#include <deque> // STL double ended queue
#include STL_FSTREAM
-#include <simgear/math/fastmath.hxx> // float_to_int()
+#include <simgear/math/SGMath.hxx>
#include <simgear/constants.h>
#include <Include/fg_typedefs.h>
+#define float_to_int(v) SGMiscf::roundToInt(v)
// some of Norman's crazy optimizations. :-)
void runway_instr::get_rwy_points(sgdVec3 *points3d)
- static Point3D center = globals->get_scenery()->get_center();
- //Get the current tile center
- Point3D currentCenter = globals->get_scenery()->get_center();
- Point3D tileCenter = currentCenter;
- if (center != currentCenter) //if changing tiles
- tileCenter = center; //use last center
double alt = current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_Runway_altitude() * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
double length = (runway._length / 2.0) * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
double width = (runway._width / 2.0) * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
geo_direct_wgs_84(alt, frontLat, frontLon, runway._heading + 90, width, &tempLat, &tempLon, &az);
sgGeodToCart(tempLat * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, tempLon * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, alt, points3d[3]);
+ //Get the current tile center
+ SGVec3d tileCenter = globals->get_scenery()->get_center();
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
points3d[i][0] -= tileCenter.x();
points3d[i][1] -= tileCenter.y();
points3d[i][2] -= tileCenter.z();
- center = currentCenter;
cache_ref_time = ref_time;
// Decide where we put the scenery center.
- Point3D old_cntr = globals->get_scenery()->get_center();
- Point3D cntr(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]);
+ SGVec3d old_cntr = globals->get_scenery()->get_center();
+ SGVec3d cntr(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]);
// Only move the cache center if it is unacceptable far away.
- if (40*40 < old_cntr.distance3Dsquared(cntr))
+ if (40*40 < distSqr(old_cntr, cntr))
cntr = old_cntr;
// terrain intersection point corresponding to the mouse click
// and be happy.
FGScenery* scenery = globals->get_scenery();
- sgdVec3 start, dir, hit;
- if (!b && updown == MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN && FGRenderer::getPickInfo(start, dir, x, y)
+ SGVec3d start, dir, hit;
+ if (!b && updown == MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN
+ && FGRenderer::getPickInfo(start, dir, x, y)
&& scenery->get_cart_ground_intersection(start, dir, hit)) {
- Point3D geod = sgCartToGeod(Point3D(hit[0], hit[1], hit[2]));
+ SGGeod geod = SGGeod::fromCart(hit);
SGPropertyNode *c = fgGetNode("/sim/input/click", true);
- c->setDoubleValue("longitude-deg", geod.lon() * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES);
- c->setDoubleValue("latitude-deg", geod.lat() * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES);
- c->setDoubleValue("elevation-m", geod.elev());
- c->setDoubleValue("elevation-ft", geod.elev() * SG_METER_TO_FEET);
+ c->setDoubleValue("longitude-deg", geod.getLongitudeDeg());
+ c->setDoubleValue("latitude-deg", geod.getLatitudeDeg());
+ c->setDoubleValue("elevation-m", geod.getElevationM());
+ c->setDoubleValue("elevation-ft", geod.getElevationFt());
fgSetBool("/sim/signals/click", 1);
void HUD::Runway::get_rwy_points(sgdVec3 *_points3d)
- static Point3D center = globals->get_scenery()->get_center();
- //Get the current tile center
- Point3D currentCenter = globals->get_scenery()->get_center();
- Point3D tileCenter = currentCenter;
- if (center != currentCenter) //if changing tiles
- tileCenter = center; //use last center
double alt = current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_Runway_altitude() * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
double length = (_runway._length / 2.0) * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
double width = (_runway._width / 2.0) * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
geo_direct_wgs_84(alt, frontLat, frontLon, _runway._heading + 90, width, &tempLat, &tempLon, &az);
sgGeodToCart(tempLat * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, tempLon * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, alt, _points3d[3]);
+ //Get the current tile center
+ SGVec3d tileCenter = globals->get_scenery()->get_center();
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
_points3d[i][0] -= tileCenter.x();
_points3d[i][1] -= tileCenter.y();
_points3d[i][2] -= tileCenter.z();
- center = currentCenter;
static bool check_beacon_range( const SGGeod& pos,
FGNavRecord *b )
- SGVec3d aircraft = SGVec3d::fromGeod(pos);
- SGVec3d station = b->get_cart();
- // cout << " aircraft = " << aircraft << " station = " << station
- // << endl;
- SGVec3d tmp = station - aircraft;
- double d = dot(tmp, tmp);
+ double d = distSqr(b->get_cart(), SGVec3d::fromGeod(pos));
// cout << " distance = " << d << " ("
double visibility_meters = fgGetDouble("/environment/visibility-m");
FGViewer *current_view = globals->get_current_view();
- // Let the scenery center follow the current view position with
- // 30m increments.
