xyz = adf->cart();
if ( _sgr->exists( "adf-ident" ) ) {
- _sgr->remove( "adf-ident" );
+ // stop is required! -- remove alone wouldn't stop immediately
+ _sgr->stop( "adf-ident" );
+ _sgr->remove( "adf-ident" );
SGSoundSample *sound;
sound = FGMorse::instance()->make_ident( trans_ident, FGMorse::LO_FREQUENCY );
void AudioIdent::setIdent( const std::string & ident, double volumeNorm )
- if( _ident == ident ) {
+ // Signal may flicker very frequently (due to our realistic newnavradio...).
+ // Avoid recreating identical sound samples all the time, instead turn off
+ // volume when signal is lost, and save the most recent sample.
+ if (ident.empty())
+ volumeNorm = 0;
+ if(( _ident == ident )||
+ (volumeNorm == 0)) // don't bother with sounds when volume is OFF anyway...
+ {
if( false == _ident.empty() )
setVolumeNorm( volumeNorm );
sound->set_volume( volumeNorm );
if (!_sgr->add( sound, _fx_name )) {
SG_LOG(SG_SOUND, SG_WARN, "Failed to add sound '" << _fx_name << "' for ident '" << ident << "'" );
+ delete sound;