rowTemplate=' . $rowTemplate . ',tableName[0]=' . $tableName[0]);
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'columns is not given. Please fix your XML,tableTemplate=' . $tableTemplate . ',rowTemplate=' . $rowTemplate . ',tableName[0]=' . $tableName[0]);
// This is the minimum query, so at least columns and tableName must have entries
loadTemplate(trim($tableTemplate[0]), false, $OUT);
} else {
// No URLs in surfbar
- displayMessage('{--' .$noEntryMessageId . '--}');
+ displayMessage('{--' .$noEntryMessageId[0] . '--}');
// Free result
$OUT = '';
//Â Look up administator login
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `login`, `password` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins` WHERE `email`='%s' LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`login`,`password` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins` WHERE `email`='%s' LIMIT 1",
array($email), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Is there an account?
$valid = false;
// Then try to find that user
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `password`, `email` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins` WHERE `login`='%s' LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`password`,`email` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins` WHERE `login`='%s' LIMIT 1",
array($login), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Is an account here?
// At last - but not least - check for own and new unassigned tasks...
$result_tasks = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
- `id`, `assigned_admin`, `userid`, `task_type`, `subject`, `text`, `task_created`
+ `id`,`assigned_admin`,`userid`,`task_type`,`subject`,`text`,`task_created`
$OUT = '';
foreach ($postData['sel'] as $taskId => $sel) {
$result_task = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
- `id`, `userid`, `task_type`, `subject`, `text`, `task_created`, `status`, `assigned_admin`
+ `id`,`userid`,`task_type`,`subject`,`text`,`task_created`,`status`,`assigned_admin`
// Update query
- $result_tasks = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `assigned_admin`, `userid`, `task_type`, `subject`, `text`, `task_created` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_task_system` WHERE `assigned_admin`=%s OR ((`assigned_admin`=0 OR `assigned_admin` IS NULL) AND `status`='NEW') ORDER BY `task_created` DESC",
+ $result_tasks = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`assigned_admin`,`userid`,`task_type`,`subject`,`text`,`task_created` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_task_system` WHERE `assigned_admin`=%s OR ((`assigned_admin`=0 OR `assigned_admin` IS NULL) AND `status`='NEW') ORDER BY `task_created` DESC",
array(getCurrentAdminId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
} // END - if
$END = mktime(postRequestParameter('end_hour') , postRequestParameter('end_min') , postRequestParameter('end_sec') , postRequestParameter('end_month') , postRequestParameter('end_day') , postRequestParameter('end_year') );
// Is there already a rallye running?
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `admin_id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_data` WHERE (`start_time` <= %s AND `end_time` >= %s) OR (`start_time` >= %s AND `start_time` <= %s) LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`admin_id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_data` WHERE (`start_time` <= %s AND `end_time` >= %s) OR (`start_time` >= %s AND `start_time` <= %s) LIMIT 1",
array($START, $START, $START, $END), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// Ok, start and end time did not overlap
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_data` (`admin_id`, `title`, `descr`, template, `start_time`, `end_time`, `auto_add_new_user`, `is_active`, `send_notify`)
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_data` (`admin_id`,`title`,`descr`, template, `start_time`,`end_time`,`auto_add_new_user`,`is_active`,`send_notify`)
VALUES (%s,'%s','%s','%s',%s,%s,'%s','%s','%s')",
$menus = array(); $titles = array(); $below = array();
// Get all available main menus
- $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `action`, `title`, `sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` WHERE (`what`='' OR `what` IS NULL) ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `action`,`title`,`sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` WHERE (`what`='' OR `what` IS NULL) ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// Read menu structure
// @TODO Cant this be rewritten?
// Load sub menus :)
foreach ($menus as $key_main => $value_main) {
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `what`, `title`, `sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` WHERE `action`='%s' AND `what` != '' AND `what` IS NOT NULL ORDER BY `sort` ASC",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `what`,`title`,`sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` WHERE `action`='%s' AND `what` != '' AND `what` IS NOT NULL ORDER BY `sort` ASC",
array($value_main), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// Init arrays
} else {
$prev = $value;
- }
+ } // END - foreach
$menus[$value_main] = $dmy;
$titles[$value_main] = $dmy2;
$below[$value_main] = $dmy3;
- }
- }
- }
+ } // END - if
+ } // END - foreach
+ } // END - if
$OUT = ' <select class="form_select" name="sort" size="1">
<option value="0">{--ADMIN_IS_FIRST_MENU--}</option>';
} // END - if
} // END - foreach
$OUT .= '</option>';
- }
+ } // END - foreach
} else {
$OUT .= ' <option value="' . $m . '">' . $titles[$key] . '</option>';
// Insert new menu entry
if (isPostRequestParameterSet('menu')) {
// Add sub menu
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')",
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $sel => $confirm) {
if ($confirm == 1) {
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `title`, `action`, `what`, `descr` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` WHERE ".$AND." AND `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `title`,`action`,`what`,`descr` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` WHERE ".$AND." AND `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($sel)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
// Entry found so we load the stuff...
doAdminProcessMenuWeightning('admin', $AND);
// Run SQL
- $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `action`, `what`, `title`, `sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` WHERE ".$AND." ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` WHERE ".$AND." ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Do we have entries?
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
$rows = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $template => $sel) {
// First of all load data from DB
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `admin_id`, `id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins_mails` WHERE `mail_template`='%s' ORDER BY `id` ASC",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `admin_id`,`id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins_mails` WHERE `mail_template`='%s' ORDER BY `id` ASC",
array($template), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$OUT = '';
$adminId2 = '0'; $id = '0';
array(postRequestParameter('catname')), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// Category does not exists, we simply add it...
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s')",
$OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $value) {
// Load data from the category
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `visible`, `sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`visible`,`sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
$CATS = '';
// Load all categories
- $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `cat`, `visible`, `sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`cat`,`visible`,`sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// Init variables
$OUT = '';
* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* File : what-config_home.php *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
- * Short description : Set "home" page *
+ * Short description : Set 'home' page *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
- * Kurzbeschreibung : "Home"-Seite festlegen *
+ * Kurzbeschreibung : 'home'-Seite festlegen *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* $Revision:: $ *
* $Date:: $ *
$content['cookie_selection'] = createConfigurationTimeSelections('index_cookie', 'YMWD');
// Output form
- loadTemplate('admin_config_home_settings', false, $content);
+ loadTemplate('admin_config_home', false, $content);
// Load all what menu points
- `id`, `what`, `title`
+ `id`,
+ `what`,
+ `title`
// Process all entries
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
- // Link for setting 'what' as new "home"
+ // Link for setting 'what' as new 'home'
$newHomeLink = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=config_home&sub=target&home=' . $content['what'] . '%}">{--_IS_NEW_HOME--}</a>';
// Is this current home?
$content['link'] = $newHomeLink;
// Load row template
- $OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_config_home_row', true, $content);
+ $OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_home_row', true, $content);
} // END - while
// Free memory
// Load template
- loadTemplate('admin_config_home', false, $OUT);
+ loadTemplate('admin_list_home', false, $OUT);
default: // Output selection table
// Handle form ...
} else {
// Query for all imprint data rows
- $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `imprint_key`, `imprint_value` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_imprint_data` ORDER BY `imprint_id` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `imprint_key`,`imprint_value` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_imprint_data` ORDER BY `imprint_id` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Do we have entries?
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $sel) {
// Load module data
// @TODO This can be moved into mysql-function.php, see checkModulePermissions() function
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `module`, `title`, `locked`, `hidden`, `admin_only`, `mem_only` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`module`,`title`,`locked`,`hidden`,`admin_only`,`mem_only` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Load data
if (!ifPostContainsSelections()) {
// Load module data (We do not need to check if there's at least one...)
- `id`, `module`, `locked`, `hidden`, `admin_only`, `title`, `mem_only`
+ `id`,`module`,`locked`,`hidden`,`admin_only`,`title`,`mem_only`
- `type`, `rate`, `min_points`, `from_account`, `from_pass`, `engine_url`, `engine_ret_ok`, `engine_ret_failed`, `pass_enc`, `allow_url`
+ `type`,`rate`,`min_points`,`from_account`,`from_pass`,`engine_url`,`engine_ret_ok`,`engine_ret_failed`,`pass_enc`,`allow_url`
'%s', %s, %s,'%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s'
$OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $sel) {
// Load data
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `type`, `rate`, `min_points`, `allow_url` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payout_types` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`type`,`rate`,`min_points`,`allow_url` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payout_types` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
$id = bigintval($id);
// Load data
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `type`, `rate`, `min_points` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payout_types` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`type`,`rate`,`min_points` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payout_types` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array($id), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
// Payout types
$result_type = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
- `id`, `type`, `rate`, `min_points`, `from_account`
+ `id`,`type`,`rate`,`min_points`,`from_account`
case 'ref':
switch (getRequestParameter('do')) {
case 'add':
- addSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` (`level`, `percents`) VALUES ('".bigintval(postRequestParameter('level'))."','".bigintval(postRequestParameter('percents'))."')");
+ addSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` (`level`,`percents`) VALUES ('".bigintval(postRequestParameter('level'))."','".bigintval(postRequestParameter('percents'))."')");
case 'edit': // Change entries
// Delete entries
$OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $value) {
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `level`, `percents` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`level`,`percents` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
// Edit entries
$OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $value) {
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `level`, `percents` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`level`,`percents` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
loadTemplate('admin_edit_reflevel', false, $OUT);
} else {
// Referal levels
- $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `level`, `percents` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` ORDER BY `level` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`level`,`percents` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` ORDER BY `level` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// Make referal levels editable and deletable
$OUT = '';
// Ok, new price level entered!
-(`rallye_id`, `price_level`, `points`, `info`)
(%s, %s, '%s', '%s')",
$OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $sel) {
// Load data to selected rallye
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `rallye_id`, `price_level`, `points`, `info` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_prices` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `rallye_id`,`price_level`,`points`,`info` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_prices` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
$OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $sel) {
// Load data to selected rallye
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `rallye_id`, `price_level`, `points`, `info` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_prices` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `rallye_id`,`price_level`,`points`,`info` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_prices` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
} else {
// a rallye was selected, so check if there are already prices assigned...
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `price_level`, `points`, `info` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_prices` WHERE `rallye_id`=%s ORDER BY `price_level` ASC",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`price_level`,`points`,`info` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_prices` WHERE `rallye_id`=%s ORDER BY `price_level` ASC",
array(bigintval(getRequestParameter('rallye'))), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
} // END - if
// List all register values
-$result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `field_name`, `field_required` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` ORDER BY `id` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+$result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`field_name`,`field_required` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` ORDER BY `id` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
$OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Get language string
} else {
// Load existing modules and generate TR rows for the template
- $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `module`, `title` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` ORDER BY module", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `module`,`title` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` ORDER BY module", __FILE__, __LINE__);
$OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Already registered module?
if (isGetRequestParameterSet('mid')) {
// Load email data
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `sender`, `subject`, `url`, `timestamp`, `cat_id`, `payment_id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`sender`,`subject`,`url`,`timestamp`,`cat_id`,`payment_id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval(getRequestParameter('mid'))), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Delete mail only once
} elseif ((isGetRequestParameterSet('bid')) && (isExtensionActive('bonus'))) {
// Load data from bonus mail
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `subject`, `url`, `timestamp`, `mails_sent` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`subject`,`url`,`timestamp`,`mails_sent` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval(getRequestParameter('bid'))), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Delete mail only once
} elseif ((isGetRequestParameterSet('nid')) && (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('bonus', '0.8.7'))) {
// Load data from bonus mail
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `subject`, `url`, `timestamp` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`subject`,`url`,`timestamp` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval(getRequestParameter('nid'))), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Delete mail only once
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $sel) {
// Get the userid
- `userid`, `holiday_start`, `holiday_end`
+ `userid`,`holiday_start`,`holiday_end`
if (isGetRequestParameterSet('id')) {
// Check for selected sponsor
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `email`, `gender`, `surname`, `family` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_data` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`email`,`gender`,`surname`,`family` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_data` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval(getRequestParameter('id'))), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
// Remove sponsor
// We only need outgoing transfers
- `userid` AS `from_userid`, `to_userid`, `trans_id`, `points`, `reason`, `time_trans`
+ `userid` AS `from_userid`,`to_userid`,`trans_id`,`points`,`reason`,`time_trans`
if ((isFormSent()) && (postRequestParameterSet('mid'))) {
// Make mail editable...
- `id`, `sender` AS `userid`, `subject`, `text`, `url`
+ `id`,`sender` AS `userid`,`subject`,`text`,`url`
} elseif (isGetRequestParameterSet('mid')) {
// Make also this email editable
- `id`, `sender` AS `userid`, `subject`, `text`, `url`
+ `id`,`sender` AS `userid`,`subject`,`text`,`url`
} elseif (isGetRequestParameterSet('bid')) {
// Make also this email editable
- `id`, `subject`, `text`, `url`
+ `id`,`subject`,`text`,`url`
} else {
// Query the pool
- `id`, `sender` AS `userid`, `subject`, `payment_id`, `cat_id`
+ `id`,`sender` AS `userid`,`subject`,`payment_id`,`cat_id`
if ((isGetRequestParameterSet('id')) && (isGetRequestParameterSet('mode'))) {
// Check for selected sponsor
$result_main = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
- `id`, `company`, `position`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`,
- `street_nr1`, `street_nr2`, `zip`, `city`, `country`,
- `phone`, `fax`, `cell`, `email`, `url`, `tax_ident`,
- `receive_warnings`, `warning_interval`
+ `id`,`company`,`position`,`gender`,`surname`,`family`,
+ `street_nr1`,`street_nr2`,`zip`,`city`,`country`,
+ `phone`,`fax`,`cell`,`email`,`url`,`tax_ident`,
+ `receive_warnings`,`warning_interval`
if (isGetRequestParameterSet('userid')) {
// Load user entry
$result_main = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
- `userid`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`, `street_nr`, `zip`, `city`, `country`,
+ `userid`,`gender`,`surname`,`family`,`street_nr`,`zip`,`city`,`country`,
- `birth_day`, `birth_month`, `birth_year`,
+ `birth_day`,`birth_month`,`birth_year`,
// Init SQL
$sql = "SELECT
- `id`, `sender`, `subject`, `text`, `receivers`, `payment_id`, `data_type`, `timestamp`, `url`, `target_send`, `cat_id`
+ `id`,`sender`,`subject`,`text`,`receivers`,`payment_id`,`data_type`,`timestamp`,`url`,`target_send`,`cat_id`
$OUT = '';
while ($pool = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Check sent mails and clicks
- $result_mails = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `max_rec`, `clicks` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_stats` WHERE `pool_id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result_mails = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `max_rec`,`clicks` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_stats` WHERE `pool_id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($pool['id'])), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Load entries
// Normal mails ordered by your members
$sql = "SELECT
- `id`, `sender`, `subject`, `text`, `receivers`, `payment_id`, `data_type`, `timestamp`, `url`, `target_send`, `mails_sent`, `cat_id`
+ `id`,`sender`,`subject`,`text`,`receivers`,`payment_id`,`data_type`,`timestamp`,`url`,`target_send`,`mails_sent`,`cat_id`
if (isGetRequestParameterSet('mid')) {
// Only a specific mail shall be displayed
$sql = sprintf("SELECT
- `id`, `sender`, `subject`, `text`, `receivers`, `payment_id`, `data_type`, `timestamp`, `url`, `target_send`, `cat_id`
+ `id`,`sender`,`subject`,`text`,`receivers`,`payment_id`,`data_type`,`timestamp`,`url`,`target_send`,`cat_id`
} elseif (isGetRequestParameterSet('userid')) {
// All mails by a specific member shall be displayed
$sql = sprintf("SELECT
- `id`, `sender`, `subject`, `text`, `receivers`, `payment_id`, `data_type`, `timestamp`, `url`, `target_send`, `cat_id`
+ `id`,`sender`,`subject`,`text`,`receivers`,`payment_id`,`data_type`,`timestamp`,`url`,`target_send`,`cat_id`
if ((isExtensionActive('bonus')) && (empty($WHO))) {
// Check for maximum pages
$result_bonus = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
- `id`, `subject`, `text`, `receivers`, `points`, `time`, `data_type`, `timestamp`, `url`, `cat_id`, `target_send`, `mails_sent`, `clicks`,
+ `id`,`subject`,`text`,`receivers`,`points`,`time`,`data_type`,`timestamp`,`url`,`cat_id`,`target_send`,`mails_sent`,`clicks`,
(`mails_sent` - `clicks`) AS `unconfirmed`
// Load required data
if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.0.6')) {
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `ext_has_css`, `ext_active` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_extensions` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `ext_has_css`,`ext_active` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_extensions` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($ext_id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
list($css, $active) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
// Get all available main menus
$result_menu = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
- `action`, `title`, `sort`
+ `action`,`title`,`sort`
foreach ($menus as $key_main => $value_main) {
// Query for sub menus
- `what`, `title`, `sort`
+ `what`,`title`,`sort`
} elseif (!isDemoModeActive()) {
// Insert new menu entry
if (isPostRequestParameterSet('menu')) {
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `sort`, `visible`, `locked`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')",
), __FILE__, __LINE__);
} else {
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`, `title`, `sort`, `visible`, `locked`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')",
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $sel => $confirm) {
if ($confirm == 1) {
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `title`, `action`, `what` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` WHERE ".$AND." AND `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `title`,`action`,`what` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` WHERE ".$AND." AND `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($sel)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
// Entry found so we load the stuff...
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $sel => $confirm) {
if ($confirm == 1) {
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `title`, `visible`, `locked` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` WHERE ".$AND." AND `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `title`,`visible`,`locked` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` WHERE ".$AND." AND `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($sel)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
// Entry found so we load the stuff...
// By default list menus
if (empty($subMenu)) {
// List only main menus
- $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `action`, `what`, `title`, `sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` WHERE (`what`='' OR `what` IS NULL) ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` WHERE (`what`='' OR `what` IS NULL) ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
} else {
// List sub menus
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `action`, `what`, `title`, `sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` WHERE `action`='%s' AND `what` != '' AND `what` IS NOT NULL ORDER BY `sort` ASC",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` WHERE `action`='%s' AND `what` != '' AND `what` IS NOT NULL ORDER BY `sort` ASC",
array($subMenu), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $selected) {
// Load data for the id
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `admin_id`, `action_menu`, `what_menu`, `access_mode` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins_acls` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`admin_id`,`action_menu`,`what_menu`,`access_mode` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins_acls` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
$OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $selected) {
// Load data for the id
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `admin_id`, `action_menu`, `what_menu`, `access_mode` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins_acls` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`admin_id`,`action_menu`,`what_menu`,`access_mode` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins_acls` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// Finally add the new ACL
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins_acls` (`admin_id`, `action_menu`, `what_menu`, `access_mode`)
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins_acls` (`admin_id`,`action_menu`,`what_menu`,`access_mode`)
VALUES (%s,'%s','%s','%s')",
} else {
// List all ACLs
- $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`, `admin_id`, `action_menu`, `what_menu`, `access_mode` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins_acls` ORDER BY `admin_id` ASC, `id` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`,`admin_id`,`action_menu`,`what_menu`,`access_mode` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins_acls` ORDER BY `admin_id` ASC, `id` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Entries found?
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
} elseif (isFormSent('edit')) {
// Delete entries (with confirmation)
+ array('id'),
+ array('bank_packages'),
- 'bank_packages',
} elseif (isFormSent('do_edit')) {
// Delete entries (with confirmation)
+ array('id'),
+ array('bank_packages'),
- 'bank_packages',
- true
+ array(true)
} elseif (isFormSent('delete')) {
// Delete entries (with confirmation)
+ array('id'),
+ array('bank_packages'),
- 'bank_packages',
} elseif (isFormSent('do_delete')) {
// Delete entries (with confirmation)
+ array('id'),
+ array('bank_packages'),
- 'bank_packages',
- true
+ array(true)
} // END - if
// Load all banking packages from DB
- `id`, `title`, `description`, `account_fee`, `package_active`, `interest_plus`, `interest_minus`
+ `id`,`title`,`description`,`account_fee`,`package_active`,`interest_plus`,`interest_minus`
} // END - if
// Check if at least one is in the active rallye
- $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `userid`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`, `email`, `beg_points`, `last_online`
+ $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `userid`,`gender`,`surname`,`family`,`email`,`beg_points`,`last_online`
} // END - if
- if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('bonus', '0.6.9')) {
+ // Old version ???
