_impact_report_node(fgGetNode("/ai/models/model-impact", true)),
no_roll = false;
setDragArea(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("eda", 0.007));
setLife(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("life", 900.0));
setBuoyancy(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("buoyancy", 0));
- setWind_from_east(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("wind_from_east", 0));
- setWind_from_north(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("wind_from_north", 0));
+ //setWind_from_east(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("wind_from_east", 0));
+ //setWind_from_north(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("wind_from_north", 0));
setWind(scFileNode->getBoolValue("wind", false));
setRoll(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("roll", 0.0));
setCd(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("cd", 0.029));
setLoadOffset(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("load-offset", 0.0));
setSlaved(scFileNode->getBoolValue("slaved", false));
setSlavedLoad(scFileNode->getBoolValue("slaved-load", false));
- setContentsNode(scFileNode->getStringValue("contents"));
+ setContentsPath(scFileNode->getStringValue("contents"));
bool FGAIBallistic::init(bool search_in_AI_path) {
props->setStringValue("material/name", "");
props->setStringValue("name", _name.c_str());
- props->setStringValue("submodels/path", _submodel.c_str());
- props->setStringValue("force/path", _force_path.c_str());
+ props->setStringValue("submodels/path", _path.c_str());
+ if (_slave_to_ac){
+ props->setStringValue("force/path", _force_path.c_str());
+ props->setStringValue("contents/path", _contents_path.c_str());
+ }
//props->setStringValue("vector/path", _vector_path.c_str());
// start with high value so that animations don't trigger yet
+ //cout << _name << " speed init: " << speed << endl;
return true;
- props->tie("mass-slug",
- SGRawValueMethods<FGAIBallistic,double>(*this,
- &FGAIBallistic::getMass));
- props->tie("material/load-resistance",
- SGRawValuePointer<double>(&_load_resistance));
+ //props->tie("mass-slug",
+ // SGRawValueMethods<FGAIBallistic,double>(*this,
+ // &FGAIBallistic::getMass));
- if(_external_force){
+ if(_external_force || _slave_to_ac){
- SGRawValueMethods<FGAIBase,double>(*this, &FGAIBase::_getAltitude, &FGAIBase::_setAltitude));
+ SGRawValueMethods<FGAIBase,double>(*this, &FGAIBase::_getElevationFt, &FGAIBase::_setAltitude));
SGRawValueMethods<FGAIBase,double>(*this, &FGAIBase::_getLatitude, &FGAIBase::_setLatitude));
(*this, &FGAIBallistic::getBearingLoadToHitch));
+ props->tie("material/load-resistance",
+ SGRawValuePointer<double>(&_load_resistance));
void FGAIBallistic::unbind() {
- // FGAIBase::unbind();
+// FGAIBase::unbind();
- props->untie("material/load-resistance");
- if(_external_force){
+ if(_external_force || _slave_to_ac){
+ props->untie("material/load-resistance");
- if (_slave_to_ac){
- slaveToAC(dt);
- Transform();
- setHitchVelocity(dt);
- } else if (_formate_to_ac){
+ if (_formate_to_ac){
- setHitchVelocity(dt);
+ } else if (_slave_to_ac){
+ slaveToAC(dt);
+ Transform();
} else if (!invisible){
void FGAIBallistic::setExpiry(bool e) {
_report_expiry = e;
- //cout << "_report_expiry " << _report_expiry << endl;
void FGAIBallistic::setExternalForce(bool f) {
void FGAIBallistic::setSMPath(const string& s) {
- _submodel = s;
+ _path = s;
+ //cout << "submodel path " << _path << endl;
void FGAIBallistic::setFuseRange(double f) {
_formate_to_ac = f;
-void FGAIBallistic::setContentsNode(const string& path) {
+void FGAIBallistic::setContentsPath(const string& path) {
+ _contents_path = path;
if (!path.empty()) {
_contents_node = fgGetNode(path.c_str(), true);
+void FGAIBallistic::setContentsNode(SGPropertyNode_ptr node) {
+ if (node != 0) {
+ _contents_node = node;
+ _contents_path = _contents_node->getDisplayName();
+ }
+void FGAIBallistic::setParentNode(SGPropertyNode_ptr node) {
+ if (node != 0) {
+ _pnode = node;
+ _p_pos_node = _pnode->getChild("position", 0, true);
+ _p_lat_node = _p_pos_node->getChild("latitude-deg", 0, true);
+ _p_lon_node = _p_pos_node->getChild("longitude-deg", 0, true);
+ _p_alt_node = _p_pos_node->getChild("altitude-ft", 0, true);
+ _p_ori_node = _pnode->getChild("orientation", 0, true);
+ _p_pch_node = _p_ori_node->getChild("pitch-deg", 0, true);
+ _p_rll_node = _p_ori_node->getChild("roll-deg", 0, true);
+ _p_hdg_node = _p_ori_node->getChild("true-heading-deg",0, true);
+ _p_vel_node = _pnode->getChild("velocities", 0, true);
+ _p_spd_node = _p_vel_node->getChild("true-airspeed-kt", 0, true);
+ }
+void FGAIBallistic::setParentPos() {
+ if (_pnode != 0) {
+ double lat = _p_lat_node->getDoubleValue();
+ double lon = _p_lon_node->getDoubleValue();
+ double alt = _p_alt_node->getDoubleValue();
+ _parentpos.setLongitudeDeg(lon);
+ _parentpos.setLatitudeDeg(lat);
+ _parentpos.setElevationFt(alt);
+ }
bool FGAIBallistic::getSlaved() const {
return _slave_to_ac;
double FGAIBallistic::getMass() const {
return _mass;
double FGAIBallistic::getContents() {
- if(_contents_node)
+ if(_contents_node){
_contents_lb = _contents_node->getChild("level-lbs",0,1)->getDoubleValue();
+ }
return _contents_lb;
-bool FGAIBallistic::getHtAGL(){
+bool FGAIBallistic::getHtAGL(double start){
- if (getGroundElevationM(SGGeod::fromGeodM(pos, 10000),
+ if (getGroundElevationM(SGGeod::fromGeodM(pos, start),
_elevation_m, &_material)) {
