nachdem du dich angemeldet hast.
Nimm dir bitte ein paar Augenblicke Zeit um die anderen Einstellungen deines
-Accounts zu bearbeiten. Standardmäßig ist dein Account privat und versteckt
-(unsichtbar für andere Personen). Falls du möchtest kannst du dein Profil
-veröffentlichen, damit andere Leute dich im Verzeichnis finden.
+Accounts zu bearbeiten.
Vielen Dank und Willkommen auf $sitename.
Please take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.
-By default your account is private and hidden (invisible to other people).
-You might wish to change this by publishing your profile - so that it appears
-in a directory and other people can find you.
Thank you and welcome to $sitename.
Please take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.
-By default your account is private and hidden (invisible to other people).
-You might wish to change this by publishing your profile - so that it appears
-in a directory and other people can find you.
Thank you and welcome to $sitename.
Prenditi un momento per rivedere le altre impostazioni dell'account su quella
-Di defaulti il tuo account è privato e nascosto (invisibile alle altre persone).
-Puoi voler cambiarlo pubblicando il tuo profilo, così che appaia nell'elenco
-e le altro persone possono trovarti.
Grazie e benventuo su $sitename.