+ $USE = '`turbo_bonus`';
+ // Run filter chain to find more columns
+ $add = runFilterChain('add_bonus_points_user_columns', '');
+ // Add them, if some where configured
+ if (!empty($add)) {
// Add more bonus points here
- $USE = '(0';
- if (getConfig('bonus_click_yn') == 'Y') $USE .= ' + `turbo_bonus`';
- if (getConfig('bonus_login_yn') == 'Y') $USE .= ' + `login_bonus`';
- if (getConfig('bonus_order_yn') == 'Y') $USE .= ' + `bonus_order`';
- if (getConfig('bonus_stats_yn') == 'Y') $USE .= ' + `bonus_stats`';
- if (getConfig('bonus_ref_yn') == 'Y') $USE .= ' + `bonus_ref`';
- $USE .= ')';
- } else {
- // Old version ???
- $USE = '`turbo_bonus`';
- }
+ $USE = '(0' . $add . ')';
+ } // END - if
// Init variables
$lastOnline = '';
// Check if at least one is in the active rallye
- `userid`, `email`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`, " . $USE . " AS `points`, `last_online`
+ `userid`,
+ `email`,
+ `gender`,
+ `surname`,
+ `family`,
+ " . $USE . " AS `points`,
+ `last_online`
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// List users
- $OUT = ''; $count = 1; $total = '0';
+ $OUT = '';
+ $count = 1;
+ $total = '0';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Add total points
$total += $content['points'];
// Prepare content
$content['email'] = generateEmailLink($content['email'], 'user_data');
$content['last_online'] = generateDateTime($content['last_online'], 2);
- $content['win1'] = $WIN1;
- $content['win2'] = $WIN2;
- $content['count'] = $count;
+ $content['win1'] = $WIN1;
+ $content['win2'] = $WIN2;
+ $content['count'] = $count;
// Load template and add it
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_bonus_rows', true, $content);
$content['email'] = '<a href="' . generateEmailLink($content['email'], 'user_data') . '">{%pipe,translateGender=' . $content['gender'] . '%} ' . $content['surname'] . ' ' . $content['family'] . '</a>';
// Ok, list categories of this user
- $result_cats = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `cat` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result_cats = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`cat` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result_cats)) {
// List categories
array(strtoupper(postRequestParameter('code'))), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// Save entry
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_countries` (`code`, `descr`, `is_active`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_countries` (`code`,`descr`,`is_active`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s')",
strtoupper(substr(postRequestParameter('code'), 0, 2)),
$OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('id') as $id => $isActive) {
// Load data from DB
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `code`, `descr` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_countries` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`code`,`descr` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_countries` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
// Load data
} // END - if
// Load currenty setup country codes to list
- $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`, `code`, `descr`, `is_active` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_countries` ORDER BY `code` ASC',
+ $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`,`code`,`descr`,`is_active` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_countries` ORDER BY `code` ASC',
__FILE__, __LINE__);
// Do we have entries?
array(bigintval(postRequestParameter('max'))), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// Add this value (including comment)
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`, `comment`) VALUES ('%s','%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`,`comment`) VALUES ('%s','%s')",
array(bigintval(postRequestParameter('max')), postRequestParameter('comment')),__FILE__, __LINE__);
$content = '{--ADMIN_MAX_VALUE_SAVED--}';
} else {
$OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $value) {
// Load data
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `value`, `comment` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`value`,`comment` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
$OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $value) {
// Load data
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `value`, `comment` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`value`,`comment` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
// Load main template
loadTemplate('admin_edit_email_max_rec', false, $content);
} else {
- $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `value`, `comment` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` ORDER BY `value` ASC",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`value`,`comment` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` ORDER BY `value` ASC",
__FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// List already existing entries for editing
--- /dev/null
+ * Mailer v0.2.1-FINAL Start: 07/23/2011 *
+ * =================== Last change: 07/23/2011 *
+ * *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * File : what-list_forced_ads.php *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Short description : List/add Forced-Ads *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Kurzbeschreibung : Auflisten/Hinzufuegen von Forced-Werbemitteln *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * $Revision:: $ *
+ * $Date:: $ *
+ * $Tag:: 0.2.1-FINAL $ *
+ * $Author:: $ *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 - 2009 by Roland Haeder *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 by Mailer Developer Team *
+ * For more information visit: *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, *
+ * MA 02110-1301 USA *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// Some security stuff...
+if ((!defined('__SECURITY')) || (!isAdmin())) {
+ die();
+} // END - if
+// Add description as navigation point
+addYouAreHereLink('admin', __FILE__);
+// By default show the list...
+$show = true;
+// Check for 'url_id' element
+if ((countRequestPost() > 0) && ((!isPostRequestParameterSet('forced_ads_id')) || (!is_array(postRequestParameter('forced_ads_id'))) || (count(postRequestParameter('forced_ads_id')) == 0))) {
+ // Not found so output message
+ displayMessage('{--ADMIN_FORCED_ADS_NO_SELECTIONS--}');
+ // Abort here
+ return;
+} // END - if
+// Edit or delete button hit?
+if (isFormSent('add')) {
+ // Add new forced ad
+ showEntriesByXmlCallback('admin_add_do_forced_ads');
+} elseif (isFormSent('edit')) {
+ // Show entries for editing
+ showEntriesByXmlCallback('admin_edit_show_forced_ads');
+ // Do not show the list of URLs after this template
+ $show = false;
+} elseif (isFormSent('do_edit')) {
+ // Change data of entries
+ showEntriesByXmlCallback('admin_edit_do_forced_ads');
+} elseif (isFormSent('delete')) {
+ // Show entries for deletion
+ showEntriesByXmlCallback('admin_delete_show_forced_ads');
+ // Do not show the list of URLs after this template
+ $show = false;
+} elseif (isFormSent('do_delete')) {
+ // Remove entries from database
+ showEntriesByXmlCallback('admin_delete_do_forced_ads');
+// Show entries?
+if ($show === false) {
+ // No, a form has already been show
+ return false;
+} // END - if
+// List all URLs
+// Prepare content for template
+$content = array(
+ 'reload_lock' => createTimeSelections(0, 'forced_ads_reload_lock', 'WDhm'),
+ 'min_stay' => createTImeSelections(0, 'forced_ads_min_stay' , 'ms')
+// Display form for adding a forced-ad
+loadTemplate('admin_add_forced_ad', false, $content);
+// [EOF]
// @TODO Try to rewrite this to a filter
if (isExtensionActive('bonus')) {
// Load bonus id
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `stats_id`, `bonus_id`, `link_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `id` ASC",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `stats_id`,`bonus_id`,`link_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `id` ASC",
array(bigintval(getRequestParameter('userid'))), __FILE__, __LINE__);
} else {
// Load stats id (2nd will be ignored later! But it is needed for the same fetchrow command)
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `stats_id`, `stats_id`, `link_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `id` ASC",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `stats_id`,`stats_id`,`link_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `id` ASC",
array(bigintval(getRequestParameter('userid'))), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// @TODO Rewrite this to includes/filter
switch ($type) {
case 'NORMAL':
- $result_data = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `subject`, `timestamp_ordered` AS `timestamp`, `cat_id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_stats` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result_data = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `subject`,`timestamp_ordered` AS `timestamp`,`cat_id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_stats` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$type = 'mailid'; $DATA = $id; $PROBLEM = '{--NORMAL_MAIL_PROBLEM--}';
$LINK = '<a href="{%url=mailid.php?userid=' . getRequestParameter('userid') . '&mailid=' . $id . '%}" target="_blank">' . $id . '</a>';
case 'BONUS':
- $result_data = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `subject`, `timestamp`, `cat_id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result_data = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `subject`,`timestamp`,`cat_id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id2)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$type = 'bonusid'; $DATA = $id2; $PROBLEM = '{--BONUS_MAIL_PROBLEM--}';
$LINK = '<a href="{%url=mailid.php?userid=' . getRequestParameter('userid') . '&bonusid=' . $id2 . '%}" target="_blank">' . $id2 . '</a>';
// Load all advert types for given network
- `network_type_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`
+ `network_type_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`
if (isExtensionActive('bonus')) {
// Bonus mails sent by you
- `id`, `subject`, `text`, `receivers`, `points`, `time`, `data_type`, `timestamp`, `url`, `cat_id`, `target_send`,
- `mails_sent`, `clicks`, (`mails_sent` - `clicks`) AS `unconfirmed`
+ `id`,`subject`,`text`,`receivers`,`points`,`time`,`data_type`,`timestamp`,`url`,`cat_id`,`target_send`,
+ `mails_sent`,`clicks`, (`mails_sent` - `clicks`) AS `unconfirmed`
if (!empty($ptype)) {
// Obtain data from payout type
- `from_account`, `from_pass`, `engine_url`, `engine_ret_ok`, `engine_ret_failed`, `pass_enc`, `allow_url`
+ `from_account`,`from_pass`,`engine_url`,`engine_ret_ok`,`engine_ret_failed`,`pass_enc`,`allow_url`
// Check for entries
- `id`, `userid`, `primera_account`, `primera_amount`, `primera_timestamp`, `primera_type`, `primera_api_message`, `primera_api_status`
+ `id`,`userid`,`primera_account`,`primera_amount`,`primera_timestamp`,`primera_type`,`primera_api_message`,`primera_api_status`
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $selected) {
// Load rallye basic data
- `title`, `descr`, `template`, `start_time`, `end_time`, `min_users`, `min_prices`
+ `title`,`descr`,`template`,`start_time`,`end_time`,`min_users`,`min_prices`
} elseif ((getRequestParameter('sub') == 'users') && (getRequestParameter('rallye') > 0)) {
// List users and their refs before start and current
- `userid`, `refs`, `curr_points`
+ `userid`,`refs`,`curr_points`
} else {
// Start listing rallyes
- `id`, `admin_id`, `title`, `descr`, `template`, `start_time`, `end_time`,
- `auto_add_new_user`, `is_active`, `send_notify`, `notified`, `min_users`, `min_prices`
+ `id`,`admin_id`,`title`,`descr`,`template`,`start_time`,`end_time`,
+ `auto_add_new_user`,`is_active`,`send_notify`,`notified`,`min_users`,`min_prices`
// Load all referal levels
$result_levels = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
- `level`, `percents`
+ `level`,`percents`
if (isGetRequestParameterSet('id')) {
// Show detailed informations to a sponsor
- `company`, `position`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`, `street_nr1`, `street_nr2`, `zip`, `city`, `country`,
- `phone`, `fax`, `cell`, `email`, `url`, `tax_ident`,
+ `company`,`position`,`gender`,`surname`,`family`,`street_nr1`,`street_nr2`,`zip`,`city`,`country`,
+ `phone`,`fax`,`cell`,`email`,`url`,`tax_ident`,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`sponsor_created`) AS `sponsor_created`,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`last_online`) AS `last_online`,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`last_change`) AS `last_change`,
- `points_amount`, `points_used`, `remote_addr`, `warning_interval`, `refid`, `ref_count`
+ `points_amount`,`points_used`,`remote_addr`,`warning_interval`,`refid`,`ref_count`
// Sponsor found so let's list all his referals
- `id`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`, `email`, `status`,
+ `id`,`gender`,`surname`,`family`,`email`,`status`,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`sponsor_created`) AS `sponsor_created`,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`last_online`) AS `last_online`,
- `points_amount`, `points_used`,
- `remote_addr`, `ref_count`
+ `points_amount`,`points_used`,
+ `remote_addr`,`ref_count`
} else {
// List all sponsors
$result_main = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
- `id`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`, `email`, `status`,
+ `id`,`gender`,`surname`,`family`,`email`,`status`,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`sponsor_created`) AS `sponsor_created`,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`last_online`) AS `last_online`,
- `points_amount`, `points_used`,
+ `points_amount`,`points_used`,
(`points_amount` + `points_used`) AS `points`,
array(postRequestParameter('pay_name')), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// No entry found so add this line
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_paytypes` (`pay_name`, `pay_rate`, `pay_min_count`, `pay_currency`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_paytypes` (`pay_name`,`pay_rate`,`pay_min_count`,`pay_currency`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s')",
$OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('id') as $id => $sel) {
// Load entry
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `pay_name`, `pay_rate`, `pay_min_count`, `pay_currency` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_paytypes` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`pay_name`,`pay_rate`,`pay_min_count`,`pay_currency` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_paytypes` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
// Load data
} else {
// Load all payment types
- `id`, `pay_name`, `pay_rate`, `pay_min_count`, `pay_currency`
+ `id`,`pay_name`,`pay_rate`,`pay_min_count`,`pay_currency`
} else {
// Start listing tasks matching selected filter
$result_tasks = SQL_QUERY('SELECT
- `id`, `assigned_admin`, `userid`, `task_type`, `subject`, `text`, `task_created`
+ `id`,`assigned_admin`,`userid`,`task_type`,`subject`,`text`,`task_created`
// Update query
$result_tasks = SQL_QUERY('SELECT
- `id`, `assigned_admin`, `userid`, `task_type`, `subject`, `text`, `task_created`
+ `id`,`assigned_admin`,`userid`,`task_type`,`subject`,`text`,`task_created`
// We only need outgoing transfers
- `userid` AS `from_userid`, `to_userid`, `trans_id`, `points`, `reason`, `time_trans`
+ `userid` AS `from_userid`,`to_userid`,`trans_id`,`points`,`reason`,`time_trans`
// SQL query for mail data (both ids are required for compatiblity to above normal mail
$sql = sprintf("SELECT
- `id`, `id` AS `sender`, `subject`, `text`, `url`, `timestamp`, `mails_sent` AS `max_rec`
+ `id`,`id` AS `sender`,`subject`,`text`,`url`,`timestamp`,`mails_sent` AS `max_rec`
// Bonus mails do always have a sender 'NULL'
if ($col == 'bonus_id') {
- $poolData['sender'] = null;
+ $poolData['sender'] = NULL;
} // END - if
// Load unconfirmed mail links. Hmmm, this select query is pretty cool
// Does the account exists?
$result_user = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
- `userid`, `country`, `email`, `birth_day`, `birth_month`, `birth_year`, `last_online`, `used_points`, `emails_sent`, `joined`, `last_update`, `last_profile_sent`, `notified`, `emails_received`, `mails_confirmed`".$MORE."
+ `userid`,`country`,`email`,`birth_day`,`birth_month`,`birth_year`,`last_online`,`used_points`,`emails_sent`,`joined`,`last_update`,`last_profile_sent`,`notified`,`emails_received`,`mails_confirmed`".$MORE."
} // END - if
// Generate master query string
- $sql = sprintf("SELECT `userid`, `email`, `emails_sent`, `mails_confirmed`, `emails_received`" . $MORE . " FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data`" . $whereStatement . " ORDER BY `%s` ASC",
+ $sql = sprintf("SELECT `userid`,`email`,`emails_sent`,`mails_confirmed`,`emails_received`" . $MORE . " FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data`" . $whereStatement . " ORDER BY `%s` ASC",
if (isGetRequestParameterSet('id')) {
// Check for selected sponsor
- $result_sponsor = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `gender`, `surname`, `family`, `email`, `status` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_data` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result_sponsor = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `gender`,`surname`,`family`,`email`,`status` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_data` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval(getRequestParameter('id'))), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_sponsor) == 1) {
// Get sponsor's current status and let only confirmed and locked status pass
$below = array();
// Get all available main menus
- $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `action`, `title`, `sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` WHERE (`what`='' OR `what` IS NULL) ORDER BY `sort` ASC",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `action`,`title`,`sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` WHERE (`what`='' OR `what` IS NULL) ORDER BY `sort` ASC",
__FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// Read menu structure
// Load sub menus :)
foreach ($menus as $key_main => $value_main) {
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `what`, `title`, `sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` WHERE `action`='%s' AND `what` != '' ORDER BY `sort` ASC",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `what`,`title`,`sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` WHERE `action`='%s' AND `what` != '' ORDER BY `sort` ASC",
array($value_main), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// Initialize arrays
} elseif (!isDemoModeActive()) {
// Insert new menu entry
if (isPostRequestParameterSet('menu')) {
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `visible`, `locked`, `sort`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`visible`,`locked`,`sort`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')",
), __FILE__, __LINE__);
} else {
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`, `title`, `visible`, `locked`, `sort`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`,`title`,`visible`,`locked`,`sort`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')",
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $sel => $confirm) {
if ($confirm == 1) {
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `title`, `action`, `what` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` WHERE ".$AND." AND `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `title`,`action`,`what` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` WHERE ".$AND." AND `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($sel)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
// Entry found so we load the stuff...
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $sel => $confirm) {
if ($confirm == 1) {
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `title`, `visible`, `locked` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` WHERE ".$AND." AND `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `title`,`visible`,`locked` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` WHERE ".$AND." AND `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($sel)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
// Entry found so we load the stuff...
if (!empty($subMenu)) {
// Edit sub menus
- $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `action`, `what`, `title`, `sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` WHERE ".$AND." AND `what` != '' AND `what` IS NOT NULL ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` WHERE ".$AND." AND `what` != '' AND `what` IS NOT NULL ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
} else {
// Edit main menus
- $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `action`, `what`, `title`, `sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` WHERE (`what`='' OR `what` IS NULL) ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` WHERE (`what`='' OR `what` IS NULL) ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Some are there?
if (isFormSent()) {
switch (getRequestParameter('do')) {
case 'add':
- addSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` (`time`, `payment`, `mail_title`, `price`) VALUES ('".postRequestParameter('t_wait')."','".postRequestParameter('payment')."','".postRequestParameter('title')."','".postRequestParameter('price')."')");
+ addSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` (`time`,`payment`,`mail_title`,`price`) VALUES ('".postRequestParameter('t_wait')."','".postRequestParameter('payment')."','".postRequestParameter('title')."','".postRequestParameter('price')."')");
if (countSumTotalData(postRequestParameter('t_wait'), 'payments', 'id', 'time', true) == 1) {
// Re-init the array here
// Delete entries here
$OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $value) {
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `time`, `mail_title` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`time`,`mail_title` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
// Edit entries
$OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $value) {
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `time`, `payment`, `mail_title`, `price` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`time`,`payment`,`mail_title`,`price` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
loadTemplate('admin_edit_payments', false, $OUT);
} else {
// Referal levels
- $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `time`, `payment`, `mail_title`, `price` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` ORDER BY `time` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`time`,`payment`,`mail_title`,`price` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` ORDER BY `time` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// Make referal levels editable and deletable
$OUT = '';
// Was the banner found?
if (SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// Add banner
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refbanner` (`url`, `alternate`, `visible`)
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refbanner` (`url`,`alternate`,`visible`)
VALUES ('%s','%s','%s')",
$OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $sel) {
// Load data
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `url`, `alternate`, `visible` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refbanner` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`url`,`alternate`,`visible` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refbanner` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
} // END - if
// Referal levels
- $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`, `url`, `alternate`, `visible`, `counter`, `clicks` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refbanner` ORDER BY `url` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`,`url`,`alternate`,`visible`,`counter`,`clicks` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refbanner` ORDER BY `url` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Entries found?
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
$actions = array();
// First fix all main menus (what = '')...
-$result_fix = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `action` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` WHERE (`what`='' OR `what` IS NULL) AND `action` != 'logout' ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+$result_fix = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`action` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` WHERE (`what`='' OR `what` IS NULL) AND `action` != 'logout' ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
$count = '0'; $repairedWeights = '0';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_fix)) {
// Store act value for later usage in sorting sub menus
$actions = array();
// First fix all main menus (what = '')...