- //
- // Having the scenery center near the view position will eliminate
- // jitter of objects which are placed very near the view position
- // and haveing it's center near that view position.
- // So the 3d insruments of the aircraft will not jitter with this.
- //
- // Following the view position exactly would introduce jitter of
- // the scenery tiles (they would be from their center up to 10000m
- // to the view and this will introduce roundoff too). By stepping
- // at 30m incements the roundoff error of the scenery tiles is
- // still present, but we will make exactly the same roundoff error
- // at each frame until the center is switched to a new
- // position. This roundoff is still visible but you will most
- // propably not notice.
- double *vp = globals->get_current_view()->get_absolute_view_pos();
- Point3D cntr(vp[0], vp[1], vp[2]);
- if (30.0*30.0 < cntr.distance3Dsquared(globals->get_scenery()->get_center())) {
- globals->get_scenery()->set_next_center( cntr );
- }
globals->get_tile_mgr()->prep_ssg_nodes( current_view->getSGLocation(),
visibility_meters );
// update tile manager for view...
SGLocation *view_location = globals->get_current_view()->getSGLocation();
globals->get_tile_mgr()->update( view_location, visibility_meters );
- globals->get_scenery()->set_center( cntr );
double lon = view_location->getLongitude_deg();
double lat = view_location->getLatitude_deg();
double alt = view_location->getAltitudeASL_ft() * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
// check if we can reuse the groundcache for that purpose.
- double ref_time, pt[3], r;
- bool valid = cur_fdm_state->is_valid_m(&ref_time, pt, &r);
- if (valid &&
- cntr.distance3Dsquared(Point3D(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2])) < r*r) {
+ double ref_time, r;
+ SGVec3d pt;
+ bool valid = cur_fdm_state->is_valid_m(&ref_time, pt.sg(), &r);
+ double *vp = globals->get_current_view()->get_absolute_view_pos();
+ SGVec3d viewpos(vp);
+ if (valid && distSqr(viewpos, pt) < r*r) {
// Reuse the cache ...
double lev
= cur_fdm_state->get_groundlevel_m(lat*SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,
+ // Let the scenery center follow the current view position with
+ // 30m increments.
+ //
+ // Having the scenery center near the view position will eliminate
+ // jitter of objects which are placed very near the view position
+ // and haveing it's center near that view position.
+ // So the 3d insruments of the aircraft will not jitter with this.
+ //
+ // Following the view position exactly would introduce jitter of
+ // the scenery tiles (they would be from their center up to 10000m
+ // to the view and this will introduce roundoff too). By stepping
+ // at 30m incements the roundoff error of the scenery tiles is
+ // still present, but we will make exactly the same roundoff error
+ // at each frame until the center is switched to a new
+ // position. This roundoff is still visible but you will most
+ // propably not notice.
+ double *vp = globals->get_current_view()->get_absolute_view_pos();
+ SGVec3d cntr(vp);
+ if (30.0*30.0 < distSqr(cntr, globals->get_scenery()->get_center()))
+ globals->get_scenery()->set_center( cntr );
bool draw_otw = fgGetBool("/sim/rendering/draw-otw");
bool skyblend = fgGetBool("/sim/rendering/skyblend");
bool use_point_sprites = fgGetBool("/sim/rendering/point-sprites");
// now work without seg faulting the system.
FGViewer *current__view = globals->get_current_view();
- // calculate our current position in cartesian space
- Point3D cntr = globals->get_scenery()->get_next_center();
- globals->get_scenery()->set_center(cntr);
// Force update of center dependent values ...
-bool FGRenderer::getPickInfo( sgdVec3 pt, sgdVec3 dir, unsigned x, unsigned y )
+bool FGRenderer::getPickInfo( SGVec3d& pt, SGVec3d& dir,
+ unsigned x, unsigned y )
// Get the matrices involved in the transform from global to screen
// coordinates.
