-Friendica API
+# Friendica API
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* [Home](help)
## Implemented API calls
### General
#### HTTP Method
API endpoints can restrict the method used to request them.
In this document, endpoints which requires auth are marked with "AUTH" after endpoint name
#### Unsupported parameters
* cursor: Not implemented in GNU Social
* trim_user: Not implemented in GNU Social
* contributor_details: Not implemented in GNU Social
* include_my_retweet: Retweets in Friendica are implemented in a different way
#### Different behaviour
* screen_name: The nick name in friendica is only unique in each network but not for all networks. The users are searched in the following priority: Friendica, StatusNet/GNU Social, Diaspora, pump.io, Twitter. If no contact was found by this way, then the first contact is taken.
* include_entities: Default is "false". If set to "true" then the plain text is formatted so that links are having descriptions.
#### Return values
* cid: Contact id of the user (important for "contact_allow" and "contact_deny")
* network: network of the user
#### Errors
When an error occurs in API call, an HTTP error code is returned, with an error message
-- 400 Bad Request: if parameters are missing or items can't be found
-- 403 Forbidden: if the authenticated user is missing
-- 405 Method Not Allowed: if API was called with an invalid method, eg. GET when API require POST
-- 501 Not Implemented: if the requested API doesn't exist
-- 500 Internal Server Error: on other error conditions
+* 400 Bad Request: if parameters are missing or items can't be found
+* 403 Forbidden: if the authenticated user is missing
+* 405 Method Not Allowed: if API was called with an invalid method, eg. GET when API require POST
+* 501 Not Implemented: if the requested API doesn't exist
+* 500 Internal Server Error: on other error conditions
Error body is
"error": "Specific error message",
"request": "API path requested",
<error>Specific error message</error>
<request>API path requested</request>
### account/rate_limit_status (*; AUTH)
### account/verify_credentials (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* skip_status: Don't show the "status" field. (Default: false)
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
### conversation/show (*; AUTH)
Unofficial Twitter command. It shows all direct answers (excluding the original post) to a given id.
#### Parameter
* id: id of the post
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* include_rts
* trim_user
* contributor_details
### direct_messages (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimum id
* friendica_verbose: "true" enables different error returns (default: "false")
#### Unsupported parameters
* skip_status
### direct_messages/all (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimum id
* friendica_verbose: "true" enables different error returns (default: "false")
### direct_messages/conversation (*; AUTH)
Shows all direct messages of a conversation
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimum id
* friendica_verbose: "true" enables different error returns (default: "false")
### direct_messages/sent (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimum id
* friendica_verbose: "true" enables different error returns (default: "false")
### direct_messages/new (POST,PUT; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* user_id: id of the user
* screen_name: screen name (for technical reasons, this value is not unique!)
* text: The message
* title: Title of the direct message
### direct_messages/destroy (POST,DELETE; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* id: id of the message to be deleted
* include_entities: optional, currently not yet implemented
* friendica_parenturi: optional, can be used for increased safety to delete only intended messages
#### Return values
On success:
* JSON return as defined for Twitter API not yet implemented
* on friendica_verbose=true: JSON return {"result":"ok","message":"message deleted"}
On error:
HTTP 400 BadRequest
* on friendica_verbose=true: different JSON returns {"result":"error","message":"xyz"}
### externalprofile/show (*)
#### Parameters
* profileurl: profile url
### favorites (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimum id
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* user_id
* screen_name
Set this values will result in an empty array.
### favorites/create (POST,PUT; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* id
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
### favorites/destroy (POST,DELETE; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* id
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
### followers/ids (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* stringify_ids: Send id numbers as text (true) or integers (false)? (default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* user_id
* screen_name
* cursor
Friendica doesn't allow showing the followers of other users.
### friends/ids (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* stringify_ids: Send the id numbers as text (true) or integers (false)? (default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* user_id
* screen_name
* cursor
Friendica doesn't allow showing the friends of other users.
### help/test (*)
### media/upload (POST,PUT; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* media: image data
### oauth/request_token (*)
#### Parameters
* oauth_callback
#### Unsupported parameters
* x_auth_access_type
### oauth/access_token (*)
#### Parameters
* oauth_verifier
#### Unsupported parameters
* x_auth_password
* x_auth_username
* x_auth_mode
### statuses/destroy (POST,DELETE; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* id: message number
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* trim_user
### statuses/followers (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
### statuses/friends (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
### blocks/list (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* page: page number
#### Unsupported parameters
* cursor
* skip_status
### statuses/friends_timeline (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimum id
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* include_rts
* trim_user
* contributor_details
### statuses/home_timeline (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimum id
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* include_rts
* trim_user
* contributor_details
### statuses/mentions (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimum id
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* include_rts
* trim_user
* contributor_details
### statuses/public_timeline (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimum id
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* trim_user
### statuses/networkpublic_timeline (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimum id
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
### statuses/replies (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* since_id: minimum id
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* include_rts
* trim_user
* contributor_details
### statuses/retweet (POST,PUT; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* id: message number
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* trim_user
### statuses/show (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* id: message number
* conversation: if set to "1" show all messages of the conversation with the given id
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* include_my_retweet
* trim_user
### statuses/update, statuses/update_with_media
#### Parameters
* title: Title of the status
* status: Status in text format
* htmlstatus: Status in HTML format
* media_ids: (By now only a single value, no array)
#### Unsupported parameters
* trim_user
* place_id
* display_coordinates
### statuses/user_timeline (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* user_id: id of the user
* screen_name: screen name (for technical reasons, this value is not unique!)
