]> git.mxchange.org Git - juser-core.git/commitdiff
initial import (from jshop-core)
authorRoland Haeder <roland@mxchange.org>
Mon, 5 Oct 2015 13:04:14 +0000 (15:04 +0200)
committerRoland Haeder <roland@mxchange.org>
Mon, 5 Oct 2015 13:04:14 +0000 (15:04 +0200)
Signed-off-by:Roland Häder <roland@mxchange.org>

17 files changed:
build.xml [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/CopyLibs/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/commons-codec-1.10.jar [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/javaee-api-7.0/javaee-api-7.0.jar [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/javaee-api-7.0/javaee-doc-api.jar [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/jcontacts-core.jar [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/jcore.jar [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/jcoreee.jar [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/nblibraries.properties [new file with mode: 0644]
nbproject/build-impl.xml [new file with mode: 0644]
nbproject/genfiles.properties [new file with mode: 0644]
nbproject/project.properties [new file with mode: 0644]
nbproject/project.xml [new file with mode: 0644]
src/org/mxchange/jusercore/model/user/LoginUser.java [new file with mode: 0644]
src/org/mxchange/jusercore/model/user/User.java [new file with mode: 0644]
src/org/mxchange/jusercore/model/user/UserUtils.java [new file with mode: 0644]
src/org/mxchange/jusercore/model/user/status/UserAccountStatus.java [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d542d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- You may freely edit this file. See commented blocks below for -->
+<!-- some examples of how to customize the build. -->
+<!-- (If you delete it and reopen the project it will be recreated.) -->
+<!-- By default, only the Clean and Build commands use this build script. -->
+<!-- Commands such as Run, Debug, and Test only use this build script if -->
+<!-- the Compile on Save feature is turned off for the project. -->
+<!-- You can turn off the Compile on Save (or Deploy on Save) setting -->
+<!-- in the project's Project Properties dialog box.-->
+<project name="juser-core" default="default" basedir=".">
+    <description>Builds, tests, and runs the project juser-core.</description>
+    <import file="nbproject/build-impl.xml"/>
+    <!--
+    There exist several targets which are by default empty and which can be 
+    used for execution of your tasks. These targets are usually executed 
+    before and after some main targets. They are: 
+      -pre-init:                 called before initialization of project properties
+      -post-init:                called after initialization of project properties
+      -pre-compile:              called before javac compilation
+      -post-compile:             called after javac compilation
+      -pre-compile-single:       called before javac compilation of single file
+      -post-compile-single:      called after javac compilation of single file
+      -pre-compile-test:         called before javac compilation of JUnit tests
+      -post-compile-test:        called after javac compilation of JUnit tests
+      -pre-compile-test-single:  called before javac compilation of single JUnit test
+      -post-compile-test-single: called after javac compilation of single JUunit test
+      -pre-jar:                  called before JAR building
+      -post-jar:                 called after JAR building
+      -post-clean:               called after cleaning build products
+    (Targets beginning with '-' are not intended to be called on their own.)
+    Example of inserting an obfuscator after compilation could look like this:
+        <target name="-post-compile">
+            <obfuscate>
+                <fileset dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
+            </obfuscate>
+        </target>
+    For list of available properties check the imported 
+    nbproject/build-impl.xml file. 
+    Another way to customize the build is by overriding existing main targets.
+    The targets of interest are: 
+      -init-macrodef-javac:     defines macro for javac compilation
+      -init-macrodef-junit:     defines macro for junit execution
+      -init-macrodef-debug:     defines macro for class debugging
+      -init-macrodef-java:      defines macro for class execution
+      -do-jar:                  JAR building
+      run:                      execution of project 
+      -javadoc-build:           Javadoc generation
+      test-report:              JUnit report generation
+    An example of overriding the target for project execution could look like this:
+        <target name="run" depends="juser-core-impl.jar">
+            <exec dir="bin" executable="launcher.exe">
+                <arg file="${dist.jar}"/>
+            </exec>
+        </target>
+    Notice that the overridden target depends on the jar target and not only on 
+    the compile target as the regular run target does. Again, for a list of available 
+    properties which you can use, check the target you are overriding in the
+    nbproject/build-impl.xml file. 
+    -->
diff --git a/lib/CopyLibs/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar b/lib/CopyLibs/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..eaf6790
Binary files /dev/null and b/lib/CopyLibs/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar differ
diff --git a/lib/commons-codec-1.10.jar b/lib/commons-codec-1.10.jar
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1d7417c
Binary files /dev/null and b/lib/commons-codec-1.10.jar differ
diff --git a/lib/javaee-api-7.0/javaee-api-7.0.jar b/lib/javaee-api-7.0/javaee-api-7.0.jar
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9e38d4c
Binary files /dev/null and b/lib/javaee-api-7.0/javaee-api-7.0.jar differ
diff --git a/lib/javaee-api-7.0/javaee-doc-api.jar b/lib/javaee-api-7.0/javaee-doc-api.jar
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2859e3d
Binary files /dev/null and b/lib/javaee-api-7.0/javaee-doc-api.jar differ
diff --git a/lib/jcontacts-core.jar b/lib/jcontacts-core.jar
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c92ea91
Binary files /dev/null and b/lib/jcontacts-core.jar differ
diff --git a/lib/jcore.jar b/lib/jcore.jar
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2c6f30e
Binary files /dev/null and b/lib/jcore.jar differ
diff --git a/lib/jcoreee.jar b/lib/jcoreee.jar
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8fd4a46
Binary files /dev/null and b/lib/jcoreee.jar differ
diff --git a/lib/nblibraries.properties b/lib/nblibraries.properties
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1f1df42
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+    ${base}/CopyLibs/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar
+libs.CopyLibs.displayName=CopyLibs Task
+    ${base}/javaee-api-7.0/javaee-api-7.0.jar
+libs.javaee-api-7.0.displayName=Java EE 7 API Library
+    ${base}/javaee-api-7.0/javaee-doc-api.jar
diff --git a/nbproject/build-impl.xml b/nbproject/build-impl.xml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..82ef88a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1438 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+*** GENERATED FROM project.xml - DO NOT EDIT  ***
+***         EDIT ../build.xml INSTEAD         ***
+For the purpose of easier reading the script
+is divided into following sections:
+  - initialization
+  - compilation
+  - jar
+  - execution
+  - debugging
+  - javadoc
+  - test compilation
+  - test execution
+  - test debugging
+  - applet
+  - cleanup
+        -->
+<project xmlns:j2seproject1="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/1" xmlns:j2seproject3="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3" xmlns:jaxrpc="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/jax-rpc" basedir=".." default="default" name="juser-core-impl">
+    <fail message="Please build using Ant 1.8.0 or higher.">
+        <condition>
+            <not>
+                <antversion atleast="1.8.0"/>
+            </not>
+        </condition>
+    </fail>
+    <target depends="test,jar,javadoc" description="Build and test whole project." name="default"/>
+    <!-- 
+                ======================
+                ======================
+            -->
+    <target name="-pre-init">
+        <!-- Empty placeholder for easier customization. -->
+        <!-- You can override this target in the ../build.xml file. -->
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-pre-init" name="-init-private">
+        <property file="nbproject/private/config.properties"/>
+        <property file="nbproject/private/configs/${config}.properties"/>
+        <property file="nbproject/private/private.properties"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-pre-init-libraries">
+        <property location=".\lib\nblibraries.properties" name="libraries.path"/>
+        <dirname file="${libraries.path}" property="libraries.dir.nativedirsep"/>
+        <pathconvert dirsep="/" property="libraries.dir">
+            <path path="${libraries.dir.nativedirsep}"/>
+        </pathconvert>
+        <basename file="${libraries.path}" property="libraries.basename" suffix=".properties"/>
+        <available file="${libraries.dir}/${libraries.basename}-private.properties" property="private.properties.available"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-pre-init-libraries" if="private.properties.available" name="-init-private-libraries">
+        <loadproperties encoding="ISO-8859-1" srcfile="${libraries.dir}/${libraries.basename}-private.properties">
+            <filterchain>
+                <replacestring from="$${base}" to="${libraries.dir}"/>
+                <escapeunicode/>
+            </filterchain>
+        </loadproperties>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-pre-init,-init-private,-init-private-libraries" name="-init-libraries">
+        <loadproperties encoding="ISO-8859-1" srcfile="${libraries.path}">
+            <filterchain>
+                <replacestring from="$${base}" to="${libraries.dir}"/>
+                <escapeunicode/>
+            </filterchain>
+        </loadproperties>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-pre-init,-init-private,-init-libraries" name="-init-user">
+        <property file="${user.properties.file}"/>
+        <!-- The two properties below are usually overridden -->
+        <!-- by the active platform. Just a fallback. -->
+        <property name="default.javac.source" value="1.4"/>
+        <property name="default.javac.target" value="1.4"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-pre-init,-init-private,-init-libraries,-init-user" name="-init-project">
+        <property file="nbproject/configs/${config}.properties"/>
+        <property file="nbproject/project.properties"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-pre-init,-init-private,-init-libraries,-init-user,-init-project,-init-macrodef-property" name="-do-init">
+        <property name="platform.java" value="${java.home}/bin/java"/>
+        <available file="${manifest.file}" property="manifest.available"/>
+        <condition property="splashscreen.available">
+            <and>
+                <not>
+                    <equals arg1="${application.splash}" arg2="" trim="true"/>
+                </not>
+                <available file="${application.splash}"/>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+        <condition property="main.class.available">
+            <and>
+                <isset property="main.class"/>
+                <not>
+                    <equals arg1="${main.class}" arg2="" trim="true"/>
+                </not>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+        <condition property="profile.available">
+            <and>
+                <isset property="javac.profile"/>
+                <length length="0" string="${javac.profile}" when="greater"/>
+                <matches pattern="1\.[89](\..*)?" string="${javac.source}"/>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+        <condition property="do.archive">
+            <or>
+                <not>
+                    <istrue value="${jar.archive.disabled}"/>
+                </not>
+                <istrue value="${not.archive.disabled}"/>
+            </or>
+        </condition>
+        <condition property="do.mkdist">
+            <and>
+                <isset property="do.archive"/>
+                <isset property="libs.CopyLibs.classpath"/>
+                <not>
+                    <istrue value="${mkdist.disabled}"/>
+                </not>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+        <condition property="do.archive+manifest.available">
+            <and>
+                <isset property="manifest.available"/>
