Friendiqa no longer seems to be hosted on Github, so I've updated the src link to the repository on
I've also added a link to the app on the Google Play store.
Furthermore there are several client projects, especially for use with Friendica.
If you are interested in improving those clients, please contact the developers of the clients directly.
-* Android / LinageOS: **Friendiqa** [src]( developed by [Marco R](
+* Android / LinageOS: **Friendiqa** [src]([Google Play]( developed by [Marco R](
* iOS: *currently no client*
* SailfishOS: **Friendiy** [src]( - developed by [Fabio](
* Windows: **Friendica Mobile** for Windows versions [before 8.1]( and [Windows 10]( - developed by [Gerhard Seeber](