public function getEvent()
+ // Check the socket is still active
+ if (feof($this->socket)) {
+ throw new Phergie_Driver_Exception(
+ 'EOF detected on socket',
+ Phergie_Driver_Exception::ERR_CONNECTION_READ_FAILED
+ );
+ }
// Check for a new event on the current connection
$buffer = fgets($this->socket, 512);
if ($buffer === false) {
$cookies = $xpath->query('//table[@width="90%"]/tr/td[1]/a');
foreach ($cookies as $cookie) {
- $name = str_replace(array('(',')',"\n", 'cookies'), array('','', ' ', 'cookie' ), trim( $cookie->textContent));
+ $name = $cookie->textContent;
+ foreach (range(0, mb_strlen($name) - 1) as $index) {
+ echo mb_strcut($name, $index, 1), PHP_EOL;
+ }
+ $name = str_replace(
+ array('(',')',"\n", 'cookies'),
+ array('','', ' ', 'cookie'),
+ $name
+ );
+ $name = iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT', $name);
+ $name = trim($name);
+ $name = rtrim($name, 's');
$link = 'http://en.wikipedia.org' . $cookie->getAttribute('href');
$insert->execute(array($name, $link));
- print 'added ['.$name.'] -> '. $link . PHP_EOL;
+ echo 'added [' . $name . '] -> '. $link . PHP_EOL;
// Clean up
echo 'Cleaning up', PHP_EOL;