_ht_agl_ft = pos.getElevationFt() - _elevation_m * SG_METER_TO_FEET;
if (_material) {
const vector<string>& names = _material->get_names();
_solid = _material->get_solid();
_load_resistance = _material->get_load_resistance();
_frictionFactor =_material->get_friction_factor();
if (!names.empty())
props->setStringValue("material/name", names[0].c_str());
props->setStringValue("material/name", "");
- /*cout << "material " << mat_name
- << " solid " << _solid
- << " load " << _load_resistance
- << " frictionFactor " << frictionFactor
- << endl;*/
+ _mat_name = names[0];
+ //cout << "material " << _mat_name
+ //<< " solid " << _solid
+ //<< " load " << _load_resistance
+ //<< " frictionFactor " << _frictionFactor
+ //<< endl;
return true;
} else {
return false;
void FGAIBallistic::setTgtXOffset(double x){
_tgt_x_offset = x;
- cout <<"setTgtXOffset " <<_tgt_x_offset << endl;
void FGAIBallistic::setTgtYOffset(double y){
void FGAIBallistic::slaveToAC(double dt){
- setHitchPos();
- pos.setLatitudeDeg(hitchpos.getLatitudeDeg());
- pos.setLongitudeDeg(hitchpos.getLongitudeDeg());
- pos.setElevationFt(hitchpos.getElevationFt());
- setHeading(manager->get_user_heading());
- setPitch(manager->get_user_pitch() + _pitch_offset);
- setBank(manager->get_user_roll() + _roll_offset);
- setSpeed(manager->get_user_speed());
+ double hdg, pch, rll = 0;
+ if (_pnode != 0) {
+ setParentPos();
+ hdg = _p_hdg_node->getDoubleValue();
+ pch = _p_pch_node->getDoubleValue();
+ rll = _p_rll_node->getDoubleValue();
+ setOffsetPos(_parentpos, hdg, pch, rll);
+ setSpeed(_p_spd_node->getDoubleValue());
+ }else {
+ hdg = manager->get_user_heading();
+ pch = manager->get_user_pitch();
+ rll = manager->get_user_roll();
+ setOffsetPos(userpos, hdg, pch, rll);
+ setSpeed(manager->get_user_speed());
+ }
+ pos.setLatitudeDeg(_offsetpos.getLatitudeDeg());
+ pos.setLongitudeDeg(_offsetpos.getLongitudeDeg());
+ pos.setElevationFt(_offsetpos.getElevationFt());
+ setHeading(hdg);
+ setPitch(pch + _pitch_offset);
+ setBank(rll + _roll_offset);
+ setOffsetVelocity(dt, pos);
//update the mass (slugs)
_mass = (_weight_lb + getContents()) / slugs_to_lbs;
- /*cout <<"_mass "<<_mass <<" " << getContents()
- <<" " << getContents() / slugs_to_lbs << endl;*/
+ _impact_reported = false;
+ //cout << _name << " _mass "<<_mass <<" " << getContents()
+ //<< " " << getContents() / slugs_to_lbs << " weight " << _weight_lb << endl;
+ // cout << _name << " update hs " << hs << " vs " << vs << endl;
void FGAIBallistic::Run(double dt) {
// if life = -1 the object does not die
if (_life_timer > life && life != -1){
- if (_report_expiry && !_expiry_reported){
+ if (_report_expiry && !_expiry_reported && !_impact_reported && !_collision_reported){
//cout<<"AIBallistic: expiry"<< endl;
} else
Cdm = 0.2965 * pow(Mach, -1.1506) + _Cd;
- //cout << "Mach " << Mach << " Cdm " << Cdm << "// ballistic speed kts "<< speed << endl;
+ //cout <<_name << " Mach " << Mach << " Cdm " << Cdm
+ // << " ballistic speed kts "<< speed << endl;
// drag = Cd * 0.5 * rho * speed * speed * drag_area;
// rho is adjusted for altitude in void FGAIBase::update,
//calculate velocity due to external force
double force_speed_north_deg_sec = 0;
double force_speed_east_deg_sec = 0;
- // double vs_force_fps = 0;
+// double vs_force_fps = 0;
double hs_force_fps = 0;
double v_force_acc_fpss = 0;
double force_speed_north_fps = 0;
double force_elevation_deg = 0;
if (_external_force) {
+ //cout << _name << " external force" << endl;
SGPropertyNode *n = fgGetNode(_force_path.c_str(), true);
double force_lbs = n->getChild("force-lb", 0, true)->getDoubleValue();
force_elevation_deg = n->getChild("force-elevation-deg", 0, true)->getDoubleValue();
double force_azimuth_deg = n->getChild("force-azimuth-deg", 0, true)->getDoubleValue();
//resolve force into vertical and horizontal components:
double v_force_lbs = force_lbs * sin( force_elevation_deg * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS );
h_force_lbs = force_lbs * cos( force_elevation_deg * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS );
//ground interaction
- if (getHtAGL()){
+ if (getHtAGL(10000)){
double deadzone = 0.1;
if (_ht_agl_ft <= (0 + _ground_offset + deadzone) && _solid){
// set new position
if(_slave_load_to_ac) {
- setHitchPos();
- pos.setLatitudeDeg(hitchpos.getLatitudeDeg());
- pos.setLongitudeDeg(hitchpos.getLongitudeDeg());
- pos.setElevationFt(hitchpos.getElevationFt());
- if (getHtAGL()){
+ setOffsetPos(pos,
+ manager->get_user_heading(),
+ manager->get_user_pitch(),
+ manager->get_user_roll()
+ );
+ pos.setLatitudeDeg(_offsetpos.getLatitudeDeg());
+ pos.setLongitudeDeg(_offsetpos.getLongitudeDeg());
+ pos.setElevationFt(_offsetpos.getElevationFt());
+ if (getHtAGL(10000)){
double deadzone = 0.1;
if (_ht_agl_ft <= (0 + _ground_offset + deadzone) && _solid){
pos.setElevationFt(0 + _ground_offset);
} else {
- pos.setElevationFt(hitchpos.getElevationFt() + _load_offset);
+ pos.setElevationFt(_offsetpos.getElevationFt() + _load_offset);
pos.setElevationFt(pos.getElevationFt() + vs * dt);
+// cout << _name << " run hs " << hs << " vs " << vs << endl;
// recalculate total speed
if ( vs == 0 && hs == 0)
speed = 0;
if (_azimuth < 0)
_azimuth += 360;
- //cout << "_azimuth " << _azimuth << " hdg "<< hdg << endl;
if (_aero_stabilised) { // we simulate rotational moment of inertia by using a filter
//cout<< "_aero_stabilised "<< endl;
const double coeff = 0.9;
setHdg(_azimuth, dt, coeff);
