//#include <Time/event.hxx>
+#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
+#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include "ATCmgr.hxx"
#include "atislist.hxx"
//#include "groundlist.hxx"
#include "towerlist.hxx"
#include "approachlist.hxx"
+#include "ATCdisplay.hxx"
// periodic radio station search wrapper
static void fgATCSearch( void ) {
- globals->get_ATC_mgr()->Search();
+ globals->get_ATC_mgr()->Search();
*/ //This wouldn't compile - including Time/event.hxx breaks it :-(
- comm1_ident = "";
- comm1_atis_ident = "";
- comm1_tower_ident = "";
- comm1_approach_ident = "";
- last_comm1_ident = "";
- last_comm1_atis_ident = "";
- last_comm1_tower_ident = "";
- last_comm1_approach_ident = "";
- approach_ident = "";
- last_in_range = false;
- comm1_atis_valid = false;
- comm1_tower_valid = false;
- comm1_approach_valid = false;
+ comm1_ident = "";
+ comm1_atis_ident = "";
+ comm1_tower_ident = "";
+ comm1_approach_ident = "";
+ last_comm1_ident = "";
+ last_comm1_atis_ident = "";
+ last_comm1_tower_ident = "";
+ last_comm1_approach_ident = "";
+ approach_ident = "";
+ last_in_range = false;
+ comm1_atis_valid = false;
+ comm1_tower_valid = false;
+ comm1_approach_valid = false;
void FGATCMgr::init() {
- comm1_node = fgGetNode("/radios/comm[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz", true);
- comm2_node = fgGetNode("/radios/comm[1]/frequencies/selected-mhz", true);
- lon_node = fgGetNode("/position/longitude-deg", true);
- lat_node = fgGetNode("/position/latitude-deg", true);
- elev_node = fgGetNode("/position/altitude-ft", true);
- atc_list_itr = atc_list.begin();
- // Search for connected ATC stations once per 0.8 seconds or so
- // global_events.Register( "fgATCSearch()", fgATCSearch,
- // fgEVENT::FG_EVENT_READY, 800);
- // For some reason the above doesn't compile - including Time/event.hxx stops compilation.
- // Initialise the airport_atc_map - we'll cheat for now and just hardcode KEMT and any others that may be needed for development
- AirportATC *a = new AirportATC;
- a->lon = -118.034719;
- a->lat = 34.086114;
- a->elev = 296.0;
- a->atis_freq = 118.75;
- a->atis_active = false;
- a->tower_freq = 121.2;
- a->tower_active = false;
- a->ground_freq = 125.9;
- a->ground_active = false;
- //a->set_by_AI = true;
- //a->set_by_comm_search = false;
- airport_atc_map[(string)"KEMT"] = a;
+ comm1_node = fgGetNode("/radios/comm[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz", true);
+ comm2_node = fgGetNode("/radios/comm[1]/frequencies/selected-mhz", true);
+ lon_node = fgGetNode("/position/longitude-deg", true);
+ lat_node = fgGetNode("/position/latitude-deg", true);
+ elev_node = fgGetNode("/position/altitude-ft", true);
+ atc_list_itr = atc_list.begin();
+ // Search for connected ATC stations once per 0.8 seconds or so
+ // global_events.Register( "fgATCSearch()", fgATCSearch,
+ // fgEVENT::FG_EVENT_READY, 800);
+ // For some reason the above doesn't compile - including Time/event.hxx stops compilation.
+ // Initialise the airport_atc_map - we'll cheat for now and just hardcode KEMT and any others that may be needed for development
+ AirportATC *a = new AirportATC;
+ a->lon = -118.034719;
+ a->lat = 34.086114;
+ a->elev = 296.0;
+ a->atis_freq = 118.75;
+ a->atis_active = false;
+ a->tower_freq = 121.2;
+ a->tower_active = false;
+ a->ground_freq = 125.9;
+ a->ground_active = false;
+ //a->set_by_AI = true;
+ //a->set_by_comm_search = false;
+ airport_atc_map[(string)"KEMT"] = a;
+ // Load all available voices.
+ // For now we'll do one hardwired one
+ voiceOK = v1.LoadVoice("default");
+ /* I've loaded the voice even if /sim/sound/audible is false
+ * since I know no way of forcing load of the voice if the user
+ * subsequently switches /sim/sound/audible to true. */
+ voice = false;
void FGATCMgr::update(double dt) {
- //Traverse the list of active stations.
- //Only update one class per update step to avoid the whole ATC system having to calculate between frames.
- //Eventually we should only update every so many steps.
- //cout << "In FGATCMgr::update - atc_list.size = " << atc_list.size() << '\n';
- if(atc_list.size()) {
- if(atc_list_itr == atc_list.end()) {
- atc_list_itr = atc_list.begin();
+ //Traverse the list of active stations.
+ //Only update one class per update step to avoid the whole ATC system having to calculate between frames.
+ //Eventually we should only update every so many steps.
+ //cout << "In FGATCMgr::update - atc_list.size = " << atc_list.size() << '\n';
+ if(atc_list.size()) {
+ if(atc_list_itr == atc_list.end()) {
+ atc_list_itr = atc_list.begin();
+ }
+ (*atc_list_itr)->Update();
+ ++atc_list_itr;
- (*atc_list_itr)->Update();
- ++atc_list_itr;
- }
- // Search the tuned frequencies every now and then - this should be done with the event scheduler
- static int i = 0;
- if(i == 30) {
- Search();
- i = 0;
- }
- ++i;
+ // Search the tuned frequencies every now and then - this should be done with the event scheduler
+ static int i = 0;
+ if(i == 30) {
+ Search();
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ ++i;
// Remove from list only if not needed by the AI system
void FGATCMgr::CommRemoveFromList(const char* id, atc_type tp) {
- AirportATC a;
- if(GetAirportATCDetails((string)id, &a)) {
- if(a.set_by_AI) {
- // Don't remove
- a.set_by_comm_search = false;
- airport_atc_map[(string)id] = a;
- return;
- } else {
- // remove
+ AirportATC a;
+ if(GetAirportATCDetails((string)id, &a)) {
+ if(a.set_by_AI) {
+ // Don't remove
+ a.set_by_comm_search = false;
+ airport_atc_map[(string)id] = a;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ // remove
+ }
+ }
// Remove from list - should only be called from above or similar
void FGATCMgr::RemoveFromList(const char* id, atc_type tp) {
- //cout << "Requested type = " << tp << '\n';
- //cout << "id = " << id << '\n';
- atc_list_itr = atc_list.begin();
- while(atc_list_itr != atc_list.end()) {
- //cout << "type = " << (*atc_list_itr)->GetType() << '\n';
- //cout << "Ident = " << (*atc_list_itr)->GetIdent() << '\n';
- if( (!strcmp((*atc_list_itr)->GetIdent(), id))
- && ((*atc_list_itr)->GetType() == tp) ) {
- //Before removing it stop it transmitting!!
- //cout << "OBLITERATING FROM LIST!!!\n";
- (*atc_list_itr)->SetNoDisplay();
- (*atc_list_itr)->Update();
- delete (*atc_list_itr);
- atc_list_itr = atc_list.erase(atc_list_itr);
- break;
- } // Note that that can upset where we are in the list but that doesn't really matter
- ++atc_list_itr;
- }
+ //cout << "Requested type = " << tp << '\n';
+ //cout << "id = " << id << '\n';
+ atc_list_itr = atc_list.begin();
+ while(atc_list_itr != atc_list.end()) {
+ //cout << "type = " << (*atc_list_itr)->GetType() << '\n';
+ //cout << "Ident = " << (*atc_list_itr)->GetIdent() << '\n';
+ if( (!strcmp((*atc_list_itr)->GetIdent(), id))
+ && ((*atc_list_itr)->GetType() == tp) ) {
+ //Before removing it stop it transmitting!!
