inc/modules/admin/what-list_bank_package.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/modules/admin/what-list_beg.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/modules/admin/what-list_bonus.php svneol=native#text/plain
+inc/modules/admin/what-list_booking.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/modules/admin/what-list_cats.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/modules/admin/what-list_country.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/modules/admin/what-list_coupon.php svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_bonus_emails_row.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_bonus_form.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_bonus_rows.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
+templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_booking.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
+templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_booking_row.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_cats.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_cats_404.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_cats_row.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/member/member_html_mail_settings.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/member/member_list_beg.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/member/member_list_beg_row.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
+templates/de/html/member/member_list_booking.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
+templates/de/html/member/member_list_booking_row.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/member/member_list_coupon.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/member/member_list_coupon_row.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/member/member_list_rallye.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
`subject` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'missing',
`points_mode` ENUM('ADD','SUB') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'ADD',
+`points_account_type` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'INVALID',
`points` FLOAT(20,5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0000,
function FILTER_ADD_BOOKING_RECORD ($filterData) {
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Called!');
// Add a record
- addBookingRecord($filterData['subject'], $filterData['userid'], $filterData['points'], $filterData['points_mode']);
+ addBookingRecord($filterData['subject'], $filterData['userid'], $filterData['points'], $filterData['points_mode'], $filterData['column']);
// Return data
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Done!');
return $mbPrefix;
-// Searches the given array for a sub-string match and returns all found keys in an array
+// Searches given array for a sub-string match and returns all found keys in an array
function getArrayKeysFromSubStrArray ($heystack, $needles, $offset = 0) {
// Init array for all found keys
$keys = array();
return translateGeneric('POINTS_SUBJECT', $subject);
-// "Translates" the given points account type
+// "Translates" given points account type
function translatePointsAccountType ($accountType) {
// Return it
return translateGeneric('POINTS_ACCOUNT_TYPE', $accountType);
-// "Translates" the given points "locked mode"
+// "Translates" given points "locked mode"
function translatePointsLockedMode ($lockedMode) {
// Return it
return translateGeneric('POINTS_LOCKED_MODE', $lockedMode);
-// "Translates" the given points payment method
+// "Translates" given points payment method
function translatePointsPaymentMethod ($paymentMethod) {
// Return it
return translateGeneric('POINTS_PAYMENT_METHOD', $paymentMethod);
-// "Translates" the given points account provider
+// "Translates" given points account provider
function translatePointsAccountProvider ($accountProvider) {
// Return it
return translateGeneric('POINTS_ACCOUNT_PROVIDER', $accountProvider);
-// "Translates" the given points notify recipient
+// "Translates" given points notify recipient
function translatePointsNotifyRecipient ($notifyRecipient) {
// Return it
return translateGeneric('POINTS_NOTIFY_RECIPIENT', $notifyRecipient);
-// Translates task type to a human-readable version
+// "Translates" given mode to a human-readable version
+function translatePointsMode ($pointsMode) {
+ // Return it
+ return translateGeneric('POINTS_MODE', $pointsMode);
+// "Translates" task type to a human-readable version
function translateTaskType ($taskType) {
// Return it
return translateGeneric('ADMIN_TASK_TYPE', $taskType);
