//$$$ begin - added, Neetha, 28 Nov 2k
-string name;
-int x;
-int y;
-UINT width;
-UINT height;
-float factor;
-float span_units;
-float division_units;
-float minor_division = 0;
-UINT screen_hole;
-UINT lbl_pos;
-bool working;
-string loadfn;
-UINT options;
-float maxValue;
-float minValue;
-float scaling;
-UINT major_divs;
-UINT minor_divs;
-UINT modulator;
-int dp_showing = 0;
-string label_format;
-string prelabel;
-string postlabel;
-int justi;
-int blinking;
-float maxBankAngle;
-float maxSlipAngle;
-UINT gap_width;
-bool latitude;
-bool longitude;
-bool tick_bottom;
-bool tick_top;
-bool tick_right;
-bool tick_left;
-bool cap_bottom;
-bool cap_top;
-bool cap_right;
-bool cap_left;
-float marker_off;
-string type;
-bool enable_pointer;
-string type_pointer;
-bool frl_spot;
-bool target;
-bool vel_vector;
-bool drift;
-bool alpha;
-bool energy;
-bool climb_dive;
-bool glide;
-float glide_slope_val;
-bool worm_energy;
-bool waypoint;
-FLTFNPTR load_fn;
-fgLabelJust justification;
-const char *pre_label_string = 0;
-const char *post_label_string = 0;
+static string name;
+static int x;
+static int y;
+static UINT width;
+static UINT height;
+static float factor;
+static float span_units;
+static float division_units;
+static float minor_division = 0;
+static UINT screen_hole;
+static UINT lbl_pos;
+static bool working;
+static string loadfn;
+static UINT options;
+static float maxValue;
+static float minValue;
+static float scaling;
+static UINT major_divs;
+static UINT minor_divs;
+static UINT modulator;
+static int dp_showing = 0;
+static string label_format;
+static string prelabel;
+static string postlabel;
+static int justi;
+static int blinking;
+static float maxBankAngle;
+static float maxSlipAngle;
+static UINT gap_width;
+static bool latitude;
+static bool longitude;
+static bool tick_bottom;
+static bool tick_top;
+static bool tick_right;
+static bool tick_left;
+static bool cap_bottom;
+static bool cap_top;
+static bool cap_right;
+static bool cap_left;
+static float marker_off;
+static string type;
+static bool enable_pointer;
+static string type_pointer;
+static bool frl_spot;
+static bool target;
+static bool vel_vector;
+static bool drift;
+static bool alpha;
+static bool energy;
+static bool climb_dive;
+static bool glide;
+static float glide_slope_val;
+static bool worm_energy;
+static bool waypoint;
+static FLTFNPTR load_fn;
+static fgLabelJust justification;
+static const char *pre_label_string = 0;
+static const char *post_label_string = 0;
int readHud( istream &input );
int readInstrument ( const SGPropertyNode * node);
noinst_LIBRARIES = libGUI.a
-libGUI_a_SOURCES = gui.cxx gui.h
+libGUI_a_SOURCES = \
+ apt_dlg.cxx apt_dlg.hxx \
+ gui.cxx gui.h \
+ gui_local.cxx gui_local.hxx \
+ mouse.cxx \
+ net_dlg.cxx net_dlg.hxx \
+ trackball.c trackball.h
INCLUDES += -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/src
--- /dev/null
+# include <config.h>
+#include <simgear/compiler.h>
+# include <windows.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <simgear/constants.h>
+#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
+#include <simgear/misc/fgpath.hxx>
+#include <Include/general.hxx>
+#include <GL/glut.h>
+#include <simgear/xgl/xgl.h>
+#include <Airports/simple.hxx>
+#include <FDM/flight.hxx>
+#include <Main/fg_init.hxx>
+#include <Main/globals.hxx>
+#include <Main/options.hxx>
+//#include <Time/fg_time.hxx>
+#include "gui.h"
+#include "gui_local.hxx"
+/// The beginnings of teleportation :-)
+// Needs cleaning up but works
+// These statics should disapear when this is a class
+static puDialogBox *AptDialog = 0;
+static puFrame *AptDialogFrame = 0;
+static puText *AptDialogMessage = 0;
+static puInput *AptDialogInput = 0;
+static char NewAirportId[16];
+static char NewAirportLabel[] = "Enter New Airport ID";
+static puOneShot *AptDialogOkButton = 0;
+static puOneShot *AptDialogCancelButton = 0;
+static puOneShot *AptDialogResetButton = 0;
+void AptDialog_Cancel(puObject *)
+ FG_POP_PUI_DIALOG( AptDialog );
+void AptDialog_OK (puObject *)
+ FGPath path( globals->get_options()->get_fg_root() );
+ path.append( "Airports" );
+ path.append( "simple.mk4" );
+ FGAirports airports( path.c_str() );
+ FGAirport a;
+ int freeze = globals->get_freeze();
+ if(!freeze)
+ globals->set_freeze( true );
+ char *s;
+ AptDialogInput->getValue(&s);
+ string AptId(s);
+ cout << "AptDialog_OK " << AptId << " " << AptId.length() << endl;
+ AptDialog_Cancel( NULL );
+ if ( AptId.length() ) {
+ // set initial position from airport id
+ "Attempting to set starting position from airport code "
+ << AptId );
+ if ( airports.search( AptId, &a ) )
+ {
+ globals->get_options()->set_airport_id( AptId.c_str() );
+ globals->get_options()->set_altitude( -9999.0 );
+ // fgSetPosFromAirportID( AptId );
+ fgSetPosFromAirportIDandHdg( AptId,
+ cur_fdm_state->get_Psi() * RAD_TO_DEG);
+ BusyCursor(0);
+ fgReInitSubsystems();
+ BusyCursor(1);
+ } else {
+ AptId += " not in database.";
+ mkDialog(AptId.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ if(!freeze)
+ globals->set_freeze( false );
+void AptDialog_Reset(puObject *)
+ // strncpy( NewAirportId, globals->get_options()->get_airport_id().c_str(), 16 );
+ sprintf( NewAirportId, "%s", globals->get_options()->get_airport_id().c_str() );
+ AptDialogInput->setValue ( NewAirportId );
+ AptDialogInput->setCursor( 0 ) ;
+void NewAirport(puObject *cb)
+ // strncpy( NewAirportId, globals->get_options()->get_airport_id().c_str(), 16 );
+ sprintf( NewAirportId, "%s", globals->get_options()->get_airport_id().c_str() );
+// cout << "NewAirport " << NewAirportId << endl;
+ AptDialogInput->setValue( NewAirportId );
+ FG_PUSH_PUI_DIALOG( AptDialog );
+void NewAirportInit(void)
+ sprintf( NewAirportId, "%s", globals->get_options()->get_airport_id().c_str() );
+ int len = 150 - puGetStringWidth( puGetDefaultLabelFont(),
+ NewAirportLabel ) / 2;
+ AptDialog = new puDialogBox (150, 50);
+ {
+ AptDialogFrame = new puFrame (0,0,350, 150);
+ AptDialogMessage = new puText (len, 110);
+ AptDialogMessage -> setLabel (NewAirportLabel);
+ AptDialogInput = new puInput (50, 70, 300, 100);
+ AptDialogInput -> setValue (NewAirportId);
+ AptDialogInput -> acceptInput();
+ AptDialogOkButton = new puOneShot (50, 10, 110, 50);
+ AptDialogOkButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_OK);
+ AptDialogOkButton -> setCallback (AptDialog_OK);
+ AptDialogOkButton -> makeReturnDefault(TRUE);
+ AptDialogCancelButton = new puOneShot (140, 10, 210, 50);
+ AptDialogCancelButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_CANCEL);
+ AptDialogCancelButton -> setCallback (AptDialog_Cancel);
+ AptDialogResetButton = new puOneShot (240, 10, 300, 50);
+ AptDialogResetButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_RESET);
+ AptDialogResetButton -> setCallback (AptDialog_Reset);
+ }
+ cout << "NewAirportInit " << NewAirportId << endl;
--- /dev/null
+#include <plib/pu.h>
+extern void AptDialog_Cancel(puObject *);
+extern void AptDialog_OK (puObject *);
+extern void AptDialog_Reset(puObject *);
+extern void NewAirport(puObject *cb);
+extern void NewAirportInit(void);
#include <Main/fg_io.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include <NetworkOLK/network.h>
#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( __CYGWIN__ )
# include <simgear/screen/win32-printer.h>
# include <simgear/screen/GlBitmaps.h>
- * trackball.h
- * A virtual trackball implementation
- * Written by Gavin Bell for Silicon Graphics, November 1988.
- */
- * Pass the x and y coordinates of the last and current positions of
- * the mouse, scaled so they are from (-1.0 ... 1.0).
- *
- * The resulting rotation is returned as a quaternion rotation in the
- * first paramater.
- */
-trackball(float q[4], float p1x, float p1y, float p2x, float p2y);
- * Given two quaternions, add them together to get a third quaternion.
- * Adding quaternions to get a compound rotation is analagous to adding
- * translations to get a compound translation. When incrementally
- * adding rotations, the first argument here should be the new
- * rotation, the second and third the total rotation (which will be
- * over-written with the resulting new total rotation).
- */
-add_quats(float *q1, float *q2, float *dest);
- * A useful function, builds a rotation matrix in Matrix based on
- * given quaternion.
- */
-build_rotmatrix(float m[4][4], float q[4]);
- * This function computes a quaternion based on an axis (defined by
- * the given vector) and an angle about which to rotate. The angle is
- * expressed in radians. The result is put into the third argument.
- */
-axis_to_quat(float a[3], float phi, float q[4]);
#include "gui.h"
+#include "gui_local.hxx"
+#include "apt_dlg.hxx"
+#include "net_dlg.hxx"
-// hack, should come from an include someplace
+// main.cxx hack, should come from an include someplace
extern void fgInitVisuals( void );
extern void fgReshape( int width, int height );
extern void fgRenderFrame( void );
puFont guiFnt = 0;
fntTexFont *guiFntHandle = 0;
+int gui_menu_on = 0;
static puMenuBar *mainMenuBar = 0;
//static puButton *hideMenuButton = 0;
static char global_dialog_string[256];
-// from autopilot.cxx
-// extern void NewAltitude( puObject *cb );
-// extern void NewHeading( puObject *cb );
-// extern void fgAPAdjust( puObject * );
-// extern void NewTgtAirport( puObject *cb );
-// bool fgAPTerrainFollowEnabled( void );
-// bool fgAPAltitudeEnabled( void );
-// bool fgAPHeadingEnabled( void );
-// bool fgAPWayPointEnabled( void );
-// bool fgAPAutoThrottleEnabled( void );
// from cockpit.cxx
extern void fgLatLonFormatToggle( puObject *);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-Mouse stuff
-static int _mX = 0;
-static int _mY = 0;
-static int _savedX = 0;
-static int _savedY = 0;
-static int last_buttons = 0 ;
-static int mouse_active = 0;
-static int menu_on = 0;
-static int mouse_joystick_control = 0;
-//static time_t mouse_off_time;
-//static int mouse_timed_out;
-// to allow returning to previous view
-// on second left click in MOUSE_VIEW mode
-// This has file scope so that it can be reset
-// if the little rodent is moved NHV
-static int _mVtoggle;
-// we break up the glutGetModifiers return mask
-// once per loop and stash what we need in these
-static int glut_active_shift;
-static int glut_active_ctrl;
-static int glut_active_alt;
-static float lastquat[4];
-static float curquat[4];
-static float _quat0[4];
-float quat_mat[4][4];
-// uncomment this for view to exactly follow mouse in MOUSE_VIEW mode
-// else smooth out the view panning to .01 radian per frame
-// see view_offset smoothing mechanism in main.cxx
-// uncomment following to
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-Support for mouse as control yoke (david@megginson.com)
-- right button toggles between pointer and yoke
-- horizontal drag with no buttons moves ailerons
-- vertical drag with no buttons moves elevators
-- horizontal drag with left button moves brakes (left=on)
-- vertical drag with left button moves throttle (up=more)
-- horizontal drag with middle button moves rudder
-- vertical drag with middle button moves trim
-For the *_sensitivity variables, a lower number means more sensitive.
