./inc/libs/task_functions.php:53:// @TODO Move all extension-dependent queries into filters
./inc/libs/theme_functions.php:95: // @TODO Can't this be rewritten to an API function?
./inc/libs/user_functions.php:146: // @TODO These two constants are no longer used, maybe we reactivate this code?
-./inc/libs/user_functions.php:233:// @TODO Double-check configuration entry here
-./inc/libs/user_functions.php:325: // @TODO Make this filter working: $ADDON = runFilterChain('post_login_update', $content);
-./inc/libs/user_functions.php:345: // @TODO Make this filter working: $url = runFilterChain('do_login', array('content' => $content, 'addon' => $ADDON));
-./inc/libs/user_functions.php:421: // @TODO We should try to rewrite this to fetchUserData() somehow
+./inc/libs/user_functions.php:234:// @TODO Double-check configuration entry here
+./inc/libs/user_functions.php:326: // @TODO Make this filter working: $ADDON = runFilterChain('post_login_update', $content);
+./inc/libs/user_functions.php:346: // @TODO Make this filter working: $url = runFilterChain('do_login', array('content' => $content, 'addon' => $ADDON));
+./inc/libs/user_functions.php:422: // @TODO We should try to rewrite this to fetchUserData() somehow
./inc/libs/yoomedia_functions.php:116: $response = YOOMEDIA_QUERY_API('out_textmail.php', true); // @TODO Ask Yoo!Media for test script
./inc/load_config.php:77: // @TODO Rewrite them to avoid this else block
./inc/loader/load_cache-extension.php:13: * @TODO Rewrite this whole file to load_cache-extensions.php *
./inc/modules/admin/what-config_rallye_prices.php:209: // @TODO Rewritings: level->price_level, infos->info in template
./inc/modules/admin/what-config_rallye_prices.php:226: // @TODO Rewrite these two constants
./inc/modules/admin/what-config_register.php:78: // @TODO Move this HTML code into a template
+./inc/modules/admin/what-del_email.php:60: // @TODO Unused: $price = getPaymentPoints($content['payment_id'], 'price');
+./inc/modules/admin/what-del_email.php:61: // @TODO Unused: cat_id, payment_id
./inc/modules/admin/what-edit_user.php:20: * @TODO Add support for ext-country *
./inc/modules/admin/what-email_stats.php:48:// @TODO Unused at the moment
./inc/modules/admin/what-extensions.php:362: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
./inc/modules/admin/what-guest_add.php:85: // @TODO This can be somehow rewritten to a function
./inc/modules/admin/what-holiday_list.php:48:// @TODO Unused at the moment
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_autopurge.php:49:// @TODO Rewrite those lines to filter
-./inc/modules/admin/what-list_autopurge.php:85: // @TODO Rewritings: surname->surname,family->family in templates
-./inc/modules/admin/what-list_bonus.php:131: // @TODO Can't this be moved into our expression language?
+./inc/modules/admin/what-list_bonus.php:136: // @TODO Can't this be moved into our expression language?
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_cats.php:56: // @TODO No longer needed? define('__CATS_BASE' , '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&userid=');
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_cats.php:72: // @TODO Rewrite this to countSum.....() function
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_links.php:57: // @TODO Try to rewrite this to a filter
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_links.php:98: // @TODO Rewrite this to includes/filter
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_refs.php:110: // @TODO Try to rewrite some to EL
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_task.php:146: // @TODO Rewrite these templates to one and add $OUT
-./inc/modules/admin/what-list_task.php:180: // @TODO Rewritings: admin->assigned_admin,userid->userid,type->task_type_msg in template
+./inc/modules/admin/what-list_task.php:180: // @TODO Rewritings: admin->assigned_admin,type->task_type_msg in template
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_task.php:192: // @TODO Rewrite this to $OUT .= ..., true, ...
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_task.php:196: // @TODO Rewrite this to $OUT .= ..., true, ...
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_unconfirmed.php:100: // @TODO Rewrite this to $content = SQL_FETCHARRAY(), look some lines above for two differrent queries
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_unconfirmed.php:88: // @TODO "Please do not call me directly." Should be rewritten to a nice selection depending on ext-bonus
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_user.php:157: // @TODO Rewrite these to filters
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_user.php:275: // @TODO Rewrite this into a filter
-./inc/modules/admin/what-list_user.php:325: // @TODO Rewrite this into a filter
+./inc/modules/admin/what-list_user.php:322: // @TODO Rewrite this into a filter
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_user.php:59:// @TODO Rewrite these if-blocks in a filter
./inc/modules/admin/what-logs.php:69: // @TODO Fix content-type here
./inc/modules/admin/what-logs.php:72: // @TODO Fix content-type here
Warning: Not parsing JavaScript templates/de/html/js/js_surfbar_member_book.tpl.