} else if (_force_stabilised) { // we simulate rotational moment of inertia by using a filter
//cout<< "_force_stabilised "<< endl;
const double coeff = 0.9;
double ratio = h_force_lbs/(_mass * slugs_to_lbs);
void FGAIBallistic::handle_impact() {
// try terrain intersection
- if(!getHtAGL())
+ double start = pos.getElevationM() + 10;
+ if(!getHtAGL(start))
if (_ht_agl_ft <= 0) {
_expiry_reported = true;
- //if (life == -1){
- // invisible = true;
- //} else if (_subID == 0) // kill the AIObject if there is no subsubmodel
- // setDie(true);
+ if (life == -1){
+ invisible = true;
+ } else if (_subID == 0){ // kill the AIObject if there is no subsubmodel
+ setDie(true);
+ }
pos.getLatitudeDeg(),pos.getLongitudeDeg(), _fuse_range);
if (object) {
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "AIBallistic: object hit");
report_impact(pos.getElevationM(), object);
_collision_reported = true;
_impact_roll = roll;
SGPropertyNode *n = props->getNode("impact", true);
if (object)
n->setStringValue("type", object->getTypeString());
n->setStringValue("type", "terrain");
+ SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "AIBallistic: object impact" << _name << " lon " <<_impact_lon);
n->setDoubleValue("longitude-deg", _impact_lon);
n->setDoubleValue("latitude-deg", _impact_lat);
n->setDoubleValue("elevation-m", _impact_elev);
SGVec3d FGAIBallistic::getCartHitchPos() const{
// convert geodetic positions to geocentered
- SGVec3d cartuserPos = getCartUserPos();
+ SGVec3d cartuserPos = SGVec3d::fromGeod(userpos);
//SGVec3d cartPos = getCartPos();
// Transform to the right coordinate frame, configuration is done in
// in the simulation usual body x-forward, y-right, z-down coordinates
// (meters) )
SGVec3d _off(_x_offset * SG_FEET_TO_METER,
- _y_offset * SG_FEET_TO_METER,
- -_z_offset * SG_FEET_TO_METER);
+ _y_offset * SG_FEET_TO_METER,
+ -_z_offset * SG_FEET_TO_METER);
// Transform the user position to the horizontal local coordinate system.
SGQuatd hlTrans = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(userpos);
return offsetPos;
-void FGAIBallistic::setHitchPos(){
+void FGAIBallistic::setOffsetPos(SGGeod inpos, double heading, double pitch, double roll){
// convert the hitch geocentered position to geodetic
- SGVec3d carthitchPos = getCartHitchPos();
- SGGeodesy::SGCartToGeod(carthitchPos, hitchpos);
+ SGVec3d cartoffsetPos = getCartOffsetPos(inpos, heading, pitch, roll);
+ //SGVec3d cartoffsetPos = getCartHitchPos();
+ //SGGeodesy::SGCartToGeod(cartoffsetPos, hitchpos);
+ SGGeodesy::SGCartToGeod(cartoffsetPos, _offsetpos);
double FGAIBallistic::getDistanceLoadToHitch() const {
return distance * SG_METER_TO_FEET;
-void FGAIBallistic::setHitchVelocity(double dt) {
- //calculate the distance from the previous hitch position
- SGVec3d carthitchPos = getCartHitchPos();
- SGVec3d diff = carthitchPos - _oldcarthitchPos;
- double distance = norm(diff);
- //calculate speed knots
- speed = (distance/dt) * SG_MPS_TO_KT;
- //now calulate the angle between the old and current hitch positions (degrees)
- double angle = 0;
- double daltM = hitchpos.getElevationM() - oldhitchpos.getElevationM();
- if (fabs(distance) < SGLimits<float>::min()) {
- angle = 0;
- } else {
- double sAngle = daltM/distance;
- sAngle = SGMiscd::min(1, SGMiscd::max(-1, sAngle));
- angle = SGMiscd::rad2deg(asin(sAngle));
- }
- _elevation = angle;
- //calculate the bearing of the new hitch position from the old
- double az1, az2, dist;
- geo_inverse_wgs_84(oldhitchpos, hitchpos, &az1, &az2, &dist);
- _azimuth = az1;
- // and finally store the new values
- _oldcarthitchPos = carthitchPos;
- oldhitchpos = hitchpos;
double FGAIBallistic::getElevLoadToHitch() const {
// now the angle, positive angles are upwards
double distance = getDistanceLoadToHitch() * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
double angle = 0;
- double daltM = hitchpos.getElevationM() - pos.getElevationM();
+ double daltM = _offsetpos.getElevationM() - pos.getElevationM();
if (fabs(distance) < SGLimits<float>::min()) {
angle = 0;
//calculate the bearing and range of the second pos from the first
double az1, az2, distance;
- geo_inverse_wgs_84(pos, hitchpos, &az1, &az2, &distance);
+ geo_inverse_wgs_84(pos, _offsetpos, &az1, &az2, &distance);
return az1;
//calculate the relative bearing
double az1, az2, distance;
- geo_inverse_wgs_84(hitchpos, userpos, &az1, &az2, &distance);
+ geo_inverse_wgs_84(_offsetpos, userpos, &az1, &az2, &distance);
double rel_brg = az1 - hdg;
double distance = norm(diff);
double angle = 0;
- double daltM = userpos.getElevationM() - hitchpos.getElevationM();
+ double daltM = userpos.getElevationM() - _offsetpos.getElevationM();
// now the angle, positive angles are upwards
if (fabs(distance) < SGLimits<float>::min()) {
void FGAIBallistic::formateToAC(double dt){
setTgtOffsets(dt, 25);
- setHitchPos();
- setHitchVelocity(dt);
+ setOffsetPos(userpos,
+ manager->get_user_heading(),
+ manager->get_user_pitch(),
+ manager->get_user_roll()
+ );
// elapsed time has a random initialisation so that each
// wingman moves differently
double h_angle = 5 * factor;
double h_feet = 3 * factor;
- pos.setLatitudeDeg(hitchpos.getLatitudeDeg());
- pos.setLongitudeDeg(hitchpos.getLongitudeDeg());
+ pos.setLatitudeDeg(_offsetpos.getLatitudeDeg());
+ pos.setLongitudeDeg(_offsetpos.getLongitudeDeg());
- if (getHtAGL()){
+ if (getHtAGL(10000)){
if(_ht_agl_ft <= 10) {
_height = userpos.getElevationFt();