-TODO: figure out how to keep pointer from leaving window in yoke mode.
-TODO: add thresholds and null zones
-TODO: sensitivity should be configurable at user option.
-TODO: allow differential braking (this will be useful if FlightGear
- ever supports tail-draggers like the DC-3)
-typedef enum {
-} MouseMode;
-MouseMode mouse_mode = MOUSE_POINTER;
-static double aileron_sensitivity = 1.0/500.0;
-static double elevator_sensitivity = 1.0/500.0;
-static double brake_sensitivity = 1.0/250.0;
-static double throttle_sensitivity = 1.0/250.0;
-static double rudder_sensitivity = 1.0/500.0;
-static double trim_sensitivity = 1.0/1000.0;
-static inline void Quat0( void ) {
- curquat[0] = _quat0[0];
- curquat[1] = _quat0[1];
- curquat[2] = _quat0[2];
- curquat[3] = _quat0[3];
-static inline int left_button( void ) {
- return( last_buttons & (1 << GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON) );
-static inline int middle_button( void ) {
- return( last_buttons & (1 << GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON) );
-static inline int right_button( void ) {
- return( last_buttons & (1 << GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON) );
-static inline void TurnCursorOn( void )
- mouse_active = ~0;
-#if defined(WIN32_CURSOR_TWEAKS)
- switch (mouse_mode) {
- break;
- case MOUSE_YOKE:
- break;
- case MOUSE_VIEW:
- break;
- }
-#if defined(X_CURSOR_TWEAKS)
- glutWarpPointer( globals->get_options()->get_xsize()/2,
- globals->get_options()->get_ysize()/2);
-static inline void TurnCursorOff( void )
- mouse_active = 0;
-#if defined(WIN32_CURSOR_TWEAKS)
- glutSetCursor(GLUT_CURSOR_NONE);
-#elif defined(X_CURSOR_TWEAKS)
- glutWarpPointer( globals->get_options()->get_xsize(),
- globals->get_options()->get_ysize());
-void maybeToggleMouse( void )
-#if defined(WIN32_CURSOR_TWEAKS)
- static int first_time = ~0;
- static int mouse_changed = 0;
- if ( first_time ) {
- if(!mouse_active) {
- mouse_changed = ~mouse_changed;
- TurnCursorOn();
- }
- } else {
- if( mouse_mode != MOUSE_POINTER )
- return;
- if( mouse_changed ) {
- mouse_changed = ~mouse_changed;
- if(mouse_active) {
- TurnCursorOff();
- }
- }
- }
- first_time = ~first_time;
-#endif // #ifdef WIN32
-// Call with FALSE to init and TRUE to restore
-void BusyCursor( int restore )
- static GLenum cursor = (GLenum) 0;
- if( restore ) {
- glutSetCursor(cursor);
- } else {
- cursor = (GLenum) glutGet( (GLenum) GLUT_WINDOW_CURSOR );
-#if defined(WIN32_CURSOR_TWEAKS)
- TurnCursorOn();
- glutSetCursor( GLUT_CURSOR_WAIT );
- }
-// Center the view offsets
-void CenterView( void ) {
- if( mouse_mode = MOUSE_VIEW ) {
- mouse_mode = MOUSE_POINTER;
- _savedX = globals->get_options()->get_xsize()/2;
- _savedY = globals->get_options()->get_ysize()/2;
- _mVtoggle = 0;
- Quat0();
- build_rotmatrix(quat_mat, curquat);
- // Is this necessary ??
- if( !menu_on ) TurnCursorOff();
- glutWarpPointer( _savedX, _savedY );
- }
- globals->get_current_view()->set_goal_view_offset(0.0);
- globals->get_current_view()->set_view_offset(0.0);
-int guiGetMouseButton(void)
- return last_buttons;
-void guiGetMouse(int *x, int *y)
- *x = _mX;
- *y = _mY;
-void guiMotionFunc ( int x, int y )
- int ww, wh, need_warp = 0;
- float W, H;
- double offset;
- if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_POINTER) {
- puMouse ( x, y ) ;
- glutPostRedisplay () ;
- } else {
- if( x == _mX && y == _mY)
- return;
- // reset left click MOUSE_VIEW toggle feature
- _mVtoggle = 0;
- ww = globals->get_options()->get_xsize();
- wh = globals->get_options()->get_ysize();
- switch (mouse_mode) {
- case MOUSE_YOKE:
- if( !mouse_joystick_control ) {
- mouse_joystick_control = 1;
- globals->get_options()->set_control_mode( FGOptions::FG_MOUSE );
- } else {
- if ( left_button() ) {
- offset = (_mX - x) * brake_sensitivity;
- controls.move_brake(FGControls::ALL_WHEELS, offset);
- offset = (_mY - y) * throttle_sensitivity;
- controls.move_throttle(FGControls::ALL_ENGINES, offset);
- } else if ( right_button() ) {
- if( ! current_autopilot->get_HeadingEnabled() ) {
- offset = (x - _mX) * rudder_sensitivity;
- controls.move_rudder(offset);
- }
- if( ! current_autopilot->get_AltitudeEnabled() ) {
- offset = (_mY - y) * trim_sensitivity;
- controls.move_elevator_trim(offset);
- }
- } else {
- if( ! current_autopilot->get_HeadingEnabled() ) {
- offset = (x - _mX) * aileron_sensitivity;
- controls.move_aileron(offset);
- }
- if( ! current_autopilot->get_AltitudeEnabled() ) {
- offset = (_mY - y) * elevator_sensitivity;
- controls.move_elevator(offset);
- }
- }
- }
- // Keep the mouse in the window.
- if (x < 5 || x > ww-5 || y < 5 || y > wh-5) {
- x = ww / 2;
- y = wh / 2;
- need_warp = 1;
- }
- break;
- case MOUSE_VIEW:
- if( y <= 0 ) {
- y = 1;
- y = wh-2;
- need_warp = 1;
- } else if( y >= wh-1) {
- y = wh-2;
- y = 1;
- need_warp = 1;
- }
- // wrap MOUSE_VIEW mode cursor x position
- if ( x <= 0 ) {
- need_warp = 1;
- x = ww-2;
- } else if ( x >= ww-1 ) {
- need_warp = 1;
- x = 1;
- }
- // try to get FG_PI movement in each half of screen
- // do spherical pan
- W = ww;
- H = wh;
- if( middle_button() ) {
- trackball(lastquat,
- (2.0f * _mX - W) / W,
- 0, //(H - 2.0f * y) / H, // 3
- (2.0f * x - W) / W,
- 0 //(H - 2.0f * _mY) / H // 1
- );
- x = _mX;
- y = _mY;
- need_warp = 1;
- } else {
- trackball(lastquat,
- 0, //(2.0f * _mX - W) / W, // 0
- (H - 2.0f * y) / H, // 3
- 0, //(2.0f * x - W) / W, // 2
- (H - 2.0f * _mY) / H // 1
- );
- }
- add_quats(lastquat, curquat, curquat);
- build_rotmatrix(quat_mat, curquat);
- // do horizontal pan
- // this could be done in above quat
- // but requires redoing view pipeline
- offset = globals->get_current_view()->get_goal_view_offset();
- offset += ((_mX - x) * FG_2PI / W );
- while (offset < 0.0) {
- offset += FG_2PI;
- }
- while (offset > FG_2PI) {
- offset -= FG_2PI;
- }
- globals->get_current_view()->set_goal_view_offset(offset);
- globals->get_current_view()->set_view_offset(offset);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- if( need_warp)
- glutWarpPointer(x, y);
- // Record the new mouse position.
- _mX = x;
- _mY = y;
-void guiMouseFunc(int button, int updown, int x, int y)
- int glutModifiers;
- // private MOUSE_VIEW state variables
- // to allow alternate left clicks in MOUSE_VIEW mode
- // to toggle between current offsets and straight ahead
- // uses _mVtoggle
- static int _mVx, _mVy, _Vx, _Vy;
- static float _quat[4];
- static double _view_offset;
- // general purpose variables
- double offset;
- glutModifiers = glutGetModifiers();
- glut_active_shift = glutModifiers & GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT;
- glut_active_ctrl = glutModifiers & GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL;
- glut_active_alt = glutModifiers & GLUT_ACTIVE_ALT;
- // Was the left button pressed?
- if (updown == GLUT_DOWN ) {
- if( button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON)
- {
- switch (mouse_mode) {
- break;
- case MOUSE_YOKE:
- break;
- case MOUSE_VIEW:
- if(_mVtoggle) {
- // resume previous view offsets
- _mX = _mVx;
- _mY = _mVy;
- x = _Vx;
- y = _Vy;
- curquat[0] = _quat[0];
- curquat[1] = _quat[1];
- curquat[2] = _quat[2];
- curquat[3] = _quat[3];
- globals->get_current_view()->set_goal_view_offset(_view_offset);
- globals->get_current_view()->set_view_offset(_view_offset);
- } else {
- // center view
- _mVx = _mX;
- _mVy = _mY;
- _Vx = x;
- _Vy = y;
- _quat[0] = curquat[0];
- _quat[1] = curquat[1];
- _quat[2] = curquat[2];
- _quat[3] = curquat[3];
- x = globals->get_options()->get_xsize()/2;
- y = globals->get_options()->get_ysize()/2;
- Quat0();
- _view_offset =
- globals->get_current_view()->get_goal_view_offset();
- globals->get_current_view()->set_goal_view_offset(0.0);
- globals->get_current_view()->set_view_offset(0.0);
- }
- glutWarpPointer( x , y);
- build_rotmatrix(quat_mat, curquat);
- _mVtoggle = ~_mVtoggle;
- break;
- }
- }else if ( button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON) {
- switch (mouse_mode) {
- mouse_mode = MOUSE_YOKE;
- mouse_joystick_control = 0;
- _savedX = x;
- _savedY = y;
- // start with zero point in center of screen
- _mX = globals->get_options()->get_xsize()/2;
- _mY = globals->get_options()->get_ysize()/2;
- // try to have the MOUSE_YOKE position
- // reflect the current stick position
- offset = controls.get_aileron();
- x = _mX - (int)(offset * aileron_sensitivity);
- offset = controls.get_elevator();
- y = _mY - (int)(offset * elevator_sensitivity);
- FG_LOG( FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, "Mouse in yoke mode" );
- break;
- case MOUSE_YOKE:
- mouse_mode = MOUSE_VIEW;
- globals->get_options()->set_control_mode( FGOptions::FG_JOYSTICK );
- x = globals->get_options()->get_xsize()/2;
- y = globals->get_options()->get_ysize()/2;
- _mVtoggle = 0;
- Quat0();
- build_rotmatrix(quat_mat, curquat);
- FG_LOG( FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, "Mouse in view mode" );
- break;
- case MOUSE_VIEW:
- mouse_mode = MOUSE_POINTER;
- x = _savedX;
- y = _savedY;
- Quat0();
- build_rotmatrix(quat_mat, curquat);
- globals->get_current_view()->set_goal_view_offset(0.0);
- globals->get_current_view()->set_view_offset(0.0);
- if(!menu_on)
- TurnCursorOff();
- FG_LOG( FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, "Mouse in pointer mode" );
- break;
- }
- glutWarpPointer( x, y );
- // Note which button is pressed.
