// Static utility functions.
- * Set up the transform matrix for a spin or rotation.
- */
-static void
-set_rotation (osg::Matrix &matrix, double position_deg,
- const SGVec3d ¢er, const SGVec3d &axis)
- double temp_angle = -SGMiscd::deg2rad(position_deg);
- double s = sin(temp_angle);
- double c = cos(temp_angle);
- double t = 1 - c;
- // axis was normalized at load time
- // hint to the compiler to put these into FP registers
- double x = axis[0];
- double y = axis[1];
- double z = axis[2];
- matrix(0, 0) = t * x * x + c ;
- matrix(0, 1) = t * y * x - s * z ;
- matrix(0, 2) = t * z * x + s * y ;
- matrix(0, 3) = 0;
- matrix(1, 0) = t * x * y + s * z ;
- matrix(1, 1) = t * y * y + c ;
- matrix(1, 2) = t * z * y - s * x ;
- matrix(1, 3) = 0;
- matrix(2, 0) = t * x * z - s * y ;
- matrix(2, 1) = t * y * z + s * x ;
- matrix(2, 2) = t * z * z + c ;
- matrix(2, 3) = 0;
- // hint to the compiler to put these into FP registers
- x = center[0];
- y = center[1];
- z = center[2];
- matrix(3, 0) = x - x*matrix(0, 0) - y*matrix(1, 0) - z*matrix(2, 0);
- matrix(3, 1) = y - x*matrix(0, 1) - y*matrix(1, 1) - z*matrix(2, 1);
- matrix(3, 2) = z - x*matrix(0, 2) - y*matrix(1, 2) - z*matrix(2, 2);
- matrix(3, 3) = 1;
* Set up the transform matrix for a translation.
// Implementation of rotate/spin animation
-//Cull callback
-class RotAnimCallback : public osg::NodeCallback
+class SGRotAnimTransform : public SGRotateTransform
- RotAnimCallback(SGCondition const* condition,
- SGExpressiond const* animationValue,
- double initialValue = 0.0) :
- _condition(condition),
- _animationValue(animationValue),
- _initialValue(initialValue),
- _lastValue(0.0)
- { }
- virtual void operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv);
+ SGRotAnimTransform();
+ SGRotAnimTransform(const SGRotAnimTransform&,
+ const osg::CopyOp& copyop = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY);
+ META_Node(simgear, SGRotAnimTransform);
+ virtual bool computeLocalToWorldMatrix(osg::Matrix& matrix,
+ osg::NodeVisitor* nv) const;
+ virtual bool computeWorldToLocalMatrix(osg::Matrix& matrix,
+ osg::NodeVisitor* nv) const;
SGSharedPtr<SGCondition const> _condition;
SGSharedPtr<SGExpressiond const> _animationValue;
- double _initialValue;
- double _lastValue;
+ // used when condition is false
+ mutable double _lastAngle;
-void RotAnimCallback::operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv)
+ : _lastAngle(0.0)
- using namespace osg;
- SGRotateTransform* transform = static_cast<SGRotateTransform*>(node);
- EffectCullVisitor* cv = dynamic_cast<EffectCullVisitor*>(nv);
- if (!cv)
- return;
+SGRotAnimTransform::SGRotAnimTransform(const SGRotAnimTransform& rhs,
+ const osg::CopyOp& copyop)
+ : SGRotateTransform(rhs, copyop), _condition(rhs._condition),
+ _animationValue(rhs._animationValue), _lastAngle(rhs._lastAngle)
+bool SGRotAnimTransform::computeLocalToWorldMatrix(osg::Matrix& matrix,
+ osg::NodeVisitor* nv) const
double angle = 0.0;
if (!_condition || _condition->test()) {
- angle = _animationValue->getValue() - _initialValue;
- _lastValue = angle;
+ angle = _animationValue->getValue();
+ _lastAngle = angle;
} else {