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* contributor_details
### statusnet/config (*)
### statusnet/conversation (*; AUTH)
It shows all direct answers (excluding the original post) to a given id.
#### Parameter
* id: id of the post
* count: Items per page (default: 20)
* page: page number
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
### statusnet/version (*)
#### Unsupported parameters
* user_id
* screen_name
* cursor
Friendica doesn't allow showing followers of other users.
### search (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* q: search query
* page: the page number (starting at 1) to return
* rpp: the number of statuses to return per page
* max_id: returns statuses with ids lower or equal to the given id
#### Unsupported parameters
* geocode
* lang
* locale
* include_entities
### users/search (*)
#### Parameters
* q: name of the user
#### Unsupported parameters
* page
* count
* include_entities
### users/show (*)
#### Parameters
* user_id: id of the user
* screen_name: screen name (for technical reasons, this value is not unique!)
* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
#### Unsupported parameters
* user_id
* screen_name
* cursor
Friendica doesn't allow showing friends of other users.
### users/lookup (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* user_id: list of ids to lookup
#### Unsupported parameters
* screen_name
* include_entities
### account/update_profile_image (POST; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* image: image data as base64 (Twitter has a limit of 700kb, Friendica allows more)
* profile_id (optional): id of the profile for which the image should be used, default is changing the default profile
#### Return values
On success:
* JSON return: returns the updated user details (see account/verify_credentials)
On error:
* 403 FORBIDDEN: if not authenticated
* 400 BADREQUEST: "no media data submitted", "profile_id not available"
* 500 INTERNALSERVERERROR: "image size exceeds PHP config settings, file was rejected by server",
"unable to process image data",
"image upload failed"
-## Implemented API calls (not compatible with other APIs)
+### friendships/incoming (*; AUTH)
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* cursor
+* stringify_ids
+## Implemented API calls (not compatible with other APIs)
-### friendica/activity/<verb>
+### friendica/activity/[verb]
#### parameters
* id: item id
Add or remove an activity from an item.
'verb' can be one of:
-- like
-- dislike
-- attendyes
-- attendno
-- attendmaybe
+* like
+* dislike
+* attendyes
+* attendno
+* attendmaybe
To remove an activity, prepend the verb with "un", eg. "unlike" or "undislike"
Attend verbs disable eachother: that means that if "attendyes" was added to an item, adding "attendno" remove previous "attendyes".
#### Return values
On success:
On error:
HTTP 400 BadRequest
### friendica/group_show (*; AUTH)
Return all or a specified group of the user with the containing contacts as array.
#### Parameters
* gid: optional, if not given, API returns all groups of the user
#### Return values
Array of:
* name: name of the group
* gid: id of the group
* user: array of group members (return from api_get_user() function for each member)
### friendica/group_delete (POST,DELETE; AUTH)
delete the specified group of contacts; API call need to include the correct gid AND name of the group to be deleted.
#### Parameters
* gid: id of the group to be deleted
* name: name of the group to be deleted
#### Return values
Array of:
* success: true if successfully deleted
* status: „deleted“ if successfully deleted
* wrong users: empty array
### friendica/group_create (POST,PUT; AUTH)
Create the group with the posted array of contacts as members.
#### Parameters
* name: name of the group to be created
#### POST data
JSON data as Array like the result of "users/group_show":
* gid
* array of users
#### Return values
Array of:
* success: true if successfully created or reactivated
* status: „missing user“ | „reactivated“ | „ok“
* wrong users: array of users, which were not available in the contact table
### friendica/group_update (POST)
Update the group with the posted array of contacts as members (post all members of the group to the call; function will remove members not posted).
#### Parameters
* gid: id of the group to be changed
* name: name of the group to be changed
#### POST data
JSON data as array like the result of „users/group_show“:
* gid
* array of users
#### Return values
Array of:
* success: true if successfully updated
* status: „missing user“ | „ok“
* wrong users: array of users, which were not available in the contact table
### friendica/notifications (GET)
Return last 50 notification for current user, ordered by date with unseen item on top
#### Parameters
#### Return values
Array of:
* id: id of the note
* link: link to note
* seen: seen state: 0 or 1
### friendica/notifications/seen (POST)
Set note as seen, returns item object if possible
#### Parameters
id: id of the note to set seen
#### Return values
If the note is linked to an item, the item is returned, just like one of the "statuses/*_timeline" api.
