Need to make clear when TowerPlaneRecs do or don't get deleted in RemoveFromCircuitList etc. (MINOR until I misuse it - then CRITICAL!)
FGTower::RemoveAllUserDialogOptions() really ought to be replaced by an ATCDialog::clear_entries() function. (MINOR - efficiency).
+At the moment planes in the lists are not guaranteed to always have a sensible ETA - it should be set as part of AddList functions, and lists should only be accessed this way. (FAIRLY MAJOR).
FGTower::FGTower() {
} else if(!t->clearedToLand) {
- if(t->nextOnRwy) {
+ // The whip through the appList is a hack since currently t->nextOnRwy doesn't always work
+ // TODO - fix this!
+ bool cf = false;
+ for(tower_plane_rec_list_iterator twrItr = appList.begin(); twrItr != appList.end(); twrItr++) {
+ if((*twrItr)->eta < t->eta) {
+ cf = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(t->nextOnRwy && !cf) {
if(!rwyList.size()) {
string trns = t->plane.callsign;
trns += " Cleared to land";
} else {
// TODO - set/update the position if it's an AI plane
+ doThresholdETACalc(); // We need this here because planes in the lists are not guaranteed to *always* have the correct ETA
//cout << "eta is " << t->eta << ", rwy is " << (rwyList.size() ? "occupied " : "clear ") << '\n';
if(t->eta < 12 && rwyList.size() && !(t->instructedToGoAround)) {
// TODO - need to make this more sophisticated
// TODO - add Go-around ack to comm options,
// remove report rwy vacated. (possibly).
- }
- if(t->nextOnRwy && !(t->clearedToLand) && !(t->instructedToGoAround)) {
- // check distance away and whether runway occupied
- // and schedule transmission if necessary
+ } else if(t->eta < 90 && !t->clearedToLand) {
+ //doThresholdETACalc();
+ doThresholdUseOrder();
+ // The whip through the appList is a hack since currently t->nextOnRwy doesn't always work
+ // TODO - fix this!
+ bool cf = false;
+ for(tower_plane_rec_list_iterator twrItr = appList.begin(); twrItr != appList.end(); twrItr++) {
+ if((*twrItr)->eta < t->eta) {
+ cf = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(t->nextOnRwy && !cf) {
+ if(!rwyList.size()) {
+ string trns = t->plane.callsign;
+ trns += " Cleared to land";
+ pending_transmission = trns;
+ Transmit();
+ //if(t->isUser) cout << "Transmitting cleared to Land!!!\n";
+ t->clearedToLand = true;
+ if(!t->isUser) {
+ t->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(7);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ //if(t->isUser) cout << "Not next\n";
+ }
// Check for landing...