protected $hash = '$6$'; // defaults to SHA512, i.e. '$6$', in onInitializePlugin()
protected $statusnet = true; // if true, also check StatusNet style password hash
protected $overwrite = true; // if true, password change means overwrite with crypt()
+ protected $argon = false; // Use Argon if supported.
public $provider_name = 'password_hash'; // not actually used
public function hashPassword($password, Profile $profile=null)
if(function_exists('password_hash')) {
+ $algorithm = PASSWORD_DEFAULT;
+ if($this->argon && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.2.0') == 1) {
+ $algorithm = PASSWORD_ARGON2I;
+ }
// Use the modern password hashing algorithm
// Uses PASSWORD_BCRYPT by default, with PASSWORD_ARGON2I being the next possible default in future versions
- return password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
+ return password_hash($password, $algorithm);
} else {
// Fallback to previous hashing function if phpversion() < 5.5
// A new, unique salt per new record stored...