# Start the DHT lookup
lookupDefer = self.manager.dht.getValue(key)
- lookupDefer.addCallback(self._getDHTPieces, key)
+ lookupDefer.addBoth(self._getDHTPieces, key)
def _getDHTPieces(self, results, key):
"""Check the retrieved values."""
- for result in results:
- # Make sure the hash matches the key
- result_hash = sha.new(result.get('t', '')).digest()
- if result_hash == key:
- pieces = result['t']
- self.pieces = [pieces[x:x+20] for x in xrange(0, len(pieces), 20)]
- log.msg('Retrieved %d piece hashes from the DHT' % len(self.pieces))
- self.startDownload()
- return
+ if isinstance(results, list):
+ for result in results:
+ # Make sure the hash matches the key
+ result_hash = sha.new(result.get('t', '')).digest()
+ if result_hash == key:
+ pieces = result['t']
+ self.pieces = [pieces[x:x+20] for x in xrange(0, len(pieces), 20)]
+ log.msg('Retrieved %d piece hashes from the DHT' % len(self.pieces))
+ self.startDownload()
+ return
+ log.msg('Could not retrieve the piece hashes from the DHT')
+ else:
+ log.msg('Looking up piece hashes in the DHT resulted in an error: %r' % (result, ))
# Continue without the piece hashes
- log.msg('Could not retrieve the piece hashes from the DHT')
self.pieces = [None for x in xrange(0, self.hash.expSize, PIECE_SIZE)]
log.msg('Looking up hash in DHT for file: %s' % url)
key = hash.expected()
lookupDefer = self.dht.getValue(key)
- lookupDefer.addCallback(self.lookupHash_done, hash, url, d)
+ lookupDefer.addBoth(self.lookupHash_done, hash, url, d)
def lookupHash_done(self, values, hash, url, d):
"""Start the download of the file.
@param values: the returned values from the DHT containing peer
download information
- if not values:
- log.msg('Peers for %s were not found' % url)
+ if not isinstance(values, list) or not values:
+ if not isinstance(values, list):
+ log.msg('DHT lookup for %s failed with error %r' % (url, values))
+ else:
+ log.msg('Peers for %s were not found' % url)
getDefer = self.peers.get(hash, url)
getDefer.addCallback(self.cache.save_file, hash, url)
getDefer.addErrback(self.cache.save_error, url)
value['l'] = sha.new(''.join(pieces)).digest()
storeDefer = self.dht.storeValue(key, value)
- storeDefer.addCallback(self.store_done, hash)
+ storeDefer.addCallbacks(self.store_done, self.store_error,
+ callbackArgs = (hash, ), errbackArgs = (hash.digest(), ))
return storeDefer
def store_done(self, result, hash):
value = {'t': ''.join(pieces)}
storeDefer = self.dht.storeValue(key, value)
- storeDefer.addCallback(self.store_torrent_done, key)
+ storeDefer.addCallbacks(self.store_torrent_done, self.store_error,
+ callbackArgs = (key, ), errbackArgs = (key, ))
return storeDefer
return result
"""Adding the file to the DHT is complete, and so is the workflow."""
log.msg('Added torrent string %s to the DHT: %r' % (b2a_hex(key), result))
return result
+ def store_error(self, err, key):
+ """Adding to the DHT failed."""
+ log.msg('An error occurred adding %s to the DHT: %r' % (b2a_hex(key), err))
+ return err
\ No newline at end of file
@ivar joined: whether the DHT network has been successfully joined
@type outstandingJoins: C{int}
@ivar outstandingJoins: the number of bootstrap nodes that have yet to respond
+ @type next_rejoin: C{int}
+ @ivar next_rejoin: the number of seconds before retrying the next join
@type foundAddrs: C{list} of (C{string}, C{int})
@ivar foundAddrs: the IP address an port that were returned by bootstrap nodes
@type storing: C{dictionary}
self.bootstrap = []
self.bootstrap_node = False
self.joining = None
+ self.khashmir = None
self.joined = False
self.outstandingJoins = 0
+ self.next_rejoin = 20
self.foundAddrs = []
self.storing = {}
self.retrieving = {}
self.config[k] = self.config_parser.get(section, k)
- def join(self):
- """See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHT}."""