-$result_fix = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `action` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` WHERE (`what`='' OR `what` IS NULL) AND `action` != 'logout' ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+$result_fix = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`action` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` WHERE (`what`='' OR `what` IS NULL) AND `action` != 'logout' ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
$count = '0'; $repairedWeights = '0';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_fix)) {
// Store act value for later usage in sorting sub menus
$actions = array();
// First fix all main menus (what = '')...
-$result_fix = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `action` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` WHERE (`what`='' OR `what` IS NULL) AND `action` != 'logout' ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+$result_fix = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`action` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` WHERE (`what`='' OR `what` IS NULL) AND `action` != 'logout' ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
$count = '0'; $repairedWeights = '0';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_fix)) {
// Store action value for later usage in sorting sub menus
$expirationTime = time() + createEpocheTimeFromSelections('coupon_default_time', postRequestArray());
// Insert coupon data
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_coupon_data` (`coupon_expired`, `total_created`, `points`, `coupon_description`) VALUES ('{%%pipe,SQL_EPOCHE_TO_TIMESTAMP=%s%%}', %s,%s,'%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_coupon_data` (`coupon_expired`,`total_created`,`points`,`coupon_description`) VALUES ('{%%pipe,SQL_EPOCHE_TO_TIMESTAMP=%s%%}', %s,%s,'%s')",
} // END - while
// The above loop should always set $couponCode, so we can now insert it
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_coupons` (`coupon_id`, `userid`, `coupon_code`) VALUES (%s,%s,'%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_coupons` (`coupon_id`,`userid`,`coupon_code`) VALUES (%s,%s,'%s')",
array($couponId, $userid, $couponCode), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Fill array with all required data
if (isFormSent()) {
- `userid`, `email`
+ `userid`,`email`
$mod = mapModuleToTable(getRequestParameter('mod'));
// Load module's detail statistic
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `action`, `title`, `counter` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s_menu` WHERE `what` != '' AND `what` IS NOT NULL ORDER BY `counter` DESC",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `action`,`title`,`counter` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s_menu` WHERE `what` != '' AND `what` IS NOT NULL ORDER BY `counter` DESC",
array($mod), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Load row template
- $OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_mods_stats2_row', true, $content);
+ $OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_mods_stats2_row', true, $content);
} // END - while
// Free memory
// Load final template
- loadTemplate('admin_mods_stats2', false, $OUT);
+ loadTemplate('admin_list_mods_stats2', false, $OUT);
} else {
// Load module statics
- $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `module`, `title`, `clicks` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` ORDER BY `clicks` DESC, `module` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `module`,`title`,`clicks` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` ORDER BY `clicks` DESC, `module` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
$OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
if (($content['module'] == 'index') || ($content['module'] == 'login')) {
} // END - if
// Load row template
- $OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_mods_stats_row', true, $content);
+ $OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_mods_stats_row', true, $content);
} // END - while
// Free memory
// Load final template
- loadTemplate('admin_mods_stats', false, $OUT);
+ loadTemplate('admin_list_mods_stats', false, $OUT);
// [EOF]
$content['points'] = bigintval(postRequestParameter('points'));
// Load userid
- $result_main = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `userid`, `email` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` WHERE `status`='CONFIRMED' ORDER BY `userid` ASC",
+ $result_main = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `userid`,`email` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` WHERE `status`='CONFIRMED' ORDER BY `userid` ASC",
__FILE__, __LINE__);
while ($row = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_main)) {
// Merge both arrays
$content = merge_array($content, $row);
- // Ok, add points to used points and send an email to him...
+ // Ok, add points to used points, send an email to him and ignore return status
subtractPoints('admin_all', $content['userid'], postRequestParameter('points'));
// Prepare content
$content = getUserDataArray();
if ((isFormSent()) && (isPostRequestParameterSet('points'))) {
- // Ok, add to used points and send an email to him...
+ // Ok, add to used points, send an email to him and ignore return status
subtractPoints('admin_single', bigintval(getRequestParameter('userid')), postRequestParameter('points'));
// Prepare content
// Register it ith the exchange
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_themes` (`theme_path`, `theme_active`, `theme_ver`, `theme_name`)
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_themes` (`theme_path`,`theme_active`,`theme_ver`,`theme_name`)
VALUES ('%s','N','%s','%s')",
// Check for mails
$result_main = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
- `id`, `sender`, `subject`, `payment_id`, `timestamp`, `url`, `target_send`, `cat_id`
+ `id`,`sender`,`subject`,`payment_id`,`timestamp`,`url`,`target_send`,`cat_id`
$id = bigintval($id);
// Load URL and subject from pool
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `url`, `subject`, `sender` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `url`,`subject`,`sender` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array($id), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Load data
array($url), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// Did not find a record so we can add it... :)
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_url_blacklist` (`url`, `pool_id`) VALUES ('%s',%s)",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_url_blacklist` (`url`,`pool_id`) VALUES ('%s',%s)",
array($url, $id), __FILE__, __LINE__);
} // END - if
// Load his personal data
$result_main = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
- `id`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`, `email`, `remote_addr`,
+ `id`,`gender`,`surname`,`family`,`email`,`remote_addr`,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`sponsor_created`) AS `sponsor_created`,
- `points_amount`, `points_used`,
+ `points_amount`,`points_used`,
(`points_amount` + `points_used`) AS `points`,
// Load referal's data
- `id`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`, `email`,
+ `id`,`gender`,`surname`,`family`,`email`,
(`points_amount` - `points_used`) AS `points`,
- `receive_warnings`, `ref_count` AS refs
+ `receive_warnings`,`ref_count` AS refs
// Begin listing of all pending sponsor accounts
- `id`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`, `email`, `remote_addr`,
+ `id`,`gender`,`surname`,`family`,`email`,`remote_addr`,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`sponsor_created`) AS `sponsor_created`
loadTemplate('admin_mini_online', false, $content);
// Check for online users
- $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `ip`, `userid`, `refid`, `module`, `action`, `what`, `is_member`, `is_admin`, `timestamp` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_online` ORDER by `timestamp` DESC",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`ip`,`userid`,`refid`,`module`,`action`,`what`,`is_member`,`is_admin`,`timestamp` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_online` ORDER by `timestamp` DESC",
__FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// List all online users
// Order number placed, is he also logged in?
if (isMember()) {
// Ok, test passed... :)
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `subject`, `url` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` WHERE `id`=%s AND `sender`=%s AND `data_type`='TEMP' LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `subject`,`url` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` WHERE `id`=%s AND `sender`=%s AND `data_type`='TEMP' LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval(getRequestParameter('order')), getMemberId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Finally is the entry valid?
// Check for members who were active only this day
- `userid`, `last_online`
+ `userid`,`last_online`
} // END - while
// Check for pay types
- $result_pay = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `pay_name`, `pay_rate`, `pay_min_count`, `pay_currency` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_paytypes` ORDER BY `pay_name` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result_pay = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `pay_name`,`pay_rate`,`pay_min_count`,`pay_currency` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_paytypes` ORDER BY `pay_name` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result_pay)) {
// Load all pay types
$OUT_PAY = '';
if (isGetRequestParameterSet('hash')) {
// Lookup sponsor
- `id`, `status`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`,
- `company`, `position`, `tax_ident`,
- `street_nr1`, `street_nr2`, `country`, `zip`, `city`, `email`, `phone`, `fax`, `cell`,
- `points_amount` AS `points`, `last_payment`, `last_currency`
+ `id`,`status`,`gender`,`surname`,`family`,
+ `company`,`position`,`tax_ident`,
+ `street_nr1`,`street_nr2`,`country`,`zip`,`city`,`email`,`phone`,`fax`,`cell`,
+ `points_amount` AS `points`,`last_payment`,`last_currency`
if (isFormSent()) {
// Check email
- `id`, `hash`, `status`, `remote_addr`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`,
+ `id`,`hash`,`status`,`remote_addr`,`gender`,`surname`,`family`,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`sponsor_created`) AS `sponsor_created`
if (isFormSent()) {
// Check email
- `id`, `hash`, `remote_addr`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`,
+ `id`,`hash`,`remote_addr`,`gender`,`surname`,`family`,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`sponsor_created`) AS `sponsor_created`
// Calulate points
- (`pay_rate` * `pay_min_count`) AS `points`, `pay_min_count`, `pay_currency`
+ (`pay_rate` * `pay_min_count`) AS `points`,`pay_min_count`,`pay_currency`
} else {
// Check for payment types
- `id`, `pay_name`, `pay_rate`, `pay_currency`, `pay_min_count`
+ `id`,`pay_name`,`pay_rate`,`pay_currency`,`pay_min_count`
} // END - for
// Members in categories
- $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `cat` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` WHERE `visible`='Y' ORDER BY `id` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`cat` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` WHERE `visible`='Y' ORDER BY `id` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Load categories first
$cats = array(); $cat_cnt = array();
if (isAdmin()) $AND = '';
// Query for guest and member menus
- $guest_t10 = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `counter`, `title` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` WHERE `counter` > 0' . $AND . ' ORDER BY `counter` DESC LIMIT 0,10', __FILE__, __LINE__);
- $mem_t10 = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `counter`, `title` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` WHERE `counter` > 0' . $AND . ' ORDER BY `counter` DESC LIMIT 0,10', __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $guest_t10 = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `counter`,`title` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` WHERE `counter` > 0' . $AND . ' ORDER BY `counter` DESC LIMIT 0,10', __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $mem_t10 = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `counter`,`title` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` WHERE `counter` > 0' . $AND . ' ORDER BY `counter` DESC LIMIT 0,10', __FILE__, __LINE__);
$OUT = '';
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($guest_t10)) {
// TOP logins
- `userid`, `last_online`
+ `userid`,`last_online`
// Let's check if there are some points left we can pay...
- `userid`, `beg_points`, `last_online`
+ `userid`,
+ `beg_points`,
+ `last_online`
} // END - if
-if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('bonus', '0.6.9')) {
- // Add more bonus points here
- // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
- $USE = '(0';
- if (getConfig('bonus_click_yn') == 'Y') $USE .= ' + `turbo_bonus`';
- if (getConfig('bonus_login_yn') == 'Y') $USE .= ' + `login_bonus`';
- if (getConfig('bonus_order_yn') == 'Y') $USE .= ' + `bonus_order`';
- if (getConfig('bonus_stats_yn') == 'Y') $USE .= ' + `bonus_stats`';
- if (getConfig('bonus_ref_yn') == 'Y') $USE .= ' + `bonus_ref`';
- $USE .= ')';
-} else {
- // Old version ???
- $USE = '`turbo_bonus`';
+// Add more bonus points here
+$add = runFilterChain('add_bonus_points_user_columns', '');
+$USE = '`turbo_bunus`';
+if (!empty($add)) {
+ $USE = '(0' . . ')';
+} // END - if
// Init variables
$lastOnline = '%s';
// Let's check if there are some points left we can 'pay'...
- `userid`, ".$USE." AS `points`, `last_online`
+ `userid`, ".$USE." AS `points`,`last_online`
// Subtract points from member account if the admin has selected one
if (isValidUserId(getConfig('coupon_userid'))) {
- // Subtract from this account
+ // Subtract from this account and ignore return status
subtractPoints('cashed_coupon', getConfig('coupon_userid'), $content['points']);
} // END - if
if (isAdmin()) $whereStatement = '';
// Get all categories
-$result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `cat` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats`".$whereStatement." ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+$result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`cat` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats`".$whereStatement." ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Do we have entries?
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'categoryId='.$categoryId.',joined='.$joined.',getMemberId()='.getMemberId().',SQL_HASZERONUMS()='.intval(SQL_HASZERONUMS($result_user)));
if (SQL_HASZERONUMS($result_user)) {
- $sql = "INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_cats` (`userid`, `cat_id`) VALUES (%s,%s)";
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_cats` (`userid`,`cat_id`) VALUES (%s,%s)";
} // END - if
// Free memory
} else {
// Everything went okay so let's store his request and send mails
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_holidays` (`userid`, `holiday_start`, `holiday_end`, `comments`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_holidays` (`userid`,`holiday_start`,`holiday_end`,`comments`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s')",
array(getMemberId(), $START, $content['holiday_end'], postRequestParameter('comments')), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Activate holiday system
if (isPostRequestParameterSet('stop')) {
// Okay, end the holiday here...
- `holiday_active`, `holiday_activated`
+ `holiday_active`,`holiday_activated`
if (($content['holiday_active'] == 'Y') && (($content['holiday_activated'] + getConfig('holiday_lock')) < time())) {
// Load data
- `holiday_start`, `holiday_end`
+ `holiday_start`,`holiday_end`
if ((!isFormSent()) && (!isPostRequestParameterSet('stop'))) {
// Check if user is in holiday...
- `holiday_active`, `holiday_activated`
+ `holiday_active`,`holiday_activated`
case 'Y': // Display deactivation form
// Load starting and ending date
- `holiday_start`, `holiday_end`
+ `holiday_start`,`holiday_end`
case 'edit': // Edit data
if (isExtensionActive('country', true)) {
// New way 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `surname`, `family`, `street_nr`, `country_code`, `zip`, `city`, `email`, `birth_day`, `birth_month`, `birth_year`, `gender`, `max_mails`, `receive_mails`, `last_update`
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `surname`,`family`,`street_nr`,`country_code`,`zip`,`city`,`email`,`birth_day`,`birth_month`,`birth_year`,`gender`,`max_mails`,`receive_mails`,`last_update`
array(getMemberId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
} else {
// Old way 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `surname`, `family`, `street_nr`, `country`, `zip`, `city`, `email`, `birth_day`, `birth_month`, `birth_year`, `gender`, `max_mails`, `receive_mails`, `last_update`
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `surname`,`family`,`street_nr`,`country`,`zip`,`city`,`email`,`birth_day`,`birth_month`,`birth_year`,`gender`,`max_mails`,`receive_mails`,`last_update`
// Continue with the frametester, we first need to store the data temporary in the pool
// First we would like to store the data and get it's pool position back...
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `data_type`
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`data_type`
// Display order form
$result_cats = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
- `id`, `cat`
+ `id`,`cat`
// Now we need to load the mail types...
- $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `price`, `payment`, `mail_title` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` ORDER BY `payment` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`price`,`payment`,`mail_title` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` ORDER BY `payment` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
$types = array();
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// Check if we already have an order placed and make it editable
- `subject`, `text`, `payment_id`, `timestamp`, `url`, `target_send`, `cat_id`, `zip`
+ `subject`,`text`,`payment_id`,`timestamp`,`url`,`target_send`,`cat_id`,`zip`
if (!isGetRequestParameterSet('payout')) {
// Load payout types
- `id`, `type`, `rate`, `min_points`, `allow_url`
+ `id`,`type`,`rate`,`min_points`,`allow_url`
} else {
// Chedk if he can get paid by selected type
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `type`, `rate`, `min_points`, `allow_url` AS allow FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payout_types` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `type`,`rate`,`min_points`,`allow_url` AS allow FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payout_types` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval(getRequestParameter('payout'))), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
setPostRequestParameter('payout_points', $points);
setPostRequestParameter('type' , $content['type']);
- // Subtract points from member's account
+ // Subtract points from member's account and ignore return status
subtractPoints('payout', getMemberId(), $points);
// Add entry to his tranfer history
if ($content['allow'] == 'Y') {
// Banner/textlink ordered
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_payouts` (`userid`, `payout_total`, `payout_id`, `payout_timestamp`, `status`, `target_url`, `link_text`, `banner_url`)
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_payouts` (`userid`,`payout_total`,`payout_id`,`payout_timestamp`,`status`,`target_url`,`link_text`,`banner_url`)
VALUES (%s,%s,%s, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'NEW','%s','%s','%s')",
} else {
// e-currency payout requested
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_payouts` (`userid`, `payout_total`, `target_account`, `target_bank`, `payout_id`, `payout_timestamp`, `status`, `password`)
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_payouts` (`userid`,`payout_total`,`target_account`,`target_bank`,`payout_id`,`payout_timestamp`,`status`,`password`)
VALUES (%s,%s,%s,'%s',%s, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'NEW','%s')",
addYouAreHereLink('member', __FILE__);
// Query for referal levels and percents
-$result_depths = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `level`, `percents` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` ORDER BY `level` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
+$result_depths = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `level`,`percents` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` ORDER BY `level` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Get total depths
$numDepths = SQL_NUMROWS($result_depths);
setGetRequestParameter('mode', 'list');
// And load all rows!