// Admin member 'action' links
'ADMIN_USER_ACTION_LINK_LIST_BOOKING' => "Kontoauszug anzeigen",
'ADMIN_USER_ACTION_LINK_LIST_BOOKING_TITLE' => "Zeigt den Kontoauszug des Mitgliedes an.",
+ // Admin - error messages
+ 'ADMIN_BOOKING_404' => "Das ausgewählte Mitgliedaccount weist zur Zeit keine Kontobewegungen auf.",
+ // Admin titles
+ 'ADMIN_LIST_BOOKING_RECORDS_TITLE' => "Alle Buchungen des Mitgliedes <span class=\"data\">{%get,generateUserProfileLink=userid%}</span> auflisten",
+ // Member error messages
+ 'MEMBER_BOOKING_404' => "Ihr Benutyerkonto weist noch keine Buchungen auf.",
+ // Member titles
+ 'MEMBER_LIST_BOOKING_RECORDS_TITLE' => "Alle Ihre Guthabenbewegungen",
+ // Member notices
+ 'MEMBER_LIST_BOOKING_RECORDS_NOTICE' => "Dies sind alle Ihre Guthabenbewebungen (Gutschriften, Abzüge), die an Ihrem Konto durchgeführt worden sind.",
+ // Generic messages
+ 'BOOKING_RECORDED' => "Durchgeführt",
+ 'BOOKING_COMMENTS' => "Kommentar",
+ // Admin booking listing
+ 'ADMIN_ACTION_DELETE_BOOKING_SUBMIT' => "Kontoauszug löschen",
+ 'ADMIN_LIST_BOOKING_NOTICE' => "<strong>Vorsicht:</strong> Mit Klick auf <strong>{--ADMIN_ACTION_DELETE_BOOKING_SUBMIT--}</strong> werden die Logbucheinträge ohne Sicherheitsabfrage gelöscht. Die Buchungen selbst werden nicht rückgängig gemacht.",
// [EOF]
'ADMIN_DELETE_POOL_MAIL_LINK' => "Klick-Mail löschen",
// Generic points subjects
+ 'POINTS_SUBJECT' => "Verwendungszweck",
'POINTS_SUBJECT_ADMIN_ADD_ALL' => "Gutschrift für alle durch den Administrator",
'POINTS_SUBJECT_ADMIN_ADD_SINGLE' => "Einzelgutschrift durch den Administrator",
'POINTS_SUBJECT_ADMIN_ADD_ALL_REF' => "Anteilige Gutschrift für alle durch den Administrator",
'POINTS_SUBJECT_ADMIN_ADD_SINGLE_REF' => "Anteilige Einzelgutschrift durch den Administrator",
+ // Points modes
+ 'POINTS_MODE' => "Art",
+ 'POINTS_MODE_UNKNOWN' => "??? (%s)",
+ 'POINTS_MODE_ADD' => "Gutschrift",
+ 'POINTS_MODE_SUB' => "Abzug",
// Admin - List referrals
'ADMIN_LIST_USER_NO_REFERRALS' => "Das Mitglied <span class=\"data\">%s</span> hat in dieser Referral-Ebene keine Mitglieder geworben.",
'ADMIN_NO_REFERRAL_LEVELS' => "In Ihrem {?mt_word?} sind keine Referral-Ebenen eingerichtet! Ihre Mitglieder erhalten <u>keine</u> {?POINTS?} gutgeschrieben. Richten Sie mindestens Referral-Ebene 0 mit 100% Vergütung ein.",
'ADMIN_POINTS_DATA_CHANGE_SUBMIT' => "Guthabenkonten ändern",
// Generic: points account types (in fact: column names)
+ 'POINTS_ACCOUNT_TYPE' => "Guthabenkonto",
'POINTS_ACCOUNT_TYPE_UNKNOWN' => "Unbekannter Guthabenkontotyp <span class=\"data\">%s</span> erkannt.",
'POINTS_ACCOUNT_TYPE_POINTS' => "Allgemeinguthaben",
'POINTS_ACCOUNT_TYPE_LOCKED_POINTS' => "Gesperrtes Allgemeinguthaben",
} // END - if
// Add a record entry ('pointsMode' can be add/sub!)
-function addBookingRecord ($subject, $userid, $points, $pointsMode) {
+function addBookingRecord ($subject, $userid, $points, $pointsMode, $accountType) {
// Is the ext-sql_patches updated?
if (isExtensionInstalledAndOlder('sql_patches', '0.5.7')) {
// Abort here
} // END - if
// Add record entry here
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_booking` (`userid`, `subject`, `points_mode`, `points`) VALUES (%s,'%s','%s',%s)",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_booking` (`userid`, `subject`, `points_mode`, `points_account_type`, `points`) VALUES (%s, '%s', '%s', '%s', %s)",
+ strtoupper($accountType),
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
--- /dev/null
+ * Mailer v0.2.1-FINAL Start: 07/29/2011 *
+ * =================== Last change: 07/29/2011 *
+ * *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * File : what-list_booking.php *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Short description : List per-user booking history *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Kurzbeschreibung : Buchungs-Historie per Mitglied auflisten *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * $Revision:: $ *
+ * $Date:: $ *
+ * $Tag:: 0.2.1-FINAL $ *
+ * $Author:: $ *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 - 2009 by Roland Haeder *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2012 by Mailer Developer Team *
+ * For more information visit: *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, *
+ * MA 02110-1301 USA *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// Some security stuff...
+if ((!defined('__SECURITY')) || (!isAdmin())) {
+ die();
+} // END - if
+// Display only title when no form was submitted
+addYouAreHereLink('admin', __FILE__);
+// Check if 'userid' is set
+if (isGetRequestElementSet('userid')) {
+ // Delete entries?