Warning: Not parsing JavaScript templates/de/html/js/js_surfbar_stopped.tpl.
Warning: Not parsing JavaScript templates/de/html/js/js_surfbar_member_edit.tpl.
-PHP Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTMLFile(): Unexpected end tag : table in templates/de/html/guest/guest_rallye_expired_footer.tpl, line: 6 in
-PHP Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTMLFile(): Unexpected end tag : div in templates/de/html/guest/guest_rallye_expired_footer.tpl, line: 7 in
PHP Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTMLFile(): Unexpected end tag : table in templates/de/html/guest/guest_footer.tpl, line: 6 in
-PHP Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTMLFile(): Unexpected end tag : table in templates/de/html/guest/guest_rallye_footer.tpl, line: 11 in
PHP Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTMLFile(): Unexpected end tag : td in templates/de/html/guest/guest_menu_content.tpl, line: 2 in
PHP Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTMLFile(): Unexpected end tag : div in templates/de/html/guest/guest_doubler.tpl, line: 52 in
PHP Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTMLFile(): Unexpected end tag : td in templates/de/html/guest/guest_content_footer.tpl, line: 1 in
// @TODO Can't this be moved into EL?
if (isAdmin()) {
// Set links to admin area
- if ($content['userid'] > 0) { $content['userid'] = generateUserProfileLink($content['userid']); } else { $content['userid'] = '---'; }
- if ($content['refid'] > 0) { $content['refid'] = generateUserProfileLink($content['refid']); } else { $content['refid'] = '---'; }
+ if (isValidUserId($content['userid'])) { $content['userid'] = generateUserProfileLink($content['userid']); } else { $content['userid'] = '---'; }
+ if (isValidUserId($content['refid'])) { $content['refid'] = generateUserProfileLink($content['refid']); } else { $content['refid'] = '---'; }
} // END - if
// Prepare data for the row template
if (getOutputMode() != 0) return;
// Initialize variables
-$jackpot = '0'; $user = '0';
-if (isExtensionActive('jackpot')) $jackpot = getJackpotPoints();
+$jackpotPoints = '0'; $userPoints = '0';
+if (isExtensionActive('jackpot')) $jackpotPoints = getJackpotPoints();
// Get total points of the doubler itself
$okay = false;
// Check for jackpot inclusion in doubling process
- if (($jackpot > 0) && ($jackpot >= $content['points']) && (getConfig('doubler_jackpot') == 'Y')) {
+ if (($jackpotPoints > 0) && ($jackpotPoints >= $content['points']) && (getConfig('doubler_jackpot') == 'Y')) {
// Subtract points from jackpot
- $jackpot -= $content['points'];
+ $jackpotPoints -= $content['points'];
// Okay, done!
$okay = true;
} // END - if
// Exclude also webmaster's id in taking points from webmaster's account
- if (($user > 0) && ($user >= $content['points']) && ($okay === false) && (getConfig('doubler_userid') > 0) && ($content['userid'] != getConfig('doubler_userid'))) {
+ if (($userPoints > 0) && ($userPoints >= $content['points']) && ($okay === false) && (getConfig('doubler_userid') > 0) && ($content['userid'] != getConfig('doubler_userid'))) {
// Add points to used points
subtractPoints('doubler_payout', getConfig('doubler_userid'), $content['points']);
// Get task type
$content['task_type_msg'] = getMessage('ADMIN_TASK_IS_'.strtoupper($content['task_type']).'');
- if ($content['userid'] > 0) {
+ if (isValidUserId($content['userid'])) {
// Member found otherwise it's a system task
$content['userid'] = generateUserProfileLink($content['userid']);
} else {
// We have some (new?) registrations!
$OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
- // Add link to refid
- if ($content['refid'] > 0) $content['refid'] = generateUserProfileLink($content['refid']);
// Prepare array for the row template
$content = array(
'sw' => $SW,
- 'gender' => translateGender($content['gender']),
+ 'gender' => $content['gender'],
'surname' => $content['surname'],
'family' => $content['family'],
'email' => '<a href="' . generateEmailLink($content['email'], 'user_data') . '">' . $content['email'] . '</a>',
'remote_addr' => $content['REMOTE_ADDR'],
'refid' => $content['refid'],
'user_hash' => $content['user_hash'],
- 'link' => generateUserProfileLink($content['userid']),
+ 'userid' => $content['userid'],
// Load row template and switch color
if (isGetRequestParameterSet('mid')) {
// Load email data
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `sender`, `subject`, `url`, `timestamp`, `payment_id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `sender`, `subject`, `url`, `timestamp`, `cat_id`, `payment_id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval(getRequestParameter('mid'))), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Delete mail only once
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
// Load data
- list ($id, $sender, $subject, $url, $timestamp, $payId) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
- SQL_FREERESULT($result);
+ $content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
// Get points we shall pay back per mail
- $price = getPaymentPoints($payId, 'price');
+ // @TODO Unused: $price = getPaymentPoints($content['payment_id'], 'price');
+ // @TODO Unused: cat_id, payment_id
// Prepare data for the template
- $content['id'] = $id;
- $content['sender'] = generateUserProfileLink($sender);
- $content['subject'] = $subject;
- $content['url'] = generateDerefererUrl($url);
- $content['url_raw'] = $url;
- $content['timestamp'] = generateDateTime($timestamp, 0);
+ $content['timestamp'] = generateDateTime($content['timestamp'], 0);
// Load template
loadTemplate('admin_del_email_normal', false, $content);
// Mail already deleted!
loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, getMessage('ADMIN_NORMAL_MAIL_ALREADY_DELETED'));
+ // Free result
+ SQL_FREERESULT($result);
} elseif (isGetRequestParameterSet('pid')) {
// Remove stats entries
} // END - if
-$result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT id, sender, subject, payment_id, cat_id FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` ORDER BY timestamp", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+// Query the pool
+$result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
+ `id`, `sender`, `subject`, `payment_id`, `cat_id`
+ `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool`
+ `timestamp` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+// Entries found?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
if (isFormSent()) {
// Make mail editable...
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT subject, text, url FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
- array(bigintval(postRequestParameter('id'))), __FILE__, __LINE__);
- list($subj, $text, $url) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
- SQL_FREERESULT($result);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `subject`, `text`, `url` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ array(bigintval(postRequestParameter('id'))), __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // Prepare constant for template
- $content['id'] = bigintval(postRequestParameter('id'));
- $content['url'] = $url;
- $content['subject'] = $subj;
- $content['text'] = $text;
+ // Fetch row
+ $content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
+ // Free result
+ SQL_FREERESULT($result);
// Load template
loadTemplate('admin_edit_email', false, $content);
// There are mail orders available
$OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
- // Prepare data for the row template
- $content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
- 'id' => $content['id'],
- 'subject' => $content['subject'],
- 'userid' => generateUserProfileLink($content['sender']),
- 'pay' => getPaymentTitlePrice($content['payment_id']),
- 'cat' => getCategory($content['cat_id']),
- );
+ // Add color swapping
+ $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_edit_email_row', true, $content);
$SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
// Free memory
if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('holiday', '0.1.3')) $EXCLUDE_LIST .= " AND d.holiday_active='N'";
// Check for all accounts
+$result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
d.userid, d.gender, d.surname, d.family, d.email, d.joined, d.last_online, d.ap_notified
`{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` AS d
d.`status`='CONFIRMED' AND
- d.joined < (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - %s) AND
- d.last_online < (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - %s) AND
- d.ap_notified < (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - %s)
+ d.joined < (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - {?ap_inactive_since?}) AND
+ d.last_online < (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - {?ap_inactive_since?}) AND
+ d.ap_notified < (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - {?ap_inactive_since?})
- d.userid ASC",
- array(
- getConfig('ap_inactive_since'),
- getConfig('ap_inactive_since'),
- getConfig('ap_inactive_since')
- ), __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ d.userid ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Ok, we have found some inactive accounts
$OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare data for the row template
- // @TODO Rewritings: surname->surname,family->family in templates
$content = array(
'sw' => $SW,
- 'userid' => generateUserProfileLink($content['userid']),
- 'gender' => translateGender($content['gender']),
+ 'userid' => $content['userid'],
+ 'gender' => $content['gender'],
'surname' => $content['surname'],
'family' => $content['family'],
'email' => '<a href="' . generateEmailLink($content['email'], 'user_data') . '">' . $content['email'] . '</a>',
// Check if at least one is in the active rallye
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `userid`, `email`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`, ".$USE." AS points, `last_online`
-FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data`
-WHERE `status`='CONFIRMED' AND ".$USE." > 0".$lastOnline."