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `primera_account`, `primera_amount`, `primera_timestamp`, `primera_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_primera` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `primera_timestamp` DESC",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`primera_account`,`primera_amount`,`primera_timestamp`,`primera_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_primera` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `primera_timestamp` DESC",
array(getMemberId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Load all rows
$locked = false;
} // END - if
- // Remove points from account
+ // Subtract points from account and ignore return status
subtractPoints('primera_payout', getMemberId(), postRequestParameter('amount'));
// Update primera nickname
$whereStatement = " WHERE `visible`='Y'";
if (isAdmin()) $whereStatement = '';
-$result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`, `url`, `alternate`, `counter`, `clicks` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refbanner` ORDER BY `id` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
+$result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`,`url`,`alternate`,`counter`,`clicks` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refbanner` ORDER BY `id` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// List available ref banners
// Load all referal levels
- `level`, `percents`
+ `level`,`percents`
// Load waiting/pending orders
- `id`, `cat_id`, `payment_id`, `subject`, `url`, `timestamp`, `target_send`, `data_type`, `zip`
+ `id`,`cat_id`,`payment_id`,`subject`,`url`,`timestamp`,`target_send`,`data_type`,`zip`
// Load sent orders
- `id`, `cat_id`, `payment_id`, `subject`, `url`, `timestamp_ordered`, `max_rec`, `timestamp_send`, `clicks`
+ `id`,`cat_id`,`payment_id`,`subject`,`url`,`timestamp_ordered`,`max_rec`,`timestamp_send`,`clicks`
$valid_recipient = isValidUserId(postRequestParameter('to_userid'));
// Re-check receivers and own personal data
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `userid`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`, `email` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` WHERE `userid` IN ('%s','%s') AND `status`='CONFIRMED' LIMIT 2",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `userid`,`gender`,`surname`,`family`,`email` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` WHERE `userid` IN ('%s','%s') AND `status`='CONFIRMED' LIMIT 2",
$content['trans_id'] = bigintval(generateRandomCode('10', mt_rand(0, 99999), getMemberId(), postRequestParameter('reason')));
// Add entries to both tables
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_transfers_in` (`userid`, `from_userid`, `points`, `reason`, `time_trans`, `trans_id`) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,'%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),%s)",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_transfers_in` (`userid`,`from_userid`,`points`,`reason`,`time_trans`,`trans_id`) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,'%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),%s)",
), __FILE__, __LINE__);
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_transfers_out` (`userid`, `to_userid`, `points`, `reason`, `time_trans`, `trans_id`) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,'%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),%s)",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_transfers_out` (`userid`,`to_userid`,`points`,`reason`,`time_trans`,`trans_id`) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,'%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),%s)",
addPointsThroughReferalSystem('transfer', bigintval(postRequestParameter('to_userid')), bigintval(postRequestParameter('points')));
- // ... and add it to current user's used points
+ // ... and add it to current user's used points and ignore return status
subtractPoints('transfer', getMemberId(), postRequestParameter('points'));
// First send email to recipient
$nothingMessage = '';
switch ($mode) {
case 'list_in':
- $sql = 'SELECT `trans_id`, `from_userid` AS party_userid, `points`, `reason`, `time_trans` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_transfers_in` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `time_trans` DESC LIMIT {?transfer_max?}';
+ $sql = 'SELECT `trans_id`,`from_userid` AS party_userid, `points`,`reason`,`time_trans` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_transfers_in` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `time_trans` DESC LIMIT {?transfer_max?}';
$nothingMessage = '{--TRANSFER_NO_INCOMING_TRANSFERS--}';
$content['balance'] = '{--TRANSFER_TOTAL_INCOMING--}';
$content['title'] = '{--TRANSFER_LIST_INCOMING--}';
case 'list_out':
- $sql = 'SELECT `trans_id`, `to_userid` AS party_userid, `points`, `reason`, `time_trans` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_transfers_out` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `time_trans` DESC LIMIT {?transfer_max?}';
+ $sql = 'SELECT `trans_id`,`to_userid` AS party_userid, `points`,`reason`,`time_trans` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_transfers_out` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `time_trans` DESC LIMIT {?transfer_max?}';
$nothingMessage = '{--TRANSFER_NO_OUTGOING_TRANSFERS--}';
$content['balance'] = '{--TRANSFER_TOTAL_OUTGOING--}';
$content['title'] = '{--TRANSFER_LIST_OUTGOING--}';
) ENGINE = HEAP COMMENT = 'Temporary transfer table'", array(getMemberId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Let's begin with the incoming list
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `trans_id`, `from_userid`, `points`, `reason`, `time_trans` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_transfers_in` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT {?transfer_max?}",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `trans_id`,`from_userid`,`points`,`reason`,`time_trans` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_transfers_in` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT {?transfer_max?}",
array(getMemberId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
while ($DATA = SQL_FETCHROW($result)) {
$DATA[] = 'IN';
$DATA = implode("','", $DATA);
- $res_temp = SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s_transfers_tmp` (`trans_id`, `party_userid`, `points`, `reason`, `time_trans`, `trans_type`) VALUES ('" . $DATA . "')", array(getMemberId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $res_temp = SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s_transfers_tmp` (`trans_id`,`party_userid`,`points`,`reason`,`time_trans`,`trans_type`) VALUES ('" . $DATA . "')", array(getMemberId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
} // END - while
// Free memory
// As the last table transfer data from outgoing table to temporary
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `trans_id`, `to_userid`, `points`, `reason`, `time_trans` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_transfers_out` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `id` LIMIT {?transfer_max?}",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `trans_id`,`to_userid`,`points`,`reason`,`time_trans` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_transfers_out` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `id` LIMIT {?transfer_max?}",
array(getMemberId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
while ($DATA = SQL_FETCHROW($result)) {
$DATA[] = 'OUT';
$DATA = implode("','", $DATA);
- $res_temp = SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s_transfers_tmp` (`trans_id`, `party_userid`, `points`, `reason`, `time_trans`, `trans_type`) VALUES ('" . $DATA . "')", array(getMemberId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $res_temp = SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s_transfers_tmp` (`trans_id`,`party_userid`,`points`,`reason`,`time_trans`,`trans_type`) VALUES ('" . $DATA . "')", array(getMemberId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
} // END - while
// Free memory
// Search for entries
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `party_userid`, `trans_id`, `points`, `reason`, `time_trans`, `trans_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s_transfers_tmp` ORDER BY `time_trans` DESC",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `party_userid`,`trans_id`,`points`,`reason`,`time_trans`,`trans_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s_transfers_tmp` ORDER BY `time_trans` DESC",
array(getMemberId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$total = '0';
if ((isGetRequestParameterSet('bonusid')) && (isExtensionActive('bonus'))) {
// Display bonus mail by loading it's full data
$result_data = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
- `id`, `subject`, `timestamp`, `cat_id`, `points`, `text`, `is_notify`, `data_type`, `time`, `url`
+ `id`,`subject`,`timestamp`,`cat_id`,`points`,`text`,`is_notify`,`data_type`,`time`,`url`
if (isExtensionActive('bonus')) {
// Load bonus id
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `stats_id`, `bonus_id`, `link_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `bonus_id` DESC, stats_id DESC",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `stats_id`,`bonus_id`,`link_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `bonus_id` DESC, stats_id DESC",
array(getMemberId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
} else {
// Don't load bonus id if ext-bonus is not installed
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `stats_id`, `link_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `stats_id` DESC",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `stats_id`,`link_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `stats_id` DESC",
array(getMemberId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
case 'BONUS':
- $result_data = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `subject`, `timestamp`, `cat_id`, `points`, 0 FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result_data = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `subject`,`timestamp`,`cat_id`,`points`, 0 FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($row['bonus_id'])), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$row['link_type'] = 'bonusid';
$data = $row['bonus_id'];
setGetRequestParameter('mode', 'list');
// And load all rows!
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `wernis_account`, `wernis_amount`, `wernis_timestamp`, `wernis_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_wernis` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `wernis_timestamp` DESC",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`wernis_account`,`wernis_amount`,`wernis_timestamp`,`wernis_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_wernis` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `wernis_timestamp` DESC",
array(getMemberId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Load all rows
// All is fine here so do the withdraw
$success = WERNIS_EXECUTE_PAYOUT(postRequestParameter('wernis_userid'), postRequestParameter('amount'));
if ($success === true) {
- // Sub points
+ // Sub points and ignore return status
subtractPoints('wernis_payout', getMemberId(), postRequestParameter('amount'));
// Update WDS66 id
// @TODO Unused: 2,4
// Load mail again... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `subject`, `text`, `receivers`, `payment_id`, `timestamp`, `url`, `cat_id`, `target_send` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` WHERE `id`=%s AND `sender`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `subject`,`text`,`receivers`,`payment_id`,`timestamp`,`url`,`cat_id`,`target_send` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` WHERE `id`=%s AND `sender`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval(getRequestParameter('order')), getMemberId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Merge arrays
// Calculate used points
$content['payed_points'] = $content['target_send'] * getPaymentPoints($content['payment_id']);
+ // Subtract them from the user's account and ignore return status
subtractPoints('order', getMemberId(), $content['payed_points']);
// Update used points
// Data for the formular
- `id`, `company`, `position`, `tax_ident`,
- `gender`, `surname`, `family`, `street_nr1`, `street_nr2`, `zip`, `city`, `country`,
- `phone`, `fax`, `cell`, `email`, `url`,
- `status`, `receive_warnings`
+ `id`,`company`,`position`,`tax_ident`,
+ `gender`,`surname`,`family`,`street_nr1`,`street_nr2`,`zip`,`city`,`country`,
+ `phone`,`fax`,`cell`,`email`,`url`,
+ `status`,`receive_warnings`
// Data for the formular
- `status`, `receive_warnings`, `warning_interval`, `email`, `surname`, `family`, `gender`
+ `status`,`receive_warnings`,`warning_interval`,`email`,`surname`,`family`,`gender`
// Load some data
- `id`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`, (`points_amount` - `points_used`) AS `points`
+ `id`,`gender`,`surname`,`family`, (`points_amount` - `points_used`) AS `points`
// SQL string to check for accounts
$result_main = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
- `userid`, `email`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`, `beg_points`
+ `userid`,`email`,`gender`,`surname`,`family`,`beg_points`
$whereStatement .= ' AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - `last_online`) < {?ap_inactive_since?}';
} // END - if
- // Add more bonus points here
- $add = '';
- // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
- if (getConfig('bonus_click_yn') == 'Y') $add .= ' + `turbo_bonus`';
- if (getConfig('bonus_login_yn') == 'Y') $add .= ' + `login_bonus`';
- if (getConfig('bonus_order_yn') == 'Y') $add .= ' + `bonus_order`';
- if (getConfig('bonus_stats_yn') == 'Y') $add .= ' + `bonus_stats`';
- if (getConfig('bonus_ref_yn') == 'Y') $add .= ' + `bonus_ref`';
+ // Add more bonus points here by running a filter
+ $add = runFilterChain('add_bonus_points_user_columns', '');
// Shall we add some entries?
if (!empty($add)) {
// Run SQL string to check for accounts
$result_main = SQL_QUERY('SELECT
- `userid`, `email`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`, (0' . $add . ') AS `points`
+ `userid`,`email`,`gender`,`surname`,`family`, (0' . $add . ') AS `points`
' . $whereStatement . '
// Fix empty 'what'
if (empty($what)) {
$what = getIndexHome();
- } // END - if
+ } elseif ((isGetRequestParameterSet('action')) && ($column == 'what')) {
+ // Get it from action
+ return getTitleFromMenu($mode, getAction(), 'action', $ADD);
+ } elseif ($what == 'overview') {
+ // Overview page
+ return '{--WHAT_IS_OVERVIEW--}';
+ }
// Default is not found
$data['title'] = '??? (' . $what . ')';
$GLOBALS['nav_depth'] = '0';
// Run the pre-filter chain
- $ret = runFilterChain('pre_youhere_line', array('access_level' => $accessLevel, 'type' => $type, 'content' => ''));
+ $ret = runFilterChain('pre_youhere_line', array('access_level' => $accessLevel, 'type' => $type, 'search' => $search, 'prefix' => $prefix, 'link_add' => $LINK_ADD, 'content' => '', 'add' => $ADD));
// Add pre-content
$prefix = $ret['content'];
+ // Add default content
$prefix .= '<div class="you_are_here">{--YOU_ARE_HERE--} <strong><a class="you_are_here" href="{%url=modules.php?module=' . getModule() . $LINK_ADD . '%}">Home</a></strong>';
} elseif ($return === false) {
// Count depth
if (($type == 'what') || (($type == 'action') && ((!isWhatSet()) || (getWhat() == 'overview')))) {
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'type=' . $type);
// Add closing div and br-tag
- $OUT .= '</div>';
$GLOBALS['nav_depth'] = '0';
// Run the post-filter chain
- $ret = runFilterChain('post_youhere_line', array('access_level' => $accessLevel, 'type' => $type, 'content' => $OUT));
+ $ret = runFilterChain('post_youhere_line', array('access_level' => $accessLevel, 'type' => $type, 'search' => $search, 'prefix' => $prefix, 'link_add' => $LINK_ADD, 'content' => $OUT, 'add' => $ADD));
// Get content from filter back
$OUT = $ret['content'];
+ // Close div-tag, so not the filters have to do it
+ $OUT .= '</div>';
} // END - if
} // END - if
// Load SQL data and add the menu to the output stream...
$result_main = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
- `title`, `what`, `action`, `visible`, `locked`
+ `title`,`what`,`action`,`visible`,`locked`
$OUT = '<strong>';
} // END - if
- // Navigation link
- $OUT .= '<a name="menu" class="menu_blur" href="{%url=modules.php?module=' . getModule() . '&what=' . $content['sub_what'] . '%}" target="_self">';
+ // Is ext-sql_patches up-to-date, and display_home_in_index is Y?
+ if ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.8.3')) && (isDisplayHomeInIndexEnabled()) && ($content['sub_what'] == getIndexHome())) {
+ // Use index.php as link
+ $OUT .= '<a name="menu" class="menu_blur" href="{%url=index.php%}" target="_self">';
+ } else {
+ // Regular navigation link
+ $OUT .= '<a name="menu" class="menu_blur" href="{%url=modules.php?module=' . getModule() . '&what=' . $content['sub_what'] . '%}" target="_self">';
+ }
} else {
// Not found - open
$OUT .= '<em style="cursor:help" class="notice" title="{%message,ADMIN_MENU_WHAT_404_TITLE=' . $content['sub_what'] . '%}">';
if ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('user', '0.3.7')) && (isset($GLOBALS['user_data'][getCurrentUserId()]['last_failure']))) {
// Backup the raw one and zero it
$GLOBALS['user_data'][getCurrentUserId()]['last_failure_raw'] = $GLOBALS['user_data'][getCurrentUserId()]['last_failure'];
- $GLOBALS['user_data'][getCurrentUserId()]['last_failure'] = null;
+ $GLOBALS['user_data'][getCurrentUserId()]['last_failure'] = NULL;
// Is it not zero?
if (!is_null($GLOBALS['user_data'][getCurrentUserId()]['last_failure_raw'])) {
switch ($mode) {
case 'guest':
// Guests (in the registration form) are not allowed to select 0 mails per day.
- $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `value`, `comment` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` WHERE `value` > 0 ORDER BY `value` ASC',
+ $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `value`,`comment` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` WHERE `value` > 0 ORDER BY `value` ASC',
__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
case 'member':
// Members are allowed to set to zero mails per day (we will change this soon!)
- $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `value`, `comment` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` ORDER BY `value` ASC',
+ $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `value`,`comment` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` ORDER BY `value` ASC',
__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, false);
} elseif (($what != 'overview') && (!empty($what))) {
// Other actions
- $sql = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `what` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s_menu` WHERE `action`='%s' AND `what`='%s'".$add." ORDER BY `action` DESC LIMIT 1",
+ $sql = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`what` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s_menu` WHERE `action`='%s' AND `what`='%s'".$add." ORDER BY `action` DESC LIMIT 1",
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, false);
} else {
// Admin login overview
- $sql = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `what` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s_menu` WHERE `action`='%s' AND (`what`='' OR `what` IS NULL)".$add." ORDER BY `action` DESC LIMIT 1",
+ $sql = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`what` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s_menu` WHERE `action`='%s' AND (`what`='' OR `what` IS NULL)".$add." ORDER BY `action` DESC LIMIT 1",
$ret = '{--_PAYMENT_404--}';
// Load payment data
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `mail_title`, `price` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `mail_title`,`price` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($pid)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Do we have an entry?
// Was it *not* found?
if (SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// So we add one!
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` (`%s`, `userid`, `link_type`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` (`%s`,`userid`,`link_type`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s')",
array($rowName, $stats_id, bigintval($userid), $type), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Update 'mails_sent' if sql_patches is updated
} // END - if
// Query the database
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `%s`, `%s`".$SPEC." FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s` ".$where." ORDER BY `%s` ASC",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `%s`,`%s`".$SPEC." FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s` ".$where." ORDER BY `%s` ASC",
// Get categories
- $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`, `cat` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats`' . $whereStatement . ' ORDER BY `sort` ASC',
+ $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `id`,`cat` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats`' . $whereStatement . ' ORDER BY `sort` ASC',
__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Do we have entries?
// Add HTML mail
-(`subject`, `text`, `receivers`, `points`, `time`, `data_type`, `timestamp`, `url`, `cat_id`, `target_send`, `mails_sent`, `html_msg`)
VALUES ('%s','%s','%s',%s,%s,'NEW', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'%s',%s,%s,%s,'%s')",
} else {
// Add regular mail
-(`subject`, `text`, `receivers`, `points`, `time`, `data_type`, `timestamp`, `url`, `cat_id`, `target_send`, `mails_sent`)
VALUES ('%s','%s','%s',%s,%s,'NEW', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'%s',%s,%s,%s)",
// Creates a new task
function createNewTask ($subject, $notes, $taskType, $userid = NULL, $adminId = '0', $strip = true) {
// Insert the task data into the database
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_task_system` (`assigned_admin`, `userid`, `status`, `task_type`, `subject`, `text`, `task_created`) VALUES (%s,%s,'NEW','%s','%s','%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP())",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_task_system` (`assigned_admin`,`userid`,`status`,`task_type`,`subject`,`text`,`task_created`) VALUES (%s,%s,'NEW','%s','%s','%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP())",
// Do we need to send out bonus mails?
if (isExtensionActive('html_mail')) {
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
- $result_bonus = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `subject`, `text`, `receivers`, `points`, `time`, `data_type`, `timestamp`, `url`, `cat_id`, `target_send`, `html_msg` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `data_type`='NEW' ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result_bonus = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`subject`,`text`,`receivers`,`points`,`time`,`data_type`,`timestamp`,`url`,`cat_id`,`target_send`,`html_msg` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `data_type`='NEW' ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
} else {
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- $result_bonus = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `subject`, `text`, `receivers`, `points`, `time`, `data_type`, `timestamp`, `url`, `cat_id`, `target_send` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `data_type`='NEW' ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result_bonus = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`subject`,`text`,`receivers`,`points`,`time`,`data_type`,`timestamp`,`url`,`cat_id`,`target_send` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `data_type`='NEW' ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result_bonus)) {
// No users left
$receivers = array(0);
- $dummy = $receivers;
+ $temporaryReceivers = $receivers;
// Now, if we are good little boys and girls Santa Claus left us some user-ids.
// We can now send mails to them...
//* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('OK!/L:'.__LINE__);
// Remove receiver from list
- $status = removeReceiver($dummy, $key, $userid, $mailData['id'], $mailData['id'], true);
+ $status = removeReceiver($temporaryReceivers, $key, $userid, $mailData['id'], $mailData['id'], true);
// Did it work?
switch ($status) {
// Count one up and remove entry from dummy array
- $GLOBALS['pool_cnt']++; unset($dummy[$key]);
+ $GLOBALS['pool_cnt']++; unset($temporaryReceivers[$key]);
if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('user', '0.1.4')) {
// Update mails received for receiver
} // END - if
// Do we have send maximum mails?
- if (($GLOBALS['pool_cnt'] >= getMaxSend()) || (countSelection($dummy) == 0)) {
+ if (($GLOBALS['pool_cnt'] >= getMaxSend()) || (countSelection($temporaryReceivers) == 0)) {
// Yes, we have
//* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('*EXIT/L:'.__LINE__);
} // END - if
// Close sending system
- //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('-L:'.__LINE__.'/'.countSelection($dummy).'-');
- if (countSelection($dummy) == 0) {
+ //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('-L:'.__LINE__.'/'.countSelection($temporaryReceivers).'-');
+ if (countSelection($temporaryReceivers) == 0) {
// Queue reached!
- countSelection($dummy),
- implode(';', $dummy),
+ countSelection($temporaryReceivers),
+ implode(';', $temporaryReceivers),
), __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('*L:'.__LINE__.'<pre>'.print_r($dummy, true).'</pre>!!!');
+ //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('*L:'.__LINE__.'<pre>'.print_r($temporaryReceivers, true).'</pre>!!!');
} // END - while
// Main query
$result_main = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
- `id`, `sender` AS `sender_userid`, `subject`, `text`, `receivers`,
- `payment_id`, `timestamp`, `url`, `target_send`, `cat_id`
+ `id`,`sender` AS `sender_userid`,`subject`,`text`,`receivers`,
+ `payment_id`,`timestamp`,`url`,`target_send`,`cat_id`
// No users left
$receivers = array(0);
- $dummy = $receivers;
+ $temporaryReceivers = $receivers;
// Now, if we are good little boys and girls Santa Claus left us some user-ids.
// We can now send mails to them...
//* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('!L:'.__LINE__.'/'.SQL_NUMROWS($result_stats).'!');
if (SQL_HASZERONUMS($result_stats)) {
// No entry was found, so we add him!
