Matthias Boerner <>
- Organizer of the FlightGear booth at the annual LinuxTag event in
+ Coorganizer of the FlightGear booth at the annual LinuxTag event in
Alexis Bory
really useful looking code available there.
+Martin Eschen <>
+ Helped enourmously toward finishing the full scale traffic demo at EHAM.
Francine Evans <>
Wrote the @#$@#$@% GPL'd tri-striper we use and "love". :-)
Builds the FlightGear binary windows distributions.
Author of fgrun, the defacto launcher on windows and many other platforms.
Author of fgsd, a standalone scenery designer.
+ Provides regular binary snapshots of flightgear and it's related projects for
+ the windows community.
Martin Spott <>
Contributed to the installation / user guide.
- Coordinator of the Custom Scenery Project.
+ Coorganizer of the FlightGear booth at the annual LinuxTag event in
+ Germany.
+ Manages the "World Scenery" releases.
Jon Stockill <>
Maintainer of the object database.
Moon has correct phase and blends well into the sky.
Planets are correctly positioned and have proper magnitude.
Help with time functions, gui, and other misc stuff.
+ 2D Cloud layers (nifty).
Added the AirTraffic module for scheduled AI airliners and other aircraft.
+ Full scale AI traffic demo for EHAM.
Current FlightGear release manager.
- 2D Cloud layers (nifty).
James Turner <>
Many code cleanups of the internal structure of the airport database,