} else if (_ht_agl_ft > 10 && _ht_agl_ft <= 150 ) {
setHt(userpos.getElevationFt(), dt, 1.0);
} else if (_ht_agl_ft > 150 && _ht_agl_ft <= 250) {
- setHt(hitchpos.getElevationFt()+ h_feet, dt, 0.75);
+ setHt(_offsetpos.getElevationFt()+ h_feet, dt, 0.75);
} else
- setHt(hitchpos.getElevationFt()+ h_feet, dt, 0.5);
+ setHt(_offsetpos.getElevationFt()+ h_feet, dt, 0.5);
setBnk(manager->get_user_roll() + _roll_offset, dt, 0.9);
- setSpeed(speed);
+ setOffsetVelocity(dt, pos);
+void FGAIBallistic::calcVSHS(){
+ // calculate vertical and horizontal speed components
+ double speed_fps = speed * SG_KT_TO_FPS;
+ if (speed == 0.0) {
+ hs = vs = 0.0;
+ } else {
+ vs = sin( _elevation * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS ) * speed_fps;
+ hs = cos( _elevation * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS ) * speed_fps;
+ }
+void FGAIBallistic::calcNE(){
+ //resolve horizontal speed into north and east components:
+ _speed_north_fps = cos(_azimuth / SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES) * hs;
+ _speed_east_fps = sin(_azimuth / SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES) * hs;
+ // convert horizontal speed (fps) to degrees per second
+ speed_north_deg_sec = _speed_north_fps / ft_per_deg_lat;
+ speed_east_deg_sec = _speed_east_fps / ft_per_deg_lon;
+SGVec3d FGAIBallistic::getCartOffsetPos(SGGeod inpos, double user_heading,
+ double user_pitch, double user_roll
+ ) const{
+ // convert geodetic positions to geocentered
+ SGVec3d cartuserPos = SGVec3d::fromGeod(inpos);
+ //SGVec3d cartuserPos = getCartUserPos();
+ //SGVec3d cartPos = getCartPos();
+ // Transform to the right coordinate frame, configuration is done in
+ // the x-forward, y-right, z-up coordinates (feet), computation
+ // in the simulation usual body x-forward, y-right, z-down coordinates
+ // (meters) )
+ SGVec3d _off(_x_offset * SG_FEET_TO_METER,
+ _y_offset * SG_FEET_TO_METER,
+ -_z_offset * SG_FEET_TO_METER);
+ // Transform the user position to the horizontal local coordinate system.
+ SGQuatd hlTrans = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(userpos);
+ // and postrotate the orientation of the user model wrt the horizontal
+ // local frame
+ hlTrans *= SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg(
+ user_heading,
+ user_pitch,
+ user_roll);
+ // The offset converted to the usual body fixed coordinate system
+ // rotated to the earth-fixed coordinates axis
+ SGVec3d off = hlTrans.backTransform(_off);
+ // Add the position offset of the user model to get the geocentered position
+ SGVec3d offsetPos = cartuserPos + off;
+ return offsetPos;
+void FGAIBallistic::setOffsetVelocity(double dt, SGGeod offsetpos) {
+ //calculate the distance from the previous offset position
+ SGVec3d cartoffsetPos = SGVec3d::fromGeod(offsetpos);
+ SGVec3d diff = cartoffsetPos - _oldcartoffsetPos;
+ double distance = norm(diff);
+ //calculate speed knots
+ speed = (distance/dt) * SG_MPS_TO_KT;
+ //now calulate the angle between the old and current postion positions (degrees)
+ double angle = 0;
+ double daltM = offsetpos.getElevationM() - _oldoffsetpos.getElevationM();
+ if (fabs(distance) < SGLimits<float>::min()) {
+ angle = 0;
+ } else {
+ double sAngle = daltM/distance;
+ sAngle = SGMiscd::min(1, SGMiscd::max(-1, sAngle));
+ angle = SGMiscd::rad2deg(asin(sAngle));
+ }
+ _elevation = angle;
+ //calculate vertical and horizontal speed components
+ calcVSHS();
+ //calculate the bearing of the new offset position from the old
+ double az1, az2, dist;
+ geo_inverse_wgs_84(_oldoffsetpos, offsetpos, &az1, &az2, &dist);
+ _azimuth = az1;
+ //resolve horizontal speed into north and east components:
+ calcNE();
+ // and finally store the new values
+ _oldcartoffsetPos = cartoffsetPos;
+ _oldoffsetpos = offsetpos;
// end AIBallistic
void setWeight( double w );
void setNoRoll( bool nr );
void setRandom( bool r );
- void setRandomness( double r );
+ void setRandomness( double r );
void setName(const string&);
void setCollision(bool c);
- void setExpiry(bool e);
+ void setExpiry(bool e);
void setImpact(bool i);
void setImpactReportNode(const string&);
- void setContentsNode(const string&);
+ void setContentsNode(const SGPropertyNode_ptr);
void setFuseRange(double f);
void setSMPath(const string&);
void setSubID(int i);
void setSubmodel(const string&);
void setExternalForce( bool f );
void setForcePath(const string&);
+ void setContentsPath(const string&);
void setForceStabilisation( bool val );
void setGroundOffset(double g);
void setLoadOffset(double l);
void setSlaved(bool s);
void setSlavedLoad(bool s);
- void setHitchPos();
void setPch (double e, double dt, double c);
void setHdg (double az, double dt, double c);
void setBnk(double r, double dt, double c);
void setHt(double h, double dt, double c);
- void setHitchVelocity(double dt);
void setFormate(bool f);
+ void setParentNode(const SGPropertyNode_ptr);
+ void setParentPos();
double _getTime() const;
double getRelBrgHitchToUser() const;
SGVec3d getCartHitchPos() const;
- bool getHtAGL();
+ bool getHtAGL(double start);
bool getSlaved() const;
bool getSlavedLoad() const;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _force_azimuth_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _force_elevation_node;
- SGGeod hitchpos;
double _height;
double _ht_agl_ft; // height above ground level
double _azimuth; // degrees true
double _elevation; // degrees
double _rotation; // degrees