+ if (isFormSent('do_delete')) {
+ // Remove entries from database
+ showEntriesByXmlCallback('admin_delete_do_booking');
+ } // END - if
+ // List all entries per user
+ showEntriesByXmlCallback('admin_list_booking', array(
+ 'userid' => bigintval(getRequestElement('userid'))
+ ));
+} else {
+ // Output selection form with all confirmed user accounts listed
+ addMemberSelectionBox();
+// [EOF]
} // END - if
+// Load XML template
// [EOF]
--- /dev/null
+<div align="center">
+<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_booking%}&userid={%get,bigintval=userid%}" method="post">
+<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table dashed">
+ <td colspan="7" class="table_header bottom" align="center">
+ <strong>{--ADMIN_LIST_BOOKING_RECORDS_TITLE--}</strong>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="header_column bottom right">
+ <strong>{--ID_SELECT--}</strong>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="header_column bottom right">
+ <strong>{--POINTS_SUBJECT--}</strong>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="header_column bottom right">
+ <strong>{--POINTS_MODE--}</strong>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="header_column bottom right">
+ <strong>{--POINTS_ACCOUNT_TYPE--}</strong>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="header_column bottom right">
+ <strong>{?POINTS?}</strong>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="header_column bottom right">
+ <strong>{--BOOKING_RECORDED--}</strong>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="header_column bottom">
+ <strong>{--BOOKING_COMMENTS--}</strong>
+ </td>
+ <td colspan="7" class="table_footer" align="center">
+ <input type="hidden" name="id[0]" value="1" />
+ <input type="hidden" name="userid" value="{%get,bigintval=userid%}" />
+ <input type="submit" class="form_delete" name="do_delete" value="{--ADMIN_ACTION_DELETE_BOOKING_SUBMIT--}" />
+ </td>
+<div class="notice">
--- /dev/null
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
+ <strong>$content[id]</strong>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
+ {%pipe,translatePointsSubject=$content[subject]%}
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
+ {%pipe,translatePointsMode=$content[points_mode]%}
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
+ {%pipe,translatePointsAccountType=$content[points_account_type]%}
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
+ {%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
+ $content[recorded]
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="bottom {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
+ {%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[comments]%}
+ </td>
--- /dev/null
+<div align="center">
+<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table dashed">
+ <td colspan="6" class="table_header bottom" align="center">
+ <strong>{--MEMBER_LIST_BOOKING_RECORDS_TITLE--}</strong>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="header_column bottom right">
+ <strong>{--POINTS_SUBJECT--}</strong>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="header_column bottom right">
+ <strong>{--POINTS_MODE--}</strong>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="header_column bottom right">
+ <strong>{--POINTS_ACCOUNT_TYPE--}</strong>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="header_column bottom right">
+ <strong>{?POINTS?}</strong>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="header_column bottom right">
+ <strong>{--BOOKING_RECORDED--}</strong>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="header_column bottom">
+ <strong>{--BOOKING_COMMENTS--}</strong>
+ </td>
+ <td colspan="6" class="table_footer" align="center">
+ <div class="tiny notice">{--MEMBER_LIST_BOOKING_RECORDS_NOTICE--}</div>
+ </td>
--- /dev/null
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
+ {%pipe,translatePointsSubject=$content[subject]%}
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
+ {%pipe,translatePointsMode=$content[points_mode]%}
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
+ {%pipe,translatePointsAccountType=$content[points_account_type]%}
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
+ {%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
+ $content[recorded]
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
+ {%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[comments]%}
+ </td>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+This template provides meta data for doing deletions on booking log.
+@author Roland Haeder <>
+@version 0.2.1-FINAL
+@copyright (c) 2003 - 2009 by Roland Haeder
+@copyright (c) 2009 - 2012 by Mailer Developer Team
+@license GNU GPL 2.0 or any newer version
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+MA 02110-1301 USA
+ <!--
+ Call-back function which should all following parameter handled over
+ to. This will always be type of string but we like homogene XMLs.
+ //-->
+ <callback-function type="string" value="adminDeleteEntriesConfirm" />
+ <!--
+ Name of the database table where the entries should be read/write from/to.
+ //-->
+ <database-table name="" type="string" value="user_booking" />
+ <!--
+ The following three lists must have the same count of list entries, else an
+ error may occur.
+ //-->
+ <!--
+ And all column names to read/write, leave this list tag empty for all (*).
+ //-->
+ <database-column-list>
+ </database-column-list>
+ <!--
+ "Filter" call-back functions to call back for piping the fetched data
+ through (can be left empty, no call-back function will be called)
+ //-->
+ <callback-function-list>
+ </callback-function-list>
+ <!--
+ Extra parameters (2nd, 3rd, ...) for above call-back functions. If an array
+ is provided, we have more than two parameters to handle over to the
+ call-back function. See function handleExtraValues() for details.