-ORDER BY `points` DESC, `last_online` DESC, `userid` ASC",
- array($ONLINE), __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ `userid`, `email`, `gender`, `surname`, `family`, ".$USE." AS points, `last_online`
+ `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data`
+ `status`='CONFIRMED' AND
+ ".$USE." > 0
+ ".$lastOnline."
+ `points` DESC,
+ `last_online` DESC,
+ `userid` ASC",
+ array($ONLINE), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List users
} // END - if
// Prepare content
- $content['userid'] = generateUserProfileLink($content['userid']);
$content['email'] = generateEmailLink($content['email'], 'user_data');
- $content['gender'] = translateGender($content['gender']);
- $content['points'] = translateComma($content['points']);
$content['last_online'] = generateDateTime($content['last_online'], 2);
$content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['win1'] = $WIN1;
addMenuDescription('admin', __FILE__);
// Start listing holiday requests
-$result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT h.id, h.userid, h.holiday_start, h.holiday_end, h.comments, d.status, d.last_online
-FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_holidays` AS h
-LEFT JOIN `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` AS d
-ON h.userid=d.userid
-ORDER BY h.userid", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+$result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
+ h.id, h.userid, h.holiday_start, h.holiday_end, h.comments, d.status, d.last_online
+ `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_holidays` AS h
+ `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` AS d
+ h.userid=d.userid
+ h.userid ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List all holiday requests
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
- 'id' => $content['id'],
- 'userid' => generateUserProfileLink($content['userid']),
- 'start' => generateDateTime($content['holiday_start'], 3),
- 'end' => generateDateTime($content['holiday_end'], 3),
- 'comments' => wordwrap($content['comments'], 15),
- 'status' => translateUserStatus($content['status']),
- 'last_online' => generateDateTime($content['last_online'], 3),
+ 'sw' => $SW,
+ 'id' => $content['id'],
+ 'userid' => $content['userid'],
+ 'start' => generateDateTime($content['holiday_start'], 3),
+ 'end' => generateDateTime($content['holiday_end'], 3),
+ 'comments' => wordwrap($content['comments'], 15),
+ 'status' => $content['status'],
+ 'last_online' => generateDateTime($content['last_online'], 3),
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_holiday_row', true, $content);
$SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
// Free memory
// @TODO Try to rewrite some to EL
$content = array(
'sw' => $SW,
- 'u_link' => generateUserProfileLink(getUserData('userid')),
- 'gender' => translateGender(getUserData('gender')),
+ 'userid' => getUserData('userid'),
+ 'gender' => getUserData('gender'),
'refs_link' => 0,
'surname' => getUserData('surname'),
'family' => getUserData('family'),
'email' => '[<a href="' . generateEmailLink(getUserData('email'), 'user_data') . '">' . getUserData('email') . '</a>]',
- 'status' => translateUserStatus(getUserData('status')),
+ 'status' => getUserData('status'),
'registered' => generateDateTime(getUserData('joined'), 3),
// Prepare data for the template
$content = array(
'sw' => $SW,
- 'u_link' => generateUserProfileLink($levels['userid']),
- 'gender' => translateGender($levels['gender']),
+ 'userid' => $levels['userid'],
+ 'gender' => $levels['gender'],
'refs_link' => 0,
'surname' => $levels['surname'],
'family' => $levels['family'],
'email' => '[<a href="' . generateEmailLink($levels['email'], 'user_data') . '">' . $levels['email'] . '</a>]',
- 'status' => translateUserStatus($levels['status']),
+ 'status' => $levels['status'],
'registered' => generateDateTime($levels['joined'], 3),
// Prepare content
$content = array(
'rows' => $OUT,
- 'userid' => generateUserProfileLink(getRequestParameter('userid'))
+ 'userid' => getRequestParameter('userid')
// Load main template
} // END - switch
// Member assigned with task?