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_stats` (`pool_id` , `userid`, `cat_id`, `payment_id`, `subject`, `url` , `max_rec` , `timestamp_ordered`, `timestamp_sstart`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s' , UNIX_TIMESTAMP())",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_stats` (`pool_id` , `userid`,`cat_id`,`payment_id`,`subject`,`url` , `max_rec` , `timestamp_ordered`,`timestamp_sstart`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s' , UNIX_TIMESTAMP())",
array(bigintval($mailData['id']), bigintval($mailData['sender_userid']), bigintval($mailData['cat_id']), bigintval($mailData['payment_id']), $mailData['subject'], $mailData['url'], $mailData['target_send'], bigintval($mailData['timestamp'])), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Receive it's id for the links table
list($stats_id) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_stats);
// Remove receiver from list
- $status = removeReceiver($dummy, $key, bigintval($userid), bigintval($mailData['id']), bigintval($stats_id));
+ $status = removeReceiver($temporaryReceivers, $key, bigintval($userid), bigintval($mailData['id']), bigintval($stats_id));
- //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('?L:'.__LINE__.'/'.$dummy.'/'.$key.'/'.$userid.'('.['sender_userid'].')/'.$mailData['id'].'/'.$stats_id.'?');
+ //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('?L:'.__LINE__.'/'.$temporaryReceivers.'/'.$key.'/'.$userid.'('.['sender_userid'].')/'.$mailData['id'].'/'.$stats_id.'?');
switch ($status) {
case 'done':
// Prepare the mail
if ($GLOBALS['pool_cnt'] <= $mailData['target_send']) $add = ", target_send=target_send-".$GLOBALS['pool_cnt'];
SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` SET `data_type`='NEW', receivers='%s'" . $add . " WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
- implode(';', $dummy),
+ implode(';', $temporaryReceivers),
), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Remove entry from list
- unset($dummy[$key]);
+ unset($temporaryReceivers[$key]);
// Update receivers
SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` SET `receivers`='%s' WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
- array(implode(';', $dummy), bigintval($mailData['id'])), __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ array(implode(';', $temporaryReceivers), bigintval($mailData['id'])), __FILE__, __LINE__);
} // END - foreach
} // END - if
// Is the 'bonus' extension installed and activated?
if (isExtensionActive('bonus', true)) {
// Check for bonus campaigns
- $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `points` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `data_type`='SEND' AND `timestamp` <= {?auto_purge?} ORDER BY `id` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`,`points` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `data_type`='SEND' AND `timestamp` <= {?auto_purge?} ORDER BY `id` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) {
// Start deleting procedure
$points = '0';
// Check for all accounts
$result_inactive = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
- `userid`, `email`, `last_online`
+ `userid`,`email`,`last_online`
// Now let's have a look for inactive accounts we want to delete we newly use the same exclude list
// here for e.g. excluding holiday users
$result_inactive = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
- `userid`, `email`, `last_online`
+ `userid`,`email`,`last_online`
if (getConfig('autopurge_unconfirmed') == 'Y') {
// Init variables and find unconfirmed accounts which I shall auto-purge;
$result_uncon = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
- `userid`, `email`, `joined`
+ `userid`,`email`,`joined`
// No entry updated?
// First ref in this level! :-)
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_points` (`userid`, `ref_depth`, `%s`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_points` (`userid`,`ref_depth`,`%s`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)",
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ref=' . $ref . ',level=' . $GLOBALS['cache_array']['ref_level'][$ref] . ',updated=' . SQL_AFFECTEDROWS());
// First count!
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refsystem` (`userid`, `level`, `counter`) VALUES (%s,%s,1)",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refsystem` (`userid`,`level`,`counter`) VALUES (%s,%s,1)",
} // END - if
// Now checkout the entry in database table
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `subject`, `column_name`, `locked_mode`, `payment_method`, `notify_recipient` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` WHERE `subject`='%s' LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`subject`,`column_name`,`locked_mode`,`payment_method`,`notify_recipient` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` WHERE `subject`='%s' LIMIT 1",
array($subject), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Do we have an entry?
} // END - foreach
} else {
// Register this automatically
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`, `column_name`, `locked_mode`, `payment_method`, `notify_recipient`) VALUES ('%s','points','LOCKED','REFERAL','N')",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_points_data` (`subject`,`column_name`,`locked_mode`,`payment_method`,`notify_recipient`) VALUES ('%s','points','LOCKED','REFERAL','N')",
array($subject), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Re-request it
// Wrapper for elements in $_GET
function getRequestParameter ($element) {
// By default no element is there
- $value = null;
+ $value = NULL;
// Is the element cached or there?
if (isset($GLOBALS['cache_request']['get'][$element])) {
// Wrapper for elements in $_POST
function postRequestParameter ($element, $subElement=null) {
// By default no element is there
- $value = null;
+ $value = NULL;
// Is the element in cache?
if (isset($GLOBALS['cache_request']['post'][$element][$subElement])) {
// Returns wether the value of the session variable or NULL if not set
function getSession ($var) {
// Default is not found ;-)
- $value = null;
+ $value = NULL;
// Is the variable there?
if (isSessionVariableSet($var)) {
} // END - if
// Load it from database
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `stats_entry`, `stats_value` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_stats_%s` ORDER BY `stats_entry` ASC",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `stats_entry`,`stats_value` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_stats_%s` ORDER BY `stats_entry` ASC",
generateDateTime(time(), '6')
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
array(generateDateTime(time(), '6')), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Begin the SQL command
- $sql = sprintf("REPLACE INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_stats_%s` (`stats_entry`, `stats_value`) VALUES ",
+ $sql = sprintf("REPLACE INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_stats_%s` (`stats_entry`,`stats_value`) VALUES ",
generateDateTime(time(), '6'));
// Add all entries to the final query
// "Fixes" an empty string into three dashes (use for templates)
function fixEmptyContentToDashes ($str) {
- // Trim the string
- $str = trim($str);
- // Is the string empty?
- if (empty($str)) {
- $str = '---';
- } // END - if
+ // Call inner function
+ $str = fixNullEmptyToDashes($str, 3);
// Return string
return $str;
// Create selection box or array of splitted timestamp
-function createTimeSelections ($timestamp, $prefix = '', $display = '', $align = 'center', $return_array=false) {
+function createTimeSelections ($timestamp, $prefix = '', $display = '', $align = 'center', $asArray = false) {
// Do not continue if ONE_DAY is absend
if (!isConfigEntrySet('ONE_DAY')) {
- // And return the timestamp itself or empty array
- if ($return_array === true) {
- return array();
- } else {
- return $timestamp;
- }
+ // Abort here
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Configuration entry ONE_DAY is absend. timestamp=' . $timestamp . ',prefix=' . $prefix . ',align=' . $align . ',asArray=' . intval($asArray));
} // END - if
// Calculate 2-seconds timestamp
// Now we convert them in seconds...
- if ($return_array) {
+ if ($asArray === true) {
// Just put all data in an array for later use
$OUT = array(
'YEARS' => $Y,
// Determines the right page title
function determinePageTitle () {
+ // Init page title
+ $pageTitle = '';
// Config and database connection valid?
if ((isConfigLocalLoaded()) && (isConfigurationLoaded()) && (SQL_IS_LINK_UP()) && (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.1.6'))) {
- // Init title
- $TITLE = '';
// Title decoration enabled?
- if ((isTitleDecorationEnabled()) && (getConfig('title_left') != '')) $TITLE .= trim(getConfig('title_left')) . ' ';
+ if ((isTitleDecorationEnabled()) && (getConfig('title_left') != '')) {
+ $pageTitle .= '{%config,trim=title_left%} ';
+ } // END - if
// Do we have some extra title?
if (isExtraTitleSet()) {
- // Then prepent it
- $TITLE .= getExtraTitle() . ' by ';
+ // Then prepend it
+ $pageTitle .= '{%pipe,getExtraTitle%} by ';
} // END - if
// Add main title
- $TITLE .= getMainTitle();
+ $pageTitle .= '{?MAIN_TITLE?}';
// Add title of module? (middle decoration will also be added!)
if ((isModuleTitleEnabled()) || ((!isWhatSet()) && (!isActionSet())) || (getModule() == 'admin')) {
- $TITLE .= ' ' . trim(getConfig('title_middle')) . ' {DQUOTE} . getModuleTitle(getModule()) . {DQUOTE}';
+ $pageTitle .= ' {%config,trim=title_middle%} {DQUOTE} . getModuleTitle(getModule()) . {DQUOTE}';
} // END - if
// Add title from what file
$mode = '';
- if (getModule() == 'login') $mode = 'member';
- elseif (getModule() == 'index') $mode = 'guest';
- if ((!empty($mode)) && (isWhatTitleEnabled())) $TITLE .= ' ' . trim(getConfig('title_middle')) . ' ' . getTitleFromMenu($mode, getWhat());
+ if (getModule() == 'login') {
+ $mode = 'member';
+ } elseif (getModule() == 'index') {
+ $mode = 'guest';
+ } elseif (getModule() == 'admin') {
+ $mode = 'admin';
+ } elseif (getModule() == 'sponsor') {
+ $mode = 'sponsor';
+ }
- // Add title decorations? (right)
- if ((isTitleDecorationEnabled()) && (getConfig('title_right') != '')) $TITLE .= ' ' . trim(getConfig('title_right'));
+ // Add middle part (always in admin area!)
+ if ((!empty($mode)) && ((isWhatTitleEnabled()) || ($mode == 'admin'))) {
+ $pageTitle .= ' {%config,trim=title_middle%} ' . getTitleFromMenu($mode, getWhat());
+ } // END - if
- // Remember title in constant for the template
- $pageTitle = $TITLE;
+ // Add title decorations? (right)
+ if ((isTitleDecorationEnabled()) && (getConfig('title_right') != '')) {
+ $pageTitle .= ' {%config,trim=title_right%}';
+ } // END - if
} elseif ((isInstalled()) && (isAdminRegistered())) {
// Installed, admin registered but no ext-sql_patches
- $pageTitle = '[-- ' . getMainTitle() . ' - ' . getModuleTitle(getModule()) . ' --]';
+ $pageTitle = '[-- {?MAIN_TITLE?} - {%pipe,getModule,getModuleTitle%} --]';
} elseif ((isInstalled()) && (!isAdminRegistered())) {
// Installed but no admin registered
$pageTitle = '{--INSTALLER_OF_MAILER_NO_ADMIN--}';
-// Template helper functions for EL
+// Template helper functions for EL code
// Color-switch helper function
// Helper function for extension registration link
-function doTemplateExtensionRegistrationLink ($template, $dummy, $ext_name) {
+function doTemplateExtensionRegistrationLink ($template, $clear, $ext_name) {
// Default is all non-productive
$OUT = '<em style="cursor:help" class="notice" title="{%message,ADMIN_EXTENSION_IS_NON_PRODUCTIVE_LINK_TITLE=' . $ext_name . '%}">{--ADMIN_EXTENSION_IS_NON_PRODUCTIVE_LINK--}</em>';
// Helper function to create bonus mail admin links
-function doTemplateAdminBonusMailLinks ($template, $dummy, $bonusId) {
+function doTemplateAdminBonusMailLinks ($template, $clear, $bonusId) {
// Call the inner function
return generateAdminMailLinks('bid', $bonusId);
// Helper function to create member mail admin links
-function doTemplateAdminMemberMailLinks ($template, $dummy, $mailId) {
+function doTemplateAdminMemberMailLinks ($template, $clear, $mailId) {
// Call the inner function
return generateAdminMailLinks('mid', $mailId);
// Helper function to create a selection box for YES/NO configuration entries
-function doTemplateConfigurationYesNoSelectionBox ($template, $dummy, $configEntry) {
+function doTemplateConfigurationYesNoSelectionBox ($template, $clear, $configEntry) {
+ // Default is a "missing entry" warning
+ $OUT = '<em style="cursor:help" class="notice" title="{%message,ADMIN_CONFIG_ENTRY_MISSING=' . $configEntry . '%}">!' . $configEntry . '!</em>';
// Generate the HTML code
- $OUT = '<select name="' . $configEntry . '" class="form_select" size="1">
+ if (isConfigEntrySet($configEntry)) {
+ // Configuration entry is found
+ $OUT = '<select name="' . $configEntry . '" class="form_select" size="1">
{%config,generateYesNoOptionList=' . $configEntry . '%}
+ } // END - if
+ // Return it
+ return $OUT;
+// Helper function to create a selection box for YES/NO form fields
+function doTemplateYesNoSelectionBox ($template, $clear, $formField) {
+ // Generate the HTML code
+ $OUT = '<select name="' . $formField . '" class="form_select" size="1">
+ // Return it
+ return $OUT;
+// Helper function to create a selection box for YES/NO form fields, by NO is default
+function doTemplateNoYesSelectionBox ($template, $clear, $formField) {
+ // Generate the HTML code
+ $OUT = '<select name="' . $formField . '" class="form_select" size="1">
// Return it
// Getter for 'what' value
function getWhat () {
// Default is null
- $what = null;
+ $what = NULL;
// Is the value set?
if (isWhatSet(true)) {
// Getter for 'action' value
function getAction ($strict = true) {
// Default is null
- $action = null;
+ $action = NULL;
// Is the value set?
if (isActionSet(($strict) && (isHtmlOutputMode()))) {
// Getter for 'module' value
function getModule ($strict = true) {
// Default is null
- $module = null;
+ $module = NULL;
// Is the value set?
if (isModuleSet($strict)) {
// Do we have cache?
if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Default is null
- $output_mode = null;
+ $output_mode = NULL;
// Is the value set?
if (isOutputModeSet(true)) {
} // END - if
// Default is empty
- $data = null;
+ $data = NULL;
if (isset($GLOBALS['user_data'][getCurrentUserId()][$column])) {
// Return the value
// Getter for current year (default)
-function getYear ($timestamp = null) {
+function getYear ($timestamp = NULL) {
// Is it cached?
if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp])) {
// null is time()
// Getter for current month (default)
-function getMonth ($timestamp = null) {
+function getMonth ($timestamp = NULL) {
// Is it cached?
if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp])) {
// If null is set, use time()
// Getter for current hour (default)
-function getHour ($timestamp = null) {
+function getHour ($timestamp = NULL) {
// Is it cached?
if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp])) {
// null is time()
// Getter for current day (default)
-function getDay ($timestamp = null) {
+function getDay ($timestamp = NULL) {
// Is it cached?
if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp])) {
// null is time()
// Getter for current week (default)
-function getWeek ($timestamp = null) {
+function getWeek ($timestamp = NULL) {
// Is it cached?
if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp])) {
// null is time()
// Getter for current short_hour (default)
-function getShortHour ($timestamp = null) {
+function getShortHour ($timestamp = NULL) {
// Is it cached?
if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp])) {
// null is time()
// Getter for current long_hour (default)
-function getLongHour ($timestamp = null) {
+function getLongHour ($timestamp = NULL) {
// Is it cached?
if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp])) {
// null is time()
// Getter for current second (default)
-function getSecond ($timestamp = null) {
+function getSecond ($timestamp = NULL) {
// Is it cached?
if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp])) {
// null is time()
// Getter for current minute (default)
-function getMinute ($timestamp = null) {
+function getMinute ($timestamp = NULL) {
// Is it cached?
if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp])) {
// null is time()
return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
+// Getter for 'check_double_email'
+function getCheckDoubleEmail () {
+ // Is the cache entry set?
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
+ // No, so determine it
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('check_double_email');
+ } // END - if
+ // Return cached entry
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
+// Checks wether 'check_double_email' is 'Y'
+function isCheckDoubleEmailEnabled () {
+ // Is the cache entry set?
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
+ // No, so determine it
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = (getCheckDoubleEmail() == 'Y');
+ } // END - if
+ // Return cached entry
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
+// Getter for 'display_home_in_index'
+function getDisplayHomeInIndex () {
+ // Is the cache entry set?
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
+ // No, so determine it
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('display_home_in_index');
+ } // END - if
+ // Return cached entry
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
+// Checks wether 'display_home_in_index' is 'Y'
+function isDisplayHomeInIndexEnabled () {
+ // Is the cache entry set?
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
+ // No, so determine it
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = (getDisplayHomeInIndex() == 'Y');
+ } // END - if
+ // Return cached entry
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Checks wether proxy configuration is used
function isProxyUsed () {
// Do we have cache?
$configValue = getConfig($configEntry);
// Call inner method
- return createTimeSelections($configValue, $configEntry, $stamps, $align);
+ return createTimeSelections($configValue, $configEntry, $stamps, $align, true);
// Shortens converting of German comma to Computer's version in POST data
return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$userid];
-// Configuration wrapper
-// Getter for 'check_double_email'
-function getCheckDoubleEmail () {
- // Is the cache entry set?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
- // No, so determine it
- $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('check_double_email');
- } // END - if
- // Return cached entry
- return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
-// Checks wether 'check_double_email' is 'Y'
-function isCheckDoubleEmailEnabled () {
- // Is the cache entry set?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
- // No, so determine it
- $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = (getCheckDoubleEmail() == 'Y');
- } // END - if
- // Return cached entry
- return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// [EOF]
$type = strtolower(trim($type));
// Is it found?
- return (in_array($type, array('string', 'array', 'bool', 'int')));
+ return (in_array($type, array('string', 'array', 'bool', 'int', 'callback')));
// Checks if given condition is valid
// Load config.php
-// Set content type
+// Shall we display 'home' in index.php?
+if (isDisplayHomeInIndexEnabled()) {
+ // Include module
+ doIncludeModule();
+} else {
+ // Check for cookies
+ if ((isSessionVariableSet('visited')) || (getConfig('index_delay') > -1)) {
+ // Set content type
+ setContentType('text/html');
-// Check for cookies
-if ((isSessionVariableSet('visited')) || (getConfig('index_delay') > -1)) {
- // Header
- loadIncludeOnce('inc/header.php');
+ // Header
+ loadIncludeOnce('inc/header.php');
- // Is the index page configured for redirect pr not?
- if (getConfig('index_cookie') > 0) {
- // Set cookie and remeber it for specified time
- setSession('visited', 'true');
- } elseif (isSessionVariableSet('visited')) {
- // Remove cookie when admin set 0 in setup
- setSession('visited', '');
- }
+ // Is the index page configured for redirect pr not?
+ if (getConfig('index_cookie') > 0) {
+ // Set cookie and remeber it for specified time
+ setSession('visited', 'true');
+ } elseif (isSessionVariableSet('visited')) {
+ // Remove cookie when admin set 0 in setup
+ setSession('visited', '');
+ }
- // Template laden
- loadTemplate('index');
+ // Template laden
+ loadTemplate('index');
- // Shall I insert an automated forward?
- if (getConfig('index_delay') > 0) {
- // This will be a JavaScript-redirect!
- $content['delay'] = (getConfig('index_delay') * 1000 + 500);
- $content['module'] = 'index';
+ // Shall I insert an automated forward?
+ if (getConfig('index_delay') > 0) {
+ // This will be a JavaScript-redirect!