- if ( updown == GLUT_DOWN ) {
- last_buttons |= ( 1 << button ) ;
- } else {
- last_buttons &= ~( 1 << button ) ;
- }
- // If we're in pointer mode, let PUI
- // know what's going on.
- if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_POINTER) {
- if (!puMouse (button, updown, x,y)) {
- current_panel->doMouseAction(button, updown, x, y);
- }
- }
- // Register the new position (if it
- // hasn't been registered already).
- _mX = x;
- _mY = y;
- glutPostRedisplay ();
/* ================ General Purpose Functions ================ */
// Toggle the Menu and Mouse display state
void guiToggleMenu(void)
- if( menu_on ) {
+ if( gui_menu_on ) {
// printf("Hiding Menu\n");
mainMenuBar->hide ();
#if defined(WIN32_CURSOR_TWEAKS)
#endif // #ifdef WIN32
- menu_on = ~menu_on;
+ gui_menu_on = ~gui_menu_on;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SaveDialog = new puDialogBox (150, 50);
SaveDialogFrame = new puFrame (0,0,350, 150);
- SaveDialogMessage = new puText ((150 - puGetStringWidth( puGetDefaultLabelFont(), "File Name:" ) / 2), 110);
+ SaveDialogMessage = new puText (
+ (150 - puGetStringWidth( puGetDefaultLabelFont(), "File Name:" ) / 2), 110);
SaveDialogMessage -> setLabel ("File Name:");
SaveDialogInput = new puInput (50, 70, 300, 100);
LoadDialog = new puDialogBox (150, 50);
LoadDialogFrame = new puFrame (0,0,350, 150);
- LoadDialogMessage = new puText ((150 - puGetStringWidth( puGetDefaultLabelFont(), "File Name:" ) / 2), 110);
+ LoadDialogMessage = new puText (
+ (150 - puGetStringWidth( puGetDefaultLabelFont(), "File Name:" ) / 2), 110);
LoadDialogMessage -> setLabel ("File Name:");
LoadDialogInput = new puInput (50, 70, 300, 100);
LoadDialog -> reveal();
-void reInit(puObject *cb)
- BusyCursor(0);
- Quat0();
- build_rotmatrix(quat_mat, curquat);
- fgReInitSubsystems();
- BusyCursor(1);
// This is the accessor function
void guiTogglePanel(puObject *cb)
p.Begin( "FlightGear", cur_width*3, cur_height*3 );
p.End( hiResScreenCapture(3) );
- if( menu_on ) {
+ if( gui_menu_on ) {
- if( menu_on ) {
+ if( gui_menu_on ) {
globals->set_freeze( false );
-/// The beginnings of teleportation :-)
-// Needs cleaning up but works
-// These statics should disapear when this is a class
-static puDialogBox *AptDialog = 0;
-static puFrame *AptDialogFrame = 0;
-static puText *AptDialogMessage = 0;
-static puInput *AptDialogInput = 0;
-static char NewAirportId[16];
-static char NewAirportLabel[] = "Enter New Airport ID";
-static puOneShot *AptDialogOkButton = 0;
-static puOneShot *AptDialogCancelButton = 0;
-static puOneShot *AptDialogResetButton = 0;
-void AptDialog_Cancel(puObject *)
- FG_POP_PUI_DIALOG( AptDialog );
-void AptDialog_OK (puObject *)
- FGPath path( globals->get_options()->get_fg_root() );
- path.append( "Airports" );
- path.append( "simple.mk4" );
- FGAirports airports( path.c_str() );
- FGAirport a;
- int freeze = globals->get_freeze();
- if(!freeze)
- globals->set_freeze( true );
- char *s;
- AptDialogInput->getValue(&s);
- string AptId(s);
- cout << "AptDialog_OK " << AptId << " " << AptId.length() << endl;
- AptDialog_Cancel( NULL );
- if ( AptId.length() ) {
- // set initial position from airport id
- "Attempting to set starting position from airport code "
- << AptId );
- if ( airports.search( AptId, &a ) )
- {
- globals->get_options()->set_airport_id( AptId.c_str() );
- globals->get_options()->set_altitude( -9999.0 );
- // fgSetPosFromAirportID( AptId );
- fgSetPosFromAirportIDandHdg( AptId,
- cur_fdm_state->get_Psi() * RAD_TO_DEG);
- BusyCursor(0);
- fgReInitSubsystems();
- BusyCursor(1);
- } else {
- AptId += " not in database.";
- mkDialog(AptId.c_str());
- }
- }
- if(!freeze)
- globals->set_freeze( false );
-void AptDialog_Reset(puObject *)
- // strncpy( NewAirportId, globals->get_options()->get_airport_id().c_str(), 16 );
- sprintf( NewAirportId, "%s", globals->get_options()->get_airport_id().c_str() );
- AptDialogInput->setValue ( NewAirportId );
- AptDialogInput->setCursor( 0 ) ;
-void NewAirport(puObject *cb)
- // strncpy( NewAirportId, globals->get_options()->get_airport_id().c_str(), 16 );
- sprintf( NewAirportId, "%s", globals->get_options()->get_airport_id().c_str() );
-// cout << "NewAirport " << NewAirportId << endl;
- AptDialogInput->setValue( NewAirportId );
- FG_PUSH_PUI_DIALOG( AptDialog );
-static void NewAirportInit(void)
- sprintf( NewAirportId, "%s", globals->get_options()->get_airport_id().c_str() );
- int len = 150 - puGetStringWidth( puGetDefaultLabelFont(),
- NewAirportLabel ) / 2;
- AptDialog = new puDialogBox (150, 50);
- {
- AptDialogFrame = new puFrame (0,0,350, 150);
- AptDialogMessage = new puText (len, 110);
- AptDialogMessage -> setLabel (NewAirportLabel);
- AptDialogInput = new puInput (50, 70, 300, 100);
- AptDialogInput -> setValue (NewAirportId);
- AptDialogInput -> acceptInput();
- AptDialogOkButton = new puOneShot (50, 10, 110, 50);
- AptDialogOkButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_OK);
- AptDialogOkButton -> setCallback (AptDialog_OK);
- AptDialogOkButton -> makeReturnDefault(TRUE);
- AptDialogCancelButton = new puOneShot (140, 10, 210, 50);
- AptDialogCancelButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_CANCEL);
- AptDialogCancelButton -> setCallback (AptDialog_Cancel);
- AptDialogResetButton = new puOneShot (240, 10, 300, 50);
- AptDialogResetButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_RESET);
- AptDialogResetButton -> setCallback (AptDialog_Reset);
- }
- cout << "NewAirportInit " << NewAirportId << endl;
-/// The beginnings of networking :-)
-// Needs cleaning up but works
-// These statics should disapear when this is a class
-static puDialogBox *NetIdDialog = 0;
-static puFrame *NetIdDialogFrame = 0;
-static puText *NetIdDialogMessage = 0;
-static puInput *NetIdDialogInput = 0;
-static char NewNetId[16];
-static char NewNetIdLabel[] = "Enter New Callsign";
-extern char *fgd_callsign;
-static puOneShot *NetIdDialogOkButton = 0;
-static puOneShot *NetIdDialogCancelButton = 0;
-void NetIdDialog_Cancel(puObject *)
- FG_POP_PUI_DIALOG( NetIdDialog );
-void NetIdDialog_OK (puObject *)
- string NetId;
- bool freeze = globals->get_freeze();
- if(!freeze)
- globals->set_freeze( true );
- The following needs some cleanup because
- "string options.NetId" and "char *net_callsign"
- NetIdDialogInput->getValue(&net_callsign);
- NetId = net_callsign;
- NetIdDialog_Cancel( NULL );
- globals->get_options()->set_net_id( NetId.c_str() );
- strcpy( fgd_callsign, net_callsign);
-// strcpy( fgd_callsign, globals->get_options()->get_net_id().c_str());
-/* Entering a callsign indicates : user wants Net HUD Info */
- net_hud_display = 1;
- if(!freeze)
- globals->set_freeze( false );
-void NewCallSign(puObject *cb)
- sprintf( NewNetId, "%s", globals->get_options()->get_net_id().c_str() );
-// sprintf( NewNetId, "%s", fgd_callsign );
- NetIdDialogInput->setValue( NewNetId );
- FG_PUSH_PUI_DIALOG( NetIdDialog );
-static void NewNetIdInit(void)
- sprintf( NewNetId, "%s", globals->get_options()->get_net_id().c_str() );
-// sprintf( NewNetId, "%s", fgd_callsign );
- int len = 150 - puGetStringWidth( puGetDefaultLabelFont(),
- NewNetIdLabel ) / 2;
- NetIdDialog = new puDialogBox (150, 50);
- {
- NetIdDialogFrame = new puFrame (0,0,350, 150);
- NetIdDialogMessage = new puText (len, 110);
- NetIdDialogMessage -> setLabel (NewNetIdLabel);
- NetIdDialogInput = new puInput (50, 70, 300, 100);
- NetIdDialogInput -> setValue (NewNetId);
- NetIdDialogInput -> acceptInput();
- NetIdDialogOkButton = new puOneShot (50, 10, 110, 50);
- NetIdDialogOkButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_OK);
- NetIdDialogOkButton -> setCallback (NetIdDialog_OK);
- NetIdDialogOkButton -> makeReturnDefault(TRUE);
- NetIdDialogCancelButton = new puOneShot (240, 10, 300, 50);
- NetIdDialogCancelButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_CANCEL);
- NetIdDialogCancelButton -> setCallback (NetIdDialog_Cancel);
- }
static void net_display_toggle( puObject *cb)
net_hud_display = (net_hud_display) ? 0 : 1;
- printf("Toggle net_hud_display : %d\n", net_hud_display);
+ printf("Toggle net_hud_display : %d\n", net_hud_display);
static void net_register( puObject *cb)
fgd_send_com( "1", FGFS_host );
- net_is_registered = 0;
- printf("Registering to deamon\n");
+ net_is_registered = 0;
+ printf("Registering to deamon\n");
static void net_unregister( puObject *cb)
fgd_send_com( "8", FGFS_host );
- net_is_registered = -1;
- printf("Unregistering from deamon\n");
-/*************** Deamon communication **********/
-// These statics should disapear when this is a class
-static puDialogBox *NetFGDDialog = 0;
-static puFrame *NetFGDDialogFrame = 0;
-static puText *NetFGDDialogMessage = 0;
-//static puInput *NetFGDDialogInput = 0;
-//static char NewNetId[16];
-static char NewNetFGDLabel[] = "Scan for deamon ";
-static char NewFGDHost[64] = "olk.mcp.de";
-static int NewFGDPortLo = 10000;
-static int NewFGDPortHi = 10001;
-//extern char *fgd_callsign;
-extern u_short base_port, end_port;
-extern int fgd_ip, verbose, current_port;
-extern char *fgd_host;
-static puOneShot *NetFGDDialogOkButton = 0;
