- Load instrument approaches from an ARINC 424-18 file.
+ Load instrument approaches from an ARINC 424 file.
+ Tested on ARINC 424-18.
Known / current best guess at the format:
Col 1: Always 'S'. If it isn't, ditch it.
Col 2-4: "Customer area" code, eg "USA", "CAN". I think that CAN is used for Alaska.
fin.open(path.c_str(), ios::in);
if(!fin) {
- cout << "Unable to open input file " << path.c_str() << '\n';
+ //cout << "Unable to open input file " << path.c_str() << '\n';
} else {
- cout << "Opened " << path.c_str() << " for reading\n";
+ //cout << "Opened " << path.c_str() << " for reading\n";
char tmp[256];
string s;
if(last_apt_ident != apt_ident) {
if(iap_in_progress) {
if(iap_error) {
- cout << "ERROR: Unable to load approach " << iap->_ident << " at " << iap->_aptIdent << '\n';
+ //cout << "ERROR: Unable to load approach " << iap->_ident << " at " << iap->_aptIdent << '\n';
} else {
// This is a new approach - store the last one and trigger
// starting afresh by setting the in progress flag to false.
if(iap_error) {
- cout << "ERROR: Unable to load approach " << iap->_ident << " at " << iap->_aptIdent << '\n';
+ //cout << "ERROR: Unable to load approach " << iap->_ident << " at " << iap->_aptIdent << '\n';
} else {
// Note: Currently fgFindAirportID returns NULL on error, but getRunwayByIdent throws an exception.
const FGAirport* apt = fgFindAirportID(iap->_aptIdent);
if(apt) {
+ string rwystr;
try {
- // TODO - sanity check the waypoint ID to ensure we have a double digit number
- FGRunway* rwy = apt->getRunwayByIdent(w.id.substr(2, 2));
+ rwystr = w.id.substr(2, 2);
+ // TODO - sanity check the rwystr at this point to ensure we have a double digit number
+ if(w.id.size() > 4) {
+ if(w.id[4] == 'L' || w.id[4] == 'C' || w.id[4] == 'R') {
+ rwystr += w.id[4];
+ }
+ }
+ FGRunway* rwy = apt->getRunwayByIdent(rwystr);
w.lat = rwy->begin().getLatitudeRad();
w.lon = rwy->begin().getLongitudeRad();
} catch(const sg_exception&) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_WARN, "Unable to find runway " << w.id.substr(2, 2) << " at airport " << iap->_aptIdent);
+ //cout << "Unable to find runway " << w.id.substr(2, 2) << " at airport " << iap->_aptIdent << " ( w.id = " << w.id << ", rwystr = " << rwystr << " )\n";
wp_error = true;
} else {
if(iap->_IAP[iap->_IAP.size() - 1]->appType == GPS_APP_NONE) {
iap->_IAP[iap->_IAP.size() - 1]->appType = GPS_MAHP;
} else {
- cout << "Waypoint is MAHP and another type! " << w.id << " [" << apt_ident << ", " << iap_ident << "]\n";
+ //cout << "Waypoint is MAHP and another type! " << w.id << " [" << apt_ident << ", " << iap_ident << "]\n";
// This is a new approach - store the last one and trigger
// starting afresh by setting the in progress flag to false.
if(iap_error) {
- cout << "ERROR: Unable to load approach " << iap->_ident << " at " << iap->_aptIdent << '\n';
+ //cout << "ERROR: Unable to load approach " << iap->_ident << " at " << iap->_aptIdent << '\n';
} else {
// TODO - sanity check that the approach has all the required elements
if(iap_in_progress) {
if(iap_error) {
- cout << "ERROR: Unable to load approach " << iap->_ident << " at " << iap->_aptIdent << '\n';
+ //cout << "ERROR: Unable to load approach " << iap->_ident << " at " << iap->_aptIdent << '\n';
} else {
- cout << "Done loading approach database\n";
- cout << "Loaded: " << nLoaded << '\n';
- cout << "Failed: " << nErrors << '\n';
+ //cout << "Done loading approach database\n";
+ //cout << "Loaded: " << nLoaded << '\n';
+ //cout << "Failed: " << nErrors << '\n';