geode->setDrawable(0, geom);
+typedef std::map<std::string, osg::observer_ptr<Effect> > EffectMap;
+static EffectMap buildingEffectMap;
// Helper classes for creating the quad tree
// Create a series of LOD nodes so trees cover decreases slightly
// gradually with distance from _range to 2*_range
for (float i = 0.0; i < SG_BUILDING_FADE_OUT_LEVELS; i++)
- {
- //osg::ref_ptr<EffectGeode> geode = new EffectGeode();
- //geode->setEffect(_effect);
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> geode = new osg::Geode();
- result->addChild(geode, 0, _range * (1.0 + i / (SG_BUILDING_FADE_OUT_LEVELS - 1.0)));
+ {
+ EffectGeode* geode = new EffectGeode;
+ geode->setEffect(_effect.get());
+ result->addChild(geode, 0, _range * (1.0 + i / (SG_BUILDING_FADE_OUT_LEVELS - 1.0)));
return result;
float _range;
- Effect* _effect;
+ ref_ptr<Effect> _effect;
struct AddBuildingLeafObject
static Matrix ident;
// Set up some shared structures.
MatrixTransform* mt = new MatrixTransform(transform);
- Effect* effect = makeEffect("Effects/model-default", true);
SGBuildingBin* bin = NULL;
BOOST_FOREACH(bin, buildings)
+ ref_ptr<Effect> effect;
+ EffectMap::iterator iter = buildingEffectMap.find(bin->texture);
+ if ((iter == buildingEffectMap.end())||
+ (!iter->second.lock(effect)))
+ {
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr effectProp = new SGPropertyNode;
+ makeChild(effectProp, "inherits-from")->setStringValue("Effects/building");
+ SGPropertyNode* params = makeChild(effectProp, "parameters");
+ // emphasize n = 0
+ params->getChild("texture", 0, true)->getChild("image", 0, true)
+ ->setStringValue(bin->texture);
+ effect = makeEffect(effectProp, true, options);
+ if (iter == buildingEffectMap.end())
+ buildingEffectMap.insert(EffectMap::value_type(bin->texture, effect));
+ else
+ iter->second = effect; // update existing, but empty observer
+ }
// Now, create a quadbuilding for the buildings.
quadbuilding(GetBuildingCoord(), AddBuildingLeafObject(),
ref_ptr<Group> group = quadbuilding.getRoot();
+ /*
// Set up the stateset for this building bin and the texture to use.
osg::StateSet* stateSet = group->getOrCreateStateSet();
const std::string texturename = bin->texture;
material->setShininess(osg::Material::FRONT, 0.0);
+ */