--- /dev/null
+# include "config.h"
+#include "MapWidget.hxx"
+#include <sstream>
+#include <algorithm> // for std::sort
+#include <plib/puAux.h>
+#include <simgear/route/waypoint.hxx>
+#include <simgear/sg_inlines.h>
+#include <simgear/misc/strutils.hxx>
+#include <simgear/magvar/magvar.hxx>
+#include <simgear/timing/sg_time.hxx> // for magVar julianDate
+#include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx>
+#include <Main/globals.hxx>
+#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
+#include <Autopilot/route_mgr.hxx>
+#include <Navaids/positioned.hxx>
+#include <Navaids/navrecord.hxx>
+#include <Navaids/navlist.hxx>
+#include <Navaids/fix.hxx>
+#include <Airports/simple.hxx>
+#include <Airports/runways.hxx>
+#include <Main/fg_os.hxx> // fgGetKeyModifiers()
+const char* RULER_LEGEND_KEY = "ruler-legend";
+/* equatorial and polar earth radius */
+const float rec = 6378137; // earth radius, equator (?)
+const float rpol = 6356752.314f; // earth radius, polar (?)
+ some trigonometric helper functions
+ (translated more or less directly from Alexei Novikovs perl original)
+//Returns Earth radius at a given latitude (Ellipsoide equation with two equal axis)
+static float earth_radius_lat( float lat )
+ double a = cos(lat)/rec;
+ double b = sin(lat)/rpol;
+ return 1.0f / sqrt( a * a + b * b );
+static puBox makePuBox(int x, int y, int w, int h)
+ puBox r;
+ r.min[0] = x;
+ r.min[1] = y;
+ r.max[0] = x + w;
+ r.max[1] = y + h;
+ return r;
+static bool puBoxIntersect(const puBox& a, const puBox& b)
+ int x0 = SG_MAX2(a.min[0], b.min[0]);
+ int y0 = SG_MAX2(a.min[1], b.min[1]);
+ int x1 = SG_MIN2(a.max[0], b.max[0]);
+ int y1 = SG_MIN2(a.max[1], b.max[1]);
+ return (x0 <= x1) && (y0 <= y1);
+class MapData;
+typedef std::vector<MapData*> MapDataVec;
+class MapData
+ static const int HALIGN_LEFT = 1;
+ static const int HALIGN_CENTER = 2;
+ static const int HALIGN_RIGHT = 3;
+ static const int VALIGN_TOP = 1 << 4;
+ static const int VALIGN_CENTER = 2 << 4;
+ static const int VALIGN_BOTTOM = 3 << 4;
+ MapData(int priority) :
+ _dirtyText(true),
+ _age(0),
+ _priority(priority),
+ _width(0),
+ _height(0),
+ _offsetPx(10),
+ _dataVisible(false)
+ {
+ }
+ void setLabel(const std::string& label)
+ {
+ if (label == _label) {
+ return; // common case, and saves invalidation
+ }
+ _label = label;
+ _dirtyText = true;
+ }
+ void setText(const std::string &text)
+ {
+ if (_rawText == text) {
+ return; // common case, and saves invalidation
+ }
+ _rawText = text;
+ _dirtyText = true;
+ }
+ void setDataVisible(bool vis) {
+ if (vis == _dataVisible) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_rawText.empty()) {
+ vis = false;
+ }
+ _dataVisible = vis;
+ _dirtyText = true;
+ }
+ static void setFont(puFont f)
+ {
+ _font = f;
+ _fontHeight = f.getStringHeight();
+ _fontDescender = f.getStringDescender();
+ }
+ static void setPalette(puColor* pal)
+ {
+ _palette = pal;
+ }
+ void setPriority(int pri)
+ {
+ _priority = pri;
+ }
+ int priority() const
+ { return _priority; }
+ void setAnchor(const SGVec2d& anchor)
+ {
+ _anchor = anchor;
+ }
+ void setOffset(int direction, int px)
+ {
+ if ((_offsetPx == px) && (_offsetDir == direction)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _dirtyOffset = true;
+ _offsetDir = direction;
+ _offsetPx = px;
+ }
+ bool isClipped(const puBox& vis) const
+ {
+ validate();
+ if ((_width < 1) || (_height < 1)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return !puBoxIntersect(vis, box());
+ }
+ bool overlaps(const MapDataVec& l) const
+ {
+ validate();
+ puBox b(box());
+ MapDataVec::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) {
+ if (puBoxIntersect(b, (*it)->box())) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ } // of list iteration
+ return false;
+ }
+ puBox box() const
+ {
+ validate();
+ return makePuBox(
+ _anchor.x() + _offset.x(),
+ _anchor.y() + _offset.y(),
+ _width, _height);
+ }
+ void draw()
+ {
+ validate();
+ int xx = _anchor.x() + _offset.x();
+ int yy = _anchor.y() + _offset.y();
+ if (_dataVisible) {
+ puBox box(makePuBox(0,0,_width, _height));
+ int border = 1;
+ box.draw(xx, yy, PUSTYLE_DROPSHADOW, _palette, FALSE, border);
+ // draw lines
+ int lineHeight = _fontHeight;
+ int xPos = xx + MARGIN;
+ int yPos = yy + _height - (lineHeight + MARGIN);
+ glColor3f(0.8, 0.8, 0.8);
+ for (unsigned int ln=0; ln<_lines.size(); ++ln) {
+ _font.drawString(_lines[ln].c_str(), xPos, yPos);
+ yPos -= lineHeight + LINE_LEADING;
+ }
+ } else {
+ glColor3f(0.8, 0.8, 0.8);
+ _font.drawString(_label.c_str(), xx, yy + _fontDescender);
+ }
+ }
+ void age()
+ {
+ ++_age;
+ }
+ void resetAge()
+ {
+ _age = 0;
+ }
+ bool isExpired() const
+ { return (_age > 100); }
+ static bool order(MapData* a, MapData* b)
+ {
+ return a->_priority > b->_priority;
+ }
+ void validate() const
+ {
+ if (!_dirtyText) {
+ if (_dirtyOffset) {
+ computeOffset();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_dataVisible) {
+ measureData();
+ } else {
+ measureLabel();
+ }
+ computeOffset();
+ _dirtyText = false;
+ }
+ void measureData() const
+ {
+ _lines = simgear::strutils::split(_rawText, "\n");
+ // measure text to find width and height
+ _width = -1;
+ _height = 0;
+ for (unsigned int ln=0; ln<_lines.size(); ++ln) {
+ _height += _fontHeight;
+ if (ln > 0) {
+ _height += LINE_LEADING;
+ }
+ int lw = _font.getStringWidth(_lines[ln].c_str());
+ _width = std::max(_width, lw);
+ } // of line measurement
+ if ((_width < 1) || (_height < 1)) {
+ // will be clipped
+ return;
+ }
+ _height += MARGIN * 2;
+ _width += MARGIN * 2;
+ }
+ void measureLabel() const
+ {
+ if (_label.empty()) {
+ _width = _height = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ _height = _fontHeight;
+ _width = _font.getStringWidth(_label.c_str());
+ }
+ void computeOffset() const
+ {
+ _dirtyOffset = false;
+ if ((_width <= 0) || (_height <= 0)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int hOffset = 0;
+ int vOffset = 0;
+ switch (_offsetDir & 0x0f) {
+ default:
+ hOffset = _offsetPx;
+ break;
+ hOffset = -(_width>>1);
+ break;
+ hOffset = -(_offsetPx + _width);
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (_offsetDir & 0xf0) {
+ default:
+ case VALIGN_TOP:
+ vOffset = -(_offsetPx + _height);
+ break;
+ vOffset = -(_height>>1);
+ break;
+ vOffset = _offsetPx;
+ break;
+ }
+ _offset = SGVec2d(hOffset, vOffset);
+ }
+ static const int LINE_LEADING = 3;
+ static const int MARGIN = 3;
+ mutable bool _dirtyText;
+ mutable bool _dirtyOffset;
+ int _age;
+ std::string _rawText;
+ std::string _label;
+ mutable std::vector<std::string> _lines;
+ int _priority;
+ mutable int _width, _height;
+ SGVec2d _anchor;
+ int _offsetDir;
+ int _offsetPx;
+ mutable SGVec2d _offset;
+ bool _dataVisible;
+ static puFont _font;
+ static puColor* _palette;
+ static int _fontHeight;
+ static int _fontDescender;
+puFont MapData::_font;
+puColor* MapData::_palette;
+int MapData::_fontHeight = 0;
+int MapData::_fontDescender = 0;
+const int MAX_ZOOM = 16;
+const int SHOW_DETAIL_ZOOM = 8;
+const int CURSOR_PAN_STEP = 32;
+MapWidget::MapWidget(int x, int y, int maxX, int maxY) :
+ puObject(x,y,maxX, maxY)
+ _route = static_cast<FGRouteMgr*>(globals->get_subsystem("route-manager"));
+ _gps = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/gps");
+ _zoom = 6;
+ _width = maxX - x;
+ _height = maxY - y;
+ MapData::setFont(legendFont);
+ MapData::setPalette(colour);
+ _magVar = new SGMagVar();
+ delete _magVar;
+void MapWidget::setProperty(SGPropertyNode_ptr prop)
+ _root = prop;
+ _root->setBoolValue("centre-on-aircraft", true);
+ _root->setBoolValue("draw-data", false);
+ _root->setBoolValue("magnetic-headings", true);
+void MapWidget::setSize(int w, int h)
+ puObject::setSize(w, h);
+ _width = w;
+ _height = h;
+void MapWidget::doHit( int button, int updown, int x, int y )
+ puObject::doHit(button, updown, x, y);
+ if (updown == PU_DRAG) {
+ handlePan(x, y);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (button == 3) { // mouse-wheel up
+ zoomIn();
+ } else if (button == 4) { // mouse-wheel down
+ zoomOut();
+ }
+ if (button != active_mouse_button) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _hitLocation = SGVec2d(x - abox.min[0], y - abox.min[1]);
+ if (updown == PU_UP) {
+ puDeactivateWidget();
+ } else if (updown == PU_DOWN) {
+ puSetActiveWidget(this, x, y);
+ if (fgGetKeyModifiers() & KEYMOD_CTRL) {
+ _clickGeod = unproject(_hitLocation - SGVec2d(_width>>1, _height>>1));
+ }
+ }
+void MapWidget::handlePan(int x, int y)
+ SGVec2d delta = SGVec2d(x, y) - _hitLocation;
+ pan(delta);
+ _hitLocation = SGVec2d(x,y);
+int MapWidget::checkKey (int key, int updown )
+ if ((updown == PU_UP) || !isVisible () || !isActive () || (window != puGetWindow())) {
+ return FALSE ;
+ }
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ case PU_KEY_UP:
+ pan(SGVec2d(0, -CURSOR_PAN_STEP));
+ break;
+ case PU_KEY_DOWN:
+ pan(SGVec2d(0, CURSOR_PAN_STEP));
+ break ;
+ case PU_KEY_LEFT:
+ pan(SGVec2d(CURSOR_PAN_STEP, 0));
+ break;
+ case PU_KEY_RIGHT:
+ pan(SGVec2d(-CURSOR_PAN_STEP, 0));
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ zoomOut();
+ break;
+ case '=':
+ zoomIn();
+ break;
+ default :
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE ;
+void MapWidget::pan(const SGVec2d& delta)
+ _projectionCenter = unproject(-delta);
+void MapWidget::zoomIn()
+ if (_zoom <= 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ --_zoom;
+ SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "zoom is now:" << _zoom);
+void MapWidget::zoomOut()
+ if (_zoom >= MAX_ZOOM) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ++_zoom;
+ SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "zoom is now:" << _zoom);
+void MapWidget::draw(int dx, int dy)
+ _aircraft = SGGeod::fromDeg(fgGetDouble("/position/longitude-deg"),
+ fgGetDouble("/position/latitude-deg"));
+ _magneticHeadings = _root->getBoolValue("magnetic-headings");
+ if (_root->getBoolValue("centre-on-aircraft")) {
+ _projectionCenter = _aircraft;
+ _root->setBoolValue("centre-on-aircraft", false);
+ }
+ double julianDate = globals->get_time_params()->getJD();
+ _magVar->update(_projectionCenter, julianDate);
+ SGGeod topLeft = unproject(SGVec2d(_width/2, _height/2));
+ // compute draw range, including a fudge factor for ILSs and other 'long'
+ // symbols
+ _drawRangeNm = SGGeodesy::distanceNm(_projectionCenter, topLeft) + 10.0;
+ bool aircraftUp = _root->getBoolValue("aircraft-heading-up");
+ if (aircraftUp) {
+ _upHeading = fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading-deg");
+ } else {
+ _upHeading = 0.0;
+ }
+// drawing operations
+ GLint sx = (int) abox.min[0],
+ sy = (int) abox.min[1];
+ glScissor(dx + sx, dy + sy, _width, _height);
+ glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ glPushMatrix();
+ // cetere drawing about the widget center (which is also the
+ // projection centre)
+ glTranslated(dx + sx + (_width/2), dy + sy + (_height/2), 0.0);
+ drawLatLonGrid();
+ if (aircraftUp) {
+ int textHeight = legendFont.getStringHeight() + 5;
+ // draw heading line
+ SGVec2d loc = project(_aircraft);
+ glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+ drawLine(loc, SGVec2d(loc.x(), (_height / 2) - textHeight));
+ int displayHdg;
+ if (_magneticHeadings) {
+ displayHdg = (int) fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading-magnetic-deg");
+ } else {
+ displayHdg = (int) _upHeading;
+ }
+ double y = (_height / 2) - textHeight;
+ char buf[16];
+ ::snprintf(buf, 16, "%d", displayHdg);
+ int sw = legendFont.getStringWidth(buf);
+ legendFont.drawString(buf, loc.x() - sw/2, y);
+ }
+ drawAirports();
+ drawNavaids();
+ drawTraffic();
+ drawGPSData();
+ drawNavRadio(fgGetNode("/instrumentation/nav[0]", false));
+ drawNavRadio(fgGetNode("/instrumentation/nav[1]", false));
+ paintAircraftLocation(_aircraft);
+ paintRoute();
+ paintRuler();
+ drawData();
+ glPopMatrix();
+ glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+void MapWidget::paintRuler()
+ if (_clickGeod == SGGeod()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ SGVec2d acftPos = project(_aircraft);
+ SGVec2d clickPos = project(_clickGeod);
+ glColor4f(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.6);
+ drawLine(acftPos, clickPos);
+ circleAtAlt(clickPos, 8, 10, 5);
+ double dist, az, az2;
+ SGGeodesy::inverse(_aircraft, _clickGeod, az, az2, dist);
+ if (_magneticHeadings) {
+ az -= _magVar->get_magvar();
+ SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(az, 0.0, 360.0);
+ }
+ char buffer[1024];
+ ::snprintf(buffer, 1024, "%03d/%.1fnm",
+ SGMiscd::roundToInt(az), dist * SG_METER_TO_NM);
+ MapData* d = getOrCreateDataForKey((void*) RULER_LEGEND_KEY);
+ d->setLabel(buffer);
+ d->setAnchor(clickPos);
+ d->setOffset(MapData::VALIGN_TOP | MapData::HALIGN_CENTER, 15);
+ d->setPriority(20000);
+void MapWidget::paintAircraftLocation(const SGGeod& aircraftPos)
+ SGVec2d loc = project(aircraftPos);
+ double hdg = fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading-deg");
+ glLineWidth(2.0);
+ glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glTranslated(loc.x(), loc.y(), 0.0);
+ glRotatef(hdg - _upHeading, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
+ const SGVec2d wingspan(12, 0);
+ const SGVec2d nose(0, 8);
+ const SGVec2d tail(0, -14);
+ const SGVec2d tailspan(4,0);
+ drawLine(-wingspan, wingspan);
+ drawLine(nose, tail);
+ drawLine(tail - tailspan, tail + tailspan);
+ glPopMatrix();
+ glLineWidth(1.0);
+void MapWidget::paintRoute()
+ if (_route->size() < 2) {
+ return;
+ }
+// first pass, draw the actual line
+ glLineWidth(2.0);
+ glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP);
+ SGVec2d prev = project(_route->get_waypoint(0).get_target());
+ glVertex2d(prev.x(), prev.y());
+ for (int w=1; w < _route->size(); ++w) {
+ SGVec2d p = project(_route->get_waypoint(w).get_target());
+ if (w < _route->currentWaypoint()) {
+ glColor4f(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.7);
+ } else {
+ glColor4f(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+ }
+ glVertex2d(p.x(), p.y());
+ }
+ glEnd();
+ glLineWidth(1.0);
+// second pass, draw waypoint symbols and data
+ for (int w=0; w < _route->size(); ++w) {
+ const SGWayPoint& wpt(_route->get_waypoint(w));
+ SGVec2d p = project(wpt.get_target());
+ glColor4f(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+ circleAtAlt(p, 8, 12, 5);
+ std::ostringstream legend;
+ legend << wpt.get_id();
+ if (wpt.get_target_alt() > -9990.0) {
+ legend << '\n' << SGMiscd::roundToInt(wpt.get_target_alt()) << '\'';
+ }
+ if (wpt.get_speed() > 0.0) {
+ legend << '\n' << SGMiscd::roundToInt(wpt.get_speed()) << "Kts";
+ }
+ MapData* d = getOrCreateDataForKey(reinterpret_cast<void*>(w * 2));
+ d->setText(legend.str());
+ d->setLabel(wpt.get_id());
+ d->setAnchor(p);
+ d->setOffset(MapData::VALIGN_TOP | MapData::HALIGN_CENTER, 15);
+ d->setPriority(w < _route->currentWaypoint() ? 9000 : 12000);
+ if (w > 0) {
+ SGVec2d legMid = (prev + p) * 0.5;
+ std::ostringstream legLegend;
+ double track = wpt.get_track();
+ if (_magneticHeadings) {
+ track -= _magVar->get_magvar(); // show magnetic track for leg
+ }
+ legLegend << SGMiscd::roundToInt(track) << " "
+ << SGMiscd::roundToInt(wpt.get_distance() * SG_METER_TO_NM) << "Nm";
+ MapData* ld = getOrCreateDataForKey(reinterpret_cast<void*>(w * 2 + 1));
+ ld->setText(legLegend.str());
+ ld->setAnchor(legMid);
+ ld->setOffset(MapData::VALIGN_TOP | MapData::HALIGN_CENTER, 15);
+ ld->setPriority(w < _route->currentWaypoint() ? 8000 : 11000);
+ } // of draw leg data
+ prev = p;
+ } // of second waypoint iteration
+ * Round a SGGeod to an arbitrary precision.
