* @throws org.mxchange.jusercore.exceptions.UserPasswordMismatchException
* If the password is not matching
- public User validateUserAccountStatus (final LoginContainer container) throws UserNotFoundException, UserStatusLockedException, UserStatusUnconfirmedException, UserPasswordMismatchException;
+ User validateUserAccountStatus (final LoginContainer container) throws UserNotFoundException, UserStatusLockedException, UserStatusUnconfirmedException, UserPasswordMismatchException;
* org.mxchange.jusercore.exceptions.EmailAddressAlreadyRegisteredException
* If the email address has already been registered
- public User registerUser (final User user) throws UserNameAlreadyRegisteredException, EmailAddressAlreadyRegisteredException;
+ User registerUser (final User user) throws UserNameAlreadyRegisteredException, EmailAddressAlreadyRegisteredException;
* Checks if the user's name is already registered
* <p>
* @return Whether the user's name has already been registered
- public boolean isUserNameRegistered (final User user);
+ boolean isUserNameRegistered (final User user);
* Checks if the user's email address is already registered
* <p>
* @return Whether the user's email address has already been registered
- public boolean isEmailAddressRegistered (final User user);
+ boolean isEmailAddressRegistered (final User user);
* <p>
* @return A list of all public user profiles
- public List<User> allPublicUsers ();
+ List<User> allPublicUsers ();
* Fills given user instance with all available data
* <p>
* @return Prepared User instance
- public User fillUserData (final User user);
+ User fillUserData (final User user);
* Some "getter" for a full user name list
* <p>
* @return User name list
- public List<String> getUserNameList ();
+ List<String> getUserNameList ();
* Some "getter" for a full email address list
* <p>
* @return User name list
- public List<String> getEmailAddressList ();
+ List<String> getEmailAddressList ();
* Checks if given user id exists
* @param userId User id to check
* @return Whether the user id exists
- public boolean ifUserIdExists (final Long userId);
+ boolean ifUserIdExists (final Long userId);
* Checks if the the given user's name is already registered
* <p>
* @return Whether the user is already registered
- public boolean isUserNameReqistered (final User user);
+ boolean isUserNameReqistered (final User user);
* Checks if the the given user's email address is already registered
* <p>
* @return Whether the user is already registered
- public boolean isEmailAddressReqistered (final User user);
+ boolean isEmailAddressReqistered (final User user);