use Org\Mxchange\CoreFramework\Socket\InvalidSocketException;
// Import SPL stuff
+use \InvalidArgumentException;
use \SplFileInfo;
class ConsoleTools extends BaseFrameworkSystem {
// Constants
const HTTP_EOL = "\r\n";
- const HTTP_USER_AGENT = 'ConsoleTools/1.0';
+ const HTTP_USER_AGENT = 'ConsoleTools/1.0.1';
* Default is that this class is noisy
// Do we have cache?
if (!isset($GLOBALS[__METHOD__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS[__METHOD__] = ((FrameworkBootstrap::getConfigurationInstance()->getConfigEntry('proxy_host') != '') && (FrameworkBootstrap::getConfigurationInstance()->getConfigEntry('proxy_port') > 0));
- } // END - if
+ $GLOBALS[__METHOD__] = (
+ (
+ FrameworkBootstrap::getConfigurationInstance()->getConfigEntry('proxy_host') != ''
+ ) && (
+ FrameworkBootstrap::getConfigurationInstance()->getConfigEntry('proxy_port') > 0
+ )
+ );
+ }
// Return cache
return $GLOBALS[__METHOD__];
* @param $port Port number to connect to
* @param $socketResource Resource of a socket
* @return $response Response array
+ * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid
- protected function setupProxyTunnel ($host, $port, $socketResource) {
+ protected function setupProxyTunnel (string $host, int $port, $socketResource) {
+ // Validate parameter
+ if (empty($host)) {
+ // Throw IAE
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "host" is empty');
+ } elseif ($port < 1) {
+ // Throw IAE
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('port=%d is not valid', $port));
+ } elseif (!is_resource($socketResource)) {
+ // Throw IAE
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('socketResource[]=%s is not valid', gettype($socketResource)));
+ }
// Initialize array
- $response = array('', '', '');
+ $response = ['', '', ''];
$proxyTunnel = '';
// Generate CONNECT request header
// Add it as well
$encodedAuth = base64_encode(FrameworkBootstrap::getConfigurationInstance()->getConfigEntry('proxy_username') . ':' . FrameworkBootstrap::getConfigurationInstance()->getConfigEntry('proxy_password'));
$proxyTunnel .= 'Proxy-Authorization: Basic ' . $encodedAuth . self::HTTP_EOL;
- } // END - if
+ }
// Add last new-line
$proxyTunnel .= self::HTTP_EOL;
if (feof($socketResource)) {
// No response received
return $response;
- } // END - if
+ }
// Read the first line
$resp = trim(fgets($socketResource, 10240));
if (((strtolower($respArray[0]) !== 'http/1.0') && (strtolower($respArray[0]) !== 'http/1.1')) || ($respArray[1] != '200')) {
// Invalid response!
return $response;
- } // END - if
+ }
// All fine!
return $respArray;
* @param $rawData Raw data from /etc/hostname file
* @return $hostname Extracted host name
+ * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid
- protected function extractHostnameFromRawData ($rawData) {
+ protected function extractHostnameFromRawData (string $rawData) {
+ // Validate parameter
+ if (empty($rawData)) {
+ // Throw IAE
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "rawData" is empty');
+ }
// Default is invalid
$hostname = 'invalid';
if (substr($line, 0, 1) == '#') {
// Then skip it
- } // END - if
+ }
// Has an equals sign?
if (strpos($line, '=') !== false) {
assert(count($hostData) == 2);
// Try to get it and abort
- $hostname = str_replace(array('"', chr(39)), array('', ''), $hostData[1]);
+ $hostname = str_replace(
+ ['"', chr(39)],
+ ['', ''],
+ $hostData[1]
+ );
} else {
// Use it directly
$hostname = $line;
- } // END - foreach
+ }
// Return it
return $hostname;
* @param $hostname Host name we shall resolve
* @return $ipAddress IPv4 address resolved from host name
+ * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a parameter is not valid
* @todo This should be connected to a caching class to cache DNS requests
- public static function resolveIpAddress ($hostname) {
- // Quiet?
- if (self::$quietResolver !== TRUE) {
+ public static function resolveIpAddress (string $hostname) {
+ // Validate parameter
+ if (empty($hostname)) {
+ // Throw IAE
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "hostname" is empty');
+ } elseif (self::$quietResolver !== TRUE) {
// Debug message
self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->debugOutput(sprintf('[%s:] Host name to resolve is: %s',
- } // END - if
+ }
// Default is false
$ipAddress = false;
* other domain, basically.
$hostname .= '.';
- } // END - if
+ }
// Resolve it
// @TODO Here should the cacher be implemented
- } // END - if
+ }
} else {
// Problem while resolving IP address
self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->debugOutput(sprintf('[%s:] Problem resolving IP address for host %s. Please check your /etc/hosts file.',
if ($errorNo > 0) {
// Then throw again
throw new InvalidSocketException(array($helperInstance, $socketResource, $errorNo, $errorStr), BaseFrameworkSystem::EXCEPTION_INVALID_SOCKET);
- } // END - if
+ }
// Prepare the GET request
$request = 'GET ' . ($helperInstance->isProxyUsed() === true ? '' : '') . '/ip.php HTTP/1.0' . self::HTTP_EOL;
if ((count($response) == 3) && (empty($response[0])) && (empty($response[1])) && (empty($response[2]))) {
// Invalid response!
$helperInstance->debugBackTrace('Proxy tunnel not working: response=' . print_r($response, true));
- } // END - if
+ }
} else {
// Add header for proxy
$request .= 'Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive' . self::HTTP_EOL;
- } // END - if
+ }
// Add last HTTP_EOL
$request .= self::HTTP_EOL;
if ((substr($externalAddress, 0, 7) == 'HTTP/1.') && (substr($externalAddress, -6, 6) != '200 OK')) {
// Stop processing
- } // END - if
- } // END - while
+ }
+ }
// Close socket
- // Debug message
- /* DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->debugOutput('CONSOLE-TOOLS: Resolved external address: ' . $externalAddress);
// Return determined external address
+ /* DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__, __LINE__)->debugOutput('CONSOLE-TOOLS: Resolved external address: ' . $externalAddress);
return $externalAddress;
if ((isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) || (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))) {
// Possibly HTTP request
$type = 'http';
- } // END - if
+ }
// Return it
return $type;
if (self::analyzeEnvironmentForType() == 'http') {
// Possibly HTTP request
$type = 'web';
- } // END - if
+ }
// Return it
return $type;