+ double _speed_north_fps;
+ double _speed_east_fps;
bool _formate_to_ac;
double _Cd; // drag coefficient
double _mass; // slugs
bool _random; // modifier for Cd, life, az
- double _randomness; // dimension for _random, only applies to life at present
+ double _randomness; // dimension for _random, only applies to life at present
double _load_resistance; // ground load resistanc N/m^2
double _frictionFactor; // dimensionless modifier for Coefficient of Friction
bool _solid; // if true ground is solid for FDMs
bool _slave_load_to_ac;// if true, object will be slaved to the parent ac pos
double _contents_lb; // contents of the object
double _weight_lb; // weight of the object (no contents if appropriate) (lbs)
+ string _mat_name;
bool _report_collision; // if true a collision point with AI Objects is calculated
bool _report_impact; // if true an impact point on the terrain is calculated
bool _external_force; // if true then apply external force
- bool _report_expiry;
+ bool _report_expiry;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _impact_report_node; // report node for impact and collision
- SGPropertyNode_ptr _contents_node; // report node for impact and collision
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr _contents_node; // node for droptank etc. contents
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr _pnode; // node for parent model
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr _p_pos_node; // nodes for parent parameters
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr _p_lat_node;
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr _p_lon_node;
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr _p_alt_node;
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr _p_ori_node;
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr _p_pch_node;
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr _p_rll_node;
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr _p_hdg_node;
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr _p_vel_node;
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr _p_spd_node;
double _fuse_range;
double _distance;
double _dt_count;
double _next_run;
- string _name;
- string _path;
string _submodel;
string _force_path;
+ string _contents_path;
const SGMaterial* _material;
void handle_collision();
- void handle_expiry();
+ void handle_expiry();
void handle_impact();
void report_impact(double elevation, const FGAIBase *target = 0);
void slaveToAC(double dt);
void setContents(double c);
void formateToAC(double dt);
+ void calcVSHS();
+ void calcNE();
+ void setOffsetPos(SGGeod pos, double heading, double pitch, double roll);
+ void setOffsetVelocity(double dt, SGGeod pos);
SGVec3d getCartUserPos() const;
+ SGVec3d getCartOffsetPos(SGGeod pos, double heading, double pitch, double roll) const;
double getDistanceLoadToHitch() const;
double getElevLoadToHitch() const;
double getBearingLoadToHitch() const;
double getRecip(double az);
double getMass() const;
double _load_offset;
double _old_height;
- SGVec3d _oldcarthitchPos;
+ SGVec3d _oldcartoffsetPos;
+ SGVec3d _oldcartPos;
- SGGeod oldhitchpos;
+ SGGeod _parentpos;
+ SGGeod _oldpos;
+ SGGeod _offsetpos;
+ SGGeod _oldoffsetpos;
delete_me = false;
_impact_reported = false;
_collision_reported = false;
- _expiry_reported = false;
+ _expiry_reported = false;
_subID = 0;
SGPropertyNode* submodels = scFileNode->getChild("submodels");
if (submodels) {
- //cout << "IN submodels path " << submodels->getStringValue("path")
- // << "IN serviceable " << submodels->getBoolValue("serviceable")
- // << endl;
setServiceable(submodels->getBoolValue("serviceable", false));
setSMPath(submodels->getStringValue("path", ""));
if (model.valid()) {
if( _path != ""){
props->setStringValue("submodels/path", _path.c_str());
- //props->setStringValue("submodel/path", _path.c_str());
- SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_ALERT, "AIBase: submodels/path " << _path);
+ SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_DEBUG, "AIBase: submodels/path " << _path);
fgSetString("/ai/models/model-added", props->getPath().c_str());
} else if (!model_path.empty()) {
hlTrans *= SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg(hdg, pitch, roll);
// The offset converted to the usual body fixed coordinate system
- // rotated to the earth fiexed coordinates axis
+ // rotated to the earth fixed coordinates axis
SGVec3d off = hlTrans.backTransform(_off);
// Add the position offset of the AIModel to gain the earth centered position
inline void FGAIBase::setSMPath(const string& p) {
- cout << "setSMPath " << p <<endl;
_path = p;
inline void FGAIBase::setXoffset(double x) {
_x_offset = x;
- cout << "setXoffset " << _x_offset << endl;
inline void FGAIBase::setYoffset(double y) {
if (scenarios.find(name) != scenarios.end()) {
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_WARN, "won't load scenario '" << name << "' twice");
+ SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "won't load scenario '" << name << "' twice");
FGAIManager::reinit() {
ai_list_iterator ai_list_itr = ai_list.begin();
while(ai_list_itr != ai_list.end()) {
invisible = false;
_formate_to_ac = true;
FGAIWingman::~FGAIWingman() {}
props->tie("orientation/roll-deg", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&roll));
props->tie("orientation/true-heading-deg", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&hdg));
+ props->tie("submodels/serviceable", SGRawValuePointer<bool>(&serviceable));
