double axx = gxx - wxx; // Plane in-air velocity x component
double ayy = gyy - wyy; // Plane in-air velocity y component
// Now we want the angle between gxx and axx (which is the crab)
- double maga = sqrt(axx*axx + ayy*ayy);
- double magg = sqrt(gxx*gxx + gyy*gyy);
- crab = acos((axx*gxx + ayy*gyy) / (maga * magg));
- // At this point this works except we're getting the modulus of the angle
+ crab = atan2(ayy - gyy, axx - gxx) * DCL_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
//cout << "crab = " << crab << '\n';
- // Make sure both headings are in the 0->360 circle in order to get sane differences
- dclBoundHeading(wind_from);
- dclBoundHeading(track);
- if(track > wind_from) {
- if((track - wind_from) <= 180) {
- crab *= -1.0;
- }
- } else {
- if((wind_from - track) >= 180) {
- crab *= -1.0;
- }
- }
} else { // on the ground - crab dosen't apply
crab = 0.0;
//cout << "X " << orthopos.x() << " Y " << orthopos.y() << " SLOPE " << slope << " elev " << _pos.elev() * SG_METER_TO_FEET << '\n';
_hdg = track + crab;
+ dclBoundHeading(_hdg);
dist = vel * 0.514444 * dt;
_pos = dclUpdatePosition(_pos, track, slope, dist);