$user = common_current_user();
return (!empty($user) && ($this->owner->id == $user->id));
- function showTags()
- {
- $tags = Profile_tag::getTags($this->owner->id, $this->profile->id);
- if ($this->isOwn()) {
- $this->out->element('a', array('href' => common_local_url('tagother',
- array('id' => $this->profile->id))),
- // TRANS: Description for link to "tag other users" in widget to show a list of profiles.
- _('Tags'));
- } else {
- // TRANS: Text widget to show a list of profiles with their tags.
- $this->out->text(_('Tags'));
- }
- if ($tags) {
- $this->out->elementStart('ul', 'tags xoxo entity_tags');
- foreach ($tags as $tag) {
- $this->out->elementStart('li');
- // Avoid space by using raw output.
- $pt = '<span class="mark_hash">#</span><a rel="tag" href="' .
- common_local_url($this->action->trimmed('action'),
- array('nickname' => $this->owner->nickname,
- 'tag' => $tag)) .
- '">' . $tag . '</a>';
- $this->out->raw($pt);
- $this->out->elementEnd('li');
- }
- $this->out->elementEnd('ul');
- } else {
- // TRANS: Text if there are no tags in widget to show a list of profiles by tag.
- $this->out->text(_('(None)'));
- }
- }