If the note is not linked to an item, a success status is returned:
-* "success" (json) | <status>success</status>;" (xml)
+* `success` (json) | `<status>success</status>` (xml)
### friendica/photo (*; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* photo_id: Resource id of a photo.
* scale: (optional) scale value of the photo
#### Return values
"id": "photo id"
"created": "date(YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)",
<id>photo id</id>
<created>date(YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)</created>
### friendica/photos/list (*; AUTH)
Returns a list of all photo resources of the logged in user.
#### Return values
id: "resource_id",
<photos type="array">
<photo id="resource_id"
album="album name"
### friendica/photoalbum/delete (POST,DELETE; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* album: name of the album to be deleted
deletes all images with the specified album name, is not reversible -> ensure that client is asking user for being sure to do this
#### Return values
On success:
* JSON return {"result":"deleted","message":"album 'xyz' with all containing photos has been deleted."}
On error:
* 403 FORBIDDEN: if not authenticated
* 400 BADREQUEST: "no albumname specified", "album not available"
* 500 INTERNALSERVERERROR: "problem with deleting item occured", "unknown error - deleting from database failed"
### friendica/photoalbum/update (POST,PUT; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* album: name of the album to be updated
* album_new: new name of the album
#### Return values
On success:
* JSON return {"result":"updated","message":"album 'abc' with all containing photos has been renamed to 'xyz'."}
On error:
* 403 FORBIDDEN: if not authenticated
* 400 BADREQUEST: "no albumname specified", "no new albumname specified", "album not available"
* 500 INTERNALSERVERERROR: "unknown error - updating in database failed"
### friendica/photo/create (POST; AUTH)
### friendica/photo/update (POST; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* photo_id (optional): if specified the photo with this id will be updated
* media (optional): image data as base64, only optional if photo_id is specified (new upload must have media)
* desc (optional): description for the photo, updated when photo_id is specified
#### Return values
On success:
* new photo uploaded: JSON return with photo data (see friendica/photo)
* photo updated - changed photo data: JSON return with photo data (see friendica/photo)
* photo updated - changed info: JSON return {"result":"updated","message":"Image id 'xyz' has been updated."}
* photo updated - nothing changed: JSON return {"result":"cancelled","message":"Nothing to update for image id 'xyz'."}
On error:
* 403 FORBIDDEN: if not authenticated
* 400 BADREQUEST: "no albumname specified", "no media data submitted", "photo not available", "acl data invalid"
* 500 INTERNALSERVERERROR: "image size exceeds PHP config settings, file was rejected by server",
"unknown error - update photo entry in database failed",
"unknown error - this error on uploading or updating a photo should never happen"
### friendica/photo/delete (DELETE; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* photo_id: id of the photo to be deleted
deletes a single image with the specified id, is not reversible -> ensure that client is asking user for being sure to do this
#### Return values
On success:
* JSON return {"result":"deleted","message":"photo with id 'xyz' has been deleted from server."}
On error:
* 403 FORBIDDEN: if not authenticated
* 400 BADREQUEST: "no photo_id specified", "photo not available"
* 500 INTERNALSERVERERROR: "unknown error on deleting photo", "problem with deleting items occurred"
### friendica/direct_messages_setseen (GET; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* id: id of the message to be updated as seen
#### Return values
On success:
* JSON return {"result":"ok","message":"message set to seen"}
On error:
* different JSON returns {"result":"error","message":"xyz"}
### friendica/direct_messages_search (GET; AUTH)
#### Parameters
* searchstring: string for which the API call should search as '%searchstring%' in field 'body' of all messages of the authenticated user (caption ignored)
#### Return values
Returns only tested with JSON, XML might work as well.
On success:
* JSON return {"success":"true","search_results": array of found messages}
* JSOn return {"success":"false","search_results":"nothing found"}
On error:
* different JSON returns {"result":"error","message":"searchstring not specified"}
### friendica/profile/show (GET; AUTH)
show data of all profiles or a single profile of the authenticated user
#### Parameters
* profile_id: id of the profile to be returned (optional, if omitted all profiles are returned by default)
#### Return values
On success: Array of:
* multi_profiles: true if user has activated multi_profiles
HTTP 400 Bad Request: if given profile_id is not in the database or is not assigned to the authenticated user
General description of profile data in API returns:
* profile_id
* profile_name
* is_default: true if this is the public profile
* users: array with the users allowed to view this profile (empty if is_default=true)
-### friendships/incoming (*; AUTH)
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* cursor
-* stringify_ids
## Not Implemented API calls
The following API calls are implemented in GNU Social but not in Friendica: (incomplete)
* statuses/retweets_of_me
## Usage Examples
### BASH / cURL
/usr/bin/curl -u USER:PASS https://YOUR.FRIENDICA.TLD/api/statuses/update.xml -d source="some source id" -d status="the status you want to post"
### Python
-The [RSStoFriedika](https://github.com/pafcu/RSStoFriendika) code can be used as an example of how to use the API with python.
+The [RSStoFriendika](https://github.com/pafcu/RSStoFriendika) code can be used as an example of how to use the API with python.
The lines for posting are located at [line 21](https://github.com/pafcu/RSStoFriendika/blob/master/RSStoFriendika.py#L21) and following.
def tweet(server, message, group_allow=None):