-static puOneShot *NetFGDDialogCancelButton = 0;
-static puOneShot *NetFGDDialogScanButton = 0;
-static puInput *NetFGDHostDialogInput = 0;
-static puInput *NetFGDPortLoDialogInput = 0;
-static puInput *NetFGDPortHiDialogInput = 0;
-void NetFGDDialog_Cancel(puObject *)
+ net_is_registered = -1;
+ printf("Unregistering from deamon\n");
-void NetFGDDialog_OK (puObject *)
- char *NetFGD;
- bool freeze = globals->get_freeze();
- if(!freeze)
- globals->set_freeze( true );
- NetFGDHostDialogInput->getValue( &NetFGD );
- strcpy( fgd_host, NetFGD);
- NetFGDPortLoDialogInput->getValue( (int *) &base_port );
- NetFGDPortHiDialogInput->getValue( (int *) &end_port );
- NetFGDDialog_Cancel( NULL );
- if(!freeze)
- globals->set_freeze( false );
-void NetFGDDialog_SCAN (puObject *)
- char *NetFGD;
- int fgd_port;
- bool freeze = globals->get_freeze();
- if(!freeze)
- globals->set_freeze( true );
-// printf("Vor getvalue %s\n");
- NetFGDHostDialogInput->getValue( &NetFGD );
-// printf("Vor strcpy %s\n", (char *) NetFGD);
- strcpy( fgd_host, NetFGD);
- NetFGDPortLoDialogInput->getValue( (int *) &base_port );
- NetFGDPortHiDialogInput->getValue( (int *) &end_port );
- printf("FGD: %s Port-Start: %d Port-End: %d\n", fgd_host,
- base_port, end_port);
- net_resolv_fgd(fgd_host);
- printf("Resolve : %d\n", net_r);
- if(!freeze)
- globals->set_freeze( false );
- if ( net_r == 0 ) {
- fgd_port = 10000;
- strcpy( fgd_name, "");
- for( current_port = base_port; ( current_port <= end_port); current_port++) {
- fgd_send_com("0" , FGFS_host);
- sprintf( NewNetFGDLabel , "Scanning for deamon Port: %d", current_port);
- printf("FGD: searching %s\n", fgd_name);
- if ( strcmp( fgd_name, "") != 0 ) {
- sprintf( NewNetFGDLabel , "Found %s at Port: %d",
- fgd_name, current_port);
- fgd_port = current_port;
- current_port = end_port+1;
- }
- }
- current_port = end_port = base_port = fgd_port;
- }
- NetFGDDialog_Cancel( NULL );
-void net_fgd_scan(puObject *cb)
- NewFGDPortLo = base_port;
- NewFGDPortHi = end_port;
- strcpy( NewFGDHost, fgd_host);
- NetFGDPortLoDialogInput->setValue( NewFGDPortLo );
- NetFGDPortHiDialogInput->setValue( NewFGDPortHi );
- NetFGDHostDialogInput->setValue( NewFGDHost );
-static void NewNetFGDInit(void)
-// sprintf( NewNetId, "%s", globals->get_options()->get_net_id().c_str() );
-// sprintf( NewNetId, "%s", fgd_callsign );
- int len = 170 - puGetStringWidth( puGetDefaultLabelFont(),
- NewNetFGDLabel ) / 2;
- NetFGDDialog = new puDialogBox (310, 30);
- {
- NetFGDDialogFrame = new puFrame (0,0,320, 170);
- NetFGDDialogMessage = new puText (len, 140);
- NetFGDDialogMessage -> setLabel (NewNetFGDLabel);
- NetFGDPortLoDialogInput = new puInput (50, 70, 127, 100);
- NetFGDPortLoDialogInput -> setValue (NewFGDPortLo);
- NetFGDPortLoDialogInput -> acceptInput();
- NetFGDPortHiDialogInput = new puInput (199, 70, 275, 100);
- NetFGDPortHiDialogInput -> setValue (NewFGDPortHi);
- NetFGDPortHiDialogInput -> acceptInput();
- NetFGDHostDialogInput = new puInput (50, 100, 275, 130);
- NetFGDHostDialogInput -> setValue (NewFGDHost);
- NetFGDHostDialogInput -> acceptInput();
- NetFGDDialogScanButton = new puOneShot (130, 10, 200, 50);
- NetFGDDialogScanButton -> setLegend ("Scan");
- NetFGDDialogScanButton -> setCallback (NetFGDDialog_SCAN);
- NetFGDDialogScanButton -> makeReturnDefault(FALSE);
- NetFGDDialogOkButton = new puOneShot (50, 10, 120, 50);
- NetFGDDialogOkButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_OK);
- NetFGDDialogOkButton -> setCallback (NetFGDDialog_OK);
- NetFGDDialogOkButton -> makeReturnDefault(TRUE);
- NetFGDDialogCancelButton = new puOneShot (210, 10, 280, 50);
- NetFGDDialogCancelButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_CANCEL);
- NetFGDDialogCancelButton -> setCallback (NetFGDDialog_Cancel);
- }
-static void net_display_toggle( puObject *cb)
- net_hud_display = (net_hud_display) ? 0 : 1;
- printf("Toggle net_hud_display : %d\n", net_hud_display);
-/*************** End Networking **************/
+extern void net_fgd_scan(puObject *cb);
+#endif // #ifdef FG_NETWORK_OLK
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
The menu stuff
- mouse_active = ~mouse_active;
+// mouse_active = ~mouse_active;
} else if ( globals->get_options()->get_mouse_pointer() == 1 ) {
// don't show pointer
} else if ( globals->get_options()->get_mouse_pointer() == 2 ) {
// force showing pointer
- mouse_active = ~mouse_active;
+// mouse_active = ~mouse_active;
// MOUSE_VIEW mode stuff
- trackball(_quat0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- Quat0();
- build_rotmatrix(quat_mat, curquat);
+ initMouseQuat();
// Set up our Dialog Boxes
- mkDialogInit();
+ mkDialogInit();
// Make the menu bar
mainMenuBar = new puMenuBar ();
mainMenuBar -> add_submenu ("Help", helpSubmenu, helpSubmenuCb);
mainMenuBar-> close ();
// Set up menu bar toggle
- menu_on = ~0;
- * Trackball code:
- *
- * Implementation of a virtual trackball.
- * Implemented by Gavin Bell, lots of ideas from Thant Tessman and
- * the August '88 issue of Siggraph's "Computer Graphics," pp. 121-129.
- *
- * Vector manip code:
- *
- * Original code from:
- * David M. Ciemiewicz, Mark Grossman, Henry Moreton, and Paul Haeberli
- *
- * Much mucking with by:
- * Gavin Bell
- */
-#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined( __CYGWIN32__ )
-#pragma warning (disable:4244) /* disable bogus conversion warnings */
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-//#include "trackball.h"
- * This size should really be based on the distance from the center of
- * rotation to the point on the object underneath the mouse. That
- * point would then track the mouse as closely as possible. This is a
- * simple example, though, so that is left as an Exercise for the
- * Programmer.
- */
-#define TRACKBALLSIZE (0.8f)
-#define SQRT(x) sqrt(x)
- * Local function prototypes (not defined in trackball.h)
- */
-static float tb_project_to_sphere(float, float, float);
-static void normalize_quat(float [4]);
-static void
-vzero(float *v)
- v[0] = 0.0;
- v[1] = 0.0;
- v[2] = 0.0;
-static void
-vset(float *v, float x, float y, float z)
- v[0] = x;
- v[1] = y;
- v[2] = z;
-static void
-vsub(const float *src1, const float *src2, float *dst)
- dst[0] = src1[0] - src2[0];
- dst[1] = src1[1] - src2[1];
- dst[2] = src1[2] - src2[2];
-static void
-vcopy(const float *v1, float *v2)
- register int i;
- for (i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
- v2[i] = v1[i];
-static void
-vcross(const float *v1, const float *v2, float *cross)
- float temp[3];
- temp[0] = (v1[1] * v2[2]) - (v1[2] * v2[1]);
- temp[1] = (v1[2] * v2[0]) - (v1[0] * v2[2]);
- temp[2] = (v1[0] * v2[1]) - (v1[1] * v2[0]);
- vcopy(temp, cross);
-static float
-vlength(const float *v)
- float tmp = v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2];
- return SQRT(tmp);
-static void
-vscale(float *v, float div)
- v[0] *= div;
- v[1] *= div;
- v[2] *= div;
-static void
-vnormal(float *v)
- vscale(v,1.0/vlength(v));
-static float
-vdot(const float *v1, const float *v2)
- return v1[0]*v2[0] + v1[1]*v2[1] + v1[2]*v2[2];
-static void
-vadd(const float *src1, const float *src2, float *dst)
- dst[0] = src1[0] + src2[0];
- dst[1] = src1[1] + src2[1];
- dst[2] = src1[2] + src2[2];
- * Given an axis and angle, compute quaternion.
- */
-axis_to_quat(float a[3], float phi, float q[4])
- double sinphi2, cosphi2;
- double phi2 = phi/2.0;
- sinphi2 = sin(phi2);
- cosphi2 = cos(phi2);
- vnormal(a);
- vcopy(a,q);
- vscale(q,sinphi2);
- q[3] = cosphi2;
- * Project an x,y pair onto a sphere of radius r OR a hyperbolic sheet
- * if we are away from the center of the sphere.
- */
-static float
-tb_project_to_sphere(float r, float x, float y)
- float d, t, z, tmp;
- tmp = x*x + y*y;
- d = SQRT(tmp);
- if (d < r * 0.70710678118654752440) { /* Inside sphere */
- tmp = r*r - d*d;
- z = SQRT(tmp);
- } else { /* On hyperbola */
- t = r / 1.41421356237309504880;
- z = t*t / d;
- }
- return z;
- * Quaternions always obey: a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2 = 1.0
- * If they don't add up to 1.0, dividing by their magnitued will
- * renormalize them.
- *
- * Note: See the following for more information on quaternions:
- *
- * - Shoemake, K., Animating rotation with quaternion curves, Computer
- * Graphics 19, No 3 (Proc. SIGGRAPH'85), 245-254, 1985.
- * - Pletinckx, D., Quaternion calculus as a basic tool in computer
- * graphics, The Visual Computer 5, 2-13, 1989.
- */
-static void
-normalize_quat(float q[4])
- int i;
- float mag, tmp;
- tmp = q[0]*q[0] + q[1]*q[1] + q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3];
- mag = 1.0 / SQRT(tmp);
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- q[i] *= mag;
- * Ok, simulate a track-ball. Project the points onto the virtual
- * trackball, then figure out the axis of rotation, which is the cross
- * product of P1 P2 and O P1 (O is the center of the ball, 0,0,0)
- * Note: This is a deformed trackball-- is a trackball in the center,
- * but is deformed into a hyperbolic sheet of rotation away from the
- * center. This particular function was chosen after trying out
- * several variations.
