- double yaw_offset = sm->yaw_offset->get_value();
- double pitch_offset = sm->pitch_offset->get_value();
+ // Compute initial orientation using yaw and pitch offsets and parent's orientation
+ const double yaw_offset = sm->yaw_offset->get_value();
+ const double pitch_offset = sm->pitch_offset->get_value();
- // Compute azimuth and elevation given the yaw and pitch offsets
SGQuatd ic_quat = SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg(IC.azimuth, IC.elevation, IC.roll);
ic_quat *= SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg(yaw_offset, pitch_offset, 0.0);
- double ic_roll;
- ic_quat.getEulerDeg(IC.azimuth, IC.elevation, ic_roll);
+ // Calculate total speed using speeds of submodel and parent
+ SGVec3d total_speed = SGVec3d(IC.speed_north_fps, IC.speed_east_fps, IC.speed_down_fps);
+ total_speed += ic_quat.rotate(SGVec3d(sm->speed, 0, 0));
- // Calculate the total speed north
- IC.total_speed_north = sm->speed * cos(IC.elevation * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS)
- * cos(IC.azimuth * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) + IC.speed_north_fps;
- // Calculate the total speed east
- IC.total_speed_east = sm->speed * cos(IC.elevation * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS)
- * sin(IC.azimuth * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) + IC.speed_east_fps;
- // Calculate the total speed down
- IC.total_speed_down = sm->speed * -sin(IC.elevation * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS)
- + IC.speed_down_fps;
- // Re-calculate speed, elevation and azimuth
- IC.speed = sqrt(IC.total_speed_north * IC.total_speed_north
- + IC.total_speed_east * IC.total_speed_east
- + IC.total_speed_down * IC.total_speed_down);
- cout << "sm speed: " << sm->speed << " IC speed: " << IC.speed << endl;
- cout << "az1: " << IC.azimuth << " el1: " << IC.elevation << endl;
+ IC.speed = length(total_speed);
// If speeds are low this calculation can become unreliable
if (IC.speed > 1) {
- IC.azimuth = atan2(IC.total_speed_east, IC.total_speed_north) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
+ const double total_speed_north = total_speed.x();
+ const double total_speed_east = total_speed.y();
+ const double total_speed_down = total_speed.z();
+ IC.azimuth = atan2(total_speed_east, total_speed_north) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
// Rationalize the output
if (IC.azimuth < 0)
else if (IC.azimuth >= 360)
IC.azimuth -= 360;
- IC.elevation = -atan(IC.total_speed_down / sqrt(IC.total_speed_north
- * IC.total_speed_north + IC.total_speed_east * IC.total_speed_east))
+ IC.elevation = -atan(total_speed_down / sqrt(total_speed_north
+ * total_speed_north + total_speed_east * total_speed_east))
- cout << "az2: " << IC.azimuth << " el2: " << IC.elevation << endl;
+ else {
+ double ic_roll;
+ ic_quat.getEulerDeg(IC.azimuth, IC.elevation, ic_roll);
+ }
void FGSubmodelMgr::updatelat(double lat)