FGViewer* view = globals->get_current_view();
sgVec4 fDir;
sgSubVec3(fDir, worldPt, view->get_view_pos());
- sgdSetVec3(dir, fDir);
- sgdNormalizeVec3(dir);
+ sgdSetVec3(dir.sg(), fDir);
+ sgdNormalizeVec3(dir.sg());
// Copy the start point
- sgdCopyVec3(pt, view->get_absolute_view_pos());
+ sgdCopyVec3(pt.sg(), view->get_absolute_view_pos());
return true;
* The inputs are expected to be the x and y coordinates of the
* screen point relative to the window.
- static bool getPickInfo( sgdVec3 p, sgdVec3 d, unsigned x, unsigned y );
+ static bool getPickInfo( SGVec3d& p, SGVec3d& d, unsigned x, unsigned y );
FGViewer::recalcLookFrom ()
sgVec3 right, forward;
- // sgVec3 eye_pos;
sgVec3 position_offset; // eye position offsets (xyz)
// LOOKFROM mode...
FGViewer::recalcLookAt ()
sgVec3 right, forward;
sgVec3 eye_pos, at_pos;
sgVec3 position_offset; // eye position offsets (xyz)
_target_roll_deg, _target_pitch_deg, _target_heading_deg );
// calculate the "at" target object positon relative to eye or view's tile center...
- Point3D center = globals->get_scenery()->get_next_center();
+ SGVec3d center = globals->get_scenery()->get_center();
sgdVec3 dVec3;
sgdSetVec3(dVec3, center[0], center[1], center[2]);
sgdSubVec3(dVec3, _target_location->get_absolute_view_pos(), dVec3 );
_roll_deg, _pitch_deg, _heading_deg );
// save the eye positon...
- sgCopyVec3(eye_pos, _location->get_view_pos(center));
+ sgCopyVec3(eye_pos, _location->get_view_pos(center));
// copy data from location class to local items...
- Point3D center = globals->get_scenery()->get_center();
+ SGVec3d center = globals->get_scenery()->get_center();
// Get our friendly vectors from the eye location...
sgdCopyVec3(_absolute_view_pos, _location->get_absolute_view_pos());
sgCopyVec3(_relative_view_pos, _location->get_view_pos(center));
// Scenery Management system
-FGScenery::FGScenery() {
+FGScenery::FGScenery() :
+ center(0, 0, 0)
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "Initializing scenery subsystem" );
- center = Point3D(0.0);
void FGScenery::unbind() {
-void FGScenery::set_center( const Point3D& p ) {
+void FGScenery::set_center( const SGVec3d& p ) {
+ if (center == p)
+ return;
center = p;
- sgdVec3 c;
- sgdSetVec3(c, p.x(), p.y(), p.z());
placement_list_type::iterator it = _placement_list.begin();
while (it != _placement_list.end()) {
- (*it)->setSceneryCenter(c);
+ (*it)->setSceneryCenter(center.sg());
void FGScenery::register_placement_transform(ssgPlacementTransform *trans) {
- sgdVec3 c;
- sgdSetVec3(c, center.x(), center.y(), center.z());
- trans->setSceneryCenter(c);
+ trans->setSceneryCenter(center.sg());
void FGScenery::unregister_placement_transform(ssgPlacementTransform *trans) {
double& alt, const SGMaterial** material,
bool exact)
- sgdVec3 pos;
- max_alt, pos);
+ SGGeod geod = SGGeod::fromDegM(lon, lat, max_alt);
+ SGVec3d pos = SGVec3d::fromGeod(geod);
return get_cart_elevation_m(pos, 0, alt, material, exact);
-FGScenery::get_cart_elevation_m(const sgdVec3& pos, double max_altoff,
+FGScenery::get_cart_elevation_m(const SGVec3d& pos, double max_altoff,
double& alt, const SGMaterial** material,
bool exact)
- Point3D saved_center = center;
+ if ( norm1(pos) < 1 )
+ return false;
+ SGVec3d saved_center = center;
bool replaced_center = false;
if (exact) {
- Point3D ppos(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
- if (30.0*30.0 < ppos.distance3Dsquared(center)) {
- set_center( ppos );
+ if (30*30 < distSqr(pos, center)) {
+ set_center( pos );
replaced_center = true;
// found
int this_hit;
double hit_radius = 0.0;
- sgdVec3 hit_normal = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
+ SGVec3d hit_normal(0, 0, 0);
- bool hit = false;
- if ( fabs(pos[0]) > 1.0 || fabs(pos[1]) > 1.0 || fabs(pos[2]) > 1.0 ) {
- sgdVec3 sc;