+ //cout << "OBLITERATING FROM LIST!!!\n";
+ (*atc_list_itr)->SetNoDisplay();
+ (*atc_list_itr)->Update();
+ delete (*atc_list_itr);
+ atc_list_itr = atc_list.erase(atc_list_itr);
+ break;
+ } // Note that that can upset where we are in the list but that doesn't really matter
+ ++atc_list_itr;
+ }
//DCL - this routine untested so far.
// Find in list - return a currently active ATC pointer given ICAO code and type
FGATC* FGATCMgr::FindInList(const char* id, atc_type tp) {
- atc_list_itr = atc_list.begin();
- while(atc_list_itr != atc_list.end()) {
- if( (!strcmp((*atc_list_itr)->GetIdent(), id))
- && ((*atc_list_itr)->GetType() == tp) ) {
- return(*atc_list_itr);
- } // Note that that can upset where we are in the list but that shouldn't really matter
- ++atc_list_itr;
- }
- // We need a fallback position
- cout << "*** Failed to find FGATC* in FGATCMgr::FindInList - this should not happen!" << endl;
- return(NULL);
+ atc_list_itr = atc_list.begin();
+ while(atc_list_itr != atc_list.end()) {
+ if( (!strcmp((*atc_list_itr)->GetIdent(), id))
+ && ((*atc_list_itr)->GetType() == tp) ) {
+ return(*atc_list_itr);
+ } // Note that that can upset where we are in the list but that shouldn't really matter
+ ++atc_list_itr;
+ }
+ // We need a fallback position
+ SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "*** Failed to find FGATC* in FGATCMgr::FindInList - this should not happen!");
+ return(NULL);
// Returns true if the airport is found in the map
bool FGATCMgr::GetAirportATCDetails(string icao, AirportATC* a) {
- if(airport_atc_map.find(icao) != airport_atc_map.end()) {
- *a = *airport_atc_map[icao];
- return(true);
- } else {
- return(false);
- }
+ if(airport_atc_map.find(icao) != airport_atc_map.end()) {
+ *a = *airport_atc_map[icao];
+ return(true);
+ } else {
+ return(false);
+ }
// Return a pointer to a given sort of ATC at a given airport and activate if necessary
+// FIXME - we really ought to take out the necessity for two function calls by simply returning
+// a NULL pointer if the service doesn't exist and requiring the caller to check for it (NULL).
FGATC* FGATCMgr::GetATCPointer(string icao, atc_type type) {
- AirportATC *a = airport_atc_map[icao];
- //cout << "a->lon = " << a->lon << '\n';
- //cout << "a->elev = " << a->elev << '\n';
- //cout << "a->tower_freq = " << a->tower_freq << '\n';
- switch(type) {
- case TOWER:
- if(a->tower_active) {
- // Get the pointer from the list
- return(FindInList(icao.c_str(), type)); // DCL - this untested so far.
- } else {
- FGTower* t = new FGTower;
- if(current_towerlist->query(a->lon, a->lat, a->elev, a->tower_freq, &tower)) {
- *t = tower;
- atc_list.push_back(t);
- a->tower_active = true;
- airport_atc_map[icao] = a;
- return(t);
- } else {
- cout << "ERROR - tower that should exist in FGATCMgr::GetATCPointer for airport " << icao << " not found\n";
- }
+ AirportATC *a = airport_atc_map[icao];
+ //cout << "a->lon = " << a->lon << '\n';
+ //cout << "a->elev = " << a->elev << '\n';
+ //cout << "a->tower_freq = " << a->tower_freq << '\n';
+ switch(type) {
+ case TOWER:
+ if(a->tower_active) {
+ // Get the pointer from the list
+ return(FindInList(icao.c_str(), type)); // DCL - this untested so far.