(*this, &FGAIBallistic::getElevHitchToUser));
+ props->tie("velocities/true-airspeed-kt",
+ SGRawValuePointer<double>(&speed));
+ props->tie("velocities/speed-east-fps",
+ SGRawValuePointer<double>(&_speed_east_fps));
+ props->tie("velocities/speed-north-fps",
+ SGRawValuePointer<double>(&_speed_north_fps));
SGRawValueMethods<FGAIBase,double>(*this, &FGAIBase::_getXOffset, &FGAIBase::setXoffset));
- props->untie("position/altitude-ft");
- props->untie("position/latitude-deg");
- props->untie("position/longitude-deg");
+ props->untie("submodels/serviceable");
+ props->untie("velocities/true-airspeed-kt");
+ props->untie("velocities/vertical-speed-fps");
+ props->untie("velocities/speed_east_fps");
+ props->untie("velocities/speed_north_fps");
- props->untie("velocities/vertical-speed-fps");
+ props->untie("position/altitude-ft");
+ props->untie("position/latitude-deg");
+ props->untie("position/longitude-deg");
roll = _rotation;
_ht_agl_ft = 1e10;
+ props->setStringValue("submodels/path", _path.c_str());
return true;
void FGAIWingman::update(double dt) {
+// cout << FGAIBase::_getName() << " update speed " << FGAIBase::_getSpeed() << endl;
// end AIWingman
- x_offset = y_offset = 0.0;
- z_offset = -4.0;
- pitch_offset = 2.0;
+ x_offset = y_offset = z_offset = 0.0;
+ pitch_offset = 0.0;
yaw_offset = 0.0;
- out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = 0;
+ //out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = 0;
string contents_node;
contrail_altitude = 30000;
_count = 0;
-// _model_added_node = fgGetNode("ai/models/model-added", true);
+ //_model_added_node = fgGetNode("ai/models/model-added", true);
//_model_added_node->addChangeListener(this, false);
void FGSubmodelMgr::postinit() {
// postinit, so that the AI list is populated
- loadAI();
+ loadAI();
while (_found_sub)
//TODO reload submodels if an MP ac joins
- _model_added_node = fgGetNode("ai/models/model-added", true);
- _model_added_node->addChangeListener(this, false);
+ //_model_added_node = fgGetNode("ai/models/model-added", true);
+ //_model_added_node->addChangeListener(this, false);
void FGSubmodelMgr::bind()
sm_list_iterator end = sm_list.end();
for (; sm_list_itr != end; ++sm_list_itr) {
- _impact = (*sm_list_itr)->_getImpactData();
- _hit = (*sm_list_itr)->_getCollisionData();
- _expiry = (*sm_list_itr)->_getExpiryData();
+ FGAIBase::object_type object_type =(*sm_list_itr)->getType();
+ if (object_type != FGAIBase::otBallistic){// only work on ballistic objects
+ continue; // so continue
+ }
int parent_subID = (*sm_list_itr)->_getSubID();
+ int id = (*sm_list_itr)->getID();
+ if ( parent_subID == 0 || id == -1) // this entry in the list has no associated submodel
+ continue; // or is invalid so we can continue
//SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Submodel: Impact " << _impact << " hit! "
// << _hit <<" parent_subID " << parent_subID);
- if ( parent_subID == 0) // this entry in the list has no associated submodel
- continue; // so we can continue
+ _hit = (*sm_list_itr)->_getCollisionData();
+ _impact = (*sm_list_itr)->_getImpactData();
+ _expiry = (*sm_list_itr)->_getExpiryData();
+ //SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Submodel: " << (*sm_list_itr)->_getName()
+ // << " Impact " << _impact << " hit! " << _hit
+ // << " exipiry :-( " << _expiry );
if (_impact || _hit || _expiry) {
// SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Submodel: Impact " << _impact << " hit! " << _hit
(*submodel_iterator)->first_time = true;
//cout << "Impact: parent SubID = child_ID elev " << _parent_elev << endl;
- if (release(*submodel_iterator, dt))
+ if (release(*submodel_iterator, dt)){
+ //cout << "Impact: set die" << (*sm_list_itr)->_getName() << endl;
+ }
trigger = _trigger_node->getBoolValue();
//cout << (*submodel_iterator)->name << "trigger node found " << trigger << endl;
} else {
- trigger = true;
- //cout << (*submodel_iterator)->name << "trigger node not found " << trigger << endl;
+ trigger = false;
+ //cout << (*submodel_iterator)->name << " trigger node not found " << trigger << endl;
if (trigger && (*submodel_iterator)->count != 0) {
"Submodels release: " << (*submodel_iterator)->id
<< " name " << (*submodel_iterator)->name
<< " count " << (*submodel_iterator)->count
+ << " slaved " << (*submodel_iterator)->slaved
release(*submodel_iterator, dt);
bool FGSubmodelMgr::release(submodel *sm, double dt)
- //cout << "release id " << sm->id << " name " << sm->name
- //<< " first time " << sm->first_time << " repeat " << sm->repeat <<
- // endl;
+ //cout << "release id " << sm->id
+ // << " name " << sm->name
+ // << " first time " << sm->first_time
+ // << " repeat " << sm->repeat
+ // << " slaved " << sm->slaved
+ // << endl;
// only run if first time or repeat is set to true
if (!sm->first_time && !sm->repeat) {
- //cout<< "not first time " << sm->first_time<< " repeat " << sm->repeat <<endl;
+ //cout<< "returning: "<< sm->name
+ // << " not first time " << sm->first_time
+ // << " repeat " << sm->repeat
+ // << " slaved " << sm->slaved
+ // << endl;
return false;
FGAIBallistic* ballist = new FGAIBallistic;
+ ballist->setSlaved(sm->slaved);
+ ballist->setXoffset(sm->x_offset);
+ ballist->setYoffset(sm->y_offset);
+ ballist->setZoffset(sm->z_offset);
+ ballist->setPitchoffset(sm->pitch_offset);
+ ballist->setYawoffset(sm->yaw_offset);
+ ballist->setParentNode(_selected_ac);
