config section below for how to configure to use STOMP. As of this
writing, the software has been tested with ActiveMQ (
-Twitter Friends Syncing
+Twitter Bridge
+* OAuth
+As of 0.8.1, OAuth is used to to access protected resources on Twitter
+instead of HTTP Basic Auth. To use Twitter bridging you will need
+to register your instance of Laconica as an application on Twitter
+(, and update the following variables in your
+config.php with the consumer key and secret Twitter generates for you:
+ $config['twitter']['consumer_key'] = 'YOURKEY';
+ $config['twitter']['consumer_secret'] = 'YOURSECRET';
+When registering your application with Twitter set the type to "Browser"
+and your Callback URL to:
+The default access type should be, "Read & Write".
+* Importing statuses from Twitter
+To allow your users to import their friends' Twitter statuses, you will
+need to enable the bidirectional Twitter bridge in config.php:
+ $config['twitterbridge']['enabled'] = true;
+and run the TwitterStatusFetcher daemon (scripts/twitterstatusfetcher.php).
+Additionally, you will want to set the integration source variable,
+which will keep notices posted to Twitter via Laconica from looping
+back. The integration source should be set to the name of your
+application, exactly as you specified it on the settings page for your
+Laconica application on Twitter, e.g.:
-As of Laconica 0.6.3, users may set a flag in their settings ("Subscribe
-to my Twitter friends here" under the Twitter tab) to have Laconica
-attempt to locate and subscribe to "friends" (people they "follow") on
-Twitter who also have accounts on your Laconica system, and who have
-previously set up a link for automatically posting notices to Twitter.
+ $config['integration']['source'] = 'YourApp';
-Optionally, there is a script (./scripts/synctwitterfriends.php), meant
-to be run periodically from a job scheduler (e.g.: cron under Unix), to
-look for new additions to users' friends lists. Note that the friends
-syncing only subscribes users to each other, it does not unsubscribe
-users when they stop following each other on Twitter.
+* Twitter Friends Syncing
-Sample cron job:
+Users may set a flag in their settings ("Subscribe to my Twitter friends
+here" under the Twitter tab) to have Laconica attempt to locate and
+subscribe to "friends" (people they "follow") on Twitter who also have
+accounts on your Laconica system, and who have previously set up a link
+for automatically posting notices to Twitter.
-# Update Twitter friends subscriptions every half hour
-0,30 * * * * /path/to/php /path/to/laconica/scripts/synctwitterfriends.php>&/dev/null
+As of 0.8.0, this is no longer accomplished via a cron job. Instead you
+must run the SyncTwitterFriends daemon (scripts/synctwitterfreinds.php).
Built-in Facebook Application