+ } else {
+ FGTower* t = new FGTower;
+ if(current_towerlist->query(a->lon, a->lat, a->elev, a->tower_freq, &tower)) {
+ *t = tower;
+ atc_list.push_back(t);
+ a->tower_active = true;
+ airport_atc_map[icao] = a;
+ return(t);
+ } else {
+ cout << "ERROR - tower that should exist in FGATCMgr::GetATCPointer for airport " << icao << " not found\n";
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // Lets add the rest to get rid of the compiler warnings even though we don't need them yet.
+ case APPROACH:
+ break;
+ case ATIS:
+ SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "ERROR - ATIS station should not be requested from FGATCMgr::GetATCPointer");
+ break;
+ case GROUND:
+ break;
+ case INVALID:
+ break;
+ case ENROUTE:
+ break;
+ break;
- break;
- // Lets add the rest to get rid of the compiler warnings even though we don't need them yet.
- case APPROACH:
- break;
- case ATIS:
- cout << "ERROR - ATIS station should not be requested from FGATCMgr::GetATCPointer" << endl;
- break;
- case GROUND:
- break;
- case INVALID:
- break;
- case ENROUTE:
- break;
- break;
- }
- cout << "ERROR IN FGATCMgr - reached end of GetATCPointer\n";
- return(NULL);
+ SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "ERROR IN FGATCMgr - reached end of GetATCPointer");
+ return(NULL);
+// Render a transmission
+// Outputs the transmission either on screen or as audio depending on user preference
+// The repeating flag indicates whether the message should be repeated continuously or played once.
+void FGATCMgr::Render(string msg, bool repeating) {
+ voice = voiceOK && fgGetBool("/sim/sound/audible");
+ if(voice) {
+ int len;
+ unsigned char* buf = v1.WriteMessage((char*)msg.c_str(), len, voice);
+ if(voice) {
+ FGSimpleSound* simple = new FGSimpleSound(buf, len);
+ simple->set_volume(2.0);
+ globals->get_soundmgr()->add(simple, refname);
+ if(repeating) {
+ globals->get_soundmgr()->play_looped(refname);
+ } else {
+ globals->get_soundmgr()->play_once(refname);
+ }
+ }
+ delete[] buf;
+ }
+ if(!voice) {
+ // first rip the underscores and the pause hints out of the string - these are for the convienience of the voice parser
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < msg.length(); ++i) {
+ if((msg.substr(i,1) == "_") || (msg.substr(i,1) == "/")) {
+ msg[i] = ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ globals->get_ATC_display()->RegisterRepeatingMessage(msg);
+ }
+ playing = true;
-void FGATCMgr::Search() {
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Comm1.
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //cout << "In FGATCMgr::Search() - atc_list.size = " << atc_list.size() << '\n';
- comm1_freq = comm1_node->getDoubleValue();
- //cout << "************* comm1_freq = " << comm1_freq << '\n';
- double lon = lon_node->getDoubleValue();
- double lat = lat_node->getDoubleValue();
- double elev = elev_node->getDoubleValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
- // Store the comm1_type
- //atc_type old_comm1_type = comm1_type;
-// We must be able to generalise some of the repetetive searching below!