- angle = _lastValue;
+ angle = _lastAngle;
- const SGVec3d& sgcenter = transform->getCenter();
- const SGVec3d& sgaxis = transform->getAxis();
- Matrixd mat = Matrixd::translate(-sgcenter[0], -sgcenter[1], -sgcenter[2])
- * Matrixd::rotate(SGMiscd::deg2rad(angle), sgaxis[0], sgaxis[1], sgaxis[2])
- * Matrixd::translate(sgcenter[0], sgcenter[1], sgcenter[2])
- * *cv->getModelViewMatrix();
- ref_ptr<RefMatrix> refmat = new RefMatrix(mat);
- cv->pushModelViewMatrix(refmat.get(), transform->getReferenceFrame());
- traverse(transform, nv);
- cv->popModelViewMatrix();
+ double angleRad = SGMiscd::deg2rad(angle);
+ if (_referenceFrame == RELATIVE_RF) {
+ // FIXME optimize
+ osg::Matrix tmp;
+ set_rotation(tmp, angleRad, getCenter(), getAxis());
+ matrix.preMult(tmp);
+ } else {
+ osg::Matrix tmp;
+ SGRotateTransform::set_rotation(tmp, angleRad, getCenter(), getAxis());
+ matrix = tmp;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool SGRotAnimTransform::computeWorldToLocalMatrix(osg::Matrix& matrix,
+ osg::NodeVisitor* nv) const
+ double angle = 0.0;
+ if (!_condition || _condition->test()) {
+ angle = _animationValue->getValue();
+ _lastAngle = angle;
+ } else {
+ angle = _lastAngle;
+ }
+ double angleRad = SGMiscd::deg2rad(angle);
+ if (_referenceFrame == RELATIVE_RF) {
+ // FIXME optimize
+ osg::Matrix tmp;
+ set_rotation(tmp, -angleRad, getCenter(), getAxis());
+ matrix.postMult(tmp);
+ } else {
+ osg::Matrix tmp;
+ set_rotation(tmp, -angleRad, getCenter(), getAxis());
+ matrix = tmp;
+ }
+ return true;
// Cull callback
SGRotateAnimation::createAnimationGroup(osg::Group& parent)
- SGRotateTransform* transform = new SGRotateTransform;
- transform->setName("rotate animation");
- if (_isSpin) {
- SpinAnimCallback* cc;
- cc = new SpinAnimCallback(_condition, _animationValue, _initialValue);
- transform->setCullCallback(cc);
- } else if (_animationValue || !_animationValue->isConst()) {
- RotAnimCallback* cc = new RotAnimCallback(_condition, _animationValue, _initialValue);
- transform->setCullCallback(cc);
- }
- transform->setCenter(_center);
- transform->setAxis(_axis);
- transform->setAngleDeg(_initialValue);
- parent.addChild(transform);
- return transform;
+ if (_isSpin) {
+ SGRotateTransform* transform = new SGRotateTransform;
+ transform->setName("spin rotate animation");
+ SpinAnimCallback* cc;
+ cc = new SpinAnimCallback(_condition, _animationValue, _initialValue);
+ transform->setCullCallback(cc);
+ transform->setCenter(_center);
+ transform->setAxis(_axis);
+ transform->setAngleDeg(_initialValue);
+ parent.addChild(transform);
+ return transform;
+ } else {
+ SGRotAnimTransform* transform = new SGRotAnimTransform;
+ transform->setName("rotate animation");
+ transform->_condition = _condition;
+ transform->_animationValue = _animationValue;
+ transform->_lastAngle = _initialValue;
+ transform->setCenter(_center);
+ transform->setAxis(_axis);
+ parent.addChild(transform);
+ return transform;
+ }
virtual void transform(osg::Matrix& matrix)
osg::Matrix tmp;
- set_rotation(tmp, _value, _center, _axis);
+ SGRotateTransform::set_rotation(tmp, SGMiscd::deg2rad(_value), _center,
+ _axis);