+ $content['delay'] = (getConfig('index_delay') * 1000 + 500);
+ $content['module'] = 'index';
- // Load template
- loadTemplate('index_forward', false, $content);
- } // END - if
+ // Load template
+ loadTemplate('index_forward', false, $content);
+ } // END - if
- // Footer
- loadIncludeOnce('inc/footer.php');
-} else {
- // Redirect to main page
- redirectToUrl('modules.php?module=index');
+ // Footer (which will call shutdown() for us)
+ loadIncludeOnce('inc/footer.php');
+ } else {
+ // Redirect to main page
+ redirectToUrl('modules.php?module=index');
+ }
// [EOF]
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('login',NULL,'Willkommen','Eingangsseite zum Admin-Bereich',0);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('email',NULL,'Email-Management','Gebuchte Mails umleiten, Details zu den Buchungen anzeigen, Emails freigeben, registrierte Email-Adress auf Verfügbarkeit testen (Mass-Mailing!), Newsletter versenden, Email-Adressen sperren (Email-Backlist), gebuchte URLs sperren (URL-Blacklist)',4);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('email','email_stats','Email-Statistiken','Schauen Sie sich detailierte Statistiken zu den bereits versanden Mails an.',5);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('email','edit_emails','Email-Daten ändern','Hier können Sie u.a. die gebuchte URL der Emails umändern, usw.',5);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('email','unlock_emails','Emails freigeben','Geben Sie bei manuellem Versand gebuchte Mails hier frei.',5);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('email','email_details','Email-Details ansehen','Sehen Sie sich jedes Details bereits gebuchter Mails an.',5);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('setup',NULL,'Einstellungen','Interessen ändern, News schreiben, allgmeine Einstellungen (Auto-Versand usw.). Auto-Lock Funktion einrichten, manueller Lock des Versandes einrichten, Teile der Homepage sperren (wegen Wartungsarbeiten)',5);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('setup','config_email','Versand, Empfang','Hier können Sie die maximal empfangbaren Mails usw. einstellen.',8);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('setup','config_cats','Kategorien einrichten','Ändern oder löschen Sie bereits bestehende Kategorien oder fügen Sie weitere hinzu.',7);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('setup','refbanner','Referal-Banner','Fügen Sie neue Banner hinzu, die dann die Mitglieder verlinken können, um neue Mitglieder zu werben. Oder editieren / löschen Sie bestehende. Hier sehen Sie auch die Anzahl der Klicks auf den jeweiligen Banner!',12);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('setup','payments','{OPEN_CONFIG}POINTS{CLOSE_CONFIG}-Vergütungen','Fügen Sie neue {OPEN_CONFIG}POINTS{CLOSE_CONFIG}-Vergütungen hinzu oder ändern / löschen Sie bestende.',11);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('misc',NULL,'Verschiedenes','Verschiedene Einstellungen / Info-Seiten, die sonst nirgenswo reinpassten...',6);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('stats',NULL,'Statistiken','Sonstige Statistiken, die nirgenswo reinpassen',7);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('logout',NULL,'Ausloggen','Ausloggen aus dem Admin-Bereich. Dadurch wird Ihre Session gelöscht und Sie müssen sich erneut anmelden.',999);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('login',NULL,'Willkommen','Eingangsseite zum Admin-Bereich',0);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('email',NULL,'Email-Management','Gebuchte Mails umleiten, Details zu den Buchungen anzeigen, Emails freigeben, registrierte Email-Adress auf Verfügbarkeit testen (Mass-Mailing!), Newsletter versenden, Email-Adressen sperren (Email-Backlist), gebuchte URLs sperren (URL-Blacklist)',4);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('email','email_stats','Email-Statistiken','Schauen Sie sich detailierte Statistiken zu den bereits versanden Mails an.',5);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('email','edit_emails','Email-Daten ändern','Hier können Sie u.a. die gebuchte URL der Emails umändern, usw.',5);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('email','unlock_emails','Emails freigeben','Geben Sie bei manuellem Versand gebuchte Mails hier frei.',5);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('email','email_details','Email-Details ansehen','Sehen Sie sich jedes Details bereits gebuchter Mails an.',5);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('setup',NULL,'Einstellungen','Interessen ändern, News schreiben, allgmeine Einstellungen (Auto-Versand usw.). Auto-Lock Funktion einrichten, manueller Lock des Versandes einrichten, Teile der Homepage sperren (wegen Wartungsarbeiten)',5);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('setup','config_email','Versand, Empfang','Hier können Sie die maximal empfangbaren Mails usw. einstellen.',8);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('setup','config_cats','Kategorien einrichten','Ändern oder löschen Sie bereits bestehende Kategorien oder fügen Sie weitere hinzu.',7);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('setup','refbanner','Referal-Banner','Fügen Sie neue Banner hinzu, die dann die Mitglieder verlinken können, um neue Mitglieder zu werben. Oder editieren / löschen Sie bestehende. Hier sehen Sie auch die Anzahl der Klicks auf den jeweiligen Banner!',12);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('setup','payments','{OPEN_CONFIG}POINTS{CLOSE_CONFIG}-Vergütungen','Fügen Sie neue {OPEN_CONFIG}POINTS{CLOSE_CONFIG}-Vergütungen hinzu oder ändern / löschen Sie bestende.',11);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('misc',NULL,'Verschiedenes','Verschiedene Einstellungen / Info-Seiten, die sonst nirgenswo reinpassten...',6);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('stats',NULL,'Statistiken','Sonstige Statistiken, die nirgenswo reinpassen',7);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('logout',NULL,'Ausloggen','Ausloggen aus dem Admin-Bereich. Dadurch wird Ihre Session gelöscht und Sie müssen sich erneut anmelden.',999);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Mix / Alles Senden --> keine Erotik!','Y',0);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Mix / Alles Senden --> ohne PopUps, keine Erotik','Y',1);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Traffic, Reflinks, Kostenloses, KEIN MLM!','Y',2);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Geldverdienen, Beruf, Arbeit, KEIN MLM!','Y',3);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Download, PC- Software, HP-Design','Y',4);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Investment, Banken, Börse, Versicherungen, KEIN MLM','Y',5);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Politik, Wissenschaft','Y',6);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Handy, SMS, ISDN, DSL,','Y',7);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Elektronik, Technik, Server, PC-Hardware, Hosting','Y',8);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Auto, Motorrad','Y',9);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Reise,Touristik','Y',10);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Kunst, Kultur, Bildung','Y',11);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Gesundheit, Fitness, Sport, KEIN MLM!','Y',12);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Lifestyle, Mode, Kosmetik, KEIN MLM!','Y',13);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Auktionen, Shopping, Verkauf, KEIN MLM!','Y',14);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Medien, Musik, Film, TV, Video & DVD','Y',15);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Singles, Flirten, Partnerschaft','Y',16);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Gewinnspiele, Wetten, Lotto, KEIN MLM!','Y',17);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Haus, Garten, Freizeit, Hobbys','Y',18);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Erotik --> Keine Hardcore !','Y',19);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Multi Level Marketing (alle Arten)','Y',20);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Wernis-Seiten','Y',21);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Primera-Seiten','Y',22);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Mix / Alles Senden --> keine Erotik!','Y',0);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Mix / Alles Senden --> ohne PopUps, keine Erotik','Y',1);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Traffic, Reflinks, Kostenloses, KEIN MLM!','Y',2);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Geldverdienen, Beruf, Arbeit, KEIN MLM!','Y',3);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Download, PC- Software, HP-Design','Y',4);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Investment, Banken, Börse, Versicherungen, KEIN MLM','Y',5);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Politik, Wissenschaft','Y',6);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Handy, SMS, ISDN, DSL,','Y',7);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Elektronik, Technik, Server, PC-Hardware, Hosting','Y',8);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Auto, Motorrad','Y',9);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Reise,Touristik','Y',10);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Kunst, Kultur, Bildung','Y',11);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Gesundheit, Fitness, Sport, KEIN MLM!','Y',12);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Lifestyle, Mode, Kosmetik, KEIN MLM!','Y',13);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Auktionen, Shopping, Verkauf, KEIN MLM!','Y',14);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Medien, Musik, Film, TV, Video & DVD','Y',15);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Singles, Flirten, Partnerschaft','Y',16);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Gewinnspiele, Wetten, Lotto, KEIN MLM!','Y',17);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Haus, Garten, Freizeit, Hobbys','Y',18);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Erotik --> Keine Hardcore !','Y',19);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Multi Level Marketing (alle Arten)','Y',20);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Wernis-Seiten','Y',21);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Primera-Seiten','Y',22);
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-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `sort`, `visible`, `locked`) VALUES ('main','welcome','Willkommen',1,'Y','N');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `sort`, `visible`, `locked`) VALUES ('main','impressum','Impressum',5,'Y','N');
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-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `sort`, `visible`, `locked`) VALUES ('members','login','Einloggen',3,'Y','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('main',NULL,'Hauptmenü',0,'Y','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('main','welcome','Willkommen',1,'Y','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('main','impressum','Impressum',5,'Y','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('main','agb','AGBs',4,'Y','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('main','infos','Infos',2,'Y','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('members','confirm','Bestätigungslink',3,'Y','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('members',NULL,'Mitglieder',1,'Y','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('members','login','Einloggen',3,'Y','N');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`, `comment`) VALUES (0,'Urlaub');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`, `comment`) VALUES (5,'');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`, `comment`) VALUES (10,'');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`, `comment`) VALUES (15,'');
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-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`, `comment`) VALUES (40,'');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`, `comment`) VALUES (45,'');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`, `comment`) VALUES (50,'Bonus möglich!');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`, `comment`) VALUES (90,'Bonus möglich!');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`,`comment`) VALUES (0,'Urlaub');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`,`comment`) VALUES (5,'');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`,`comment`) VALUES (10,'');
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+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`,`comment`) VALUES (45,'');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`,`comment`) VALUES (50,'Bonus möglich!');
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-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `sort`, `visible`, `locked`) VALUES ('main','welcome','Willkommen!',1,'Y','N');
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-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `sort`, `visible`, `locked`) VALUES ('main','categories','Kategorien auswählen',3,'Y','N');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `sort`, `visible`, `locked`) VALUES ('main','reflinks','Referal-Links',6,'Y','N');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `sort`, `visible`, `locked`) VALUES ('main','unconfirmed','Unbestätigte Emails',5,'Y','N');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `sort`, `visible`, `locked`) VALUES ('main','stats','Statistiken',9, 'Y','N');
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-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `sort`, `visible`, `locked`) VALUES ('logout','logout','Ausloggen',999,'Y','N');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `sort`, `visible`, `locked`) VALUES ('logout','guest','Zum Gastmenü',1000,'Y','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('main',NULL,'Mitgliedsmenü',0,'Y','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('main','welcome','Willkommen!',1,'Y','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('main','points','{OPEN_CONFIG}POINTS{CLOSE_CONFIG}-Guthaben',4,'Y','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('main','categories','Kategorien auswählen',3,'Y','N');
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+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('main','unconfirmed','Unbestätigte Emails',5,'Y','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('main','stats','Statistiken',9, 'Y','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('logout',NULL,'Ausloggen',999,'Y','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('logout','logout','Ausloggen',999,'Y','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('logout','guest','Zum Gastmenü',1000,'Y','N');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` (`time`, `payment`, `mail_title`, `price`) VALUES (10,1.000,'Klick-Mail 10 Sek.',2.000);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` (`time`, `payment`, `mail_title`, `price`) VALUES (20,5.000,'Klick-Mail 20 Sek.',10.000);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` (`time`, `payment`, `mail_title`, `price`) VALUES (30,25.000,'Klick-Mail 30 Sek.',30.000);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` (`time`, `payment`, `mail_title`, `price`) VALUES (40,35.000,'Klick-Mail 40 Sek.',40.000);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` (`time`, `payment`, `mail_title`, `price`) VALUES (50,45.000,'Klick-Mail 50 Sek.',50.000);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` (`time`,`payment`,`mail_title`,`price`) VALUES (10,1.000,'Klick-Mail 10 Sek.',2.000);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` (`time`,`payment`,`mail_title`,`price`) VALUES (20,5.000,'Klick-Mail 20 Sek.',10.000);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` (`time`,`payment`,`mail_title`,`price`) VALUES (30,25.000,'Klick-Mail 30 Sek.',30.000);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` (`time`,`payment`,`mail_title`,`price`) VALUES (40,35.000,'Klick-Mail 40 Sek.',40.000);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` (`time`,`payment`,`mail_title`,`price`) VALUES (50,45.000,'Klick-Mail 50 Sek.',50.000);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('email','del_email','E-Mail löschen','Löschen Sie hierrüber E-Mails (sowohl Bonus- als auch Normal-Mails) aus Ihrem {?mt_word?}-System. <strong>Nur bei Normal-Mails:</strong> {OPEN_CONFIG}POINTS{CLOSE_CONFIG} aus den unbestätigten Mails werden dem Werber wieder vergütet.','7');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('misc','extensions','Erweiterungen','Erweiterungen installieren, updaten, sperren, löschen usw.','8');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('email','del_email','E-Mail löschen','Löschen Sie hierrüber E-Mails (sowohl Bonus- als auch Normal-Mails) aus Ihrem {?mt_word?}-System. <strong>Nur bei Normal-Mails:</strong> {OPEN_CONFIG}POINTS{CLOSE_CONFIG} aus den unbestätigten Mails werden dem Werber wieder vergütet.','7');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('misc','extensions','Erweiterungen','Erweiterungen installieren, updaten, sperren, löschen usw.','8');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `sort`, `visible`, `locked`) VALUES ('main','stats','Statistiken','7','Y','N');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `sort`, `visible`, `locked`) VALUES ('admin',NULL,'Administrative Links','3','N','N');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `sort`, `visible`, `locked`) VALUES ('admin','admin','Zum Admin-Bereich','4','N','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('main','stats','Statistiken','7','Y','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('admin',NULL,'Administrative Links','3','N','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('admin','admin','Zum Admin-Bereich','4','N','N');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('login',NULL,'Willkommen','Eingangsseite zum Admin-Bereich',0);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('email',NULL,'Email-Management','Gebuchte Mails umleiten, Details zu den Buchungen anzeigen, Emails freigeben, registrierte Email-Adress auf Verfügbarkeit testen (Mass-Mailing!), Newsletter versenden, Email-Adressen sperren (Email-Backlist), gebuchte URLs sperren (URL-Blacklist)',4);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('email','email_stats','Email-Statistiken','Schauen Sie sich detailierte Statistiken zu den bereits versanden Mails an.',5);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('email','edit_emails','Email-Daten ändern','Hier können Sie u.a. die gebuchte URL der Emails umändern, usw.',5);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('email','unlock_emails','Emails freigeben','Geben Sie bei manuellem Versand gebuchte Mails hier frei.',5);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('email','email_details','Email-Details ansehen','Sehen Sie sich jedes Details bereits gebuchter Mails an.',5);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('setup',NULL,'Einstellungen','Interessen ändern, News schreiben, allgmeine Einstellungen (Auto-Versand usw.). Auto-Lock Funktion einrichten, manueller Lock des Versandes einrichten, Teile der Homepage sperren (wegen Wartungsarbeiten)',5);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('setup','config_email','Versand, Empfang','Hier können Sie die maximal empfangbaren Mails usw. einstellen.',8);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('setup','config_cats','Kategorien einrichten','Ändern oder löschen Sie bereits bestehende Kategorien oder fügen Sie weitere hinzu.',7);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('setup','refbanner','Referal-Banner','Fügen Sie neue Banner hinzu, die dann die Mitglieder verlinken können, um neue Mitglieder zu werben. Oder editieren / löschen Sie bestehende. Hier sehen Sie auch die Anzahl der Klicks auf den jeweiligen Banner!',12);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('setup','payments','{OPEN_CONFIG}POINTS{CLOSE_CONFIG}-Vergütungen','Fügen Sie neue {OPEN_CONFIG}POINTS{CLOSE_CONFIG}-Vergütungen hinzu oder ändern / löschen Sie bestende.',11);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('misc',NULL,'Verschiedenes','Verschiedene Einstellungen / Info-Seiten, die sonst nirgenswo reinpassten...',6);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('stats',NULL,'Statistiken','Sonstige Statistiken, die nirgenswo reinpassen',7);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('logout',NULL,'Ausloggen','Ausloggen aus dem Admin-Bereich. Dadurch wird Ihre Session gelöscht und Sie müssen sich erneut anmelden.',999);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('login',NULL,'Willkommen','Eingangsseite zum Admin-Bereich',0);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('email',NULL,'Email-Management','Gebuchte Mails umleiten, Details zu den Buchungen anzeigen, Emails freigeben, registrierte Email-Adress auf Verfügbarkeit testen (Mass-Mailing!), Newsletter versenden, Email-Adressen sperren (Email-Backlist), gebuchte URLs sperren (URL-Blacklist)',4);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('email','email_stats','Email-Statistiken','Schauen Sie sich detailierte Statistiken zu den bereits versanden Mails an.',5);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('email','edit_emails','Email-Daten ändern','Hier können Sie u.a. die gebuchte URL der Emails umändern, usw.',5);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('email','unlock_emails','Emails freigeben','Geben Sie bei manuellem Versand gebuchte Mails hier frei.',5);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('email','email_details','Email-Details ansehen','Sehen Sie sich jedes Details bereits gebuchter Mails an.',5);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('setup',NULL,'Einstellungen','Interessen ändern, News schreiben, allgmeine Einstellungen (Auto-Versand usw.). Auto-Lock Funktion einrichten, manueller Lock des Versandes einrichten, Teile der Homepage sperren (wegen Wartungsarbeiten)',5);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('setup','config_email','Versand, Empfang','Hier können Sie die maximal empfangbaren Mails usw. einstellen.',8);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('setup','config_cats','Kategorien einrichten','Ändern oder löschen Sie bereits bestehende Kategorien oder fügen Sie weitere hinzu.',7);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('setup','refbanner','Referal-Banner','Fügen Sie neue Banner hinzu, die dann die Mitglieder verlinken können, um neue Mitglieder zu werben. Oder editieren / löschen Sie bestehende. Hier sehen Sie auch die Anzahl der Klicks auf den jeweiligen Banner!',12);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('setup','payments','{OPEN_CONFIG}POINTS{CLOSE_CONFIG}-Vergütungen','Fügen Sie neue {OPEN_CONFIG}POINTS{CLOSE_CONFIG}-Vergütungen hinzu oder ändern / löschen Sie bestende.',11);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('misc',NULL,'Verschiedenes','Verschiedene Einstellungen / Info-Seiten, die sonst nirgenswo reinpassten...',6);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('stats',NULL,'Statistiken','Sonstige Statistiken, die nirgenswo reinpassen',7);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('logout',NULL,'Ausloggen','Ausloggen aus dem Admin-Bereich. Dadurch wird Ihre Session gelöscht und Sie müssen sich erneut anmelden.',999);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Mix / Alles Senden --> keine Erotik!','Y',0);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Mix / Alles Senden --> ohne PopUps, keine Erotik','Y',1);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Traffic, Reflinks, Kostenloses, KEIN MLM!','Y',2);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Geldverdienen, Beruf, Arbeit, KEIN MLM!','Y',3);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Download, PC- Software, HP-Design','Y',4);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Investment, Banken, Börse, Versicherungen, KEIN MLM','Y',5);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Politik, Wissenschaft','Y',6);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Handy, SMS, ISDN, DSL,','Y',7);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Elektronik, Technik, Server, PC-Hardware, Hosting','Y',8);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Auto, Motorrad','Y',9);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Reise,Touristik','Y',10);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Kunst, Kultur, Bildung','Y',11);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Gesundheit, Fitness, Sport, KEIN MLM!','Y',12);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Lifestyle, Mode, Kosmetik, KEIN MLM!','Y',13);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Auktionen, Shopping, Verkauf, KEIN MLM!','Y',14);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Medien, Musik, Film, TV, Video & DVD','Y',15);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Singles, Flirten, Partnerschaft','Y',16);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Gewinnspiele, Wetten, Lotto, KEIN MLM!','Y',17);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Haus, Garten, Freizeit, Hobbys','Y',18);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Erotik --> Keine Hardcore !','Y',19);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Multi Level Marketing (alle Arten)','Y',20);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Wernis-Seiten','Y',21);
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`, `visible`, `sort`) VALUES ('Primera-Seiten','Y',22);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Mix / Alles Senden --> keine Erotik!','Y',0);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Mix / Alles Senden --> ohne PopUps, keine Erotik','Y',1);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Traffic, Reflinks, Kostenloses, KEIN MLM!','Y',2);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Geldverdienen, Beruf, Arbeit, KEIN MLM!','Y',3);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Download, PC- Software, HP-Design','Y',4);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Investment, Banken, Börse, Versicherungen, KEIN MLM','Y',5);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Politik, Wissenschaft','Y',6);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Handy, SMS, ISDN, DSL,','Y',7);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Elektronik, Technik, Server, PC-Hardware, Hosting','Y',8);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Auto, Motorrad','Y',9);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Reise,Touristik','Y',10);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Kunst, Kultur, Bildung','Y',11);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Gesundheit, Fitness, Sport, KEIN MLM!','Y',12);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Lifestyle, Mode, Kosmetik, KEIN MLM!','Y',13);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Auktionen, Shopping, Verkauf, KEIN MLM!','Y',14);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Medien, Musik, Film, TV, Video & DVD','Y',15);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Singles, Flirten, Partnerschaft','Y',16);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Gewinnspiele, Wetten, Lotto, KEIN MLM!','Y',17);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Haus, Garten, Freizeit, Hobbys','Y',18);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Erotik --> Keine Hardcore !','Y',19);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Multi Level Marketing (alle Arten)','Y',20);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Wernis-Seiten','Y',21);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` (`cat`,`visible`,`sort`) VALUES ('Primera-Seiten','Y',22);
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+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('main','impressum','Impressum',5,'Y','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('main','agb','AGBs',4,'Y','N');
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-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`, `comment`) VALUES (5,'');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`, `comment`) VALUES (10,'');
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-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`, `comment`) VALUES (45,'');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`, `comment`) VALUES (50,'Bonus möglich!');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`, `comment`) VALUES (90,'Bonus möglich!');
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+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`,`comment`) VALUES (45,'');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` (`value`,`comment`) VALUES (50,'Bonus möglich!');
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+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('logout',NULL,'Ausloggen',999,'Y','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('logout','logout','Ausloggen',999,'Y','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_member_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('logout','guest','Zum Gastmenü',1000,'Y','N');
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-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` (`time`, `payment`, `mail_title`, `price`) VALUES (20,5.000,'Klick-Mail 20 Sek.',10.000);
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+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` (`time`,`payment`,`mail_title`,`price`) VALUES (10,1.000,'Klick-Mail 10 Sek.',2.000);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` (`time`,`payment`,`mail_title`,`price`) VALUES (20,5.000,'Klick-Mail 20 Sek.',10.000);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` (`time`,`payment`,`mail_title`,`price`) VALUES (30,25.000,'Klick-Mail 30 Sek.',30.000);
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-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('email','del_email','E-Mail löschen','Löschen Sie hierrüber E-Mails (sowohl Bonus- als auch Normal-Mails) aus Ihrem {?mt_word?}-System. <strong>Nur bei Normal-Mails:</strong> {OPEN_CONFIG}POINTS{CLOSE_CONFIG} aus den unbestätigten Mails werden dem Werber wieder vergütet.','7');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `descr`, `sort`) VALUES ('misc','extensions','Erweiterungen','Erweiterungen installieren, updaten, sperren, löschen usw.','8');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('email','del_email','E-Mail löschen','Löschen Sie hierrüber E-Mails (sowohl Bonus- als auch Normal-Mails) aus Ihrem {?mt_word?}-System. <strong>Nur bei Normal-Mails:</strong> {OPEN_CONFIG}POINTS{CLOSE_CONFIG} aus den unbestätigten Mails werden dem Werber wieder vergütet.','7');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES ('misc','extensions','Erweiterungen','Erweiterungen installieren, updaten, sperren, löschen usw.','8');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `sort`, `visible`, `locked`) VALUES ('main','stats','Statistiken','7','Y','N');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `sort`, `visible`, `locked`) VALUES ('admin',NULL,'Administrative Links','3','N','N');
-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`, `what`, `title`, `sort`, `visible`, `locked`) VALUES ('admin','admin','Zum Admin-Bereich','4','N','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('main','stats','Statistiken','7','Y','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('admin',NULL,'Administrative Links','3','N','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_guest_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`sort`,`visible`,`locked`) VALUES ('admin','admin','Zum Admin-Bereich','4','N','N');
INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_config` (`config`) VALUES (0);
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-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` (`module`, `locked`, `hidden`, `admin_only`, `title`, `mem_only`) VALUES ('login','N','N','N','','Y');
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-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` (`level`, `percents`) VALUES (1,30);
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-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` (`level`, `percents`) VALUES (3,10);
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-INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` (`level`, `percents`) VALUES (5,5);
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+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` (`module`,`locked`,`hidden`,`admin_only`,`title`,`mem_only`) VALUES ('chk_login','N','Y','N','','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` (`module`,`locked`,`hidden`,`admin_only`,`title`,`mem_only`) VALUES ('confirm','N','Y','N','','N');
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+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` (`module`,`locked`,`hidden`,`admin_only`,`title`,`mem_only`) VALUES ('login','N','N','N','','Y');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` (`module`,`locked`,`hidden`,`admin_only`,`title`,`mem_only`) VALUES ('ref','N','Y','N','','N');
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` (`level`,`percents`) VALUES (0,100);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` (`level`,`percents`) VALUES (1,30);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` (`level`,`percents`) VALUES (2,15);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` (`level`,`percents`) VALUES (3,10);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` (`level`,`percents`) VALUES (4,8);
+INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` (`level`,`percents`) VALUES (5,5);
switch ($ltype) {
case 'NORMAL':
// Is the stats id valid?