+ ballist->setContentsNode(sm->contents_node);
+ ballist->setWeight(sm->weight);
if (sm->count > 0)
void FGSubmodelMgr::transform(submodel *sm)
// set initial conditions
- if (sm->contents_node != 0) {
+ if (sm->contents_node != 0 && !sm->slaved) {
// get the weight of the contents (lbs) and convert to mass (slugs)
sm->contents = sm->contents_node->getChild("level-lbs",0,1)->getDoubleValue();
//cout << "transform: contents " << sm->contents << endl;
} else
IC.mass = sm->weight * lbs_to_slugs;
- // cout << "mass " << IC.mass << endl;
+ int id = sm->id;
+ int sub_id = sm->sub_id;
+ string name = sm->name;
if (sm->speed_node != 0)
sm->speed = sm->speed_node->getDoubleValue();
- int id = sm->id;
- int sub_id = sm->sub_id;
- string name = sm->name;
//cout << " name " << name << " id " << id << " sub id" << sub_id << endl;
if (_impact || _hit || _expiry) {
// set the data for a submodel tied to a submodel
IC.lat = _parent_lat;
//cout << " set the data for a submodel tied to an AI Object " << id << endl;
sm_list_iterator sm_list_itr = sm_list.begin();
sm_list_iterator end = sm_list.end();
- while (sm_list_itr != end) {
- int parent_id = (*sm_list_itr)->getID();
- if (id != parent_id) {
- ++sm_list_itr;
- continue;
- }
- //cout << " AI found id " << id << " alt " << (*sm_list_itr)->_getElevationFt()<< endl;
- IC.lat = (*sm_list_itr)->_getLatitude();
- IC.lon = (*sm_list_itr)->_getLongitude();
- IC.alt = (*sm_list_itr)->_getElevationFt();
- IC.roll = (*sm_list_itr)->_getRoll();
- IC.elevation = (*sm_list_itr)->_getPitch();
- IC.azimuth = (*sm_list_itr)->_getHeading();
- IC.speed = (*sm_list_itr)->_getSpeed() * SG_KT_TO_FPS;
- IC.speed_down_fps = -(*sm_list_itr)->_getVS_fps();
- IC.speed_east_fps = (*sm_list_itr)->_get_speed_east_fps();
- IC.speed_north_fps = (*sm_list_itr)->_get_speed_north_fps();
- break;
- ++sm_list_itr;
- }
+ setParentNode(id);
- /*cout << "heading " << IC.azimuth << endl ;
- cout << "speed down " << IC.speed_down_fps << endl ;
- cout << "speed east " << IC.speed_east_fps << endl ;
- cout << "speed north " << IC.speed_north_fps << endl ;
- cout << "parent speed fps in" << IC.speed << "sm speed in " << sm->speed << endl ;*/
+ //cout << "Submodel: setting IC "<< name << endl;
+ //cout << "heading " << IC.azimuth << endl ;
+ //cout << "speed down " << IC.speed_down_fps << endl ;
+ //cout << "speed east " << IC.speed_east_fps << endl ;
+ //cout << "speed north " << IC.speed_north_fps << endl ;
+ //cout << "parent speed fps in " << IC.speed << "sm speed in " << sm->speed << endl ;
+ //cout << "lat " << IC.lat;
+ //cout << "alt " << IC.alt << endl ;
// Set the Initial Conditions that are common to all types of parent
IC.wind_from_east = _user_wind_from_east_node->getDoubleValue();
IC.wind_from_north = _user_wind_from_north_node->getDoubleValue();
+//cout << "wind e " << IC.wind_from_east << " n " << IC.wind_from_north << endl;
// if speeds are low this calculation can become unreliable
if (IC.speed > 1) {
- //IC.azimuth = atan2(IC.total_speed_east, IC.total_speed_north) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
+ IC.azimuth = atan2(IC.total_speed_east, IC.total_speed_north) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
// cout << "azimuth1 " << IC.azimuth<<endl;
// rationalise the output
* IC.total_speed_north + IC.total_speed_east * IC.total_speed_east))
+ //cout << "IC.speed " << IC.speed / SG_KT_TO_FPS << endl;
void FGSubmodelMgr::updatelat(double lat)
sm->random = entry_node->getBoolValue("random", false);
sm->randomness = entry_node->getDoubleValue("randomness", 0.5);
- //cout << "sm->contents_node " << sm->contents_node << endl;
if (sm->contents_node != 0)
sm->contents = sm->contents_node->getDoubleValue();
sm->prop->tie("sub-id", SGRawValuePointer<int>(&(sm->sub_id)));
sm->prop->tie("serviceable", SGRawValuePointer<bool>(&(sm->serviceable)));
sm->prop->tie("random", SGRawValuePointer<bool>(&(sm->random)));
+ sm->prop->tie("slaved", SGRawValuePointer<bool>(&(sm->slaved)));
string name = sm->name;
sm->prop->setStringValue("name", name.c_str());
string submodel = sm->submodel;
sm->prop->setStringValue("submodel", submodel.c_str());
- //cout << " set submodel path " << submodel << endl;
string force_path = sm->force_path;
sm->prop->setStringValue("force_path", force_path.c_str());
SGPath config(globals->get_fg_root());
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "setSubData: path " << path);
+ SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "setSubData: path " << path);
try {
"Submodels: Trying to read AI submodels file: " << config.str());
readProperties(config.str(), &root);
} catch (const sg_exception &) {
"Submodels: Unable to read AI submodels file: " << config.str());
sm->random = entry_node->getBoolValue("random", false);
sm->randomness = entry_node->getDoubleValue("randomness", 0.5);
- //cout << "sm->contents_node " << sm->contents_node << endl;
if (sm->contents_node != 0)
sm->contents = sm->contents_node->getDoubleValue();
sm->prop->tie("sub-id", SGRawValuePointer<int>(&(sm->sub_id)));
sm->prop->tie("serviceable", SGRawValuePointer<bool>(&(sm->serviceable)));
sm->prop->tie("random", SGRawValuePointer<bool>(&(sm->random)));
+ sm->prop->tie("slaved", SGRawValuePointer<bool>(&(sm->slaved)));
string name = sm->name;
sm->prop->setStringValue("name", name.c_str());
string submodel = sm->submodel;
- sm->prop->setStringValue("submodel", submodel.c_str());
+ sm->prop->setStringValue("submodel-path", submodel.c_str());
