"SELECT `contact`.`id` AS `contact_id`, `contact`.`photo` AS `contact_photo`,
`contact`.`thumb` AS `contact_thumb`, `contact`.`micro` AS `contact_micro`,
`profile`.`uid` AS `profile_uid`, `profile`.*,
- `contact`.`avatar-date` AS picdate, `contact`.`addr`, `user`.*
+ `contact`.`avatar-date` AS picdate, `contact`.`addr`, `contact`.`url`, `user`.*
FROM `profile`
INNER JOIN `contact` on `contact`.`uid` = `profile`.`uid` AND `contact`.`self`
INNER JOIN `user` ON `profile`.`uid` = `user`.`uid`
"SELECT `contact`.`id` AS `contact_id`, `contact`.`photo` as `contact_photo`,
`contact`.`thumb` AS `contact_thumb`, `contact`.`micro` AS `contact_micro`,
`profile`.`uid` AS `profile_uid`, `profile`.*,
- `contact`.`avatar-date` AS picdate, `contact`.`addr`, `user`.*
+ `contact`.`avatar-date` AS picdate, `contact`.`addr`, `contact`.`url`, `user`.*
FROM `profile`
INNER JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`uid` = `profile`.`uid` AND `contact`.`self`
INNER JOIN `user` ON `profile`.`uid` = `user`.`uid`
use Friendica\App;
use Friendica\Core\System;
+use Friendica\Database\DBM;
+use Friendica\Object\Contact;
function create_tags_from_item($itemid) {
$profile_base = System::baseUrl();
+// Tag cloud functions - need to be adpated to this database format
+function tagadelic($uid, $count = 0, $authors = '', $owner = '', $flags = 0, $type = TERM_HASHTAG) {
+ require_once('include/security.php');
+ $item_condition = item_condition();
+ $sql_options = item_permissions_sql($uid);
+ $count = intval($count);
+ if ($flags) {
+ if ($flags === 'wall') {
+ $sql_options .= " AND `item`.`wall` ";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($authors) {
+ if (!is_array($authors)) {
+ $authors = array($authors);
+ }
+ $sql_options .= " AND `item`.`author-id` IN (".implode(',', $authors).") ";
+ }
+ if ($owner) {
+ $sql_options .= " AND `item`.`owner-id` = ".intval($owner)." ";
+ }
+ // Fetch tags
+ $r = q("SELECT `term`, COUNT(`term`) AS `total` FROM `term`
+ LEFT JOIN `item` ON `term`.`oid` = `item`.`id`
+ WHERE `term`.`uid` = %d AND `term`.`type` = %d
+ AND `term`.`otype` = %d AND `item`.`private` = 0
+ $sql_options AND $item_condition
+ GROUP BY `term` ORDER BY `total` DESC %s",
+ intval($uid),
+ intval($type),
+ intval(TERM_OBJ_POST),
+ ((intval($count)) ? "LIMIT $count" : '')
+ );
+ if(!DBM::is_result($r)) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ return tag_calc($r);
+function wtagblock($uid, $count = 0, $authors = '', $owner = '', $flags = 0, $type = TERM_HASHTAG) {
+ $o = '';
+ $r = tagadelic($uid, $count, $authors, $owner, $flags, $type);
+ if($r) {
+ foreach ($r as $rr) {
+ $tag['level'] = $rr[2];
+ $tag['url'] = urlencode($rr[0]);
+ $tag['name'] = $rr[0];
+ $tags[] = $tag;
+ }
+ $tpl = get_markup_template("tagblock_widget.tpl");
+ $o = replace_macros($tpl, array(
+ '$title' => t('Tags'),
+ '$tags' => $tags
+ ));
+ }
+ return $o;
+function tag_calc($arr) {
+ $tags = array();
+ $min = 1e9;
+ $max = -1e9;
+ $x = 0;
+ if (!$arr) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ foreach ($arr as $rr) {
+ $tags[$x][0] = $rr['term'];
+ $tags[$x][1] = log($rr['total']);
+ $tags[$x][2] = 0;
+ $min = min($min, $tags[$x][1]);
+ $max = max($max, $tags[$x][1]);
+ $x ++;
+ }
+ usort($tags, 'self::tags_sort');
+ $range = max(.01, $max - $min) * 1.0001;
+ for ($x = 0; $x < count($tags); $x ++) {
+ $tags[$x][2] = 1 + floor(9 * ($tags[$x][1] - $min) / $range);
+ }
+ return $tags;
+function tags_sort($a,$b) {
+ if (strtolower($a[0]) == strtolower($b[0])) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return((strtolower($a[0]) < strtolower($b[0])) ? -1 : 1);
+function tagcloud_wall_widget($arr = array()) {
+ $a = get_app();
+ if(!$a->profile['profile_uid'] || !$a->profile['url']) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ $limit = ((array_key_exists('limit', $arr)) ? intval($arr['limit']) : 50);
+ if(feature_enabled($a->profile['profile_uid'], 'tagadelic')) {
+ $owner_id = Contact::getIdForURL($a->profile['url']);
+ logger("public contact id: ".$owner_id);
+ if(!$owner_id) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ return wtagblock($a->profile['profile_uid'], $limit, '', $owner_id, 'wall');
+ }
+ return "";