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `pool_id`, `url`, `subject` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_stats` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `pool_id`,`url`,`subject` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_stats` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array($mailId), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Bonus-Mails
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `url`, `subject` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`url`,`subject` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array($bonusId), __FILE__, __LINE__);
case 'BONUS':
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `points`, `time` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `points`,`time` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array($bonusId), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
list($points, $time) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
// Maybe he wants to confirm an email?
if ($mailId > 0) {
- $result_main = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `link_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` WHERE `stats_id`=%s AND `userid`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result_main = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`link_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` WHERE `stats_id`=%s AND `userid`=%s LIMIT 1",
array($mailId, $userId), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$type = 'mailid';
$urlId = $mailId;
} elseif ($bonusId > 0) {
- $result_main = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `link_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` WHERE `bonus_id`=%s AND `userid`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result_main = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`link_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` WHERE `bonus_id`=%s AND `userid`=%s LIMIT 1",
array($bonusId, $userId), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$type = 'bonusid';
$urlId = $bonusId;
// @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
switch ($ltype) {
case 'NORMAL':
- $result_mailid = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `pool_id`, `userid`, `id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_stats` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result_mailid = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `pool_id`,`userid`,`id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_stats` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array($mailId), __FILE__, __LINE__);
case 'BONUS':
- $result_mailid = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `id`, `is_notify` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result_mailid = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`id`,`is_notify` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array($bonusId), __FILE__, __LINE__);
case 'BONUS':
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `time`, `points` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `time`,`points` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($pool)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Entry found?
// Needed include files
-// Set content type
-// The header file
-// Modules are by default not valid!
-$isModuleValid = false;
-// Init module state as 'failed' (always failed first)
-$moduleState = 'failed';
-// Is the maintenance mode active or goes all well?
-if ((isExtensionActive('maintenance')) && (isMaintenanceEnabled()) && (!isAdmin()) && (getModule() != 'admin')) {
- // Maintain mode is active and you are no admin
- addFatalMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, '{--MAILER_DOWN_FOR_MAINTENANCE--}');
-} elseif ((SQL_IS_LINK_UP()) && (!ifFatalErrorsDetected())) {
- // Construct module name
- $GLOBALS['module_inc'] = sprintf("inc/modules/%s.php", getModule());
- // Check module permission (again)
- $moduleState = checkModulePermissions();
- // Which permission/error state do we have?
- switch ($moduleState) {
- case 'cache_miss': // The cache is gone
- case 'admin_only': // Admin-only access
- case 'mem_only': // Member-only access
- case 'done': // All fine!
- // Does the module exists on local file system?
- if ((isIncludeReadable($GLOBALS['module_inc'])) && (!ifFatalErrorsDetected())) {
- // Module is valid, active and located on the local disc...
- $isModuleValid = true;
- } elseif (!ifFatalErrorsDetected()) {
- // Set HTTP status
- setHttpStatus('404');
- // Module not found
- addFatalMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, '{--MODULE_REGISTRY_404--}');
- // Set module to error module (non-existent!)
- setModule('error');
- }
- break;
- case '404':
- // Set HTTP status
- setHttpStatus('404');
- // Add fatal message
- addFatalMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, '{--MODULE_REGISTRY_404--}');
- break;
- case 'locked':
- // Set HTTP status
- setHttpStatus('403 FORBIDDEN');
- if (!isIncludeReadable($GLOBALS['module_inc'])) {
- // Set HTTP status again
- setHttpStatus('404 NOT FOUND');
- // Module does addionally not exists
- addFatalMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, '{--MODULE_REGISTRY_404--}');
- } // END - if
- // Add fatal message
- addFatalMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, '{--MODULE_REGISTRY_IS_LOCKED--}');
- break;
- default:
- // Unknown module status
- logDebugMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown status %s return from module check. Module=%s", $moduleState, getModule()));
- addFatalMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, '{%message,UNKNOWN_MODULE_STATUS=' . $moduleState . '%}');
- break;
- } // END - switch
-} elseif (!ifFatalErrorsDetected()) {
- // SQL problems detected
- addFatalMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, '{--MYSQL_ERRORS--}');
-if (($isModuleValid === true) && (isset($GLOBALS['module_inc']))) {
- // Everything is okay so we can load the module
- loadIncludeOnce($GLOBALS['module_inc']);
-} // END - if
-// Add the footer (this will call shutdown())
+// Include module
// [EOF]
Hier sind alle Daten dazu:
-Mitglieder-Id: $content[url_userid]
+Mitglieder-Id: $content[url_id]
Gebuchte URL: $content[url]
--- /dev/null
+<div align="center">
+<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_forced_ads%}" method="post">
+<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table dashed">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="table_header bottom" align="center" colspan="2">
+ <strong>{--ADMIN_ADD_FORCED_AD_TITLE--}</strong>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="right">
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <input type="text" class="form_field" name="forced_ads_click_url" size="30" maxlength="255" />
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="right">
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <input type="text" class="form_field" name="forced_ads_alt_text" size="20" maxlength="255" />
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="bottom" align="right">
+ </td>
+ <td class="bottom">
+ {%template,NoYesSelectionBox=forced_ads_framebreaker%}
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="right">
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ $content[reload_lock]
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="right">
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ $content[min_stay]
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="bottom" align="right">
+ </td>
+ <td class="bottom">
+ {%template,ForcedAdTypeSelectionBox%}
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="table_header bottom" align="center" colspan="2">
+ <strong>{--ADMIN_ADD_FORCED_AD_POPUP_BANNER_ONLY--}</strong>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="right">
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <input type="text" class="form_field" name="forced_ads_width" size="5" maxlength="20" />
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="bottom" align="right">
+ </td>
+ <td class="bottom">
+ <input type="text" class="form_field" name="forced_ads_height" size="5" maxlength="20" />
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="table_header bottom" align="center" colspan="2">
+ <strong>{--ADMIN_ADD_FORCED_AD_ADDITIONAL_DATA--}</strong>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="bottom" align="right">
+ </td>
+ <td class="bottom">
+ <input type="text" class="form_field" name="forced_ads_ad_url" size="30" maxlength="255" />
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="table_footer" colspan="2">
+ <input type="reset" class="form_reset" value="{--CLEAR_FORM--}" />
+ <input type="submit" name="add" class="form_submit" value="{--ADMIN_ADD_FORCED_ADD_SUBMIT--}" />
+ </td>
+ </tr>
<td class="bottom" align="center">
- {%template,ConfigurationYesNoSelectionBox=bonus_click%}
+ {%template,ConfigurationYesNoSelectionBox=include_bonus_click%}
<td class="bottom" align="center">
- {%template,ConfigurationYesNoSelectionBox=bonus_login%}
+ {%template,ConfigurationYesNoSelectionBox=include_bonus_login%}
<td class="bottom" align="center">
- {%template,ConfigurationYesNoSelectionBox=bonus_order%}
+ {%template,ConfigurationYesNoSelectionBox=include_bonus_order%}
<td class="bottom" align="center">
- {%template,ConfigurationYesNoSelectionBox=bonus_stats%}
+ {%template,ConfigurationYesNoSelectionBox=include_bonus_stats%}
<td class="bottom" align="center">
- {%template,ConfigurationYesNoSelectionBox=bonus_ref%}
+ {%template,ConfigurationYesNoSelectionBox=include_bonus_ref%}
<div align="center">
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table dashed">
+<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=config_home&sub=settings%}" method="post">
+<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table dashed" width="510">
- <td colspan="3" align="center" class="table_header">
- <strong>{--ADMIN_CONFIG_HOME_TITLE--}</strong>
+ <td colspan="2" align="center" class="table_header bottom">
+ <strong>{--ADMIN_CONFIG_HOME_SETTINGS_TITLE--}</strong>
- <td align="center" class="header_column bottom right"><strong>{--ID_SELECT--}</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="header_column bottom right"><strong>{--ADMIN_MENU_WHAT--}</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="header_column bottom"><strong>{--ADMIN_HOME_ACTION--}</strong></td>
+ <td align="right" width="320" height="20">
+ </td>
+ <td width="185" align="center">
+ <select name="index_delay" size="1" class="form_select">
+ <option value="-1"$content[-1]>{--ADMIN_INDEX_NO_DELAY--}</option>
+ <option value="0"$content[0]>{--ADMIN_INDEX_MANUAL_FORWARD--}</option>
+ <!-- Fuehren Sie dies einfach so weiter, wenn Sie mehr Werte brauchen //-->
+ <option value="1"$content[1]>1 {--_SECONDS--} (JavaScript+HTML)</option>
+ <option value="2"$content[2]>2 {--_SECONDS--} (JavaScript+HTML)</option>
+ <option value="3"$content[3]>3 {--_SECONDS--} (JavaScript+HTML)</option>
+ <option value="4"$content[4]>4 {--_SECONDS--} (JavaScript+HTML)</option>
+ <option value="5"$content[5]>5 {--_SECONDS--} (JavaScript+HTML)</option>
+ <option value="10"$content[10]>10 {--_SECONDS--} (JavaScript+HTML)</option>
+ <option value="15"$content[15]>15 {--_SECONDS--} (JavaScript+HTML)</option>
+ <option value="30"$content[30]>30 {--_SECONDS--} (JavaScript+HTML)</option>
+ <!-- Laenger sollte es aber nun nicht dauern! //-->
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="bottom" align="right" height="20">{--ADMIN_CONFIG_INDEX_COOKIE--}</td>
+ <td class="bottom" align="center">$content[cookie_selection]</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="bottom" align="right" height="20">{--ADMIN_CONFIG_INDEX_DISPLAY_HOME_IN_INDEX--}</td>
+ <td class="bottom" align="center">
+ {%template,ConfigurationYesNoSelectionBox=display_home_in_index%}
+ </td>
- $content
- <td colspan="3" class="table_footer">
- <div class="notice">{--ADMIN_CONFIG_HOME_NOTE--}</div>
+ <td colspan="2" class="table_footer">
+ <input type="reset" class="form_reset" value="{--CLEAR_FORM--}" />
+ <input type="submit" class="form_submit" name="ok" value="{--SAVE_SETTINGS--}" />
- <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[id]</td>
- <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[title]</td>
- <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
- $content[link]
- </td>
+<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
-<div align="center">
-<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=config_home&sub=settings%}" method="post">
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table dashed" width="510">
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2" align="center" class="table_header bottom">
- <strong>{--ADMIN_CONFIG_HOME_SETTINGS_TITLE--}</strong>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="right" width="320" height="20">
- </td>
- <td width="185" align="center">
- <select name="index_delay" size="1" class="form_select">
- <option value="-1"$content[-1]>{--ADMIN_INDEX_NO_DELAY--}</option>
- <option value="0"$content[0]>{--ADMIN_INDEX_MANUAL_FORWARD--}</option>
- <!-- Fuehren Sie dies einfach so weiter, wenn Sie mehr Werte brauchen //-->
- <option value="1"$content[1]>1 {--_SECONDS--} (JavaScript+HTML)</option>
- <option value="2"$content[2]>2 {--_SECONDS--} (JavaScript+HTML)</option>
- <option value="3"$content[3]>3 {--_SECONDS--} (JavaScript+HTML)</option>
- <option value="4"$content[4]>4 {--_SECONDS--} (JavaScript+HTML)</option>
- <option value="5"$content[5]>5 {--_SECONDS--} (JavaScript+HTML)</option>
- <option value="10"$content[10]>10 {--_SECONDS--} (JavaScript+HTML)</option>
- <option value="15"$content[15]>15 {--_SECONDS--} (JavaScript+HTML)</option>
- <option value="30"$content[30]>30 {--_SECONDS--} (JavaScript+HTML)</option>
- <!-- Laenger sollte es aber nun nicht dauern! //-->
- </select>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td class="bottom" align="right" height="20">{--ADMIN_CONFIG_INDEX_COOKIE--}</td>
- <td class="bottom" align="center">$content[cookie_selection]</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2" class="table_footer">
- <input type="reset" class="form_reset" value="{--CLEAR_FORM--}" />
- <input type="submit" class="form_submit" name="ok" value="{--SAVE_SETTINGS--}" />
- </td>
- </tr>
+<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
<td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<input type="hidden" name="url_id[$content[url_id]]" value="1" />
- <input type="hidden" name="url_userid[$content[url_id]]" value="$content[url_userid_raw]" />
+ <input type="hidden" name="url_userid[$content[url_id]]" value="{%pipe,makeZeroToNull=$content[url_userid_raw]%}" />
<td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<input type="hidden" name="url_id[$content[url_id]]" value="1" />
- <input type="hidden" name="url_userid[$content[url_id]]" value="$content[url_userid_raw]" />
+ <input type="hidden" name="url_userid[$content[url_id]]" value="{%pipe,makeZeroToNull=$content[url_userid_raw]%}" />
<td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
--- /dev/null
+<div align="center">
+<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_forced_ads%}" method="post">
+<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table dashed" width="800">
+ <td align="center" colspan="7" class="table_header">
+ <strong>{--ADMIN_LIST_FORCED_ADS_TITLE--}</strong>
+ </td>
+ <td class="header_column bottom right" align="center"><strong>{--ID_SELECT--}</strong></td>
+ <td class="header_column bottom right" align="center"><strong>{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}</strong></td>
+ <td class="header_column bottom right" align="center"><strong>{--ADMIN_FORCED_ADS_TYPE--}</strong></td>
+ <td class="header_column bottom right" align="center"><strong>{--ADMIN_FORCED_ADS_HAS_FRAMEBREAKER--}</strong></td>
+ <td class="header_column bottom right" align="center"><strong>{--ADMIN_FORCED_ADS_ADDED--}</strong></td>
+ <td class="header_column bottom right" align="center"><strong>{--ADMIN_FORCED_ADS_LAST_LOCKED--}</strong></td>
+ <td class="header_column bottom" align="center"><strong>{--ADMIN_FORCED_ADS_LOCK_REASON--}</strong></td>
+ <td class="table_footer" colspan="7">
+ <input type="reset" class="form_reset" value="{--UNDO_SELECTIONS--}" />
+ <input type="submit" class="form_submit" name="edit" value="{--ADMIN_ACTION_EDIT_SUBMIT--}" />
+ <input type="submit" class="form_delete" name="lock" value="{--ADMIN_ACTION_LOCK_SUBMIT--}" />
+ <input type="submit" class="form_delete" name="delete" value="{--ADMIN_ACTION_DELETE_SUBMIT--}" />
+ </td>
--- /dev/null
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
+ <input type="checkbox" class="form_field" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[forced_ads_id]" name="forced_ads_id[$content[forced_ads_id]]" value="1" />
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
+ <a href="{%pipe,generateFrametesterUrl=$content[forced_ads_click_url]%}" target="_blank" title="{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}">{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}</a>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
+ {%pipe,translateForcedAdType=$content[forced_ads_type]%}
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
+ {%pipe,translateYesNo=$content[forced_ads_framebreaker]%}
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
+ $content[forced_ads_added]
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
+ $content[forced_ads_last_locked]
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="bottom {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
+ {%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[forced_ads_lock_reason]%}
+ </td>
--- /dev/null
+<div align="center">
+<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table dashed">
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="3" align="center" class="table_header">
+ <strong>{--ADMIN_CONFIG_HOME_TITLE--}</strong>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="center" class="header_column bottom right"><strong>{--ID_SELECT--}</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="header_column bottom right"><strong>{--ADMIN_MENU_WHAT--}</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="header_column bottom"><strong>{--ADMIN_HOME_ACTION--}</strong></td>
+ </tr>
+ $content
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="3" class="table_footer">
+ <div class="notice">{--ADMIN_CONFIG_HOME_NOTE--}</div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
--- /dev/null
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[id]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[title]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
+ $content[link]
+ </td>
--- /dev/null
+<div align="center">
+<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="480"
+ class="table dashed">
+ <tr>
+ <td align="center" class="table_header bottom right"><strong>{--ADMIN_MODS_TITLE--}</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="table_header bottom"><strong>{--ADMIN_MODS_CLICKS--}</strong></td>
+ </tr>
+ $content
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2" class="table_footer"><div class="notice">{--ADMIN_MODS_EDIT_NOTE--}</div></td>
+ </tr>
--- /dev/null
+<div align="center">
+<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table dashed">
+ <tr>
+ <td align="center" class="table_header bottom right"><strong>{--ADMIN_MODS_WHAT_ACTION--}</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="table_header bottom"><strong>{--ADMIN_MODS_CLICKS--}</strong></td>
+ </tr>
+ $content
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2" class="table_footer">
+ </td>
+ </tr>
--- /dev/null
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
+ {%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[title]%} ($content[action])
+ </td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
+ $content[counter]
+ </td>
--- /dev/null
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
+ {%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[title]%} (<span class="data">$content[module]</span>)
+ </td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
+ {%pipe,translateComma=$content[clicks]%}
+ </td>
<td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<input type="hidden" name="url_id[$content[url_id]]" value="1" />
- <input type="hidden" name="url_userid[$content[url_id]]" value="$content[url_userid_raw]" />
+ <input type="hidden" name="url_userid[$content[url_id]]" value="{%pipe,makeZeroToNull=$content[url_userid_raw]%}" />
<input type="hidden" name="url_last_locked[$content[url_id]]" value="NOW()" />
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="480"
- class="table dashed">
- <tr>
- <td align="center" class="table_header bottom right"><strong>{--ADMIN_MODS_TITLE--}</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="table_header bottom"><strong>{--ADMIN_MODS_CLICKS--}</strong></td>
- </tr>
- $content
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2" class="table_footer"><div class="notice">{--ADMIN_MODS_EDIT_NOTE--}</div></td>
- </tr>
+<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
-<div align="center">
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table dashed">
- <tr>
- <td align="center" class="table_header bottom right"><strong>{--ADMIN_MODS_WHAT_ACTION--}</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="table_header bottom"><strong>{--ADMIN_MODS_CLICKS--}</strong></td>
- </tr>
- $content
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2" class="table_footer">
- </td>
- </tr>
+<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
- <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- {%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[title]%} ($content[action])
- </td>
- <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
- $content[counter]
- </td>
+<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
- <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- {%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[title]%} (<span class="data">$content[module]</span>)
- </td>
- <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
- $content[clicks]
- </td>
+<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
<td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<input type="hidden" name="url_id[$content[url_id]]" value="1" />
- <input type="hidden" name="url_userid[$content[url_id]]" value="$content[url_userid_raw]" />
+ <input type="hidden" name="url_userid[$content[url_id]]" value="{%pipe,makeZeroToNull=$content[url_userid_raw]%}" />
<td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
-Dieser Text steht im Template <strong>beg_banner.tpl</strong> und möchte geändert werden!