- //Search for ATIS first
- if(current_atislist->query(lon, lat, elev, comm1_freq, &atis)) {
- //cout << "atis found in radiostack search !!!!" << endl;
- //cout << "last_comm1_atis_ident = " << last_comm1_atis_ident << '\n';
- //cout << "comm1_type " << comm1_type << '\n';
- comm1_atis_ident = atis.GetIdent();
- comm1_atis_valid = true;
- if(last_comm1_atis_ident != comm1_atis_ident) {
- if(last_comm1_atis_ident != "") {
- RemoveFromList(last_comm1_atis_ident, ATIS);
- }
- last_comm1_atis_ident = comm1_atis_ident;
- //cout << "last_comm1_atis_ident = " << last_comm1_atis_ident << '\n';
- comm1_type = ATIS;
- comm1_elev = atis.get_elev();
- comm1_range = FG_ATIS_DEFAULT_RANGE;
- comm1_effective_range = comm1_range;
- comm1_x = atis.get_x();
- comm1_y = atis.get_y();
- comm1_z = atis.get_z();
- FGATIS* a = new FGATIS;
- *a = atis;
- a->SetDisplay();
- atc_list.push_back(a);
- //cout << "Found a new atis station in range" << endl;
- //cout << " id = " << atis.GetIdent() << endl;
- return; //This rather assumes that we never have more than one type of station in range.
- }
- } else {
- if(comm1_atis_valid) {
- //cout << "Removing ATIS " << comm1_atis_ident << " from list\n";
- RemoveFromList(comm1_atis_ident, ATIS);
- comm1_atis_valid = false;
- if(comm1_type == ATIS) {
- comm1_type = INVALID;
- }
- comm1_atis_ident = "";
- //comm1_trans_ident = "";
- last_comm1_atis_ident = "";
+// Cease rendering a transmission.
+// At the moment this can handle one transmission active at a time only.
+void FGATCMgr::NoRender() {
+ if(playing) {
+ if(voice) {
+ globals->get_soundmgr()->stop(refname);
+ globals->get_soundmgr()->remove(refname);
+ } else {
+ globals->get_ATC_display()->CancelRepeatingMessage();
+ }
+ playing = false;
- //cout << "not picking up atis" << endl;
- }
- //Next search for tower
- //cout << "comm1_freq = " << comm1_freq << '\n';
- if(current_towerlist->query(lon, lat, elev, comm1_freq, &tower)) {
- //cout << "tower found in radiostack search !!!!" << endl;
- comm1_tower_ident = tower.GetIdent();
- //cout << "comm1_tower_ident = " << comm1_tower_ident << '\n';
- comm1_tower_valid = true;
- if(last_comm1_tower_ident != comm1_tower_ident) {
- if(last_comm1_tower_ident != "") {
- RemoveFromList(last_comm1_tower_ident, TOWER);
- }
- last_comm1_tower_ident = comm1_tower_ident;
- comm1_type = TOWER;
- comm1_elev = tower.get_elev();
- comm1_range = FG_TOWER_DEFAULT_RANGE;
- comm1_effective_range = comm1_range;
- comm1_x = tower.get_x();
- comm1_y = tower.get_y();
- comm1_z = tower.get_z();
- FGTower* t = new FGTower;
- *t = tower;
- t->SetDisplay();
- atc_list.push_back(t);
- //cout << "Found a new tower station in range" << endl;
- //cout << " id = " << tower.GetIdent() << endl;
- return; //This rather assumes that we never have more than one type of station in range.
+void FGATCMgr::Search() {
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Comm1.
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //cout << "In FGATCMgr::Search() - atc_list.size = " << atc_list.size() << '\n';
+ comm1_freq = comm1_node->getDoubleValue();
+ //cout << "************* comm1_freq = " << comm1_freq << '\n';
+ double lon = lon_node->getDoubleValue();
+ double lat = lat_node->getDoubleValue();
+ double elev = elev_node->getDoubleValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
+ // Store the comm1_type
+ //atc_type old_comm1_type = comm1_type;
+ // We must be able to generalise some of the repetetive searching below!
