raise RuntimeError, "IP address for this machine could not be found"
self.my_contact = compact(my_addr, config.getint('DEFAULT', 'PORT'))
- reactor.callLater(60, self.refreshFiles)
+ self.nextRefresh = reactor.callLater(60, self.refreshFiles)
def joinError(self, failure):
"""Joining the DHT has failed."""
raise RuntimeError, "IP address for this machine could not be found"
- def refreshFiles(self):
+ def refreshFiles(self, result = None, hashes = {}):
"""Refresh any files in the DHT that are about to expire."""
- expireAfter = config.gettime('DEFAULT', 'KEY_REFRESH')
- hashes = self.db.expiredHashes(expireAfter)
- if len(hashes.keys()) > 0:
- log.msg('Refreshing the keys of %d DHT values' % len(hashes.keys()))
- self._refreshFiles(None, hashes)
- def _refreshFiles(self, result, hashes):
if result is not None:
log.msg('Storage resulted in: %r' % result)
+ if not hashes:
+ expireAfter = config.gettime('DEFAULT', 'KEY_REFRESH')
+ hashes = self.db.expiredHashes(expireAfter)
+ if len(hashes.keys()) > 0:
+ log.msg('Refreshing the keys of %d DHT values' % len(hashes.keys()))
+ delay = 60
if hashes:
+ delay = 3
raw_hash = hashes.keys()[0]
hash = HashObject(raw_hash, pieces = hashes[raw_hash]['pieces'])
del hashes[raw_hash]
storeDefer = self.store(hash)
- storeDefer.addBoth(self._refreshFiles, hashes)
+ storeDefer.addBoth(self.refreshFiles, hashes)
+ if self.nextRefresh.active():
+ self.nextRefresh.reset(delay)
- reactor.callLater(60, self.refreshFiles)
+ self.nextRefresh = reactor.callLater(delay, self.plRefresh, None, hashes)
def getStats(self):
"""Retrieve and format the statistics for the program.