- *
- * It is assumed that the arguments to this routine are in the range
- * (-1.0 ... 1.0)
- */
-trackball(float q[4], float p1x, float p1y, float p2x, float p2y)
- float a[3]; /* Axis of rotation */
- float phi; /* how much to rotate about axis */
- float p1[3], p2[3], d[3];
- float t;
- if (p1x == p2x && p1y == p2y) {
- /* Zero rotation */
- vzero(q);
- q[3] = 1.0;
- return;
- }
- /*
- * First, figure out z-coordinates for projection of P1 and P2 to
- * deformed sphere
- */
- vset(p1,p1x,p1y,tb_project_to_sphere(TRACKBALLSIZE,p1x,p1y));
- vset(p2,p2x,p2y,tb_project_to_sphere(TRACKBALLSIZE,p2x,p2y));
- /*
- * Now, we want the cross product of P1 and P2
- */
- vcross(p2,p1,a);
- /*
- * Figure out how much to rotate around that axis.
- */
- vsub(p1,p2,d);
- t = vlength(d) / (2.0*TRACKBALLSIZE);
- /*
- * Avoid problems with out-of-control values...
- */
- if (t > 1.0) t = 1.0;
- if (t < -1.0) t = -1.0;
- phi = 2.0 * asin(t);
- axis_to_quat(a,phi,q);
- * Given two rotations, e1 and e2, expressed as quaternion rotations,
- * figure out the equivalent single rotation and stuff it into dest.
- *
- * This routine also normalizes the result every RENORMCOUNT times it is
- * called, to keep error from creeping in.
- *
- * NOTE: This routine is written so that q1 or q2 may be the same
- * as dest (or each other).
- */
-#define RENORMCOUNT 97
-add_quats(float q1[4], float q2[4], float dest[4])
- static int count=0;
- float t1[4], t2[4], t3[4];
- float tf[4];
-#if 0
-printf("q1 = %f %f %f %f\n", q1[0], q1[1], q1[2], q1[3]);
-printf("q2 = %f %f %f %f\n", q2[0], q2[1], q2[2], q2[3]);
- vcopy(q1,t1);
- vscale(t1,q2[3]);
- vcopy(q2,t2);
- vscale(t2,q1[3]);
- vcross(q2,q1,t3);
- vadd(t1,t2,tf);
- vadd(t3,tf,tf);
- tf[3] = q1[3] * q2[3] - vdot(q1,q2);
-#if 0
-printf("tf = %f %f %f %f\n", tf[0], tf[1], tf[2], tf[3]);
- dest[0] = tf[0];
- dest[1] = tf[1];
- dest[2] = tf[2];
- dest[3] = tf[3];
- if (++count > RENORMCOUNT) {
- count = 0;
- normalize_quat(dest);
- }
- * Build a rotation matrix, given a quaternion rotation.
- *
- */
-build_rotmatrix(float m[4][4], float q[4])
- m[0][0] = 1.0 - 2.0 * (q[1] * q[1] + q[2] * q[2]);
- m[0][1] = 2.0 * (q[0] * q[1] - q[2] * q[3]);
- m[0][2] = 2.0 * (q[2] * q[0] + q[1] * q[3]);
- m[0][3] = 0.0;
- m[1][0] = 2.0 * (q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3]);
- m[1][1]= 1.0 - 2.0 * (q[2] * q[2] + q[0] * q[0]);
- m[1][2] = 2.0 * (q[1] * q[2] - q[0] * q[3]);
- m[1][3] = 0.0;
- m[2][0] = 2.0 * (q[2] * q[0] - q[1] * q[3]);
- m[2][1] = 2.0 * (q[1] * q[2] + q[0] * q[3]);
- m[2][2] = 1.0 - 2.0 * (q[1] * q[1] + q[0] * q[0]);
- m[2][3] = 0.0;
- m[3][0] = 0.0;
- m[3][1] = 0.0;
- m[3][2] = 0.0;
- m[3][3] = 1.0;
- m[0][0] = 1.0 - 2.0 * (q[1] * q[1] + q[2] * q[2]);
- m[0][1] = 2.0 * (q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3]);
- m[0][2] = 2.0 * (q[2] * q[0] - q[1] * q[3]);
- m[0][3] = 0.0;
- m[1][0] = 2.0 * (q[0] * q[1] - q[2] * q[3]);
- m[1][1] = 1.0 - 2.0 * (q[2] * q[2] + q[0] * q[0]);
- m[1][2] = 2.0 * (q[1] * q[2] + q[0] * q[3]);
- m[1][3] = 0.0;
- m[2][0] = 2.0 * (q[2] * q[0] + q[1] * q[3]);
- m[2][1] = 2.0 * (q[1] * q[2] - q[0] * q[3]);
- m[2][2] = 1.0 - 2.0 * (q[1] * q[1] + q[0] * q[0]);
- m[2][3] = 0.0;
- m[3][0] = 0.0;
- m[3][1] = 0.0;
- m[3][2] = 0.0;
- m[3][3] = 1.0;
-#endif // 0
+ gui_menu_on = ~0;
#include <GL/glut.h> // needed before pu.h
#include <plib/pu.h> // plib include
+// gui.cxx
extern void guiInit();
-extern void guiMotionFunc ( int x, int y );
-extern void guiMouseFunc(int button, int updown, int x, int y);
-extern void maybeToggleMouse( void );
-extern void BusyCursor( int restore );
-extern void CenterView( void );
extern void guiToggleMenu(void);
extern void mkDialog(const char *txt);
extern void ConfirmExitDialog(void);
extern puFont guiFnt;
extern fntTexFont *guiFntHandle;
+extern int gui_menu_on;
extern char *gui_msg_OK; // "OK"
extern char *gui_msg_CANCEL; // "CANCEL"
extern char *gui_msg_RESET; // "RESET"
+// mouse.cxx
+extern void guiMotionFunc ( int x, int y );
+extern void guiMouseFunc(int button, int updown, int x, int y);
+extern void maybeToggleMouse( void );
+extern void BusyCursor( int restore );
+extern void CenterView( void );
+extern void TurnCursorOn( void );
+extern void TurnCursorOff( void );
// These insure that the mouse is active when dialog is shown
// and try to the maintain the original mouse state when hidden
--- /dev/null
+#include <GL/glut.h> // needed before pu.h
+#include <plib/pu.h> // plib include
+#include <Main/fg_init.hxx>
+#include "gui.h"
+#include "trackball.h"
+// stashed trackball(_quat0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+static float _quat0[4];
+float lastGuiQuat[4];
+float curGuiQuat[4];
+// To apply our mouse rotation quat to VIEW
+// sgPreMultMat4( VIEW, GuiQuat_mat);
+// This is here temporarily should be in views.hxx
+float GuiQuat_mat[4][4];
+void Quat0( void ) {
+ curGuiQuat[0] = _quat0[0];
+ curGuiQuat[1] = _quat0[1];
+ curGuiQuat[2] = _quat0[2];
+ curGuiQuat[3] = _quat0[3];
+void initMouseQuat(void) {
+ trackball(_quat0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ Quat0();
+ build_rotmatrix(GuiQuat_mat, curGuiQuat);
+void reInit(puObject *cb)
+ BusyCursor(0);
+ Quat0();
+ build_rotmatrix(GuiQuat_mat, curGuiQuat);
+ fgReInitSubsystems();
+ BusyCursor(1);
--- /dev/null
+#include "trackball.h"
+typedef enum {
+} MouseMode;
+extern MouseMode mouse_mode;
+extern float lastGuiQuat[4];
+extern float curGuiQuat[4];
+extern float GuiQuat_mat[4][4];
+extern void initMouseQuat( void );
+extern void Quat0( void );
+class puObject;
+extern void reInit(puObject *cb);
--- /dev/null
+ * gui.cxx
+ *
+ * Written 1998 by Durk Talsma, started Juni, 1998. For the flight gear
+ * project.
+ *
+ * Additional mouse supported added by David Megginson, 1999.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ **************************************************************************/
+# include <config.h>
+#include <simgear/compiler.h>
+# include <math.h>
+# include <windows.h>
+#include <GL/glut.h>
+#include <simgear/xgl/xgl.h>
+#if defined(FX) && defined(XMESA)
+# include <GL/xmesa.h>
+#include STL_STRING
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <simgear/constants.h>
+#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
+#include <simgear/misc/fgpath.hxx>
+#include <simgear/screen/screen-dump.hxx>
+#include <Include/general.hxx>
+//#include <Include/fg_memory.h>
+#include <Aircraft/aircraft.hxx>
+#include <Airports/simple.hxx>
+//#include <Autopilot/auto_gui.hxx>
+#include <Autopilot/newauto.hxx>
+#include <Cockpit/panel.hxx>
+#include <Controls/controls.hxx>
+#include <FDM/flight.hxx>
+#include <Main/options.hxx>
+#include <Main/fg_init.hxx>
+//#include <Main/views.hxx>
+//#include <Network/network.h>
+//#include <Time/fg_time.hxx>
+#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( __CYGWIN__ )
+# include <simgear/screen/win32-printer.h>
+# include <simgear/screen/GlBitmaps.h>
+#include "gui.h"
+#include "gui_local.hxx"
+#if defined(WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__)
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
+Mouse stuff
+static int _mX = 0;
+static int _mY = 0;
+static int _savedX = 0;
+static int _savedY = 0;
+static int last_buttons = 0 ;
+static int mouse_active = 0;
+static int mouse_joystick_control = 0;
+//static time_t mouse_off_time;
+//static int mouse_timed_out;
+// to allow returning to previous view
+// on second left click in MOUSE_VIEW mode
+// This has file scope so that it can be reset
+// if the little rodent is moved NHV
+static int _mVtoggle;
+// we break up the glutGetModifiers return mask
+// once per loop and stash what we need in these
+static int glut_active_shift;
+static int glut_active_ctrl;
+static int glut_active_alt;
+// uncomment this for view to exactly follow mouse in MOUSE_VIEW mode
+// else smooth out the view panning to .01 radian per frame
+// see view_offset smoothing mechanism in main.cxx
+// uncomment following to
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
+Support for mouse as control yoke (david@megginson.com)
+- right button toggles between pointer and yoke
+- horizontal drag with no buttons moves ailerons
+- vertical drag with no buttons moves elevators
+- horizontal drag with left button moves brakes (left=on)
+- vertical drag with left button moves throttle (up=more)
+- horizontal drag with middle button moves rudder
+- vertical drag with middle button moves trim
+For the *_sensitivity variables, a lower number means more sensitive.
+TODO: figure out how to keep pointer from leaving window in yoke mode.
+TODO: add thresholds and null zones
+TODO: sensitivity should be configurable at user option.
