return $oprofile->localProfile();
+ public function updateUriKeys($profile_uri, array $hints=array())
+ {
+ $orig = clone($this);
+ common_debug('URIFIX These identities both say they are each other: "'.$orig->uri.'" and "'.$profile_uri.'"');
+ $this->uri = $profile_uri;
+ if (array_key_exists('feedurl', $hints)) {
+ if (!empty($this->feeduri)) {
+ common_debug('URIFIX Changing FeedSub ['.$feedsub->id.'] feeduri "'.$feedsub->uri.'" to "'.$hints['feedurl']);
+ $feedsub = FeedSub::getKV('uri', $this->feeduri);
+ $feedorig = clone($feedsub);
+ $feedsub->uri = $hints['feedurl'];
+ $feedsub->updateWithKeys($feedorig);
+ } else {
+ common_debug('URIFIX Old Ostatus_profile did not have feedurl set, ensuring feed: '.$hints['feedurl']);
+ FeedSub::ensureFeed($hints['feedurl']);
+ }
+ $this->feeduri = $hints['feedurl'];
+ }
+ if (array_key_exists('salmon', $hints)) {
+ common_debug('URIFIX Changing Ostatus_profile salmonuri from "'.$this->salmonuri.'" to "'.$hints['salmon'].'"');
+ $this->salmonuri = $hints['salmon'];
+ }
+ common_debug('URIFIX Updating Ostatus_profile URI for '.$orig->uri.' to '.$this->uri);
+ $this->updateWithKeys($orig, 'uri'); // 'uri' is the primary key column
+ common_debug('URIFIX Subscribing/renewing feedsub for Ostatus_profile '.$this->uri);
+ $this->subscribe();
+ }
// Step 4: Is the newly introduced URI in the list of aliases
// presented by (i.e. do they both say they are the same identity?)
if (in_array($e->object_uri, $doublecheck_aliases)) {
- common_debug('URIFIX These identities both say they are each other: "'.$aliased_uri.'" and "'.$e->object_uri.'"');
- $orig = clone($oprofile);
- $oprofile->uri = $e->object_uri;
- common_debug('URIFIX Updating Ostatus_profile URI for '.$aliased_uri.' to '.$oprofile->uri);
- $oprofile->updateWithKeys($orig, 'uri'); // 'uri' is the primary key column
- unset($orig);
+ $oprofile->updateUriKeys($e->object_uri, DiscoveryHints::fromXRD($xrd));
$this->oprofile = $oprofile;
break; // don't iterate through aliases anymore