+                <istrue value="${do.archive}"/>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+        <condition property="do.archive+main.class.available">
+            <and>
+                <isset property="main.class.available"/>
+                <istrue value="${do.archive}"/>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+        <condition property="do.archive+splashscreen.available">
+            <and>
+                <isset property="splashscreen.available"/>
+                <istrue value="${do.archive}"/>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+        <condition property="do.archive+profile.available">
+            <and>
+                <isset property="profile.available"/>
+                <istrue value="${do.archive}"/>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+        <condition property="have.tests">
+            <or>
+                <available file="${test.src.dir}"/>
+            </or>
+        </condition>
+        <condition property="have.sources">
+            <or>
+                <available file="${src.dir}"/>
+            </or>
+        </condition>
+        <condition property="netbeans.home+have.tests">
+            <and>
+                <isset property="netbeans.home"/>
+                <isset property="have.tests"/>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+        <condition property="no.javadoc.preview">
+            <and>
+                <isset property="javadoc.preview"/>
+                <isfalse value="${javadoc.preview}"/>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+        <property name="run.jvmargs" value=""/>
+        <property name="run.jvmargs.ide" value=""/>
+        <property name="javac.compilerargs" value=""/>
+        <property name="work.dir" value="${basedir}"/>
+        <condition property="no.deps">
+            <and>
+                <istrue value="${no.dependencies}"/>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+        <property name="javac.debug" value="true"/>
+        <property name="javadoc.preview" value="true"/>
+        <property name="application.args" value=""/>
+        <property name="source.encoding" value="${file.encoding}"/>
+        <property name="runtime.encoding" value="${source.encoding}"/>
+        <condition property="javadoc.encoding.used" value="${javadoc.encoding}">
+            <and>
+                <isset property="javadoc.encoding"/>
+                <not>
+                    <equals arg1="${javadoc.encoding}" arg2=""/>
+                </not>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+        <property name="javadoc.encoding.used" value="${source.encoding}"/>
+        <property name="includes" value="**"/>
+        <property name="excludes" value=""/>
+        <property name="do.depend" value="false"/>
+        <condition property="do.depend.true">
+            <istrue value="${do.depend}"/>
+        </condition>
+        <path id="endorsed.classpath.path" path="${endorsed.classpath}"/>
+        <condition else="" property="endorsed.classpath.cmd.line.arg" value="-Xbootclasspath/p:'${toString:endorsed.classpath.path}'">
+            <and>
+                <isset property="endorsed.classpath"/>
+                <not>
+                    <equals arg1="${endorsed.classpath}" arg2="" trim="true"/>
+                </not>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+        <condition else="" property="javac.profile.cmd.line.arg" value="-profile ${javac.profile}">
+            <isset property="profile.available"/>
+        </condition>
+        <condition else="false" property="jdkBug6558476">
+            <and>
+                <matches pattern="1\.[56]" string="${java.specification.version}"/>
+                <not>
+                    <os family="unix"/>
+                </not>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+        <property name="javac.fork" value="${jdkBug6558476}"/>
+        <property name="jar.index" value="false"/>
+        <property name="jar.index.metainf" value="${jar.index}"/>
+        <property name="copylibs.rebase" value="true"/>
+        <available file="${meta.inf.dir}/persistence.xml" property="has.persistence.xml"/>
+        <condition property="junit.available">
+            <or>
+                <available classname="org.junit.Test" classpath="${run.test.classpath}"/>
+                <available classname="junit.framework.Test" classpath="${run.test.classpath}"/>
+            </or>
+        </condition>
+        <condition property="testng.available">
+            <available classname="org.testng.annotations.Test" classpath="${run.test.classpath}"/>
+        </condition>
+        <condition property="junit+testng.available">
+            <and>
+                <istrue value="${junit.available}"/>
+                <istrue value="${testng.available}"/>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+        <condition else="testng" property="testng.mode" value="mixed">
+            <istrue value="${junit+testng.available}"/>
+        </condition>
+        <condition else="" property="testng.debug.mode" value="-mixed">
+            <istrue value="${junit+testng.available}"/>
+        </condition>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-post-init">
+        <!-- Empty placeholder for easier customization. -->
+        <!-- You can override this target in the ../build.xml file. -->
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-pre-init,-init-private,-init-libraries,-init-user,-init-project,-do-init" name="-init-check">
+        <fail unless="src.dir">Must set src.dir</fail>
+        <fail unless="test.src.dir">Must set test.src.dir</fail>
+        <fail unless="build.dir">Must set build.dir</fail>
+        <fail unless="dist.dir">Must set dist.dir</fail>
+        <fail unless="build.classes.dir">Must set build.classes.dir</fail>
+        <fail unless="dist.javadoc.dir">Must set dist.javadoc.dir</fail>
+        <fail unless="build.test.classes.dir">Must set build.test.classes.dir</fail>
+        <fail unless="build.test.results.dir">Must set build.test.results.dir</fail>
+        <fail unless="build.classes.excludes">Must set build.classes.excludes</fail>
+        <fail unless="dist.jar">Must set dist.jar</fail>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-init-macrodef-property">
+        <macrodef name="property" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/1">
+            <attribute name="name"/>
+            <attribute name="value"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <property name="@{name}" value="${@{value}}"/>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-init-ap-cmdline-properties" if="ap.supported.internal" name="-init-macrodef-javac-with-processors">
+        <macrodef name="javac" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3">
+            <attribute default="${src.dir}" name="srcdir"/>
+            <attribute default="${build.classes.dir}" name="destdir"/>
+            <attribute default="${javac.classpath}" name="classpath"/>
+            <attribute default="${javac.processorpath}" name="processorpath"/>
+            <attribute default="${build.generated.sources.dir}/ap-source-output" name="apgeneratedsrcdir"/>
+            <attribute default="${includes}" name="includes"/>
+            <attribute default="${excludes}" name="excludes"/>
+            <attribute default="${javac.debug}" name="debug"/>
+            <attribute default="${empty.dir}" name="sourcepath"/>
+            <attribute default="${empty.dir}" name="gensrcdir"/>
+            <element name="customize" optional="true"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <property location="${build.dir}/empty" name="empty.dir"/>
+                <mkdir dir="${empty.dir}"/>
+                <mkdir dir="@{apgeneratedsrcdir}"/>
+                <javac debug="@{debug}" deprecation="${javac.deprecation}" destdir="@{destdir}" encoding="${source.encoding}" excludes="@{excludes}" fork="${javac.fork}" includeantruntime="false" includes="@{includes}" source="${javac.source}" sourcepath="@{sourcepath}" srcdir="@{srcdir}" target="${javac.target}" tempdir="${java.io.tmpdir}">
+                    <src>
+                        <dirset dir="@{gensrcdir}" erroronmissingdir="false">
+                            <include name="*"/>
+                        </dirset>
+                    </src>
+                    <classpath>
+                        <path path="@{classpath}"/>
+                    </classpath>
+                    <compilerarg line="${endorsed.classpath.cmd.line.arg}"/>
+                    <compilerarg line="${javac.profile.cmd.line.arg}"/>
+                    <compilerarg line="${javac.compilerargs}"/>
+                    <compilerarg value="-processorpath"/>
+                    <compilerarg path="@{processorpath}:${empty.dir}"/>
+                    <compilerarg line="${ap.processors.internal}"/>
+                    <compilerarg line="${annotation.processing.processor.options}"/>
+                    <compilerarg value="-s"/>
+                    <compilerarg path="@{apgeneratedsrcdir}"/>
+                    <compilerarg line="${ap.proc.none.internal}"/>
+                    <customize/>
+                </javac>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-init-ap-cmdline-properties" name="-init-macrodef-javac-without-processors" unless="ap.supported.internal">
+        <macrodef name="javac" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3">
+            <attribute default="${src.dir}" name="srcdir"/>
+            <attribute default="${build.classes.dir}" name="destdir"/>
+            <attribute default="${javac.classpath}" name="classpath"/>
+            <attribute default="${javac.processorpath}" name="processorpath"/>
+            <attribute default="${build.generated.sources.dir}/ap-source-output" name="apgeneratedsrcdir"/>
+            <attribute default="${includes}" name="includes"/>
+            <attribute default="${excludes}" name="excludes"/>
+            <attribute default="${javac.debug}" name="debug"/>
+            <attribute default="${empty.dir}" name="sourcepath"/>
+            <attribute default="${empty.dir}" name="gensrcdir"/>
+            <element name="customize" optional="true"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <property location="${build.dir}/empty" name="empty.dir"/>
+                <mkdir dir="${empty.dir}"/>
+                <javac debug="@{debug}" deprecation="${javac.deprecation}" destdir="@{destdir}" encoding="${source.encoding}" excludes="@{excludes}" fork="${javac.fork}" includeantruntime="false" includes="@{includes}" source="${javac.source}" sourcepath="@{sourcepath}" srcdir="@{srcdir}" target="${javac.target}" tempdir="${java.io.tmpdir}">
+                    <src>
+                        <dirset dir="@{gensrcdir}" erroronmissingdir="false">
+                            <include name="*"/>
+                        </dirset>
+                    </src>
+                    <classpath>
+                        <path path="@{classpath}"/>
+                    </classpath>
+                    <compilerarg line="${endorsed.classpath.cmd.line.arg}"/>
+                    <compilerarg line="${javac.profile.cmd.line.arg}"/>
+                    <compilerarg line="${javac.compilerargs}"/>
+                    <customize/>
+                </javac>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-init-macrodef-javac-with-processors,-init-macrodef-javac-without-processors" name="-init-macrodef-javac">
+        <macrodef name="depend" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3">
+            <attribute default="${src.dir}" name="srcdir"/>
+            <attribute default="${build.classes.dir}" name="destdir"/>
+            <attribute default="${javac.classpath}" name="classpath"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <depend cache="${build.dir}/depcache" destdir="@{destdir}" excludes="${excludes}" includes="${includes}" srcdir="@{srcdir}">
+                    <classpath>
+                        <path path="@{classpath}"/>
+                    </classpath>
+                </depend>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+        <macrodef name="force-recompile" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3">
+            <attribute default="${build.classes.dir}" name="destdir"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <fail unless="javac.includes">Must set javac.includes</fail>
+                <pathconvert pathsep="${line.separator}" property="javac.includes.binary">
+                    <path>
+                        <filelist dir="@{destdir}" files="${javac.includes}"/>
+                    </path>
+                    <globmapper from="*.java" to="*.class"/>
+                </pathconvert>
+                <tempfile deleteonexit="true" property="javac.includesfile.binary"/>
+                <echo file="${javac.includesfile.binary}" message="${javac.includes.binary}"/>