+ //-->
+ <extra-parameter-list>
+ </extra-parameter-list>
+ <!--
+ Wether to 'edit/delete/change' (change) the entries (true) or just read them for displaying (false)
+ //-->
+ <enable-modify-entries name="" type="bool" value="true" />
+ <!--
+ The table column which should be taken for the ids (see first parameter).
+ This' type can again only be 'string' (remember why?).
+ //-->
+ <table-id-column name="" type="string" value="id" />
+ <!--
+ The table column which should be taken for user ids
+ This' type can again only be 'string' (remember why?).
+ //-->
+ <table-userid-column name="" type="string" value="userid" />
+ <!--
+ Raw userid column ($key) to skip which is always an invalid (?) entry
+ This' type can again only be 'string' (remember why?).
+ //-->
+ <raw-userid-column-key name="" type="string" value="userid" />
+ <!--
+ Cache file to delete
+ //-->
+ <cache-file name="" type="string" value="" />
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+This template provides meta data for listing member's booking
+@author Roland Haeder <>
+@version 0.2.1-FINAL
+@copyright (c) 2003 - 2009 by Roland Haeder
+@copyright (c) 2009 - 2012 by Mailer Developer Team
+@license GNU GPL 2.0 or any newer version
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+MA 02110-1301 USA
+ <!--
+ Call-back function, the extracted data from this XML will then be re-read
+ from that function. The most common function this XML uses is
+ doGenericListEntries() so mostly you can leave this alone unless you have JOINs.
+ //-->
+ <callback-function type="string" value="doGenericListEntries" />
+ <!--
+ Now we need information which template should be loaded and which functions
+ shall be called back. So lets start with the main list template. This mostly
+ requires no call-back function.
+ //-->
+ <list-template type="string" value="admin_list_booking" />
+ <!--
+ The template for all rows, mostly this name has a '_row' suffix and again,
+ no call-back function is usually required.
+ //-->
+ <list-row-template type="string" value="admin_list_booking_row" />
+ <!--
+ Message id to display if no entry could be found
+ //-->
+ <no-entry-found-message type="string" value="ADMIN_BOOKING_404" />
+ <!--
+ The table(s) we shall grab the data from, all as list.
+ //-->
+ <data-tables>
+ <!--
+ A single table entry, with alias and without the configurable
+ _MYSQL_PREFIX. You can specify the table's name or alias later on.
+ //-->
+ <data-table type="string" alias="" value="user_booking" />
+ <!--
+ Columns to perform the SELECT statement on, with alias and name plus which table.
+ //-->
+ <select-data-from-list>
+ <!--
+ A single entry with table name (can be left empty), value (must
+ always be set), alias (again can be left empty) and SQL function
+ (can also be left empty) which shall be applied on the column.
+ //-->
+ <select-data-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="id" alias="" function="" />
+ <select-data-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="userid" alias="" function="" />
+ <select-data-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="subject" alias="" function="" />
+ <select-data-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="points_mode" alias="" function="" />
+ <select-data-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="points_account_type" alias="" function="" />
+ <select-data-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="points" alias="" function="" />
+ <select-data-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="comments" alias="" function="" />
+ <select-data-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="recorded" alias="recorded" function="UNIX_TIMESTAMP" />
+ </select-data-from-list>
+ <!--
+ And the column list to perform the WHERE statement on.
+ //-->
+ <where-select-from-list>
+ <!--
+ Search for current user's booking
+ //-->
+ <where-select-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="userid" condition="EQUALS" look-for="$content[userid]" />
+ </where-select-from-list>
+ <!--
+ Columns to perform the ORDER BY statement (GROUP BY is not yet supported)
+ //-->
+ <order-by-list>
+ <!--
+ A single entry to perform the ORDER BY statement on, see above WHERE entry for details.
+ //-->
+ <order-by-list-entry type="string" table="" order="recorded" value="DESC" />
+ </order-by-list>
+ </data-tables>
+ <!--
+ List all column names from the 'select-data-from-list' node here, but now
+ with call-back informations. The list must only contain those entries where
+ a call-back function shall be called for.
+ //-->
+ <column-callback-list>
+ <!--
+ Another column, now we need a second parameter here because
+ generateDateTime() expects two parameters (first is always the data
+ from column).
+ //-->
+ <column-callback-list-entry>
+ <!--
+ The actual data, again.
