+#define FG_TEX_CONSTANT 69.0
+// traverse the specified fan and attempt to calculate "none
+// stretching" texture coordinates
+int_list FGGenOutput::calc_tex_coords( point_list geod_nodes, int_list fan ) {
+ // cout << "calculating texture coordinates for a specific fan of size = "
+ // << fan.size() << endl;
+ // find min/max of fan
+ Point3D min, max, p, t;
+ bool first = true;
+ for ( int i = 0; i < (int)fan.size(); ++i ) {
+ p = geod_nodes[ fan[i] ];
+ t.setx( p.x() * FG_TEX_CONSTANT );
+ t.sety( p.y() * FG_TEX_CONSTANT );
+ if ( first ) {
+ min = max = t;
+ first = false;
+ } else {
+ if ( t.x() < min.x() ) {
+ min.setx( t.x() );
+ }
+ if ( t.y() < min.y() ) {
+ min.sety( t.y() );
+ }
+ if ( t.x() > max.x() ) {
+ max.setx( t.x() );
+ }
+ if ( t.y() > max.y() ) {
+ max.sety( t.y() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ min.setx( (double)( (int)min.x() - 1 ) );
+ min.sety( (double)( (int)min.y() - 1 ) );
+ // cout << "found min = " << min << endl;
+ // generate tex_list
+ Point3D shifted_t;
+ int index;
+ int_list tex;
+ tex.clear();
+ for ( int i = 0; i < (int)fan.size(); ++i ) {
+ p = geod_nodes[ fan[i] ];
+ t.setx( p.x() * FG_TEX_CONSTANT );
+ t.sety( p.y() * FG_TEX_CONSTANT );
+ shifted_t = t - min;
+ if ( shifted_t.x() < FG_EPSILON ) {
+ shifted_t.setx( 0.0 );
+ }
+ if ( shifted_t.y() < FG_EPSILON ) {
+ shifted_t.sety( 0.0 );
+ }
+ shifted_t.setz( 0.0 );
+ index = tex_coords.unique_add( shifted_t );
+ tex.push_back( index );
+ }
+ return tex;
// build the necessary output structures based on the triangulation
// data
int FGGenOutput::build( FGConstruct& c ) {
+ // build the texture coordinate list and make a parallel structure
+ // to the fan list for pointers into the texture list
+ cout << "calculating texture coordinates" << endl;
+ tex_coords.clear();
+ for ( int i = 0; i < FG_MAX_AREA_TYPES; ++i ) {
+ for ( int j = 0; j < (int)fans[i].size(); ++j ) {
+ int_list t_list = calc_tex_coords( geod_nodes, fans[i][j] );
+ // cout << fans[i][j].size() << " === "
+ // << t_list.size() << endl;
+ textures[i].push_back( t_list );
+ }
+ }
// calculate the global bounding sphere
calc_gbs( c );
cout << "center = " << gbs_center << " radius = " << gbs_radius << endl;
fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ // write texture coordinates
+ point_list tex_coord_list = tex_coords.get_node_list();
+ for ( int i = 0; i < (int)tex_coord_list.size(); ++i ) {
+ p = tex_coord_list[i];
+ fprintf(fp, "vt %.5f %.5f\n", p.x(), p.y());
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
// write triangles (grouped by type for now)
Point3D center;
double radius;
fprintf(fp, "# bs %.4f %.4f %.4f %.2f\n",
center.x(), center.y(), center.z(), radius);
- fan_list_iterator f_current = fans[i].begin();
- fan_list_iterator f_last = fans[i].end();
- for ( ; f_current != f_last; ++f_current ) {
+ for ( int j = 0; j < (int)fans[i].size(); ++j ) {
fprintf( fp, "tf" );
- total_tris += f_current->size() - 2;
- int_list_iterator i_current = f_current->begin();
- int_list_iterator i_last = f_current->end();
- for ( ; i_current != i_last; ++i_current ) {
- fprintf( fp, " %d", *i_current );
+ total_tris += fans[i][j].size() - 2;
+ for ( int k = 0; k < (int)fans[i][j].size(); ++k ) {
+ fprintf( fp, " %d/%d", fans[i][j][k], textures[i][j][k] );
fprintf( fp, "\n" );
-#if 0
- {
- int_list_iterator i_current = f_current->begin();
- int_list_iterator i_last = f_current->end();
- int center = *i_current;
- ++i_current;
- int n2 = *i_current;
- ++i_current;
- for ( ; i_current != i_last; ++i_current ) {
- int n3 = *i_current;
- fprintf( fp, "f %d %d %d\n", center, n2, n3 );
- n2 = n3;
- }
- }
fprintf( fp, "\n" );
+typedef vector < int_list > tex_list;
+typedef tex_list::iterator tex_list_iterator;
+typedef tex_list::const_iterator const_tex_list_iterator;
class FGGenOutput {
// triangles (by index into point list)
triele_list tri_elements;
+ // texture coordinates
+ FGTriNodes tex_coords;
// fan list
fan_list fans[FG_MAX_AREA_TYPES];
+ // textures pointer list
+ tex_list textures[FG_MAX_AREA_TYPES];
// global bounding sphere
Point3D gbs_center;
double gbs_radius;
void calc_bounding_sphere( FGConstruct& c, const FGTriEle& t,
Point3D *center, double *radius );
+ // traverse the specified fan and attempt to calculate "none
+ // stretching" texture coordinates
+ int_list calc_tex_coords( point_list geod_nodes, int_list fan );
// Constructor && Destructor