+                <delete>
+                    <files includesfile="${javac.includesfile.binary}"/>
+                </delete>
+                <delete>
+                    <fileset file="${javac.includesfile.binary}"/>
+                </delete>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target if="${junit.available}" name="-init-macrodef-junit-init">
+        <condition else="false" property="nb.junit.batch" value="true">
+            <and>
+                <istrue value="${junit.available}"/>
+                <not>
+                    <isset property="test.method"/>
+                </not>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+        <condition else="false" property="nb.junit.single" value="true">
+            <and>
+                <istrue value="${junit.available}"/>
+                <isset property="test.method"/>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-init-test-properties">
+        <property name="test.binaryincludes" value="&lt;nothing&gt;"/>
+        <property name="test.binarytestincludes" value=""/>
+        <property name="test.binaryexcludes" value=""/>
+    </target>
+    <target if="${nb.junit.single}" name="-init-macrodef-junit-single" unless="${nb.junit.batch}">
+        <macrodef name="junit" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3">
+            <attribute default="${includes}" name="includes"/>
+            <attribute default="${excludes}" name="excludes"/>
+            <attribute default="**" name="testincludes"/>
+            <attribute default="" name="testmethods"/>
+            <element name="customize" optional="true"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <property name="junit.forkmode" value="perTest"/>
+                <junit dir="${work.dir}" errorproperty="tests.failed" failureproperty="tests.failed" fork="true" forkmode="${junit.forkmode}" showoutput="true" tempdir="${build.dir}">
+                    <test methods="@{testmethods}" name="@{testincludes}" todir="${build.test.results.dir}"/>
+                    <syspropertyset>
+                        <propertyref prefix="test-sys-prop."/>
+                        <mapper from="test-sys-prop.*" to="*" type="glob"/>
+                    </syspropertyset>
+                    <formatter type="brief" usefile="false"/>
+                    <formatter type="xml"/>
+                    <jvmarg value="-ea"/>
+                    <customize/>
+                </junit>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-init-test-properties" if="${nb.junit.batch}" name="-init-macrodef-junit-batch" unless="${nb.junit.single}">
+        <macrodef name="junit" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3">
+            <attribute default="${includes}" name="includes"/>
+            <attribute default="${excludes}" name="excludes"/>
+            <attribute default="**" name="testincludes"/>
+            <attribute default="" name="testmethods"/>
+            <element name="customize" optional="true"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <property name="junit.forkmode" value="perTest"/>
+                <junit dir="${work.dir}" errorproperty="tests.failed" failureproperty="tests.failed" fork="true" forkmode="${junit.forkmode}" showoutput="true" tempdir="${build.dir}">
+                    <batchtest todir="${build.test.results.dir}">
+                        <fileset dir="${test.src.dir}" excludes="@{excludes},${excludes}" includes="@{includes}">
+                            <filename name="@{testincludes}"/>
+                        </fileset>
+                        <fileset dir="${build.test.classes.dir}" excludes="@{excludes},${excludes},${test.binaryexcludes}" includes="${test.binaryincludes}">
+                            <filename name="${test.binarytestincludes}"/>
+                        </fileset>
+                    </batchtest>
+                    <syspropertyset>
+                        <propertyref prefix="test-sys-prop."/>
+                        <mapper from="test-sys-prop.*" to="*" type="glob"/>
+                    </syspropertyset>
+                    <formatter type="brief" usefile="false"/>
+                    <formatter type="xml"/>
+                    <jvmarg value="-ea"/>
+                    <customize/>
+                </junit>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-init-macrodef-junit-init,-init-macrodef-junit-single, -init-macrodef-junit-batch" if="${junit.available}" name="-init-macrodef-junit"/>
+    <target if="${testng.available}" name="-init-macrodef-testng">
+        <macrodef name="testng" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3">
+            <attribute default="${includes}" name="includes"/>
+            <attribute default="${excludes}" name="excludes"/>
+            <attribute default="**" name="testincludes"/>
+            <attribute default="" name="testmethods"/>
+            <element name="customize" optional="true"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <condition else="" property="testng.methods.arg" value="@{testincludes}.@{testmethods}">
+                    <isset property="test.method"/>
+                </condition>
+                <union id="test.set">
+                    <fileset dir="${test.src.dir}" excludes="@{excludes},**/*.xml,${excludes}" includes="@{includes}">
+                        <filename name="@{testincludes}"/>
+                    </fileset>
+                </union>
+                <taskdef classname="org.testng.TestNGAntTask" classpath="${run.test.classpath}" name="testng"/>
+                <testng classfilesetref="test.set" failureProperty="tests.failed" listeners="org.testng.reporters.VerboseReporter" methods="${testng.methods.arg}" mode="${testng.mode}" outputdir="${build.test.results.dir}" suitename="juser-core" testname="TestNG tests" workingDir="${work.dir}">
+                    <xmlfileset dir="${build.test.classes.dir}" includes="@{testincludes}"/>
+                    <propertyset>
+                        <propertyref prefix="test-sys-prop."/>
+                        <mapper from="test-sys-prop.*" to="*" type="glob"/>
+                    </propertyset>
+                    <customize/>
+                </testng>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-init-macrodef-test-impl">
+        <macrodef name="test-impl" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3">
+            <attribute default="${includes}" name="includes"/>
+            <attribute default="${excludes}" name="excludes"/>
+            <attribute default="**" name="testincludes"/>
+            <attribute default="" name="testmethods"/>
+            <element implicit="true" name="customize" optional="true"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <echo>No tests executed.</echo>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-init-macrodef-junit" if="${junit.available}" name="-init-macrodef-junit-impl">
+        <macrodef name="test-impl" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3">
+            <attribute default="${includes}" name="includes"/>
+            <attribute default="${excludes}" name="excludes"/>
+            <attribute default="**" name="testincludes"/>
+            <attribute default="" name="testmethods"/>
+            <element implicit="true" name="customize" optional="true"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <j2seproject3:junit excludes="@{excludes}" includes="@{includes}" testincludes="@{testincludes}" testmethods="@{testmethods}">
+                    <customize/>
+                </j2seproject3:junit>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-init-macrodef-testng" if="${testng.available}" name="-init-macrodef-testng-impl">
+        <macrodef name="test-impl" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3">
+            <attribute default="${includes}" name="includes"/>
+            <attribute default="${excludes}" name="excludes"/>
+            <attribute default="**" name="testincludes"/>
+            <attribute default="" name="testmethods"/>
+            <element implicit="true" name="customize" optional="true"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <j2seproject3:testng excludes="@{excludes}" includes="@{includes}" testincludes="@{testincludes}" testmethods="@{testmethods}">
+                    <customize/>
+                </j2seproject3:testng>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-init-macrodef-test-impl,-init-macrodef-junit-impl,-init-macrodef-testng-impl" name="-init-macrodef-test">
+        <macrodef name="test" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3">
+            <attribute default="${includes}" name="includes"/>
+            <attribute default="${excludes}" name="excludes"/>
+            <attribute default="**" name="testincludes"/>
+            <attribute default="" name="testmethods"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <j2seproject3:test-impl excludes="@{excludes}" includes="@{includes}" testincludes="@{testincludes}" testmethods="@{testmethods}">
+                    <customize>
+                        <classpath>
+                            <path path="${run.test.classpath}"/>
+                        </classpath>
+                        <jvmarg line="${endorsed.classpath.cmd.line.arg}"/>
+                        <jvmarg line="${run.jvmargs}"/>
+                        <jvmarg line="${run.jvmargs.ide}"/>
+                    </customize>
+                </j2seproject3:test-impl>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target if="${junit.available}" name="-init-macrodef-junit-debug" unless="${nb.junit.batch}">
+        <macrodef name="junit-debug" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3">
+            <attribute default="${includes}" name="includes"/>
+            <attribute default="${excludes}" name="excludes"/>
+            <attribute default="**" name="testincludes"/>
+            <attribute default="" name="testmethods"/>
+            <element name="customize" optional="true"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <property name="junit.forkmode" value="perTest"/>
+                <junit dir="${work.dir}" errorproperty="tests.failed" failureproperty="tests.failed" fork="true" forkmode="${junit.forkmode}" showoutput="true" tempdir="${build.dir}">
+                    <test methods="@{testmethods}" name="@{testincludes}" todir="${build.test.results.dir}"/>
+                    <syspropertyset>
+                        <propertyref prefix="test-sys-prop."/>
+                        <mapper from="test-sys-prop.*" to="*" type="glob"/>
+                    </syspropertyset>
+                    <formatter type="brief" usefile="false"/>
+                    <formatter type="xml"/>
+                    <jvmarg value="-ea"/>
+                    <jvmarg line="${debug-args-line}"/>
+                    <jvmarg value="-Xrunjdwp:transport=${debug-transport},address=${jpda.address}"/>
+                    <customize/>
+                </junit>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-init-test-properties" if="${nb.junit.batch}" name="-init-macrodef-junit-debug-batch">
+        <macrodef name="junit-debug" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3">
+            <attribute default="${includes}" name="includes"/>
+            <attribute default="${excludes}" name="excludes"/>
+            <attribute default="**" name="testincludes"/>
+            <attribute default="" name="testmethods"/>
+            <element name="customize" optional="true"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <property name="junit.forkmode" value="perTest"/>
+                <junit dir="${work.dir}" errorproperty="tests.failed" failureproperty="tests.failed" fork="true" forkmode="${junit.forkmode}" showoutput="true" tempdir="${build.dir}">
+                    <batchtest todir="${build.test.results.dir}">
+                        <fileset dir="${test.src.dir}" excludes="@{excludes},${excludes}" includes="@{includes}">
+                            <filename name="@{testincludes}"/>
+                        </fileset>
+                        <fileset dir="${build.test.classes.dir}" excludes="@{excludes},${excludes},${test.binaryexcludes}" includes="${test.binaryincludes}">
+                            <filename name="${test.binarytestincludes}"/>
+                        </fileset>
+                    </batchtest>
+                    <syspropertyset>
+                        <propertyref prefix="test-sys-prop."/>
+                        <mapper from="test-sys-prop.*" to="*" type="glob"/>
+                    </syspropertyset>
+                    <formatter type="brief" usefile="false"/>
+                    <formatter type="xml"/>
+                    <jvmarg value="-ea"/>
+                    <jvmarg line="${debug-args-line}"/>
+                    <jvmarg value="-Xrunjdwp:transport=${debug-transport},address=${jpda.address}"/>
+                    <customize/>
+                </junit>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-init-macrodef-junit-debug,-init-macrodef-junit-debug-batch" if="${junit.available}" name="-init-macrodef-junit-debug-impl">
+        <macrodef name="test-debug-impl" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3">
+            <attribute default="${includes}" name="includes"/>
+            <attribute default="${excludes}" name="excludes"/>
+            <attribute default="**" name="testincludes"/>
+            <attribute default="" name="testmethods"/>
+            <element implicit="true" name="customize" optional="true"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <j2seproject3:junit-debug excludes="@{excludes}" includes="@{includes}" testincludes="@{testincludes}" testmethods="@{testmethods}">
+                    <customize/>
+                </j2seproject3:junit-debug>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target if="${testng.available}" name="-init-macrodef-testng-debug">
+        <macrodef name="testng-debug" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3">
+            <attribute default="${main.class}" name="testClass"/>
+            <attribute default="" name="testMethod"/>
+            <element name="customize2" optional="true"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <condition else="-testclass @{testClass}" property="test.class.or.method" value="-methods @{testClass}.@{testMethod}">
+                    <isset property="test.method"/>
+                </condition>
+                <condition else="-suitename juser-core -testname @{testClass} ${test.class.or.method}" property="testng.cmd.args" value="@{testClass}">
+                    <matches pattern=".*\.xml" string="@{testClass}"/>
+                </condition>
+                <delete dir="${build.test.results.dir}" quiet="true"/>
+                <mkdir dir="${build.test.results.dir}"/>
+                <j2seproject3:debug classname="org.testng.TestNG" classpath="${debug.test.classpath}">
+                    <customize>
+                        <customize2/>
+                        <jvmarg value="-ea"/>
+                        <arg line="${testng.debug.mode}"/>
+                        <arg line="-d ${build.test.results.dir}"/>
+                        <arg line="-listener org.testng.reporters.VerboseReporter"/>
+                        <arg line="${testng.cmd.args}"/>
+                    </customize>
+                </j2seproject3:debug>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-init-macrodef-testng-debug" if="${testng.available}" name="-init-macrodef-testng-debug-impl">
+        <macrodef name="testng-debug-impl" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3">
+            <attribute default="${main.class}" name="testClass"/>
+            <attribute default="" name="testMethod"/>
+            <element implicit="true" name="customize2" optional="true"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <j2seproject3:testng-debug testClass="@{testClass}" testMethod="@{testMethod}">
+                    <customize2/>
+                </j2seproject3:testng-debug>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-init-macrodef-junit-debug-impl" if="${junit.available}" name="-init-macrodef-test-debug-junit">
+        <macrodef name="test-debug" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3">
+            <attribute default="${includes}" name="includes"/>
+            <attribute default="${excludes}" name="excludes"/>
+            <attribute default="**" name="testincludes"/>
+            <attribute default="" name="testmethods"/>
+            <attribute default="${main.class}" name="testClass"/>
+            <attribute default="" name="testMethod"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <j2seproject3:test-debug-impl excludes="@{excludes}" includes="@{includes}" testincludes="@{testincludes}" testmethods="@{testmethods}">
+                    <customize>
+                        <classpath>
+                            <path path="${run.test.classpath}"/>
+                        </classpath>
+                        <jvmarg line="${endorsed.classpath.cmd.line.arg}"/>
+                        <jvmarg line="${run.jvmargs}"/>
+                        <jvmarg line="${run.jvmargs.ide}"/>
+                    </customize>
+                </j2seproject3:test-debug-impl>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-init-macrodef-testng-debug-impl" if="${testng.available}" name="-init-macrodef-test-debug-testng">
+        <macrodef name="test-debug" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3">
+            <attribute default="${includes}" name="includes"/>
+            <attribute default="${excludes}" name="excludes"/>
+            <attribute default="**" name="testincludes"/>
+            <attribute default="" name="testmethods"/>
+            <attribute default="${main.class}" name="testClass"/>
+            <attribute default="" name="testMethod"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <j2seproject3:testng-debug-impl testClass="@{testClass}" testMethod="@{testMethod}">
+                    <customize2>
+                        <syspropertyset>
+                            <propertyref prefix="test-sys-prop."/>
+                            <mapper from="test-sys-prop.*" to="*" type="glob"/>
+                        </syspropertyset>
+                    </customize2>
+                </j2seproject3:testng-debug-impl>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-init-macrodef-test-debug-junit,-init-macrodef-test-debug-testng" name="-init-macrodef-test-debug"/>
+    <!--
+                pre NB7.2 profiling section; consider it deprecated
+            -->
+    <target depends="-profile-pre-init, init, -profile-post-init, -profile-init-macrodef-profile, -profile-init-check" if="profiler.info.jvmargs.agent" name="profile-init"/>
+    <target if="profiler.info.jvmargs.agent" name="-profile-pre-init">
+        <!-- Empty placeholder for easier customization. -->
+        <!-- You can override this target in the ../build.xml file. -->
+    </target>
+    <target if="profiler.info.jvmargs.agent" name="-profile-post-init">
+        <!-- Empty placeholder for easier customization. -->
+        <!-- You can override this target in the ../build.xml file. -->
+    </target>
+    <target if="profiler.info.jvmargs.agent" name="-profile-init-macrodef-profile">
+        <macrodef name="resolve">
+            <attribute name="name"/>
+            <attribute name="value"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <property name="@{name}" value="${env.@{value}}"/>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+        <macrodef name="profile">
+            <attribute default="${main.class}" name="classname"/>
+            <element name="customize" optional="true"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <property environment="env"/>
+                <resolve name="profiler.current.path" value="${profiler.info.pathvar}"/>
+                <java classname="@{classname}" dir="${profiler.info.dir}" fork="true" jvm="${profiler.info.jvm}">
+                    <jvmarg line="${endorsed.classpath.cmd.line.arg}"/>
+                    <jvmarg value="${profiler.info.jvmargs.agent}"/>
+                    <jvmarg line="${profiler.info.jvmargs}"/>
+                    <env key="${profiler.info.pathvar}" path="${profiler.info.agentpath}:${profiler.current.path}"/>
+                    <arg line="${application.args}"/>
+                    <classpath>
+                        <path path="${run.classpath}"/>
+                    </classpath>
+                    <syspropertyset>
+                        <propertyref prefix="run-sys-prop."/>
+                        <mapper from="run-sys-prop.*" to="*" type="glob"/>
+                    </syspropertyset>
+                    <customize/>
+                </java>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-profile-pre-init, init, -profile-post-init, -profile-init-macrodef-profile" if="profiler.info.jvmargs.agent" name="-profile-init-check">
+        <fail unless="profiler.info.jvm">Must set JVM to use for profiling in profiler.info.jvm</fail>
+        <fail unless="profiler.info.jvmargs.agent">Must set profiler agent JVM arguments in profiler.info.jvmargs.agent</fail>
+    </target>
+    <!--
+                end of pre NB7.2 profiling section
+            -->
+    <target depends="-init-debug-args" name="-init-macrodef-nbjpda">
+        <macrodef name="nbjpdastart" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/1">
+            <attribute default="${main.class}" name="name"/>
+            <attribute default="${debug.classpath}" name="classpath"/>
+            <attribute default="" name="stopclassname"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <nbjpdastart addressproperty="jpda.address" name="@{name}" stopclassname="@{stopclassname}" transport="${debug-transport}">
+                    <classpath>
+                        <path path="@{classpath}"/>
+                    </classpath>
+                </nbjpdastart>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+        <macrodef name="nbjpdareload" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/1">
+            <attribute default="${build.classes.dir}" name="dir"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <nbjpdareload>
+                    <fileset dir="@{dir}" includes="${fix.classes}">
+                        <include name="${fix.includes}*.class"/>
+                    </fileset>
+                </nbjpdareload>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-init-debug-args">
+        <property name="version-output" value="java version &quot;${ant.java.version}"/>
+        <condition property="have-jdk-older-than-1.4">
+            <or>
+                <contains string="${version-output}" substring="java version &quot;1.0"/>
+                <contains string="${version-output}" substring="java version &quot;1.1"/>
+                <contains string="${version-output}" substring="java version &quot;1.2"/>
+                <contains string="${version-output}" substring="java version &quot;1.3"/>
+            </or>
+        </condition>
+        <condition else="-Xdebug" property="debug-args-line" value="-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=none">
+            <istrue value="${have-jdk-older-than-1.4}"/>
+        </condition>
+        <condition else="dt_socket" property="debug-transport-by-os" value="dt_shmem">
+            <os family="windows"/>
+        </condition>
+        <condition else="${debug-transport-by-os}" property="debug-transport" value="${debug.transport}">
+            <isset property="debug.transport"/>
+        </condition>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-init-debug-args" name="-init-macrodef-debug">
+        <macrodef name="debug" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3">
+            <attribute default="${main.class}" name="classname"/>
+            <attribute default="${debug.classpath}" name="classpath"/>
+            <element name="customize" optional="true"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <java classname="@{classname}" dir="${work.dir}" fork="true">
+                    <jvmarg line="${endorsed.classpath.cmd.line.arg}"/>
+                    <jvmarg line="${debug-args-line}"/>
+                    <jvmarg value="-Xrunjdwp:transport=${debug-transport},address=${jpda.address}"/>
+                    <jvmarg value="-Dfile.encoding=${runtime.encoding}"/>
+                    <redirector errorencoding="${runtime.encoding}" inputencoding="${runtime.encoding}" outputencoding="${runtime.encoding}"/>
+                    <jvmarg line="${run.jvmargs}"/>
+                    <jvmarg line="${run.jvmargs.ide}"/>
+                    <classpath>
+                        <path path="@{classpath}"/>
+                    </classpath>
+                    <syspropertyset>
+                        <propertyref prefix="run-sys-prop."/>
+                        <mapper from="run-sys-prop.*" to="*" type="glob"/>
+                    </syspropertyset>
+                    <customize/>
+                </java>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-init-macrodef-java">
+        <macrodef name="java" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/1">
+            <attribute default="${main.class}" name="classname"/>
+            <attribute default="${run.classpath}" name="classpath"/>
+            <attribute default="jvm" name="jvm"/>
+            <element name="customize" optional="true"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <java classname="@{classname}" dir="${work.dir}" fork="true">
+                    <jvmarg line="${endorsed.classpath.cmd.line.arg}"/>
+                    <jvmarg value="-Dfile.encoding=${runtime.encoding}"/>
+                    <redirector errorencoding="${runtime.encoding}" inputencoding="${runtime.encoding}" outputencoding="${runtime.encoding}"/>
+                    <jvmarg line="${run.jvmargs}"/>
+                    <jvmarg line="${run.jvmargs.ide}"/>
+                    <classpath>
+                        <path path="@{classpath}"/>
+                    </classpath>
+                    <syspropertyset>
+                        <propertyref prefix="run-sys-prop."/>
+                        <mapper from="run-sys-prop.*" to="*" type="glob"/>
+                    </syspropertyset>
+                    <customize/>
+                </java>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-init-macrodef-copylibs">
+        <macrodef name="copylibs" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3">
+            <attribute default="${manifest.file}" name="manifest"/>
+            <element name="customize" optional="true"/>
+            <sequential>
+                <property location="${build.classes.dir}" name="build.classes.dir.resolved"/>
+                <pathconvert property="run.classpath.without.build.classes.dir">
+                    <path path="${run.classpath}"/>
+                    <map from="${build.classes.dir.resolved}" to=""/>
+                </pathconvert>
+                <pathconvert pathsep=" " property="jar.classpath">
+                    <path path="${run.classpath.without.build.classes.dir}"/>
+                    <chainedmapper>
+                        <flattenmapper/>
+                        <filtermapper>
+                            <replacestring from=" " to="%20"/>
+                        </filtermapper>
+                        <globmapper from="*" to="lib/*"/>
+                    </chainedmapper>
+                </pathconvert>
+                <taskdef classname="org.netbeans.modules.java.j2seproject.copylibstask.CopyLibs" classpath="${libs.CopyLibs.classpath}" name="copylibs"/>
+                <copylibs compress="${jar.compress}" excludeFromCopy="${copylibs.excludes}" index="${jar.index}" indexMetaInf="${jar.index.metainf}" jarfile="${dist.jar}" manifest="@{manifest}" rebase="${copylibs.rebase}" runtimeclasspath="${run.classpath.without.build.classes.dir}">
+                    <fileset dir="${build.classes.dir}" excludes="${dist.archive.excludes}"/>
+                    <manifest>
+                        <attribute name="Class-Path" value="${jar.classpath}"/>
+                        <customize/>
+                    </manifest>
+                </copylibs>
+            </sequential>
+        </macrodef>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-init-presetdef-jar">
+        <presetdef name="jar" uri="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/1">
+            <jar compress="${jar.compress}" index="${jar.index}" jarfile="${dist.jar}">
+                <j2seproject1:fileset dir="${build.classes.dir}" excludes="${dist.archive.excludes}"/>
+            </jar>
+        </presetdef>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-init-ap-cmdline-properties">
+        <property name="annotation.processing.enabled" value="true"/>
+        <property name="annotation.processing.processors.list" value=""/>
+        <property name="annotation.processing.processor.options" value=""/>
+        <property name="annotation.processing.run.all.processors" value="true"/>
+        <property name="javac.processorpath" value="${javac.classpath}"/>
+        <property name="javac.test.processorpath" value="${javac.test.classpath}"/>
+        <condition property="ap.supported.internal" value="true">
+            <not>
+                <matches pattern="1\.[0-5](\..*)?" string="${javac.source}"/>
+            </not>
+        </condition>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-init-ap-cmdline-properties" if="ap.supported.internal" name="-init-ap-cmdline-supported">
+        <condition else="" property="ap.processors.internal" value="-processor ${annotation.processing.processors.list}">
+            <isfalse value="${annotation.processing.run.all.processors}"/>
+        </condition>
+        <condition else="" property="ap.proc.none.internal" value="-proc:none">
+            <isfalse value="${annotation.processing.enabled}"/>
+        </condition>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-init-ap-cmdline-properties,-init-ap-cmdline-supported" name="-init-ap-cmdline">
+        <property name="ap.cmd.line.internal" value=""/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-pre-init,-init-private,-init-libraries,-init-user,-init-project,-do-init,-post-init,-init-check,-init-macrodef-property,-init-macrodef-javac,-init-macrodef-test,-init-macrodef-test-debug,-init-macrodef-nbjpda,-init-macrodef-debug,-init-macrodef-java,-init-presetdef-jar,-init-ap-cmdline" name="init"/>
+    <!--
+                ===================
+                COMPILATION SECTION
+                ===================
+            -->
+    <target name="-deps-jar-init" unless="built-jar.properties">
+        <property location="${build.dir}/built-jar.properties" name="built-jar.properties"/>
+        <delete file="${built-jar.properties}" quiet="true"/>
+    </target>
+    <target if="already.built.jar.${basedir}" name="-warn-already-built-jar">
+        <echo level="warn" message="Cycle detected: juser-core was already built"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,-deps-jar-init" name="deps-jar" unless="no.deps">
+        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
+        <touch file="${built-jar.properties}" verbose="false"/>
+        <property file="${built-jar.properties}" prefix="already.built.jar."/>
+        <antcall target="-warn-already-built-jar"/>
+        <propertyfile file="${built-jar.properties}">
+            <entry key="${basedir}" value=""/>
+        </propertyfile>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,-check-automatic-build,-clean-after-automatic-build" name="-verify-automatic-build"/>
+    <target depends="init" name="-check-automatic-build">
+        <available file="${build.classes.dir}/.netbeans_automatic_build" property="netbeans.automatic.build"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init" if="netbeans.automatic.build" name="-clean-after-automatic-build">
+        <antcall target="clean"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,deps-jar" name="-pre-pre-compile">
+        <mkdir dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-pre-compile">
+        <!-- Empty placeholder for easier customization. -->
+        <!-- You can override this target in the ../build.xml file. -->
+    </target>
+    <target if="do.depend.true" name="-compile-depend">
+        <pathconvert property="build.generated.subdirs">
+            <dirset dir="${build.generated.sources.dir}" erroronmissingdir="false">
+                <include name="*"/>
+            </dirset>
+        </pathconvert>
+        <j2seproject3:depend srcdir="${src.dir}:${build.generated.subdirs}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,deps-jar,-pre-pre-compile,-pre-compile, -copy-persistence-xml,-compile-depend" if="have.sources" name="-do-compile">
+        <j2seproject3:javac gensrcdir="${build.generated.sources.dir}"/>
+        <copy todir="${build.classes.dir}">
+            <fileset dir="${src.dir}" excludes="${build.classes.excludes},${excludes}" includes="${includes}"/>
+        </copy>
+    </target>
+    <target if="has.persistence.xml" name="-copy-persistence-xml">
+        <mkdir dir="${build.classes.dir}/META-INF"/>
+        <copy todir="${build.classes.dir}/META-INF">
+            <fileset dir="${meta.inf.dir}" includes="persistence.xml orm.xml"/>
+        </copy>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-post-compile">
+        <!-- Empty placeholder for easier customization. -->
+        <!-- You can override this target in the ../build.xml file. -->
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,deps-jar,-verify-automatic-build,-pre-pre-compile,-pre-compile,-do-compile,-post-compile" description="Compile project." name="compile"/>
+    <target name="-pre-compile-single">
+        <!-- Empty placeholder for easier customization. -->
+        <!-- You can override this target in the ../build.xml file. -->
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,deps-jar,-pre-pre-compile" name="-do-compile-single">
+        <fail unless="javac.includes">Must select some files in the IDE or set javac.includes</fail>
+        <j2seproject3:force-recompile/>
+        <j2seproject3:javac excludes="" gensrcdir="${build.generated.sources.dir}" includes="${javac.includes}" sourcepath="${src.dir}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-post-compile-single">
+        <!-- Empty placeholder for easier customization. -->
+        <!-- You can override this target in the ../build.xml file. -->
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,deps-jar,-verify-automatic-build,-pre-pre-compile,-pre-compile-single,-do-compile-single,-post-compile-single" name="compile-single"/>
+    <!--
+                ====================
+                JAR BUILDING SECTION
+                ====================
+            -->
+    <target depends="init" name="-pre-pre-jar">
+        <dirname file="${dist.jar}" property="dist.jar.dir"/>
+        <mkdir dir="${dist.jar.dir}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-pre-jar">
+        <!-- Empty placeholder for easier customization. -->
+        <!-- You can override this target in the ../build.xml file. -->
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init" if="do.archive" name="-do-jar-create-manifest" unless="manifest.available">
+        <tempfile deleteonexit="true" destdir="${build.dir}" property="tmp.manifest.file"/>
+        <touch file="${tmp.manifest.file}" verbose="false"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init" if="do.archive+manifest.available" name="-do-jar-copy-manifest">
+        <tempfile deleteonexit="true" destdir="${build.dir}" property="tmp.manifest.file"/>
+        <copy file="${manifest.file}" tofile="${tmp.manifest.file}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,-do-jar-create-manifest,-do-jar-copy-manifest" if="do.archive+main.class.available" name="-do-jar-set-mainclass">
+        <manifest file="${tmp.manifest.file}" mode="update">
+            <attribute name="Main-Class" value="${main.class}"/>
+        </manifest>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,-do-jar-create-manifest,-do-jar-copy-manifest" if="do.archive+profile.available" name="-do-jar-set-profile">
+        <manifest file="${tmp.manifest.file}" mode="update">
+            <attribute name="Profile" value="${javac.profile}"/>
+        </manifest>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,-do-jar-create-manifest,-do-jar-copy-manifest" if="do.archive+splashscreen.available" name="-do-jar-set-splashscreen">
+        <basename file="${application.splash}" property="splashscreen.basename"/>
+        <mkdir dir="${build.classes.dir}/META-INF"/>
+        <copy failonerror="false" file="${application.splash}" todir="${build.classes.dir}/META-INF"/>
+        <manifest file="${tmp.manifest.file}" mode="update">
+            <attribute name="SplashScreen-Image" value="META-INF/${splashscreen.basename}"/>
+        </manifest>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,-init-macrodef-copylibs,compile,-pre-pre-jar,-pre-jar,-do-jar-create-manifest,-do-jar-copy-manifest,-do-jar-set-mainclass,-do-jar-set-profile,-do-jar-set-splashscreen" if="do.mkdist" name="-do-jar-copylibs">
+        <j2seproject3:copylibs manifest="${tmp.manifest.file}"/>
+        <echo level="info">To run this application from the command line without Ant, try:</echo>
+        <property location="${dist.jar}" name="dist.jar.resolved"/>
+        <echo level="info">java -jar "${dist.jar.resolved}"</echo>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile,-pre-pre-jar,-pre-jar,-do-jar-create-manifest,-do-jar-copy-manifest,-do-jar-set-mainclass,-do-jar-set-profile,-do-jar-set-splashscreen" if="do.archive" name="-do-jar-jar" unless="do.mkdist">
+        <j2seproject1:jar manifest="${tmp.manifest.file}"/>
+        <property location="${build.classes.dir}" name="build.classes.dir.resolved"/>
+        <property location="${dist.jar}" name="dist.jar.resolved"/>
+        <pathconvert property="run.classpath.with.dist.jar">
+            <path path="${run.classpath}"/>
+            <map from="${build.classes.dir.resolved}" to="${dist.jar.resolved}"/>
+        </pathconvert>
+        <condition else="" property="jar.usage.message" value="To run this application from the command line without Ant, try:${line.separator}${platform.java} -cp ${run.classpath.with.dist.jar} ${main.class}">