+ * For example, passing precision of 0.5 will round to the nearest 0.5 of
+ * a degree in both lat and lon - passing in 3.0 rounds to the nearest 3 degree
+ * multiple, and so on.
+ */
+static SGGeod roundGeod(double precision, const SGGeod& g)
+ double lon = SGMiscd::round(g.getLongitudeDeg() / precision);
+ double lat = SGMiscd::round(g.getLatitudeDeg() / precision);
+ return SGGeod::fromDeg(lon * precision, lat * precision);
+bool MapWidget::drawLineClipped(const SGVec2d& a, const SGVec2d& b)
+ double minX = SGMiscd::min(a.x(), b.x()),
+ minY = SGMiscd::min(a.y(), b.y()),
+ maxX = SGMiscd::max(a.x(), b.x()),
+ maxY = SGMiscd::max(a.y(), b.y());
+ int hh = _height >> 1, hw = _width >> 1;
+ if ((maxX < -hw) || (minX > hw) || (minY > hh) || (maxY < -hh)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ glVertex2dv(a.data());
+ glVertex2dv(b.data());
+ return true;
+SGVec2d MapWidget::gridPoint(int ix, int iy)
+ int key = (ix + 0x7fff) | ((iy + 0x7fff) << 16);
+ GridPointCache::iterator it = _gridCache.find(key);
+ if (it != _gridCache.end()) {
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ SGGeod gp = SGGeod::fromDeg(
+ _gridCenter.getLongitudeDeg() + ix * _gridSpacing,
+ _gridCenter.getLatitudeDeg() + iy * _gridSpacing);
+ SGVec2d proj = project(gp);
+ _gridCache[key] = proj;
+ return proj;
+void MapWidget::drawLatLonGrid()
+ _gridSpacing = 1.0;
+ _gridCenter = roundGeod(_gridSpacing, _projectionCenter);
+ _gridCache.clear();
+ int ix = 0;
+ int iy = 0;
+ glColor4f(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.4);
+ glBegin(GL_LINES);
+ bool didDraw;
+ do {
+ didDraw = false;
+ ++ix;
+ ++iy;
+ for (int x = -ix; x < ix; ++x) {
+ didDraw |= drawLineClipped(gridPoint(x, -iy), gridPoint(x+1, -iy));
+ didDraw |= drawLineClipped(gridPoint(x, iy), gridPoint(x+1, iy));
+ didDraw |= drawLineClipped(gridPoint(x, -iy), gridPoint(x, -iy + 1));
+ didDraw |= drawLineClipped(gridPoint(x, iy), gridPoint(x, iy - 1));
+ }
+ for (int y = -iy; y < iy; ++y) {
+ didDraw |= drawLineClipped(gridPoint(-ix, y), gridPoint(-ix, y+1));
+ didDraw |= drawLineClipped(gridPoint(-ix, y), gridPoint(-ix + 1, y));
+ didDraw |= drawLineClipped(gridPoint(ix, y), gridPoint(ix, y+1));
+ didDraw |= drawLineClipped(gridPoint(ix, y), gridPoint(ix - 1, y));
+ }
+ if (ix > 30) {
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (didDraw);
+ glEnd();
+void MapWidget::drawGPSData()
+ std::string gpsMode = _gps->getStringValue("mode");
+ SGGeod wp0Geod = SGGeod::fromDeg(
+ _gps->getDoubleValue("wp/wp[0]/longitude-deg"),
+ _gps->getDoubleValue("wp/wp[0]/latitude-deg"));
+ SGGeod wp1Geod = SGGeod::fromDeg(
+ _gps->getDoubleValue("wp/wp[1]/longitude-deg"),
+ _gps->getDoubleValue("wp/wp[1]/latitude-deg"));
+// draw track line
+ double gpsTrackDeg = _gps->getDoubleValue("indicated-track-true-deg");
+ double gpsSpeed = _gps->getDoubleValue("indicated-ground-speed-kt");
+ double az2;
+ if (gpsSpeed > 3.0) { // only draw track line if valid
+ SGGeod trackRadial;
+ SGGeodesy::direct(_aircraft, gpsTrackDeg, _drawRangeNm * SG_NM_TO_METER, trackRadial, az2);
+ glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ glEnable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
+ glLineStipple(1, 0x00FF);
+ drawLine(project(_aircraft), project(trackRadial));
+ glDisable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
+ }
+ if (gpsMode == "dto") {
+ SGVec2d wp0Pos = project(wp0Geod);
+ SGVec2d wp1Pos = project(wp1Geod);
+ glColor4f(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+ drawLine(wp0Pos, wp1Pos);
+ }
+ if (_gps->getBoolValue("scratch/valid")) {
+ // draw scratch data
+ }
+class MapAirportFilter : public FGAirport::AirportFilter
+ MapAirportFilter(SGPropertyNode_ptr nd)
+ {
+ _heliports = nd->getBoolValue("show-heliports", false);
+ _hardRunwaysOnly = nd->getBoolValue("hard-surfaced-airports", true);
+ _minLengthFt = nd->getDoubleValue("min-runway-length-ft", 2000.0);
+ }
+ virtual FGPositioned::Type maxType() const {
+ return _heliports ? FGPositioned::HELIPORT : FGPositioned::AIRPORT;
+ }
+ virtual bool passAirport(FGAirport* aApt) const {
+ if (_hardRunwaysOnly) {
+ return aApt->hasHardRunwayOfLengthFt(_minLengthFt);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool _heliports;
+ bool _hardRunwaysOnly;
+ double _minLengthFt;
+void MapWidget::drawAirports()
+ MapAirportFilter af(_root);
+ FGPositioned::List apts = FGPositioned::findWithinRange(_projectionCenter, _drawRangeNm, &af);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<apts.size(); ++i) {
+ drawAirport((FGAirport*) apts[i].get());
+ }
+class NavaidFilter : public FGPositioned::Filter
+ NavaidFilter(bool fixesEnabled, bool navaidsEnabled) :
+ _fixes(fixesEnabled),
+ _navaids(navaidsEnabled)
+ {}
+ virtual bool pass(FGPositioned* aPos) const {
+ if (_fixes && (aPos->type() == FGPositioned::FIX)) {
+ // ignore fixes which end in digits - expirmental
+ if (isdigit(aPos->ident()[3]) && isdigit(aPos->ident()[4])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual FGPositioned::Type minType() const {
+ return _fixes ? FGPositioned::FIX : FGPositioned::VOR;
+ }
+ virtual FGPositioned::Type maxType() const {
+ return _navaids ? FGPositioned::NDB : FGPositioned::FIX;
+ }
+ bool _fixes, _navaids;
+void MapWidget::drawNavaids()
+ bool fixes = _root->getBoolValue("draw-fixes");
+ NavaidFilter f(fixes, _root->getBoolValue("draw-navaids"));
+ if (f.minType() <= f.maxType()) {
+ FGPositioned::List navs = FGPositioned::findWithinRange(_projectionCenter, _drawRangeNm, &f);
+ glLineWidth(1.0);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<navs.size(); ++i) {
+ FGPositioned::Type ty = navs[i]->type();
+ if (ty == FGPositioned::NDB) {
+ drawNDB(false, (FGNavRecord*) navs[i].get());
+ } else if (ty == FGPositioned::VOR) {
+ drawVOR(false, (FGNavRecord*) navs[i].get());
+ } else if (ty == FGPositioned::FIX) {
+ drawFix((FGFix*) navs[i].get());
+ }
+ } // of navaid iteration
+ } // of navaids || fixes are drawn test
+void MapWidget::drawNDB(bool tuned, FGNavRecord* ndb)
+ SGVec2d pos = project(ndb->geod());
+ if (tuned) {
+ glColor3f(0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+ } else {
+ glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ }
+ glEnable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
+ glLineStipple(1, 0x00FF);
+ circleAt(pos, 20, 6);
+ circleAt(pos, 20, 10);
+ glDisable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
+ if (validDataForKey(ndb)) {
+ setAnchorForKey(ndb, pos);
+ return;
+ }
+ char buffer[1024];
+ ::snprintf(buffer, 1024, "%s\n%s %3.0fKhz",
+ ndb->name().c_str(), ndb->ident().c_str(),ndb->get_freq()/100.0);
+ MapData* d = createDataForKey(ndb);
+ d->setPriority(40);
+ d->setLabel(ndb->ident());
+ d->setText(buffer);
+ d->setOffset(MapData::HALIGN_CENTER | MapData::VALIGN_BOTTOM, 10);
+ d->setAnchor(pos);
+void MapWidget::drawVOR(bool tuned, FGNavRecord* vor)
+ SGVec2d pos = project(vor->geod());
+ if (tuned) {
+ glColor3f(0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+ } else {
+ glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ }
+ circleAt(pos, 6, 8);
+ if (validDataForKey(vor)) {
+ setAnchorForKey(vor, pos);
+ return;
+ }
+ char buffer[1024];
+ ::snprintf(buffer, 1024, "%s\n%s %6.3fMhz",
+ vor->name().c_str(), vor->ident().c_str(),
+ vor->get_freq() / 100.0);
+ MapData* d = createDataForKey(vor);
+ d->setText(buffer);
+ d->setLabel(vor->ident());
+ d->setPriority(tuned ? 10000 : 100);
+ d->setOffset(MapData::HALIGN_CENTER | MapData::VALIGN_BOTTOM, 12);
+ d->setAnchor(pos);
+void MapWidget::drawFix(FGFix* fix)
+ SGVec2d pos = project(fix->geod());
+ glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ circleAt(pos, 3, 6);
+ if (_zoom > SHOW_DETAIL_ZOOM) {
+ return; // hide fix labels beyond a certain zoom level
+ }
+ if (validDataForKey(fix)) {
+ setAnchorForKey(fix, pos);
+ return;
+ }
+ MapData* d = createDataForKey(fix);
+ d->setLabel(fix->ident());
+ d->setPriority(20);
+ d->setOffset(MapData::VALIGN_CENTER | MapData::HALIGN_LEFT, 10);
+ d->setAnchor(pos);
+void MapWidget::drawNavRadio(SGPropertyNode_ptr radio)
+ if (!radio || radio->getBoolValue("slaved-to-gps", false)
+ || !radio->getBoolValue("in-range", false)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (radio->getBoolValue("nav-loc", false)) {
+ drawTunedLocalizer(radio);
+ }
+ // identify the tuned station - unfortunately we don't get lat/lon directly,
+ // need to do the frequency search again
+ double mhz = radio->getDoubleValue("frequencies/selected-mhz", 0.0);
+ FGNavRecord* nav = globals->get_navlist()->findByFreq(mhz, _aircraft);
+ if (!nav || (nav->ident() != radio->getStringValue("nav-id"))) {
+ // mismatch between navradio selection logic and ours!
+ return;
+ }
+ glLineWidth(1.0);
+ drawVOR(true, nav);
+ SGVec2d pos = project(nav->geod());
+ SGGeod range;
+ double az2;
+ double trueRadial = radio->getDoubleValue("radials/target-radial-deg");
+ SGGeodesy::direct(nav->geod(), trueRadial, nav->get_range() * SG_NM_TO_METER, range, az2);
+ SGVec2d prange = project(range);
+ SGVec2d norm = normalize(prange - pos);
+ SGVec2d perp(norm.y(), -norm.x());
+ circleAt(pos, 64, length(prange - pos));
+ drawLine(pos, prange);
+// draw to/from arrows
+ SGVec2d midPoint = (pos + prange) * 0.5;
+ if (radio->getBoolValue("from-flag")) {
+ norm = -norm;
+ perp = -perp;
+ }
+ int sz = 10;
+ SGVec2d arrowB = midPoint - (norm * sz) + (perp * sz);
+ SGVec2d arrowC = midPoint - (norm * sz) - (perp * sz);
+ drawLine(midPoint, arrowB);
+ drawLine(arrowB, arrowC);
+ drawLine(arrowC, midPoint);
+ drawLine(pos, (2 * pos) - prange); // reciprocal radial
+void MapWidget::drawTunedLocalizer(SGPropertyNode_ptr radio)
+ double mhz = radio->getDoubleValue("frequencies/selected-mhz", 0.0);
+ FGNavRecord* loc = globals->get_loclist()->findByFreq(mhz, _aircraft);
+ if (!loc || (loc->ident() != radio->getStringValue("nav-id"))) {
+ // mismatch between navradio selection logic and ours!
+ return;
+ }
+ if (loc->runway()) {
+ drawILS(true, loc->runway());
+ }
+void MapWidget::drawObstacle(FGPositioned* obs)
+ SGVec2d pos = project(obs->geod());
+ glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ glLineWidth(2.0);
+ drawLine(pos, pos + SGVec2d());
+void MapWidget::drawAirport(FGAirport* apt)
+ // draw tower location
+ SGVec2d towerPos = project(apt->getTowerLocation());
+ if (_zoom <= SHOW_DETAIL_ZOOM) {
+ glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+ glLineWidth(1.0);
+ drawLine(towerPos + SGVec2d(3, 0), towerPos + SGVec2d(3, 10));
+ drawLine(towerPos + SGVec2d(-3, 0), towerPos + SGVec2d(-3, 10));
+ drawLine(towerPos + SGVec2d(-6, 20), towerPos + SGVec2d(-3, 10));
+ drawLine(towerPos + SGVec2d(6, 20), towerPos + SGVec2d(3, 10));
+ drawLine(towerPos + SGVec2d(-6, 20), towerPos + SGVec2d(6, 20));
+ }
+ if (validDataForKey(apt)) {
+ setAnchorForKey(apt, towerPos);
+ } else {
+ char buffer[1024];
+ ::snprintf(buffer, 1024, "%s\n%s",
+ apt->ident().c_str(), apt->name().c_str());
+ MapData* d = createDataForKey(apt);
+ d->setText(buffer);
+ d->setLabel(apt->ident());
+ d->setPriority(100 + scoreAirportRunways(apt));
+ d->setOffset(MapData::VALIGN_TOP | MapData::HALIGN_CENTER, 6);
+ d->setAnchor(towerPos);
+ }
+ if (_zoom > SHOW_DETAIL_ZOOM) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (unsigned int r=0; r<apt->numRunways(); ++r) {
+ FGRunway* rwy = apt->getRunwayByIndex(r);
+ if (!rwy->isReciprocal()) {
+ drawRunwayPre(rwy);
+ }
+ }
+ for (unsigned int r=0; r<apt->numRunways(); ++r) {
+ FGRunway* rwy = apt->getRunwayByIndex(r);
+ if (!rwy->isReciprocal()) {
+ drawRunway(rwy);
+ }
+ if (rwy->ILS()) {
+ drawILS(false, rwy);
+ }
+ } // of runway iteration
+int MapWidget::scoreAirportRunways(FGAirport* apt)
+ bool needHardSurface = _root->getBoolValue("hard-surfaced-airports", true);
+ double minLength = _root->getDoubleValue("min-runway-length-ft", 2000.0);
+ int score = 0;
+ unsigned int numRunways(apt->numRunways());
+ for (unsigned int r=0; r<numRunways; ++r) {
+ FGRunway* rwy = apt->getRunwayByIndex(r);
+ if (rwy->isReciprocal()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (needHardSurface && !rwy->isHardSurface()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (rwy->lengthFt() < minLength) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ int scoreLength = SGMiscd::roundToInt(rwy->lengthFt() / 200.0);
+ score += scoreLength;
+ } // of runways iteration
+ return score;
+void MapWidget::drawRunwayPre(FGRunway* rwy)
+ SGVec2d p1 = project(rwy->begin());
+ SGVec2d p2 = project(rwy->end());
+ glLineWidth(4.0);
+ glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ drawLine(p1, p2);
+void MapWidget::drawRunway(FGRunway* rwy)
+ // line for runway
+ // optionally show active, stopway, etc
+ // in legend, show published heading and length
+ // and threshold elevation
+ SGVec2d p1 = project(rwy->begin());
+ SGVec2d p2 = project(rwy->end());
+ glLineWidth(2.0);
+ glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+ SGVec2d inset = normalize(p2 - p1) * 2;
+ drawLine(p1 + inset, p2 - inset);
+ if (validDataForKey(rwy)) {
+ setAnchorForKey(rwy, (p1 + p2) * 0.5);
+ return;
+ }
+ char buffer[1024];
+ ::snprintf(buffer, 1024, "%s/%s\n%3.0f/%3.0f\n%.0f'",
+ rwy->ident().c_str(),
+ rwy->reciprocalRunway()->ident().c_str(),
+ rwy->headingDeg(),
+ rwy->reciprocalRunway()->headingDeg(),
+ rwy->lengthFt());
+ MapData* d = createDataForKey(rwy);
+ d->setText(buffer);
+ d->setLabel(rwy->ident() + "/" + rwy->reciprocalRunway()->ident());
+ d->setPriority(50);
+ d->setOffset(MapData::HALIGN_CENTER | MapData::VALIGN_BOTTOM, 12);
+ d->setAnchor((p1 + p2) * 0.5);
+void MapWidget::drawILS(bool tuned, FGRunway* rwy)
+ // arrow, tip centered on the landing threshold
+ // using LOC transmitter position would be more accurate, but
+ // is visually cluttered
+ // arrow width is based upon the computed localizer width
+ FGNavRecord* loc = rwy->ILS();
+ double halfBeamWidth = loc->localizerWidth() * 0.5;
+ SGVec2d t = project(rwy->threshold());
+ SGGeod locEnd;
+ double rangeM = loc->get_range() * SG_NM_TO_METER;
+ double radial = loc->get_multiuse();
+ SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(radial, 0.0, 360.0);
+ double az2;
+// compute the three end points at the widge end of the arrow
+ SGGeodesy::direct(loc->geod(), radial, -rangeM, locEnd, az2);
+ SGVec2d endCentre = project(locEnd);
+ SGGeodesy::direct(loc->geod(), radial + halfBeamWidth, -rangeM * 1.1, locEnd, az2);
+ SGVec2d endR = project(locEnd);
+ SGGeodesy::direct(loc->geod(), radial - halfBeamWidth, -rangeM * 1.1, locEnd, az2);
+ SGVec2d endL = project(locEnd);
+// outline two triangles
+ glLineWidth(1.0);
+ if (tuned) {
+ glColor3f(0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+ } else {
+ glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ }
+ glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
+ glVertex2dv(t.data());
+ glVertex2dv(endCentre.data());
+ glVertex2dv(endL.data());
+ glEnd();
+ glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
+ glVertex2dv(t.data());
+ glVertex2dv(endCentre.data());
+ glVertex2dv(endR.data());
+ glEnd();
+void MapWidget::drawTraffic()
+ if (!_root->getBoolValue("draw-traffic")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_zoom > SHOW_DETAIL_ZOOM) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const SGPropertyNode* ai = fgGetNode("/ai/models", true);
+ for (int i = 0; i < ai->nChildren(); ++i) {
+ const SGPropertyNode *model = ai->getChild(i);
+ // skip bad or dead entries
+ if (!model || model->getIntValue("id", -1) < 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const std::string& name(model->getName());
+ SGGeod pos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(
+ model->getDoubleValue("position/longitude-deg"),
+ model->getDoubleValue("position/latitude-deg"),
+ model->getDoubleValue("position/altitude-ft"));
+ double dist = SGGeodesy::distanceNm(_projectionCenter, pos);
+ if (dist > _drawRangeNm) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ double heading = model->getDoubleValue("orientation/true-heading-deg");
+ if ((name == "aircraft") || (name == "multiplayer") ||
+ (name == "wingman") || (name == "tanker")) {
+ drawAIAircraft(model, pos, heading);
+ } else if ((name == "ship") || (name == "carrier") || (name == "escort")) {
+ drawAIShip(model, pos, heading);
+ }
+ } // of ai/models iteration
+void MapWidget::drawAIAircraft(const SGPropertyNode* model, const SGGeod& pos, double hdg)
+ SGVec2d p = project(pos);
+ glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ glLineWidth(2.0);
+ circleAt(p, 4, 6.0); // black diamond
+// draw heading vector
+ int speedKts = static_cast<int>(model->getDoubleValue("velocities/true-airspeed-kt"));
+ if (speedKts > 1) {
+ glLineWidth(1.0);
+ const double dt = 15.0 / (3600.0); // 15 seconds look-ahead
+ double distanceM = speedKts * SG_NM_TO_METER * dt;
+ SGGeod advance;
+ double az2;
+ SGGeodesy::direct(pos, hdg, distanceM, advance, az2);
+ drawLine(p, project(advance));
+ }
+ if (validDataForKey((void*) model)) {
+ setAnchorForKey((void*) model, p);
+ return;
+ }
+ // draw callsign / altitude / speed
+ char buffer[1024];
+ ::snprintf(buffer, 1024, "%s\n%d'\n%dkts",
+ model->getStringValue("callsign", "<>"),
+ static_cast<int>(pos.getElevationFt() / 50.0) * 50,
+ speedKts);
+ MapData* d = createDataForKey((void*) model);
+ d->setText(buffer);
+ d->setLabel(model->getStringValue("callsign", "<>"));
+ d->setPriority(speedKts > 5 ? 60 : 10); // low priority for parked aircraft
+ d->setOffset(MapData::VALIGN_CENTER | MapData::HALIGN_LEFT, 10);
+ d->setAnchor(p);
+void MapWidget::drawAIShip(const SGPropertyNode* model, const SGGeod& pos, double hdg)
+SGVec2d MapWidget::project(const SGGeod& geod) const
+ // Sanson-Flamsteed projection, relative to the projection center
+ double r = earth_radius_lat(geod.getLatitudeRad());
+ double lonDiff = geod.getLongitudeRad() - _projectionCenter.getLongitudeRad(),
+ latDiff = geod.getLatitudeRad() - _projectionCenter.getLatitudeRad();
+ SGVec2d p = SGVec2d(cos(geod.getLatitudeRad()) * lonDiff, latDiff) * r * currentScale();
+// rotate as necessary
+ double cost = cos(_upHeading * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS),
+ sint = sin(_upHeading * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
+ double rx = cost * p.x() - sint * p.y();
+ double ry = sint * p.x() + cost * p.y();
+ return SGVec2d(rx, ry);
+SGGeod MapWidget::unproject(const SGVec2d& p) const
+ // unrotate, if necessary
+ double cost = cos(-_upHeading * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS),
+ sint = sin(-_upHeading * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
+ SGVec2d ur(cost * p.x() - sint * p.y(),
+ sint * p.x() + cost * p.y());