+TODO: allow differential braking (this will be useful if FlightGear
+ ever supports tail-draggers like the DC-3)
+MouseMode mouse_mode = MOUSE_POINTER;
+static double aileron_sensitivity = 1.0/500.0;
+static double elevator_sensitivity = 1.0/500.0;
+static double brake_sensitivity = 1.0/250.0;
+static double throttle_sensitivity = 1.0/250.0;
+static double rudder_sensitivity = 1.0/500.0;
+static double trim_sensitivity = 1.0/1000.0;
+static inline int guiGetMouseButton(void)
+ return last_buttons;
+static inline void guiGetMouse(int *x, int *y)
+ *x = _mX;
+ *y = _mY;
+static inline int left_button( void ) {
+ return( last_buttons & (1 << GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON) );
+static inline int middle_button( void ) {
+ return( last_buttons & (1 << GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON) );
+static inline int right_button( void ) {
+ return( last_buttons & (1 << GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON) );
+void TurnCursorOn( void )
+ mouse_active = ~0;
+#if defined(WIN32_CURSOR_TWEAKS)
+ switch (mouse_mode) {
+ break;
+ case MOUSE_YOKE:
+ break;
+ case MOUSE_VIEW:
+ break;
+ }
+#if defined(X_CURSOR_TWEAKS)
+ glutWarpPointer( globals->get_options()->get_xsize()/2,
+ globals->get_options()->get_ysize()/2);
+void TurnCursorOff( void )
+ mouse_active = 0;
+#if defined(WIN32_CURSOR_TWEAKS)
+ glutSetCursor(GLUT_CURSOR_NONE);
+#elif defined(X_CURSOR_TWEAKS)
+ glutWarpPointer( globals->get_options()->get_xsize(),
+ globals->get_options()->get_ysize());
+void maybeToggleMouse( void )
+#if defined(WIN32_CURSOR_TWEAKS)
+ static int first_time = ~0;
+ static int mouse_changed = 0;
+ if ( first_time ) {
+ if(!mouse_active) {
+ mouse_changed = ~mouse_changed;
+ TurnCursorOn();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if( mouse_mode != MOUSE_POINTER )
+ return;
+ if( mouse_changed ) {
+ mouse_changed = ~mouse_changed;
+ if(mouse_active) {
+ TurnCursorOff();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ first_time = ~first_time;
+#endif // #ifdef WIN32
+// Call with FALSE to init and TRUE to restore
+void BusyCursor( int restore )
+ static GLenum cursor = (GLenum) 0;
+ if( restore ) {
+ glutSetCursor(cursor);
+ } else {
+ cursor = (GLenum) glutGet( (GLenum) GLUT_WINDOW_CURSOR );
+#if defined(WIN32_CURSOR_TWEAKS)
+ TurnCursorOn();
+ glutSetCursor( GLUT_CURSOR_WAIT );
+ }
+// Center the view offsets
+void CenterView( void ) {
+ if( mouse_mode = MOUSE_VIEW ) {
+ mouse_mode = MOUSE_POINTER;
+ _savedX = globals->get_options()->get_xsize()/2;
+ _savedY = globals->get_options()->get_ysize()/2;
+ _mVtoggle = 0;
+ Quat0();
+ build_rotmatrix(GuiQuat_mat, curGuiQuat);
+ // Is this necessary ??
+ if( !gui_menu_on ) TurnCursorOff();
+ glutWarpPointer( _savedX, _savedY );
+ }
+ globals->get_current_view()->set_goal_view_offset(0.0);
+ globals->get_current_view()->set_view_offset(0.0);
+void guiMotionFunc ( int x, int y )
+ int ww, wh, need_warp = 0;
+ float W, H;
+ double offset;
+ if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_POINTER) {
+ puMouse ( x, y ) ;
+ glutPostRedisplay () ;
+ } else {
+ if( x == _mX && y == _mY)
+ return;
+ // reset left click MOUSE_VIEW toggle feature
+ _mVtoggle = 0;
+ ww = globals->get_options()->get_xsize();
+ wh = globals->get_options()->get_ysize();
+ switch (mouse_mode) {
+ case MOUSE_YOKE:
+ if( !mouse_joystick_control ) {
+ mouse_joystick_control = 1;
+ globals->get_options()->set_control_mode( FGOptions::FG_MOUSE );
+ } else {
+ if ( left_button() ) {
+ offset = (_mX - x) * brake_sensitivity;
+ controls.move_brake(FGControls::ALL_WHEELS, offset);
+ offset = (_mY - y) * throttle_sensitivity;
+ controls.move_throttle(FGControls::ALL_ENGINES, offset);
+ } else if ( right_button() ) {
+ if( ! current_autopilot->get_HeadingEnabled() ) {
+ offset = (x - _mX) * rudder_sensitivity;
+ controls.move_rudder(offset);
+ }
+ if( ! current_autopilot->get_AltitudeEnabled() ) {
+ offset = (_mY - y) * trim_sensitivity;
+ controls.move_elevator_trim(offset);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if( ! current_autopilot->get_HeadingEnabled() ) {
+ offset = (x - _mX) * aileron_sensitivity;
+ controls.move_aileron(offset);
+ }
+ if( ! current_autopilot->get_AltitudeEnabled() ) {
+ offset = (_mY - y) * elevator_sensitivity;
+ controls.move_elevator(offset);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Keep the mouse in the window.
+ if (x < 5 || x > ww-5 || y < 5 || y > wh-5) {
+ x = ww / 2;
+ y = wh / 2;
+ need_warp = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case MOUSE_VIEW:
+ if( y <= 0 ) {
+ y = 1;
+ y = wh-2;
+ need_warp = 1;
+ } else if( y >= wh-1) {
+ y = wh-2;
+ y = 1;
+ need_warp = 1;
+ }
+ // wrap MOUSE_VIEW mode cursor x position
+ if ( x <= 0 ) {
+ need_warp = 1;
+ x = ww-2;
+ } else if ( x >= ww-1 ) {
+ need_warp = 1;
+ x = 1;
+ }
+ // try to get FG_PI movement in each half of screen
+ // do spherical pan
+ W = ww;
+ H = wh;
+ if( middle_button() ) {
+ trackball(lastGuiQuat,
+ (2.0f * _mX - W) / W,
+ 0, //(H - 2.0f * y) / H, // 3
+ (2.0f * x - W) / W,
+ 0 //(H - 2.0f * _mY) / H // 1
+ );
+ x = _mX;
+ y = _mY;
+ need_warp = 1;
+ } else {
+ trackball(lastGuiQuat,
+ 0, //(2.0f * _mX - W) / W, // 0
+ (H - 2.0f * y) / H, // 3
+ 0, //(2.0f * x - W) / W, // 2
+ (H - 2.0f * _mY) / H // 1
+ );
+ }
+ add_quats(lastGuiQuat, curGuiQuat, curGuiQuat);
+ build_rotmatrix(GuiQuat_mat, curGuiQuat);
+ // do horizontal pan
+ // this could be done in above quat
+ // but requires redoing view pipeline
+ offset = globals->get_current_view()->get_goal_view_offset();
+ offset += ((_mX - x) * FG_2PI / W );
+ while (offset < 0.0) {
+ offset += FG_2PI;
+ }
+ while (offset > FG_2PI) {
+ offset -= FG_2PI;
+ }
+ globals->get_current_view()->set_goal_view_offset(offset);
+ globals->get_current_view()->set_view_offset(offset);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( need_warp)
+ glutWarpPointer(x, y);
+ // Record the new mouse position.
+ _mX = x;
+ _mY = y;
+void guiMouseFunc(int button, int updown, int x, int y)
+ int glutModifiers;
+ // private MOUSE_VIEW state variables
+ // to allow alternate left clicks in MOUSE_VIEW mode
+ // to toggle between current offsets and straight ahead
+ // uses _mVtoggle
+ static int _mVx, _mVy, _Vx, _Vy;
+ static float _quat[4];
+ static double _view_offset;
+ // general purpose variables
+ double offset;
+ glutModifiers = glutGetModifiers();
+ glut_active_shift = glutModifiers & GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT;
+ glut_active_ctrl = glutModifiers & GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL;
+ glut_active_alt = glutModifiers & GLUT_ACTIVE_ALT;
+ // Was the left button pressed?
+ if (updown == GLUT_DOWN ) {
+ if( button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON)
+ {
+ switch (mouse_mode) {
+ break;
+ case MOUSE_YOKE:
+ break;
+ case MOUSE_VIEW:
+ if(_mVtoggle) {
+ // resume previous view offsets
+ _mX = _mVx;
+ _mY = _mVy;
+ x = _Vx;
+ y = _Vy;
+ curGuiQuat[0] = _quat[0];
+ curGuiQuat[1] = _quat[1];
+ curGuiQuat[2] = _quat[2];
+ curGuiQuat[3] = _quat[3];
+ globals->get_current_view()->set_goal_view_offset(_view_offset);
+ globals->get_current_view()->set_view_offset(_view_offset);
+ } else {
+ // center view
+ _mVx = _mX;
+ _mVy = _mY;
+ _Vx = x;
+ _Vy = y;
+ _quat[0] = curGuiQuat[0];
+ _quat[1] = curGuiQuat[1];
+ _quat[2] = curGuiQuat[2];
+ _quat[3] = curGuiQuat[3];
+ x = globals->get_options()->get_xsize()/2;
+ y = globals->get_options()->get_ysize()/2;
+ Quat0();
+ _view_offset =
+ globals->get_current_view()->get_goal_view_offset();
+ globals->get_current_view()->set_goal_view_offset(0.0);
+ globals->get_current_view()->set_view_offset(0.0);
+ }
+ glutWarpPointer( x , y);
+ build_rotmatrix(GuiQuat_mat, curGuiQuat);
+ _mVtoggle = ~_mVtoggle;
+ break;
+ }
+ }else if ( button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON) {
+ switch (mouse_mode) {
+ mouse_mode = MOUSE_YOKE;
+ mouse_joystick_control = 0;
+ _savedX = x;
+ _savedY = y;
+ // start with zero point in center of screen
+ _mX = globals->get_options()->get_xsize()/2;
+ _mY = globals->get_options()->get_ysize()/2;
+ // try to have the MOUSE_YOKE position
+ // reflect the current stick position
+ offset = controls.get_aileron();
+ x = _mX - (int)(offset * aileron_sensitivity);
+ offset = controls.get_elevator();
+ y = _mY - (int)(offset * elevator_sensitivity);
+ FG_LOG( FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, "Mouse in yoke mode" );
+ break;
+ case MOUSE_YOKE:
+ mouse_mode = MOUSE_VIEW;
+ globals->get_options()->set_control_mode( FGOptions::FG_JOYSTICK );
+ x = globals->get_options()->get_xsize()/2;
+ y = globals->get_options()->get_ysize()/2;
+ _mVtoggle = 0;
+ Quat0();
+ build_rotmatrix(GuiQuat_mat, curGuiQuat);
+ FG_LOG( FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, "Mouse in view mode" );
+ break;
+ case MOUSE_VIEW:
+ mouse_mode = MOUSE_POINTER;
+ x = _savedX;
+ y = _savedY;
+ Quat0();
+ build_rotmatrix(GuiQuat_mat, curGuiQuat);
+ globals->get_current_view()->set_goal_view_offset(0.0);
+ globals->get_current_view()->set_view_offset(0.0);
+ if(!gui_menu_on)
+ TurnCursorOff();
+ FG_LOG( FG_INPUT, FG_INFO, "Mouse in pointer mode" );
+ break;
+ }
+ glutWarpPointer( x, y );
+ // Note which button is pressed.
+ if ( updown == GLUT_DOWN ) {
+ last_buttons |= ( 1 << button ) ;
+ } else {
+ last_buttons &= ~( 1 << button ) ;
+ }
+ // If we're in pointer mode, let PUI
+ // know what's going on.
