} // END - if
// Add output
- $debug .= "Please report this bug at <a title=\"Direct link to the bug-tracker\" href=\"http://bugs.mxchange.org\" rel=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">bugs.mxchange.org</a> and include the logfile from <strong>" . getConfig('CACHE_PATH') . "debug.log</strong> in your report (you can now attach files):<pre>";
+ $debug .= "Please report this bug at <a title=\"Direct link to the bug-tracker\" href=\"http://bugs.mxchange.org\" rel=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">bugs.mxchange.org</a> and include the logfile from <strong>" . str_replace(getConfig('PATH'), '', getConfig('CACHE_PATH')) . "debug.log</strong> in your report (you can now attach files):<pre>";
$debug .= debug_get_printable_backtrace();
$debug .= "</pre>\nRequest-URI: " . getRequestUri()."<br />\n";
$debug .= "Thank you for finding bugs.";
<td width="220" align="center">
{--THANX_POINTS_ADDED_1--}<strong class="member_done">$content[points]</strong> {--THANX_POINTS_ADDED_2--}<br />
- {--MAILID_TOTAL_POINTS1--} <div class="member_done">$content[total]
+ {--MAILID_TOTAL_POINTS1--} <span class="member_done">$content[total]
+ {?POINTS?}</span> {--MAILID_TOTAL_POINTS2--}
<td align="center">
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