+ //Search for ATIS first
+ if(current_atislist->query(lon, lat, elev, comm1_freq, &atis)) {
+ //cout << "atis found in radiostack search !!!!" << endl;
+ //cout << "last_comm1_atis_ident = " << last_comm1_atis_ident << '\n';
+ //cout << "comm1_type " << comm1_type << '\n';
+ comm1_atis_ident = atis.GetIdent();
+ comm1_atis_valid = true;
+ if(last_comm1_atis_ident != comm1_atis_ident) {
+ if(last_comm1_atis_ident != "") {
+ RemoveFromList(last_comm1_atis_ident, ATIS);
+ }
+ last_comm1_atis_ident = comm1_atis_ident;
+ //cout << "last_comm1_atis_ident = " << last_comm1_atis_ident << '\n';
+ comm1_type = ATIS;
+ comm1_elev = atis.get_elev();
+ comm1_range = FG_ATIS_DEFAULT_RANGE;
+ comm1_effective_range = comm1_range;
+ comm1_x = atis.get_x();
+ comm1_y = atis.get_y();
+ comm1_z = atis.get_z();
+ FGATIS* a = new FGATIS;
+ *a = atis;
+ a->SetDisplay();
+ atc_list.push_back(a);
+ //cout << "Found a new atis station in range" << endl;
+ //cout << " id = " << atis.GetIdent() << endl;
+ return; //This rather assumes that we never have more than one type of station in range.
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(comm1_atis_valid) {
+ //cout << "Removing ATIS " << comm1_atis_ident << " from list\n";
+ RemoveFromList(comm1_atis_ident, ATIS);
+ comm1_atis_valid = false;
+ if(comm1_type == ATIS) {
+ comm1_type = INVALID;
+ }
+ comm1_atis_ident = "";
+ //comm1_trans_ident = "";
+ last_comm1_atis_ident = "";
+ }
+ //cout << "not picking up atis" << endl;
- } else {
- if(comm1_tower_valid) {
- //cout << "removing tower\n";
- RemoveFromList(comm1_tower_ident, TOWER);
- //comm1_valid = false;
- if(comm1_type == TOWER) {
- comm1_type = INVALID; // Only invalidate if we haven't switched it to something else
- }
- comm1_tower_valid = false;
- comm1_tower_ident = "";
- last_comm1_tower_ident = "";
- //comm1_ident = "";
- //comm1_trans_ident = "";
- //last_comm1_ident = "";
+ //Next search for tower
+ //cout << "comm1_freq = " << comm1_freq << '\n';
+ if(current_towerlist->query(lon, lat, elev, comm1_freq, &tower)) {
+ //cout << "tower found in radiostack search !!!!" << endl;
+ comm1_tower_ident = tower.GetIdent();
+ //cout << "comm1_tower_ident = " << comm1_tower_ident << '\n';
+ comm1_tower_valid = true;
+ if(last_comm1_tower_ident != comm1_tower_ident) {
+ if(last_comm1_tower_ident != "") {
+ RemoveFromList(last_comm1_tower_ident, TOWER);
+ }
+ last_comm1_tower_ident = comm1_tower_ident;
+ comm1_type = TOWER;
+ comm1_elev = tower.get_elev();
+ comm1_range = FG_TOWER_DEFAULT_RANGE;
+ comm1_effective_range = comm1_range;
+ comm1_x = tower.get_x();
+ comm1_y = tower.get_y();
+ comm1_z = tower.get_z();
+ FGTower* t = new FGTower;
+ *t = tower;
+ t->SetDisplay();
+ atc_list.push_back(t);
+ //cout << "Found a new tower station in range" << endl;
+ //cout << " id = " << tower.GetIdent() << endl;
+ return; //This rather assumes that we never have more than one type of station in range.