+ if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_POINTER) {
+ if (!puMouse (button, updown, x,y)) {
+ current_panel->doMouseAction(button, updown, x, y);
+ }
+ }
+ // Register the new position (if it
+ // hasn't been registered already).
+ _mX = x;
+ _mY = y;
+ glutPostRedisplay ();
--- /dev/null
+// net_dlg.cxx -- data structures for initializing & managing network.
+// Written by Oliver Delise, started May 1999.
+// Copyleft (C) 1999 Oliver Delise - delise@rp-plus.de
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+// License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# include <config.h>
+#include <simgear/compiler.h>
+# include <windows.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <simgear/constants.h>
+#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
+#include <simgear/misc/fgpath.hxx>
+#include <Include/general.hxx>
+#include <simgear/xgl/xgl.h>
+#include <Main/globals.hxx>
+#include <Main/options.hxx>
+#include <NetworkOLK/network.h>
+#include "gui.h"
+#include "net_dlg.hxx"
+/// The beginnings of networking :-)
+// Needs cleaning up but works
+// These statics should disapear when this is a class
+static puDialogBox *NetIdDialog = 0;
+static puFrame *NetIdDialogFrame = 0;
+static puText *NetIdDialogMessage = 0;
+static puInput *NetIdDialogInput = 0;
+static char NewNetId[16];
+static char NewNetIdLabel[] = "Enter New Callsign";
+extern char *fgd_callsign;
+static puOneShot *NetIdDialogOkButton = 0;
+static puOneShot *NetIdDialogCancelButton = 0;
+void NetIdDialog_Cancel(puObject *)
+ FG_POP_PUI_DIALOG( NetIdDialog );
+void NetIdDialog_OK (puObject *)
+ string NetId;
+ bool freeze = globals->get_freeze();
+ if(!freeze)
+ globals->set_freeze( true );
+ The following needs some cleanup because
+ "string options.NetId" and "char *net_callsign"
+ NetIdDialogInput->getValue(&net_callsign);
+ NetId = net_callsign;
+ NetIdDialog_Cancel( NULL );
+ globals->get_options()->set_net_id( NetId.c_str() );
+ strcpy( fgd_callsign, net_callsign);
+// strcpy( fgd_callsign, globals->get_options()->get_net_id().c_str());
+/* Entering a callsign indicates : user wants Net HUD Info */
+ net_hud_display = 1;
+ if(!freeze)
+ globals->set_freeze( false );
+void NewCallSign(puObject *cb)
+ sprintf( NewNetId, "%s", globals->get_options()->get_net_id().c_str() );
+// sprintf( NewNetId, "%s", fgd_callsign );
+ NetIdDialogInput->setValue( NewNetId );
+ FG_PUSH_PUI_DIALOG( NetIdDialog );
+void NewNetIdInit(void)
+ sprintf( NewNetId, "%s", globals->get_options()->get_net_id().c_str() );
+// sprintf( NewNetId, "%s", fgd_callsign );
+ int len = 150 - puGetStringWidth( puGetDefaultLabelFont(),
+ NewNetIdLabel ) / 2;
+ NetIdDialog = new puDialogBox (150, 50);
+ {
+ NetIdDialogFrame = new puFrame (0,0,350, 150);
+ NetIdDialogMessage = new puText (len, 110);
+ NetIdDialogMessage -> setLabel (NewNetIdLabel);
+ NetIdDialogInput = new puInput (50, 70, 300, 100);
+ NetIdDialogInput -> setValue (NewNetId);
+ NetIdDialogInput -> acceptInput();
+ NetIdDialogOkButton = new puOneShot (50, 10, 110, 50);
+ NetIdDialogOkButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_OK);
+ NetIdDialogOkButton -> setCallback (NetIdDialog_OK);
+ NetIdDialogOkButton -> makeReturnDefault(TRUE);
+ NetIdDialogCancelButton = new puOneShot (240, 10, 300, 50);
+ NetIdDialogCancelButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_CANCEL);
+ NetIdDialogCancelButton -> setCallback (NetIdDialog_Cancel);
+ }
+/*************** Deamon communication **********/
+// These statics should disapear when this is a class
+static puDialogBox *NetFGDDialog = 0;
+static puFrame *NetFGDDialogFrame = 0;
+static puText *NetFGDDialogMessage = 0;
+//static puInput *NetFGDDialogInput = 0;
+//static char NewNetId[16];
+static char NewNetFGDLabel[] = "Scan for deamon ";
+static char NewFGDHost[64] = "olk.mcp.de";
+static int NewFGDPortLo = 10000;
+static int NewFGDPortHi = 10001;
+//extern char *fgd_callsign;
+extern u_short base_port, end_port;
+extern int fgd_ip, verbose, current_port;
+extern char *fgd_host;
+static puOneShot *NetFGDDialogOkButton = 0;
+static puOneShot *NetFGDDialogCancelButton = 0;
+static puOneShot *NetFGDDialogScanButton = 0;
+static puInput *NetFGDHostDialogInput = 0;
+static puInput *NetFGDPortLoDialogInput = 0;
+static puInput *NetFGDPortHiDialogInput = 0;
+void NetFGDDialog_Cancel(puObject *)
+void NetFGDDialog_OK (puObject *)
+ char *NetFGD;
+ bool freeze = globals->get_freeze();
+ if(!freeze)
+ globals->set_freeze( true );
+ NetFGDHostDialogInput->getValue( &NetFGD );
+ strcpy( fgd_host, NetFGD);
+ NetFGDPortLoDialogInput->getValue( (int *) &base_port );
+ NetFGDPortHiDialogInput->getValue( (int *) &end_port );
+ NetFGDDialog_Cancel( NULL );
+ if(!freeze)
+ globals->set_freeze( false );
+void NetFGDDialog_SCAN (puObject *)
+ char *NetFGD;
+ int fgd_port;
+ bool freeze = globals->get_freeze();
+ if(!freeze)
+ globals->set_freeze( true );
+// printf("Vor getvalue %s\n");
+ NetFGDHostDialogInput->getValue( &NetFGD );
+// printf("Vor strcpy %s\n", (char *) NetFGD);
+ strcpy( fgd_host, NetFGD);
+ NetFGDPortLoDialogInput->getValue( (int *) &base_port );
+ NetFGDPortHiDialogInput->getValue( (int *) &end_port );
+ printf("FGD: %s Port-Start: %d Port-End: %d\n", fgd_host,
+ base_port, end_port);
+ net_resolv_fgd(fgd_host);
+ printf("Resolve : %d\n", net_r);
+ if(!freeze)
+ globals->set_freeze( false );
+ if ( net_r == 0 ) {
+ fgd_port = 10000;
+ strcpy( fgd_name, "");
+ for( current_port = base_port; ( current_port <= end_port); current_port++) {
+ fgd_send_com("0" , FGFS_host);
+ sprintf( NewNetFGDLabel , "Scanning for deamon Port: %d", current_port);
+ printf("FGD: searching %s\n", fgd_name);
+ if ( strcmp( fgd_name, "") != 0 ) {
+ sprintf( NewNetFGDLabel , "Found %s at Port: %d",
+ fgd_name, current_port);
+ fgd_port = current_port;
+ current_port = end_port+1;
+ }
+ }
+ current_port = end_port = base_port = fgd_port;
+ }
+ NetFGDDialog_Cancel( NULL );
+void net_fgd_scan(puObject *cb)
+ NewFGDPortLo = base_port;
+ NewFGDPortHi = end_port;
+ strcpy( NewFGDHost, fgd_host);
+ NetFGDPortLoDialogInput->setValue( NewFGDPortLo );
+ NetFGDPortHiDialogInput->setValue( NewFGDPortHi );
+ NetFGDHostDialogInput->setValue( NewFGDHost );
+void NewNetFGDInit(void)
+// sprintf( NewNetId, "%s", globals->get_options()->get_net_id().c_str() );
+// sprintf( NewNetId, "%s", fgd_callsign );
+ int len = 170 - puGetStringWidth( puGetDefaultLabelFont(),
+ NewNetFGDLabel ) / 2;
+ NetFGDDialog = new puDialogBox (310, 30);
+ {
+ NetFGDDialogFrame = new puFrame (0,0,320, 170);
+ NetFGDDialogMessage = new puText (len, 140);
+ NetFGDDialogMessage -> setLabel (NewNetFGDLabel);
+ NetFGDPortLoDialogInput = new puInput (50, 70, 127, 100);
+ NetFGDPortLoDialogInput -> setValue (NewFGDPortLo);
+ NetFGDPortLoDialogInput -> acceptInput();
+ NetFGDPortHiDialogInput = new puInput (199, 70, 275, 100);
+ NetFGDPortHiDialogInput -> setValue (NewFGDPortHi);
+ NetFGDPortHiDialogInput -> acceptInput();
+ NetFGDHostDialogInput = new puInput (50, 100, 275, 130);
+ NetFGDHostDialogInput -> setValue (NewFGDHost);
+ NetFGDHostDialogInput -> acceptInput();
+ NetFGDDialogScanButton = new puOneShot (130, 10, 200, 50);
+ NetFGDDialogScanButton -> setLegend ("Scan");
+ NetFGDDialogScanButton -> setCallback (NetFGDDialog_SCAN);
+ NetFGDDialogScanButton -> makeReturnDefault(FALSE);
+ NetFGDDialogOkButton = new puOneShot (50, 10, 120, 50);
+ NetFGDDialogOkButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_OK);
+ NetFGDDialogOkButton -> setCallback (NetFGDDialog_OK);
+ NetFGDDialogOkButton -> makeReturnDefault(TRUE);
+ NetFGDDialogCancelButton = new puOneShot (210, 10, 280, 50);
+ NetFGDDialogCancelButton -> setLegend (gui_msg_CANCEL);
+ NetFGDDialogCancelButton -> setCallback (NetFGDDialog_Cancel);
+ }
+static void net_display_toggle( puObject *cb)
+ net_hud_display = (net_hud_display) ? 0 : 1;
+ printf("Toggle net_hud_display : %d\n", net_hud_display);
+/*************** End Networking **************/
--- /dev/null
+// net_dlg.hxx -- data structures for initializing & managing network.
+// Written by Oliver Delise, started May 1999.
+// Copyleft (C) 1999 Oliver Delise - delise@rp-plus.de
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+// License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+//#ifdef FG_NETWORK_OLK
+#include <plib/pu.h>
+//#include <NetworkOLK/network.h>
+//#include <Network/network.h>
+extern void NetIdDialog_Cancel(puObject *);
+extern void NewCallSign(puObject *cb);
+extern void NetIdDialog_OK (puObject *);
+extern void NewNetIdInit(void);
+extern void NetFGDDialog_Cancel(puObject *);
+extern void NetFGDDialog_OK (puObject *);
+extern void NetFGDDialog_SCAN (puObject *);
+extern void net_fgd_scan(puObject *cb);
+extern void NewNetFGDInit(void);
+//#endif // FG_NETWORK_OLK
--- /dev/null
+ * Trackball code:
+ *
+ * Implementation of a virtual trackball.
+ * Implemented by Gavin Bell, lots of ideas from Thant Tessman and
+ * the August '88 issue of Siggraph's "Computer Graphics," pp. 121-129.