// cout << " set submodel path AI" << submodel<< endl;
string force_path = sm->force_path;
if (!submodel.empty()) {
//int id = (*submodel_iterator)->id;
bool serviceable = true;
- //SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "found path sub sub "
- // << submodel
- // << " index " << index
- // << "name " << (*submodel_iterator)->name);
+ SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "found path sub sub "
+ << submodel
+ << " index " << index
+ << " name " << (*submodel_iterator)->name);
if ((*submodel_iterator)->sub_id == 0){
(*submodel_iterator)->sub_id = index;
subsubmodel_iterator = subsubmodels.begin();
while (subsubmodel_iterator != subsubmodels.end()) {
} // end while
//submodel_iterator = submodels.begin();
+ //int subcount = 0;
//while (submodel_iterator != submodels.end()) {
- //int id = (*submodel_iterator)->id;
- //SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG,"after pushback "
- // << " id " << id
- // << " name " << (*submodel_iterator)->name
- // << " sub id " << (*submodel_iterator)->sub_id);
+ // int id = (*submodel_iterator)->id;
+ // subcount++;
+ // SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT,"after pushback "
+ // << " parent id " << id
+ // << " name " << (*submodel_iterator)->name
+ // << " sub id " << (*submodel_iterator)->sub_id
+ // << " subcount "<< subcount);
- //++submodel_iterator;
+ // ++submodel_iterator;
// convert geodetic positions to geocentered
SGVec3d cartuserPos = SGVec3d::fromGeod(userpos);
// Transform to the right coordinate frame, configuration is done in
// the x-forward, y-right, z-up coordinates (feet), computation
// in the simulation usual body x-forward, y-right, z-down coordinates
// Add the position offset of the user model to get the geocentered position
SGVec3d offsetPos = cartuserPos + off;
return offsetPos;
SGVec3d cartoffsetPos = getCartOffsetPos();
SGGeodesy::SGCartToGeod(cartoffsetPos, offsetpos);
+ //cout << "OFFSET POS" << offsetpos.getElevationFt();
void FGSubmodelMgr::valueChanged(SGPropertyNode *prop)
+// cout << "LISTENER: " << endl;
const char* _model_added = _model_added_node->getStringValue();
const char *cstr2b = "ballistic";
indexCh2b = str2.find( cstr2b, 0 );
+// cout << "model added - " << str2 <<" now do something "<< endl;
if (indexCh2b != string::npos ){ // we will ignore Ballistic Objects - there are potentially too many
} else {
- //cout << "model added - " << str2 <<" now do something "<< endl;
SGPropertyNode *a_node = fgGetNode(_model_added, true );
SGPropertyNode *sub_node = a_node->getChild("submodels", 0, true);
SGPropertyNode_ptr path_node = sub_node->getChild("path", 0, true);
//cout << "subpath empty - return" << endl << endl;
} else {
- //cout << "subpath not empty: " << path << endl << endl;
+ //cout << "subpath found - loading" << endl << endl;
SGPropertyNode_ptr ident_node = a_node->getChild("id", 0, true);
int id = ident_node->getIntValue();
+ }
+void FGSubmodelMgr::setParentNode(int id) {
- }
+ const SGPropertyNode_ptr ai = fgGetNode("/ai/models", true);
+ for (int i = ai->nChildren() - 1; i >= -1; i--) {
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr model;
+ if (i < 0) { // last iteration: selected model
+ model = _selected_ac;
+ } else {
+ model = ai->getChild(i);
+ string path = ai->getPath();
+ const string name = model->getStringValue("name");
+ int parent_id = model->getIntValue("id");
+ if (!model->nChildren()){
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (parent_id == id) {
+ _selected_ac = model; // save selected model for last iteration
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!model)
+ continue;
+ }// end for loop
+ if (_selected_ac != 0){
+ //cout << " parent node found"<< endl;
+ const string name = _selected_ac->getStringValue("name");
+ IC.lat = _selected_ac->getDoubleValue("position/latitude-deg");
+ IC.lon = _selected_ac->getDoubleValue("position/longitude-deg");
+ IC.alt = _selected_ac->getDoubleValue("position/altitude-ft");
+ IC.roll = _selected_ac->getDoubleValue("orientation/roll-deg");
+ IC.elevation = _selected_ac->getDoubleValue("orientation/pitch-deg");
+ IC.azimuth = _selected_ac->getDoubleValue("orientation/true-heading-deg");
+ IC.speed = _selected_ac->getDoubleValue("velocities/true-airspeed-kt") * SG_KT_TO_FPS;
+ IC.speed_down_fps = -_selected_ac->getDoubleValue("velocities/vertical-speed-fps");
+ IC.speed_east_fps = _selected_ac->getDoubleValue("velocities/speed-east-fps");
+ IC.speed_north_fps = _selected_ac->getDoubleValue("velocities/speed-north-fps");
+ //cout << name << " IC.speed " << IC.speed << endl;
+ } else {
+ SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "AISubmodel: parent node not found ");
+ }
// end of submodel.cxx
bool first_time;
double cd;
double weight;
+ double mass;
double contents;
bool aero_stabilised;
int id;
double mass;
int id;
bool no_roll;
+ int parent_id;
} IC_struct;
double _parent_pitch;
double _parent_roll;
double _parent_speed;
+ double _parent_ID;
double _x_offset;
double _y_offset;
double _z_offset;
SGPropertyNode_ptr props;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _model_added_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _path_node;
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr _selected_ac;
FGAIManager* ai;
void setSubData(int id, string& path, bool serviceable);
void valueChanged (SGPropertyNode *);
void transform(submodel *);
+ void setParentNode(int parent_id);
bool release(submodel *, double dt);