- if self.config is None:
- raise DHTError, "configuration not loaded"
+ def join(self, deferred = None):
+ """See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHT}.
+ @param deferred: the deferred to callback when the join is complete
+ (optional, defaults to creating a new deferred and returning it)
+ """
+ # Check for multiple simultaneous joins
if self.joining:
- raise DHTError, "a join is already in progress"
+ if deferred:
+ deferred.errback(DHTError("a join is already in progress"))
+ return
+ else:
+ raise DHTError, "a join is already in progress"
+ if deferred:
+ self.joining = deferred
+ else:
+ self.joining = defer.Deferred()
+ if self.config is None:
+ self.joining.errback(DHTError("configuration not loaded"))
+ return self.joining
# Create the new khashmir instance
- self.khashmir = Khashmir(self.config, self.cache_dir)
- self.joining = defer.Deferred()
+ if not self.khashmir:
+ self.khashmir = Khashmir(self.config, self.cache_dir)
for node in self.bootstrap:
host, port = node.rsplit(':', 1)
port = int(port)
def _join_complete(self, result):
"""End the joining process and return the addresses found for this node."""
- if not self.joined and len(result) > 0:
+ if not self.joined and len(result) > 1:
self.joined = True
if self.joining and self.outstandingJoins <= 0:
df = self.joining
self.joined = True
- df.errback(DHTError('could not find any nodes to bootstrap to'))
+ # Try to join later using exponential backoff delays
+ log.msg('Join failed, retrying in %d seconds' % self.next_rejoin)
+ reactor.callLater(self.next_rejoin, self.join, df)
+ self.next_rejoin *= 2
def getAddrs(self):
"""Get the list of addresses returned by bootstrap nodes for this node."""
def getValue(self, key):
"""See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHT}."""
+ d = defer.Deferred()
if self.config is None:
- raise DHTError, "configuration not loaded"
+ d.errback(DHTError("configuration not loaded"))
+ return d
if not self.joined:
- raise DHTError, "have not joined a network yet"
+ d.errback(DHTError("have not joined a network yet"))
+ return d
key = self._normKey(key)
- d = defer.Deferred()
if key not in self.retrieving:
self.khashmir.valueForKey(key, self._getValue)
self.retrieving.setdefault(key, []).append(d)
def storeValue(self, key, value):
"""See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHT}."""
+ d = defer.Deferred()
if self.config is None:
- raise DHTError, "configuration not loaded"
+ d.errback(DHTError("configuration not loaded"))
+ return d
if not self.joined:
- raise DHTError, "have not joined a network yet"
+ d.errback(DHTError("have not joined a network yet"))
+ return d
key = self._normKey(key)
bvalue = bencode(value)
if key in self.storing and bvalue in self.storing[key]:
raise DHTError, "already storing that key with the same value"
- d = defer.Deferred()
self.khashmir.storeValueForKey(key, bvalue, self._storeValue)
self.storing.setdefault(key, {})[bvalue] = d
return d
class TestSimpleDHT(unittest.TestCase):
"""Simple 2-node unit tests for the DHT."""
- timeout = 2
+ timeout = 50
DHT_DEFAULTS = {'PORT': 9977, 'K': 8, 'HASH_LENGTH': 160,
def test_bootstrap_join(self):
d = self.a.join()
return d
+ def test_failed_join(self):
+ from krpc import KrpcError
+ d = self.b.join()
+ reactor.callLater(30, self.a.join)
+ def no_errors(result, self = self):
+ self.flushLoggedErrors(KrpcError)
+ return result
+ d.addCallback(no_errors)
+ return d
def node_join(self, result):
d = self.b.join()
class TestMultiDHT(unittest.TestCase):
"""More complicated 20-node tests for the DHT."""
- timeout = 60
+ timeout = 80
num = 20
DHT_DEFAULTS = {'PORT': 9977, 'K': 8, 'HASH_LENGTH': 160,