- name: cache
path: /tmp/drone-cache
+kind: pipeline
+type: docker
+name: continous-deployment
+ repo:
+ - friendica/friendica
+ branch:
+ - develop
+ - 20*-rc
+ event:
+ - push
+ node: releaser # This prevents executing this pipeline at other servers than drone.friendi.ca
+ - name: Clone addon
+ image: alpine/git
+ commands:
+ - git clone https://github.com/friendica/friendica-addons ./addon
+ - cd ./addon
+ - git checkout $DRONE_REPO_BRANCH
+ - name: Restore cache
+ image: meltwater/drone-cache:dev
+ settings:
+ backend: "filesystem"
+ restore: true
+ cache_key: '{{ .Repo.Name }}_php74_{{ arch }}_{{ os }}'
+ archive_format: "gzip"
+ mount:
+ - '.composer'
+ volumes:
+ - name: cache
+ path:
+ /tmp/cache
+ - name: Composer install
+ image: friendicaci/php7.4:php7.4.18
+ commands:
+ - export COMPOSER_HOME=.composer
+ - composer validate
+ - composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
+ - name: Create artifacts
+ image: debian
+ commands:
+ - apt-get update
+ - apt-get install bzip2
+ - mkdir ./build
+ - export VERSION="$(cat VERSION)"
+ - # Create artifact
+ - export RELEASE="friendica-full-$VERSION"
+ - export ARTIFACT="$RELEASE.tar.gz"
+ - tar
+ --transform "s,^,$RELEASE/,"
+ -X mods/release-list-exclude.txt
+ -T mods/release-list-include.txt
+ -cvjf ./build/$ARTIFACT
+ - # calculate SHA256 checksum
+ - cd ./build
+ - sha256sum "$ARTIFACT" > "$ARTIFACT.sha256"
+ - ls -lh
+ - # output the sha256 sum for checking
+ - cat "$ARTIFACT.sha256"
+ - sha256sum "$ARTIFACT"
+ - name: Upload artifacts
+ image: alpine
+ environment:
+ from_secret: sftp_host
+ from_secret: sftp_user
+ from_secret: ssh_key
+ LFTP_PORT: "22"
+ LFTP_SOURCE: "build"
+ LFTP_TARGET: "/http"
+ commands:
+ - apk add lftp openssh openssl
+ - touch drone.key
+ - chmod 400 drone.key
+ - echo "$LFTP_KEY" | openssl base64 -A -d > drone.key
+ - lftp -c "
+ set net:timeout 5;
+ set net:max-retries 2;
+ set net:reconnect-interval-base 5;
+ set sftp:auto-confirm true;
+ set sftp:connect-program 'ssh -q -a -x -i drone.key';
+ connect sftp://$LFTP_USER:@$LFTP_HOST:$LFTP_PORT;
+ mput $LFTP_SOURCE/*;
+ "
+ - rm drone.key
+ - name: cache
+ host:
+ path: /tmp/drone-cache
+kind: pipeline
+type: docker
+name: release-deployment
+ repo:
+ - friendica/friendica
+ branch:
+ - stable
+ event:
+ - tag
+ node: releaser # This prevents executing this pipeline at other servers than drone.friendi.ca
+ - name: Clone addon
+ image: alpine/git
+ commands:
+ - git clone https://github.com/friendica/friendica-addons ./addon
+ - cd ./addon
+ - git checkout $DRONE_REPO_BRANCH
+ - name: Restore cache
+ image: meltwater/drone-cache:dev
+ settings:
+ backend: "filesystem"
+ restore: true
+ cache_key: '{{ .Repo.Name }}_php74_{{ arch }}_{{ os }}'
+ archive_format: "gzip"
+ mount:
+ - '.composer'
+ volumes:
+ - name: cache
+ path:
+ /tmp/cache
+ - name: Composer install
+ image: friendicaci/php7.4:php7.4.18
+ commands:
+ - export COMPOSER_HOME=.composer
+ - composer validate
+ - composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
+ - name: Create artifacts
+ image: debian
+ commands:
+ - apt-get update
+ - apt-get install bzip2
+ - mkdir ./build
+ - export VERSION="$(cat VERSION)"
+ - mkdir ./build
+ - export VERSION="$(cat VERSION)"
+ - # Create artifact
+ - export RELEASE="friendica-full-$VERSION"
+ - export ARTIFACT="$RELEASE.tar.gz"
+ - tar
+ --transform "s,^,$RELEASE/,"
+ -X mods/release-list-exclude.txt
+ -T mods/release-list-include.txt
+ -cvjf ./build/$ARTIFACT
+ - # calculate SHA256 checksum
+ - cd ./build
+ - sha256sum "$ARTIFACT" > "$ARTIFACT.sha256"
+ - ls -lh
+ - # output the sha256 sum for checking
+ - cat "$ARTIFACT.sha256"
+ - sha256sum "$ARTIFACT"
+ - name: Upload artifacts
+ image: alpine
+ environment:
+ from_secret: sftp_host
+ from_secret: sftp_user
+ from_secret: ssh_key
+ LFTP_PORT: "22"
+ LFTP_SOURCE: "build"
+ LFTP_TARGET: "/http"
+ commands:
+ - apk add lftp openssh openssl
+ - touch drone.key
+ - chmod 400 drone.key
+ - echo "$LFTP_KEY" | openssl base64 -A -d > drone.key
+ - lftp -c "
+ set net:timeout 5;
+ set net:max-retries 2;
+ set net:reconnect-interval-base 5;
+ set sftp:auto-confirm true;
+ set sftp:connect-program 'ssh -q -a -x -i drone.key';
+ connect sftp://$LFTP_USER:@$LFTP_HOST:$LFTP_PORT;
+ mput $LFTP_SOURCE/*;
+ "
+ - rm drone.key
+ - name: cache
+ host:
+ path: /tmp/drone-cache