+<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
+<div style="height:50px">
+<div style="height:50px">
-<div align="right">
+<div style="height:20px" align="right">
--- /dev/null
+Dieser Text steht im Template <strong>beg_footer_banner.tpl</strong> und möchte geändert werden!
--- /dev/null
+Dieser Text steht im Template <strong>beg_header_banner.tpl</strong> und möchte geändert werden!
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" style="height: 100%">
<td height="10%" align="center">
- <div align="center">$content[banner]</div>
+ <div align="center">$content[header_banner]</div>
- <div height="120" class="bottom">
+ <div style="height:120px" class="bottom">
<div align="center">$content[message]</div>
<div class="table_footer">
<td height="10%" align="center">
- <div align="center">$content[banner]</div>
+ <div align="center">$content[footer_banner]</div>
<div class="para">
-Lassen Sie Ihre Sponsoren Forced-Banner oder -Textlinks buchen und geben Sie
-Ihren Mitgliedern für jeden Klick einen festen - alternativ auch
-dynamischen - Betrag an {OPEN_CONFIG}POINTS{CLOSE_CONFIG}. Sie können auch
-selber welche einstellen bzw. aus den Werbenetzwerken welche übernehmen.
+Lassen Sie Ihre Sponsoren und Mitglieder Forced-Banner oder -Textlinks buchen
+und geben Sie Ihren Mitgliedern für jeden Klick einen festen - alternativ
+auch dynamischen - Betrag an {OPEN_CONFIG}POINTS{CLOSE_CONFIG}. Sie können
+auch selber welche einstellen bzw. aus den Werbenetzwerken welche
<div class="para">
<div class="para">
-Eine Surfbar für Ihre Mitglieder mit prozentualer Ref-Vergütung
+Ein Besuchertausch für Ihre Mitglieder mit prozentualer Ref-Vergütung
(optional) und vielem mehr. Die gebuchten URLs werden bei aktivierter Surfbar-
Erweiterung automatisch in ihr gesammelt und sind dann sofort ansurfbar. Die
Vergütung kann zu einem Fix-Preis erfolgen oder auch dynamisch.
<div class="para">
-Es können auch URLs direkt und nur in die Surfbar gebucht werden. Sie
-können zudem eigene URLs (nur aus Werbenetzwerken nehmen, wo das
-Einbinden der URL in eine Surfbar erlaubt ist!) aus dem Adminbereich
-hinzufügen und dabei eine Reload-Sperre unabhängig von den
-Ausgangseinstellungen in Sekunden angeben.
+Es können auch URLs direkt und nur in den Besuchertausch gebucht werden.
+Sie können zudem eigene URLs (eigene URLs oder aus Werbenetzwerken
+"Traffic-Kampagnen" nehmen, wo das Einbinden der URL in einen
+Besuchertausch erlaubt ist!) aus dem Adminbereich hinzufügen und dabei
+eine Reload-Sperre unabhängig von den Ausgangseinstellungen in Sekunden
<div class="para">
--- /dev/null
+<div class="para">
+ Ihre Mitglieder können Teams bilden um ein gemeinsames Ziel (z.B. den
+ Gewinn einer Referal-Rallye) zu erreichen. Dabei können Sie den
+ Mitgliedern eine Frist setzen, bis wann die Team-Anmeldungen bzw.
+ -beitritte, -austritte oder -wechsel maximal geschehen dürfen. Teams
+ sind vielfältig einsetzbar, Teams können gegeneinander in
+ verschiedenen Rallyes antreten, der Gewinn wird dann nach vom Administrator
+ einstellbare Kriterien an die Mitglieder des gewinnenden Teams aufgeteilt.
+<div class="para">
+ Auch ist eine Jackpot-Jagt zwischen den Teams möglich, wo dann der
+ Jackpot nach vom Administrator einstellbare Kriterien aufgeteilt wird.
+<div class="para">
+ Ein Aufteilungskriteritum kann z.B. während des vergangenen Zeitraums
+ der erwirtschaftete {?POINTS?}-Stand sein (dieser wird separat pro
+ Teammitglied und separat für das gesamte Team gemessen). Der Gewinn
+ teilt sich dann anhand des zuvor genannten, erwirtschafteten Guthabens sich
+ prozentual auf.
+<div class="para">
+ Hingegen ist bei einem statischen Kriteritum (beide gleichzeitig geht nicht)
+ der Gewinn des einzelnen Mitgliedes sein in dem Zeitraum erwirtschaftesten
+ Guthaben. Beide Kriterien sind für jede Rallye individuell einstellbar.
+<div class="para">
+ Generell - also ohne irgendwelche Rallyes - sind Teams dazu da um zum
+ Beispiel Guthaben in einem gemeinsamen Werbetopf (der nicht
+ auszahlungfähig ist) zu sammeln und die Gründungsmitglieder
+ können dann mit dem Guthaben Buchungen aufgeben (auch als
+ "Team-Buchung" im Script genannt). Bei generellen Teams ist
+ dem Teamleiter erlaubt, Kriterien in vom Administrator festlegbaren
--- /dev/null
+<div align="center">
+ $content[selection_box]
--- /dev/null
+<option value="$content[type]">
+ {%pipe,translateForcedAdType=$content[type]%}
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+This template provides meta data for adding forced-ads to the database.
+@author Roland Haeder <>
+@version 0.2.1-FINAL
+@copyright (c) 2003 - 2009 by Roland Haeder
+@copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 by Mailer Developer Team
+@license GNU GPL 2.0 or any newer version
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+MA 02110-1301 USA
+ <!--
+ Call-back function which should all following parameter handled over
+ to. This will always be type of string but we like homogene XMLs.
+ //-->
+ <callback-function type="string" value="adminAddEntries" />
+ <!--
+ Name of the database table where the entries should be read/write from/to.
+ //-->
+ <database-table name="" type="string" value="forced_ads" />
+ <!--
+ The following three lists must have the same count of list entries, else an
+ error may occur.
+ //-->
+ <!--
+ And all column names to read/write, leave this list tag empty for all (*).
+ //-->
+ <database-column-list>
+ <database-column-list-entry name="" type="string" value="forced_ads_click_url" />
+ <database-column-list-entry name="" type="string" value="forced_ads_alt_text" />
+ <database-column-list-entry name="" type="string" value="forced_ads_framebreaker" />
+ <database-column-list-entry name="forced_ads_reload_lock" type="string" value="forced_ads_reload_lock" />
+ <database-column-list-entry name="forced_ads_min_stay" type="string" value="forced_ads_min_stay" />
+ <database-column-list-entry name="" type="string" value="forced_ads_type" />
+ <database-column-list-entry name="" type="string" value="forced_ads_width" />
+ <database-column-list-entry name="" type="string" value="forced_ads_height" />
+ <database-column-list-entry name="" type="string" value="forced_ads_ad_url" />
+ </database-column-list>
+ <!--
+ "Filter" call-back functions to call back for piping the fetched data
+ through (can be left empty, no call-back function will be called)
+ //-->
+ <callback-function-list>
+ <callback-function-list-entry name="" type="string" value="" />
+ <callback-function-list-entry name="" type="string" value="" />
+ <callback-function-list-entry name="" type="string" value="" />
+ <callback-function-list-entry name="forced_ads_reload_lock" type="string" value="createEpocheTimeFromSelections" />
+ <callback-function-list-entry name="forced_ads_min_stay" type="string" value="createEpocheTimeFromSelections" />
+ <callback-function-list-entry name="" type="string" value="" />
+ <callback-function-list-entry name="" type="string" value="bigintval" />
+ <callback-function-list-entry name="" type="string" value="bigintval" />
+ <callback-function-list-entry name="" type="string" value="" />
+ </callback-function-list>
+ <!--
+ Extra parameters (2nd, 3rd, ...) for above call-back functions. If an array
+ is provided, we have more than two parameters to handle over to the
+ call-back function. See function handleExtraValues() for details.
+ //-->
+ <extra-parameter-list>
+ <!--
+ Dummy entries
+ //-->
+ <extra-parameter-list-entry name="" type="string" value="" />
+ <extra-parameter-list-entry name="" type="string" value="" />
+ <extra-parameter-list-entry name="" type="string" value="" />
+ <!--
+ Entry for forced_ads_reload_lock
+ //-->
+ <extra-parameter-list-entry name="" type="array" value="forced_ads_reload_lock">
+ <!--
+ Only one more parameter which is a special type 'callback'
+ //-->
+ <extra-parameter-forced-ads-reload-locklist>
+ <!--
+ createEpocheTimeFromSelections() requires the whole $_POST
+ array as second parameter, getPostArray() wraps this.
+ //-->
+ <extra-parameter-forced-ads-reload-locklist-entry name="" type="callback" value="postRequestArray" />
+ </extra-parameter-forced-ads-reload-locklist>
+ </extra-parameter-list-entry>
+ <!--
+ Entry for forced_ads_reload_lock
+ //-->
+ <extra-parameter-list-entry name="" type="array" value="forced_ads_min_stay">
+ <!--
+ Only one more parameter which is a special type 'callback'
+ //-->
+ <extra-parameter-forced-ads-min-stay-list>
+ <!--
+ createEpocheTimeFromSelections() requires the whole $_POST
+ array as second parameter, getPostArray() wraps this.
+ //-->
+ <extra-parameter-forced-ads-min-stay-list-entry name="" type="callback" value="postRequestArray" />
+ </extra-parameter-forced-ads-min-stay-list>
+ </extra-parameter-list-entry>
+ <!--
+ More dummy enries
+ //-->
+ <extra-parameter-list-entry name="" type="string" value="" />
+ <extra-parameter-list-entry name="" type="string" value="" />
+ <extra-parameter-list-entry name="" type="string" value="" />
+ <extra-parameter-list-entry name="" type="string" value="" />
+ </extra-parameter-list>
<callback-function type="string" value="adminDeleteEntriesConfirm" />
- Array index from HTTP POST data array for identifying every data row
- //-->
- <post-data-identify-index name="" type="string" value="url_id" />
- <!--
Name of the database table where the entries should be read/write from/to.
<database-table name="" type="string" value="surfbar_urls" />
<callback-function type="string" value="adminDeleteEntriesConfirm" />
- Array index from HTTP POST data array for identifying every data row
- //-->
- <post-data-identify-index name="" type="string" value="url_id" />
- <!--
Name of the database table where the entries should be read/write from/to.
<database-table name="" type="string" value="surfbar_urls" />
<callback-function type="string" value="adminEditEntriesConfirm" />
- Array index from HTTP POST data array for identifying every data row
- //-->
- <post-data-identify-index name="" type="string" value="url_id" />
- <!--
Name of the database table where the entries should be read/write from/to.
<database-table name="" type="string" value="surfbar_urls" />
<callback-function type="string" value="adminEditEntriesConfirm" />
- Array index from HTTP POST data array for identifying every data row
- //-->
- <post-data-identify-index name="" type="string" value="url_id" />
- <!--
Name of the database table where the entries should be read/write from/to.
<database-table name="" type="string" value="surfbar_urls" />
<callback-function-list-entry name="" type="string" value="bigintval" />
<callback-function-list-entry name="member_list" type="string" value="addMemberSelectionBox" />
- <callback-function-list-entry name="" type="string" value="" /> <!-- No callback function! //-->
+ <callback-function-list-entry name="" type="string" value="" /><!-- No callback function! //-->
Extra parameters (2nd, 3rd, ...) for above call-back functions. If an array
A list entry for a single extra parameter. 'type' can now be: string,
- int, float, bool, array. If the type 'array' is provided, the parser searches
- for a tag called "extra-parameter-<value>-list(-entry)", by <value>
- is the value from the 'value' attribute. Please check out the examples below.
+ int, float, bool, array. If the type 'array' is provided, the parser
+ searches for a tag called "extra-parameter-<value>-list(-entry)", by
+ <value> is the value from the 'value' attribute. Please check out the
+ examples below.
Dummy entry
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+This template provides meta data for listing Forced-Ads.
+@author Roland Haeder <>
+@version 0.2.1-FINAL
+@copyright (c) 2003 - 2009 by Roland Haeder
+@copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 by Mailer Developer Team
+@license GNU GPL 2.0 or any newer version
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+MA 02110-1301 USA
+ <!--
+ Call-back function, the extracted data from this XML will then be re-read
+ from that function. The most common function this XML uses is
+ adminListEntries() so mostly you can leave this alone unless you have JOINs.
+ //-->
+ <callback-function type="string" value="adminListEntries" />
+ <!--
+ Now we need information which template should be loaded and which functions
+ shall be called back. So lets start with the main list template. This mostly
+ requires no call-back function.
+ //-->
+ <list-template type="string" value="admin_list_forced_ads" />
+ <!--
+ The template for all rows, mostly this name has a '_row' suffix and again,
+ no call-back function is usually required.
+ //-->
+ <list-row-template type="string" value="admin_list_forced_ads_row" />
+ <!--
+ Message id to display if no entry could be found
+ //-->
+ <no-entry-found-message type="string" value="ADMIN_FORCED_ADS_404" />
+ <!--
+ The table(s) we shall grab the data from, all as list.
+ //-->
+ <data-tables>
+ <!--
+ A single table entry, with alias and without the configurable
+ _MYSQL_PREFIX. You can specify the table's name or alias later on.
+ //-->
+ <data-table type="string" alias="" value="forced_ads" />
+ <!--
+ Columns to perform the SELECT statement on, with alias and name plus which table.
+ //-->
+ <select-data-from-list>
+ <!--
+ A single entry with table name (can be left empty), value (must
+ always be set), alias (again can be left empty) and SQL function
+ (can also be left empty) which shall be applied on the column.
+ //-->
+ <select-data-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="forced_ads_id" alias="" function="" />
+ <select-data-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="forced_ads_click_url" alias="" function="" />
+ <select-data-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="forced_ads_type" alias="" function="" />
+ <select-data-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="forced_ads_framebreaker" alias="" function="" />
+ <select-data-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="forced_ads_added" alias="forced_ads_added" function="UNIX_TIMESTAMP" />
+ <select-data-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="forced_ads_last_locked" alias="forced_ads_last_locked" function="UNIX_TIMESTAMP" />
+ <select-data-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="forced_ads_lock_reason" alias="" function="" />
+ </select-data-from-list>
+ <!--
+ And the column list to perform the WHERE statement on.
+ //-->
+ <where-select-from-list>
+ </where-select-from-list>
+ <!--
+ Columns to perform the ORDER BY statement (GROUP BY is not yet supported)
+ //-->
+ <order-by-list>
+ <!--
+ A single entry to perform the ORDER BY statement on, see above WHERE entry for details.
+ //-->
+ <order-by-list-entry type="string" table="" order="forced_ads_id" value="ASC" />
+ </order-by-list>
+ </data-tables>
+ <!--
+ List all column names from the 'select-data-from-list' node here, but now
+ with call-back informations. The list must only contain those entries where
+ a call-back function shall be called for.
+ //-->
+ <column-callback-list>
+ <!--
+ Another column, now we need a second parameter here because
+ generateDateTime() expects two parameters (first is always the data
+ from column).
+ //-->
+ <column-callback-list-entry>
+ <!--
+ The actual data, again.
+ //-->
+ <column-callback-data type="string" value="forced_ads_added" callback="generateDateTime" />
+ <!--
+ More parameters, remember that the first parameter is always given
+ and that it is the data from column.
+ //-->
+ <callback-extra-parameter-list>
+ <!--
+ A single parameter, 'type' can be one of 'float', 'int',
+ 'bool', 'string'. 'array' is not yet supported.
+ //-->
+ <callback-extra-parameter-list-entry type="int" column="forced_ads_added" value="2" />
+ </callback-extra-parameter-list>
+ </column-callback-list-entry>
+ <!--
+ Second column to "translate".
+ //-->
+ <column-callback-list-entry>
+ <column-callback-data type="string" value="forced_ads_last_locked" callback="generateDateTime" />
+ <callback-extra-parameter-list>
+ <callback-extra-parameter-list-entry type="int" column="forced_ads_last_locked" value="2" />
+ </callback-extra-parameter-list>
+ </column-callback-list-entry>
+ </column-callback-list>
<callback-function type="string" value="adminLockEntriesConfirm" />
- Array index from HTTP POST data array for identifying every data row
- //-->
- <post-data-identify-index name="" type="string" value="url_id" />
- <!--
Name of the database table where the entries should be read/write from/to.
<database-table name="" type="string" value="surfbar_urls" />
<callback-function type="string" value="adminLockEntriesConfirm" />
- Array index from HTTP POST data array for identifying every data row
- //-->
- <post-data-identify-index name="" type="string" value="url_id" />
- <!--
Name of the database table where the entries should be read/write from/to.
<database-table name="" type="string" value="surfbar_urls" />
<callback-function type="string" value="adminUndeleteEntriesConfirm" />
- Array index from HTTP POST data array for identifying every data row
- //-->
- <post-data-identify-index name="" type="string" value="url_id" />
- <!--
Name of the database table where the entries should be read/write from/to.
<database-table name="" type="string" value="surfbar_urls" />
<callback-function type="string" value="adminUndeleteEntriesConfirm" />
- Array index from HTTP POST data array for identifying every data row
- //-->
- <post-data-identify-index name="" type="string" value="url_id" />
- <!--
Name of the database table where the entries should be read/write from/to.
<database-table name="" type="string" value="surfbar_urls" />
<callback-function type="string" value="adminFooEntriesBar" />
- Array index from HTTP POST data array for identifying every data row
- //-->
- <post-data-identify-index name="" type="string" value="id" />
- <!--
Name of the database table where the entries should be read/write from/to.
<database-table name="" type="string" value="table_name" />