+"""Manage a set of peers and the requests to them."""
from random import choice
from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse
from urllib import quote_plus
from util import uncompact
class PeerManager:
+ """Manage a set of peers and the requests to them.
+ @type clients: C{dictionary}
+ @ivar clients: the available peers that have been previously contacted
+ """
def __init__(self):
+ """Initialize the instance."""
self.clients = {}
def get(self, hash, mirror, peers = [], method="GET", modtime=None):
"""Download from a list of peers or fallback to a mirror.
+ @type hash: L{Hash.HashObject}
+ @param hash: the hash object containing the expected hash for the file
+ @param mirror: the URI of the file on the mirror
@type peers: C{list} of C{string}
- @param peers: a list of the peers where the file can be found
+ @param peers: a list of the peer info where the file can be found
+ (optional, defaults to downloading from the mirror)
+ @type method: C{string}
+ @param method: the HTTP method to use, 'GET' or 'HEAD'
+ (optional, defaults to 'GET')
+ @type modtime: C{int}
+ @param modtime: the modification time to use for an 'If-Modified-Since'
+ header, as seconds since the epoch
+ (optional, defaults to not sending that header)
if peers:
+ # Choose one of the peers at random
compact_peer = choice(peers)
peer = uncompact(compact_peer['c'])
log.msg('Downloading from peer %r' % (peer, ))
return self.getPeer(site, path, method, modtime)
def getPeer(self, site, path, method="GET", modtime=None):
+ """Create a new peer if necessary and forward the request to it.
+ @type site: (C{string}, C{int})
+ @param site: the IP address and port of the peer
+ @type path: C{string}
+ @param path: the path to the file on the peer
+ @type method: C{string}
+ @param method: the HTTP method to use, 'GET' or 'HEAD'
+ (optional, defaults to 'GET')
+ @type modtime: C{int}
+ @param modtime: the modification time to use for an 'If-Modified-Since'
+ header, as seconds since the epoch
+ (optional, defaults to not sending that header)
+ """
if site not in self.clients:
self.clients[site] = Peer(site[0], site[1])
return self.clients[site].get(path, method, modtime)
def close(self):
+ """Close all the connections to peers."""
for site in self.clients:
self.clients = {}
stream_mod.readStream(resp.stream, print_).addCallback(printdone)
def test_download(self):
+ """Tests a normal download."""
self.manager = PeerManager()
self.timeout = 10
return d
def test_head(self):
+ """Tests a 'HEAD' request."""
self.manager = PeerManager()
self.timeout = 10
return d
def test_multiple_downloads(self):
+ """Tests multiple downloads with queueing and connection closing."""
self.manager = PeerManager()
self.timeout = 120
lastDefer = defer.Deferred()