- sgdSetVec3(sc, center[0], center[1], center[2]);
- sgdVec3 ncpos;
- sgdCopyVec3(ncpos, pos);
- FGHitList hit_list;
- // scenery center has been properly defined so any hit should
- // be valid (and not just luck)
- hit = fgCurrentElev(ncpos, max_altoff+sgdLengthVec3(pos),
- sc, get_scene_graph(),
- &hit_list, &alt, &hit_radius, hit_normal, this_hit);
- if (material) {
- *material = 0;
- if (hit) {
- ssgEntity *entity = hit_list.get_entity( this_hit );
- if (entity && entity->isAKindOf(ssgTypeLeaf())) {
- ssgLeaf* leaf = static_cast<ssgLeaf*>(entity);
- *material = globals->get_matlib()->findMaterial(leaf);
- }
+ SGVec3d sc = center;
+ SGVec3d ncpos = pos;
+ FGHitList hit_list;
+ // scenery center has been properly defined so any hit should
+ // be valid (and not just luck)
+ bool hit = fgCurrentElev(ncpos.sg(), max_altoff+length(pos), sc.sg(),
+ get_scene_graph(), &hit_list, &alt,
+ &hit_radius, hit_normal.sg(), this_hit);
+ if (material) {
+ *material = 0;
+ if (hit) {
+ ssgEntity *entity = hit_list.get_entity( this_hit );
+ if (entity && entity->isAKindOf(ssgTypeLeaf())) {
+ ssgLeaf* leaf = static_cast<ssgLeaf*>(entity);
+ *material = globals->get_matlib()->findMaterial(leaf);
-FGScenery::get_cart_ground_intersection(const sgdVec3& pos,
- const sgdVec3& dir,
- sgdVec3& nearestHit, bool exact)
+FGScenery::get_cart_ground_intersection(const SGVec3d& pos, const SGVec3d& dir,
+ SGVec3d& nearestHit, bool exact)
// We assume that starting positions in the center of the earth are invalid
- if ( fabs(pos[0]) < 1.0 && fabs(pos[1]) < 1.0 && fabs(pos[2]) < 1.0 )
+ if ( norm1(pos) < 1 )
return false;
// Well that 'exactness' is somehow problematic, but makes at least sure
// that we don't compute that with a cenery center at the other side of
// the world ...
- Point3D saved_center = center;
+ SGVec3d saved_center = center;
bool replaced_center = false;
if (exact) {
- Point3D ppos(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
- if (30.0*30.0 < ppos.distance3Dsquared(center)) {
- set_center( ppos );
+ if (30*30 < distSqr(pos, center)) {
+ set_center( pos );
replaced_center = true;
// Make really sure the direction is normalized, is really cheap compared to
// computation of ground intersection.
- sgdVec3 normalizedDir;
- sgdCopyVec3(normalizedDir, dir);
- sgdNormaliseVec3(normalizedDir);
- sgdVec3 sceneryCenter;
- sgdSetVec3(sceneryCenter, center[0], center[1], center[2]);
- sgdVec3 relativePos;
- sgdSubVec3(relativePos, pos, sceneryCenter);
+ SGVec3d normalizedDir = normalize(dir);
+ SGVec3d relativePos = pos - center;
// At the moment only intersection with the terrain?
FGHitList hit_list;
- relativePos, normalizedDir);
+ relativePos.sg(), normalizedDir.sg());
double dist = DBL_MAX;
int hitcount = hit_list.num_hits();
for (int i = 0; i < hitcount; ++i) {
// Check for the nearest hit
- sgdVec3 diff;
- sgdSubVec3(diff, hit_list.get_point(i), relativePos);
+ SGVec3d diff = SGVec3d(hit_list.get_point(i)) - relativePos;
// We only want hits in front of us ...
- if (sgdScalarProductVec3(normalizedDir, diff) < 0)
+ if (dot(normalizedDir, diff) < 0)
// find the nearest hit
- double nDist = sgdScalarProductVec3(diff, diff);
+ double nDist = dot(diff, diff);
if (dist < nDist)
// Store the hit point
dist = nDist;
- sgdAddVec3(nearestHit, hit_list.get_point(i), sceneryCenter);
+ nearestHit = SGVec3d(hit_list.get_point(i)) + center;
result = true;
// Define a structure containing global scenery parameters
class FGScenery : public SGSubsystem {
// center of current scenery chunk
- Point3D center;
- // next center of current scenery chunk
- Point3D next_center;
+ SGVec3d center;
// FIXME this should be a views property
// angle of sun relative to current local horizontal
/// lat/lon pair. If there is no scenery for that point, the altitude
/// value is undefined.
