This is usefull if sounds gets to loud. Anything higher will be
truncated to this value.
+ <position>
+ Specify the position of the sounds source relative to the
+ pilot's ears. The coordinate system used is a right hand
+ coordinate system where -X = left, +X = right, -Y = down, +Y =
+ up, -Z = forward, +Z = aft. Distances are in meters.
+ <x>
+ X dimension offset
+ <y>
+ Y dimension offset
+ <z>
+ Z dimension offset
+ <reference-dist>
+ Set a reference distance of sound in meters. This is the
+ distance where the gain/volume will be halved. This can be
+ useful for limiting cockpit sounds to the cockpit.
+ <max-dist>
+ Set the maximum audible distance for the sound in meters.
+ This can be useful for limiting cockpit sounds to the cockpit.
Creating a configrationfile: