raw->mixture[i] = node->getDoubleValue( "mixture", 0.0 );
raw->prop_advance[i] = node->getDoubleValue( "propeller-pitch", 0.0 );
raw->magnetos[i] = node->getIntValue( "magnetos", 0 );
+ if ( i == 0 ) {
+ // cout << "Magnetos -> " << node->getIntValue( "magnetos", 0 );
+ }
raw->starter[i] = node->getBoolValue( "starter", false );
+ if ( i == 0 ) {
+ // cout << " Starter -> " << node->getIntValue( "stater", false )
+ // << endl;
+ }
for ( i = 0; i < FGRawCtrls::FG_MAX_WHEELS; ++i ) {
raw->brake[i] = node->getDoubleValue( "brakes", 0.0 );
fgSetDouble("/surface-positions/flap-pos-norm", net->flap_deflection);
+ SGPropertyNode * node = fgGetNode("/controls", true);
+ fgSetDouble("/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm",
+ node->getDoubleValue( "elevator" ));
+ fgSetDouble("/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm",
+ node->getDoubleValue( "rudder" ));
+ fgSetDouble("/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm",
+ node->getDoubleValue( "aileron" ));
+ fgSetDouble("/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm",
+ -node->getDoubleValue( "aileron" ));
/* these are ignored for now ... */
-// Run an iteration of the EOM. This is a NOP here because the flight
-// model values are getting filled in elsewhere (most likely from some
-// external source.)
+// Run an iteration of the EOM.
void FGExternalNet::update( double dt ) {
int length;
int result;
// Read next set of FDM data (blocking enabled to maintain 'sync')
length = sizeof(fdm);
- if ( (result = data_server.recv( (char *)(& fdm), length, 0)) >= 0 ) {
+ while ( (result = data_server.recv( (char *)(& fdm), length, 0)) >= 0 ) {
SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_DEBUG, "Success reading data." );
net2global( &fdm );
+// Turn a lamp on or off
+void ATC610xSetLamp( int fd, int channel, bool value ) {
+ // lamp channels 0-63 are written to LampPort0, channels 64-127
+ // are written to LampPort1
+ // bits 0-6 are the lamp address
+ // bit 7 is the value (on/off)
+ int result;
+ // Write the value
+ unsigned char buf[3];
+ buf[0] = channel;
+ buf[1] = value;
+ buf[2] = 0;
+ result = write( fd, buf, 2 );
+ if ( result != 2 ) {
+ cout << "Write failed" << endl;
+ exit( -1 );
+ }
// Open and initialize ATC 610x hardware
bool FGATC610x::open() {
if ( is_enabled() ) {
snprintf( lock_file, 256, "/proc/atc610x/board%d/lock", board );
snprintf( analog_in_file, 256, "/proc/atc610x/board%d/analog_in", board );
+ snprintf( lamps_file, 256, "/proc/atc610x/board%d/lamps", board );
snprintf( radios_file, 256, "/proc/atc610x/board%d/radios", board );
snprintf( stepper_file, 256, "/proc/atc610x/board%d/steppers", board );
snprintf( switches_file, 256, "/proc/atc610x/board%d/switches", board );
exit( -1 );
+ lamps_fd = ::open( lamps_file, O_WRONLY );
+ if ( lamps_fd == -1 ) {
+ SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "errno = " << errno );
+ char msg[256];
+ snprintf( msg, 256, "Error opening %s", lamps_file );
+ perror( msg );
+ exit( -1 );
+ }
radios_fd = ::open( radios_file, O_RDWR );
if ( radios_fd == -1 ) {
SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "errno = " << errno );
bool home = false;
int timeout = 900; // about 30 seconds
- while ( ! home ) {
+ while ( ! home && timeout > 0 ) {
if ( timeout % 150 == 0 ) {
SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_INFO, "waiting for compass = " << timeout );
} else {
ATC610xRelease( lock_fd );
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Blank the lamps
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ for ( int i = 0; i < 128; ++i ) {
+ ATC610xSetLamp( lamps_fd, i, false );
+ }
// Finished initing hardware
adf_freq = fgGetNode( "/radios/adf/frequencies/selected-khz", true );
adf_stby_freq = fgGetNode( "/radios/adf/frequencies/standby-khz", true );
+ inner = fgGetNode( "/radios/marker-beacon/inner", true );
+ middle = fgGetNode( "/radios/marker-beacon/middle", true );
+ outer = fgGetNode( "/radios/marker-beacon/outer", true );
