"changed" => ["changed"]
+ "post-user" => [
+ "comment" => "User specific post data",
+ "fields" => [
+ "id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1"],
+ "uri-id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "foreign" => ["item-uri" => "id"], "comment" => "Id of the item-uri table entry that contains the item uri"],
+ "uid" => ["type" => "mediumint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "foreign" => ["user" => "uid"], "comment" => "Owner id which owns this copy of the item"],
+ "protocol" => ["type" => "tinyint unsigned", "comment" => "Protocol used to deliver the item for this user"],
+ "contact-id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "foreign" => ["contact" => "id"], "comment" => "contact.id"],
+ "unseen" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "1", "comment" => "post has not been seen"],
+ "hidden" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "Marker to hide the post from the user"],
+ "notification-type" => ["type" => "tinyint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
+ "origin" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "item originated at this site"],
+ "psid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "foreign" => ["permissionset" => "id", "on delete" => "restrict"], "comment" => "ID of the permission set of this post"],
+ ],
+ "indexes" => [
+ "PRIMARY" => ["id"],
+ "uid_uri-id" => ["UNIQUE", "uid", "uri-id"],
+ "uri-id" => ["uri-id"],
+ "contact-id" => ["contact-id"],
+ "psid" => ["psid"],
+ "uid_hidden" => ["uid", "hidden"],
+ ],
+ ],
"post-thread-user" => [
"comment" => "Thread related data per user",
"fields" => [
"post-user-id" => ["post-user-id"],
- "post-user" => [
- "comment" => "User specific post data",
- "fields" => [
- "id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1"],
- "uri-id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "foreign" => ["item-uri" => "id"], "comment" => "Id of the item-uri table entry that contains the item uri"],
- "uid" => ["type" => "mediumint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "foreign" => ["user" => "uid"], "comment" => "Owner id which owns this copy of the item"],
- "protocol" => ["type" => "tinyint unsigned", "comment" => "Protocol used to deliver the item for this user"],
- "contact-id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "foreign" => ["contact" => "id"], "comment" => "contact.id"],
- "unseen" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "1", "comment" => "post has not been seen"],
- "hidden" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "Marker to hide the post from the user"],
- "notification-type" => ["type" => "tinyint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
- "origin" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "item originated at this site"],
- "psid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "foreign" => ["permissionset" => "id", "on delete" => "restrict"], "comment" => "ID of the permission set of this post"],
- ],
- "indexes" => [
- "PRIMARY" => ["id"],
- "uid_uri-id" => ["UNIQUE", "uid", "uri-id"],
- "uri-id" => ["uri-id"],
- "contact-id" => ["contact-id"],
- "psid" => ["psid"],
- "uid_hidden" => ["uid", "hidden"],
- ],
- ],
"post-user-notification" => [
"comment" => "User post notifications",
"fields" => [