+++ /dev/null
-[This file is mirrored in both the FlightGear and SimGear packages.]
-You *must* have plib version 1.8.5 or later installed on your system
-to build FlightGear!" Flight Gear is no longer compatible with the
-earlier versions of the library.
-You can get the latest version of plib from:
- http://plib.sourceforge.net
-Build notes:
-You should be able to just run "./configure" to configure the package
-and use all of plib's defaults. Then run "make" followed by "make
-install". By default, plib installs itself into /usr so if you don't
-like this, be sure to specify an alternate prefix such as --prefix=/usr/local
-As of this writing (2007-11-18), many linux distributions are shipped with a
-working version of plib, so chances are that this library is already
-installed. It should be noted, that currently plib version no longer compiles
-using recent versions of gcc (confirmed on version gcc 4.1.2, as shipped with
-SuSe 10.2). As a workaround, it is possible to either use plib SVN. Run the
-following commands:
-svn co https://plib.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/plib/trunk plib
-cd plib
-make install
BuildRequires: gcc, gcc-c++, cmake
BuildRequires: libopenal1-soft, openal-soft
-BuildRequires: plib-devel >= 1.8.5
BuildRequires: libOpenSceneGraph-devel >= 3.0
BuildRequires: zlib, zlib-devel
BuildRequires: libjpeg62, libjpeg62-devel
Group: Development/Libraries/Other
Summary: Development header files for SimGear
Requires: SimGear = %{version}
-Requires: plib-devel
%description devel
Development headers and libraries for building applications against SimGear.