+            <isset property="main.class.available"/>
+        </condition>
+        <condition else="debug" property="jar.usage.level" value="info">
+            <isset property="main.class.available"/>
+        </condition>
+        <echo level="${jar.usage.level}" message="${jar.usage.message}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-do-jar-copylibs" if="do.archive" name="-do-jar-delete-manifest">
+        <delete>
+            <fileset file="${tmp.manifest.file}"/>
+        </delete>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile,-pre-pre-jar,-pre-jar,-do-jar-create-manifest,-do-jar-copy-manifest,-do-jar-set-mainclass,-do-jar-set-profile,-do-jar-set-splashscreen,-do-jar-jar,-do-jar-delete-manifest" name="-do-jar-without-libraries"/>
+    <target depends="init,compile,-pre-pre-jar,-pre-jar,-do-jar-create-manifest,-do-jar-copy-manifest,-do-jar-set-mainclass,-do-jar-set-profile,-do-jar-set-splashscreen,-do-jar-copylibs,-do-jar-delete-manifest" name="-do-jar-with-libraries"/>
+    <target name="-post-jar">
+        <!-- Empty placeholder for easier customization. -->
+        <!-- You can override this target in the ../build.xml file. -->
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile,-pre-jar,-do-jar-without-libraries,-do-jar-with-libraries,-post-jar" name="-do-jar"/>
+    <target depends="init,compile,-pre-jar,-do-jar,-post-jar" description="Build JAR." name="jar"/>
+    <!--
+                =================
+                EXECUTION SECTION
+                =================
+            -->
+    <target depends="init,compile" description="Run a main class." name="run">
+        <j2seproject1:java>
+            <customize>
+                <arg line="${application.args}"/>
+            </customize>
+        </j2seproject1:java>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-do-not-recompile">
+        <property name="javac.includes.binary" value=""/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile-single" name="run-single">
+        <fail unless="run.class">Must select one file in the IDE or set run.class</fail>
+        <j2seproject1:java classname="${run.class}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile-test-single" name="run-test-with-main">
+        <fail unless="run.class">Must select one file in the IDE or set run.class</fail>
+        <j2seproject1:java classname="${run.class}" classpath="${run.test.classpath}"/>
+    </target>
+    <!--
+                =================
+                DEBUGGING SECTION
+                =================
+            -->
+    <target depends="init" if="netbeans.home" name="-debug-start-debugger">
+        <j2seproject1:nbjpdastart name="${debug.class}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init" if="netbeans.home" name="-debug-start-debugger-main-test">
+        <j2seproject1:nbjpdastart classpath="${debug.test.classpath}" name="${debug.class}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile" name="-debug-start-debuggee">
+        <j2seproject3:debug>
+            <customize>
+                <arg line="${application.args}"/>
+            </customize>
+        </j2seproject3:debug>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile,-debug-start-debugger,-debug-start-debuggee" description="Debug project in IDE." if="netbeans.home" name="debug"/>
+    <target depends="init" if="netbeans.home" name="-debug-start-debugger-stepinto">
+        <j2seproject1:nbjpdastart stopclassname="${main.class}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile,-debug-start-debugger-stepinto,-debug-start-debuggee" if="netbeans.home" name="debug-stepinto"/>
+    <target depends="init,compile-single" if="netbeans.home" name="-debug-start-debuggee-single">
+        <fail unless="debug.class">Must select one file in the IDE or set debug.class</fail>
+        <j2seproject3:debug classname="${debug.class}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile-single,-debug-start-debugger,-debug-start-debuggee-single" if="netbeans.home" name="debug-single"/>
+    <target depends="init,compile-test-single" if="netbeans.home" name="-debug-start-debuggee-main-test">
+        <fail unless="debug.class">Must select one file in the IDE or set debug.class</fail>
+        <j2seproject3:debug classname="${debug.class}" classpath="${debug.test.classpath}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile-test-single,-debug-start-debugger-main-test,-debug-start-debuggee-main-test" if="netbeans.home" name="debug-test-with-main"/>
+    <target depends="init" name="-pre-debug-fix">
+        <fail unless="fix.includes">Must set fix.includes</fail>
+        <property name="javac.includes" value="${fix.includes}.java"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,-pre-debug-fix,compile-single" if="netbeans.home" name="-do-debug-fix">
+        <j2seproject1:nbjpdareload/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,-pre-debug-fix,-do-debug-fix" if="netbeans.home" name="debug-fix"/>
+    <!--
+                =================
+                PROFILING SECTION
+                =================
+            -->
+    <!--
+                pre NB7.2 profiler integration
+            -->
+    <target depends="profile-init,compile" description="Profile a project in the IDE." if="profiler.info.jvmargs.agent" name="-profile-pre72">
+        <fail unless="netbeans.home">This target only works when run from inside the NetBeans IDE.</fail>
+        <nbprofiledirect>
+            <classpath>
+                <path path="${run.classpath}"/>
+            </classpath>
+        </nbprofiledirect>
+        <profile/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="profile-init,compile-single" description="Profile a selected class in the IDE." if="profiler.info.jvmargs.agent" name="-profile-single-pre72">
+        <fail unless="profile.class">Must select one file in the IDE or set profile.class</fail>
+        <fail unless="netbeans.home">This target only works when run from inside the NetBeans IDE.</fail>
+        <nbprofiledirect>
+            <classpath>
+                <path path="${run.classpath}"/>
+            </classpath>
+        </nbprofiledirect>
+        <profile classname="${profile.class}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="profile-init,compile-single" if="profiler.info.jvmargs.agent" name="-profile-applet-pre72">
+        <fail unless="netbeans.home">This target only works when run from inside the NetBeans IDE.</fail>
+        <nbprofiledirect>
+            <classpath>
+                <path path="${run.classpath}"/>
+            </classpath>
+        </nbprofiledirect>
+        <profile classname="sun.applet.AppletViewer">
+            <customize>
+                <arg value="${applet.url}"/>
+            </customize>
+        </profile>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="profile-init,compile-test-single" if="profiler.info.jvmargs.agent" name="-profile-test-single-pre72">
+        <fail unless="netbeans.home">This target only works when run from inside the NetBeans IDE.</fail>
+        <nbprofiledirect>
+            <classpath>
+                <path path="${run.test.classpath}"/>
+            </classpath>
+        </nbprofiledirect>
+        <junit dir="${profiler.info.dir}" errorproperty="tests.failed" failureproperty="tests.failed" fork="true" jvm="${profiler.info.jvm}" showoutput="true">
+            <env key="${profiler.info.pathvar}" path="${profiler.info.agentpath}:${profiler.current.path}"/>
+            <jvmarg value="${profiler.info.jvmargs.agent}"/>
+            <jvmarg line="${profiler.info.jvmargs}"/>
+            <test name="${profile.class}"/>
+            <classpath>
+                <path path="${run.test.classpath}"/>
+            </classpath>
+            <syspropertyset>
+                <propertyref prefix="test-sys-prop."/>
+                <mapper from="test-sys-prop.*" to="*" type="glob"/>
+            </syspropertyset>
+            <formatter type="brief" usefile="false"/>
+            <formatter type="xml"/>
+        </junit>
+    </target>
+    <!--
+                end of pre NB72 profiling section
+            -->
+    <target if="netbeans.home" name="-profile-check">
+        <condition property="profiler.configured">
+            <or>
+                <contains casesensitive="true" string="${run.jvmargs.ide}" substring="-agentpath:"/>
+                <contains casesensitive="true" string="${run.jvmargs.ide}" substring="-javaagent:"/>
+            </or>
+        </condition>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-profile-check,-profile-pre72" description="Profile a project in the IDE." if="profiler.configured" name="profile" unless="profiler.info.jvmargs.agent">
+        <startprofiler/>
+        <antcall target="run"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-profile-check,-profile-single-pre72" description="Profile a selected class in the IDE." if="profiler.configured" name="profile-single" unless="profiler.info.jvmargs.agent">
+        <fail unless="run.class">Must select one file in the IDE or set run.class</fail>
+        <startprofiler/>
+        <antcall target="run-single"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-profile-test-single-pre72" description="Profile a selected test in the IDE." name="profile-test-single"/>
+    <target depends="-profile-check" description="Profile a selected test in the IDE." if="profiler.configured" name="profile-test" unless="profiler.info.jvmargs">
+        <fail unless="test.includes">Must select some files in the IDE or set test.includes</fail>
+        <startprofiler/>
+        <antcall target="test-single"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-profile-check" description="Profile a selected class in the IDE." if="profiler.configured" name="profile-test-with-main">
+        <fail unless="run.class">Must select one file in the IDE or set run.class</fail>
+        <startprofiler/>
+        <antcal target="run-test-with-main"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-profile-check,-profile-applet-pre72" if="profiler.configured" name="profile-applet" unless="profiler.info.jvmargs.agent">
+        <fail unless="applet.url">Must select one file in the IDE or set applet.url</fail>
+        <startprofiler/>
+        <antcall target="run-applet"/>
+    </target>
+    <!--
+                ===============
+                JAVADOC SECTION
+                ===============
+            -->
+    <target depends="init" if="have.sources" name="-javadoc-build">
+        <mkdir dir="${dist.javadoc.dir}"/>
+        <condition else="" property="javadoc.endorsed.classpath.cmd.line.arg" value="-J${endorsed.classpath.cmd.line.arg}">
+            <and>
+                <isset property="endorsed.classpath.cmd.line.arg"/>
+                <not>
+                    <equals arg1="${endorsed.classpath.cmd.line.arg}" arg2=""/>
+                </not>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+        <condition else="" property="bug5101868workaround" value="*.java">
+            <matches pattern="1\.[56](\..*)?" string="${java.version}"/>
+        </condition>
+        <javadoc additionalparam="-J-Dfile.encoding=${file.encoding} ${javadoc.additionalparam}" author="${javadoc.author}" charset="UTF-8" destdir="${dist.javadoc.dir}" docencoding="UTF-8" encoding="${javadoc.encoding.used}" failonerror="true" noindex="${javadoc.noindex}" nonavbar="${javadoc.nonavbar}" notree="${javadoc.notree}" private="${javadoc.private}" source="${javac.source}" splitindex="${javadoc.splitindex}" use="${javadoc.use}" useexternalfile="true" version="${javadoc.version}" windowtitle="${javadoc.windowtitle}">
+            <classpath>
+                <path path="${javac.classpath}"/>
+            </classpath>
+            <fileset dir="${src.dir}" excludes="${bug5101868workaround},${excludes}" includes="${includes}">
+                <filename name="**/*.java"/>
+            </fileset>
+            <fileset dir="${build.generated.sources.dir}" erroronmissingdir="false">
+                <include name="**/*.java"/>
+                <exclude name="*.java"/>
+            </fileset>
+            <arg line="${javadoc.endorsed.classpath.cmd.line.arg}"/>
+        </javadoc>
+        <copy todir="${dist.javadoc.dir}">
+            <fileset dir="${src.dir}" excludes="${excludes}" includes="${includes}">
+                <filename name="**/doc-files/**"/>
+            </fileset>
+            <fileset dir="${build.generated.sources.dir}" erroronmissingdir="false">
+                <include name="**/doc-files/**"/>
+            </fileset>
+        </copy>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,-javadoc-build" if="netbeans.home" name="-javadoc-browse" unless="no.javadoc.preview">
+        <nbbrowse file="${dist.javadoc.dir}/index.html"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,-javadoc-build,-javadoc-browse" description="Build Javadoc." name="javadoc"/>
