#include <osg/AlphaFunc>
#include <osg/BlendFunc>
#include <osg/Camera>
-#include <osg/CameraView>
#include <osg/CullFace>
#include <osg/Depth>
#include <osg/Fog>
// Sky structures
SGSky *thesky;
-osg::ref_ptr<osgUtil::SceneView> sceneView = new osgUtil::SceneView; // This SceneView is used by class FGJpegHttpd ( jpg-httpd.cxx )
static osg::ref_ptr<osg::FrameStamp> mFrameStamp = new osg::FrameStamp;
static osg::ref_ptr<SGUpdateVisitor> mUpdateVisitor= new SGUpdateVisitor;
static osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> mRoot = new osg::Group;
-static osg::ref_ptr<osg::CameraView> mCameraView = new osg::CameraView;
static osg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> mBackGroundCamera = new osg::Camera;
FGRenderer::splashinit( void ) {
osgViewer::Viewer* viewer = globals->get_renderer()->getViewer();
- if (viewer) {
- sceneView = 0;
- mRealRoot = dynamic_cast<osg::Group*>(viewer->getSceneData());
- mRealRoot->addChild(fgCreateSplashNode());
- mFrameStamp = viewer->getFrameStamp();
- // Scene doesn't seem to pass the frame stamp to the update
- // visitor automatically.
- mUpdateVisitor->setFrameStamp(mFrameStamp.get());
+ mRealRoot = dynamic_cast<osg::Group*>(viewer->getSceneData());
+ mRealRoot->addChild(fgCreateSplashNode());
+ mFrameStamp = viewer->getFrameStamp();
+ // Scene doesn't seem to pass the frame stamp to the update
+ // visitor automatically.
+ mUpdateVisitor->setFrameStamp(mFrameStamp.get());
- viewer->setUpdateVisitor(mUpdateVisitor.get());
+ viewer->setUpdateVisitor(mUpdateVisitor.get());
- osgViewer::Scene* scene = viewer->getScene();
- scene->setUpdateVisitor(mUpdateVisitor.get());
+ osgViewer::Scene* scene = viewer->getScene();
+ scene->setUpdateVisitor(mUpdateVisitor.get());
- } else {
- // Add the splash screen node
- mRealRoot->addChild(fgCreateSplashNode());
- sceneView->setSceneData(mRealRoot.get());
- sceneView->setDefaults(osgUtil::SceneView::COMPILE_GLOBJECTS_AT_INIT);
- sceneView->setFrameStamp(mFrameStamp.get());
- sceneView->setUpdateVisitor(mUpdateVisitor.get());
- }
- if (viewer) {
- viewer->getCamera()
- ->setComputeNearFarMode(osg::CullSettings::DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR);
- } else {
- sceneView->setComputeNearFarMode(osg::CullSettings::DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR);
- sceneView->getCamera()->setComputeNearFarMode(osg::CullSettings::DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR);
- }
+ viewer->getCamera()
+ ->setComputeNearFarMode(osg::CullSettings::DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR);
osg::StateSet* stateSet = mRoot->getOrCreateStateSet();
stateSet->setMode(GL_LIGHTING, osg::StateAttribute::OFF);
geode->addDrawable(new SGHUDAndPanelDrawable);
- mCameraView->addChild(mRoot.get());
osg::Switch* sw = new osg::Switch;
sw->setUpdateCallback(new FGScenerySwitchCallback);
- sw->addChild(mCameraView.get());
+ sw->addChild(mRoot.get());
-// sceneView->getState()->setCheckForGLErrors(osg::State::ONCE_PER_ATTRIBUTE);
fgSetDouble("/sim/startup/splash-alpha", 1.0);
// Keep resetting sim time while the sim is initializing
- globals->set_sim_time_sec( 0.0 );
// the splash screen is now in the scenegraph
- if (!viewer) {
- sceneView->update();
- sceneView->cull();
- sceneView->draw();
- }
+ globals->set_sim_time_sec( 0.0 );
SGVec3d position = current__view->getViewPosition();
SGQuatd attitude = current__view->getViewOrientation();
SGVec3d osgPosition = attitude.transform(-position);
- if (viewer) {
- FGManipulator *manipulator
- = globals->get_renderer()->getManipulator();
- manipulator->setPosition(position.osg());
- manipulator->setAttitude(attitude.osg());
- } else {
- mCameraView->setPosition(osgPosition.osg());
- mCameraView->setAttitude(inverse(attitude).osg());
- }
+ FGManipulator *manipulator = globals->get_renderer()->getManipulator();
+ manipulator->setPosition(position.osg());
+ manipulator->setAttitude(attitude.osg());
- osg::Camera *camera;
- if (viewer)
- camera = viewer->getCamera();
- else
- camera = sceneView->getCamera();
+ osg::Camera *camera = viewer->getCamera();
if ( skyblend ) {
if ( fgGetBool("/sim/rendering/textures") ) {
// shadows->endOfFrame();
// need to call the update visitor once
- if (!viewer) {
- mFrameStamp->setReferenceTime(globals->get_sim_time_sec());
- mFrameStamp->setSimulationTime(globals->get_sim_time_sec());
- mFrameStamp->setFrameNumber(1+mFrameStamp->getFrameNumber());
- }
if (hotspots)
cullMask |= simgear::PICK_BIT;
- if (viewer) {
- camera->setCullMask(cullMask);
- for (int i = 0; i < viewer->getNumSlaves(); ++i)
- viewer->getSlave(i)._camera->setCullMask(cullMask);
- } else {
- sceneView->setCullMask(cullMask);
- sceneView->update();
- sceneView->cull();
