- if (empty($_POST) && $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']) {
- $this->clientError(sprintf(_('The server was unable to handle ' .
- 'that much POST data (%s bytes) due to its current configuration.'),
+ if (empty($this->status)) {
+ $this->clientError(
+ 'Client must provide a \'status\' parameter with a value.',
+ 400,
+ $this->format
+ );
- if (empty($this->status)) {
- $this->clientError(
- 'Client must provide a \'status\' parameter with a value.',
- 400,
- $this->format
- );
+ // Workaround for PHP returning empty $_FILES when POST length > PHP settings
+ if (empty($_POST) && ($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] > 0)) {
+ $this->clientError(_('Unable to handle that much POST data!'));
$upload = null;
- common_debug('looking for attachment');
$upload = MediaFile::fromUpload('media', $this->user);
- common_debug("uploaded file = " . var_export($upload, true));
if (isset($upload)) {
- common_debug('newNotice: found an upload');
- $status_shortened .= ' ' . $upload->shortUrl();
- common_debug('content w/upload = ' . $status_shortened);
+ $status_shortened .= ' ' . $upload->shortUrl();
- if (Notice::contentTooLong($status_shortened)) {
- $upload->delete();
- $this->clientError(sprintf(_('Max notice size is %d chars, including attachment URL.'),
- Notice::maxContent()));
- } else {
- common_debug('content not too long');
- }
+ if (Notice::contentTooLong($status_shortened)) {
+ $upload->delete();
+ $msg = _(
+ 'Max notice size is %d chars, ' .
+ 'including attachment URL.'
+ );
+ $this->clientError(sprintf($msg, Notice::maxContent()));
+ }
$this->notice = Notice::saveNew(
$upload = null;
- common_debug('looking for attachment');
$upload = MediaFile::fromUpload('attach');
- common_debug("uploaded file = " . var_export($upload, true));
if (isset($upload)) {
- common_debug('newNotice: found an upload');
- $content_shortened .= ' ' . $upload->shortUrl();
+ $content_shortened .= ' ' . $upload->shortUrl();
- common_debug('content w/upload = ' . $content_shortened);
- if (Notice::contentTooLong($content_shortened)) {
- $upload->delete();
- $this->clientError(sprintf(_('Max notice size is %d chars, including attachment URL.'),
- Notice::maxContent()));
- } else {
- common_debug('content not too long');
- }
+ if (Notice::contentTooLong($content_shortened)) {
+ $upload->delete();
+ $this->clientError(
+ sprintf(
+ _('Max notice size is %d chars, including attachment URL.'),
+ Notice::maxContent()
+ )
+ );
+ }
$notice = Notice::saveNew($user->id, $content_shortened, 'web', 1,
$this->user = common_current_user();
- common_debug('in MediaFile constructor');
- $this->filename = $filename;
- $this->mimetype = $mimetype;
- common_debug('storing file');
+ $this->filename = $filename;
+ $this->mimetype = $mimetype;
$this->fileRecord = $this->storeFile();
- common_debug('finished storing file');
$this->fileurl = common_local_url('attachment',
array('attachment' => $this->fileRecord->id));
- common_debug('$this->fileurl() = ' . $this->fileurl);
- // not sure this is necessary -- Zach
$this->maybeAddRedir($this->fileRecord->id, $this->fileurl);
- common_debug('shortening file url');
$this->short_fileurl = common_shorten_url($this->fileurl);
- common_debug('shortened file url = ' . $short_fileurl);
- // Also, not sure this is necessary -- Zach
$this->maybeAddRedir($this->fileRecord->id, $this->short_fileurl);
- common_debug("MediaFile: end of constructor");
function attachToNotice($notice)
- common_debug('MediaFile::attachToNotice() -- doing File_to_post');
File_to_post::processNew($this->fileRecord->id, $notice->id);
- common_debug('MediaFile done doing File_to_post');
common_local_url('file', array('notice' => $notice->id)));
function storeFile() {
$file = new File;
- $file->filename = $this->filename;
- common_debug('storing ' . $this->filename);
- $file->url = File::url($this->filename);
- common_debug('file->url = ' . $file->url);
- $filepath = File::path($this->filename);
- common_debug('filepath = ' . $filepath);
- $file->size = filesize($filepath);
- $file->date = time();
+ $file->filename = $this->filename;
+ $file->url = File::url($this->filename);
+ $filepath = File::path($this->filename);
+ $file->size = filesize($filepath);
+ $file->date = time();
$file->mimetype = $this->mimetype;
$file_id = $file->insert();
if (!$file_id) {
- common_debug("storeFile: problem inserting new file");
common_log_db_error($file, "INSERT", __FILE__);
throw new ClientException(_('There was a database error while saving your file. Please try again.'));
- common_debug('finished storing file');
return $file;
function maybeAddRedir($file_id, $url)
- common_debug("maybeAddRedir: looking up url: $url for file id $file_id");
$file_redir = File_redirection::staticGet('url', $url);
if (empty($file_redir)) {
- common_debug("maybeAddRedir: $url is not in the db");
$file_redir = new File_redirection;
$file_redir->url = $url;
$file_redir->file_id = $file_id;
common_log_db_error($file_redir, "INSERT", __FILE__);
throw new ClientException(_('There was a database error while saving your file. Please try again.'));
- } else {
- common_debug("maybeAddRedir: no need to add $url, it's already in the db");
static function fromUpload($param = 'media', $user = null)
- common_debug("fromUpload: param = $param");
if (empty($user)) {
$user = common_current_user();
if (!isset($_FILES[$param]['error'])){
- common_debug('no file found');
$filename = File::filename($user->getProfile(), $basename, $mimetype);
$filepath = File::path($filename);
- common_debug("filepath = " . $filepath);
$result = move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$param]['tmp_name'], $filepath);
if (!$result) {
static function getUploadedFileType($f) {
require_once 'MIME/Type.php';
- common_debug("in getUploadedFileType");
$cmd = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('MIME_Type', 'fileCmd');
$cmd = common_config('attachments', 'filecommand');