+    <!--
+                =========================
+                =========================
+            -->
+    <target depends="init,compile" if="have.tests" name="-pre-pre-compile-test">
+        <mkdir dir="${build.test.classes.dir}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-pre-compile-test">
+        <!-- Empty placeholder for easier customization. -->
+        <!-- You can override this target in the ../build.xml file. -->
+    </target>
+    <target if="do.depend.true" name="-compile-test-depend">
+        <j2seproject3:depend classpath="${javac.test.classpath}" destdir="${build.test.classes.dir}" srcdir="${test.src.dir}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,deps-jar,compile,-pre-pre-compile-test,-pre-compile-test,-compile-test-depend" if="have.tests" name="-do-compile-test">
+        <j2seproject3:javac apgeneratedsrcdir="${build.test.classes.dir}" classpath="${javac.test.classpath}" debug="true" destdir="${build.test.classes.dir}" processorpath="${javac.test.processorpath}" srcdir="${test.src.dir}"/>
+        <copy todir="${build.test.classes.dir}">
+            <fileset dir="${test.src.dir}" excludes="${build.classes.excludes},${excludes}" includes="${includes}"/>
+        </copy>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-post-compile-test">
+        <!-- Empty placeholder for easier customization. -->
+        <!-- You can override this target in the ../build.xml file. -->
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile,-pre-pre-compile-test,-pre-compile-test,-do-compile-test,-post-compile-test" name="compile-test"/>
+    <target name="-pre-compile-test-single">
+        <!-- Empty placeholder for easier customization. -->
+        <!-- You can override this target in the ../build.xml file. -->
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,deps-jar,compile,-pre-pre-compile-test,-pre-compile-test-single" if="have.tests" name="-do-compile-test-single">
+        <fail unless="javac.includes">Must select some files in the IDE or set javac.includes</fail>
+        <j2seproject3:force-recompile destdir="${build.test.classes.dir}"/>
+        <j2seproject3:javac apgeneratedsrcdir="${build.test.classes.dir}" classpath="${javac.test.classpath}" debug="true" destdir="${build.test.classes.dir}" excludes="" includes="${javac.includes}" processorpath="${javac.test.processorpath}" sourcepath="${test.src.dir}" srcdir="${test.src.dir}"/>
+        <copy todir="${build.test.classes.dir}">
+            <fileset dir="${test.src.dir}" excludes="${build.classes.excludes},${excludes}" includes="${includes}"/>
+        </copy>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-post-compile-test-single">
+        <!-- Empty placeholder for easier customization. -->
+        <!-- You can override this target in the ../build.xml file. -->
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile,-pre-pre-compile-test,-pre-compile-test-single,-do-compile-test-single,-post-compile-test-single" name="compile-test-single"/>
+    <!--
+                =======================
+                =======================
+            -->
+    <target depends="init" if="have.tests" name="-pre-test-run">
+        <mkdir dir="${build.test.results.dir}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile-test,-pre-test-run" if="have.tests" name="-do-test-run">
+        <j2seproject3:test includes="${includes}" testincludes="**/*Test.java"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile-test,-pre-test-run,-do-test-run" if="have.tests" name="-post-test-run">
+        <fail if="tests.failed" unless="ignore.failing.tests">Some tests failed; see details above.</fail>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init" if="have.tests" name="test-report"/>
+    <target depends="init" if="netbeans.home+have.tests" name="-test-browse"/>
+    <target depends="init,compile-test,-pre-test-run,-do-test-run,test-report,-post-test-run,-test-browse" description="Run unit tests." name="test"/>
+    <target depends="init" if="have.tests" name="-pre-test-run-single">
+        <mkdir dir="${build.test.results.dir}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile-test-single,-pre-test-run-single" if="have.tests" name="-do-test-run-single">
+        <fail unless="test.includes">Must select some files in the IDE or set test.includes</fail>
+        <j2seproject3:test excludes="" includes="${test.includes}" testincludes="${test.includes}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile-test-single,-pre-test-run-single,-do-test-run-single" if="have.tests" name="-post-test-run-single">
+        <fail if="tests.failed" unless="ignore.failing.tests">Some tests failed; see details above.</fail>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile-test-single,-pre-test-run-single,-do-test-run-single,-post-test-run-single" description="Run single unit test." name="test-single"/>
+    <target depends="init,compile-test-single,-pre-test-run-single" if="have.tests" name="-do-test-run-single-method">
+        <fail unless="test.class">Must select some files in the IDE or set test.class</fail>
+        <fail unless="test.method">Must select some method in the IDE or set test.method</fail>
+        <j2seproject3:test excludes="" includes="${javac.includes}" testincludes="${test.class}" testmethods="${test.method}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile-test-single,-pre-test-run-single,-do-test-run-single-method" if="have.tests" name="-post-test-run-single-method">
+        <fail if="tests.failed" unless="ignore.failing.tests">Some tests failed; see details above.</fail>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile-test-single,-pre-test-run-single,-do-test-run-single-method,-post-test-run-single-method" description="Run single unit test." name="test-single-method"/>
+    <!--
+                =======================
+                =======================
+            -->
+    <target depends="init,compile-test-single,-pre-test-run-single" if="have.tests" name="-debug-start-debuggee-test">
+        <fail unless="test.class">Must select one file in the IDE or set test.class</fail>
+        <j2seproject3:test-debug excludes="" includes="${javac.includes}" testClass="${test.class}" testincludes="${javac.includes}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile-test-single,-pre-test-run-single" if="have.tests" name="-debug-start-debuggee-test-method">
+        <fail unless="test.class">Must select one file in the IDE or set test.class</fail>
+        <fail unless="test.method">Must select some method in the IDE or set test.method</fail>
+        <j2seproject3:test-debug excludes="" includes="${javac.includes}" testClass="${test.class}" testMethod="${test.method}" testincludes="${test.class}" testmethods="${test.method}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile-test" if="netbeans.home+have.tests" name="-debug-start-debugger-test">
+        <j2seproject1:nbjpdastart classpath="${debug.test.classpath}" name="${test.class}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile-test-single,-debug-start-debugger-test,-debug-start-debuggee-test" name="debug-test"/>
+    <target depends="init,compile-test-single,-debug-start-debugger-test,-debug-start-debuggee-test-method" name="debug-test-method"/>
+    <target depends="init,-pre-debug-fix,compile-test-single" if="netbeans.home" name="-do-debug-fix-test">
+        <j2seproject1:nbjpdareload dir="${build.test.classes.dir}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,-pre-debug-fix,-do-debug-fix-test" if="netbeans.home" name="debug-fix-test"/>
+    <!--
+                =========================
+                =========================
+            -->
+    <target depends="init,compile-single" name="run-applet">
+        <fail unless="applet.url">Must select one file in the IDE or set applet.url</fail>
+        <j2seproject1:java classname="sun.applet.AppletViewer">
+            <customize>
+                <arg value="${applet.url}"/>
+            </customize>
+        </j2seproject1:java>
+    </target>
+    <!--
+                =========================
+                =========================
+            -->
+    <target depends="init,compile-single" if="netbeans.home" name="-debug-start-debuggee-applet">
+        <fail unless="applet.url">Must select one file in the IDE or set applet.url</fail>
+        <j2seproject3:debug classname="sun.applet.AppletViewer">
+            <customize>
+                <arg value="${applet.url}"/>
+            </customize>
+        </j2seproject3:debug>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,compile-single,-debug-start-debugger,-debug-start-debuggee-applet" if="netbeans.home" name="debug-applet"/>
+    <!--
+                ===============
+                CLEANUP SECTION
+                ===============
+            -->
+    <target name="-deps-clean-init" unless="built-clean.properties">
+        <property location="${build.dir}/built-clean.properties" name="built-clean.properties"/>
+        <delete file="${built-clean.properties}" quiet="true"/>
+    </target>
+    <target if="already.built.clean.${basedir}" name="-warn-already-built-clean">
+        <echo level="warn" message="Cycle detected: juser-core was already built"/>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,-deps-clean-init" name="deps-clean" unless="no.deps">
+        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
+        <touch file="${built-clean.properties}" verbose="false"/>
+        <property file="${built-clean.properties}" prefix="already.built.clean."/>
+        <antcall target="-warn-already-built-clean"/>
+        <propertyfile file="${built-clean.properties}">
+            <entry key="${basedir}" value=""/>
+        </propertyfile>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init" name="-do-clean">
+        <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
+        <delete dir="${dist.dir}" followsymlinks="false" includeemptydirs="true"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-post-clean">
+        <!-- Empty placeholder for easier customization. -->
+        <!-- You can override this target in the ../build.xml file. -->
+    </target>
+    <target depends="init,deps-clean,-do-clean,-post-clean" description="Clean build products." name="clean"/>
+    <target name="-check-call-dep">
+        <property file="${call.built.properties}" prefix="already.built."/>
+        <condition property="should.call.dep">
+            <and>
+                <not>
+                    <isset property="already.built.${call.subproject}"/>
+                </not>
+                <available file="${call.script}"/>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+    </target>
+    <target depends="-check-call-dep" if="should.call.dep" name="-maybe-call-dep">
+        <ant antfile="${call.script}" inheritall="false" target="${call.target}">
+            <propertyset>
+                <propertyref prefix="transfer."/>
+                <mapper from="transfer.*" to="*" type="glob"/>
+            </propertyset>
+        </ant>
+    </target>
diff --git a/nbproject/genfiles.properties b/nbproject/genfiles.properties
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0ecbb51
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# This file is used by a NetBeans-based IDE to track changes in generated files such as build-impl.xml.
+# Do not edit this file. You may delete it but then the IDE will never regenerate such files for you.
diff --git a/nbproject/project.properties b/nbproject/project.properties
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..94b095d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+application.vendor=Roland Haeder
+# This directory is removed when the project is cleaned:
+# Only compile against the classpath explicitly listed here:
+# Uncomment to specify the preferred debugger connection transport:
+    ${run.classpath}
+    ${run.test.classpath}
+# Files in build.classes.dir which should be excluded from distribution jar
+# This directory is removed when the project is cleaned:
+    ${file.reference.jcore.jar}:\
+    ${file.reference.jcoreee.jar}:\
+    ${file.reference.jcontacts-core.jar}:\
+    ${libs.javaee-api-7.0.classpath}:\
+    ${file.reference.commons-codec-1.10.jar}
+# Space-separated list of extra javac options
+javac.compilerargs=-Xlint:unchecked -Xlint:deprecation
+    ${javac.classpath}
+    ${javac.classpath}:\
+    ${build.classes.dir}
+    ${javac.test.classpath}
+javadoc.windowtitle=User Library
+# Optional override of default Codebase manifest attribute, use to prevent RIAs from being repurposed
+# Optional override of default Permissions manifest attribute (supported values: sandbox, all-permissions)
+    ${javac.classpath}:\
+    ${build.classes.dir}
+# Space-separated list of JVM arguments used when running the project.
