NSWindow* cocoaWindow = nil;
std::vector<osgViewer::GraphicsWindow*> windows;
BOOST_FOREACH(osgViewer::GraphicsWindow* gw, windows) {
// OSG doesn't use RTTI, so no dynamic cast. Let's check the class type
// using OSG's own system, before we blindly static_cast<> and break
[d->panel beginSheetModalForWindow:cocoaWindow completionHandler:^(NSInteger result)
+ NSString* path = nil;
+ SGPath sgpath;
if (result == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) {
- NSString* path = [[d->panel URL] path];
+ path = [[d->panel URL] path];
//NSLog(@"the URL is: %@", d->panel URL]);
- SGPath sgpath([path UTF8String]);
+ sgpath = ([path UTF8String]);
_callback->onFileDialogDone(this, sgpath);