from json import loads
from re import sub
from datetime import datetime
+from email import utils
with open("config.json") as f:
config = loads(
# No known blocks
return responses.JSONResponse(status_code=200, content={})
+def rss(request: Request, domain: str = None):
+ conn = sqlite3.connect("blocks.db")
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ if domain != None:
+ wildchar = "*." + ".".join(domain.split(".")[-domain.count("."):])
+ punycode = domain.encode('idna').decode('utf-8')
+ c.execute("select blocker, blocked, block_level, reason, first_added, last_seen from blocks where blocked = ? or blocked = ? or blocked = ? or blocked = ? or blocked = ? or blocked = ? order by first_added desc limit 50",
+ (domain, "*." + domain, wildchar, get_hash(domain), punycode, "*." + punycode))
+ else:
+ c.execute("select blocker, blocked, block_level, reason, first_added, last_seen from blocks order by first_added desc limit 50")
+ blocks = c.fetchall()
+ c.close()
+ result = []
+ for blocker, blocked, block_level, reason, first_added, last_seen in blocks:
+ first_added = utils.format_datetime(datetime.fromtimestamp(first_added))
+ if reason == None or reason == '':
+ reason = "No reason provided."
+ else:
+ reason = "Provided reason: '" + reason + "'"
+ result.append({"blocker": blocker, "blocked": blocked, "block_level": block_level, "reason": reason, "first_added": first_added})
+ timestamp = utils.format_datetime(
+ return templates.TemplateResponse("rss.xml", {"request": request, "timestamp": timestamp, "domain": domain, "blocks": result}, headers={"Content-Type": "application/rss+xml"})
if __name__ == "__main__":"api:app", host="", port=port, log_level="info")
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<rss version="2.0">
+ <title>fedi-block-api{% if domain %} {{domain}}{% endif %}</title>
+ <description>Feed of latest blocks{% if domain %} for {{domain}}{% endif %} from fedi-block-api</description>
+ <pubDate>{{timestamp}}</pubDate>
+ <ttl>1800</ttl>
+ {% for block in blocks %}
+ <item>
+ <title>{{block['blocker']}} has applied '{{block['block_level']}}' restriction to {{block['blocked']}}</title>
+ <description>{{block['reason']}}</description>
+ <link>{{block['blocker']}}</link>
+ <pubDate>{{block['first_added']}}</pubDate>
+ </item>
+ {% endfor %}