// Register a single message for display after a delay of delay seconds
// Will automatically stop displaying after a suitable interval.
- void RegisterSingleMessage(string msg, double delay); // OK - I know passing a string in and out is probably not good but it will have to do for now.
+ void RegisterSingleMessage(string msg, double delay = 0.0); // OK - I know passing a string in and out is probably not good but it will have to do for now.
// For now we will assume only one repeating message at once
// This is not really robust
current_commlist = new FGCommList;
SGPath p_comm( globals->get_fg_root() );
current_commlist->init( p_comm );
+ // Set the user callsign - bit of a hack at the moment - eventually should be read from aircraft file and user-over-rideable
+ fgSetString("/sim/user/callsign", "Golf Foxtrot Sierra"); // C-FGFS
// Load all available voices.
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "Warning - ATCMgr::update(...) called before ATCMgr::init()");
+ current_atcdialog->Update(dt);
//cout << "Entering update..." << endl;
//Traverse the list of active stations.
//Only update one class per update step to avoid the whole ATC system having to calculate between frames.
FGATC* app = FindInList(comm_ident[chan], TOWER);
if(app != NULL) {
// The station is already in the ATC list
- //cout << "In list - flagging SetDisplay..." << endl;
+ cout << comm_ident[chan] << " is in list - flagging SetDisplay..." << endl;
} else {
// Generate the station and put in the ATC list
- //cout << "Not in list - generating..." << endl;
+ cout << comm_ident[chan] << " is not in list - generating..." << endl;
FGTower* t = new FGTower;
comm_atc_ptr[chan] = t;
- t->SetDisplay();
+ t->SetDisplay();
} else if (comm_type[chan] == GROUND) {
FGGround* g = new FGGround;
comm_atc_ptr[chan] = g;
- g->SetDisplay();
+ g->SetDisplay();
} else if (comm_type[chan] == APPROACH) {
FGApproach* a = new FGApproach;
comm_atc_ptr[chan] = a;
- a->SetDisplay();
+ a->SetDisplay();