- if ($content['userid'] > 0) {
+ if (isValidUserId($content['userid'])) {
// Member found otherwise it's a system task
$content['userid'] = generateUserProfileLink($content['userid']);
} else {
// Prepare content
- // @TODO Rewritings: admin->assigned_admin,userid->userid,type->task_type_msg in template
+ // @TODO Rewritings: admin->assigned_admin,type->task_type_msg in template
$content = merge_array($content, array(
'sw' => $SW,
'admin' => $content['assigned_admin'],
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
'sw' => $SW,
- 'u_link' => generateUserProfileLink($content['userid']),
'userid' => $content['userid'],
'link' => $LINK,
'id' => $ID,
'email' => '<a href="' . generateEmailLink($content['email'], 'user_data') . '">' . translateGender($content['gender']) . ' ' . $content['surname'] . ' ' . $content['family'] . '</a>',
- 'status' => translateUserStatus($content['status']),
+ 'status' => $content['status'],
// Load row template and switch colors
// Prepare content
$content = array(
- 'sender_link' => generateUserProfileLink($sender),
- 'subject' => $subj,
- 'text' => $text,
- 'url' => generateFrametesterUrl($url),
- 'unconfirmed' => $unconfirmed,
- 'stamp' => generateDateTime($stamp, 2),
- 'rows' => $OUT
+ 'sender' => $sender,
+ 'subject' => $subj,
+ 'text' => $text,
+ 'url' => $url,
+ 'unconfirmed' => $unconfirmed,
+ 'stamp' => generateDateTime($stamp, 2),
+ 'rows' => $OUT
// Load final template
// Add links to the numbers
if ($content['links'] > 0) $content['links'] = $base . '&what=list_links&userid=' . $userid . '%}">' . $content['links'] . '</a>]';
- if ($content['refid'] > 0) $content['refid'] = $base . '&what=list_user&userid=' . $content['refid'] . '%}">'.$content['refid'] . '</a>]';
- if ($content['refs'] > 0) $content['refs'] = $base . '&what=list_refs&userid=' . $userid . '%}">' . $content['refs'] . '</a>]';
- if ($content['cats'] > 0) $content['cats'] = $base . '&what=list_cats&userid=' . $userid . '%}">' . $content['cats'] . '</a>]';
+ if (isValidUserId($content['refid'])) $content['refid'] = $base . '&what=list_user&userid=' . $content['refid'] . '%}">'.$content['refid'] . '</a>]';
+ if ($content['refs'] > 0) $content['refs'] = $base . '&what=list_refs&userid=' . $userid . '%}">' . translateComma($content['refs']) . '</a>]';
+ if ($content['cats'] > 0) $content['cats'] = $base . '&what=list_cats&userid=' . $userid . '%}">' . translateComma($content['cats']) . '</a>]';
// Fix empty module
if (empty($content['last_module'])) $content['last_module'] = '---';
// Merge more data in
$content = merge_array($content, $templateContent);
- // Set refid link
- if ($content['refid'] > 0) $content['refid'] = generateUserProfileLink($content['refid']);
// Get number of unconfirmed mails
$content['links'] = countSumTotalData($content['userid'], 'user_links', 'id', 'userid', true);
if ($content['links'] > 0) $content['links'] = $base . '&what=list_links&userid=' . $content['userid'] . '%}">' . translateComma($content['links']) . '</a>]';
$content['locked'] = countSumTotalData($content['userid'], 'user_points', 'locked_points');
// If we have at least one referal, make it clickable to referal list
- if ($content['refs'] > 0) $content['refs'] = $base . '&what=list_refs&userid=' . $content['userid'] . '%}">' . $content['refs'] . '</a>]';
+ if ($content['refs'] > 0) $content['refs'] = $base . '&what=list_refs&userid=' . $content['userid'] . '%}">' . translateComma($content['refs']) . '</a>]';
// Is the lock reason not set?
