'$lname' => array('username', t('Nickname or Email address: ') , '', ''),
'$lpassword' => array('password', t('Password: '), '', ''),
+ '$lremember' => array('remember', t('Remember me'), 0, ''),
'$openid' => !$noid,
'$lopenid' => array('openid_url', t('Or login using OpenID: '),'',''),
+ // If the user specified to remember the authentication, then change the cookie
+ // to expire after one year (the default is when the browser is closed).
+ // If the user did not specify to remember, change the cookie to expire when the
+ // browser is closed. The reason this is necessary is because if the user
+ // specifies to remember, then logs out and logs back in without specifying to
+ // remember, the old "remember" cookie may remain and prevent the session from
+ // expiring when the browser is closed.
+ //
+ // It seems like I should be able to test for the old cookie, but for some reason when
+ // I read the lifetime value from session_get_cookie_params(), I always get '0'
+ // (i.e. expire when the browser is closed), even when there's a time expiration
+ // on the cookie
+ if($_POST['remember']) {
+ $old_sid = session_id();
+ session_set_cookie_params('31449600'); // one year
+ session_regenerate_id(false);
+ q("UPDATE session SET sid = '%s' WHERE sid = '%s'", dbesc(session_id()), dbesc($old_sid));
+ }
+ else {
+ $old_sid = session_id();
+ session_set_cookie_params('0');
+ session_regenerate_id(false);
+ q("UPDATE session SET sid = '%s' WHERE sid = '%s'", dbesc(session_id()), dbesc($old_sid));
+ }
// if we haven't failed up this point, log them in.
authenticate_success($record, true, true);
<input type="submit" name="submit" id="login-submit-button" value="$login" />
- <br /><br /><br /><br />
+ {{ inc field_checkbox.tpl with $field=$lremember }}{{ endinc }}
+ <br /><br /><br />
<div class="login-extra-links">
{{ if $register }}<a href="register" title="$register.title" id="register-link">$register.desc</a>{{ endif }}
<a href="lostpass" title="$lostpass" id="lost-password-link" >$lostlink</a>