+# You may also define separate properties like run-sys-prop.name=value instead of -Dname=value.
+# To set system properties for unit tests define test-sys-prop.name=value:
+    ${javac.test.classpath}:\
+    ${build.test.classes.dir}
diff --git a/nbproject/project.xml b/nbproject/project.xml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..437533e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/project/1">
+    <type>org.netbeans.modules.java.j2seproject</type>
+    <configuration>
+        <data xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3">
+            <name>juser-core</name>
+            <source-roots>
+                <root id="src.dir"/>
+            </source-roots>
+            <test-roots>
+                <root id="test.src.dir"/>
+            </test-roots>
+        </data>
+        <libraries xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/ant-project-libraries/1">
+            <definitions>.\lib\nblibraries.properties</definitions>
+        </libraries>
+    </configuration>
diff --git a/src/org/mxchange/jusercore/model/user/LoginUser.java b/src/org/mxchange/jusercore/model/user/LoginUser.java
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7bb10bd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Roland Haeder
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+package org.mxchange.jusercore.model.user;
+import java.util.Calendar;
+import javax.persistence.Basic;
+import javax.persistence.Column;
+import javax.persistence.Entity;
+import javax.persistence.EnumType;
+import javax.persistence.Enumerated;
+import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
+import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
+import javax.persistence.Id;
+import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
+import javax.persistence.OneToOne;
+import javax.persistence.Table;
+import javax.persistence.Temporal;
+import javax.persistence.TemporalType;
+import org.mxchange.jcontacts.contact.Contact;
+import org.mxchange.jcontacts.contact.UserContact;
+import org.mxchange.jusercore.model.user.status.UserAccountStatus;
+ * A shop customer class.
+ * <p>
+ * @author Roland Haeder<roland@mxchange.org>
+ */
+@Entity (name = "user")
+@Table (name = "user")
+public class LoginUser implements User {
+       /**
+        * Serial number
+        */
+       private static final long serialVersionUID = 4_328_454_581_751L;
+       /**
+        * Id number from "contacts" table
+        */
+       @JoinColumn (name = "contact_id", nullable = false, updatable = false, unique = true)
+       @OneToOne (targetEntity = UserContact.class, optional = false)
+       private Contact contact;
+       /**
+        * Confirmation key
+        */
+       @Column (name = "user_confirm_key", length = 50)
+       private String userConfirmKey;
+       /**
+        * "created" timestamp
+        */
+       @Basic (optional = false)
+       @Temporal (TemporalType.TIMESTAMP)
+       @Column (name = "user_created", nullable = false)
+       private Calendar userCreated;
+       /**
+        * User id
+        */
+       @Id
+       @Column (name = "user_id", nullable = false, length = 20, updatable = false)
+       @GeneratedValue (strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
+       private Long userId;
+       /**
+        * "locked" timestamp
+        */
+       @Temporal (TemporalType.TIMESTAMP)
+       @Column (name = "user_locked")
+       private Calendar userLocked;
+       /**
+        * User name
+        */
+       @Column (name = "user_name", nullable = false, length = 20)
+       private String userName;
+       /**
+        * Password hash
+        */
+       @Column (name = "user_password_hash")
+       private String userPasswordHash;
+       /**
+        * Account status
+        */
+       @Basic (optional = false)
+       @Column (name = "user_account_status", nullable = false)
+       @Enumerated (EnumType.STRING)
+       private UserAccountStatus userAccountStatus;
+       /**
+        * Default constructor
+        */
+       public LoginUser () {
+       }
+       @Override
+       public void copyAll (final User user) {
+               // Copy also contact data
+               this.getContact().copyAll(user.getContact());
+               // Copy other data
+               this.setUserConfirmKey(user.getUserConfirmKey());
+               this.setUserName(user.getUserName());
+               this.setUserPasswordHash(user.getUserPasswordHash());
+               this.setUserAccountStatus(user.getUserAccountStatus());
+               this.setUserCreated(user.getUserCreated());
+               this.setUserLocked(user.getUserLocked());
+       }
+       @Override
+       public Contact getContact () {
+               return this.contact;
+       }
+       @Override
+       public void setContact (final Contact contact) {
+               this.contact = contact;
+       }
+       @Override
+       public String getUserConfirmKey () {
+               return this.userConfirmKey;
+       }
+       @Override
+       public void setUserConfirmKey (final String customerConfirmKey) {
+               this.userConfirmKey = customerConfirmKey;
+       }
+       @Override
+       public Calendar getUserCreated () {
+               return this.userCreated;
+       }
+       @Override
+       public void setUserCreated (final Calendar userCreated) {
+               this.userCreated = userCreated;
+       }
+       @Override
+       public Long getUserId () {
+               return this.userId;
+       }
+       @Override
+       public void setUserId (final Long userId) {
+               this.userId = userId;
+       }
+       @Override
+       public Calendar getUserLocked () {
+               return this.userLocked;
+       }
+       @Override
+       public void setUserLocked (final Calendar userLocked) {
+               this.userLocked = userLocked;
+       }
+       @Override
+       public String getUserName () {
+               return this.userName;
+       }
+       @Override
+       public void setUserName (final String userName) {
+               this.userName = userName;
+       }
+       @Override
+       public String getUserPasswordHash () {
+               return this.userPasswordHash;
+       }
+       @Override
+       public void setUserPasswordHash (final String userPasswordHash) {
+               this.userPasswordHash = userPasswordHash;
+       }
+       @Override
+       public UserAccountStatus getUserAccountStatus () {
+               return this.userAccountStatus;
+       }
+       @Override
+       public void setUserAccountStatus (final UserAccountStatus userAccountStatus) {
+               this.userAccountStatus = userAccountStatus;
+       }
diff --git a/src/org/mxchange/jusercore/model/user/User.java b/src/org/mxchange/jusercore/model/user/User.java
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b397f11
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Roland Haeder
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+package org.mxchange.jusercore.model.user;
+import java.io.Serializable;
+import java.util.Calendar;
+import org.mxchange.jcontacts.contact.Contact;
+import org.mxchange.jusercore.model.user.status.UserAccountStatus;
+ * A customer interface
+ * <p>
+ * @author Roland Haeder<roland@mxchange.org>
+ */
+public interface User extends Serializable {
+       /**
+        * Copies all attributes from other customer object to this
+        * <p>
+        * @param customer Source instance
+        */
+       public void copyAll (final User customer);
+       /**
+        * Getter for contact instance
+        * <p>
+        * @return Contact id number
+        */
+       public Contact getContact ();
+       /**
+        * Setter for contact instance
+        * <p>
+        * @param contact Contact instance
+        */
+       public void setContact (final Contact contact);
+       /**
+        * Getter for confirmation key
+        * <p>
+        * @return Confirmation key
+        */
+       public String getUserConfirmKey ();
+       /**
+        * Setter for confirmation key
+        * <p>
+        * @param customerConfirmKey Confirmation key
+        */
+       public void setUserConfirmKey (final String customerConfirmKey);
+       /**
+        * Getter for "created" timestamp
+        * <p>
+        * @return "created" timestamp
+        */
+       public Calendar getUserCreated ();
+       /**
+        * Setter for "created" timestamp
+        * <p>
+        * @param customerCreated "created" timestamp
+        */
+       public void setUserCreated (final Calendar customerCreated);
+       /**
+        * Getter for customer id number
+        * <p>
+        * @return User id number
+        */
+       public Long getUserId ();
+       /**
+        * Settte for customer id number
+        * <p>
+        * @param customerId User id number
+        */
+       public void setUserId (final Long customerId);
+       /**
+        * Getter for "locked" timestamp
+        * <p>
+        * @return "locked" timestamp
+        */
+       public Calendar getUserLocked ();
+       /**
+        * Getter for "locked" timestamp
+        * <p>
+        * @param customerLocked "locked" timestamp
+        */
+       public void setUserLocked (final Calendar customerLocked);
+       /**
+        * Getter for customer number
+        * <p>
+        * @return User number
+        */
+       public String getUserName ();
+       /**
+        * Setter for customer number
+        * <p>
+        * @param customerNumber User number
+        */
+       public void setUserName (final String customerNumber);
+       /**
+        * Getter for password hash
+        * <p>
+        * @return Password hash
+        */
+       public String getUserPasswordHash ();
+       /**
+        * Setter for password hash
+        * <p>
+        * @param customerPasswordHash Password hash
+        */
+       public void setUserPasswordHash (final String customerPasswordHash);
+       /**
+        * Getter for account status
+        * <p>
+        * @return Account status
+        */
+       public UserAccountStatus getUserAccountStatus ();
+       /**
+        * Setter for account status
+        * <p>
+        * @param customerStatus Account status
+        */
+       public void setUserAccountStatus (final UserAccountStatus customerStatus);
diff --git a/src/org/mxchange/jusercore/model/user/UserUtils.java b/src/org/mxchange/jusercore/model/user/UserUtils.java
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..de555f9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Roland Haeder
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+package org.mxchange.jusercore.model.user;
+import org.mxchange.jcore.BaseFrameworkSystem;
+ * An utilities class for customers
+ * <p>
+ * @author Roland Haeder
+ */
+public class UserUtils extends BaseFrameworkSystem {
+       /**
+        * No instance from this class
+        */
+       private UserUtils () {
+       }
diff --git a/src/org/mxchange/jusercore/model/user/status/UserAccountStatus.java b/src/org/mxchange/jusercore/model/user/status/UserAccountStatus.java
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2b75efb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Roland Haeder
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+package org.mxchange.jusercore.model.user.status;
+import java.io.Serializable;
+ * An enum for user's account status like confirmed, locked, etc.
+ * <p>
+ * @author Roland Haeder
+ */
+public enum UserAccountStatus implements Serializable {
+       /**
+        * Unconfirmed (default)
+        */
+       /**
+        * Confirmed (email address validated)
+        */
+       /**
+        * Locked (maybe violeted T&C)
+        */
+       /**
+        * Message key
+        */
+       private final String messageKey;
+       /**
+        * Constructor with i18n translation key
+        * <p>
+        * @param messageKey Message key (i18n)
+        */
+       private UserAccountStatus (final String messageKey) {
+               // Set it here
+               this.messageKey = messageKey;
+       }
+       /**
+        * Output value (for messages)
+        * <p>
+        * @return the messageKey
+        */
+       public String getMessageKey () {
+               return this.messageKey;
+       }