- sceneView->draw();
- }
+ camera->setCullMask(cullMask);
+ for (int i = 0; i < viewer->getNumSlaves(); ++i)
+ viewer->getSlave(i)._camera->setCullMask(cullMask);
} else {
view_h = height;
- osgViewer::Viewer* viewer = globals->get_renderer()->getViewer();
- if (viewer)
- ;
- // viewer->getCamera()->getViewport()->setViewport(0, height - view_h,
-// width, view_h);
- else
- sceneView->getViewport()->setViewport(0, height - view_h,
- width, view_h);
static int lastwidth = 0;
static int lastheight = 0;
fov_width = w;
fov_height = h;
osgViewer::Viewer* viewer = globals->get_renderer()->getViewer();
- if (viewer)
- viewer->getCamera()->setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective(fov_height, 4.0/3.0, fov_near, fov_far);
- else
- sceneView->setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective(fov_height,
- fov_width/fov_height,
- fov_near, fov_far);
+ viewer->getCamera()->setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective(fov_height, 4.0/3.0,
+ fov_near, fov_far);
fov_near = n;
fov_far = f;
osgViewer::Viewer* viewer = globals->get_renderer()->getViewer();
- if (viewer)
- viewer->getCamera()->setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective(fov_height, 4.0/3.0, fov_near, fov_far);
- else
- sceneView->setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective(fov_height,
- fov_width/fov_height,
- fov_near, fov_far);
+ viewer->getCamera()->setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective(fov_height, 4.0/3.0,
+ fov_near, fov_far);
// wipe out the return ...
- if (sceneView.valid()) {
- osg::Node* sceneData = globals->get_scenery()->get_scene_graph();
- if (!sceneData)
- return false;
- osg::Viewport* viewport = sceneView->getViewport();
- if (!viewport)
- return false;
- // don't know why, but the update has partly happened somehow,
- // so update the scenery part of the viewer
- FGViewer *current_view = globals->get_current_view();
- // Force update of center dependent values ...
- current_view->set_dirty();
- SGVec3d position = current_view->getViewPosition();
- SGQuatd attitude = current_view->getViewOrientation();
- SGVec3d osgPosition = attitude.transform(-position);
- mCameraView->setPosition(osgPosition.osg());
- mCameraView->setAttitude(inverse(attitude).osg());
- osg::Matrix projection(sceneView->getProjectionMatrix());
- osg::Matrix modelview(sceneView->getViewMatrix());
- osg::NodePathList nodePath = sceneData->getParentalNodePaths();
- // modify the view matrix so that it accounts for this nodePath's
- // accumulated transform
- if (!nodePath.empty())
- modelview.preMult(computeLocalToWorld(nodePath.front()));
- // swap the y values ...
- y = viewport->height() - y;
- // set up the pick visitor
- osgUtil::PickVisitor pickVisitor(viewport, projection, modelview, x, y);
- sceneData->accept(pickVisitor);
- if (!pickVisitor.hits())
- return false;
- // collect all interaction callbacks on the pick ray.
- // They get stored in the pickCallbacks list where they are sorted back
- // to front and croasest to finest wrt the scenery node they are attached to
- osgUtil::PickVisitor::LineSegmentHitListMap::const_iterator mi;
- for (mi = pickVisitor.getSegHitList().begin();
- mi != pickVisitor.getSegHitList().end();
- ++mi) {
- osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList::const_iterator hi;
- for (hi = mi->second.begin(); hi != mi->second.end(); ++hi) {
- // ok, go back the nodes and ask for intersection callbacks,
- // execute them in top down order
- const osg::NodePath& np = hi->getNodePath();
- osg::NodePath::const_reverse_iterator npi;
- for (npi = np.rbegin(); npi != np.rend(); ++npi) {
- SGSceneUserData* ud = SGSceneUserData::getSceneUserData(*npi);
- if (!ud)
- continue;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < ud->getNumPickCallbacks(); ++i) {
- SGPickCallback* pickCallback = ud->getPickCallback(i);
- if (!pickCallback)
- continue;
- SGSceneryPick sceneryPick;
- /// note that this is done totally in doubles instead of
- /// just using getWorldIntersectionPoint
- osg::Vec3d localPt = hi->getLocalIntersectPoint();
- sceneryPick.info.local = SGVec3d(localPt);
- if (hi->getMatrix())
- sceneryPick.info.wgs84 = SGVec3d(localPt*(*hi->getMatrix()));
- else
- sceneryPick.info.wgs84 = SGVec3d(localPt);
- sceneryPick.callback = pickCallback;
- pickList.push_back(sceneryPick);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return !pickList.empty();
- } else if (viewer) {
+ if (viewer) {
// just compute intersections in the viewers method ...
typedef osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections Intersections;
Intersections intersections;
return !pickList.empty();
} else { // we can get called early ...
return false;