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+B8 for Friendica
+B8 is an excellent bayesian spam implementation for PHP. However when evaluating it for use in Friendica there were a few shortcomings. B8's primary audience is guestbooks and blogs - single user situations.
+Friendica is a multi-user distributed social environment. So the first thing we need to add to b8 is a concept of user ID.
+Second we don't want to use a second stored set of DB login credentials so we're going to implemetn Friendica's MySQL driver and use our existing connection and credentials.
+The third requirement is that the B8 processing model is to load a set of word/data sets from the DB, perform processing (which may change the value of the data) and then store the results back to the DB. We're in a highly dynamic environment with lots of sometimes concurrent message processing. So the plan is to alter the storage architecture to read data in, do processing, and then apply a somewhat atomic change operation where the changes are performed in a single query using the current data in storage rather than something passed through outside processing and where the data may be outdated come time to store it.
+In accordance with the LGPL of the B8 package these changes are available in source form at http://github.com/friendica/friendica in the directory library/spam
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