if (!isset($content['lock_reason'])) $content['lock_reason'] = '---';
loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, getMessage('ADMIN_POINTS_SUBTRACTED'));
} else {
// Prepare content
- $content['user'] = '<a href="' . generateEmailLink($content['email'], 'user_data') . '">' . $content['surname'] . ' ' . $content['family'] . '</a>';
+ $content['user'] = '<a href="' . generateEmailLink($content['email'], 'user_data') . '">' . translateGender($content['gender']) . ' ' . $content['surname'] . ' ' . $content['family'] . '</a>';
$content['userid'] = bigintval(getRequestParameter('userid'));
// Load form
// Check for mails
$result_main = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
- `id`,`sender`,`subject`,`payment_id` AS `payment`,`timestamp`,`url`,`target_send`,`cat_id` AS category
+ `id`, `sender`, `subject`, `payment_id`, `timestamp`, `url`, `target_send`, `cat_id`
$OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_main)) {
// Prepare data for the template
- $content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
- 'id' => $content['id'],
- 'sender' => $content['sender'],
- 'u_link' => generateUserProfileLink($content['sender']),
- 'subject' => $content['subject'],
- 'tester' => generateFrametesterUrl($content['url']),
- 'url' => $content['url'],
- 'cat_title' => str_replace('"', '"', getCategory($content['category'])),
- 'cat_link' => $content['category'],
- 'pay_title' => str_replace('"', '"', getPaymentTitlePrice($content['payment'], true)),
- 'pay_link' => $content['payment'],
- 'timestamp' => generateDateTime($content['timestamp'], 2),
- 'target_send' => $content['target_send'],
- );
+ $content['sw'] = $SW;
+ $content['timestamp'] = generateDateTime($content['timestamp'], 2);
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_unlock_emails_row', true, $content);
array($content['id']), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Update, if applyable, referal count and points
- if (($content['refid'] > 0) && ($content['refid'] != $content['id'])) {
+ if ((isValidUserId($content['refid'])) && ($content['refid'] != $content['id'])) {
// Update referal account
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// "Translate"/add content
$content['sw'] = $SW;
- $content['userid'] = generateUserProfileLink($content['userid']);
- $content['framekiller'] = generateFrametesterUrl($content['url']);
$content['url_registered'] = generateDateTime($content['url_registered'], 2);
// Load row template
} elseif (($row['is_member'] != 'Y') && ($row['is_admin'] != 'Y')) {
// Is a guest
$row['userid'] = getMessage('_IS_GUEST');
- } elseif ($row['userid'] > 0) {
+ } elseif (isValidUserId($row['userid'])) {
// Add profile link to userid
$row['userid'] = generateUserProfileLink($row['userid']);
- } // END - if
- // Is the refid set?
- if ($row['refid'] > 0) {
- // Add profile link to referer id
- $row['refid'] = generateUserProfileLink($row['refid']);
- } // END - if
+ }
// Add more content
$row['sw'] = $SW;
outputHtml('<div class="debug_message">' . $message . '</div>');
+// Is given userid valid?
+function isValidUserId ($userid) {
+ // Do we have cache?
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS['is_valid_userid'][$userid])) {
+ // Check it out
+ $GLOBALS['is_valid_userid'][$userid] = ((!is_null($userid)) && (!empty($userid)) && ($userid > 0));
+ } // END - if
+ // Return cache
+ return $GLOBALS['is_valid_userid'][$userid];
// [EOF]
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
- class="admin_table dashed" width="99%">
+<div align="center">
+<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="admin_table dashed" width="99%">
<td class="admin_title" colspan="8" align="center" height="35">
<div class="admin_misc">{--ADMIN_EMAIL_DELETED--}</div>
<td class="top right admin_misc" align="center">$content[id]</td>
- <td class="top right admin_misc" align="center">$content[sender]</td>
+ <td class="top right admin_misc" align="center">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[sender]%}</td>
<td class="top right admin_misc" align="center">$content[subject]</td>
- <td class="top right admin_misc" align="center"><a
- href="$content[url]" target="_blank">{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}</a></td>
+ <td class="top right admin_misc" align="center">
+ <a href="{%pipe,generateDerefererUrl=$content[url]%}" target="_blank">{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}</a>
+ </td>
<td class="top right admin_misc" align="center">$content[timestamp]</td>
<td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
- ({--EMAIL_SENDER--}: $content[userid]; {%pipe,translateComma=$content[pay]%}; $content[cat])
+ ({--EMAIL_SENDER--}: {%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[userid]%}; {%pipe,getPaymentTitlePrice=$content[payment_id]%}; {%pipe,getCategory=$content[cat_id]%})
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[userid]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[gender]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[userid]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,translateGender=$content[gender]%}</td>
<td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[surname]</td>
<td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[family]</td>
<td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[email]</td>
<td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[win1]$content[cnt]$content[win2]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[win1]$content[userid]$content[win2]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[win1]<a href="$content[email]">$content[gender] $content[surname] $content[family]</a>$content[win2]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[points] {?POINTS?}</td>