+ //-->
+ <column-callback-data type="string" value="recorded" callback="generateDateTime" />
+ <!--
+ More parameters, remember that the first parameter is always given
+ and that it is the data from column.
+ //-->
+ <callback-extra-parameter-list>
+ <!--
+ A single parameter, 'type' can be one of 'float', 'int',
+ 'bool', 'string'. 'array' is not yet supported.
+ //-->
+ <callback-extra-parameter-list-entry type="int" column="recorded" value="2" />
+ </callback-extra-parameter-list>
+ </column-callback-list-entry>
+ </column-callback-list>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+This template provides meta data for listing member's booking
+@author Roland Haeder <>
+@version 0.2.1-FINAL
+@copyright (c) 2003 - 2009 by Roland Haeder
+@copyright (c) 2009 - 2012 by Mailer Developer Team
+@license GNU GPL 2.0 or any newer version
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+MA 02110-1301 USA
+ <!--
+ Call-back function, the extracted data from this XML will then be re-read
+ from that function. The most common function this XML uses is
+ doGenericListEntries() so mostly you can leave this alone unless you have JOINs.
+ //-->
+ <callback-function type="string" value="doGenericListEntries" />
+ <!--
+ Now we need information which template should be loaded and which functions
+ shall be called back. So lets start with the main list template. This mostly
+ requires no call-back function.
+ //-->
+ <list-template type="string" value="member_list_booking" />
+ <!--
+ The template for all rows, mostly this name has a '_row' suffix and again,
+ no call-back function is usually required.
+ //-->
+ <list-row-template type="string" value="member_list_booking_row" />
+ <!--
+ Message id to display if no entry could be found
+ //-->
+ <no-entry-found-message type="string" value="MEMBER_BOOKING_404" />
+ <!--
+ The table(s) we shall grab the data from, all as list.
+ //-->
+ <data-tables>
+ <!--
+ A single table entry, with alias and without the configurable
+ _MYSQL_PREFIX. You can specify the table's name or alias later on.
+ //-->
+ <data-table type="string" alias="" value="user_booking" />
+ <!--
+ Columns to perform the SELECT statement on, with alias and name plus which table.
+ //-->
+ <select-data-from-list>
+ <!--
+ A single entry with table name (can be left empty), value (must
+ always be set), alias (again can be left empty) and SQL function
+ (can also be left empty) which shall be applied on the column.
+ //-->
+ <select-data-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="subject" alias="" function="" />
+ <select-data-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="points_mode" alias="" function="" />
+ <select-data-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="points_account_type" alias="" function="" />
+ <select-data-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="points" alias="" function="" />
+ <select-data-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="comments" alias="" function="" />
+ <select-data-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="recorded" alias="recorded" function="UNIX_TIMESTAMP" />
+ </select-data-from-list>
+ <!--
+ And the column list to perform the WHERE statement on.
+ //-->
+ <where-select-from-list>
+ <!--
+ Search for current user's booking
+ //-->
+ <where-select-from-list-entry type="string" table="" value="userid" condition="EQUALS" look-for="{%pipe,getMemberId%}" />
+ </where-select-from-list>
+ <!--
+ Columns to perform the ORDER BY statement (GROUP BY is not yet supported)
+ //-->
+ <order-by-list>
+ <!--
+ A single entry to perform the ORDER BY statement on, see above WHERE entry for details.
+ //-->
+ <order-by-list-entry type="string" table="" order="recorded" value="DESC" />
+ </order-by-list>
+ </data-tables>
+ <!--
+ List all column names from the 'select-data-from-list' node here, but now
+ with call-back informations. The list must only contain those entries where
+ a call-back function shall be called for.
+ //-->
+ <column-callback-list>
+ <!--
+ Another column, now we need a second parameter here because
+ generateDateTime() expects two parameters (first is always the data
+ from column).
+ //-->
+ <column-callback-list-entry>
+ <!--
+ The actual data, again.
+ //-->
+ <column-callback-data type="string" value="recorded" callback="generateDateTime" />
+ <!--
+ More parameters, remember that the first parameter is always given
+ and that it is the data from column.
+ //-->
+ <callback-extra-parameter-list>
+ <!--
+ A single parameter, 'type' can be one of 'float', 'int',
+ 'bool', 'string'. 'array' is not yet supported.
+ //-->
+ <callback-extra-parameter-list-entry type="int" column="recorded" value="2" />
+ </callback-extra-parameter-list>
+ </column-callback-list-entry>
+ </column-callback-list>