-sub quick_plot {
+sub quick_plot_vs_time {
my( $data_file ) = shift;
my( $plot_file ) = shift;
my( $title ) = shift;
+sub quick_plot {
+ my( $data_file ) = shift;
+ my( $plot_file ) = shift;
+ my( $xtitle ) = shift;
+ my( $ytitle ) = shift;
+ my( $xcolumn ) = shift;
+ my( $ycolumn ) = shift;
+ print "quick plot -> $plot_file\n";
+ my( $tmpcmd ) = "$tmp_dir/plot_cmd_tmp.$$";
+ my( $tmpdata ) = "$tmp_dir/plot_data_tmp.$$";
+ my( $png_image ) = "$plot_file.png";
+ # strip the leading header off the file so gnuplot doesn't squawk
+ system( "tail +2 $data_file | sed -e \"s/,/ /g\" > $tmpdata" );
+ # create the gnuplot command file
+ open( CMD, ">$tmpcmd" );
+ print CMD "set terminal png color\n";
+ print "png_image = $png_image\n";
+ print CMD "set output \"$png_image\"\n";
+ print CMD "set xlabel \"$xtitle\"\n";
+ print CMD "set ylabel \"$ytitle\"\n";
+ print CMD "plot \"$tmpdata\" using $xcolumn:$ycolumn title \"$xtitle vs. $ytitle\" with lines\n";
+ print CMD "quit\n";
+ close( CMD );
+ # plot the graph
+ system( "gnuplot $tmpcmd" );
+ # clean up all our droppings
+ unlink( $tmpcmd );
+ unlink( $tmpdata );
return 1; # make perl happy