+ <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[win1]{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[userid]%}$content[win2]</td>
+ <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[win1]<a href="$content[email]">{%pipe,translateGender$content[gender]%} $content[surname] $content[family]</a>$content[win2]</td>
+ <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%} {?POINTS?}</td>
<td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right">$content[link]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right">$content[gender]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[userid]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right">{%pipe,translateGender=$content[gender]%}</td>
<td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right">$content[surname]</td>
<td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right">$content[family]</td>
<td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right">$content[email]</td>
<td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right">$content[remote_addr]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right">$content[refid]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[refid]%}</td>
<td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top">
<a href="{%url=confirm.php?hash=$content[user_hash]%}" target="_blank">{--CONFIRMATION_LINK--}</a>
<input type="checkbox" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[id]" name="sel[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" value="1" />
<td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
- $content[userid]
+ {%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[userid]%}
<td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
<div class="pre">$content[comments]</div>
<td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
- $content[status]
+ {%pipe,translateUserStatus=$content[status]%}
<td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
<td align="center" width="5%" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[id]</td>
<td align="center" width="15%" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[userid]</td>
<td align="center" width="10%" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[ip]</td>
- <td align="center" width="5%" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[refid]</td>
+ <td align="center" width="5%" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[refid]%}</td>
<td align="center" width="10%" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[module]</td>
<td align="center" width="10%" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[action]</td>
<td align="center" width="5%" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[what]</td>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="admin_table dashed">
<td colspan="6" class="admin_title">
- <strong>{%message,ADMIN_LIST_REFERALS=$content[userid]%}</strong>
+ <strong>{%message,ADMIN_LIST_REFERALS={%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[userid]%}%}</strong>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="admin_table dashed">
<td class="admin_title bottom">
- <strong>{%message,ADMIN_LIST_REFERALS=$content[userid]%}</strong>
+ <strong>{%message,ADMIN_LIST_REFERALS={%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[userid]%}%}</strong>
- <td align="right" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]" valign="top">$content[u_link] </td>
+ <td align="right" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]" valign="top">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[userid]%}</td>
<td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">$content[refs_link]</td>
- <td class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">$content[gender] $content[surname] $content[family]</td>
+ <td class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">{%pipe,translateGender=$content[gender]%} $content[surname] $content[family]</td>
<td class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">$content[email]</td>
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">$content[status]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">{%pipe,translateUserStatus=$content[status]%}</td>
<td class="bottom switch_sw$content[sw]">$content[registered]</td>
<td width="260" align="center" class="bottom right">
{--EMAIL_SENDER--}:<br />
- <strong>$content[sender_link]</strong>
+ <strong>{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[sender]%}</strong>
<td width="260" align="center" class="bottom">
{--EMAIL_SUBJECT--}:<br />
<td align="center" class="bottom right">{--EMAIL_URL--}:<br />
- <strong><a href="$content[url]" target="_blank">{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}</a></strong>
+ <strong><a href="{%pipe,generateFrametesterUrl=$content[url]%}" target="_blank">{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}</a></strong>
<td align="center" class="bottom">
{--EMAIL_TIMESTAMP--}:<br />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[u_link]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[userid]%}</td>
<td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
<a href="{%url=mailid.php?userid=$content[userid]&$content[link]=$content[id]%}" target="_blank">{--CLICK_NOW--}</a>
<td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[email]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[status]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">{%pipe,translateUserStatus=$content[status]%}</td>
<td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[email]</td>