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(comm1_tower_valid) {
+ //cout << "removing tower\n";
+ RemoveFromList(comm1_tower_ident, TOWER);
+ //comm1_valid = false;
+ if(comm1_type == TOWER) {
+ comm1_type = INVALID; // Only invalidate if we haven't switched it to something else
+ }
+ comm1_tower_valid = false;
+ comm1_tower_ident = "";
+ last_comm1_tower_ident = "";
+ //comm1_ident = "";
+ //comm1_trans_ident = "";
+ //last_comm1_ident = "";
+ }
+ //cout << "not picking up tower" << endl;
- //cout << "not picking up tower" << endl;
- }
- //Next search for Ground control
- if(current_groundlist->query(lon, lat, elev, comm1_freq, &ground)) {
- //cout << "Ground Control found in radiostack search !!!!" << endl;
- comm1_ident = ground.GetIdent();
- comm1_valid = true;
- if((last_comm1_ident != comm1_ident) || (comm1_type != GROUND)) {
- if(last_comm1_ident != "") {
- RemoveFromList(last_comm1_ident, GROUND);
- }
- last_comm1_ident = comm1_ident;
- comm1_type = GROUND;
- comm1_elev = ground.get_elev();
- comm1_range = FG_GROUND_DEFAULT_RANGE;
- comm1_effective_range = comm1_range;
- comm1_x = ground.get_x();
- comm1_y = ground.get_y();
- comm1_z = ground.get_z();
- FGGround* g = new FGGround;
- *g = ground;
- g->SetDisplay();
- atc_list.push_back(g);
- // For now we will automatically make contact with ground when the radio is tuned.
- // This rather assumes that the user tunes the radio at the appropriate place
- // (ie. having just turned off the runway) and only uses ground control on arrival
- // but its a start!
- g->NewArrival(current_plane);
- //cout << "Found a new ground station in range" << endl;
- //cout << " id = " << ground.GetIdent() << endl;
- return; //This rather assumes that we never have more than one type of station in range.
+ /*
+ //Next search for Ground control
+ if(current_groundlist->query(lon, lat, elev, comm1_freq, &ground)) {
+ //cout << "Ground Control found in radiostack search !!!!" << endl;
+ comm1_ident = ground.GetIdent();
+ comm1_valid = true;
+ if((last_comm1_ident != comm1_ident) || (comm1_type != GROUND)) {
+ if(last_comm1_ident != "") {
+ RemoveFromList(last_comm1_ident, GROUND);
+ }
+ last_comm1_ident = comm1_ident;
+ comm1_type = GROUND;
+ comm1_elev = ground.get_elev();
+ comm1_range = FG_GROUND_DEFAULT_RANGE;
+ comm1_effective_range = comm1_range;
+ comm1_x = ground.get_x();
+ comm1_y = ground.get_y();
+ comm1_z = ground.get_z();
+ FGGround* g = new FGGround;
+ *g = ground;
+ g->SetDisplay();
+ atc_list.push_back(g);
+ // For now we will automatically make contact with ground when the radio is tuned.
+ // This rather assumes that the user tunes the radio at the appropriate place
+ // (ie. having just turned off the runway) and only uses ground control on arrival
+ // but its a start!
+ g->NewArrival(current_plane);
+ //cout << "Found a new ground station in range" << endl;
+ //cout << " id = " << ground.GetIdent() << endl;
+ return; //This rather assumes that we never have more than one type of station in range.