/// All values are meant to be in meters.
- bool get_cart_elevation_m(const sgdVec3& pos, double max_altoff,
+ bool get_cart_elevation_m(const SGVec3d& pos, double max_altoff,
double& radius, const SGMaterial** material,
bool exact = false);
/// The input and output values should be in cartesian coordinates in the
/// usual earth centered wgs84 coordiante system. Units are meters.
/// On success, true is returned.
- bool get_cart_ground_intersection(const sgdVec3& start, const sgdVec3& dir,
- sgdVec3& nearestHit, bool exact = false);
- inline const Point3D& get_center() const { return center; }
- void set_center( const Point3D& p );
+ bool get_cart_ground_intersection(const SGVec3d& start, const SGVec3d& dir,
+ SGVec3d& nearestHit, bool exact = false);
- inline const Point3D& get_next_center() const { return next_center; }
- inline void set_next_center( const Point3D& p ) { next_center = p; }
+ const SGVec3d& get_center() const { return center; }
+ void set_center( const SGVec3d& p );
inline ssgRoot *get_scene_graph () const { return scene_graph; }
inline void set_scene_graph (ssgRoot * s) { scene_graph = s; }
double _moon_lon, _moon_gc_lat;
// in cartesian coordiantes
- Point3D _sunpos, _moonpos;
+ SGVec3d _sunpos, _moonpos;
// (in view coordinates)
sgVec4 _sun_vec, _moon_vec;
inline double get_sun_gc_lat () const { return _sun_gc_lat; }
inline void set_sun_gc_lat (double l) { _sun_gc_lat = l; }
- inline const Point3D& get_sunpos () const { return _sunpos; }
- inline void set_sunpos (const Point3D& p) { _sunpos = p; }
+ inline const SGVec3d& get_sunpos () const { return _sunpos; }
+ inline void set_sunpos (const SGVec3d& p) { _sunpos = p; }
inline float *sun_vec () const { return (float *)_sun_vec; }
inline float *sun_vec_inv () const { return (float *)_sun_vec_inv; }
inline double get_moon_gc_lat () const { return _moon_gc_lat; }
inline void set_moon_gc_lat (double l) { _moon_gc_lat = l; }
- inline const Point3D& get_moonpos () const { return _moonpos; }
- inline void set_moonpos (const Point3D& p) { _moonpos = p; }
+ inline const SGVec3d& get_moonpos () const { return _moonpos; }
+ inline void set_moonpos (const SGVec3d& p) { _moonpos = p; }
inline float *moon_vec () const { return (float *)_moon_vec; }
inline float *moon_vec_inv () const { return (float *)_moon_vec_inv; }
// update the cur_time_params structure with the current sun position
void fgUpdateSunPos( void ) {
sgVec3 nup, nsun;
- Point3D rel_sunpos;
double dot, east_dot;
double sun_gd_lat, sl_radius;
sgGeodToGeoc(sun_gd_lat, 0.0, &sl_radius, &sun_l);
- Point3D p = Point3D( l->get_sun_lon(), l->get_sun_gc_lat(), sl_radius );
- l->set_sunpos( sgPolarToCart3d(p) );
+ SGGeoc geocSun = SGGeoc::fromRadM( l->get_sun_lon(), l->get_sun_gc_lat(),
+ sl_radius );
+ l->set_sunpos( SGVec3d::fromGeoc(geocSun) );
SG_LOG( SG_EVENT, SG_DEBUG, " t->cur_time = " << t->get_cur_time() );
<< l->get_sun_angle() );
// calculate vector to sun's position on the earth's surface
- Point3D vp( v->get_view_pos()[0],
- v->get_view_pos()[1],
- v->get_view_pos()[2] );
- rel_sunpos = l->get_sunpos() - (vp + globals->get_scenery()->get_center());
+ SGVec3d rel_sunpos = globals->get_scenery()->get_center();
+ SGVec3f vp( v->get_view_pos() );
+ rel_sunpos += l->get_sunpos() - toVec3d(vp);
sgSetVec3( to_sun, rel_sunpos.x(), rel_sunpos.y(), rel_sunpos.z() );
// printf( "Vector to sun = %.2f %.2f %.2f\n",
// v->to_sun[0], v->to_sun[1], v->to_sun[2]);