+ double r = earth_radius_lat(_projectionCenter.getLatitudeRad());
+ SGVec2d unscaled = ur * (1.0 / (currentScale() * r));
+ double lat = unscaled.y() + _projectionCenter.getLatitudeRad();
+ double lon = (unscaled.x() / cos(lat)) + _projectionCenter.getLongitudeRad();
+ return SGGeod::fromRad(lon, lat);
+double MapWidget::currentScale() const
+ return 1.0 / pow(2.0, _zoom);
+void MapWidget::circleAt(const SGVec2d& center, int nSides, double r)
+ glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
+ double advance = (SGD_PI * 2) / nSides;
+ glVertex2d(center.x(), center.y() + r);
+ double t=advance;
+ for (int i=1; i<nSides; ++i) {
+ glVertex2d(center.x() + (sin(t) * r), center.y() + (cos(t) * r));
+ t += advance;
+ }
+ glEnd();
+void MapWidget::circleAtAlt(const SGVec2d& center, int nSides, double r, double r2)
+ glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
+ double advance = (SGD_PI * 2) / nSides;
+ glVertex2d(center.x(), center.y() + r);
+ double t=advance;
+ for (int i=1; i<nSides; ++i) {
+ double rr = (i%2 == 0) ? r : r2;
+ glVertex2d(center.x() + (sin(t) * rr), center.y() + (cos(t) * rr));
+ t += advance;
+ }
+ glEnd();
+void MapWidget::drawLine(const SGVec2d& p1, const SGVec2d& p2)
+ glBegin(GL_LINES);
+ glVertex2dv(p1.data());
+ glVertex2dv(p2.data());
+ glEnd();
+void MapWidget::drawLegendBox(const SGVec2d& pos, const std::string& t)
+ std::vector<std::string> lines(simgear::strutils::split(t, "\n"));
+ const int LINE_LEADING = 4;
+ const int MARGIN = 4;
+// measure
+ int maxWidth = -1, totalHeight = 0;
+ int lineHeight = legendFont.getStringHeight();
+ for (unsigned int ln=0; ln<lines.size(); ++ln) {
+ totalHeight += lineHeight;
+ if (ln > 0) {
+ totalHeight += LINE_LEADING;
+ }
+ int lw = legendFont.getStringWidth(lines[ln].c_str());
+ maxWidth = std::max(maxWidth, lw);
+ } // of line measurement
+ if (maxWidth < 0) {
+ return; // all lines are empty, don't draw
+ }
+ totalHeight += MARGIN * 2;
+// draw box
+ puBox box;
+ box.min[0] = 0;
+ box.min[1] = -totalHeight;
+ box.max[0] = maxWidth + (MARGIN * 2);
+ box.max[1] = 0;
+ int border = 1;
+ box.draw (pos.x(), pos.y(), PUSTYLE_DROPSHADOW, colour, FALSE, border);
+// draw lines
+ int xPos = pos.x() + MARGIN;
+ int yPos = pos.y() - (lineHeight + MARGIN);
+ glColor3f(0.8, 0.8, 0.8);
+ for (unsigned int ln=0; ln<lines.size(); ++ln) {
+ legendFont.drawString(lines[ln].c_str(), xPos, yPos);
+ yPos -= lineHeight + LINE_LEADING;
+ }
+void MapWidget::drawData()
+ std::sort(_dataQueue.begin(), _dataQueue.end(), MapData::order);
+ int hw = _width >> 1,
+ hh = _height >> 1;
+ puBox visBox(makePuBox(-hw, -hh, _width, _height));
+ unsigned int d = 0;
+ int drawn = 0;
+ std::vector<MapData*> drawQueue;
+ bool drawData = _root->getBoolValue("draw-data");
+ const int MAX_DRAW_DATA = 25;
+ const int MAX_DRAW = 50;
+ for (; (d < _dataQueue.size()) && (drawn < MAX_DRAW); ++d) {
+ MapData* md = _dataQueue[d];
+ md->setDataVisible(drawData);
+ if (md->isClipped(visBox)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (md->overlaps(drawQueue)) {
+ if (drawData) { // overlapped with data, let's try just the label
+ md->setDataVisible(false);
+ if (md->overlaps(drawQueue)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ } // of overlaps case
+ drawQueue.push_back(md);
+ ++drawn;
+ if (drawData && (drawn >= MAX_DRAW_DATA)) {
+ drawData = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // draw lowest-priority first, so higher-priorty items appear on top
+ std::vector<MapData*>::reverse_iterator r;
+ for (r = drawQueue.rbegin(); r!= drawQueue.rend(); ++r) {
+ (*r)->draw();
+ }
+ _dataQueue.clear();
+ KeyDataMap::iterator it = _mapData.begin();
+ for (; it != _mapData.end(); ) {
+ it->second->age();
+ if (it->second->isExpired()) {
+ delete it->second;
+ KeyDataMap::iterator cur = it++;
+ _mapData.erase(cur);
+ } else {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ } // of expiry iteration
+bool MapWidget::validDataForKey(void* key)
+ KeyDataMap::iterator it = _mapData.find(key);
+ if (it == _mapData.end()) {
+ return false; // no valid data for the key!
+ }
+ it->second->resetAge(); // mark data as valid this frame
+ _dataQueue.push_back(it->second);
+ return true;
+void MapWidget::setAnchorForKey(void* key, const SGVec2d& anchor)
+ KeyDataMap::iterator it = _mapData.find(key);
+ if (it == _mapData.end()) {
+ throw sg_exception("no valid data for key!");
+ }
+ it->second->setAnchor(anchor);
+MapData* MapWidget::getOrCreateDataForKey(void* key)
+ KeyDataMap::iterator it = _mapData.find(key);
+ if (it == _mapData.end()) {
+ return createDataForKey(key);
+ }
+ it->second->resetAge(); // mark data as valid this frame
+ _dataQueue.push_back(it->second);
+ return it->second;
+MapData* MapWidget::createDataForKey(void* key)
+ KeyDataMap::iterator it = _mapData.find(key);
+ if (it != _mapData.end()) {
+ throw sg_exception("duplicate data requested for key!");
+ }
+ MapData* d = new MapData(0);
+ _mapData[key] = d;
+ _dataQueue.push_back(d);
+ d->resetAge();
+ return d;