<td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[REMOTE_ADDR]</td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[refid]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[refid]%}</td>
<td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">{%pipe,translateUserStatus=$content[status]%}</td>
<td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[links]</td>
<input type="hidden" name="url[$content[id]]" value="$content[url]" />
<td class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right admin_misc" align="center">
- $content[u_link]
+ {%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[sender]%}
<td class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right admin_misc">
<td class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right" align="center">
- <a href="$content[tester]" target="_blank">{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}</a>
+ <a href="{%pipe,generateFrametesterUrl=$content[url]%}" target="_blank">{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}</a>
<td class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right admin_misc" align="center">
- <span class="admin_note" title="$content[cat_title]">$content[cat_link]</span>
+ <span class="admin_note" title="{%pipe,getCategory=$content[cat_id]%}">$content[cat_link]</span>
<td class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right admin_misc" align="center">
- <span class="admin_note" title="$content[pay_title]">$content[pay_link]</span>
+ <span class="admin_note" title="{%pipe,getPaymentTitlePrice=$content[payment_id]%}">$content[pay_link]</span>
<td class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right admin_misc" align="center">
<td class="switch_sw$content[sw] top admin_misc" align="center">
- $content[target_send]
+ {%pipe,translateComma=$content[target_send]%}
<input type="checkbox" class="admin_normal" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[url_id]" name="url_id[$content[url_id]]" value="1" />
<td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
- $content[url_userid]
+ {%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[url_userid]%}
<td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
<td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
- <a href="$content[framekiller]" target="_blank" title="{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}">{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}</a>
+ <a href="{%pipe,generateFrametesterUrl=$content[url]%}" target="_blank" title="{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}">{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}</a>
<td align="center" class="bottom switch_sw$content[sw]">
var interval = null;
-var countDown = "$content[restart]";
+var countDown = "$content[restart]";
var timer = document.getElementById("surfbar_counter");
var buttonDiv = document.getElementById("surfbar_button");
<td id="surfbar_td">
Guthaben: <span id="surfbar_points">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%} {?POINTS?}</span> -
- Jetzt Online: <span id="surfbar_counter">{%pipe,SURFBAR_DETERMINE_TOTAL_ONLINE%}</span> -
- Seitenaufrufe: Heute:<span id="surfbar_counter">{%config,translateComma=surfbar_daily_counter%}</span> -
- Gestern:<span id="surfbar_counter">{%config,translateComma=surfbar_yester_counter%}</span> -
- Woche:<span id="surfbar_counter">{%config,translateComma=surfbar_weekly_counter%}</span> -
- Monat:<span id="surfbar_counter">{%config,translateComma=surfbar_monthly_counter%}</span> -
- Gesamt:<span id="surfbar_counter">{%config,translateComma=surfbar_total_counter%}</span>
+ Jetzt Online: <span class="surfbar_counter">{%pipe,SURFBAR_DETERMINE_TOTAL_ONLINE%}</span> -
+ Seitenaufrufe: Heute:<span class="surfbar_counter">{%config,translateComma=surfbar_daily_counter%}</span> -
+ Gestern:<span class="surfbar_counter">{%config,translateComma=surfbar_yester_counter%}</span> -
+ Woche:<span class="surfbar_counter">{%config,translateComma=surfbar_weekly_counter%}</span> -
+ Monat:<span class="surfbar_counter">{%config,translateComma=surfbar_monthly_counter%}</span> -
+ Gesamt:<span class="surfbar_counter">{%config,translateComma=surfbar_total_counter%}</span>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" id="surfbar_table">
<td id="surfbar_td">
- Jetzt Online: <span id="surfbar_counter">{%pipe,SURFBAR_DETERMINE_TOTAL_ONLINE%}</span> -
+ Jetzt Online: <span class="surfbar_counter">{%pipe,SURFBAR_DETERMINE_TOTAL_ONLINE%}</span> -
<!-- @TODO These are static lines and should be replaced by a filter (see ext-sponsor) //-->
<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=index&what=impressum%}" target="_blank">Ihr Textlink hier?</a> -
<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=index&what=impressum%}" target="_blank">Ihr Textlink hier?</a> -
<td id="surfbar_td">
»<span id="surfbar_points">$content[xxx]=$content[xxx] {?POINTS?}</span> in
- <span id="surfbar_counter">$content[xxx]</span>
+ <span class="surfbar_counter">$content[xxx]</span>
<span id="surfbar_counter_word">Sekunden</span>«
»<span id="surfbar_reload">X</span> von
<span id="surfbar_max">X</span> im Reload«
<div id="surfbar_button">
Keine URLs mehr verfügbar oder Datenbankfehler liegt vor.<br />
- Neustart in <span id="surfbar_counter">$content[start]</span> Sekunden
+ Neustart in <span class="surfbar_counter">$content[start]</span> Sekunden
-#surfbar_counter {
+.surfbar_counter {
-#surfbar_counter {
+.surfbar_counter {
-#surfbar_counter {
+.surfbar_counter {
-#surfar_counter_word {
+#surfbar_counter_word {
#surfbar_points {
font-weight: bold;
\ No newline at end of file
-#surfbar_counter {
+.surfbar_counter {
#surfbar_points {
font-weight: bold;
\ No newline at end of file