bool userw = props->hasValue("width");
bool userh = props->hasValue("height");
- // Let the layout widget work in the same property subtree.
+ // Let the layout widget work in the same property subtree.
LayoutWidget wid(props);
int pw=0, ph=0;
int height = props->getIntValue("height", parentHeight);
int x = props->getIntValue("x", (parentWidth - width) / 2);
int y = props->getIntValue("y", (parentHeight - height) / 2);
+ string type = props->getName();
+ const sgVec4 background = {0.8, 0.8, 0.9, 0.85};
+ const sgVec4 foreground = {0, 0, 0, 1};
+ sgVec4 color;
+ if (type == "hrule" || type == "vrule")
+ sgCopyVec4(color, foreground);
+ else
+ sgCopyVec4(color, background);
- sgVec4 color = {0.8, 0.8, 0.9, 0.85};
SGPropertyNode *ncs = props->getNode("color", false);
if ( ncs ) {
- color[0] = ncs->getFloatValue("red", 0.8);
- color[1] = ncs->getFloatValue("green", 0.8);
- color[2] = ncs->getFloatValue("blue", 0.9);
- color[3] = ncs->getFloatValue("alpha", 0.85);
+ color[0] = ncs->getFloatValue("red", color[0]);
+ color[1] = ncs->getFloatValue("green", color[1]);
+ color[2] = ncs->getFloatValue("blue", color[2]);
+ color[3] = ncs->getFloatValue("alpha", color[3]);
- string type = props->getName();
if (type == "")
type = "dialog";
puGroup * group = new puGroup(x, y);
setupGroup(group, props, width, height, color, true);
return group;
- } else if (type == "hrule") {
- puFrame * rule = new puFrame(3, y, parentWidth - 4, y + (height ? height : 1));
+ } else if (type == "hrule" || type == "vrule") {
+ puFrame * rule = new puFrame(x, y, x + width, y + height);
rule->setColorScheme(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]);
return rule;
else *h = 4*UNIT;
} else if (isType("list") || isType("airport-list") || isType("dial")) {
*w = *h = 12*UNIT;
+ } else if (isType("hrule")) {
+ *h = 1;
+ } else if (isType("vrule")) {
+ *w = 1;
// Throw it all out if the user specified a fixed preference
// Correct our box for alignment. The values above correspond to
// a "fill" alignment.
- const char* halign = isGroup ? "fill" : "center";
+ const char* halign = (isGroup || isType("hrule")) ? "fill" : "center";
if(hasField("halign")) halign = getStr("halign");
if(eq(halign, "left")) {
w = prefw;
x += (w - prefw)/2;
w = prefw;
- const char* valign = isGroup ? "fill" : "center";
+ const char* valign = (isGroup || isType("vrule")) ? "fill" : "center";
if(hasField("valign")) valign = getStr("valign");
if(eq(valign, "bottom")) {
h = prefh;
if (eq(layout, "hbox" )) doHVBox(true, false);
else if(eq(layout, "vbox" )) doHVBox(true, true);
else if(eq(layout, "table")) doTable(true);
- }
+ } else if(isType("hrule"))
+ doHVBox(true, false);
+ else if(isType("vrule"))
+ doHVBox(true, true);
// Convention: the "A" cooridinate refers to the major axis of the