+ *
+ * Vector manip code:
+ *
+ * Original code from:
+ * David M. Ciemiewicz, Mark Grossman, Henry Moreton, and Paul Haeberli
+ *
+ * Much mucking with by:
+ * Gavin Bell
+ */
+#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined( __CYGWIN32__ )
+#pragma warning (disable:4244) /* disable bogus conversion warnings */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "trackball.h"
+ * This size should really be based on the distance from the center of
+ * rotation to the point on the object underneath the mouse. That
+ * point would then track the mouse as closely as possible. This is a
+ * simple example, though, so that is left as an Exercise for the
+ * Programmer.
+ */
+#define TRACKBALLSIZE (0.8f)
+#define SQRT(x) sqrt(x)
+ * Local function prototypes (not defined in trackball.h)
+ */
+static float tb_project_to_sphere(float, float, float);
+static void normalize_quat(float [4]);
+static void
+ vzero(float *v)
+ v[0] = 0.0;
+ v[1] = 0.0;
+ v[2] = 0.0;
+static void
+ vset(float *v, float x, float y, float z)
+ v[0] = x;
+ v[1] = y;
+ v[2] = z;
+static void
+ vsub(const float *src1, const float *src2, float *dst)
+ dst[0] = src1[0] - src2[0];
+ dst[1] = src1[1] - src2[1];
+ dst[2] = src1[2] - src2[2];
+static void
+ vcopy(const float *v1, float *v2)
+ register int i;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
+ v2[i] = v1[i];
+static void
+ vcross(const float *v1, const float *v2, float *cross)
+ float temp[3];
+ temp[0] = (v1[1] * v2[2]) - (v1[2] * v2[1]);
+ temp[1] = (v1[2] * v2[0]) - (v1[0] * v2[2]);
+ temp[2] = (v1[0] * v2[1]) - (v1[1] * v2[0]);
+ vcopy(temp, cross);
+static float
+ vlength(const float *v)
+ float tmp = v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2];
+ return SQRT(tmp);
+static void
+ vscale(float *v, float div)
+ v[0] *= div;
+ v[1] *= div;
+ v[2] *= div;
+static void
+ vnormal(float *v)
+ vscale(v,1.0/vlength(v));
+static float
+ vdot(const float *v1, const float *v2)
+ return v1[0]*v2[0] + v1[1]*v2[1] + v1[2]*v2[2];
+static void
+ vadd(const float *src1, const float *src2, float *dst)
+ dst[0] = src1[0] + src2[0];
+ dst[1] = src1[1] + src2[1];
+ dst[2] = src1[2] + src2[2];
+ * Given an axis and angle, compute quaternion.
+ */
+ axis_to_quat(float a[3], float phi, float q[4])
+ double sinphi2, cosphi2;
+ double phi2 = phi/2.0;
+ sinphi2 = sin(phi2);
+ cosphi2 = cos(phi2);
+ vnormal(a);
+ vcopy(a,q);
+ vscale(q,sinphi2);
+ q[3] = cosphi2;
+ * Project an x,y pair onto a sphere of radius r OR a hyperbolic sheet
+ * if we are away from the center of the sphere.
+ */
+static float
+ tb_project_to_sphere(float r, float x, float y)
+ float d, t, z, tmp;
+ tmp = x*x + y*y;
+ d = SQRT(tmp);
+ if (d < r * 0.70710678118654752440) { /* Inside sphere */
+ tmp = r*r - d*d;
+ z = SQRT(tmp);
+ } else { /* On hyperbola */
+ t = r / 1.41421356237309504880;
+ z = t*t / d;
+ }
+ return z;
+ * Quaternions always obey: a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2 = 1.0
+ * If they don't add up to 1.0, dividing by their magnitued will
+ * renormalize them.
+ *
+ * Note: See the following for more information on quaternions:
+ *
+ * - Shoemake, K., Animating rotation with quaternion curves, Computer
+ * Graphics 19, No 3 (Proc. SIGGRAPH'85), 245-254, 1985.
+ * - Pletinckx, D., Quaternion calculus as a basic tool in computer
+ * graphics, The Visual Computer 5, 2-13, 1989.
+ */
+static void
+ normalize_quat(float q[4])
+ int i;
+ float mag, tmp;
+ tmp = q[0]*q[0] + q[1]*q[1] + q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3];
+ mag = 1.0 / SQRT(tmp);
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ q[i] *= mag;
+ * Ok, simulate a track-ball. Project the points onto the virtual
+ * trackball, then figure out the axis of rotation, which is the cross
+ * product of P1 P2 and O P1 (O is the center of the ball, 0,0,0)
+ * Note: This is a deformed trackball-- is a trackball in the center,
+ * but is deformed into a hyperbolic sheet of rotation away from the
+ * center. This particular function was chosen after trying out
+ * several variations.
+ *
+ * It is assumed that the arguments to this routine are in the range
+ * (-1.0 ... 1.0)
+ */
+ trackball(float q[4], float p1x, float p1y, float p2x, float p2y)
+ float a[3]; /* Axis of rotation */
+ float phi; /* how much to rotate about axis */
+ float p1[3], p2[3], d[3];
+ float t;
+ if (p1x == p2x && p1y == p2y) {
+ /* Zero rotation */
+ vzero(q);
+ q[3] = 1.0;
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * First, figure out z-coordinates for projection of P1 and P2 to
+ * deformed sphere
+ */
+ vset(p1,p1x,p1y,tb_project_to_sphere(TRACKBALLSIZE,p1x,p1y));
+ vset(p2,p2x,p2y,tb_project_to_sphere(TRACKBALLSIZE,p2x,p2y));
+ /*
+ * Now, we want the cross product of P1 and P2
+ */
+ vcross(p2,p1,a);
+ /*
+ * Figure out how much to rotate around that axis.
+ */
+ vsub(p1,p2,d);
+ t = vlength(d) / (2.0*TRACKBALLSIZE);
+ /*
+ * Avoid problems with out-of-control values...
+ */
+ if (t > 1.0) t = 1.0;
+ if (t < -1.0) t = -1.0;
+ phi = 2.0 * asin(t);
+ axis_to_quat(a,phi,q);
+ * Given two rotations, e1 and e2, expressed as quaternion rotations,
+ * figure out the equivalent single rotation and stuff it into dest.
+ *
+ * This routine also normalizes the result every RENORMCOUNT times it is
+ * called, to keep error from creeping in.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This routine is written so that q1 or q2 may be the same
+ * as dest (or each other).
+ */
+#define RENORMCOUNT 97
+ add_quats(float q1[4], float q2[4], float dest[4])
+ static int count=0;
+ float t1[4], t2[4], t3[4];
+ float tf[4];
+#if 0
+ printf("q1 = %f %f %f %f\n", q1[0], q1[1], q1[2], q1[3]);
+ printf("q2 = %f %f %f %f\n", q2[0], q2[1], q2[2], q2[3]);
+ vcopy(q1,t1);
+ vscale(t1,q2[3]);
+ vcopy(q2,t2);
+ vscale(t2,q1[3]);
+ vcross(q2,q1,t3);
+ vadd(t1,t2,tf);
+ vadd(t3,tf,tf);
+ tf[3] = q1[3] * q2[3] - vdot(q1,q2);
+#if 0
+ printf("tf = %f %f %f %f\n", tf[0], tf[1], tf[2], tf[3]);
+ dest[0] = tf[0];
+ dest[1] = tf[1];
+ dest[2] = tf[2];
+ dest[3] = tf[3];
+ if (++count > RENORMCOUNT) {
+ count = 0;
+ normalize_quat(dest);
+ }
+ * Build a rotation matrix, given a quaternion rotation.
+ *
+ */
+void build_rotmatrix(float m[4][4], float q[4])
+ m[0][0] = 1.0 - 2.0 * (q[1] * q[1] + q[2] * q[2]);
+ m[0][1] = 2.0 * (q[0] * q[1] - q[2] * q[3]);
+ m[0][2] = 2.0 * (q[2] * q[0] + q[1] * q[3]);
+ m[0][3] = 0.0;
+ m[1][0] = 2.0 * (q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3]);
+ m[1][1]= 1.0 - 2.0 * (q[2] * q[2] + q[0] * q[0]);
+ m[1][2] = 2.0 * (q[1] * q[2] - q[0] * q[3]);
+ m[1][3] = 0.0;
+ m[2][0] = 2.0 * (q[2] * q[0] - q[1] * q[3]);
+ m[2][1] = 2.0 * (q[1] * q[2] + q[0] * q[3]);
+ m[2][2] = 1.0 - 2.0 * (q[1] * q[1] + q[0] * q[0]);
+ m[2][3] = 0.0;
+ m[3][0] = 0.0;
+ m[3][1] = 0.0;
+ m[3][2] = 0.0;
+ m[3][3] = 1.0;
+void build_transposed_rotmatrix(float m[4][4], float q[4])
+ m[0][0] = 1.0 - 2.0 * (q[1] * q[1] + q[2] * q[2]);
+ m[0][1] = 2.0 * (q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3]);
+ m[0][2] = 2.0 * (q[2] * q[0] - q[1] * q[3]);
+ m[0][3] = 0.0;
+ m[1][0] = 2.0 * (q[0] * q[1] - q[2] * q[3]);
+ m[1][1] = 1.0 - 2.0 * (q[2] * q[2] + q[0] * q[0]);
+ m[1][2] = 2.0 * (q[1] * q[2] + q[0] * q[3]);
+ m[1][3] = 0.0;
+ m[2][0] = 2.0 * (q[2] * q[0] + q[1] * q[3]);
+ m[2][1] = 2.0 * (q[1] * q[2] - q[0] * q[3]);
+ m[2][2] = 1.0 - 2.0 * (q[1] * q[1] + q[0] * q[0]);
+ m[2][3] = 0.0;
+ m[3][0] = 0.0;
+ m[3][1] = 0.0;
+ m[3][2] = 0.0;
+ m[3][3] = 1.0;
--- /dev/null
+ * trackball.h
+ * A virtual trackball implementation
+ * Written by Gavin Bell for Silicon Graphics, November 1988.
+ */
+#ifndef _TRACKBALL_H
+#define _TRACKBALL_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * Pass the x and y coordinates of the last and current positions of
+ * the mouse, scaled so they are from (-1.0 ... 1.0).
+ *
+ * The resulting rotation is returned as a quaternion rotation in the
+ * first paramater.
+ */
+ trackball(float q[4], float p1x, float p1y, float p2x, float p2y);
+ * Given two quaternions, add them together to get a third quaternion.
+ * Adding quaternions to get a compound rotation is analagous to adding
+ * translations to get a compound translation. When incrementally
+ * adding rotations, the first argument here should be the new
+ * rotation, the second and third the total rotation (which will be
+ * over-written with the resulting new total rotation).
+ */
+void add_quats(float *q1, float *q2, float *dest);
+ * A useful function, builds a rotation matrix in Matrix based on
+ * given quaternion.
+ */
+void build_rotmatrix(float m[4][4], float q[4]);
+void build_transposed_rotmatrix(float m[4][4], float q[4]);
+ * This function computes a quaternion based on an axis (defined by
+ * the given vector) and an angle about which to rotate. The angle is
+ * expressed in radians. The result is put into the third argument.
+ */
+void axis_to_quat(float a[3], float phi, float q[4]);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _TRACKBALL_H */