+ }
+ } else {
+ if((comm1_valid) && (comm1_type == GROUND)) {
+ RemoveFromList(comm1_ident, GROUND);
+ comm1_valid = false;
+ comm1_type = INVALID;
+ comm1_ident = "";
+ //comm1_trans_ident = "";
+ last_comm1_ident = "";
+ }
+ //cout << "not picking up ground control" << endl;
- } else {
- if((comm1_valid) && (comm1_type == GROUND)) {
- RemoveFromList(comm1_ident, GROUND);
- comm1_valid = false;
- comm1_type = INVALID;
- comm1_ident = "";
- //comm1_trans_ident = "";
- last_comm1_ident = "";
+ */
+ // ================================================================================
+ // Search for Approach stations
+ // ================================================================================
+ // init number of approach stations reachable by plane
+ int num_app = 0;
+ // search stations in range
+ current_approachlist->query_bck(lon, lat, elev, approaches, max_app, num_app);
+ if (num_app != 0) {
+ //cout << num_app << " approaches found in radiostack search !!!!" << endl;
+ for ( int i=0; i<num_app; i++ ) {
+ bool new_app = true;
+ approach_ident = approaches[i].GetIdent();
+ // check if station already exists on ATC stack
+ atc_list_itr = atc_list.begin();
+ while(atc_list_itr != atc_list.end()) {
+ //cout << "ATC list: " << (*atc_list_itr)->GetIdent() << endl;
+ if((!strcmp((*atc_list_itr)->GetIdent(), approach_ident))
+ && ((*atc_list_itr)->GetType() == APPROACH) ) {
+ new_app = false;
+ string pid = "Player";
+ (*atc_list_itr)->AddPlane(pid);
+ (*atc_list_itr)->Update();
+ break;
+ }
+ ++atc_list_itr;
+ }
+ // generate new Approach on ATC stack
+ if (new_app) {
+ FGApproach* a = new FGApproach;
+ *a = approaches[i];
+ string pid = "Player";
+ a->AddPlane(pid);
+ a->Update();
+ a->SetDisplay();
+ atc_list.push_back(a);
+ //cout << "Found a new approach station in range: Id = "
+ // << approaches[i].GetIdent() << endl;
+ }
+ }
- //cout << "not picking up ground control" << endl;
- }
-// ================================================================================
-// Search for Approach stations
-// ================================================================================
- // init number of approach stations reachable by plane
- int num_app = 0;
- // search stations in range
- current_approachlist->query_bck(lon, lat, elev, approaches, max_app, num_app);
- if (num_app != 0) {
- //cout << num_app << " approaches found in radiostack search !!!!" << endl;
- for ( int i=0; i<num_app; i++ ) {
- bool new_app = true;
- approach_ident = approaches[i].GetIdent();
- // check if station already exists on ATC stack
+ // remove planes which are out of range
atc_list_itr = atc_list.begin();
while(atc_list_itr != atc_list.end()) {
- //cout << "ATC list: " << (*atc_list_itr)->GetIdent() << endl;
- if((!strcmp((*atc_list_itr)->GetIdent(), approach_ident))
- && ((*atc_list_itr)->GetType() == APPROACH) ) {
- new_app = false;
- string pid = "Player";
- (*atc_list_itr)->AddPlane(pid);
- (*atc_list_itr)->Update();
- break;
- }
- ++atc_list_itr;
- }
- // generate new Approach on ATC stack
- if (new_app) {
- FGApproach* a = new FGApproach;
- *a = approaches[i];
- string pid = "Player";
- a->AddPlane(pid);
- a->Update();
- a->SetDisplay();
- atc_list.push_back(a);
- //cout << "Found a new approach station in range: Id = "
- // << approaches[i].GetIdent() << endl;
- }
- }
- }
- // remove planes which are out of range
- atc_list_itr = atc_list.begin();
- while(atc_list_itr != atc_list.end()) {
- if((*atc_list_itr)->GetType() == APPROACH ) {
- int np = (*atc_list_itr)->RemovePlane();
- // if approach has no planes left remove it from ATC list
- if ( np == 0) {
- (*atc_list_itr)->SetNoDisplay();
- (*atc_list_itr)->Update();
- delete (*atc_list_itr);
- atc_list_itr = atc_list.erase(atc_list_itr);
- break; // the other stations will be checked next time
+ if((*atc_list_itr)->GetType() == APPROACH ) {
+ int np = (*atc_list_itr)->RemovePlane();
+ // if approach has no planes left remove it from ATC list
+ if ( np == 0) {
+ (*atc_list_itr)->SetNoDisplay();
+ (*atc_list_itr)->Update();
+ delete (*atc_list_itr);
+ atc_list_itr = atc_list.erase(atc_list_itr);
+ break; // the other stations will be checked next time
+ }
+ }
+ ++atc_list_itr;
- }
- ++atc_list_itr;
- }