return true;
+// Write the lights
+bool FGATC610x::do_lights() {
+ ATC610xSetLamp( lamps_fd, 4, inner->getBoolValue() );
+ ATC610xSetLamp( lamps_fd, 5, middle->getBoolValue() );
+ ATC610xSetLamp( lamps_fd, 3, outer->getBoolValue() );
+ return true;
// Read radio switches
bool FGATC610x::do_radio_switches() {
- float freq, inc;
+ float freq, coarse_freq, fine_freq, inc;
ATC610xReadRadios( radios_fd, radio_switch_data );
if ( com1_tuner_fine == 0x0c && last_com1_tuner_fine == 0x01 ) {
inc = -0.025;
} else if ( com1_tuner_fine == 0x01 && last_com1_tuner_fine == 0x0c ) {
- inc = -0.025;
+ inc = 0.025;
} else if ( com1_tuner_fine > last_com1_tuner_fine ) {
inc = 0.025;
} else {
inc = -1.0;
} else if ( com1_tuner_course == 0x01
&& last_com1_tuner_course == 0x0c ) {
- inc = -1.0;
+ inc = 1.0;
} else if ( com1_tuner_course > last_com1_tuner_course ) {
inc = 1.0;
} else {
if ( com2_tuner_fine == 0x0c && last_com2_tuner_fine == 0x01 ) {
inc = -0.025;
} else if ( com2_tuner_fine == 0x01 && last_com2_tuner_fine == 0x0c ) {
- inc = -0.025;
+ inc = 0.025;
} else if ( com2_tuner_fine > last_com2_tuner_fine ) {
inc = 0.025;
} else {
inc = -1.0;
} else if ( com2_tuner_course == 0x01
&& last_com2_tuner_course == 0x0c ) {
- inc = -1.0;
+ inc = 1.0;
} else if ( com2_tuner_course > last_com2_tuner_course ) {
inc = 1.0;
} else {
int nav1_tuner_course = radio_switch_data[9] & 0x0f;
static int last_nav1_tuner_fine = nav1_tuner_fine;
static int last_nav1_tuner_course = nav1_tuner_course;
+ freq = nav1_stby_freq->getFloatValue();
+ coarse_freq = (int)freq;
+ fine_freq = freq - coarse_freq;
inc = 0.0;
if ( nav1_tuner_fine != last_nav1_tuner_fine ) {
if ( nav1_tuner_fine == 0x0c && last_nav1_tuner_fine == 0x01 ) {
- inc = -0.05;
+ fine_freq -= 0.05;
} else if ( nav1_tuner_fine == 0x01 && last_nav1_tuner_fine == 0x0c ) {
- inc = -0.05;
+ fine_freq += 0.05;
} else if ( nav1_tuner_fine > last_nav1_tuner_fine ) {
- inc = 0.05;
+ fine_freq += 0.05;
} else {
- inc = -0.05;
+ fine_freq -= 0.05;
+ if ( fine_freq < 0.0 ) {
+ fine_freq = 0.95;
+ }
+ if ( fine_freq > 0.95 ) {
+ fine_freq = 0.0;
+ }
if ( nav1_tuner_course != last_nav1_tuner_course ) {
if ( nav1_tuner_course == 0x0c && last_nav1_tuner_course == 0x01 ) {
- inc = -1.0;
+ coarse_freq -= 1.0;
} else if ( nav1_tuner_course == 0x01
&& last_nav1_tuner_course == 0x0c ) {
- inc = -1.0;
+ coarse_freq += 1.0;
} else if ( nav1_tuner_course > last_nav1_tuner_course ) {
- inc = 1.0;
+ coarse_freq += 1.0;
} else {
- inc = -1.0;
+ coarse_freq -= 1.0;
+ if ( coarse_freq < 108.0 ) {
+ coarse_freq = 117.0;
+ }
+ if ( coarse_freq > 117.0 ) {
+ coarse_freq = 108.0;
+ }
last_nav1_tuner_fine = nav1_tuner_fine;
last_nav1_tuner_course = nav1_tuner_course;
- freq = nav1_stby_freq->getFloatValue() + inc;
- if ( freq < 108.0 ) {
- freq = 117.95;
- }
- if ( freq > 117.95 ) {
- freq = 108.0;
- }
- fgSetFloat( "/radios/nav[0]/frequencies/standby-mhz", freq );
+ fgSetFloat( "/radios/nav[0]/frequencies/standby-mhz",
+ coarse_freq + fine_freq );
// Nav2 Tuner
int nav2_tuner_fine = (radio_switch_data[17] >> 4) & 0x0f;
if ( nav2_tuner_fine == 0x0c && last_nav2_tuner_fine == 0x01 ) {
inc = -0.05;
} else if ( nav2_tuner_fine == 0x01 && last_nav2_tuner_fine == 0x0c ) {
- inc = -0.05;
+ inc = 0.05;
} else if ( nav2_tuner_fine > last_nav2_tuner_fine ) {
inc = 0.05;
} else {
inc = -1.0;
} else if ( nav2_tuner_course == 0x01
&& last_nav2_tuner_course == 0x0c ) {
- inc = -1.0;
+ inc = 1.0;
} else if ( nav2_tuner_course > last_nav2_tuner_course ) {
inc = 1.0;
} else {
if ( switch_matrix[board][6][3] == 1 ) {
fgSetFloat( "/controls/flaps", 1.0 );
} else if ( switch_matrix[board][5][3] == 1 ) {
- fgSetFloat( "/controls/flaps", 0.66 );
+ fgSetFloat( "/controls/flaps", 2.0 / 3.0 );
} else if ( switch_matrix[board][4][3] == 1 ) {
- fgSetFloat( "/controls/flaps", 0.33 );
+ fgSetFloat( "/controls/flaps", 1.0 / 3.0 );
} else if ( switch_matrix[board][4][3] == 0 ) {
fgSetFloat( "/controls/flaps", 0.0 );
if ( ATC610xLock( lock_fd ) > 0 ) {
+ do_lights();