#include <Main/fg_os.hxx> // fgGetKeyModifiers()
#include <Scripting/NasalSys.hxx>
+#include <simgear/canvas/Canvas.hxx>
CanvasWidget::CanvasWidget( int x, int y,
int width, int height,
- // Get the first unused canvas slot
- SGPropertyNode* canvas_root = fgGetNode("/canvas/by-index", true);
- for(int index = 0;; ++index)
+ _canvas = _canvas_mgr->createCanvas
+ (
+ props->getStringValue("name", "gui-anonymous")
+ );
+ int view[2] = {
+ // Get canvas viewport size. If not specified use the widget dimensions
+ props->getIntValue("view[0]", width),
+ props->getIntValue("view[1]", height)
+ };
+ SGPropertyNode* cprops = _canvas->getProps();
+ cprops->setIntValue("size[0]", view[0] * 2); // use higher resolution
+ cprops->setIntValue("size[1]", view[1] * 2); // for antialias
+ cprops->setIntValue("view[0]", view[0]);
+ cprops->setIntValue("view[1]", view[1]);
+ cprops->setBoolValue("render-always", true);
+ cprops->setStringValue( "name",
+ props->getStringValue("name", "gui-anonymous") );
+ SGPropertyNode* input = cprops->getChild("input", 0, true);
+ _mouse_x = input->getChild("mouse-x", 0, true);
+ _mouse_y = input->getChild("mouse-y", 0, true);
+ _mouse_down = input->getChild("mouse-down", 0, true);
+ _mouse_drag = input->getChild("mouse-drag", 0, true);
+ SGPropertyNode *nasal = props->getNode("nasal");
+ if( !nasal )
+ return;
+ FGNasalSys *nas = dynamic_cast<FGNasalSys*>(globals->get_subsystem("nasal"));
+ if( !nas )
+ "CanvasWidget: Failed to get nasal subsystem!" );
+ const std::string file = std::string("__canvas:")
+ + cprops->getStringValue("name");
+ SGPropertyNode *load = nasal->getNode("load");
+ if( load )
- if( !canvas_root->getChild("texture", index) )
- {
- int view[2] = {
- // Get canvas viewport size. If not specified use the widget dimensions
- props->getIntValue("view[0]", width),
- props->getIntValue("view[1]", height)
- };
- _canvas = canvas_root->getChild("texture", index, true);
- _canvas->setIntValue("size[0]", view[0] * 2); // use higher resolution
- _canvas->setIntValue("size[1]", view[1] * 2); // for antialias
- _canvas->setIntValue("view[0]", view[0]);
- _canvas->setIntValue("view[1]", view[1]);
- _canvas->setBoolValue("render-always", true);
- _canvas->setStringValue( "name",
- props->getStringValue("name", "gui-anonymous") );
- SGPropertyNode* input = _canvas->getChild("input", 0, true);
- _mouse_x = input->getChild("mouse-x", 0, true);
- _mouse_y = input->getChild("mouse-y", 0, true);
- _mouse_down = input->getChild("mouse-down", 0, true);
- _mouse_drag = input->getChild("mouse-drag", 0, true);
- SGPropertyNode *nasal = props->getNode("nasal");
- if( !nasal )
- break;
- FGNasalSys *nas =
- dynamic_cast<FGNasalSys*>(globals->get_subsystem("nasal"));
- if( !nas )
- "CanvasWidget: Failed to get nasal subsystem!" );
- const std::string file = std::string("__canvas:")
- + _canvas->getStringValue("name");
- SGPropertyNode *load = nasal->getNode("load");
- if( load )
- {
- const char *s = load->getStringValue();
- nas->handleCommand(module.c_str(), file.c_str(), s, _canvas);
- }
- break;
- }
+ const char *s = load->getStringValue();
+ nas->handleCommand(module.c_str(), file.c_str(), s, cprops);
if( _canvas )
- _canvas->getParent()
- ->removeChild(_canvas->getName(), _canvas->getIndex(), false);
+ // TODO check if really not in use anymore
+ _canvas->getProps()
+ ->getParent()
+ ->removeChild( _canvas->getProps()->getName(),
+ _canvas->getProps()->getIndex(),
+ false );
puObject::setSize(w, h);
- _canvas->setIntValue("view[0]", w);
- _canvas->setIntValue("view[1]", h);
+ _canvas->getProps()->setIntValue("view[0]", w);
+ _canvas->getProps()->setIntValue("view[1]", h);
if( !_tex_id )
- _tex_id = _canvas_mgr->getCanvasTexId(_canvas->getIndex());
+ _tex_id = _canvas_mgr->getCanvasTexId( _canvas->getProps()->getIndex() );
// Normally we should be able to get the texture after one frame. I don't
// know if there are circumstances where it can take longer, so we don't
#include "NasalCanvas.hxx"
#include <Canvas/canvas_mgr.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
+#include <Scripting/NasalSys.hxx>
#include <osgGA/GUIEventAdapter>
-static naRef f_createCanvas(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
+SGPropertyNode& requireArg(naContext c, int argc, naRef* args, int index = 0)
+ if( argc <= index )
+ naRuntimeError(c, "missing argument #%d", index);
+ SGPropertyNode* props = ghostToPropNode(args[index]);
+ if( !props )
+ naRuntimeError(c, "arg #%d: not a SGPropertyNode ghost");
+ return *props;
+CanvasMgr& requireCanvasMgr(naContext c)
CanvasMgr* canvas_mgr =
if( !canvas_mgr )
- return naNil();
+ naRuntimeError(c, "Failed to get Canvas subsystem");
- return NasalCanvas::create(c, canvas_mgr->createCanvas());
+ return *canvas_mgr;
+ * Create new Canvas and get ghost for it.
+ */
+static naRef f_createCanvas(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
+ return NasalCanvas::create(c, requireCanvasMgr(c).createCanvas());
+ * Get ghost for existing Canvas.
+ */
+static naRef f_getCanvas(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
+ SGPropertyNode& props = requireArg(c, argc, args);
+ CanvasMgr& canvas_mgr = requireCanvasMgr(c);
+ sc::CanvasPtr canvas;
+ if( canvas_mgr.getPropertyRoot() == props.getParent() )
+ {
+ // get a canvas specified by its root node
+ canvas = canvas_mgr.getCanvas( props.getIndex() );
+ if( !canvas || canvas->getProps() != &props )
+ return naNil();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // get a canvas by name
+ if( props.hasValue("name") )
+ canvas = canvas_mgr.getCanvas( props.getStringValue("name") );
+ else if( props.hasValue("index") )
+ canvas = canvas_mgr.getCanvas( props.getIntValue("index") );
+ }
+ return NasalCanvas::create(c, canvas);
naRef f_canvasCreateGroup( sc::Canvas& canvas,
canvas_module = globals_module.createHash("canvas");
canvas_module.set("_newCanvasGhost", f_createCanvas);
+ canvas_module.set("_getCanvasGhost", f_getCanvas);
return naNil();