This drops the '@' -> ' @' hack for CURL meta-chars in outgoing Twitter bridge, added in commit
04b95c25 back in the day.
The Twitter bridge has since been switched from using direct CURL calls to using HTTPClient, which even with the CURL backend enabled doesn't trigger this issue, as POST parameters are formatted directly.
Prepending the space before we did the message cropping was leading to 140-char messages getting cropped unnecessarily, which was confusing:
Examples of broken messages:
57172587 vs
57172878 vs
function format_status($notice)
- // XXX: Hack to get around PHP cURL's use of @ being a a meta character
- $statustxt = preg_replace('/^@/', ' @', $notice->content);
+ // Start with the plaintext source of this notice...
+ $statustxt = $notice->content;
// Convert !groups to #hashes
// XXX: Make this an optional setting?
$statustxt = preg_replace('/(^|\s)!([A-Za-z0-9]{1,64})/', "\\1#\\2", $statustxt);
+ // Twitter still has a 140-char hardcoded max.
if (mb_strlen($statustxt) > 140) {
$noticeUrl = common_shorten_url($notice->uri);
$urlLen = mb_strlen($noticeUrl);